Ranking Streamers I Could Beat in a Fight...

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boys today we are doing what streamers could I beat in a fight what streamers could me ah oh oh wait what what what what what no no okay what street I reckon you have 15 seconds late no I was five seconds early [Music] thank you boys doctoral research as well let me catch up on some of these thank you so much so I'm actually going to be pulling name suggestions from like chat so I'm just I'm just gonna go on my go live list and just see like who could I be in a be in a fight you know who who do I think I could you know you know I'm just gonna I just thought I'd rank 27 months I just bought that's like no not even random this is what I've got set up win 50 50 or lose that's what I've got there is no middle ground there is no middle ground it's all or nothing we're going all in we're going absolutely All In and I have Wi-Fi go I have Wi-Fi guys almost a year I have Wi-Fi this is insane next bicep this is insane this is insane we're in 1080P high definition High bit rate whoa the stream look how pretty does it look all nice does it look all nice does it look all nice is it is it does it look nice are we all high definition again yes yes yes yes yes nice nice yeah so I have Wi-Fi again now how sick is that so now we have Wi-Fi should I should I wait wait what song do I want how how are we gonna intro the stream how are we going to enter the stream has notification gone out has notification gone out has it gone out are you ready are you ready wow fellas now you know me I'm pretty strong I'm strong I'm not actually strong today I'm gonna see which one of my friends I think I could be in a fight and then any of them dispute it we're gonna actually fight didn't think to mention that one did I didn't think to mentioned it if any of my friends if I say I could be any of my friends and they disagree I'm saying we actually fight we actually do it what's wrong with that I don't see anything wrong with that in fact I think that's gonna be perfectly fine and nothing nothing else could ever go wrong I will fight you oh my God oh my God Jay goes in chat oh my God it's Jago oh my God and he just stuck with Prime oh my God oh my God should I start with Diego how should I start this how should I start this fellas how do I start this okay all right I need to freaking decision Dome it up in here it's time to make some decisions I don't okay right where do I stop wait are there people in chat that want me to rank them cpk's here no he's just got chattering all open he's a fraud he's a phony weak ass white boy ah am I am I strong no not really but I will try oh you know fight me should I start with apple kuna no no it's the Wilbur Charlie there's so many people asking for Charlie wait wait wait where can I find a photo of Charlie where can I okay all right images look he's so full of joy in all of these photos he's so full of joy he's so full of joy do it do I reckon I could beat him in a fight do I now hmm I now how tall is Charlie how tall is Charlie because this matters this actually matters this actually matters how tall is Charlie I I think he's quite tall I think he's quite tall we've gone rock climbing together once he was quite good at it and quite tall he's five eleven I feel like it could go either way if you like if you like force feed me like three Red Bulls I reckon I've got it I reckon if someone forced me to consume three Red Bulls I reckon I got it which image do I want maybe this one yeah yeah this no no let's get a book there we go there we go this now this is the image this is the image let's just copy that image right okay hello Charlie so um right I reckon I reckon it we're around this kind of region on the scale of whether I win or lose I reckon we're around here okay I mean I reckon he's delulu search up the Chuck the Chuck is not real that is not really him that is not real the Chuck is not real a five-month stubble Bluff it's not real it's not real guys it's not real it's not real no it's not look at it it's not real I need I need Nintendo music that's what I need this isn't a Nintendo music is all that's gonna get me through today's stream if you guys are like this is real if you're if you're genuinely telling me that this is real I need Nintendo music that's all that's going to get me through today's stream right wrong photo I know what photo you're on about I know the photo look I can pull up the Instagram look look it's not real he didn't take that that's not him that's not him that is not him it's not him and then when I lied about it because that's not it's not him I just got you all red-handed I just got you all red-handed that's fake oh my God you're like your world view is shattering right now your life is crumbling around you it's not real look VidCon is in