The Woke Atrocities of Netflix's Avatar

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ladies and gentle people uh of all ages men and women and others you're all welcome here because today we're talking about women bro I love talking about women because first of all I have more respect for women than anyone I know second of all because uh I like getting canceled it's become a weird sex thing at this point I I don't know if it's like coming from a sexual place but like I it kind of makes me makes me excited so today we're talking about women ladies and gentlemen um my boy master Sam wise who makes great videos made a video the failed femininity of Netflix's Katara and I completely agree with this holy moly I completely agree with this like a bajillion perc so as someone that loves women first couple times a man it sucks and then it's like oh pre publicity God damn it well anyway so today we're talking about wom specifically when it comes to Netflix's Avatar I'm really happy this is the topic that we're going to be covering because specifically Netflix's Avatar I think was a uh it was a massive failure not that it per se was the worst show I've ever seen it was just a Solid 4 out of 10 and which is the worst rating when I watch something I want it to either be a 9 out of 10 or 1 out of 10 I want it to either be great or I want it to be like absolute dog [ __ ] when it's just a 4 out of 10 and it's adapting something that's a 9 out of 10 that is literally the worst possible outcome the worst possible outcome um so one thing that I think Avatar did so well the original cartoon is their female characters I I have never seen female characters just written so well like in Avatar I think that Katara Toof aula like the actual female Allstar cast was literally perfect and the fact that Netflix came around and was like we're going to fix the sexist parts of Avatar and they made sakal less sexist and they tried to make Katara more badass and and awesome and just my guys my homies they ruined women let's see what Master Sam was as to say last year some idiot made a video titled Toth andara strong female characters Don R which by the way I think he uploaded at the same time as I was doing my videos on as strong female characters done right like this is like a a video topic that I do a lot as well in this atrocious video essay he posited that the female leads of avatar The Last Airbender are two shining examples of how to display femininity through two drastically different yet wonderfully and lovingly craft feet sorry sorry characters this [ __ ] believed that their compassion caring patience persistence passion and Hope hopefulness not simply their ability to throw natural elements at bad guys was what made them much needed paradigms of powerful feminine virtue in the modern world of entertainment well the Netflix came along too yeah yeah I I think that one thing that I really hate about the the weird like almost dystopian modern look at gender roles and gender tropes is the fact that they're trying to make believe that women aren't allowed to be feminine and men aren't allowed to be masculine I think that's that's very cancelable take guys but see I believe that a really hot Nu Andor take get ready get ready for my steaming load to drop all over your face I think that what feminism should be is giving women the opportunity to do whatever they'll hold they want including be feminine somehow being feminine is against feminism today like I'm I'm sorry I'm just confused I'm confused that this is how the world turned and what happened in the world which is why I'm covering it in this way acceptable women being feminine question I think women have the right to do whatever the hell they want just like I think men have the right to do whatever the hell they want a man is allowed to not be masculine and a woman is not is is allowed to not be feminine but it doesn't be cringe if a woman decides to be feminine like I I find that whole like weird topic so so utterly astounding the the traits that make Katara and Toof strong are two completely separate sides of what makes people people and what makes a strong badass female character a strong badass female character character trying to remove all of that to just like be the epitome of badass oring does not necessarily make your character feel more badass it doesn't necessarily speak well of women around the world show that simpleton what a true strong woman should be like yeah dude like what what's so beautiful is the fact that like you have a character like qara okay qara is not my favorite character in Avatar let me just preface by saying that but she was really strong like she was an incredibly badass character throughout the entire show she ended up becoming basically the best water bender alive right her blood bending was insane like she was a really powerful character but one of her major character flaws that she had to work on because news flash every character needs flaws is the fact that she was overly compassionate in certain ways like uh I what comes to mind is there was that one episode about the the water spirit and um it was basically her dressing up as a water spirit to go help a poor Fire Nation town that was like it was so tragic or whatever that the town was being abused by by a giant Juggernaut firebending complex The Painted Lady episode and she went to help them and another one is like the jet episode the fact that she you know she had a crush on jet and she wasn't willing to see the fact that he was he was a terrorist they weren't willing to see the fact that jet was a terrorist and because she wanted to believe him because she had a little crush on him like the fact that she had compassion did not make her a weak character it made her a much stronger character in the long run the fact that she would work past those parts of herself and become a badass character is really dope it's really appreciated compassion did not make her a weaker character tough okay I don't even know where to start with Toof Toof okay we we'll cover Toof later cuz I made a whole video about Toof specifically but compassion is not cringe and the fact that Netflix decided to be like oh well she's going to be compassionate to Ang because he's a good guy but she's not going to really have any feminine qualities in any other ways because we're past that all right that's enough of the sarcasm shtick I can't have that be my whole identity it truly is remarkable how Hollywood manages to mangle female characters time and time again oh they get it at least somewhat right every once in a while most recently Mizu from blue-eyed Samurai just dude Peak Peak bite her incredible power is actually done quite well Peak literal Peak Mizu from blueeyed Samurai I was thinking of making a whole uh female characters Done Right video on Mizu literal awesome character writing but the majority of major releases featuring a woman of some skill or ability their entire character gets boiled down to their skill and ability never to their actual weaknesses continue to go down the same route writing characters whose Central Arc is that of self-actualization whose struggles are dwarfed by their natural talent and who can win the day by just being themselves and not holding back what's in yeah that that Trope is so damning and so hurtful imagine being imagine