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apex legend season 9 is here and we are back with another tier list covering my best legends of the season for my list we are primarily focusing on pup games and not really discussing arena as arena is an entirely different animal that will require its own list the criteria for this list is all about pub smashing which means higher kill games and keeping up that speed of play this list will also somewhat work for rank but i am not designing the list around that so just keep that in mind i also take a small consideration into how good the legend might be as a teammate and their ability to not only get kills but also a legend that can't keep the action moving let's just jump right into it and starting off i don't believe there are any d tier legends in the game which in my opinion would be classified as weak or bad i think every legend is average or better and has their own unique ways to be viable that being said our first c tier legend that i deem average is going to be fused if you saw a small bluff at star season 9 with him getting a slight reduction in his tactical cooldown timer and getting a second tactical charge but he is still very underwhelming when he was released i thought his capabilities might be a bit higher since grenades can be very strong but i still just find fuse to be very lackluster and the developers also agree with this as he is getting a bigger buff in the near future our next seater legend at c-plus is gonna be rampart rampart for me has bumped up about a half placement from the previous season just because i think the impressions of rampart is a little bit better than she used to be the buffs that rampart got during season seven and season eight were very helpful to her overall power but at the end of the day rampart's real power comes from her amped walls and she is still forced to stay behind them when in the fight and take that single position rampart can be used aggressively but i find this to be somewhat counterintuitive from how she is really meant to be played i think she still needs a small buff i'm not really sure what though for a tier list that is all about pub smashing and higher kill games she really isn't too conducive to this type of playstyle and she requires definitely a little bit more passive type of play moving on to our first of a few b-tier legends and for starters we have revenant b-tier for me are legends that are good or great and revenant for me is a very difficult legend to rank a well-coordinated team with the proper legends can make reverend absolutely feel a or s tier but at the end of the day the bar for revenant to be top tier is a little bit too high and a revenant without his death totem is average at best revenant is a blast to play and i love the lore behind revenant but his silence feels very underwhelming and his passive climbing and crouch walking is nice but is fairly weak compared to some of the other legends that we have on this list revenant has a lot of potential to be top tier but for now he is still on the lower end of things i wait for the day that revenant gets a little rework to make his kit a little bit more well-rounded our second b-chair legend is going to be watson when it comes to apex lore her style and how unique watson is i absolutely love her and she fits a unique play style in apex but our tier list is meant for pub smashing and pulling off some of those higher kill games i do think watson is similar to rampart in a lot of ways but has much better overall kit that allows her to be a little less stationary watson has some great power with her ultimate pylon and a nice new passive with the addition of some shield regeneration watson i think is in a good spot right now and fits a playstyle that apex legends needs to cater to and i don't really foresee her getting too many changes in the near future although i would like to see some sort of way of getting those fences down faster allowing her to be a little bit more aggressive in fighting our final straight up b-tier legend is going to be mirage mirage for me has slowly been creeping up the tier list over the past few seasons now i debated between putting him at b minus or b and i do think he is a solid legend with one major flaw the tactical ability is just fine but if you're comparing it to the ultimate it is really quite poor mirage for the most part has been a very solo orientated legend which i would love to see a major tack dual rework to better support the team what does make mirage b-tier though is that ultimate ability which is an absolute powerhouse in fights if used in the hands of a good player it can be extremely deadly the skill to execute successfully and efficiently with mirage is high which makes for a very satisfying and rewarding playstyle which is a great thing when you do get it down and because of this mirage is a solid b tier in my book next at b plus we have a legend has fallen a good amount since his nerf and that is gonna be caustic kossik's gas is much less lethal than it used to be and because of this players are really starting to learn that they can make plays while even in the gas i think the caustic nerf might have been a little too much but i still do really like how kasich is this mix of defensive and offensive legend and he caters to a very unique and well-rounded play style i would love to see the gas just do shield damage and have it be reverted to the way it was or maybe closer to the way it was this would naturally make cossack less lethal but still very satisfying that you are actually hurting enemy players caustic is a solid option in my opinion and i think overall caustic fare is a little bit better in ranked where you need that good mix of passive and offensive play styles our second legend at b-plus and the legend that has changed the most on this list is going to be horizon i struggled a lot with where to rank her and after playing maybe three to four hours in the new season with horizon she is absolutely not asked here anymore she has been a solid str since her release two seasons ago but season nine she saw that major tactical nerf that limits her power in a huge way verizon just feels plain awful to play right now it could be that in a few weeks and months the dust will settle and she still may be a higher tier legend but for now i really can't recommend her compared to some of the legends above her her tactical assault a nerf pretty much all around the board the speed going up how long you can stay at top you can still make some decent plays with their tactical