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apex legends season 9 saw some of the biggest changes to a ton of weapons that we haven't seen in a season and honestly quite some time this does mean it is time for an updated apex legends weapon tier list not only have the changes affected the battle royale but we also have a brand new mode arena to now take an account for when we are ranking the weapons however as we do rank these weapons i will note that i am primarily going to be talking about the battle royale but there is much more crossover to the arena mode than say when we did the legend tier list last week and if i do think a weapon performs better in arena i will make note of it when we are covering it there's a ton of weapons to discuss so let's just jump right into it if you have any questions or just want to chat head over to twitch where we do stream nearly daily starting off with the d tier weapons which i deem to be poor or underwhelming and this holds the spot for a single weapon and this is the p2020 the p2020 with hammer points i found to be pretty fun to use to be honest but without it it's kind of pointless i never want the p2020 anymore and it doesn't really have any reason to be honestly picked up anymore especially since everyone is now spawning in with grey shields this does make the p2020 even less viable because you do need to hit them with more bolts to down them even though it did have a small damage buff so yeah it's really the only gun in the game right now i try to avoid at all costs and i will drop this gun for anything else in the game moving on let's now discuss the only weapon i have at c minus and this is going to be the 30 30 marksman weapon for me this weapon can have moments of brilliance but honestly it is pretty much on the edge of being almost bad if not very underwhelming there is some moments where it does work out and the shatter caps addition to this weapon makes it have a little bit more utility in the close range but overall i really don't find too much of a reason to take this weapon as other weapons like the g7 or the bojack are honestly gonna perform pretty similar to the 30 30 and are way easier to use and honestly in my opinion are way better than 30 30. the 30 30 for me just shoots too slow and i mean too slow in the terms of the bull velocity as in you need to lead people and it's kind of awkward to use it in this way and i would say if you're going to use the 30 30 you kind of might as well just use the wingman i feel like the weak man is another heavy gun and it's pretty much easier to use than the 30 30. i wait for the day the 30 30 gets a little buff to have a little bit more love but for now i'm really not taking the 30 30 i would much rather take some of the other heavy weapons or light weapons that are very similar to it next up at a solid c rating which i deem average is going to be the first sniper rifle on our list and this is gonna be the sentinel keep in mind my list is really catered for overall killing power and potential snipers definitely have some viability and are fun to use but in terms of meta snipers just aren't really it unless you're talking about the crater of course just one thing be aware of though as i do rank the snipers on my list if you like playing apex to snipe then they're going to be ranking way differently than what i'm going to be ranking them so just keep that in mind as i do rank the snipers the sentinel in my opinion is a very fun gun to use but i find the weapons like the longbow or the charge rifle to be way more consistent in terms of dealing damage and the sentinel honestly will need to eat into your shield resources which i really don't like either i don't want to have to use my shields on the sentinel to make the sentinel feel like i need to use it because if i'm not using the charge up on the sentinel i really don't see any reason to take it as you might as well just take like the longbow i will say the bull action sniper is a blast to use and it's a good time and if you are playing someone like rampart i do think the rampart with the amp walls and the charge up can be a really good way to use a sentinel but again i really do like all the other snipers better and i think the sentinel is something i do walk over more times than i pick it up but again this sniper can be a good time from time to time if you do just want to change up how you are playing and i would definitely give it a try if you do want to have that crispy clean bolt action sniper rifle action moving on to our next weapon first c is going to be the l-star and the l-star is the first weapon i will say is a great option in the early rounds of arenas now i'd even say it's b to a tier worthy in that mode but for the battle royale it really doesn't have too much range it has a lot of spray on screen meaning you can't really see where you're aiming if you are shooting at range and for me it just has too much recoil and there's a lot of better options out there if you do want kind of an lmg or an smg type of action and also for me i will say i really need to use this weapon as a kind of hip fire almost like an smg rather than an lmg if i do want to use an energy weapon like this i might as well take the volt because the volt is way more reliable in all aspects of the game however the l-star does have a little bit more different type of play style as you don't really need to reload it and you can go a long time without reloading this weapon