eight days I'm very excited to meet you since I got you as one of my meetings that's so hype let's do cartwheels okay I don't know if they'll let me do cartwheels but that's so hype I'm excited to meet you two King it's fake see it's fake who showed that image on screen see it's not real it's not real it's not real it's not real it's just not real it's not real I reckon right I reckon it's like here on the scale I reckon It's On the Border you're 100 hit beat you dude hey man all I've said you give me like six Red Bulls no one will beat me you know it just depends how much performance enhancing drugs I can take it's 50 lose maybe it's like wait maybe it's like 25 70. it's like I need I need like more more um took too much coping before the stream it might be a lose it might be a loot but maybe maybe a 50 50. it's like a 70 30. it's a classic twitch oh oh wait never mind oh I think it's a lose it's it's a lose isn't it it's a lose it's a lose it's a there's like a one percent chance I win all right there is a one percent chance you've got it right you've got to give me a one percent chance surely I have a one percent chance I need a one percent category 0.5 one percent stop laughing at me really okay all right it's a loss it's a loss it's a lose it's a lose Charlie slime sickle wins Charlie slime sickle would win okay zero percent what if I'm just like really hard and just go for the freaking the kidneys you know like what if I have strategy to it you know you know two percent max what what hope you're doing great today James right let's do James Murray wait that's funny that's funny wait that's funny see the scary thing about that is that he could just show up at my house which picture of James Merritt do we want to use should we which which photo we could pick any oh you know what I'll pick you don't get decision making capacity King you and I both know you will not win any of these fights kick what is Posh James Mario foreign all right fellas let's do this I this feels made I'm not gonna use this but I'm not gonna use this phone I'm not gonna use this photo I've deleted that bro I'm deleting it I've deleted it I've deleted it I'm deleting it we'll pick we'll pick it we'll pick a nice James bow we'll pick a nice James photo we'll pick a nice James photo I mean every photo of James is a nice James photo uh but we're gonna pick this one all right James Mario now James Marriott standing in at like six foot like five something massive I have to look up at him he's Latin uh guys I reckon we got a shot I reckon we're gonna no yeah that's just that's just like no there's just no way you know 50 I say 50 50 you're insane you're insane have you seen the guy by the way if you're new to the Stream please consider following the stream that would be rather poggers hit the follow button hit the follow button go on do it your name will appear like down down there and everyone will wave at you maybe I think it's a loss I think it's a loss I think it's a loss go for the ankles I don't think you're allowed to do I think it's a loss I think it's a hundred percent a loss you know genuinely genuinely I think it's just a loss I think there's no way to save that I think James Marriott collaps us I think James Marriott claps us wow maybe this is just me being like wow how weak am I how weak am I yeah yeah yeah maybe I just need to slow down and really focus on uh or uh you know my moves and then we can then we can fight all right who's next surely surely we do Tom silence surely I need to put one in the winning category surely surely no I just put in Tommy Mario that is not what I want surely which photo which is an iconic photo wait for this one what a great not cursed image there he is sorry it's trying to put a jump scare warning up uh here he is it's certainly him can I like can I like how do I crop in Photoshop no that's it I'm just gonna freaking hello come here control J cool delete nice we have this nice photo now so um guys guys this is kind of this is kind of an the easiest W of my life okay this is kinda this is kind of the biggest W ever ever this is kind of dare I say the greatest W anyone could ever take the easiest one perhaps the easiest win ever perhaps there will never be a win as easy as this win for me like don't get me wrong Tom Simons is my best friend and we're we're just we're just we're just some some friendly butts you know we're just some friendly butts but at the end of the day man is built like a stick insect and you can blow on stick insects and they fall off trees I would win I would win I would win I would just win like it's not even this isn't even up for discussion right we're all in agreeance right I would definitely win he may be six foot and I may be five seven maybe five six not really sure but I would win I would definitely win I think that's great no I'm