Top 10 Strongest Characters in The Sonic Universe

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what is up guys welcome back to the [Music] channel so as you can see by the title I'm going to be going over the top 10 strongest people in the Sonic franchise before I get started don't forget to join my Discord right here and ask me questions I'm in voice chat all the time we are the number one Sonic Discord server but anyways this video is going to be sectioned off into three parts so I can kill three birds with one stone first we're going to go over who's their strongest in their base form meaning with no powerups no chaos emeralds and stuff like that second we're going to go with the top 10 strongest of all time Dead or Alive third is who's the top 10 strongest currently right now also one quick thing before we start we're only going to be talking about the characters that originated in the video games but we are going to be dipping into the IDW Comics sometimes because it does expand upon the characters that originated in the video games and does show more from those characters so grab your snacks buckle up and enjoy the video I need to stop I need to stop all right so with their own raw strength powers and abilities who are the top 10 strongest characters in the Sonic Universe starting off with SBO as number 10 SPO the chameleon is actually very slept on there was a point where Sonic and Shadow were fighting and he said I could keep up with them I just don't have the energy to do so right now espo is not a character in the line lot a lot that's why I say he's a little slept on he's teamed up with shadow in the past Sonic Knuckles and the craziest thing he's ever done is while everybody was 2v oneing one of the Deadly Six members during the metal virus Arc espel was the only one that fought alone one of the strongest Deadly Six members and took him down using his cool Jitsu and illusions that he's able to do espo is a really smart character obviously as he's a ninja so he's really tactical in battle espo doesn't have a lot of L's but he also doesn't have a lot of moments in battle he's great with his words he's talked silver out of you know some sad moments also made plans during Sonic forces on taking down infinite and his forces so he's a pretty strategic person on top of that again he's fought a deadly six member by himself but yeah when it comes to battle the characters I rank higher than him have way better moments in battle for number nine we have bark the panda you know when people think of raw strength Sonic they always think of Knuckles and sometimes Big the cat but you should be thinking of bark the panda he originated in the Sonic fighting game and during when the Archie Comics were still Canon he was known as one of the strongest in the universe top two with Mighty the armadillo being number one and him being mighty the armadillo's biggest rival don't get me wrong bark and Knuckles are close in strength but you got to realize bark is a pacifist he doesn't really want to do that much he's a shy guy he's described as and that's why when knuckles was fighting him he was like I know you're stronger than this like bring out your full strength and when he did they were going to blow for a blow and then after this what puts the icing on the cake is that bar completely destroys Mighty in their first encounter Mighty spin dashing towards him he grabs Mighty and squishes him inside of a tree and might's going to say that's two out of three now why is this a big deal well because Knuckles doesn't know if he's stronger than Mighty he actually cucks down to Mighty in the taals tube which is the official Tales from the games YouTube channel yes I was surprised too this is actually the official Sonic cast YouTube channel so everything they say on here is complete and utter truth but anyways in tals tube number five modern versions of the characters are talking about their past and talking about Mighty so Knuckles speaks up and says you know he's basically a better version of Sonic you he's as fast as you and he can power through things you can't Sonic and that's when Sonic gets to saying so he's a better version of you and then Knuckles is like uh uh um uh so would you say he's stronger than you oh uh uh who's next on your list hails about answer the question oh we can't talk about Mighty you know Knuckles doesn't really know if he's actually stronger than Mighty and I would in my opinion just straight up say mighty's stronger than Knuckles mighty's not even able to take damage from SP spikes what's on Knuckles fist spikes but anyways bark was able to beat Mighty in their last fight with Mighty asking if they could do another round but the reason why I have to put him this low is because that was back in the classic days and now Knuckles and mighty have gotten stronger Mighty is still known as one of the strongest persons as you can see modern versions of the characters talking about Mighty still to this day but bark it's really been crickets I mean it's really been silent about him they have not brought him up again and especially when bringing up strong people so for number eight we have Shadow the Hedgehog nine times out of 10 Shadow is using a chaos eneral and is not in his base form he's using it to stop time teleport use swords and whatnot which really made it hard putting Shadow somewhere like it's hard to rank someone in their just base form if they're rarely in base you know he uses the Chaos Emerald so much that even when he was trying to raise Sonic he decided to use the chaos emerald and Sonic outright just called him a cheater like this is cheating Race Across The Island Coast to Coast you're on Chaos Control hey that's cheating it is cheating I mean like Sonic is over here not using any type of extra power or nothing he'll just race you with his boring power while Shadow he has a lot helping him in battle now the reason why Shadow was