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ranked can be one of the toughest things for players to take on in apex legends and this is even more so if you are a solo warrior however you are in luck as today we are going to do a deep dive into apex legends ranked for beginners this is the first part of a new series and we are going to start off by breaking down all the basic information you need plus some tips that will help you out at every rank so you can be sure to be getting maximum efficiency from your ranked games because this is the first part and we are just getting into it if you do want more unranked let me know by hitting that like button as i would love to do a breakdown of every rank from bronze into diamond if you do want more explanation or have any questions stop by twitch where we stream nearly daily and i would love to chat with you about apex legends so let's start off with an overview of how ranked works and while some of this will be fairly familiar i would implore you to listen because it is crucial to have a complete understanding of how ranked works so you can rank up more efficiently ranked in apex legends is fairly simple compared to some of the other games on the market you simply rank up by getting ranked points and these are earned in two or three ways the first comes from placement in your matches the better you place the more points you will get the breakdown is as follows any placement at 14th or lower will result in no points this is good to remember as at minimum you will need to get 13th or better to get some positive gains you will notice that really getting a win or a second place finish gives you much more points than any of the other ranks as in a first place finish will get you 100 points and the 10th place will only get you 10. this is a 10 times bonus just for getting a win in your game so how else can you get points well this is simply by just getting kills or assists in your game and this is a little bit less linear than placement it should be noted that your kill points or kp as most players refer to it as maxes out at six kills and or assists this means if you wipe two full teams and you get a kill or an assist on all six players you are going to be maxed out for the game and then you will want to prioritize your placement as i was saying though your kp is way less linear than placement you get a multiplier based off what placement you have this means the game tries to incentivize you not to only get good placement but also to get some kills or assists a player that gets a win with six kills will get a bonus 150 ranked points just for their kills whereas an 11th place finisher with 6 kills will only get 60 points for their kills as you can see you will want to walk the fine line of getting solid placement while also getting some kills so you can't get as good of a multiplier as possible so how do you lose points well every match requires you to enter with your current rank points and this depends on what rank you are bronze players however will enter for free and then at the top of the top a masters or predator player will be required to enter with 60 rank points just to get into their game this basically means that you will need to get some kills or a win towards the higher ranks in order to get some positive gains and it will require you to play a bit more thoughtful but tim on bronze how am i going to compete with those hard stuff diamond one sweats trying to get into masters well lucky for you and everyone that has to play with you you are going to be matched up with players in bronze or silver so that is right there are caps on who you will play against based on your rank and for the overall health of your games it's a little complicated but for the most part bronze and silver players will play together with other bronze and silver players and then gold with gold platinum with platinum diamond with diamond i should note that as a mid-tier gold player say you're gold two maybe gold three maybe gold one you will sometimes play with silver one players and then on the other side of the things you may get matched up with someone say at like platinum four diamond on the other hand is usually a mix of platinum one to low tier diamond and then is usually diamond one with masters players and then masters with predator players i'll throw a graphic up on screen to make this a bit more clear as to who you are potentially going to be matched with the one big takeaway though is that if you're a platinum player and your friends are silver you will not be able to play with anyone at a one rank difference for those that are in platinum or diamond however bronze and silver and gold all can play together but you will be matched based on the highest ranking player in the squad that is pretty much everything basic with how ranked works let's now just address why you may want to play ranked over pubs in case you are completely new to ranked and you're wondering what you might get out of it first is that you do get rewards for playing ranked and they do kind of fluctuate between each season but at the moment you will generally get a dive trail based on the rank you received a badge that you can flare for your highest rank of the season and the charm that you can put on your weapons depending on what rank you did receive generally the dive trail is what most people are looking to get though this is only available if you hit diamond masters or predator but for me personally the better reward is really the one that isn't seen it is the increase in your skill level by playing players that are at your experience level or slightly better this does give you the opportunity to really think about playing the game in a more strategic and meaningful way and it will generally reward you as such let us now move into overall general tips for ranked and it does require a few things to mention that you should be well aware of as always we want to rank up that is the goal and one of the ways of doing this is by thirsting or finishing your kills sadly i hate recommending it but in ranked you absolutely want to be finishing your knocked enemies but this doesn't mean you should be overly aggressive