7 TIPS You NEED FOR BETTER AIM - Apex Legends - Tips & Tricks - Level Up Episode #3

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/EvoXNik85 📅︎︎ Feb 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Suit Monkey legit brought me up from wall climber to parkour master

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SadBoiCri 📅︎︎ Feb 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] that was fun i want to preface by saying in an effort to not make this video 30 plus minutes long since the subject of aiming is so large i'm going to spread the topics over multiple videos and focus here on showing you techniques to help you improve outside of directly using an external aim trainer i really didn't want to make your typical how i became a named god in just 30 days using aim lab or covax instead i'm going to show you what techniques make good aimers good aimers while giving you tips to improve your mechanical skills in this area what's up my dudes is sue monkey here and welcome back to episode 3 of the level up series let's not waste any more time let's get into it [Music] so what really goes into aiming it's not as simple as just clicking hands on your screen because if it were everyone would have got leg aim by default which is obviously not the case and with that said you need to understand that there's not a single tip that anyone can give you that'll suddenly unlock all of your aiming potential overnight it's really a process that takes time to develop and as a side note even though i'll be referencing most aiming quite often because it's what i use personally the principles i'm going to discuss are more or less the same for controller players to start i want to draw your attention to something that every good aimer knows and it's right here this height is your character's default position and keeping your crosshair on this area is basically the equivalent to looking forward with your head straight generally this is the level your crosses should naturally rest at whenever you're not specifically looking at something on the ground or in the air why because it's where our enemies heads and upper bodies live and is where we want our shots to go to be effective it'll change depending on how far or how close your enemies are to you whether they're on a rail surface or a decline but generally use upper body head height as your resting position when moving around this is referred to as having good crosshair placement you essentially want your crosshair to be already where it needs to be so there's as little delay as possible before you can start firing your weapon this concept is especially important when running corners and holding angles pointing your crosshair where enemies are likely to be essentially means you're always putting yourself in the best position to shoot first and deal the most initial damage during encounters there's a tendency in fps games for us to keep our crosshair pointed at the ground while running around what then happens when we do go to aim is some of us might flick wildly get tense start planet spraying waste our ammo miss our shots then have to reload while getting shot at i'm mostly dying unnecessarily your cross replacement doesn't always need to be perfect just consciously practice it long enough so it happens naturally whenever you expect a fight to occur now it's all good to have our crosshair place where enemies are going to be but what happens when inevitably the enemy isn't where our crosshair is this is where our ability to acquire our target comes into play sure you can practice your flicks and click timing but i want to mention another approach that helps as well firstly a good rule for aiming at anything whether in game or in real life is to follow the motions of your target and not so much across here in most cases it's actually useful to look past your crosshair and use it as more of a reference point to where the center of your screen is rather than an actual focal point whenever you look somewhere in the game world you should practice smoothly shifting your crosshair toward that direction such that your weapon is more or less naturally aligned with what your eyes are focused on i say shift across here but what i'm really trying to get at is shifting your screen as a whole basically whatever you're looking at should more or less be around the center area of your viewport in other words it means try to look around the world with your hands more so in your eyes just darting around while your hands stay still it's kind of like an extension of cross replacement but this technique is called screen centering it trains you to subconsciously know where the middle of your screen is and trains your hands to naturally follow where your eyes go and it's something that will help your hand-eye coordination and your target acquisition eventually whenever you look at something that's not where the center of your screen is your brain will subconsciously shift your crosshair such that the middle will always point to where your eyes are focused the goal here is to train your brain to get familiar with where the middle point of your screen is in relation to the different objects that you're looking at whether it be enemies or anything else this is to help us increase the accuracy of our reactive aiming by practicing screen centering you're naturally building the habit of placing your target as close to the center of your viewport as possible meaning less action is required to align your gun to your target because essentially what you're doing is naturally aiming with your screen before you even ads most players have unknowingly experienced moments when they've seen an enemy ats on them then realized that the reticle was exactly on target with little to no effort required to aim this is because the screen was centered on target without them realizing and it's what we want to happen subconsciously every time we aim at something and speaking of adsing for those of us that aren't sure when we should ads basically the only time you shouldn't ads is if it affects your ability to acquire your target like situations where you're in super close range and making large rapid movements or if you yourself need the ability to move or look around quickly there's a pretty common issue that can develop when we automatically ads before firing our weapons because that's how most of us are taught to aim ads before you pull your trigger it becomes a hard habit to break and we end up doing it even if it handicaps us going ads in most cases sacrifices your movement speed and visibility in return for tighter bullet spread this is why a lot of players who reflexively ads in super close range then find themselves unable to let go of the ads button and get destroyed because they can no longer acquire or try to target properly there's another reason your finger gets stuck on the ids button as well which i'll explain as part of a bigger topic later in the video but for now what helped me to break the habit of auto essing was to literally hip fire everything within range adsing is highly situational and is based on how fast your target's moving how good your aim is what gun and