being a woman if women were real this would be like obviously much harder hitting but imagine being a woman okay you're sitting back you're watching something and you're you're not actually a badass you're not Mulan or Captain Marvel okay and and you know you're not actually the greatest person of all time in fact you're just average uh and then you watch the show and it's like oh just be yourself and you can do anything when No in fact that is not true in fact you have to work really freaking hard to get anywhere in life that is how the world works if you don't put the work in if you're not going to sweat to get to any Heights my homie you're not going to get there it doesn't matter who you are it's like actually bad life lessons incredibly depressing about many of these stories is not just that they follow the same put a woman in it make your L and gay inan blue as a woman I'm not real thank you Chad print but also that they managed to mangle the unique carefully constructed Arc of the original character dude Mulan was so great because she wasn't super skilled before she trained but her training in the original Mulan her training was so arduous and difficult that she actually became a badass later on in the story like in the Mulan new movie they decided that you know what we're just going to make her badass from the get-go when she was a child she was badass and it was just the patriarchy that prevented her from uh following her dreams as a woman in the original Mulan she didn't want to be a soldier she became a soldier to help her dying father because they were going to take him instead so she decided to make believe she was a man to fight for that not because she was a badass fighter but because she did it to protect someone through love and compassion and caring and her hard work made her a good fighter in the new Mulan movie that they made like she was always a badass she always should have been in the military but they didn't want her because she was a woman like that's a whole different ass story and make her worse in every possible way call me impossibly optimistic but I was beginning to think that maybe we were growing out of this phase that the industry realized that these sorts of character arcs are wildly unpopular with audiences they suck they're not wild l unpopular they are objectively terrible they're bad from a moral lesson perspective and they're also bad from a writing perspective the writers had finally decided to inject some life into the dull God Arcane was so good wooden self-fulfilling girl bosses that plagued the late 2010s if any show were to break that mold it would be Avatar a show that literally solved the problems before they were even brought up the original Avatar was perfect dude this is why you can't adapt [ __ ] like that and try to oh my God it was it was a nightmare I I met I messaged Matt Owens the uh the producer of the live action one piece right after I watched the live action Avatar and I was like Yo dude can I just remind you of how good of a job you did with one piece I just watched Avatar surely it would be the adaptation of the Masterpiece that is Avatar The Last Airbender surely Netflix would see the Brilliance of the original and maintain the depth of its characters who formed the very heart of that story dude the top the the top scene where she felt beautiful like that was such a like heartwarming scene yeah well women don't need to feel beautiful women need to be badasses didn't now qara is hardly the only character to which Netflix did a grave disservice almost uh yeah they did a grave disservice to every single character literally all them except for monk gato because he was only around for like 30 seconds every character in the adaptation acts like they're doing a half-hearted job of trying to keep Co from stealing their face and even those actors who managed to above the incredibly mediocre script have their characters severely downgraded from their original form yeah I think as far as acting wise again I don't this isn't me hating on the actors I think that um like Zuko's actor um I think that uh Sak's actor was pretty great too I just felt like the script was ass like dude the fact that the they really literally removed every possible there there's no point to Saka anymore they don't need him anymore he's literally useless now my God but someone had to be first on the chopping block and since I'm a shiv sort of fellow I say sck on these nuts all right Chad nice hilarious ladies first and so we begin with qara OR that is the simulacrum of qara that completely misses the mark set by her animated counterpart my favorite part about this guar is the fact that she uh was absolute dog [ __ ] at water bending and then Ang said to her but have you considered being at one with everything and nothing at the same time and then she was like a waterbending Master ASAP the first hint that 2024 qar would lack some key character elements comes at the very beginning with the opening voiceover which which is not they made Koshi do the opening voice over the iconic line but I believe Ang can save the world and doesn't actually seem to be given by qara at all it turns out qara has just like no faith in Ang this the strong male character yes I know that the opening monologue in the first episode of the original doesn't have that line but it expresses the same sentiment of hope that is absolutely crucial to qara as a character hope hope is for for for women of the Dark Ages only 1940 women have hope us modern-day badass women we have confidence despite that the First new episode does give us the sense that it understands the importance of guitar's Relentless hopefulness as she tells Saka that's what the Avatar is he's hope and people need that just as much as they do food and shelter this unyielding belief that you can make a difference no matter the odds if you simply try to help people in need is what makes qara qara it enables her to be the Beating Heart of Team Avatar to be the glue that holds them she's such an important character and her hope and love and compassion is so important like I feel like the uh the bastardization of female characters just to make them more badass is doing a women a bigger disservice than just making well-written female characters her compassion and hope and love are qualities of her character that that had that really helped the original Avatar so so much they're not weaknesses God damn it bro together when they're on the brink of collapse so it was encouraging to hear her Express this sentiment so early on the problem however is that it almost never comes up again in the following six plus hours of runtime the only other time we get any sort of speech about Hope comes in the spirit world episode where Netflix simply copies and pastes qatar's original line about New Life Life coming out of death beyond that the overly emotional qara who can't help but make weepy speeches about Hope just isn't there well weepy speeches that's for weak women bro Scara is a strong woman bro dude you are literally killing women here it's so sad it's so sad the conceit of these people thinking that female characters need Improvement to begin with some female characters are [ __ ] and do need Improvement qara was not one of those qara is allowed to be a emotional character that is compassionate and hoping for a