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[Music] all right class welcome to savvy's business school today i have a question for all of you raise your hand if you have the answer who are product reviews for the customer very good very good the product reviews are for the customer excellent let's try another one now this one's a little harder if product reviews are for the customer then who are book reviews for anyone gabby who do you think the book reviews are for i accept my criticism from talented smart people not abusive toxic exploitative bullies on youtube nope that's incorrect what about you lauren lauren who do you think the book reviews are for [Music] you're not sure that's okay everybody say it with me repeat after me book reviews are for the reader product reviews are for the customer book reviews are for the reader when you review a product that somebody might buy you are reviewing it so that other people who come across it can look at those reviews can see what other customers or other readers or whoever had to say and know if they want to spend their hard-earned money on that product as well sometimes authors might think that book reviews are for them because the book review is about their very hard work i understand i'm an author myself however class when you receive a negative review on your product or on your book or on your hard work that you put your blood sweat and tears into it what do you do a ignore the review b ignore the review or maybe take a look into it and see if there's any constructive criticism you can gain from it but if there isn't any or that person just wasn't your target audience just continue to live your life pretty much the same thing as option a or option c do you go on a tirade insulting everybody who reviewed your work in a way that you didn't like [Music] face yourself [ __ ] like that's crazy to me you [ __ ] weird ass [ __ ] you're a manipulative [ __ ] and i'm done dealing with it gabby lauren i'm gonna need to see you two after class today get you some nuts there was lots of memes it makes me wonder if i should pick up lesbianism chicago you guys asked for it what's up my fellow small business supporters i'm savvy welcome back to savvy rights books the channel where we talk about books and business if you're new here please don't forget to subscribe because every monday and friday at 11 a.m central i put out new videos about books and business except today we have a bonus video cause there's some shenanigans going on while i have you here real quick don't forget to subscribe to my second channel linked in the description below it's called your morning guru on that channel every morning at 8 a.m central my friend rk and i do a live stream where we live the life of various business gurus except this week is charity week we're giving back to different charitable organizations and on friday we're going to shave our heads so lately there seems to be this weird trend on social media primarily twitter and instagram where we're seeing authors of books lashing out at people who gave them negative reviews we don't do that that's not acceptable and i'm not sure if this comes from a fundamental misunderstanding of how the internet book community at large operates which y'all i'm not one who's here to defend the internet book community i started off as exclusively a booktuber and now i do booktube stuff as well as other stuff but i know i know how nuts that community can get guys i know but there seems to be this weird trend of authors lashing out at people who are giving them negative reviews and that's not cool so we're going to talk about why today's video is primarily going to focus on the conflict between big youtuber vlogger video creator gabby hannah along with youtube commentator and reviewer rachel oates but i'm also going to talk a little bit about lauren huff who recently gotten a lot of controversy on twitter for doing something very similar however if you want someone who covered the lauren huff controversy very very thoroughly and did a fantastic job i highly recommend checking out the video by jess owens on her series called book community i will link it in the description below i love her videos i think she does such a good job so let's get into this hot mess of book drama i'm only awake-ish i barely i was laying down to take my nap all of a sudden i go on instagram and what do i see but my one of my favorite creators rachel oates getting dragged we don't accept that here so for some brief background on this situation before we get into the conflict gabby hannah is a very large youtube creator she has been around since the days of vine where she first got big and then moved to youtube where she made her channel the gabby show where she did vlogs and story time type of videos and that kind of thing she's also branched out into music recently and has done a lot of music videos and recorded a lot of songs and within the past couple years she released her first two poetry book her first book being called adult lessons and her second book being called dandelion now gabby has mentioned in her instagram stories that we're going to see that she has felt like kind of a punching bag on the internet that she's felt that people have been mean to her and have bullied her and things like that and i just want to be clear i am not in favor of bullying people however i do think it's important that we draw the lines between bullying and criticism because i think if we're going to be creators and public figures then criticism and reviews are a natural part of the process whereas bullying is when you get things like personal attacks and people trying to take you down i know the difference because i get a lot of various types of comments on my youtube videos someone disagreeing with my argument or critiquing the way that i structured a video or something like that that's criticism and i take that in stride i take what works for me and maybe change things if i need to versus someone being like savvy you're a dumb ugly [ __ ] like what what like that's that's bullying there's a complete difference whether something's a personal attack versus valid and constructive criticism of