when doing it you don't want to throw the game because your back is to an alive enemy as you spam shoot that knocked enemy that you're trying to kill this isn't healthy for your gameplay and this isn't going to make you a better player this rolls me into a tip that is slightly in tandem with the last one and that is the importance of third partying and is even more so important in ranked if you are initiating a fight and you know there's another team nearby or two or three teams nearby you are going to be going back to lobby if you take too long to finish that fight keep this in mind if you are not a player who likes to take control of engagements by making aggressive plays being more passive in this scenario will result in a third party on the other side of things though you absolutely want to take advantage of a third party opportunity and you should and will need to capitalize on these opportunities every game to get more or less free kills and assists the higher in rank you go the more crucial it is for you to capitalize on these opportunities because they are much less frequent when you are a higher rank than when you are in the lower ranks while i am making this guide somewhat from the solo players thought process you do want to make the most of team shouting your enemies and this isn't only because it's gonna be easier to wipe enemy teams but also because you and your entire team will be getting rank points if you know you have complete control of an engagement and you're gonna win it feel free to ask your team if they have a tag on an enemy meaning they've done some damage this way you and them can both rank up together this may seem kind of obvious but it's something i find that very few players are actively talking about or observing in their games and this will not only make you and your team closer and ranked it will help you out in the long term with team coordination and overall team work next let's talk a bit about team tracking as i like to call it this is something that is absolutely crucial for you to do because again we want more rank points out of our games this is simply by understanding how many teams are left and how many players are left by understanding this you can better adjust your playstyle so you know who to be on the lookout for i'll quickly go over an example of this we are moving down the hill here into geyser in this game and i can see there are seven squads left with 15 total remaining players i'll subtract my squad from this which now means there are six squads with 12 players remaining if it were six full teams this would be a total of 18 players remaining this means there are absolutely some duo teams and even maybe a few solos around as we walk into the building i can already tell there's a 30 person squad in the adjacent building that is deeper into geyser at the same time i'm figuring this out an enemy team wipes two single players and it is now four squads with ten players remaining i know there's three to the east and i now know there's three to the south which brings us to four players remaining on two teams more than likely at this point it's probably going to be someone hiding or two duos that are in the back of geyser calculating all this information now on the fly lets me better adjust mine and my team strategy for winning the game unfortunately in this scenario though we really didn't have the best position as we were way too late rotating into geyser and unfortunately we did come up short in this game in the same vein of tracking enemy players if you're a three-stack and you know there's a few solos left in your game it might be wise to search for those players to get those free gains on players that are hiding often times you will find people edge creeping on the zone hiding under buildings so check all these areas and you might come out with some free kp for both yourself and your team if you are forced to do hiding be creative with your hiding spots try not to be too obvious obvious hiding spots are always buildings and under buildings and around buildings try to do something like hiding on the side of mountains and that kind of thing so next let's talk about what you're going to want to prioritize and this will change based on your rank a little bit as you get higher in ranks the more it costs to gain entry to your games which in turn means a bigger value will be placed on getting kills with solid placement for the most part though as a newer or lower ranked player i would 100 percent focus on placement you honestly can level all the way to platinum without killing anyone which is pretty crazy once you hit platinum or diamond you will really want to get kills otherwise gains will be minimal and excruciatingly slow however in all ranks i definitely recommend that you try to get at least one team to fight every game this ideally will give you half or at least some of your kill and assist points and help you get some practice when you're fighting if you don't do any fighting till you're like in gold say you're going to be in for a rough time and it's going to be a lot harder to rank up once you do hit those higher ranks as for other suggestions like weapons legends and landing spots this really differs from rank to rank and we will go over that in the future parts of the series so if you're like me and honestly until very recently i pretty much soloed the majority of my games the thought process of solo rank doesn't change much from pub games or ranked games but here are a few general tips for you solo warriors for starters it's absolutely paramount to be close to your team especially when you get into higher ranks if you're off on your own and an enemy team catches you in a bloodhound skin or just sees that you're being by yourself this is easy points and any decent team will farm you so fast you won't even know what happened second to this is to try and select your legend every game this increases your chance at being jump master and thus increases your control over the game landing in ranked and in general is arguably the most important part of the game unlike pub games though teams spread out way more which means it is harder to find a solo drop spot you'll want