and it does make for a good time and definitely switches up the way you play from time to time the l-star is a solid sea and average weapon and i would say in arena it's even better as i would rank it in the b area for the first rounds in arena moving on now we have my only weapon at c plus and this is going to be the longbow sniper rifle the longbow used to be my favorite gun in apex back before the meta of the current days was really figured out when you could actually use sniper rifles you didn't really have to worry about sweaty team pushing you the longbow used to be one of my go-to pickups every game and now it's a little bit awkward it's kind of in between the g7 and the sentinel maybe almost like the 30 30 a little bit since the skull piercer was removed from the game i will say it's a little bit more solid to do damage to the head which is pretty nice that you can pick it up and you don't need as many attachments i will say i'm surprised no one is really talking about how headshot damage across the board against all weapons in the game and i would say specifically snipers was semi-ghost nerfed with the fact that now everyone has a grey helmet on which means everyone by default is getting a 20 headshot damage reduction which means if you find one of these weapons early on in the game you're no longer doing 20 more headshot damage it's a little weird i just find it a little bit odd that no one is really talking about how everyone has a helmet now which reduces the headshot damage the longbow can absolutely rip though if you are hitting consistent body shots and with a headshot in there from time to time it's a great weapon if you can open up with a headshot and then you can quickly tap them into the body and you can't really do this with the sentinel it's a solid sniper if you're looking to snipe but in terms of metaguns the longbow just isn't anymore it's been a while since it's been the meta it's a blast to use from time to time but under my recommendation i would say not to pick it up it's a fine sniper rifle but there's a lot better options out there next up at b minus we have two of my kind of more recent preferred secondary guns and this is actually true in arena mode these are the re45 and the mozambique the rv45 is a great secondary swap too it has superb handling which means you can swap to this gun really fast it's not quite like the r99 though where it has a huge magazine size and it's fairly easy to control i will say the re45 takes a little bit more skill to use in my opinion but it is really fun to use and again in arena the rd45 is only 250 materials which is a great purchase in my eyes in the earlier rounds and the mozambique again is similar to the re45 however in arena the mozambique is the best secondary gun in the game in my opinion it's free which is absolutely incredible and you can get a blue ball on the mozambique for only 175 points which is cheaper than a base eva 8 which is absolutely wild although it lost hammer points i think overall the mozambique is a more solid option the sixth round in the magazine makes it a little bit more stable and overall i can't believe i'm saying this but the mozambique is a fine weapon now it's turned into actually a good gun from this kind of crappy troll weapon that we used to have keep in mind the mozambique did have a little buff where the pellet spread was also reduced which just makes it way more consistent and you can hit people a 30 or 45 which is a full hit at a little bit more further ranges than you could before i do love the mozambique as a secondary and i would absolutely recommend you try it out especially in arena mode next up we have two weapons at b which i deem to be good in a solid b these are the hemlock in the charge rifle the hemlock has seen a ton of nerfs since its heyday back a couple seasons ago where it was absolutely wild but i think the hemlock right now might be a little bit kind of a flying under the radar i think it's still a solid option and a good gun but there are other specific weapons like the flatline which i think are a little bit better than the hemlock right now my least favorite part about the hemlock is its iron sights which i think do really limit its range if you don't have an optic but i do think the hemlock is still a solid gun that has a little bit of it all it is solid close range because you can't hit fire it has solid medium range of course in that burst mode and it even has single shot viability at the long ranges overall i think the hemlock is a solid assault rifle and it is definitely worthy of the b-tier spot moving on from this though we have my favorite sniper rifle that isn't the old crater and this is the charge rifle the charge rifle works pretty much across the board it works in high tier competitive environments it works in ranked it works in pubs and even works in arena if you're willing to spend the money on it it's great to farm damage it's great to have map presence it's super easy to use for pretty much all players because even if you aren't hitting that big charge rifle shot at the end of it you're still doing partial damage which is pretty good and it does make a really annoying gun to go up against the only drawback for me is that it is pretty poor at close range but again it is a sniper rifle so i do understand this i think it's the most consistent damage dealer out of all the snipers if you're not using it i would definitely give it a try it's a solid b tier in