what scope you're using but typically any targets this close to you are within hit fire range and anything else should be ads you want to get a feel for this range so you subconsciously know where it begins and to do that make a mindful effort whenever you engage a target to actively remind yourself to not press the ads button and just hit fire after a while of doing this you should realize you're no longer ads'ing out of habit and you automatically use the mode that's the most effective for your given scenario based on your visibility movement and accuracy rather than mindlessly clamping down on the abs button and spraying practice being mindful of what your hands are doing before you engage your target and soon you'll be able to choose mint ads rather than being stopped inhabit to recap everything so far good crosshair placement drives you to love and place your crosshair where enemies are likely to be good screen centering trains your hands to follow your eyes wherever they look and knowing when to ads gives you better control of your weapon during engagements these concepts work together in unison to help you accurately acquire your target and pretty much bleed over into the next area i'm going to discuss but before i continue thanks a bunch for hanging out on the channel it's small but we're growing by the time this vid is released we would have passed the 800 subscriber mark which is just you guys are great you can hit like or leave a comment so i know for sure you want to see more of these types of videos and also to feed the youtube machine if not you can just sit back and soak up the info now getting back to aiming unless we're using guns that kill on a single hit against opponents that are standing still we're most likely going to have to track our enemies while simultaneously shooting at them tracking fire is probably going to be the most common engagement scenario you find yourself in especially in apex where the majority of the weapons are automatic like i mentioned before screen centering helps to train your hands to follow your eyes are focused on and thus is in your ability to chart your opponent's motions while firing your weapon but i bring up tracking to more highlight an issue that really affects players abilities to keep their crosshairs on moving targets and that is when they start firing at someone proceed to strafe and then don't correct for their own movement making all their shots miss unnecessarily as we know movement is the other key factor in apex and if you're going to combine movement while aiming you will have to practice and understand counter aiming by the way i'll link the last episode up top which covers how to pull off techniques like while jumping funny hopping zigzagging etc now your ability to count to aim can also be thought of as your effective aim since more often than not you'll have to aim whether you or your opponent is in motion rather than only being required to hit stationary targets aim assist on controllers can help mitigate a portion of the inaccuracies associated with poor counter aiming but it's not enough to protect you from someone who could subconsciously counter aim during any movement they're performing using the dummy as an example if i stand still and start firing the shots hit consistently however standing completely still during a gunfight isn't always possible and the moment it begins strafing without accounting for my movement you see how well do my shots miss it may sound pretty obvious but strafing isn't something you want to do mindlessly rather it should happen reactively to what's happening during the fight if at all and in conjunction with what you're most doing yet so many of us automatically move around in an uncontrolled manner without realizing it what i'm really saying here is yes you don't want to be a sitting duck while shooting but you also don't want to make the job of hitting your opponent any more difficult than it needs to be by introducing unnecessary factors into the equation using the movement target as an example if it's going the same direction i'm strafing i no longer need to aim to keep track of it because in apex movement speeds are more or less the same except when you're ats with certain weapons this is an example of what's called mirror surfing which is when you're mimicking your target strafing pattern and the only thing your aim i'll be doing at this point is controlling for recoil the other more common type of strafing is usually all the same between parties and this is where understanding come to aiming pays off you're going to find yourself in many situations where either you or your opponent are moving entirely in one direction moving back and forth or barely moving at all this is not something we can think about during battle so we need to practice it so it becomes intuitive and subconscious before sessions spend at least 10 minutes in the frame range actively moving around while keeping your crosshair on a target dummy you don't necessarily need to shoot but you can if you want just aim to keep your crosshair on target at all times do long strafes short straights circle strafes and mix them up throw a hollow spray on the ground and challenge yourself to move around while keeping your crosshair on the base do the same thing with the movement targets in the back and remember when doing all this relax focus on your target and let your brain handle the crosshair what this will ultimately accomplish is training your brain to understand the motions necessary to come to aim while moving and of course you'll also be actively doing this during your regular gameplay as well it's best to isolate the concept of counter aiming so your brain understands it and thus learns how to apply in any given situation this is going to go hand in hand with an aspect of gameplay that players underestimate the importance of when it comes to having good aim near perfect record control i'm just going to put it like this it's not enough to simply know what each weapon spray pattern looks like you should have the ability to more or less one clip an opponent that's standing still with zero attachments on your gun in a game like apex with loot rng you need to be proficient with your weapon in any attachment state learning recall control is kind of like a catch-all in that the more patterns you're ingrained into your muscle memory the easier it is to generally control other guns some people tend to think their muscle memory is limited to a small number of patterns but this couldn't be further from the truth your brain stores thousands of tasks that you don't even realize and can adapt on the fly based on the information it's receiving this is why technically changing your sensitivity won't ruin your muscle memory but more on that later you can and should know how to control the recoil patterns from most guns in the game if you're serious about getting better and the best part of it is it's simply a matter of repetition you're not going to master each pattern overnight but the goal is to fire the weapons you want to get good at deliberately and often so controlling it becomes an automatic reflex you don't even notice