Huge Streamer Awards Drama

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chat Focus cuz today I want to tell a little story about the streamer Awards cuz if you don't know I want a whole ass award and we're going to talk about not just me winning the award but why I not happy about winning this award we'll get into that in a little moment but first some context of course everybody knows about the streamer Awards 645,000 people tuned in at one point during the event on Saturday it's one of the biggest shows on all of twitch and cutie crushes it every single year and this year was no exception it was a [ __ ] fantastic year and really the first thing that I had to do for the streamer Awards like my job was to get an outfit that was actually the first time where I was like oh [ __ ] the stream rewards are coming up I have to do some work it was getting it was literally getting close and specifically I had to get a fit that I had to match with some Crocs so we're going to watch this clip right here hello I'm joined here with lwig what why are you doing [ __ ] me eyes at the C what are you doing we are in the I don't know why I was doing [ __ ] eyes but I will say the picture that they grabbed from this moment is kind of electric oh no he's hot I do look like I'm mewing I don't know why I look like I'm mewing but I do look like I'm [Music] mewing hey let me touch it no you can't touch her besides your color BL don't oh no what happened to your ship oh no something dangerous happened oh no maybe it was a big wave oh no I guess I can't touch it what am I doing now then but I guess you can't do anything cuz your big warship just got crushed by a big dude and I guess all the fuel came out of the the boat and it got into the water I guess oh and all the orcas are dying cuz no one gets the CH what lwig has ever and I also have to use hair gel and I've bought shampoo unlo with and everything good in my life cuz I have hobes that enrich my life like [Music] building [Music] attention all hands on deck popular content creators are making waves in the World of Warships franchise create a World of Warships PC or World of Warships Legends account and play to get ingame items inspired by fan favorite YouTubers have fun with your host with the most ludvig stonebeard it's lwig and his individual voiceover we've destroyed an enemy Cruiser Stone beard Crest flag and the stonewash ship skin all of this is waiting for you in World of Warships franchise join now and let's battle now what I should mention if you look at my FIT top to bottom everything above the boot cost me $500 to buy which was a very reasonable price the Overcoat the jacket the undershirt the pants all tailored $500 all in it's a great deal man the boots were $1,000 okay it's not something I'm proud of I'm not proud that I spent $1,000 on the boots but you know I will say it was part of my job okay what do I mean by that I was sponsored by Crocs to wear Crocs to the event now what those beautiful people over at Crocs don't know is that I do this [ __ ] for free thank you very much don't mind the little paycheck I literally did this [ __ ] for free when I won streamer of the year two years ago this was my FIT I wore red Crocs with a Kow Lightning McQueen thing and accepted accepted being the number one streamer that year cool very cool this year I was a Crocs Ambassador and so I figured you know if they're going to give me a little bread to show up with some Crocs I should make sure I show up correct and so my idea is I would get the Crocs boots and I'd show up looking like a country guy with a bolo tie what I actually ended up looking like was more accurately SpongeBob with the squeaky boots anyway the boots were a hit you know they they they they definitely caught some attention they also caught a bit of liquor this is Rob CD during the show using my giant croc boot while he's being announced as a nominee for best IRL streamer why doing a shoey out of it a classic Australian tradition where you pour alcohol into a shoe and then you drink out of the shoe and Rob CD beast mode that's Beast [ __ ] and the people goes to Jenny shout out Jenny so anyway shoes were a hit and you might have noticed if you guys watch the show online or if you follow me on Twitter I was tweeting a lot during the streamer Awards and every time someone would go up on stage I would take a picture like a like a like a mother would at her son's uh soccer game I would go like this and then I would post the picture online and then I would just make up a caption about how I taught them what they know to get where they are crazy to think I showed quacky what Minecraft was 20 years ago when we were hanging out like we used to do very often so proud of him wolf Emoji crying face emoji Star Emoji this is so crazy I taught him how to be gay in reference to Austin show winning best streamed series except for Cutie who all the credit in the world to her I didn't teach her [ __ ] she's the goat and the reason that I'm clarifying here this tweet in this story is that a lot of people after the streamer Awards have given me a lot of credit in fact even during the streamer Awards because I'm dating cutie people are under the impression I did something like at one point I was sitting in the venue drinking champagne and someone goes dude beautiful venue and I was like yeah and they're like great job I was like with what I didn't do anything I know that I am a big part of offbrand and fund offbrand but guys I I didn't do so much of anything I even said to cutie and offbrand I do not want to be in any of the negotiations conversations about production for this show I don't want any bias cuz cutie you know she did a normal thing that you do where she reach out to a bunch of production companies and I was like I don't want me to be a part of the equation it feels weird right this is her thing it's not my thing she should do her thing I shouldn't be a part of it in any way shape or form so even if I'm an owner of offbrand I don't want to be a part of it do your thing in fact I had basically two ways I helped and I'm going to limit myself to that I did two things the first thing and I'll give myself a little bit of credit here whether you liked it or not I'm the one who came up with the idea of inviting lethan got vict which is why I was getting [ __ ] lit when Leviathan came out the just just cuz I really like the song and cutie was needing performers okay that's one thing I did the other thing that I did for streamer Awards is I was a proud supporter I was sat seated at the front row in the very middle and the reason this happens I think maybe cutie might like me but also I will cheer the loudest for every single person who comes up on stage I will laugh at every single joke I will Applause at every single moment and I will give feedback wherever it is fit and you might have heard it throughout the show I'm going to give you an example of it here in fact I'm bringing up this as an example because Nikki came up to me after the show to thank me because she heard me yelling in the crowd and