brighter future and these things are not negative in qualities that need to be destroyed these are God let me be my weepy hope-filled woman self God damn it thank thank you Chad thank you Chad a fact which highlights the real issue with Netflix's qara which demonstrates why she is a failure of femininity she just isn't much of anything low resolution qara doesn't just fail in her femininity because she's not as motherly or because her romantic relationship with Ang is nuked from orbit or because she doesn't men Sak's pants after all femininity cannot be constrained to a certain set of behaviors or practices it is simply about living virtuously as a woman so we must ask the question then damn man spitting Master Sam is out here spitting factos see it's it's wild to me that uh that modern the modern concept of female characters is just taking away as many previously tropy female traits as possible that's really what I felt like they were doing is carbon copy Katara virtuous well no not really really that's not to say that she's a bad person or that she's swimming in vices she's a modern heroine of course she isn't but rather that the virtues of compassion affection that's what I'm saying the original qara that saw the Fire Nation Village suffering because of pollution that went out of her way to protect them like that that believed in jet even though jet was a terrorist you know like those traits that she had were really wholesome and beautiful and part of her character writing and uh while I personally am a you know a cynical [ __ ] and I wouldn't help that Fire Nation Village that's not the point because everyone's different and turning characters that had very well-rounded character TW traits into someone that's not that because you want to promote a message of what women should be is weird trust ardor and of course hope which defined qara simply are not present they are Stripped Away almost completely leaving imitation qara Hollow shallow and lacking meaningful character work her failure as a character as a woman is not so much defined by what Netflix did with her Arc as it is by what God my favorite thing is watching Men talking about how to not write women yes you're so right King godamn it they didn't do guitar's relationship with a reduced to the level of buddies who do stuff together no no reduce to Buddies no he's not the one to pull him out of the Avatar state of the Southern air Temple Saka accompanies her through the cave of Two Lovers yeah that's in the first season now bro secret tunnel secret tunnel through the mountain secret tunnel I I love that Original Episode I know that people hated that but yes they put the sibling in the cave of Two Lovers yes put the siblings there yes yes there's simply nothing Beyond them just kind of hanging out and going on their trip together all the fun interpersonal dialogue that takes place in the original I don't think that's a Kara problem I think that's an entire Avatar uh adaptation problem the biggest issue with the Avatar adaptation is the fact that that they tried to turn this story into Game of Thrones okay they they tried to make it like a dark gritty political story when in actuality were following children through an adventure and it just doesn't work nowhere to be found here the show just assumes that because they're doing things together they care about each other in some vague friend-like way remember how qara gave an incredibly idealistic and overly optimistic speech that prison of earthbenders oh man and it was cringe when she drove went in there let herself get captured to save some earthbenders that was so cringe and idealistic but that was who qara is Earth Benders sure that her words would drive them to fight for their freedom and they did she gives a whole speech guys fight for yourself you are proud you are Earth Benders and then the Earth Benders like in the background bro that scene was fire in the original like they did not share that same hope for a future that she did then when that failed had to temper her relentless the sense of hope with some realism and practicality in order to make things work out yeah it's almost like flaws are not a bad thing in a character that's just not here you know how qara became totally smitten with and completely trusted jet this swaave dashing freedom fighter who is as good with people as he is with his swords and how the discovery that he was in fact quite the monster broke her it broke her deeply Disturbed her Disturbed her she was like it it shattered her Trust of the betray of her trust left a lasting wound because of her great capacity to care and love nah now she just finds out he's a terrorist snarks him a little bit and goes on her Merry way without dude that's so [ __ ] up that's literally so [ __ ] up it's like oh yeah because dude saying that uh it's pretty it's pretty regressive to say that women actually could be tricked or betrayed or trust someone and then that person end up being a duplicitous [ __ ] no no can't be can't be she she's a badass and she was uh she was betrayed she was like ah well [ __ ] that guy and moved on put sunglasses on and had an explosion behind her a second thought so what do that leave us what remnant of Kara's personality is there left to work with she's a water bender and she's strong wow it's almost like Netflix is literally doing the same thing that every other [ __ ] show is doing well pretty much one thing and one thing only re bending Xerox guitar's en entire character Arc is just her learning how to be a master water bender literally it's all about the power it's crazy that this is this is what every single character Arc devolves to it's not truth is it's male characters too but I think it's much more female characters these days when it comes to Hollywood Hollywood type Productions the character Arc for everyone is becoming a badass God damn it that she has to be a fighter of course the original handles this subject as well but we'll get to that comparison later right from the start clone Katara proudly proclaims to Ang I'm a warrior this is just like that's literally her first thing and then uh Saka tells her uh go hide in the hint and she was like oh sure the fact that she literally just told Saka not everything is about preparing to fight ah I didn't even notice that not everything is about preparing to fight I am a warrior but that was for his character Arc not hers so there's obviously no need for her to be consistent and oh you best believe we'll be talking about how they massacred my boy Saka but dude the Saka downfall was was awful was awful that's not like a masculine feminine thing that's just like they literally killed this man see I think that Saka being a sexist and learning to respect how women could be badasses is such a cool character Arc right in the beginning Saka was like no men need to fight men are the fighters and all that right and he learns through his sister qara being awesome through the Kyoshi Warriors being awesome through Toth through isula that oh turns out women are are [ __ ] awesome badasses and he goes through this insane character development of self-discovery and re and appreciating [ __ ] he is such a manly character in the original because well and he understands what being manly is about it's not about putting yourself above women being manly is finding value and