glad we're all in agreeance who next who next bad boy Halo why what why were you Google Bad Boy Halo as the first search like autofill bad boy Halo feet I'm not even making this up why is the first Google auto fell bad boy Halo feet not not bad boy Halo YouTube not bad boy Halo like Minecraft skin not bad boy hello skeppy it's bad boy Halo feet it's the first search autofill this is like the world's weirdest game of Google Feud wow all right bad boy Halo you're up you're up you're up look at this look at this Smiley guy bad boy halo jump scare huh here he is look at this Smiley guy look at this little Smiler look look he know he he know he know nothing but but but dog that replies that everyone's tweets and will not [ __ ] disappear guys imma be real bad boy Halo owns many guns so for that reason I think it might be 50 50. I think it might be 50 50 just because of the amount of guns he owns so I think I don't know he throws knife you're not allowed to use knives you're not allowed to own you're not allowed to work you're not allowed to use knives otherwise average Harry would win literally every single fight that could ever happen you know you're not allowed to use knives he owns guns he owns so many guns and I'm not even lying is what I would say if I wasn't even lying which I'm not I'm not lying at all why of course he owns so many guns he owns so many guns no way he does I don't know someone asked him next time he's live ask him if he has any guns I reckon he has so many guns I don't know strikes is a guy with a lot of guns I reckon he I reckon he has about five or six maybe seven maybe eight maybe nine you know three months him a little late but hope you're doing well turbo Turbo Bluff you know he literally has a license to carry what what what it's not a bet he owns guns yup all right okay uh yeah 50 50. 50 50. here just shoot me dead he'll shoot me dead he'll shoot me dead he'll shoot me dead he'll shoot me dead he'll just shoot me dead he'll merely shoot me dead okay he'll Shoot Me Dead with his with his with his with his many bad bad boy guns you know bad lettuce please oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh we could definitely do an iconic bad Lily rate all right it's actually Freddy's birthday tomorrow why do I wait how did I know that wait am I jagging or am I right I act right how did I just know that I'm I'm such a great friend how did I know that wait how did I just know that I okay that's fine moving on moving on sorry when you think I would win against Freddy bro you know he goes to the gym like at 5 00 a.m Freddie Bradley do lying in bed I shut suddenly woke itch it's time for the gym at 5am Sprints to the gym Like Flint Lockwood from like oh my god the guy from Cloudy of a charter people I guys I'm not sure Freddie Bartlett is a w ow um I'm not sure if Freddie badlin is a w fellas 50 50 you genuinely think 50 50. you genuinely think that and no one's coerced you to think to say 50 50. you genuinely think you genuinely think 50 50. actually I do all right all right I mean I wouldn't have put I wouldn't have put him there in fact I probably wouldn't have put him there at all I would have put him like in this bottom corner down here you know why'd I put James Murray there why why oh [ __ ] it it doesn't matter if bad's a 50 50 wait if bads are 50 50 then there's no way you lose to fret holy [ __ ] Freddy could kick bad's ass genuinely without a question Freddy could [ __ ] kick bad's ass are you kidding are you kidding he could guys guys there is no way there is no way he couldn't no he can't if you fellas fellas are we talking about the same Freddy badly right now Freddie badlin who that goes to the gym at the crack of dawn every day goes on Hikes goes on runs you're saying we put that man in in in a ring with bad boy hello who's looking after an egg nine days a week you're saying Freddy doesn't come out on top are you big for real are you big for real right now there's no way you're being for real I've got a I've got a chat full of a bunch of clowns there's no way you're being for real nine days a week yeah that was a little yeah don't bring Dapper into this I'm bringing Dapper into this parenthoods make them soft [Music] parenthood's made him soft I'm telling you there is no world there is no world where freddy bad Lily loses despite there is no world Dapper doesn't need to be involved is that for dead or alive I'm not up to date because if Dapper's dead then maybe bad has a chance you know oh alive no bat has no chance no chance no chance no chance whatsoever no shots that's just no shot that's just no shot foolish that's okay well I mean bro do I really need to put foolish on this list come on come on you know where this [ __ ] man lands on this list bro like it's like come on bro it's not even it's not even like bro how on Earth