your work now i am not in favor of anybody bullying gabby hannah or bullying rachel oates or bullying anybody so when you listen to my thoughts on this video please do not attack any of the creators mentioned in any way shape or form if you want to show them support please feel free but i am not condoning any type of harassment or attacks none of that here so that's gabby hannah i've never gotten too deep into her fandom however i have heard some of her music and i actually really like her music i know her music was getting a lot of hate which i personally didn't agree with i think her music's really good and i actually really like it i mean maybe that's a controversial thing to say but i think she's a very talented singer and in the books themselves i think her in her book she is a very talented illustrator i haven't read her poetry books in full so i can't speak to the full extent of her poetry however her poetry in a lot of cases did seem like it was lacking but i will give her that i think that her art is really good and i think that she could should continue to pursue and develop those drawing skills because she's got a real talent there now rachel oates is the other player in this particular controversy she has been one of my favorite youtubers for a really really long time i'm actually surprised she and i are not best friends considering that we both make videos about feminism we've both critiqued classically abby we've both made videos about anti-mlm stuff we've both made book review videos and we're both the moms to wonderful staffies anyway she's been one of my favorite creators for a long time because i just love the way that she breaks everything down i love the way that she really delves into book reviews and when reviewing youtuber books or books by celebrities and things like that it goes beyond just the like wow this celebrity thought they could write a book how stupid it really delves into the literature she compares it to other books that she's read and you can just tell that she truly has a passion for literature and for literary analysis i want to compare this poem to one of my favorite poems of all time which is called little red cap by caroline duffy little red cap is a retelling of the original little red riding hood fairy tale but as a metaphor for a relationship she had when she was younger with a much older man who i think was like a kind of mentor or teacher or something like that to her on the surface it's a simple fairy tale peel back a layer and it's a semi-autobiographical story of her life peel back another layer and it's a kind of metaphor for relationships and love and power and sex and loss of innocence even and then you peel back another layer and it's a feminist statement about a young girl fighting back against traditional gender roles in relationships discovering her sexuality and coming out of it as a strong independent woman and i respect her so much for that so what happened gabby hannah when she released her first poetry book called adult a lesson rachel oates decided to do a review video of it which makes sense considering that she is someone who loves literature and loves reviewing poetry and it made sense to review the work of a bigger creator that was selling a lot of copies and things like that she has a multiple part series this is the first one is called gabby hannah's poetry is bad part one let's take a look into a little bit of her video see what she has to say and then we are going to after that take a look at gabby's response to everything now what i will say before we get started is i am not a poet myself i am just a fan of poetry that's all there is to it could i write better than gabby almost definitely not but also i'm not trying to sell my poetry to anyone else so that's the difference i think the minute you start trying to sell your stuff to other people you know it's pretty open to criticism this right here okay if rachel oates had been attending savvy's business school in the intro she would have gotten an a in my class because the reviews are for the reader she even just said i'm not personally a poet i wouldn't have done i i don't think i could necessarily write better poetry than this however this poetry is up for sale and being sold as a product and has a certain type of thing that the customer is going to expect so i want to share my opinion on why i personally was disappointed in this book that's what you do when you review things i also want to draw a little distinction right here between being a creator and being a critic there's a difference between being good at creating something and being good at reviewing something not every person who's great at reviewing is going to also be great at creating and that does not make their reviewing skills any less valuable if we look at you know famous film critics like roger ebert those people were excellent at criticism at breaking down what the audience might be looking for and what they might like and dislike so i just want to make it very clear that you do not have to be an expert at creating something in order to be great at critiquing it and picking it apart and reviewing it i don't care about her [ __ ] opinion because she has no accomplishments in art or has proven to me that she's actually intellectual enough to understand art i accept my criticism from talented smart people rachel oates is not claiming whatsoever that she is a poet she is not claiming that her poetry would be better than gabby's she's even done videos critiquing her own poetry and talking about how she's disappointed in her own past work so she seems very able to criticize herself and things like that i completely agree with everything she's saying right here while we can analyze it and say this is a good poem this is a bad poem they're kind of only from kind of technical perspectives what you like and don't like is completely up to you it is purely my opinion so if you actually really like gabby's poetry or if you hate a poem that i say that i like or whatever absolutely fine we don't have to agree on everything like i say poetry is subjective you're a manipulative [ __ ] and i'm done dealing with it you [ __ ] weird ass [ __ ] that's