this low is basically because of his fight against silver during Silver's fight against Shadow you can see see while they're fighting Shadow is using chaos Spear and then after the fight you can see Silver and Shadow panting out of breath breathing hard showing how high difficulty the fight was but also relative these characters are this is a base silver that is highly relative to a Chaos Emerald using Shadow who of course needed to resort to use Chaos Control when they both were out of breath you can tell that both of them were very much equal in strength up until of course Shadow used Chaos Control if you don't know where I'm going here without that Chaos Emerald Shadow would have most likely lost this fight it's safe to say that base silver is stronger than base Shadow based off this fight unless you're one of those people that think base Shadow is stronger than Shadow with the chaos enal it's safe to say silver is beating a base form Shadow compared to the other characters I've ranked higher than Shadow he has not done anything nearly as great as they have in their base form now before I move on from Shadow I know people are going to say but Tai he's Sonic's biggest rival he's literally the number one rival of the main character I hope you know he's not the only rival to Sonic you know he is one of the definitions of a rival towards Sonic which is a person or a thing competing with another for the same objective or for superiority in the same field of activity and in this case obviously between Sonic and Shadow it's speed they comp beat against speed no they want to find out who's the fastest amongst each other but that doesn't mean other characters don't rival Sonic you don't need to be in a competition against someone to rival them in fact you just need to be or seem to be equal or comparable to them and in this case obviously Sonic there are a lot of people in the Sonic verse that are comparable to Sonic read any of the comics or play any of the games this should be obvious matter of fact I just brought up espo and how he said he can keep up with Sonic and Shadow now for number seven is Silver the Hedgehog now not only is Silver the Hedgehog able to keep up with Sonic the Hedgehog speed but he also has his psychokinesis Powers these Powers allow him to Garner up so many objects like he did in generations and just throw them at you now the problem with this is that if you're fast enough you're able to avoid being hit by his psychokinesis like he cannot grab you if you're fast enough to avoid it we see this in the comics you see this in Sonic Generations on you know Sonic obviously beats him because he's just so fast he's able to just dodge and completely blitz so we also see this in the comics with metal Sonic that I'll go over later silver really deserves his flowers when he's in base like I said before base form silver is stronger than base form Shadow and for further more simpler clarification on why I have silver over Shadow it's simply because there's never a time where a shadow had Sonic on his knees like this after a fight huh is this a joke how could someone like you cause the destruction of our world what do you mean shadow on the other hand pretty much needs one Chaos Emerald to compete with Sonic and Silver on equal grounds before I move on from Silver you rather fight Silver the Hedgehog that not only can keep up with Sonic but can throw you fly he can hold throw and shoot projectiles at you while also being able to protect himself with a protective barrier like he did with Sonic against that whole explosion all I got to say is Shadow doesn't have that much crazy stuff he's done in his base form by himself that's all I got to say it's it's really hard to put him somewhere but the safest spot is to put him right under silver in eighth place silver seventh and for number six we have Metal Sonic I know all my Metal Sonic fans know that he's a force to be reckoned with First Shadow the Hedgehog in his base form was fighting Metal Sonic you know he was getting a couple hits in but then he went ahead and downloaded his abilities in completely washed Shadow the coolest thing about metalon that you didn't know is that he's more of a rival to Sonic than anybody is even Sonic at his full speed can still be surpassed by Metal Sonic but only for a little bit but still he's able to zoom past Sonic at his full speed easily on Tales toe number four they talk about this where they say not only can midal Sonic keep up with Sonic but keep him on his toes the one robot that can not only keep up with Sonic but also keep him on his toes Metal Sonic can fly he has electricity attacks he's very destructive as he can power through anything he wants even spikes which Sonic can't do not even Shadow he has a move that basically makes him indestructible while also being able to copy his opponent's abilities he even pulls up on Silver and Sonic and on V2s them both beating them up to the point where they struggle so much that silver Resorts into grabbing and throwing him after Sonic says he's too fast you can't use your psychokinesis on him on top of that he also can put a protective barrier around himself and that's not even just the Hedgehogs Mighty the armadillo who was fighting him and was able to tank attacks like a boulder being thrown at him at Point Blank to the face and didn't move or Flinch at all and just got up like nothing happened whenever Metal Sonic and Sonic fight nowadays it never ends with the winner it's usually Metal Sonic getting distracted or sonic getting helped from someone else or some sort of thing happening where the fight just doesn't finish the fact that he was able to 2V1 Silver and Sonic and put that much work in like he rammed into Sonic kicked him up and threw him into silver like there's so much Sonic and Silver could have done in this fight against Metal Sonic but they actually couldn't they were clearly struggling like if you look