do I win there is no way there is no world where I win there is no world where I win why do I even need to put him on the list why do I even need to put him on the lit there's no world he would beat the [ __ ] out of me not break a sweat and then go to freaking like Nando's and get a butterfly Burger you know like it would just be it would just be your average walk in the park for man's like foolish like it would just be so it would just be so easy for him man it would just be so so easy for him he would pump me into pulp I would be the Pope that they put inside of orange juice that will be me okay all right can I I'm gonna just squish him a bit to make him Square there we go all right easy W for foolish easy W not even not even not even not even a second four Phil now Phil now Phil could be funny all right Mr Minecraft you listen here and you listen good see I don't know if I could ever lay a hand on Phil I don't know if I could ever lay a hand on Phil we just we just generally don't know we generally don't know which way this will go and like a morality question you know you know genuinely don't know 50 50. 50 50 ways do you think age is coming into it do you think age is coming into it do you think 50 50 it could be a 50 50. it could but Phil's is in his prime right now guys he's in his prime those at his prime you know I have yet to reach my Prime I have yet to reach my Prime and you should click the sub button to see if you can reach for your Prime today did you know that everyone on Twitch has a free twitch Prime subscription and not even many people know that they have it so if you click the sub button it won't charge you straight away you'll see a box that says subscribe with prime so please do just check if you have a prime because I appreciate it was that a really good was that good was that smooth was that smooth was that smooth oh my God cherish thank you for the prime was that smooth was that a w transition was that a w transition [Music] I think it's fine I think it's 50 50. oh my God wait that's a lot of price thank you for the primes moose Grove as well I appreciate it thanks to the void for the Free Runs taking for the 10 months of prime Lonnie as well thank you quackity next I'm not sure I could beat quackity I'm not sure I could be quackity I'm not sure I could beat big cute I reckon Phil's a 50 50. I reckon Anything could happen anything could happen Anything Could Happen Anything Could Happen all right this guy this guy right here oh why is it trying to save I was trying to copy hello welcome I think I lose I think I lose easily I think this is the biggest loss of my life man I think I lose I think it's over I think I really easily lose I think I think it's a loss okay hear me out we don't have many wins right now what excuse you what what the hell hello where is that coming from what the ah I think it's a loss it's a loss I think it's a loss huh I already lost the best Minecraft or award to him it's fine it's fine I'm not still mad about the streamer Awards I'm actually still mad about the streamer Awards I am I'm not over it no I am over it no I'm not over it no I I am over it I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm I'm not I'm not over it I flew to La I flew to L.A I'm not over it I'm not over I no I'm over it it's fine it's fine I'm over I'm I'm not over it um I'm over it I'm so completely and utterly over it I'm so completely and utterly over it foreign I hope I am I really hope I am I'm so over it this year this year this year will be different this year's streamer Awards he can't win two in a row he can't win two in a row he can't win two in a row peaceo all right guys all right guys 14 months I don't have a screenshot I've got a piece of four screenshot right now five months yippee that's all I'm gonna say that's all I'm gonna say ah I clicked on the stream at a very interesting moment hello um hey piso uh yeah hi man how are you um you having a good day uh uh welcome on into the Stream nothing I was just saying I just do you know I mean I just I just you know it was um it was it was in uh yeah I would I'd kick your ass in a fight I think sorry I was just gonna come out and say it I just gotta come out what's going on Tabo uh how is it going what's going on here how's it going having a great day I'm sure nothing could ruin it I was just saying I thought I could beat you in a fight I mean I didn't think it was that I didn't think it was that deep you know I didn't I didn't really pay too much attention to it uh are you still there oh like hey like he's still there or is it like hey Tabo are we good I bets that you can win thank you oh uh what do you mean oh what do you mean oh what's wrong man I mean we had such good team Synergy in MCC uh uh uh uh you might want to reconsider oh [ __ ] um um oh you're a biter maybe I think