[YBA] KCR Spin is What You'd Expect (Build or Bust)

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[Music] so we've got a builder bust where you're finally making me use spin and honestly i think that's a good thing and you're probably wondering eclipse why the hell would it be a good thing to be assigned spin that spec is horrendously awful and there's no reason to use it and we don't wait out here so uh you're in for a bad time my friend there's a good reason why spin sucks thank you for going directly through my opponent gotta appreciate that i don't even wanna come on come on no he's gonna rock he oh no he's just gonna do that all right well [Music] what the hell is this what what what what huh [Music] what am i playing against is he an alien why are you are you from the moon why is your connection so bad this isn't real this isn't real oh come on did it have to be scr like it could have literally been anything and it was scr anything in the game would have been better [Music] [Laughter] okay okay okay so got a little bit off track there why is it good that i got spin finally well i think the biggest reason is that i don't have much of any spin on this channel like i i don't use it it just doesn't happen and because i don't use it and i've basically never talked about it sometimes i say oh spin yeah it sucks and then that's literally the extent of it the extent of it is oh spin it's terrible don't use it so that kind of doesn't really get a good grasp as to why spin is bad just saying it sucks isn't really very helpful is it i can't imagine it is but the reason that i'm happy i got it is because now i can talk about it only problem is i wanted to make a whole video dedicated to spin and well this isn't it this is just me beating people up because i'm a bad person you know so it is what it is there will be a video solely dedicated to spin i promise it'll be talking about all the reasons that spin is awful because it's awful but this one we're just gonna be playing kcr that's literally it i'm playing kcr because spin doesn't really add anything here it it just doesn't there was the person who commented the thing was like oh yeah spin it'll add a projectile and that'll help kcr and i'm out here like what honestly was very lost as to whatever the reason for adding spin was i really don't know i just completely butchered that guy and i honestly feel bad about it because i was just auto piloting and talking the entire time uh and he's he's not happy about it in the slightest that's a non-prestige three too bad i'm not playing bingo huh the thing i think a lot of people are going to yell at me about surely this guy has spin star platinum the world that might be a little bit questionable yeah i forgot the correct bind to deal with that not gonna lie well that's a pretty good thing to have yeah i saw it saw it that didn't work catch got him but the thing that a lot of people are going to yell at me about and i know they're going to yell at me about it is the fact that i'm not using no the fact that i'm not using any spin charge people are going to yell at me they're going to be real mad they're going to be like eclipse you're not using spin charge you're not getting spin any of the spin buffs for spin charge you're not doing extra damage and it's driving me nuts and you know what it's on purpose because charging spin does nothing but hurt me i promise every single time i try to do it i get hurt i get hit i try to focus on charging spin and it does like five extra damage total five extra damage is not worth it it just isn't so i i've gotten to the point where i no longer bother i don't charge spin when i play spit it sounds weird but you don't have to like there's no reason to charge and this guy is dead and i kind of eviscerated him but you know what let's try to think about this for a little bit why did the person who suggested spin for kcr suggest spin for kcr because quite honestly i don't know the answer i really don't have a clue and i wish i did but i don't also i can already tell that this is going to be an absolute blast uh spoiler it definitely will not be an absolute blast yeah gotcha i knew he was gonna do that nope he's just gonna die to barrage that's how we kill him oh wait i can just do this can't i well that's unfortunate oh my god is right he's really gonna kill me i don't know if he'll win but it it hurts i'll tell you that for sure that's right i'm just gonna barrage him a bunch of times i think i will do that here and uh do the kcr this is good gameplay right this is what you like to see he's gonna do the heavy punch why did you use the move with like the most possible end lag yeah i knew you were gonna do that i knew you were gonna do that this guy is the most one note person i've fought in a while now that i've got the flow chart down pat yeah exactly [Music] it's just gonna be barrage city we're gonna barrage until the game is over you ready for barrage you were not ready for barrage your cheese ends here go ahead attack me oh boy oh boy that's gotta hurt why does he keep doing that if i just wait until i see it then he gets hit [Music] back to playing kcr he's a vampire so i can just sit out here and this burns his blood bar he looks like he's having fun i forgot about golden skin the worst part of spin god i hate the fact that you need to do that it is so frustrating it is unbelievably annoying almost as annoying as this herma purple player [Music] gotcha [Music] well that was an extreme chore of playing against cheese but the game is over good riddance moving on so we didn't really answer the question in the last match because well i had to try but what it comes down to is this guy not playing why why are you not playing why would you queue into 1v1s and not play what is the point what does this accomplish somebody please tell me what does this accomplish we didn't have a single interaction i didn't hit this guy one time i walked forward i pulled out my stand and they said i'm not playing is kcr really just a oh i'm not playing button because tons of people play this if you are going to quit every single time you see kcr you you're not playing yba 1v1s it ain't happening you're going to go in here and you're going to run into kcr you're going to quit over and over again did you do that for scr too i mean i should do that for scr but like you'll never play okay take three well you can't do that sorry buddy yep no wasted my time erase unfortunate but this guy's cheese is not going to be working out today oh poor vampire huh go ahead hit me oh man oh man oh man that's okay this is punishable yep fun fact uh if you're too close that's a punishable move don't know how many people knew that but if you didn't now you do yeah that's um that's the end of this guy and he's complaining about like oh i got a speed round i got a speed rounded what does kcr gain from spin not a whole lot because all that stuff that they would normally gain they get from like using boxing the only thing it really gets is steel ball which is an okay projectile it's not like phenomenal but it's also not bad it's just all right only problem is well that one projectile isn't worth everything else