hit the gun or guns you want to master and run them as often as you can in game for a two week period and couple this with 10 minutes in the fire range one clipping dummies over and over again before sessions first shoot the dummy in front of you standing at one end and once you can one clip that one try to one click the one next to it until you can move over to the farthest dummy you don't have to one clip the last one but it's a good gauge how accurate your recoil control is at distance it doesn't matter if you miss just relax and keep shooting like any other skill it'll take time try not to focus too much on controlling the recoil for x gun because then you'll be focused too much on the wrong task rather just relax and focus on hitting your target let your brain handle the corrections next i need to make a point about choosing the correct sensitivity because it will affect your recoil control tracking and accuracy if it's not suitable the entire point of adjusting your sense is to find a setting that makes you unhindered that is your ability to be precise isn't held back and your ability to keep up with movement is unimpeded meaning you have enough granularity to be precise and also your ability to look left right and to a comfortable 180 is retained you've probably heard this a thousand times but typically this means lowering your sense is beneficial in most cases changing your sense will only allow you to get better if it's the reason you're being held back so you need to experiment and be honest with yourself i'll throw up a graph i made using apex player data from prosettings.net the data isn't 100 accurate since entries must be manually adjusted but it gives a pretty good idea where pro sensitivities tend to cluster generally for apex when normalized to 800 dpi most fall within the one to two in game sensitivity range with 1.5 being the most used of course outliers exist personally i started with what i consider a high sensitivity of 2.5 in game at 800 dpi and even though looking around felt quick and easy after a couple of months i realized my recall control ability to track targets and shot accuracy was extremely inconsistent from session to session through experimentation lowering my sense and raising it again giving myself a few days or weeks to adjust the settings ranging from 2.5 all the way down to 1.0 now i play comfortably at 1.5 in game with the same dpi of 800 and that's where i've seen the most consistency and progress at 400 dpi this number translates to 3.0 and at 1600 0.75 for you it might be the same higher or lower but it just so happens to be where my shots recall control and movement are consistent don't be afraid to change your sense because you feel it will ruin your harder muscle memory like i mentioned before your muscle memory isn't that limited riding a bicycle of a different style doesn't mean you suddenly forget how to ride a bike it might feel different at first but you'll quickly adjust since you already know how to ride and you could end up being a better writer overall with the new one when it comes to changing your sense the same principle applies note that if you're currently playing with the high sense you can't realistically expect to make a large change and suddenly take full advantage of it it'll take time to adjust because your brain will have to learn to use different parts of your arm to aim so do it in stages and stick with a particular setting for a while now with all that said there's one final thing that will ruin your recall control mess up your adsing destroy your aim and negate everything i've mentioned so far and is probably one of the main reasons for not being able to aim properly and that is tension a massive key to everything i've said so far especially tracking enemies and consistently controlling recoil is the ability to stay calm especially under pressure one of the biggest problems i've faced when it came to improving my aim was the ability to stay relaxed tension is your number one enemy when it comes to pretty much any mechanical ability that requires fine motor skills like playing an instrument or aiming the two major problems caused are one artificial recoil and two loss of precision when we tense up whether it be due to us being scared to lose the fight getting startled or constantly missing our shots our muscles contract our heart rate rises and our precision drops with our only objective being to survive ever see someone fumbling with keys to open a door while running from a killer it's exactly the same thing and it happens on a micro scale as well you will lose your fine motor skills and the ability to aim properly when tension is allowed to rise when this is happening breathe slowly and take deep breaths make a purposeful effort to calm down and avoid tilting doing this while also building confidence in your mechanical abilities to practice will help you overcome this tension personally when i started playing apex i was dead scared to get into fights which made me always tense up even as my skills began to increase and it was only after consistently taking flights being warned up and confident in my abilities actively staying calm and learning from my mistakes that i saw real progress remember being relaxed makes you smooth being smooth makes you accurate and being accurate makes you fast no one starts up with good aim and some people develop faster than others remember your only competition is yourself and not other players who have completely different circumstances so long as you can look back a couple of months to a year at your past self and see how bad you were compared to now that is the mark of progress you'll hit a point of slowed progress inevitably but this is completely normal this is where perseverance and the will to get better separates the pros from the casuals it's a matter of practice finding what works and changing what doesn't so to recap practice cross replacement practice screen centering know when to ads practice counter aiming understand recall control pick the right sensitivity and finally remove tension i really hope this vid helped you guys out this video was just a general overview of good aiming techniques and i plan to go more in depth into topics like strafing and tracking in future videos enjoy the process of improving your aim my dudes and that's it for episode three you guys take care and sue monkey out look whoa smart oh she got a pk oh no she's whiffing you are the apex champions [Music] yeah sure
Channel: SuitMonkey
Views: 853,578
Rating: 4.9665313 out of 5
Keywords: Apex Legends, funny, tips and tricks, Wraith, wattson, watson, loba, rampart, revanant, bangalore, mirage, lifeline, octane, movement guide, the only, suitmonkey, suitm0nkey, how to, zigzag, faster, wall jump, pro players, how to move faster in apex, nerf, slide jump, Season 7, improve aim, 7 tips, better, need, god, aim, like aceu, like lyr1c, air strafe, aimbot, crosshair, placement, recommended, aim better, season 9, Valk, Valkyrie, like faide, like shroud, like Zylbrad, comedy, top plays
Id: OvjFes7en8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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