it's still a win though I feel like I just like grab the jaw like stop stop it stop stop you know like you know foreign stop you know you know no no standard w ow Stella W no uh let's fight then all right hop on a plane let's fight twitch Connie you you versus me Creator Clash twin conditioners oh my God I'd still win I reckon I'd still win oh my God I reckon I'd still win I reckon I still win all right I reckon it's a dump our guy's a w I reckon it's a w next up I reckon it's a w Ah that's my streamer regalo Amy Amy oh God I don't know how to spell aimsy's name uh not even mad just upset haha no you'd win I'll admit it whatever not even mad not even upset haha oh no this feels this feels the Spells this fails like I'm not reading into this at the end of the message but this was kind of I'm feeling some I'm feeling some really really strong ah copium just wait till I do a muscle reveal oh oh oh 20 months oh you haven't done a muscle reveal oh I can see your Twitch ID oh that's weird wait that means your stream key starts with six one three eight six six two thirty bizarre I've been hiding my strength and abs from the world oh God oh God oh God so you're just secretly a giga Chad and teeth oh dear all right next up MZ TV big aimsy TV all right Angie TV screenshot oh nope that's save [Music] [ __ ] I just closed the music window oh I don't know how to stream I don't know how to freaking stream man all right ngt genuinely not even kidding not even kidding I have a 100 Fight Win rate it's not even I'm not even kidding genuinely actually 100 I'm being honest not this again I'm being honest you've told us this before I know I know I know I know let's scrap then oh do I okay do I have to do after Chari OT I just got attached from Koi piso saying this is the last thing you will see in a fight with me before the light Fades and you're finished by the way [Music] and then he put later on hashtag and teeth reveal yeah so that's the last thing I'd say but I still take no dub I still take the dub I still take that dub foreign Was Bitten to death Scott oh my god let's do Scott all right fellas I kicked Scott's ass I win I went easy I kicked Scott's ass come on it's homophobic to win sweet sweet victory I mean what I win I win this easy I win this easy come on that's so funny where are you why are you going top vote I think this is a dub I think this is a dub I think I could beat Scott in a fight I think I could beat Scott in a fight okay sure Tavo genuinely aimsy over Scott yeah I have more of a chance of beating Scott in a fight than Amy easily easily easily because like you can't you can't fight aimsy TV and come out a winner you know so it's not a win no matter what but I could definitely I could definitely beat Scott definitely definitely that's so funny the match is screeching us because I'm wiggling it because that's funny all right next up call call uh I don't I don't know I don't know genuinely don't know I think it could go either way you know I think it could go over way I think it could go either way 50 50. 50 50. he's still he is tall hmm it could go either way either a huge dub or a huge loss really no one wins when you when you fight your friends you know no one really wins okay what the [ __ ] I think I think it's 50 50. I think it's 50 50. where's my actual music where'd it go what is this song oh my God why is this in my playlist who put this in my playlist [Music] what [Music] oh my God [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] foreign [Music] to this all right next [Music] jacked massive fold Jack to massive [ __ ] [ __ ] he's huge hello what are we thinking of jacked massive fold fellas guys what do we think of this guy look look a hundred percent lost seriously no foreign listen here he actually Jack actually said to me that this is not even cap this is not even cat Jack actually said to me that if if I train the same amount the same amount he did we would be quite an even match up he said that he said that he genuinely did [Music] have you trained though you never know I bite I might to fight Jack Battlefield I bite I might you know [Music] biggest owl is actually an L is this an L take am I taking an L take right now are you big for real you being for real you don't reckon I've got this is it an owl sorry turbo ow oh you can't say we didn't try you can't say we didn't try schlatt hmm hmm guys he shoots me dead on site he shoots me down on site we don't even get to fight we don't even get to fight we don't even get to fight he just shoots me dead on the spot you're dying frame one yeah I die frame one what does Harry say you would not lose to Jack what Harry what are you even saying right now I think this is an immediate l he shoots you out of frame yeah yeah I died before the for the fight even starts yeah I don't I don't sound a chance you've got