at every single Metal Sonic fight after the classic days he's usually getting jumped I kid you not his opponent is always getting help from somebody or something happens where the fight was clearly going to be in metal Sonic's favor but they get helped even when Metal Sonic was fighting Sonic on a 1 V one on the Wisp Planet Sonic had to resort to using wisps this is what I'm talking about Metal Sonic is always getting jumped and he really deserves his flowers because he's very slept on but yeah Metal Sonic rightfully deserves his six spot place as he's relative to a lot of the strong characters in Sonic but most importantly Sonic himself he's relative to a Silver and Sonic and a 2V1 if you look at his character bio in Sonic Generations it says that he's one of Sonic's few Rivals who came the close closest to defeating him that means even Sonic's quote unquote biggest rival Shad of the Hedgehog hasn't even came as close as Metal Sonic to defeating Sonic now we're getting into the top five starting out with fifth place is Knuckles the Akida knuckles in his base form arguably has the best Feats in the Sonic Universe starting off with obviously in Sonic 3 he was able to punch a supersonic out of his form also goes on and fights Super meca Sonic who uses the power of the master emeralds which is stated verbatim to be stronger and hold more energy than the chaos emeralds combined the Master Emerald contains special powers that neutralize the energy of the Chaos Emerald that makes it very powerful what the and it even gets better for Knuckles Knuckles fights heavy King who is also using the power of the Master Emerald in a one-on-one match and beats him and even when Metal Sonic powered himself up with the Master Emerald Knuckles came in and punched him in the face with no problem with Mighty and everybody else sitting there like ducks also able to sense chaos energy and also use the master emeralds which shows how much potential he has whichin the verse what character is able to use the Master Emerald to shut off the chaos emerals he can also damage people that are intangible and don't exist in a physical way way like King boom boo Andy fought an Eggman in base who is using the Phantom Ruby which is said to have more energy than the Master Emerald but just in his base alone he's able to contend with people that are in their super forms easily as you can see people that are charged up by the master emeralds which again are stronger than the chaos emeralds and fight against them and just in case there's people asking so why didn't Knuckles beat Super neom Metal Sonic all you got to do is read the comic and you'll see that they really couldn't go all out in that battle because their biodata was just going to get copied that's why when Shadow snuck up on neom Metal Sonic it almost won them to fight and as you can see they also warn Shadow to be cautious because his moves can get copied now like I said he was able to go blow for blow with bark bark was able to just stuff Mighty and solo him which is why I said before by playing as safe I said that Knuckles probably doesn't know if he would win against Mighty instead of being fearful of him that he just has so many Feats at their feets in his base form without any type of upgrades and abilities like silver and everybody has no now you think I'd be done talking about Knuckles no there's more so in Sonic Heroes there's this move called volcanic dump and basically what Knuckles does is he punches the ground and Volcanic fire spews out the ground yes Knuckles is strong enough to punch the ground to where magma will come out the ground I kid you not this happens in Sonic Heroes and the movie is literally called volcanic dump now name me one character that can do that I'll wait yeah you can't think of one you probably said Knuckles again now for number four I got Mighty the armadillo but you can put knuckles as number four too but I personally was just I just kept switching them over and over again I was like where where should I put Mighty but just based off of what happened during the Tails tube where Knuckles really didn't want to give an answer we know how egotistical is like in his fight against bark he was telling him I know you're stronger than this I know you can pack a-p punch yo give me all you got but when it came to Mighty he kind of like cucked down like he was like I don't know uh yeah next question and this was the modern version of uh Knuckles by the way saying this too as well Mighty as a modern character might be stronger than knuckles for number three I have Sonic everybody knows that Sonic is strong so I'm not going to really go that too much in depth he's known as the fast this thing alive which helps him in every battle against people who are stronger than him physically and I'm not going to go over all of Sonic Feats in base but I'll go over his best so we're going to have to take a look at Sonic forces where he fights one of his strongest villains infinite well for starters when infinite was introduced him and his crew were taken out by Shadow using a Chaos Emerald now remember when I showed Eggman after obtaining the Phantom Ruby and seeing how powerful it was he didn't even want to bother with the Master Emerald anymore well infinite ended up getting way more powerful and surpassed the likes of Shadow due to Eggman using the Phantom Ruby to create the Phantom Ruby prototype so Shadow pulled up on infinite and infinite tried crushing him in a virtual reality and Shadow ends up breaking out but loses a little bit of his memory doesn't even know why he's there and infinite basically viewed him as a weakling at this point and from there on after went after Sonic after testing the Phantom Ruby prototype that wasn't even at full power yet So eventually After Infinite gets stronger Sonic ends up fighting him in a one-on-one battle and he ends up beating infinite and Bas telling him I get stronger by the