and accomplishment in your actions being there for people and stuff like dude that character art cannot exist here God damn it I think Saka for sure got the shortest end of this stick of every single character in The I think iro also to some extent but dude Saka like dude this guy was he was pivotal for the story and they annihilated him heading back to Tamu Katara who was now arguing with Saka about dud does he have a different description for Netflix Katara every time TAMU Katara clone qara Xerox Katara every time just going to call her Skinwalker qara here not they should go with Ang or return to the southern water tribe I refuse to call it wolf Cove her argument that they need to help the Avatar save the world doesn't sway her older brother but you know what does her declaration that it's about more than just helping a that is to say it's about her before Ang showed up she couldn't bend with the B but now thanks to energy that he gave her she can do all sorts of water bending I can't go back selfish selfish what that's crazy I didn't finish the whole Netflix live action obviously but bro is her definitive statement her definitive statement is the selfishness about her wanting to become stronger that's crazy qara was the most selfless character in the original Avatar she was so selfless so selfless dude helping a fire nation Village for their sake even though they're literally at War with the Fire Nation that is pure selflessness look how they massacred my show and that is how she wins the argument that is why Saka accompanies her on this journey for her sake well [ __ ] sasa's character AR what not my Saka not my Saka because qara needs to be able to waterbend naturally qara learning to water bend is a significant part of her character in book one yeah because she needs to you know get because she is a badass strong character see that's the thing oh God God it's so frustrating qara is a great female character because not only is she compassionate and caring and hopeful and kind and all those that feminine [ __ ] but she's also super badass she's also so strong she beats isula in a glorified one-on-one at the end of the series she is so powerful she blood bends bro however learning a skill is not the most interesting character work it's not character work unless it you know it's it could be tied with character work but it is not character work becoming powerful is so not writing a character's personality how they learn that skill is far more compelling the challenges that characters have to overcome and the sacrifices they have to make are the key elements of such a journey such struggles were how qara displayed her growth in virtuous femininity as she fought through her self-doubt and learned to temper her wildly optimistic expectations with practicality remember how Ang was a naturally talented water bender while struggled to get the form correctly well I'm I'm really happy he's mentioning this cuz I like this too it's the fact that qara is stuck at water bending and kept working so hard that qara ended up far far surpassing a as a water bender even though a had much more natural waterbending talent and what or whatever qara ended up becoming much better because she was so much more dedicated at water bending than Ang was remember how that deeply frustrated her and remember how she then surpassed Ang in skill because she refused to let that frustration You' Seenin pru character point for both qara and a well to nobody's surprise it's gone here Netflix took that scene and then just gave impressionist Kara the natural Talent a even tells her as much you're a natural he says you're a real water bender qara dude taking a female character or any character taking any character that's not strong and having them go through uh development where they end up becoming strong at the end the goal is not becoming strong the goal is the journey to become strong the reason why we support Naruto through his his [ __ ] Adventure is not because he ends up strong enough to beat pain it's because we saw how much he struggled to become strong enough to beat pain like I I don't it's mind-blowing to me that this this gets forgotten God it's so frustrating I'm like it's so nerve-wracking frustrating that people think this is a good direction to take fiction now it's not necessarily a problem for someone to be naturally good at something or even fully self-taught to the level of Mastery in that discipline but if they are and they don't really struggle as qara is now not struggling then there needs to be something else there needs to be a struggle bro every character needs to struggle which they struggle there needs to be other character work happening and for clearance is Katara there simply is nothing else going on she's learning to bend that's her entire character Arc and while becoming proficient at water bending did really matter to qara her journey was given more flavor and depth by the presentation of Ang is naturally skillful a fact that annoyed qara true what I what I really like about the original Avatar is they made it very clear that Ang is the most naturally skilled at everything but it's the fact that qara worked so hard that she became a much better water bender than Ang was it's the fact that the Toof was blind and had to make her way through life doing everything and to evolve her Earth bending that made her a much better Earth Bender than Ang was right all that stuff I think was that that's really cool that's really great character writing on both their points did not prevent her from ultimately becoming his teacher why cut that out it just takes away from both characters dude the fact that it's true though the fact that Ang was more skill than qara in episode 2 when it comes to water bending and then water Katara ended up working so hard that she became his water bending Master at the end of this season the first season like dude that that's insane character development that's writing a badass female character someone who despite the odds becomes stronger and then Netflix is like no let's make her always more talented it gives faximile Ang less maturity to gain isim let's go to overcome the laziness associated with natural talent and it makes knockoff catara far less perseverant because she doesn't have that example of skill toward which she must work however it wouldn't be fair for me to say that she doesn't struggle at all with water bending when trying to figure out the water whip mimic qara can't quite get it right and when Ang tells her to tap into her emotions she flashes back to her mother dying and fails even more spectacularly this comes up again when she's talking with jet who reveals that my mother was the fighter in my family because of course she was and what does he mean by that yeah in my family the major fighter was a female it's not relevant to the plot at all yeah we added it to the story but we just want you to know that it's important that that women could be strong too like like anyone who would watched the original Avatar would think women can't be strong like are you [ __ ] brain dead bro are you bra dead dude think anyone can watch Avatar and think women can't be strong when qara Toof and nula are three of the five strongest characters in the whole story D Katara mentions how the thoughts of the night her mother died have been coming back