my opinion the charge rifle is something that everyone should be aware of how to use and i think it's a good option for you to try out let us now discuss two weapons that i have a b-plus and these are two weapons that are honestly pretty much brothers and this is both the havoc and the devotion these guns fully killed though honestly are 8a plus weapons in my eyes both these weapons have huge problems and this is the turbocharger wow does the turbocharger just feel absolutely impossible to find sometimes and without the turbocharger i honestly deem these weapons more like a b-minus and because of this again i'm ranking them in the middle of their two kind of fully kitted and no kitted and this is b-plus i think the havoc is absolutely insane at the close range hipfire and you definitely need to use the havoc more like an smg but if you do have the turbo it's absolutely wild how fast you can kill someone and honestly another thing that really isn't talked about too much with the havoc is that a purple or gold magazine havoc has 36 rounds which just means that havoc has a lot of room for error and you can still down two people if you are missing some shots with one magazine the havoc is definitely a good gun and you really need to be picking it up if you're not and the devotion is kind of similar to havoc but i do think the devotion overall is the better one i personally don't really like the devotion because honestly i kind of suck with it part of me wishes the devotion wasn't energy ammo because i honestly do have a hard time finding energy ammo these days especially because a lot of people are using the volt which just does eat a lot of ammo and again i can't really find the energy ammo and the devotion more so than any of the other energy guns in my eyes just absolutely rips through ammo it's pretty wild how fast you can't use all the ammo i kind of wish the devotion would go back into the care package but till then if you don't mind attachment hunting or if you land on a devotion with the turbo off spawn i would definitely pick it up it's pretty much an instant pickup in my eyes because you do have this a plus tier weapon that's absolutely insane and our final weapon in the b category at b plus is gonna be the previous s plus tier shotgun and this is the massive shotgun the massive has seen a slew of nerfs the pelt spread was increased the damage was reduced the massive just isn't as reliable as it once was but it's still a fine secondary if you can't find the peacekeeper or the eva 8 which are better in my eyes i kind of don't understand the mastiffs role in the game right now as it feels like it should have been swapped out for the peacekeeper or just done something else to it i'm not really quite sure it feels really weird having so many different shotgun choices on the ground i can't quite put my foot to it the mastiff isn't bad and it isn't amazing i think it's just a good gun that is a good filler weapon until you come across a better shotgun but secondary wise again the mastiff is still a pretty good gun to have in your arsenal and i would definitely give it a try one thing again worth noting though is that the massive did get a fire rate buff to compensate a little bit for that damage reduction and i do think this was a fair trade it makes it a little bit easier to use i will say but overall the massive just isn't at all what it used to be last season or the season before i just want to take a second and say if you are enjoying this video or if you just want to support me hit that like button it does help the video get noticed a ton and i appreciate your support let's just roll right into the a tier weapons and these are weapons that i deem to be very good or amazing and the first one that a minus is going to be the g7 and i honestly can't even believe i'm putting it here because i have absolutely crapped on this gun for the past few seasons just saying the g7 is trash and honestly i kind of slept on this gun until my friend teddy got back into the game and he's been telling me that the g7 has been crazy and i've been telling him absolutely not absolutely not it's terrible but wow was i wrong i think the g7 is an absolutely fine or even great weapon but the g7 is a minus for a few reasons first up in arena it's an absolutely phenomenal pickup it's so cheap to upgrade it's a cheap option to get in the first few rounds and it's honestly something that i will use all the way through round nine it's very effective at what it does and this is mid-range picking which is absolutely crucial in arena and i will say you can absolutely mow squads over that are stacked up in a line and you're probably going to see this in a few clips here but it's a great option for slower ranked games as well and it even has decent hip fire it also saw a small shadow buff of increased strafe speed which i find is pretty good it does help it be a little bit more maneuverable it's a light ammo gun which is also a bonus the ammo is easy to get unlike something like energy or even sometimes heavy ammo and it's way easier to use than the 30 30. i previously wasn't a fan of this gun again but since arena came out it definitely can shred teams and i've been sleeping on it for a while i would definitely say pick up the g7 if you haven't recently it's absolutely an insane weapon that does take a little bit skill to use and i think it will work out for you the second a minus gun is a weapon that has gone from pretty good to