how narcissistic and abusive this person is and how much she cannot accept any type of criticism her shitty toxic behavior the structure's a little bit confused it starts off with an a b rhyme scheme ends in rhyming couplets i don't know if that's intentional so free verse lots of enchantment uh no punctuation using a lot of kind of like slang she's trying to apply the rules of online culture and communication to a poem which i actually think is a fantastic idea it just doesn't work here so the end the kind of rhyme and rhythm kind of gets away from her it's actually off to a pretty decent start so after putting out that first video rachel oates then went on to put out multiple other videos and created this playlist over here that's called poetry so this is the one we just took a look at gabby hannah's poetry is bad part one she made a part two and a part three two for this particular book where she did much the similar thing that she did in the first video which was to delve into each poem critique the the rhyme scheme the rhythm the overall structure the overall meaning within it and then to compare the style that gabby was going for in each poem to some of her favorite poems that she's read throughout her life and talk about what gabby could have done to further bring out those meanings or how what she was going for could have been further fleshed out if she had followed some more structure or you know followed the idea further and used some of her favorite poems as an example of when that type of poetry that gabby was going for had been done well so that's basically what she did for all three parts of this then she um she has a whole playlist of different celebrity poetry as well as different poetry in general that she reads and discusses from there um gabby prepared to release her second poetry book which was called dandelion now i will say i was actually i actually had really high hopes for this book based on the fact that i thought dandelion the song that gabby hannah had put out was a very good song i i've gotten it stuck in my head before when i'm like walking to the post office to ship out some orders and things like that so i just think it's a really good song i think it's a lot of fun so i was hoping the book would be fun on the same level however it seems that this book had some some of the similar problems with the poetry being not fully finished being kind of like a start to an idea but then she didn't really seem to take the time or effort to fully flesh it out what i actually really admired about gabby hannah was that she chose to send an arc of her poetry book to rachel oates for those viewers out there who have come to my channel from the business or anti-mlm commentary side of my channel and don't know much about the book or publishing world an arc is an advanced reader copy or sometimes called advanced review copy and basically that's when an author or a publisher sends out copies of the book before it releases to people who could do reviews for them for a couple of reasons one because the more reviews you have on amazon and goodreads that's helpful for the algorithm for recommending the book to other people when it does come out on top of that it helps drum up some press for the book if you're getting you know big youtubers or big instagram bookstagrammers and big book bloggers to write about your book and to talk about your book it drums up some publicity it gets people who are already following them interested and often there will be a pre-order link or something in there people send these books out for free someone reviews them however just because you get the book for free does not mean it is in exchange for a positive review it just means it is in exchange for a review you are basically an advanced reviewer of that product you help with publicity but you're not paid off to write the review positively i i hope that makes sense so gabby decided to send an arc of her poetry book to rachel oates which i thought was fantastic i was actually really happy when i saw this interaction between them because i was like look at this we have a writer who saw someone who did a lot of criticism of her work and took that criticism in and said you know what maybe that this criticism was hurtful however this reviewer really knows how to review books and did a really good job so i wonder if she'll think i did better on this one and i know that her her reviews will reach a wide audience so how about i send it to her i thought that was amazing and such like a professional and mature way to handle the situation and then i was happy to see that rachel oates took the book she read it she seemed to be you know congratulatory of gabby for sending it to her as well but that didn't mean that you know rachel as a book reviewer is not obligated to give the book a positive review and while she wasn't mean to the book she definitely shared her honest opinions now around this time another controversy came up on twitter surrounding this that i want to address at the time i considered addressing it but it wasn't really it seemed more of like an interpersonal interaction between people that i as an outsider didn't think to get involved in but now that it's part of a larger thing i kind of want to talk about it in terms of what it means for book review ethics and what it means for ethics as an author and how authors should interact i cannot show screenshots because all the tweets involved with this have been deleted unfortunately but basically what happened is there's another youtuber that a lot of you guys know because a lot of people who watch me also seem to like him and his name is jimmy snow his channel used to be called dear mr atheist but he makes content for the atheist and skeptic community and also commentary and things like that he's done a lot of videos that also address you know anti-mlm stuff and you know how young living essential oils is tied into mormonism and things like that he has a lot of really interesting videos and i've liked a lot of the content that he's put out however i was a little disappointed in him involved in this interaction so basically what happened i apologize that i can't show you guys anything