but it is really nothing like what it was before and i really see her lift being more of a team movement ability and his support ability rather than that offensive powerhouse that it used to be the final b plus legend is going to be possibly one of the more controversial placements on this list and this is going to be lifeline lifeline in season 9 has probably gotten some of the most attention to her buffs and nerfs and i think she is still a great legend she may have lost that revive shield but she can now revive two players at once meaning her squad will get back into the action faster after finishing up a fight and on top of this that care package saw a nice buff in the reduction of the timer and it always does give an upgraded item now which is great the buff of her healing jordan was also a little nice change and it does make me want to use that healing drone more than i did before overall what lifeline lacks in offensive power does make up in her support capabilities lifeline is one of the most picked legends in the game and i think she will remain this way in the near future if you are enjoying this video or you just want to support me hit that like button and if you'd like to chat more about the legends in apex legends swing on by my twitch streams which are nearly daily i appreciate your support moving on let us now start discussing my a tier legends which i deem to be legends that are very good or amazing our first of a slew of a minus legends is going to be bangalore bangalore has been a very constant legend in the meta of apex legends and at the start of season 9 bangalore saw a huge buff or fix to her smoke that makes it much more denser and harder to see through because of this and her versatile nature of support and offensive capabilities she makes for a very well-rounded legend that anyone should be able to succeed with in their pub smashing adventures there really is not much to say about bangalore her passive double time is quite good at getting in and out of fights and her ultimate can be great and very powerful when it comes to both offense and defensive plays she's a great pickup and if you are sleeping on her definitely give her a shot our next a minus legend is going to be crypto crypto for me has always been a powerhouse legend with an extremely high skill ceiling and a legend that is fairly slept on crypto and pubs can pretty much do it all figuring out who is near him and his team picking up banners remote revive with the drone open boxes scan enemies and much more crypto has a lot of support for the team and a player that can learn how to aggressive emp push will make quick work of teams krypto is really a jack of all trades and a legend that is very satisfying to learn and excel with my only gripe with crypto is really that his passive is tied in with his drone and i feel like being able to scan with the drone should just be part of his tactical and not his passive i love me some crypto if you want to try and be a better all-around player i would definitely give him a shot our next a minus legend to discuss is going to be octane octane at the start of season eight skyrocketed in his popularity with a major launch pad buff that made him one of the most satisfying and fun legends to play with however fast forward three months later and at the start of season nine octane stim did see a pretty heavy damage hit from taking 12 damage to now taking 20 damage per use while this does require octane players to take more care and stimming i do think it was a fair adjustment this requires the stem to be slightly more tactical and players need to be smarter about when to use it i think this makes for a more meaningful player experience which is what respawn was going for octane is still a blast to play and the way he is used and the way he has played really hasn't changed octane was getting chosen with a massive 25 pick rate which is absolutely absurd and this really does show us how good he is and was i am still so happy that we have seen one of the worst legends in apex legends when he was released become one that is a staple of the current meta our final a minus legend in a legend who i think is going to be much more popular in the coming weeks and i think we could call this legend my wild card or sleeper pick and this is going to be loba a little bit the start of season 9 saw a massive buff to her tactical ability not only is the bracelet way more reliable meaning i probably grinded for six to eight hours on lobo without a single bracelet failure the bracelet also now allows players to be extremely mobile when throwing it loba can now sprint much faster and move much faster while the bracelet is traveling which means she can be way more aggressive in place and she can get out of place much much better than she could before the combo being more reliable and being more aggressive will make loba a much better legend to play with lopez black market did see a small 30 second nerf but you are still able to get this extra loot every two minutes and because of this loba really does have a complete package and moveset of offensive capabilities escape capabilities and team support with the black market which gives her a great pub smashing potential and i really absolutely think she is a great legend for you to try definitely give her a try if you haven't tried it since that tactical ability was buffed it is pretty wild moving on to now our legends a normal a tier and the first is going to be pathfinder saw the removal of low profile in season eight and this has largely seen him return to the meta of apex legends pathfinder still longs for a real passive ability but in my eyes his zipline is very useful for both himself and the team it is a strong ability to keep the action flowing pathfinder's grapple saw a slew of nerfs and buffs in the previous seasons but i think it is finally in a very good spot and because of this his offensive power and his offensive potential is extremely high pathfinder can make some of the biggest plays in all of apex legends and now that the horizon tactical was nerfed i think pathfinder has definitely solidified himself as one of the biggest play-making legends out there pathfinder is a superb legend that you absolutely should be trying to pick up if you haven't played him in a while our only a plus tier legend is another legend that has fallen from s tier to a tier and that is wraith right for me is still a superb legend with a lot of overall power low profile is going which puts her way more in line with the rest of the legends in the game but something