poor and now we're back to pretty great and this is gonna be the alternator the alternator has been in and out of relevance a number of times but right now the alternator on this list is my sleeper pick of the entire list it virtually has no or extremely easy to control recoil and it has a great magazine size you can throw it two times on this which does kind of make it almost like a mid-range weapon as well it's a very solid pickup for the early game too and i honestly enjoy finding it in the early game the alternator also has really great hip fire and is really easy to control it might not have the fastest time to kill but if you are struggling with your r99 shots i honestly probably would recommend you to pick up the alternator instead because it's way more forgiving it's way easier to use if there's one weapon out of all the smgs that is a jack of all trades it's absolutely the alternator next up at a solid a tier we have a trio of weapons and this is going to be the flat flatline the wingman in the bow check compound bow the flatline for me has been one of my personal favorite weapons for pretty much the last four or five seasons it might be one of if not the most consistent weapon in terms of it really has never gone through many buffs or nerfs and it also has a fairly high skill ceiling which makes it fun to use and very satisfying once you get down the flight line in a lot of ways can act as a close range weapon due to its absolutely insane hip fire capabilities if you're not hip firing the flat line at close ranges then you're not really doing it right in my opinion it has some medium range viability and then even long range tap firing with the anvil receiver right now there's not much that the fly line can't do and it's one of my go-to pickups every game and it's that weapon that everyone needs to learn how to use if the spitfire ever gets another nerf i think this thing will be your go-to mid-range heavy weapon next up is going to be the wingman this is a much harder weapon for me to rank because in the hands of an accurate or a good shooter it's absolutely ester but for the most part i think it's an excellent weapon for the average player the wingman has had some of if not the most history in terms of buffs and nerfs and at the moment it feels pretty perfect it's great to use but not necessarily overpowered in my opinion all players need to learn how to use the wingman for a number of reasons first off it will benefit your aim and accuracy with all the other weapons in the game if you can shoot the wingman you're going to be able to shoot all the other guns and it actually might be one of the best spawned weapons to get because it's pretty great even with no attachments because it does have a lot of natural power to it i love the wingman it's something that i personally don't take too often because i'm not too good with single shotguns but you definitely need to be picking it up and practicing with it i think you'll find it very rewarding and our final normal atm weapon is going to be the bojack compound bow when season 9 launched the bojack was absolutely nuts i can't think of any other weapon really that was as similar to how the bow check was in terms of it being so powerful other than maybe the season 3 charger i feel i believe it was the bojack still has some two-tap potential on certain shielded enemies but before it was absolutely wild and i will say the bow check brings this type of stealth element into the game that we haven't really seen before and i do think it's okay right now it can't get a little excessive when you have a whole team of people using bows and you have no idea where you're getting shot from the body damage is now 60 instead of 70 which does mean you can still three tap blue armored enemies which is pretty good and overall i do think the bow check is a well added addition to the game unlike when the 30 30 came out i was pretty lukewarm on the 30 30. the bow check on the other hand feels great to use the bow is still really good and in a lot of ways it's like the wingman it requires a highly skilled player and shooter to use it effectively and efficiently otherwise i do think the bow and the wingman will be almost like a little bit detriment to yourself if you are missing and wasting a lot of shots but overall i think the beau check is a blast to use it's a solid weapon and i do think it's in a fair spot right now our final weapon in the a tier guns is going to be the peacekeeper at a plus the peacekeeper is an insanely good shotgun that requires a lot of skill to use but it was nerfed from what it was previously before it was in the care package my only issue with the peacekeeper is that you really need to be doing some headshots for it to be worth taking over an eva 8 in my opinion but that being said it's an insanely strong shotgun that works well as a secondary and has much more range than the majority of the other shotguns because of that choke this does allow for some easier shots at range and it does create for a unique and fun play style if you are able to get shots on enemies with it the pk is one of my go-to secondaries and it's a gun that i really miss being on the ground and i'm so happy that i get to use it a little bit more now however i do think there is another gun that we're soon going to talk about that's a little better so let's now start talking about the best weapons in the game and for starters we have the r99 the volt and the eva a s tier