Jack and Lou's you could beat his ass I think oh are we talking a bit of a re-evaluation of the manifold no no hear me out though do you guys remember in the summer fun when we boxed and I gave him a bloody nose do you remember that do you remember that oh [ __ ] wait [Music] because he was pulling his punches Maybe Maybe but still I felt like excited for VidCon I definitely am I am very excited thank you so much for the six months I appreciate it so much he was literally not allowed to hit you no that's not true no no no no no no no no no no no no I think 50 50. [Music] I think 50 50. I think 50 50. you just had surgery yeah and I still gave him a bloody nose five days out of surgery just still gave him a bloody nose surely that's evidence for 50 50. surely surely flip a coin so true where's a coin I'll flip a camera cap if it if it if it lands on the top it's an hour that lands not on the top it's not now it landed not on the top it's not now it's not now it's not now rigged wrecked wrecked uh yeah sure oh my God it's aimsy I have no signal and can't hear the stream but you wouldn't beat me well that's why you're in 50 50. it could go either way Amy you got to be careful with what you say in the chat because a caveat for this chat is that if you think you could beat me and I think I could beat you we actually fight be careful now be careful now be careful now be careful with your words Amy be careful let's do a stream web we fight plus no hurry I like to keep my teeth in my mouth uh right foreign he's been asking to fight me for ages and I think this is really [ __ ] funny I think that's really [ __ ] funny I mean I mean come on I mean come on I mean come on come on that's so good that's so good dude [Music] it'll just be so easy Remember The Slap bro all right here's the right here's the thing with the slap I wasn't one he used his [ __ ] hand not the [ __ ] bread and you can't even say I'm lying you can go back in the VOD go frame by frame and see his [ __ ] hand slap me across the face oh that's so funny yeah but um why'd the music stop oh I paused it didn't I but yeah no so I win I win it's not even a competition it's not even a competition it's the easiest [ __ ] win ever man it just it wouldn't be fair it wouldn't be fair I would say Max is probably the easiest win on on the entire list of people right now out of all the wins I'd say Max is the easiest win easily easily crumb I would never be up crumb I would I I would lose that fight by forfeit Beckham on wait I think Batman's live right now let's just let's just take a [ __ ] screenshot of the vacuum on hello the Batman hello back him on screenshot acquired live live back here at new vacuum on screenshot just dropped gang [ __ ] [Music] all right guys now morally morally this is a loss okay morally it's a loss but it's a it's a 50 50 or maybe a win wait I can still hear back him on oh hello Batman I think it's a 50 50. I think it's a 50 50. I think it has to be genuinely has to be a 50 50. King she's taller than you know she's not with exactly the same height I'm in fact an inch taller then it's not exactly I think it's 50 50. oh my God apocuna oh my God apocuna in chat there's no images of Apple kuna on Google Images there's no apocuna images four months you pee all right profile picture but I've seen apocuna no shot easiest win of my life sorry sorry I'm just that good I'm just that good come on hey I don't even need to think about it come on yo chat can you okay I'll catch chat chat I got a request for you can you can you stop the name spam yo yo holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] wait mind like revolutionary idea I let you get away with it for an hour before it started to piss me off if you would so graciously time everyone out that spams a name for a week like an hour I'd appreciate it [Music] all right now behave a lot of use next up oh my God wait should I see who's live should I go through streamers I just live Scots I've already done Scott Owen Owen what's up Owen oh here he is oh I could oh cut let's grab a photo of Owen hello Owen oh my God w-o-n-w-o and W Owen I'm not even gonna lie to you guy makes Minecraft data packs come on come on w w absolute w absolutely w come on that's actually such a w I win I win against Owen that's a w I can't see a world where I lose to oh and genuinely I can't oh and long time friend of the stream Owen I don't lose this if I'm saying if I could beat you Owen already could beat me so I'm definitely gonna lose yeah I could be Owen easily easily me and I would actually fought already on vacuum on sofa we've started fighting we started fighting so I I won I completely won I literally completely won I'm new and I am buggers welcome poggers chatter welcome guys there's someone new in the chat and that poggers no way welcome oh my God oh my God we