hopefully i tell it to you well enough with my voice so we have a mutual friend who messaged her outside of me i literally did not talk to him at all he saw that she was doing and he messaged her and he said have some [ __ ] compassion you've been the center of hate campaigns online leave this girl alone like you're just bullying and then she started a twitter campaign trying to say that i manipulated her friend into defending me that's how narcissistic and abusive this person is and how much she cannot accept any type of criticism which is hilarious because she really thinks that i can't accept criticism when the first time her friend confronted her about her shitty toxic behavior she blamed me the permanent scapegoat of the [ __ ] internet and then stopped talking to her friend face yourself [ __ ] like that's crazy to me jimmy snow is also friends with gabby hannah there had been a rumor that she had asked him to say this i don't think she asked him to say that she basically debunked that i think he just saw that she as his friend was feeling a little down about the fact that her poetry had been getting negative reviews she was a little scared that her next book wasn't going to be received well which is completely fair as an author you know when i put out my work as an author i i'm always scared that like oh someone might not like this i might get some negative reviews but that's just something that you know is gonna happen and is part of the risk of going into a risky creative field where people's opinions of it are going to be subjective and opinionated but she was feeling a little nervous which is completely completely valid i think he as her friend noticed that and since he was also friends with rachel oates and they had collaborated on some of their atheist content in the past because they were friends he decided to reach out to her and say hey you know gabby is feeling a little stressed about this just maybe don't post the review or just remember that like when you're reviewing it remember that she has feelings and things like that rachel oates you know posted about this to twitter honestly i think this comes what this comes down to is not any person being a good or bad person or any person being right or wrong i think what this comes down to as commentary youtubers who are not used to book review world conventions so in the book review world in the publishing world in general and these are conventions they're not law they're not set in stone we can always talk about whether some of these things should change however it is expected in the book review world that if someone sends you an ark if someone sends you an advanced copy you should give them an honest review that's the reason that publishers and authors send them out is that for the sake of honest reviews and there is also an expectation that nobody has ever owed a good review or a bad review and there is an expectation that when your work goes out there it is up for the public to judge it's up for readers to judge it's not polite it's not kind if people give you personal attacks based on it and i would never condone that however the work itself is now up to public scrutiny and that is what is expected so when he messaged her this and she talked about it she first of all i just want to be clear she didn't call him out she was just posted a screenshot and was like a friend just sent this to me and i feel weird about it it was that kind of thing she blocked out his name everything and that he was in the comments like getting upset at her for posting it and things like that and then a whole interpersonal interaction went on that i'm not going to delve into because i didn't get screenshots and i honestly don't remember most of what happened beyond that but anyway i didn't originally know that it was him who sent this i saw this on her twitter and i originally was like that is a very inappropriate thing to message someone me as a book reviewer and as an author as someone who has sent my book out to people to review and who has also reviewed other people's books and received arcs of other people's books and did and does book reviews on my channel regularly as someone who does that i found his message to her very inappropriate if you have a friend who's coming to you and trying to bring their emotions and their friends emotions and the author's emotions into this that almost seems like trying to skew a review to me that doesn't seem like you're going to get the most accurate review from that and as a reviewer i found it personally inappropriate now i don't think that jimmy snow who said this i don't think that he was being a bad person doing this i think that his intentions were good i think he was trying to say you know i'm worried about my friend here and i don't think he was thinking of it in terms of the publishing industry standards and book review ethics i don't think he was thinking of it in that way however as a member of the book community as a member of the book review world and the author world i was like you don't do that no no no when someone receives a book like you can talk to them about your opinions on it but like to try to direct any way of how they might talk about it or what they might include in their review it's not illegal it's not unethical obviously anyone can say whatever they want to whoever they want to me it just seems weird and it doesn't seem conventional for how a book review would happen so i thought that he was definitely the one who was a little bit out of line there again though i think his intentions were probably good and i don't judge him for that but i also don't judge rachel oates for posting about it and i mean she she obscured his name she wasn't trying to call him out just for posting about him being like friends i feel weird about this interaction what do i do about this i probably would have done the same thing honestly because i also would have felt a little weird about it so at the end of the day what she did was give her full honest review as in my opinion a reviewer should she didn't resort to personal attack she wasn't mean let's actually take a little look at some of the things she said in her review of