just see if you can hear me yell hello oh God hi hi everyone are you having a good night like in a moment like that when she says that I literally went [Music] yes I am so nervous right now okay I think right there I just yelled don't be so and so that's and that's what I did right I sat in the front row I laughed really hard and and I and I clapped really hard and I tried to support everybody who's on the stage which led to a lot of reactions that I found out after the show a lot of people screenshotted and uh tweeted and uh posted of me CU because I was I was going nuts at every single [ __ ] second I was just trying to be there man I was trying to be as present as possible as in engage as possible it even led to this clip which for whatever reason it reminds me of that clip I think from one of those like America's Got Talent shows where it's the kid whose face is like this so anyway that was it that's literally all of my involvement with the streamer Awards I had no responsibilities I didn't have to announce any awards I wasn't a red carpet hosts I didn't expect to win and that's a key part because I did start this story by saying I I ended up winning I not expect this and I don't say that in like a very modest humble way I didn't expect it because I have self-described last year as the worst year of my career right and the event that I wanted to run chess boxing 2 was cancelled and dodgeball was a last second rushed replacement for that event and because I didn't expect to win and because I didn't even want to win I started drinking a bit nothing crazy nothing crazy man I was just I was having a good time is all so I was a little bit drunk right I a little bit which isn't a problem if all you're doing is sitting down eating food and clapping at an award show it is a problem when this happens and the winner goes to [Applause] lwig I got a lot of comments on how I reacted to being announced as the winner and I want to clarify it is an absolute honor to win a streamer award it is very sweet that enough people who are probably also in here watching this voted for me to make it possible but again it's not something I wanted to win and we'll get into why and I was also [ __ ] drunk by this point so when I go up on stage I had jack [ __ ] all to say I don't even remember what I said this will be my first time watching uh hey what's up how's it going everybody everyone have a good night uh this is a surprise because last year was my worst year as a Creator uh self-described I did fail to run a chess boxing event but still somehow lost 200k in that process so it's still flattering to receive this award I hope I'm still able to make cool [ __ ] I'm going to say it right now I got five years in me left maximum so I hope in that time I do some cool [ __ ] thank you all have a good dude I I just noticed Peach jars moving like a Hitman NPC in that time I do some cool [ __ ] thank you all have a good night shout out [Applause] cutie by the way high social IQ right there I walk up to cutie I go to kiss her cuz I love my girlfriend I see that she has makeup on I'm like can't kiss the the lips can't kiss the cheek go for the shoulder just like [ __ ] phenomenal Play Drunk lwig couldn't have played it better myself sober anyway that was that now two things we got to talk about first thing I'm seeing in the chat right now five years left we should talk about that when I say five years left what do I mean it means I will leave you all and abandon you for nothing to get cigarettes and never come back does that make you feel better no okay what it means what it means look look look look look look look technically this week February 16th 2019 I went full time as a content creator so I've been doing it for five years full-time half of a decade if I do another five years that will be 10 full years to me I don't want to be what I doing what I'm currently doing then it doesn't mean that I won't ever make another video again doesn't mean that I won't ever go live again but what it means to me is that I want to pursue something else in the short time that I get on earth that is slightly different than what was working for the previous you know five current years that I've had and the possible five future years that I might have I don't necessarily mean in 10 years I withdraw and become a recluse I more so mean that I don't want want my job to be pumping Out YouTube videos and streams at nauseum that's it back to it so I wasn't initially as you could see in my reaction pumped about winning the event but the reason I was concerned about it is because in the past when I have won I've received some [ __ ] because I'm dating the person who runs the event and there's you know always some accusations that it's that is rigged unfair whatever even though it's a very straightforward process and you know it is ultimately your guys fault that still happens so I tried to avoid it this year obviously to no success and of course literally within 24 hours of the show ending I got a DM from from a actually a couple of creators and one of them tilted me and I'm not here to [ __ ] start [ __ ] or or bring up names but they said something to the effect of your event was actually the worst of the four which I was like what do you want from me it was so out of pocket I don't know why the hell it was necessary to throw that out at me but that just happened I think in part because I happen to date someone who runs a dope ass event that is the most important streamer award show of the Year far none and so that's the message I got and I was fearful of getting in the leadup to this why I didn't nominate myself why I don't vote for myself why I don't tell people to vote for me for streamed event and why frankly I got drunk as [ __ ] cuz I was hoping I wouldn't win it I'm not again I'm not look I don't here's the thing I don't give a [ __ ] cuz ultimately I won this on what I consider my worst year ever as a Creator this year my events are going to be so [ __ ] Godlike that that person in any other Creator would not even come close to being able to make what I make so I don't care that's my focus that's my mindset I don't give a [ __ ] about certain [ __ ] with them I will just do [ __ ] they will never be able to do in their life till they die and that to me is much more empowering than [ __ ] getting into a spat with them so I appreciate you guys for helping me win this against my will but I'll make sure if I ever win any trophy any award that there is no question in hell that I deserved it and that was basically my streamer Awards in a nutshell really [ __ ] amazing event big shout outs to cutie stream rewards Afterparty also sick cuz I got this moment I'll end on a positive note here just me and selit losing our voices singing good old fashion My Chemical Romance and that was it man it was [Music] [Music] fun
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 757,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud
Id: 8fS599oWjLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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