to be creative with area salute and i recommend flying decently far from the ship if you do want to increase your chances of living off spawn i'd say this really only matters at the high ranks but it will depend on your skill and how much fighting you want to do again we will break down this a little bit more in the later videos because honestly each rank does require a different thought process as for other tips there's not much to recommend that is specific to ranked i'd say to check out this video that is on screen and in the description down below if you do want some of my overall thoughts on how to play solo the obvious tips are of course to be pinging as much as possible within reason and to of course have a microphone in game chat so you can talk to your teammates but even then it's not guaranteed that they're going to be mic'd up one final thing i will always say is that you should never sacrifice your game to save that teammate who is completely throwing their game if a teammate is off on their own doing their own thing and they make a bad play without you don't feel compelled to go help because you want to be a good teammate knowing when to engage and when not to engage is very important and it generally comes in time but be smart and confident in your decision making if you are being self-aware and monitoring your team's locations this really shouldn't happen too often but nonetheless sometimes there's nothing you can do about that random teammate that just really likes to run off on his own the last thing i really want to discuss is going to be the overall mentality you probably will want to have when playing ranked apex legends arguably and hear me out this might be the most important part of this video and this is something you need to always remember what i'm about to say will drastically help you in staying positive and not letting yourself get too down when you are on that lost streak when you're losing game after game you're dying right off the spawn first losses are inevitable no one can win every game whether you're a little timmy or a member of a pro team you won't win every game what really matters is consistency placing top three or top five in nearly every game out of 10 games will favor you much more than winning two games and getting eight quick deaths off of a drop always remember this and in addition try your best not to get tilted as generally it ends poorly it makes at least myself be way more impatient not just end up making really dumb plays and decision making because i just want that action right now second of this not every player meaning both myself and yourself is a predator player a master diamond platinum or really whatever rank you're struggling to achieve everyone has room to improve and it's really important to remember this this doesn't mean that you can't be a masters player but i find that every player really needs to have great self-awareness of their skill level this kind of brings me to the fact of setting goals and trying to set goals in both the short and long term and use this to guide you maybe set a goal of i want platinum or diamond this season but i am struggling to get out of gold this might be reasonable because you are just about there you're almost in platinum you're already gold but saying that you want to get into masters this season when your heart starts gold one really isn't going to be healthy for both yourself or the people that you play with i would even say that in addition to this try to have a longer term goal of where you want to be in six months this could help guide your overall progression and give you something to work towards when you are playing the game and the last thing i want you to ask yourself are you putting the time into be that rank you are desiring and not only this are you thinking critically about your gameplay pro teams have three four five six thousand hour players that play this game daily sometimes this could be 16 or more hours a day and while you may not need to put in that much time to hit your goal just keep this in mind nothing is achieved simply because you want it put the work in and it will pay off time in is almost a guarantee of some improvement but you absolutely still need to be doing a few more things just on top of getting the reps in one of those is talking over your losses with your team after each game are you discussing what yourself and the team could have done as a whole to make a better outcome this will help you better be prepared for that next engagement also are you looking at your gameplay to see where you could have improved record a clip of yourself at the end of the game or if you can record the entire gameplay and review your near misses maybe you just had bad aim at the moment but maybe you also made a position error maybe you didn't realize someone was somewhere else while you really don't need to do all of this this is something that can be done to greatly improve your awareness not only in game but also of how good you are at the game so that is everything basic with getting you on the way to really getting a deep dive into ranked apex again if you would like more parts of this series where we break down how to play at each rank hit that like button to show me that you want it and if you need something to talk to about apex or find some players to play with join our community discord everything is down below i wish you the best of luck in your ranked grind and until next time i will see you live in the toy streams peace out you
Channel: TimProVision
Views: 34,281
Rating: 4.9547272 out of 5
Keywords: TimProVision, apex, apex legends, apex legends season 9, ranked, apex legends ranked, apex legends ranked guide, apex legends ranked gameplay, how to play ranked in apex legends, how to play solo ranked in apex legends, apex legends ranked guide for beginners, ultimate apex legends ranked guide, apex legends guide, apex legends guide for beginners, ranked apex legends, ultimate ranked guide apex legends, apex legends tips and tricks, guide, ranked guide, apex ranked, apex guide
Id: NInuOLc2hzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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