that second book gabby actually reached out to me over twitter to ask if i wanted a copy of her latest book dandelion she told me that she wanted the book in the hands of in her words people who actually loved poetry and she included me in you know those kinds of people so you know thank you to her for recognizing that i have to say i have to give gabby a hell of a lot of credit for reaching out to me in that way and for sending me her book even though i critiqued her last one pretty harshly i think it shows a hell of a lot of growth and maturity and more of a willingness to take criticism and learn more than she ever displayed before so for that i have a hell of a lot of respect for her and definitely a commenter for that so here you have a line of seven syllables two lines of six syllables one line of four on the line of three in terms of the meter it's all just kind of jumbled and weird too your first line is anapestic monometer and then trochaic diameter i think you know i don't know if you wonder i don't know if you wonder line two is iambic trinita she has no accomplishments in art or has proven to me that she's actually intellectual enough to understand art line three feels a little more like anapestic diameter which kind of just throws everything off it's like but i thought you should know i accept my criticism from talented smart people or maybe it's more i am big try meter where it's more like but i thought you should know none of these words really work or flow together in any kind of natural rhythm and it feels there's no deliberate meter used so you just kind of stumble through it without really knowing where the emphasis is supposed to be i never want to see you again for now thank you for the thank you card so that video was posted in october of 2020 about i guess six months ago now wow time is going fast in the pandemic guys i've lost complete track of everything but she put that video up and everything seemed to be okay i mean it's a book review for a book as gabby gabby even mentioned in her instagram stories that the books were hitting the new york times bestseller list and were selling really well it came out it did great it was a new york times bestseller it sold consistently forty thousand dollars net or i'm sorry gross every single month for years and then uh it was just doing really well it doesn't seem that rachel oates's review of this book you know hurt its sales in any way but rather it was just her sharing her opinions her discussing the poetry and breaking it down i don't see any issues whatsoever there weren't any personal attacks toward gabby there were no insults toward her it was specifically rachel's thoughts on her poetry and that's all it was so everything seemed fine right and then gabby responded she responded just yesterday at the time that i'm filming this it might have been two days ago whenever i post this i'm not sure but she just recently responded to this and this came just a week after we saw another example of an author responding to reviewers so really quick i'm going to show another example of how this just happened recently and how it was a really bad look for that author and how people you know had a real issue with that again this is going to be an example about the author lauren huff and i highly recommend that you check out jess owens's video about this if you want a more in-depth breakdown of what happened there i linked it in the description below but here is what happened with the author lauren huff so this author had just recently released a collection of essays and in that collection of essays she detailed a lot of really personal experiences i'm not going to review that book or gabby's book or any of these books because i haven't read them but in that book she i think detailed her experiences having grown up in a cult and then you know her life from there and it seems like a really interesting and very emotional book so i commend her for that however what i don't commend her for is the way that she responded to book reviews so the night that her book was about to release she had received some early reviews on goodreads one of the reviews on goodreads was from a reviewer who had given it four stars had thought you know maybe four and a half stars but i'm gonna round down and another reviewer says i'm giving it four and a half stars as well but i'm gonna round up now here's the thing you guys need to know about the site goodreads you cannot give half stars you can give one two three four or five stars so if you feel like a book is maybe in between two of those ratings people will often round either way and then in the comments clarify which rating they felt it was more like often people will round up but sometimes people round down and that is completely up to the reviewer there's really nothing anyone can do about that the reviews she screenshotted and posted on twitter were one review that said i just finished this two four and a half rounding up working on the review and someone else saying yes such a good book i also gave it four and a half but rounded down now most authors would give anything to be getting four and five star reviews four star reviews are considered really good even a lot of authors and readers consider three star reviews to be good it means yeah this book was fine this was a good time usually two and one star reviews are when you start to get into i didn't like this book and then one star was like oh i really didn't like this book right but not every book that you just enjoy is going to be a five star review a lot of reviewers reserve five star reviews for books that blow their mind or for those really special books so that there's a way to distinguish those from books that they just enjoyed so a four star review is often a book that you enjoyed however lauren huff the author screenshotted this and said glad to see most of the goodreads [ __ ] still giving four star reviews to show they're super tough reviewers who need to like fall in love you know anyway no one likes you then she tweeted grow up with the screenshot which is weird reacting that way to a bad review is already impolite and weird but to react that way to a good review that