to her and I think it's been affecting my bending jet tells her that you have to use everything inside you to help you fight and asks her to remember what Kaa was like before she died upon doing so azat Katara can now whip water with the best of them that was easy I can't focus because my mother's death was traumatic use that okay instantly uses that on the face of it this isn't bad finding healing by remembering how your deceased mother loved you how she found joy in the sunrise and the little things of life makes some passible sense the problem once again lies not so much in what this scene is but rather in what it isn't what did it mean for qara to lose her mother it meant that she despite being younger had to essentially become sasa's mother and to raise her older brother that's a really good point in the original Avatar losing your mother made her more womanly it's not about making her a stronger fighter per se it made her need to take care of Saka and the village that's a really good point that that's what the death trauma actually did to her by switching that to oh now it makes her water whip stronger it's a rage inside her that helps her fight dog you are you are cucking this character wherever you can to get rid of any actual personality trait that could even be construed as feminine that she had to take on duties within their home and their Village far beyond those typical for her age it forced her to mature far faster than normal it caused her to lose much of the Innocence and carefreeness inherent in childhood it drove her to be protective and cautious even to a fault in other words it had a deep and lasting impact on qara shaping the very nature of her personality motivations and fears but for kind of qara her mother's death is really only important because it relates to her bending that's crazy honestly that's that's humil humiliating it you see it's hard to differentiate the Cannons of these shows I'm never finishing this show by the way but it's really hard to differentiate these cannons cuz I know what Kara's mother's death did for her character in Avatar like the actual Avatar but over here in Half Baked Avatar like that sucks it's like all the World building in in the Netflix Avatar is they're trying to World build an already built world so obviously my my impression of the world is going to be biased by the impression I have of the World building in the original Avatar which was great because her bending and her desire to be a warrior Bender is the only significant consistent character trait present in this poor imitation of our favorite lopy haed heroin that's awful that's so sad the first episode like all all the scenes in the original Avatar where qara would be blushing and be all offended or whatever being upset that she's like you know treated badly cuz she's a woman or or whatever or being looked down at like those scenes do more for you know feminism or women than just making your strong for for the sake of it as mentioned she tells Ang I'm a warrior despite having no training or actual water bending ability at that point in the second episode she reads Grandma Exposition scroll which tells her you are a water bender that's who you have always been in the third episode jet tells her I had a feeling you knew how to handle yourself because oh God stop it every episode has more of this girl Bloss [ __ ] prowess is absolutely the first thing that comes to you when looking at the small child in the fourth episode qara discovers Jet's terrorist ways and confronts him and then freezes him causing him to say look at the power you have that's because of me but oh no we can't have that be true qara must be selfmade that wasn't you that was me every line every line dude she's just the new Captain Marvel she is literally a new Captain Marvel this is insanity even though she later tells Saka jet he helped me through some things wow now this could work as an admission that her earlier statement to Jet was in fact just her Pride her not wanting to admit that the boy she now despises could have helped her but it's never built upon Beyond this one line which is a missed opportunity to you know there's no actual personality development here at all like for anyone it's it's awful do some actual work in the fifth episode qara single-handedly sends an entire Squad of firebenders flying without impaling any of them because this is still a kids show and Ang of course notes somehow Nazi genocidal [ __ ] Third Reich goddamn firebenders are in a kids show they should have gone one or two ways here they could have made it they could have changed it and made it an adult show and keep the gritty stuff or or or they should have actually just adapted it and its Spirit the reason why one piece's adaptation worked is because the spirit of One Piece existed in this even though the characters acted a little bit differently the spirit of each character remained and in this show you are watching a fact simile of what Avatar is supposed to be with the spirit of every single character completely squashed that's how she is inventing new moves that's the mark of a skilled bender and then when we flash back to the day katara's mother dies Kaa tells her someday you will show the world just how powerful oh my God you're joking it's literally every every conversation that she has is that the one aspect of her character that you're that they just keep H hammering home dude and oh my goodness can we please not I mean you are one iteration from literally just saying I Am Woman hear me roar she literally is this is insane she's just shehulk too and look qara wanting to be a skilled waterbender and wanting to be able to fight to protect her home and her friends awesome but the thing is the reason why she wanted to become a strong water bender is because she wanted to protect people she she loved Ang and wanted to protect Ang she loved her brother and her family and she wanted to protect her home she wanted to stop a war the reason why she wanted to become a skilled water bender was everything but selfishness okayy there were a couple of sight selfish things that showed up here and there but that was the ultimate Act of it is in fact a very good thing but it cannot be everything Ang's entire character Arc is not just learning the three other elements so he can save the world obviously it's also about Freedom maturity responsibility guilt and the important dud that final scene where he doesn't want to need to kill the fire lord and he goes on this whole weird uh trippy scene with the turtle the lion turtle like that was such a powerful scene where he didn't want to kill the fire lord and all that like that's good [ __ ] that's really good [ __ ] of one's fastly held beliefs and elements give his Arc death this show understands that to a degree it didn't do the best job with h and much of what makes him a beloved character has been Stripped Away but at least there is an attempt to have him work through his guilt and the weight of his duy separate from his training in the bending Arts which this season just doesn't include for some unfathomable reason when the focus of a character is on her power she becomes hardly a character at all she's basically just a weapon team Avatar uses qara it's super effective literally in in their quest to make a badass female character they have removed