second and makes infinite leave saying I'm going to get stronger Sonic and I'll be back keep in mind infinite beat silver in a one-on-one battle too before this fight so because of this I think that base Sonic is stronger than Silver and Shadow and base the reason why Sonic is over Knuckles is because Knuckles lost to blaze the cat and Sonic and her are more like equals which is what I'll get more into later and even though Metal Sonic is the only rival that came closest to beating Sonic judging by how he was cloned by infinite like a thousand times over over just like Silver and Shadow final form infinite would probably give Metal Sonic the beat down too for number two is Blaze the Cat Blaze the Cat and Sonic are completely and utterly equal if they didn't make it clear with her being from a parallel universe from Sonics her shoes being completely similar to Sonic she's basically a composition of a lot of people from Sonic's Universe she's as strong as knuckles and obviously the protector of her emeralds she's as fast as Sonic and has to fight her own Eggman she didn't like having friends just like Shadow at one point and you know can have her own Air shoes just like Shadow with her pyrokinesis powers she can fly like tails and she's also smart like Tails judging by how she already knew she was in another dimension at the start of Sonic Rush somehow hold on she got fir powers like Knuckles too so if you didn't know Sonic Rush showed us that they are very equal in their boss fight when they're arguing you'll play as Blaze and you'll beat Sonic and if you play as Sonic you'll beat Blaze the same game mechanic thing happens in Sonic Adventure 2 as well because if you're playing as Shadow you'll beat Sonic and if you're playing as Sonic you'll beat shadow and when tekashi was asked who won that fight between Sonic and Shadow and Sonic Venture 2 he said it was a draw so it makes sense in Sonic Rush that the fight between Blaze and Sonic ended up in a draw but in this case this makes them equal cuz they're both in base in Sonic Adventure 2 Sonic was using a fake Chaos Emerald in that fight while Shadow was using a real one and still they had a draw not really making them equal in this case my point of bringing up all this is that she would completely overwhelm Sonic in a base- to- base fight with her Firepower speed and also strength stronger than Knuckles in Sonic Rush Knuckles was getting too riled up with her so she slammed Knuckles into like the side of the mountain causing like a whole bunch of rocks to fall on him and then he didn't get any help or didn't even get out of there until Sonic came and helped him and while it was happening she was moving so fast he didn't even know what was going on Sonic's not doing that to Knuckles but Blaze did another reason why I think she's stronger than Sonic is because she fights a more deadlier Eggman she's from a parallel universe which means that her and Sonic's Universe share the same similarities the only difference is hers is like the opposite of Sonic's obviously she's her universes Sonic Knuckles and Tails and Shadow and whatnot and her Eggman wouldn't miss her if she's gone he's out for blood Eggman does like Sonic he actually would miss Sonic if he was gone if you didn't know that for example during the final boss fight in Sonic Rush you can see that Eggman was telling Eggman Nea to stop because he was going to try to kill Sonic and Blaze it's also described on his character profile that he's a more deadlier and serious Eggman taking in everything I explained I got Blaze over Sonic any day all right for the number one spot no honorable mentions cuz this video is already long enough but it is Sage she's the strongest character in base hands down I don't want to hear anybody out with this one she was created by the power of the ancients from Dr Eggman and was able to contend against death itself also known as the end yes the embodiment of death she was fighting alongside with Sonic she also can control the ancient Titans and use them in battle which are beings that Sonic is forced to go super to fight she's also smart enough to run millions of calculations and find out the outcome of fights about characters and villains that and most importantly the outcome of Sonic's fight think about it like this she never seen the end until it actually came to Earth and man she already knew beforehand that Sonic had no chance of winning even in his superate without help from Eggman and her also when she mastered the corrupted power of the Ancients she literally helped Sonic against the end supporting him against attacks and adding on to his defense even the Titan that she controls is shooting and damaging the end if Sage were to go all out and use all of her power against a base Sonic I don't see him coming out a lot it wouldn't be a close fight she's harnessing the power of all the Ancients we seen what happened with cybersonic when he harnessed the power of the Ancients and he completely evaporated the Titan and destroyed the end that power is too much for Bas Sonic to handle she can teleport use telekinesis psychokinesis and by the end of the game again can control the Supreme Titan who does crazy stuff and is on the level of Super Sonic so now I'm going to go over the top 10 strongest characters dead or alive and this should be quicker than the last section so for number 10 we have Elis Elis represents the God of destruction power of solarus that's the destructive anger of Solaris and that's why he's just stronger than mephis because mephis doesn't really represent that part of solarist for number nine we have dark Gia yes elas did quote unquote destroy the future but he's able to be destroyed by most characters in base the problem is is that he has immortality so they had to use two Chaos Emeralds to get rid of him and seal him away while for Dark Gaia it took all seven and more I don't even think elas is strong enough