just wasn't perfect it's not a good thing to do and i just want to make it clear that i think that lauren huff has been receiving a lot of criticism and backlash on the internet and i do not recommend that anyone engage with her i'm not going to be linking her twitter or anything like that do not engage however a lot of other readers and reviewers you know saw that tweet and they were like that's really not how you should interact with reviewers with people who read your book who liked your book who took the time to leave a review like what are you doing then she started blocking everyone who showed any type of criticism from there what happened is something i personally don't agree with so i just want to give a disclaimer that i don't think this was the best course of action but a lot of readers seeing this interaction on twitter and seeing how rude she was being to readers went on to goodreads and started giving the book a one star review without even having read it just to be like one star this author's an awful person and i don't support her i don't i don't think that it's goodreads job to moderate that in any way and you know it's everyone's free to say whatever they want and if people want to judge a book based on the author but rather than based on the content of the book that's their prerogative as a reader because again reviews are for the reader but i personally would not go onto a site and ra write a book low that i haven't read because i think it's more beneficial to critique the content of the book itself rather than the author but again that's my personal opinion so i don't agree with the readers who were doing that but that caused her to go on to a big twitter storm so when she was talking about the goodreads [ __ ] she then replied with all the writers scared to even like that tweet i see you i will hate them out loud for you i know they're scary as [ __ ] [ __ ] nerds on a power trip you forgot to assign homework [ __ ] as an author myself i was not scared to like that tweet i just didn't like that tweet i thought it was rude then she just continued to be awful saying yeah you wouldn't want to be stuck sitting by one of these nerds on a plane somebody was giving her advice and said you should probably log off now and she said you should probably never [ __ ] tell me what to do again so she's just been very combative and rude and here's the thing reviews are going to be positive sometimes they're going to be negative sometimes sometimes they're going to be overall positive but with one little bit of criticism and to see her fly off the handle like that was just really like dude this is why a lot of people advise authors not to read their reviews i actually do read my reviews of my books however i read both the positive and negative reviews and if i do ever respond to a review it's usually me being like thanks for your review or like i appreciate it or like glad you like the book but if someone leaves a negative review i usually don't respond to that or i'll just say like i understand where you're coming from and leave it at that i would never criticize someone for leaving me a negative review i have seen review videos of some of my books that have had criticisms in them and negative things in them and generally i will comment saying hey thanks for reviewing my book in a video because i'm happy for the publicity but i'll never be like your criticisms were wrong why would you do this you [ __ ] nerd like that's just so mean what and that's just like it's a bad look for authors in general and as an author i'm not scared to like or tweet i don't claim her i don't want to be like her in this situation so after i was like should i make a video on this but then jess owens did a fantastic video on it already and i was like it's covered we're good then gabby hannah comes into this and starts saying the rudest [ __ ] about rachel oates and i'm not cool with it because as you guys know i'm a big fan of rachel oates i think her poetry critiques are amazing i'm a fiction and non-fiction writer primarily i write children's books i also have written one business book and i write a lot of why a and new adult novels and lgbt novels and things like that so that's my specialty i'm really not very good at poetry and i feel like from rachel's critique videos i've learned so much about poetry and how it's structured and things like that and i'm always really excited when she puts out a new poetry video so to see gabby reacting like this not only made me upset like on behalf of one of my favorite creators but also made me upset to see an author reacting like this and to see people just publicly making the author profession look bad and look like we can't take criticism when for a lot of us for the vast majority of us that couldn't be further from the truth so let's take a look at what gabby said in her instagram stories you're a [ __ ] monster you're a [ __ ] where the real narcissism comes in is she says i'm talking about her for attention you mean miss 4k views on your [ __ ] uh makeup tutorial you talk about me you get millions what is it you manipulative narcissistic [ __ ] problem is and this is where narcissistic abuse happens is people think that they can say whatever they want about me and that i can't respond i'm allowed to respond when i want and you don't get to tell me i'm starting drama for finally responding to the months the multiple videos the millions of views the tweets the instagram posts the fact that you made a book mocking me you [ __ ] weird ass [ __ ] you published a book mocking me if uh drama means finally having the strength to stand up against people who have harassed mocked exploited and bullied you for years yeah i'm a [ __ ] drama queen i love the drama you're a manipulative [ __ ] and i'm done dealing with it said i was done opening my mouth as long as she shut her [ __ ] mouth and she can't which is funny because she doesn't want me to respond and she literally can't help herself from responding even though she's wrong what happened was i published a book that was about sexual abuse childhood trauma suicidal ideation mental illness illness mortality amongst other things um it came out it did