all of the character aspects to her and and made her but a toou how ironic how ironic they have objectified a woman when trying to set her free is that what we want from our heroins that they're just swords to be wielded by the story to cut down bad guys and yes simulation qara is fighting the bad guys is in fact on the right side but her attention is so inward focused that it hardly matters remember how qara just wanted the earthbenders to rise up and fight even if she could hardly bend a bubble at that time true remember when qara urged Ang to enter the sanctuary at roku's Temple even though it meant sacrificing her freedom and maybe her life remember when true she was always selfless she was always out there compassionate trying to help people she was in it for the greater good of of her people and of mankind that's what that was always her goal making a making Ang the Avatar making Ang powerful was her number one priority to help everyone because maybe a could save the world as she says in the intro in this her goal is always to become the hero Tara defended Ang's honor in the storm only to find out that his story was more complex than she realized but then encouraged him nonetheless assuring Ang that it was meant to be that if he had stayed he would have been killed along with the rest of the Southern air temple side note Netflix gave that line in a lot of guitar's relationship with Ang to monk gatso that that's why I like monat that's crazy that's crazy well no wonder why I like monato she needed further proof that they intentionally down played qara and Ang's relationship they knew Ang needed to be encouraged and consulted but we couldn't have Captain qara doing that bro bro because her caring about someone else a woman caring well not our women our women are badass Machines of mass destructions okay they don't care because that would distract her from bending all of that to say qara does a lot a lot of important noteworthy impactful stuff without having to waterbend one drop I ask you what is is a better example of strong beautiful femininity dude I'm very excited for um The Legend of Kora remake it's going to be awesome the only difference is they're not going to have Tins in or uh or any of A's grandchildren because qara don't want no children She Don't Need No Man legend of Kora is just not going to have any Ang to Children air Benders are just going to be extinct cuz uh-uh God damn no heroin who can throw some H2O around or one who can motivate Inspire and build up others while simultaneously learning how to become whole herself the answer of course is someone who can do both yes not Tara ostensively wants to be able to bend to protect those who cannot protect themselves but there's so little relationship building and so much me water bender you see talk that any sense of self-gift or self- sacrifice gets drowned out but let's talk about that both thing because yes of course the real guitar does in fact very much care about being able to water bend she goes to and in fact she succeeds it's like everything everything that the show is trying to do about makinga badass to the point that they're sacrificing every other part of her character is something that she actually accomplishes in the cartoon it's like oh yeah we have to sacrifice all of her hope love compassion and and personality for the sake of her just becoming a strong badass fenale when she was exactly that in the cartoon Great Links to acquire the water Bing scroll which is a far more creative and interesting way to show how much qara wants to learn water bending than just having her tell us I'm a warrior and having Grandma Exposition tell her that she has always been a water bender no they skipped the whole scroll stealing [ __ ] she just kind of had it no so naturally when paku refuses to train qara upon team Avatar's arrival at the northern water tribe she is mildly perturbed to say the least however you may recall despite her frustrations with the and North stagi customs and her personal irritation with Master paku Katara still wants Ang to train under him because ultimately Kara's goal the whole time was Ang success it was saving the world that was her priority not becoming Captain Marvel 3 this is naturally because she recognizes that there are far more important things at stake here than her own ability to master water bending the Avatar learning all four elements is the Paramount mission of Team Avatar and so she encourages a to learn from Baku even if he is a big jerk once again that element of the story is simply not present in the Netflix show as mentioned Ang doesn't water bend ever and buck9 qara only ever makes one half-hearted attempt to get him to try so Netflix that's crazy that's actually insane book one water has no actual water bending for a that's insane that's actually crazy paku isn't for Netflix a he's for Netflix guara because everything in relation to her is for the purpose of getting her to water bend and the writers weren't satisfied with paku merely upholding the tribe's Customs they had to make it personal you're not strong enough women aren't strong enough he tells her oh God damn it he wasn't even that bad in the actual thing he just said women have a different Duty and their duty is healing which I mean obviously it's it's old timey and backwards in its own way but like Master pacu is a massive [ __ ] even even in the Cartoon Avatar and I think that's fine but like you don't have to be that on the nose yeah that's a stupid argument and the original show doesn't have him make it for a reason these are basically magical powers even an Old Co like paku would recognize that physical strength has very little to do with the actual ability to fight especially since he is a master of water bending an art defined by using the strength of one's opponent against him you could make all sorts of suggestions as to why the northern water tribe only trains men to fight I mean my guess is it's uh it's like a tradition thing right it's like an old school tradition thing that the men fight and the women heal that that was always my interpretation of it and it was based on some sort of cultural thing yeah maybe it was it was a very old school old timey maybe slightly bigoted cultural thing but it was a cultural thing nonetheless that's all cool that's fine whatever and um but that all said and done believing that men and women have different strengths stuff like that but just going on like a whole tie rate of women are weak and then she proves them wrong is like such a like I feel like that's a plot that could have existed maybe 10 years ago and people wouldn't scoff at as much you could suggest that men are naturally more aggressive or more naturally protective that keeping the women away from the front lines is an honorable thing to do but whether you believe that or not isn't really relevant broad rules like that is their culture and they have their reasons and that's whatever that's what it is men fight women heal can be generally helpful but exceptions can and should be made when necessary all Benders one might say should have the freedom to do their duty qatar's duty in both the original and the knockoff is to protect and train a so yes she is right she should be allowed to train under paku should be allowed to stand against the fire Benders in combat however just