to fight the weakest Dark Gaia who split the Earth in pieces for number eight is Time Eater he was going around manipulating the timeline and destroying space and time and stopping it this is over Universal it took two Su Sonic to take him out and he could potentially destroy the whole timeline in like a day people like ibless and dark Gia are not touching this multiversal being number seven is the god void he's from the game Sonic Shuffle and he's the embodiment of anger sadness Despair and emptiness and he's the reason why the characters in Sonic even have dreams even have the willpower to do things and was going around destroying the fourth dimension where all their dreams stay yes he was defeated by Sonic Amy Knuckles and Tails but they weren't able to damage him they had to use these special rocks and on top of that he was mentally nerfed throughout the whole game you can see him just going off saying I mean nothing why am I so lonely so lonely you don't me me why was I Bor for number six we have alumina alumina is a goddess she's the precious stone goddess the guardian and also the manager of everybody's dreams it takes Lumina flow light and void two beings to create alumina alumina split off into these two beings because she lost her purpose and she just basically became unconfident in herself and it took like Sonic and everybody else to like you know talk her back into becoming who she is again and she bandages all of the characters dreams even Sonics and everybody else's she's broken taals and even Sonic and even Knuckles and everybody says their dreams are the reason why they keep going for number five we have solarus this one's the obvious one solarus was stated to be able to destroy not only all Dimensions that means the fourth dimension okay everyone we're heading into the fourth dimension where Lumin was at was going to get destroyed the whole Sonic timeline was going to get devoured by solarus that's pretty much all I got to say right solarus was going to destroy the whole Sonic timeline by the time of sonical 6 infinite now I know this one's a controversial one for you know especially for him being over Solaris and stuff cuz a lot of people think Solaris is the strongest being still to this day for some reason I don't know why why you know people like Ian Flynn said that the end is the strongest right now and it's just obvious like she's literally the embodiment of death but either way um infinite is stated multiple times to be Sonic strong as opponent by the time Sonic forces came around that means after Sonic fought Solaris even with that Eggman States himself that the Phantom Robby holds more power and energy than the Master Emerald itself and then Eggman went on and said I'm going to make someone multiple times stronger than all of Sonic's past villains and who did he end up giving that power to infinite now infinite was defeating by Sonic in base but base form Sonic said that he gets stronger by the second but hey if you want to put solar over infinite be my guess I don't really care this is just a a factual information I got and what I found for the fourth spot it's Sage Sage again is relative to the end who was stated to be the strongest Sonic boss of all time so yeah that's really all I got to say I mean I I've already went over a stage and she's just she's one of the strongest Sonic characters of all time as well too for number three the end the end is stated to be death itself already went over this Sonic needed a Sonic supersonic cyber 2 form and all this other stuff just a defeated we never seen Super Sonic get pushed to its limits like that until he met the end for the top two for the number two one and two spots Sonic and Knuckles I'm not trolling hypersonic and Hyper Knuckles obviously strongest forms in these series using these super Chaos Emeralds some people usually get mad at me when I say this but like they never played Sonic 3 on top of that but if you didn't know the super emeralds are stronger than the chaos emeralds and you need the super emeralds to reach a hyper form I know the hyper haters are probably saying yeah but the last time we seen a hyper form of the hyper transformation was in the classic days and Sonic again has gotten stronger s it doesn't matter because if Sonic were to go hyper right now if knuckles were to go hyper right now in their modern forms they would solo if they were to go to another dimension where the super emeralds are which is stated by tekashi isuka Hypersonic would still be hyper Knuckles would still be the strongest transformation we've ever seen the strongest thing we've ever seen in the Sonic franchise you guys can go check out my video on the whole hyper transformation and stuff like that but yeah time to talk about the top 10 strongest characters as of right now the final section now before I get started if I were to talk about any of the characters if I were allowed to at least without people getting completely angry because they don't read the comics for some reason if I were to talk about the comics these lists would look drastically differently but but anyways let's get into it so for number 10 the top 10 strongest right now in Sonic and that's the end of the video I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you guys have any questions make sure to join my Discord as well make sure to put down anybody I missed BR or just put your list down at the bottom if if anything put your list but yeah this is just my list this is just me using as most of a common sense I can to rank these characters and I hope you guys enjoy the list and love you guys thank you guys for watching and thank you guys for the views
Channel: Tyrecordslol
Views: 39,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8mC5UYMWw5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 9sec (1749 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2024
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