first the two smgs for me the r99 and the volt are just absolutely insane killing machines that work well in all forms of play arena ranked pubs competitive the volt is an absolute beast with honestly some insane range and a great time to kill that gives it some viability even at mid range the r99 on the other hand is still the king when it comes to the close range fast killing and fighting machine the r99 does require a fair amount more skill to use than the volt but if you can't control the r99 it will do you really well and the better you can bridge the gap to the medium to the close range with that r99 will mean you are going to up a lot of the other players in the game both smg's for me are instant pickups and if i get them early on in games i'm gonna be using them all game long because there are very few guns that are better than these on the other hand though the ev8 is my go-to secondary weapon that can honestly just dish out an incredible amount of damage that is not only reliable it's easy to do due to its pellet pattern it's even better with a bolt on it and for me it's extremely consistent which is something that i want i want to know that when i pull out my secondary gun after doing like 120 maybe 150 damage to someone i want to know that i can down them pretty much instantly and the eva absolutely does this and it's extremely forgiving all the shotguns right now are pretty great but the e8 for me wins out of them all due to its ease of use if you are sleeping on the eva because it has been pretty poor in the past look no farther because it's definitely in the meta right now and it definitely shows because all the pros are picking up in the competitive scene and finally of course we are missing two weapons and it's no surprise the r301 and surprise the surprise the spitfire are my two s plus tier weapons because they are in my opinion the best two guns in the game right now the r301 has been this consistent gun for a while now it's absolutely insane how well you can use the r301 at hipfire close range medium range and even long-range spraying or long-range anvil receiver it's absolutely a great weapon light ammo is easy to find it doesn't really require a lot of attachments the r301 is my go-to weapon if i'm not picking up the spitfire it is just so easy to use it's honestly like the bread and butter gun in apex legends if there's a new player to the game i'm gonna recommend them pick up the r31 because it's really good it's really easy to use and finally of course you probably expected it the spitfire right now as of this video is the s plus tier weapon that honestly everyone has been using it's kind of a little bit toxic i'll say we got a little nerf after the launch of season nine but i really don't see any difference in it and the spitfire has 50 rounds it does something like 18 to the body which means you can wipe out like two or three squads with one magazine if you're hitting all your shots it is absolutely an incredible weapon i really don't need to say too much on the spitfire right now if you're not using it it's probably because you're choosing not to use it because it's kind of toxic but i absolutely do love the spitfire and if you want an easy to use weapon that's going to dish out an insane amount of damage definitely pick up spitfire because it's the best gun in the game right now and just lastly one thing i'm going to say that we didn't really touch on is the care package weapons the triple take the crater and the prowler i deem all these guns to be s tier i will say the triple take might kind of be more like 8a plus here the triple take in my eyes doesn't really belong to me in the care package but it is there right now i do think it's a very good gun it's just something that i don't pick up too much the crater obviously is the crater it's always been insane it's one of the only guns in the game that can one shot an enemy from a red evo down to the ground and the prowler is an insane smg i don't really take the prowler as much if it's earlier on in the game but if it's later in the game i almost always pick up the prowler so what do you guys think of my cheerless let me know in the comments down below i think a lot of the guns right now in the apex legends are pretty much usable it's kind of similar to the legends a lot of the legends are usable a lot of the guns are usable i feel like overall respawn has done a very good job balancing everything in the game i can't wait to see what is coming out in the near future i am kind of expecting another nerf to the spitfire but time will tell if you guys want to chat with me or check out the community we do have a discord join that up and i would love to chat with you about apex legends and again i will see you live in the twitch streams peace out [Music] you
Channel: TimProVision
Views: 168,599
Rating: 4.856741 out of 5
Keywords: TimProVision, ranking the weapons in apex legends, apex legends season 9 weapons ranking, apex legends weapons ranking, apex legends ranking all weapons season 9, apex legends ranking all weapons, apex legends ranking all weapons in season 9, apex legends season 9 tier list, best weapons apex legends season 9, best weapons season 9 apex legends, best weapons apex legends, apex season 9 tier list, season 9 tier list, ranking the weapons in apex, apex, apex legends season 9 weapons
Id: qtZq1YNFF6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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