great it was a new york times bestseller then she started a hate campaign about my poetry book first of all i think it's very rude to be like look she's such a smaller creator than me she gets so many fewer views than me you're basically admitting outright that you're doing an elaborate punch down in your video i guess i would probably also be someone that gabby doesn't like based on how my videos have done let's just take a look at my youtube page real quick all right here we go here's savvy writes books on youtube here's my video that's coming out friday that it might get me canceled because there's already some arguments in the comments check this out right here the tick tock that ended rachel hollis's career has 93 000 views now let's look at this video behind the scenes of book cover design where i interview my book 90s kids that's coming out i do an interview with my cover designers 344 views this video has 300 times as many views as this video this video has point three percent as many views as this video does when you make a video about something that's current and something that's dramatic and often something that's critical people are more likely to tune into it if i'm making a video that's you know behind the scenes of book cover design the people that are going to tune into that are authors and cover designers and people who are genuinely interested in learning about the book cover design process and are learning about how my book cover came together and things like that those people are going to click on this video that video is obviously going to get a lot more views because one rachel hollis has a much bigger fan base than i do she has a lot more people that also have been disappointed in her and it's just it was she was a bigger and more current topic at that time meanwhile this was kind of an all the time topic even though my cover reveal had just happened but my point is some videos are going to get more views than others and i admire rachel oates for the fact that she's going to make that makeup tutorial that might not get as many views as the poetry review because that's the video she wanted to make that's why i still make writing vlogs because i'm interested in that content and if a certain viewer doesn't watch it because that's not the thing that they're there for that's fine and i completely understand that those videos might get fewer views because there's just it doesn't have as wide of an appeal to a general audience and that is fine there's nothing wrong with that it's really not a point of criticism to be like your videos that aren't about me get fewer views and therefore you must have been talking about me exclusively for attention no she was talking about you because she wanted to critique your poetry it's it's the same thing when i talk about anti-mlm stuff that gets more views when i critique business gurus when i do a takedown of tony robbins or grant cardone or rachel hollis or one of those people that's going to get more views am i doing it exclusively for the views no do will i be honest and say that i appreciate the views absolutely because i create these videos hoping people are going to watch them i create these videos because i want people to hear what i have to say and to see my hard work absolutely however those topics are things that i'm genuinely passionate about and i care about exposing the shady business practices going on that targets young entrepreneurs and targets women in business and things like that so yes i'm absolutely going to talk about those people who are exploiting others and make those videos as well so i think that it's just kind of i don't know if i'd call it a straw man it's kind of a misrepresentation of her true intentions i just think it's rude that gabby decided to call rachel oates a bully when rachel was doing poetry critiques and critiquing the content of the work itself meanwhile gabby is the one out here calling her a [ __ ] and calling her all of these names and accusing her of all of these things it really seems like one person is doing criticism and the other is doing personal attacks and again that's why we need to understand that there is a distinction between criticism and bullying saying negative things to or about another person is not always bullying and it is not always a bad thing and i think because we've been stuck we talk in this channel a lot about toxic positivity and i think because we've been stuck in this mindset of toxic positivity for a long time people start to think oh if you're saying anything that's not positive about me this must automatically be bullying or it must automatically be negativity that's trying to bring me down and no i think we all need to remain open to criticism if you disagree with me you're welcome to give me some criticism in the comments below i again like i mentioned i'm scared that i'm gonna get a lot of criticism on friday's video however i'm open to it because i understand that everybody who comes to my channel is coming here from a different world view and a different mindset and if we didn't all have different opinions and beliefs to share then the internet would be a lot less interesting and valuable of a place beyond that can we talk about the fact that gabby and hannah tagged rachel oates in her instagram stories so gabby hannah has 3 million followers on instagram i can't tell you how many rachel oates has right now because her instagram got taken down apparently from tagging rachel oates and making it so that all three million of her followers could just click on that tag and automatically go over to rachel's profile from there here's what happened so rachel oates posted on her community tab on youtube saying hey everyone a quick update a certain someone's millions of fans have decided to mass report my instagram account and it's temporarily disabled while instagram by instagram while they review it but as i've done nothing wrong i'm sure it'll be up soon i'm just waiting on instagram to review it but mostly i'm just sad because of all the cairo photos kyra is her very adorable dog by the way because of all the cairo photos and memories on there i obviously have all the photos backed up offline