spin punch is awful everyone knows it that guy was in the floor no big whoop uh double spin balls it's okay it's honestly a pretty good stun but the fact that people are never gonna get hit by it and sometimes it just doesn't work because people don't come back it's kind of a problem people don't come back that's not the right word the steel balls don't come back which uh it isn't good is this the takeaway it just is not a very consistent stun and nobody's ever gonna get hit by it so what's the point uh he's gonna die i need to wrap up damn it but the thing that always drives me kind of nuts when it comes to spin is golden's skin just it's not good like golden skin equals bad is usually the takeaway uh it's not very good and i don't understand how they managed to make it so terrible sometimes it boggles my mind how they made something so awful as golden skin like could we not have had just a simple damage reduction applied on why did they need to have whatever the hell golden skin is i just i don't i don't get it it's always gonna be lost on me forever if there's one thing that i'll never understand about spin it's why is golden skin the way that it is a lot of spin reminds me of playing boxing but without the like good parts of boxing that's not very descriptive but you have a projectile which obviously boxing doesn't have but you also have a pretty good stun i mean steel multi steel balls is a solid stun move it really is so why do people keep dying no seriously look look look me in the eyes why do they keep dying i'm gonna be honest i don't think i've gotten a single coherent thought out throughout the entire video i've either had random nonsense come up had to sweat really hard because i ran into someone just like blatantly trying as hard as they can with oh boy uh case in point this all right well that's fine with me oh i'm an idiot did i really just get hit by that unsubscribe unsubscribe from the channel welcome to sweaty eclipse uh version 2.0 um that's me right now having to play against this guy playing tuskex for but you know what there is a silver lining i i take it back i immediately retract the statement i was gonna say that the silver lining is that this guy's actually pretty good and seeing good tusk fours makes me smile and then they tried to do that why why why would you buy wormhole uppercut why people out there that play tusk act four don't buy wormhole uppercut don't do it please for the safety of everyone that you've ever known and will ever know stop buying wormhole uppercut it's horrible it's so bad it is one of the worst moves in the entire game it's unforgivable how terrible wormhole uppercut is look at that does that look good to you it doesn't look good to me i think i'm gonna lose to the tusk four i'm not gonna lie you're probably asking how are you going to lose to the tusk guy for and my answer is quite honestly i have no idea but it's gonna happen [Music] it probably has something to do with the fact that that keeps happening you are just boggling my mind right now as to why you keep doing that can you use wormholes for me please use wormhole nails thank you that doesn't doesn't really help me though because i keep trying to use this stupid stun because i'm an idiot why am i so dumb that's the question of our time i keep asking myself it and i've still yet to get to the bottom of it the answer of why eclipse is so stupid evades all of us to this day the world may never know kind of like the fact that this guy keeps trying to use wormhole uppercut because i guess he hates himself i really don't have any clue i think he's figured out the fact that i have like no way of dealing with block at all but that's the catch i yeah i i still don't have a way of dealing with block nope why would you do that uh i was hoping i'd take a leg oh that's good i killed him that means i might actually have a chance he's gonna sit and block again because i know he this is what you do against spin the options are absolutely nothing you just sit there and block because the opponent literally cannot hit you like there's there's nothing they can do you really just ran forward dashed and then blocked that's what i'm dealing with right now really really like that's actually what's going on here time for him to sit and block for i am the greatest i am the worst everything always goes down so quickly do wormholes you weren't supposed to cancel it yeah whatever it is but it is thank you for the damage art immortal chaos if you're watching this dude you're not bad but your use of wormhole uppercuts oh boy just please stop that pretty please for all of us stop that this is just block city and uh it's not block city anymore because you are dead holy crap that took forever and he's complaining about m1s in yba i'm playing kcr i have one move so question of the day is it a build is it a bust i don't need to answer that the unfortunate reality here is that anything you could have given me with the attached spin asterisk would have been a bust because spin in of itself is so heavily flawed that it's just not worth using like i already said i'm gonna make a whole video dedicated to spin but really the tldr of that video is gonna end up being spinball sucks double spin balls sucks and spins punch sucks and that's all of your moves and then that gets contrasted by the fact that your passive which is golden skin is just whack why do you have a move that you need to use to have to have the damage resistance it doesn't make any sense and i don't understand it the amount of times that i forget that i need to use golden skin because it's such an awkward mechanic as compared to everything else in the game why can't it just be on by default why anyways kcr carried me today thank god that this was linked with kcr and it wasn't like beach boy so i got to be carried by kcr's good tools while also laughing at how bad all of the spin moves i had were and that's pretty much it for today's video but before i go i do want to talk to you guys about non-yba stuff everyone just clicked off but seriously i put a good amount of time and effort into some videos i upload on the channel that aren't yba and youtube doesn't push them because it doesn't like that i know a lot of people don't like shooters and i used to upload a lot of battlefield and i'd tell people to watch them and people would be like i did but i don't like battlefield so i'm not going to watch it but i don't only play battlefield in fact i haven't played it in a while on the channel recently i've played some matches of mario kart with some of my friends and i think they're some of the best videos on the channel or at least some of the funniest so if you want a good laugh watch some friends having fun uh go ahead and check out those videos i'll leave one of them in the comments section below and with that being said i am done here so have a wonderful day or night wherever you are and i'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Eclipse
Views: 283,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, YBA, Jojo, Eclipse
Id: p4liwqDxjCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 28 2022
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