because you're right about one thing doesn't sanctify all your other related arguments Hox qara tells Saka all my life I'd held myself back oh my God whoa she doesn't use the held myself back line dude Captain Marvel says the same thing she has to hold herself back all of her time her entire character AR is realizing that she could be herself and release her true power nail in the coffin nail in the coffin and I'm not going to let someone else do it now which isn't true no she didn't hold herself back she sucked at water bending she had no teacher and she sucked you could say that Grandma Exposition held her back by not giving her the water bending scroll but we have seen no evidence that qara herself ever ranged in her B and of course that wasn't a plot line that existed in the an in the uh in the anime in the cartoon right she stole the scroll from Pirates it's not like grand grand had the secret scroll to teach her [ __ ] and just never gave it to her it's like every twist and turn in this that slightly deviates it deviates in such a drastically negative fashion see one piece liveaction hot take did some things better than the anime in that Arc they did they improved certain aspects some of the changes that they made were good okay I think garp's inclusion I think helo's character I think those were improved in the adaptation to one piece from the original hotake but I really think so buggy buggy was insanely he was better as the character than the original and an adaptation is never going to be able to just adapt the good parts of the story and not change anything you're going to need to change some stuff you're going to need to change some things some things have to change just because it's a different medium right and I I don't think that's a bad thing the fact that they uh they aged up some of the characters in the original one piece I think is totally fine like but here here every change is just so crazily negative abilities for any reason whatsoever the first time we see her she is practicing water bending and then she immediately proceeds to argue with Saka about the value of said art there is no reason to inject this line into the story other than to paint qara as a self-made self-actualizing girl boss whose entire character Arc revolves around her ability to do a thing what a waste do the thing do the thing am I objectifying correctly this is what Netflix tells me to do do it qara you are a perfect tool for my use God I wish everyone would treat women the way never nli does the world will be so much better am I right what will Netflix do will they actually let their qara lose well yes it turns out the writers were smart enough to not change that element of the story realizing that it would probably anger a lot of fans they would well obviously Julie do the thing yeah right even though they think we somehow wouldn't notice everything else they Stripped Away from Her character however they altered the tone of the fight and its narrative impact significantly all to suit robot katara's so-called character development first after losing she asks paku but you still won't let me fight and he affirms that wait hold up fight not train fight not only is this contrary to the narrative given by the original show where qara needed a master to train her it contradicts this show where qara very clearly states her need and desire to train under the masters of the northern water tribe crazy and now she doesn't even want to train now she just wants to fight she even goes into detail about what aspects of her bending she thinks need Improvement but I guess we've forgotten about all that because qara is enough for qara second of course everyone just congratulates her for losing impressively so it's basically like she didn't lose at all yeah but you it's true you may have lost the fight against an actual Master that's the strongest guy ever but that's still pretty awesome we're such huge fans of you yeah sure because we can't really have guara lose third remember how paku after having won the fight sees Kara's necklace and recognizes it as the one he carved for his betro a woman he loved the one who left for the South Pole in rection of the north they don't cut this out there's no way rigid Customs remember how recalling that painful memory caused him to recognize that his inflexible ways should bend a little and so he agrees to train Kara along with h no yeah no that's not here either you're kidding me you're joking wait it's not like they just don't give character development to guitara they don't give character development to paku they don't give character development to anybody they don't make a Saka a sexist in the beginning so that he can grow from it there is no character development of a single character this entire show Just Let the Fire Nation invade and be done with it okay well why not can we have like a Twist where the Fire Nation wins easy if paku came to that realization about their Customs through the memory of his past lost love that would mean that qara wasn't the one to change his mind [ __ ] off there's no way there's no way that was the mindset they specifically want to make it a girl boss moment they changed the story they broke character relationships they annihilated puu's character completely just to make her a bigger girl boss and they needed qara to be the one to change his mind and so on the very brink of battle qara goes to even the odds and then approaches Master paku stating you know we can make a difference and by we she of course means all the women of the tribe that's right qara has brought to the front line of battle dozens of women who no training have literally no training the ability water bending wise is healing they Anil ated every single character in this Arc for a girl boss moment holy [ __ ] this is like the the the most brain rot thing I've ever seen in my life bro she has a whole woman rise up moment she turns it into an entire misogynistic Society [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] god dude I I'm literally fuming her epic speech to Galvanize the Earth Benders was switched to here and just like oh my Lord I'm literally Furious I I I can't believe it I'm so happy I didn't finish the show I don't need to go into detail as to why this is a terrible plan right we all understand that these women are going to be massacred because they have absolutely no idea what to do unless of course they've all just been practicing in secret all these years orara gave a brief PowerPoint presentation based off her scroll that conveniently enabled all the women to instantly learn the martial art side of water bending but who cares about logical consistency this is about qara proving to the big bad man that girls can fight to nothing shall stand wow you're so right I didn't think of this women can fight I will train you in her way again qara is right and paku is wrong this is established in the original show but while that story handled the resolution of this conflict with some tact and added death to I hate this I'm so upset I am literally so upset character and you wonder why the uh the cartoon writers left when they heard what they were doing with this they they decided yeah we're not going to be part of this live action adaptation in the meanwhile the adaptation just has qara beat him over the head and very excited for