still feels off with her kit the tactical doesn't really feel good to use but is still very strong as an overall movement ability and you can still escape out of fights with it and the portal is still really great for making huge plays and rotating around sweaty teams with some sort of sense of safety and invulnerability however i do think this portal should be buffed a little bit we have other movement abilities like the launch pad and the zipline which can go way farther than the portal i do get it that the portal isn't vulnerable but still i think it is way less useful than it used to be before other legends were buffed my biggest gripe with ratho honestly is the passive ability which has some uses but is pretty weak compared to some of the other legends that are in estier wraith is still a very popular pick in apex legends but has certainly fallen down a little bit from what she used to be a lot of top tier players are still playing with wreath which does give her the impression of s tier to a lot of players but the truth is that these players would be incredible on nearly every legend in the game but of course this is just my opinion let us now move on to legends that i think are the best of the best in apex legends while nearly every legend in the game i can see being good to amazing there aren't too many legends out there whose entire kits passive tactical and ultimate abilities are extremely useful and the first steer legend for me is going to be bloodhound bloodhound has the complete package a useful passive for tracking enemies one of if not the best aggressive and support tactical abilities with their scan and an ultimate that allows intense speed and aggressive blood end is one of the best all-around legends that is probably the easiest best legend to use bloodhounds major buff came at the start of season six and ever since then they are a complete contender in the meta of apex legends bloodhound has seen many many dark days way back when apex legends first launched but if you are a newer or less experienced player in apex legends you absolutely should give the hound a try our second to last legend at s tier is going to be gibraltar gibraltar much like bloodhound has an entire kit of abilities that are honestly just incredible a red evo shielded gibraltar with a gun shield has a massive 275 health and on top of this they already take 15 less damage due to being a fortified legend the dome is one of the most versatile and best tacticals in the game for closing gaps protecting the team and just the overall ability to rotate with some sort of makeshift cover finally gibraltar's ultimate is still a very strong ultimate that is very deadly to those trapped inside of it and this combo of gibraltar's ultimate and tactful dome shield makes for many play style scenarios that will be in the favor of your team i will say unlike bloodhound giralter does require a bit more skill to play with but is not surprising to see at least a few gibraltars in every game in apex legends and our final steer legend in apex legends for pub smashing high kill games and overall team support is gonna be the new edition of valkyrie back when horizon launched at the start of season seven a lot of people were saying that i had a little bit of a recency bias know that she was just added to the game i'm really enjoying her that's why i put her a nest here and i honestly wasn't sure at first when i did put horizon in the nest here but i think it shows that she was asked here for two entire seasons and i honestly do see valkyrie kind of being the same way and i again say this because this is a pub catered list where high kill games are our goal valkyrie much like gibraltar and bloodhound again has the entire kit of abilities an amazing set of passive abilities between a recon class a jet fighter type of hud when flying to find those enemies to jump on and a jet pack that'll last for a lot of different movement techniques that we are really yet to get the full realization of how good the jet pack can be the tactical is great and is a virtually mini free arc start every 30 seconds but the real power for me and pubs does come from that ultimate ability to pretty much jump on a new team every two minutes or less or even less than this if you have ultimate accelerants this is such a satisfying way to play the game for intense non-stop action all game long and it really does help the mid game in my opinion were a lot of my pub games before during the mid game you might get a team off spawn you know and then you got maybe five to six minutes where you're not finding anyone and you're just trying to find them valkyrie absolutely tries to minimize this again she's so satisfying to play for intense non-stop action valkyrie is definitely not as quite powerful as horizon was when she came out but i do see her being a contender in the top tier of apex legends pubs ranks and maybe even arenas so there we have it that is my apex legend season nine tier list for pub smashing drop a comment down below and let me know how you think valkyrie is shaking up in the meta of apex legends i think she is just gonna get better and better as we learn more about her abilities i will say i tried to make this tier list a little bit shorter than my last one every time a new season comes out we have another legend to talk about i really don't want these tier lists to be 25 minutes i just want to give you guys my impressions of all the legends in the game if you want any more information on the legends we've done a guide on every legend in the game so i definitely would check out the playlist in the description down below and in the corner of your screen and of course if you'd like to discuss more on apex legends hop into our community discord or stop by the twitch streams and we can chat about apex legends as always i appreciate the support until next time happy gaming legends [Music] you
Channel: TimProVision
Views: 272,930
Rating: 4.8503494 out of 5
Keywords: TimProVision, ranking the legends in apex legends, apex legends season 9 legends ranking, apex legends legends ranking, apex legends ranking all legends season 9, apex legends ranking all legends, apex legends ranking all legends in season 9, apex legends season 9 tier list, apex legends tier list season 9, best legend apex legends season 9, best legend season 9 apex legends, best legend apex legends, apex season 9 tier list, season 9 tier list, ranking the legends in apex, apex
Id: MF7lcjPDQtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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