missed you we missed you who else is live hmm [Music] I could do H bomb hey oh he doesn't have a webcam on oh I was gonna screenshot his face but he doesn't have a webcam on uh nah unfortunate unfortunate uh ah shucks ah [Music] Nah by the way if you are new to the stream please consider hitting the follow button please consider hitting the follow button I'd appreciate that greatly I'd appreciate that greatly Owens chat is ratting us out [Music] no no no no no [Applause] names names who write us this out who ratted us out who did it who did it who I'm gonna go get a sausage roll sure have some hi please please scram away scram away please thank you it's not an issue not an issue you're welcome you're completely welcome next up Mr Beast guys do I lose to Mr Beast in a fight do I lose to Mr Beast in a fight be honest really he'd pay me to take the full he'd pay me to take the full he'd pay me to take the fool that's why that's why I'd lose right novel novel no other option right every day it would only be because he paid me to take the full right right he's been working out oh no he'd pay someone to fight for him no no he can't oh okay let me get a little square image of his head with money hello Mr Beast are you an owl I think you're an owl I think I lose to Mr Beast I think I lose to Mr Beast I reckon you could take him I don't reckon I could fight me I lose the car left there's no point putting none on the list no point for another I think I lose to Mr Beast I think I easily lose [Applause] I don't I don't win that do I that's pathetic no please please dumb talk to me talk to me pathetic but true what do you mean pathetic what do you mean pathetic what's pathetic what is what is following since two days ago account also created two days ago I don't know okay hey man give me a break hey man you're the one that came out in chat and you were like names now thank you thank you oh you're actually you're actually quite a good little chatter aren't you all right maybe maybe we give you a break maybe we give you a break maybe it is pathetic if I lose the Mr Beast but true maybe you have legs maybe maybe shinny underscore bat has legs I'm new okay I know you're new I know you're new gay disaster 16 gifted a tier one sub to shiny underscore bats yeah they have given 204 gift Subs in the channel well you just got a sub King enjoy the sub for example the gifted sub thank you all right next up what other YouTubers that I could be in a fight wait Austin I haven't done Austin guys I'm not sure I really needed to tier list half these people I'm not sure I need to tier list half these people I'm not gonna lie to you I'm not gonna lie to you I feel like this is just I feel like this is just the I feel like at this point it's just over for me look I feel like I don't even need to guys let surely Austin to win surely surely Big L massifest our biggest l fellas fellas yeah no Austin's got it all right fine fine fine okay okay Captain Sparkles are you [ __ ] me are you [ __ ] me is this just like the list why don't guys you know it'll be really fun let's make a list of all of the people that could kill that could kill streamer isn't that so great isn't that so funny and Epic isn't that so epic like isn't this like Carl must be a w i put Carl in 50 50. Carl's in 50 50. dirt up all right yo chat run it back stop spamming names bro I'm just picking names out of my imagination I'm not I'm not I'm not reading names from you I'm pick I'm I'm thinking of them and I'm like that's funny I'm using my imagination fine don't don't find me what do you mean fine what do you mean what do you mean fine fine what do you mean Lemo I yeah you what what's fine what's fine with a capital S no full stop no emote what is hey hey thank you for the nine months please talk to the prime as well no please tell me what's fine I don't know no emo people getting called out today that's how we do things now [Music] leave leave him it's his imagination yeah yeah what about you then six whole months you want me to leave them alone what about you huh huh huh no one is safe No One Is Safe what now what now fortnite blacks yes what have you got to say for yourself oh shoot oh you're not on mobile are you are you on mobile are you on mobile hello hi it's my birthday today are you on mobile now I am how did you know oh I just I had I don't know I just had an egg clink [Music] you know that's no like no reason for it I just I just had an Inkling bro you're my idol oh you've made it sweet now stop don't say that [ __ ] about me no no oh all right stop attacking people why you got a problem Yan sitting the naughty step for 30 seconds no one's safe today no one's safe today who's next who's next oh my God no one ppos that's what I thought now find me some people asses and sit down oh all right next up now you're always scared now