but it was such a nice little timeline of my life and i can't believe people are being like this because someone decided to publicly call me a [ __ ] and every other name she can think of for videos i made a year ago this is incredibly frustrating and if anyone can advise me about what to do i'd be grateful thank you but until then don't stoop to you know who and her fans levels stay above the name calling and games and keep being awesome i'm heading back to work on the video i'm editing now but i'll keep you updated on the instagram situation so i found this incredibly sad as well first of all that gabby having a lot of fans who are younger and who probably don't know much about book review etiquette either and who are probably just seeing this and taking the side of their favorite creator i don't i don't necessarily blame all of her fans i'm not sure if her fans you know didn't fully understand the situation but to put up this story accusing someone else and calling someone else all these names tagging them so that all of your fans will think that they did something wrong to you and go and mass report them getting their account taken down for something they didn't even do i just feel it's a level of harassment that rachel absolutely didn't deserve it's very difficult to be a reviewer out there because people get very very passionate about their work and i understand guys as i've mentioned a million times i'm an author myself i am an artist i am a creator i'm a video creator i'm a small business owner i understand what it means to put your heart and soul into a piece of work but everyone has to remember that just because something means a lot to you doesn't necessarily mean that it means the same thing to your customer if you are you know writing a poetry blog or have a writing blog where you put your work out there for free um as people know like it's it's often considered rude to leave negative reviews on fan fiction that's available for free on websites because that's something free that people just gave to you no one's trying to profit off of that but when you're trying to sell something to someone when you're trying to get someone to part with their money to give that money to you for your product if they're not satisfied with that product that's their right as a customer to leave an honest and subjective review i also just want to quickly touch on the fact that gabby brought up rachel making um a parody book of uh gabby's poetry so rachel did this video which i actually loved i thought it was one of the funniest things ever rachel made this video after reviewing gabby's poetry she made a video which was kind of this game she played with her dog kyra she made this book that was a parody of adult a lesson and it was called i think dog a lesson and it was about it was poetry by her dog but basically what rachel did was she wrote you know some simple poems and then had little fill in the blanks and she would put treats down on cards on the floor and have her dog choose which treat she wanted and that's the word she'd fill in it was a very adorable video with her dog i love her dog so much and thinks she's so cute and the book just went up as a parody and i believe she may have even donated some of the profits so it was just a really nice thing overall again i don't think parody's a bad thing if someone wants to make a parody of me go ahead that's not bullying it's parody i have merch that i profit off of that says girl wash your ass that's a parody of girl wash your face because i thought that book sucked i have a sticker that says girl stop plagiarizing it's a parody of girl stop apologizing because a lot of that book was plagiarized and as an author myself i am not a fan of plagiarism as i'm sure you guys would assume so yeah i do parodies of bigger creators work i do parodies of all things that i i can make money off of there is nothing wrong with that i don't see the problem i don't see the problem here at all the only place i see a problem is with gabby's use of resorting to gendered slurs and actual personal attacks rather than engaging with the criticism or actually rather than not engaging with the criticism and just leaving it as is either that or doing what she did before and sending rachel arcs of her books to review or you know sitting down with the criticism and saying did was she may be onto something with some of this do i want to change my rhyme scheme do i want to try to have a different type of structure and if at the end of the day she decided actually no i like my poetry as is and i have plenty of audience members who like it as is great as she mentioned in her stories the books were selling really well so keep doing what you're doing i don't see why any of this had to be a problem but that's my thoughts on everything please feel free to let me know your thoughts on everything in the comments below i just think that this was a really you know bad look for authors in general and i don't appreciate seeing authors treating their reviewers this way if you guys want to review any of my books they're all linked in the description below as well if your review is bad i promise not to slam you in an instagram story unless you're into that kind of thing i'll see you guys again on friday for a video that i'll probably get a lot of criticism for but criticism is fine on the internet this just in there's nothing wrong with it in the meantime don't forget to support small businesses and have a fantastic wednesday goodbye friends get you some nuts there was lots of memes makes me wonder if i should take up lesbianism chicago you guys asked for it
Channel: SAVY Writes Books
Views: 67,171
Rating: 4.9698181 out of 5
Keywords: gabbie hanna, adultolescence, dandelion gabbie hanna, rachel oates, rachel oates gabbie hanna, lauren hough, jess owens, book communitea, book review ethics, booktube drama, authortube drama, gabbie hanna trending, gabbie hanna rachel oates, gabbie hanna poetry, rachel oates poetry, savy writes books, savvy writes books
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 26sec (2666 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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