uh the next Arc the the alabaster Arc and the next live action one piece where Nami and VI give empowering speeches to the oppressed women of alabaster to fight back against Baroque works it's going to be awesome I'm very excited for that that's going to be great thank God one piece is doing right but like what the [ __ ] man what is this what is this because real women are natural fighters who could murder anyone with a sing of Swing true till he yields no surprise there the show is hamfisted and heavy hand they are butt blasting my show they are butt blasting one of my favorite IPS of all time the cram some sort of message in practically all its stories telling would you like proof surely you don't need more but in the spirit of hamfisted I'm giving you more remember the iconic line of zuku you little peasant you found him there haven't you dude I love how he he writes the quotes in the Avatar font for for the Avatar and then he writes in like basic comic SS [ __ ] for the quotes for the that's just a nice artistic take Mr s Master Sam wise well to my unironic delight that line Finds Its way into the adaptation but of course paku didn't actually train simul qara he just let her fight so what will qara say to Zuko's inquiry I did I don't need no master there's no way you're looking at her I'm going to cry bro what the freak is going on I physically face pumped seven years dungeon no lawyers no trial they killed it they killed it I I take it back it wasn't it's not a 4 out of 10 it's it's a solid two what the [ __ ] is this soulless husk show supposed to be I I I despise I despise when you take characters and in order to promote some sort of message you you twist and contort and Destroy them D labotomy kaon was better than this dude taking a character taking a female character and just making her awesome and perfect and badass and everything she does is amazing and not need any help from anybody is not empowering women because news flash women just like men need to work on themselves to become better people and do often need help from outside forces and sometimes their struggles are not always is going to be I should have believed in myself more bro they they took they took Avatar and they just they just shot it right in front of us in before they pull some Pokemon water beats fire [ __ ] and qara beats the fire lord at the end what the hell is this I I am like visually perturbed I am sickly ladies and gentlemen of the jury I rest my case it's j Netflix qara is a water bender that's it she is that is her entire character there are the occas in the water beding is a metaphor for uh for for how bad the show is how you see the tentacle hentti looking thing is a metaphor for how badly Netflix raped Avatar to turn it into this Mongrel lines tossed in there to try and give her something else like at the end of the season when she tells Avatar rage monster Ang I need you but those moments just serve to remind us of how underdeveloped her character has been throughout the show does she need Ang why sure in the first episode she proclaimed that the Avatar is Hope and she needs hope but Avatar is Hope let them all believe in the Avatar and hope for the Avatar to save the day so that their morale is not bad and then I will actually save the day where has that been for the past six plus hours of runtime the sentiment wasn't built upon in the slightest catara spends the majority of most episodes away from Ang she's with jet outside omashu with Saka in the cave of Two Lovers by herself in the spirit world not in masks at all and mostly with paku at the North Pole and the scenes they do have together they're mostly just in them together they have one or two lip service bonding scenes that do very little to actually establish their relationship and practically nothing to suggest that qara needed Ang for anything more than jump starting her waterbending battery this moment isn't a bad one in a vacuum qara should need Ang and Ang should respond to katara's need for him the problem is this moment doesn't dude what is going on I'm like I don't understand I'm so upet bro it's so sad just exist in a vacuum it occurs within the context of a show that is done next to nothing to develop the relationship the writers now want you to believe exists because they recognize just how important set relationship is for the narrative yeah so but I think that they're just uh relying on the fact that people just believe people already know the World building from the Cartoon Avatar people already know the relationships from the Cartoon Avatar and now they're just going to be like okay so you know all that now look at our new Captain Marvel despite the fact that they've ignored it entirely for 95% of the show at its core femininity is relational that's not to say that masculinity isn't but let's not go down that rabbit hole this is because the virtues necessary for True genuine femininity enable one to relate properly to others qara displays many such virtues some established some still developing throughout the original show compassion perseverance selflessness patience understanding and hopefulness are all core parts of who qara is and they're butchered absolutely they give her character depth they make her feel real netfli qara feels like a cookie cutter girl boss from 2019 she has been stripped of those virtues that defined her save for a mild sprinkling here and there and left only with her skill and combat ability as her defining character traits the attainment of said skill as her only character growth and the realization that she is her own Master is the Fulfillment of her character Arc I'm actually viscerally in pain her character Arc was recognizing that she don't need no man does that sound cringe to you she finally realized she don't need no man oh my god dude what a waste first of all master s great video thank you for sitting through this uh show that so I didn't have to definitely go check out Master Sam he'll be in the description of the YouTube video yeah I don't know man I I love getting cancelled for talking about female characters but I think the fact that people like when I make those videos just goes to show that shut the [ __ ] up you could cancel me if you want I'm going to keep saying whatever the hell I want because that's what I do for L and I really like it I really like it dude that was invisible oh my God humiliatingly bad all right anyway moving on to the next thing there is no mega Mine 2 there is no Queen of England and there is no Netflix Avatar St we F like subscribe and this video was streamed live on nuor see you there stay weird fad
Channel: Nuxanor
Views: 38,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nux taku, nuxanor, vtubers, hololive, vtuber nux, nux taku shorts, nux taku streams, master samwise, master samwise avatar, avatar, avatar the last airbender, avatar netflix, avatar live action, avatar katara, avatar toph, avatar azula, avatar new, avatar world, nuxanor avatar, nux avatar, mother's basement avatar, avatar female characters, avatar women, avatar woman, katara live action, katara vs paku, avatar overpowered, avatar fight, avatar bending, avatar aang
Id: 2lbrTRNqADU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 19sec (3319 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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