you're quaking now you're quaking look at you oh look at you oh 1v1 in Chatters back your screen we're shaking in our pants for real for real that's so true that's so true see this is this is just me on my quest to become an uncomfort streamer I'm just on my quest to become an uncomfort streamer you know the use it's just the use I'm trying to think of YouTubers I'm scrolling in my recommended I'm scrolling in my recommended looking for a YouTuber hmm right now let me look at my twitch live because those are actually streamers which ones are my friends alive show more Martin in the little word foreign in the little wood hello some people call him the second filter of the of the South hello [Music] what do we think what do we think is it a w he has a wife and kids he does have a wife and kids [ __ ] no W he's a Minecrafter I'm a Minecrafter W you think Martin in the little words are w wrong you're a starting soon streamer right right no no no what did you mean by that now what do you mean by that I'll have you know I started before the 10 minute mark on today's stream I started before the 10 minute mark and I started five seconds early five whole seconds early what's the issue huh Pals Powers friends in the chat what's the issue congrats nothing getting scared again no please please anyone has an issue feel free to Rave your raise your hand nothing bad will happen to you please raise your hand talk up oh you do oh nice nice hello hi Liz oh Littles what's wrong what's wrong sit on the naughty step you don't even get to speak back anyone else have issues anyone else's have issues anyone else have issues no [Music] Polo King you're all about your pick me Chatters sometimes you know that all of you funny guys putting up your hands right now you're all a bunch of pick me Chatters right now don't don't don't don't you think I don't see it run away I'm not okay not all of you some of you sorry I did a little yawn I did a little yawn I didn't mean to do a little yawn hey no way we are pick me the mud's adding all of like all of the freaking hand icons as block terms right now that's funny all right I reckon it's a w I reckon it's a w I reckon against Martin's a w nah is it not a w yep sure nah okay 50 50. 50 50. I'm chatting I'm chatting I'm trying 50 50. it's 50 50. it's 50 50. it's 50 50. his children will eat your toes what what Nikki just replied to me on Twitter saying I'm flying over there to take you grocery shopping this is an intervention I it can't go on like this I need help guys all right listen I've got a tweet to show you I've got a tweet to show you now I wasn't gonna bring this up I wasn't gonna bring this up right I wasn't gonna bring this up but so this is this is what right I would argue that I have made significant Improvement okay so this here is what my fridge used to look like okay okay this this is what my fridge used to look like this is the before okay this is the before it is butter vodka ketchup milk apples milk orange juice okay now this is the new one hey hey is that not an improvement now it's orange juice orange juice Pasta Pasta the sausage rolls butter butter Scotch eggs cocktail sausages ketchup vodka cookie vodka pineapple juice apples orange juice orange juice orange juice is that not an imp is that not an improvement is that not an improvement is this not an improvement this is an improvement worst fridge ever yep I can't believe you'd say this this to me I can't believe you'd say these things to me that's it I'm upset you've upset me I'm leaving I'm sorry I didn't see you there I was too busy getting a sausage roll out of my perfectly acceptable fridge do we have an issue do we have an issue because I don't want to have an issue I don't want to have an issue look I've got my [ __ ] grippers out look I don't want to have an issue with you guys I don't I don't so this is a grippers free zone what do you mean what do you mean what are you gonna do what are you gonna do sorry I'm in an argumentative mood today oh my God guys it's golden hour outside okay wait fellas fellas I think this is about everyone
Channel: TubboLIVE
Views: 67,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, tubbo, tubbolive, live, stream, live stream, tubb, tubbo vods, tubbo vod, tubbovods, tubbovod, tubbo twitch vods, tubbo tommy, tommyinnit, vod, tommy, innit, tubbo jamesmarriott, james marriott, james marriott new song, james marriott so long, tubbo james marriott, Slimecicle, Philza, TommyInnit, Quackity, WilburSoot, Jschlatt, FoolishGamers, CaptainSparklez, MaxGGs, Badlinu, JackManifoldTV, Freddie Badlinu, Aimsey, AustinShow, jack manifold, tier list, tubbo buff, slimecicle buff
Id: N92Hw25nr2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 19sec (5359 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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