Ranking Couples By Compatibility (Pt. 1) | Straight Couples

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[Music] i don't think that you could consider like that yeah like marriage as a standard yeah because to be honest we want to be together for life but we don't know if we necessarily want to get married [Music] what does compatibility between a couple mean babe compatibility is very much a choice you choose to be compatible with those differences you choose to find compromises between them time is obviously not a legitimate factor you can be compatible in two weeks and a lot of ways has to do with having aligned values and aligned beliefs like we are very much not alike we just have so much fun together i think because we're different i think it's good to see your partner as somebody that makes you better than you would be without your partner that's that's a big part of it my name is john i'm keisha we're newly married nice thank you congratulations just being married for what four months that's when we started living together it's like oh i really dislike how many socks i see on the floor but i accept that every relationships have their arguments minor disagreements here and there but some major ones too yeah we've known each other for eight months and we have been officially dating for about six so i'm actually moving this summer i'm going to law school in a different state you're gonna go with it you're going to houston oh my god wow awesome we met in october and have been dating since then yeah he had something on his hinge profile about composting and i was like that's the guy for me if there's been a human rights violation or harm to the environment we really think about it with every single thing that we do we've been together for two and a half years and we're engaged we went to the same university and had the same major and had mutual friends and then we met on tinder lily and joseph both seemed really compatible they went to school together they have similar careers and the fact that they have made that step towards marriage my name is eric i'm jessica and we've been together for two and a half years a very fun beautiful not stressful tuning yes it's been great no problem love you so much we're definitely opposites of track you like very fancy things and i like street burritos if i were to put out there a street ranking right now i would say one same no two but i think i would go honestly i think three four five no shade i was which four and five i feel like they're married like that's okay okay you're married which is points but you're a new marriage which is like how many figuring out your yeah because you just started living together i would put us at number one i've been really impressed with with these two i want to rank them three what do you think i feel good about good about three three four for the married couple and i'm sorry i really like you guys but five when we first started dating we actually had no physical intimacy for a long time which was a little bit different i think we're both physical touch and quality time people like this this makes me melt absolutely lily and joseph like you can tell he's like obsessed with her because of our faith we agreed that we did we wanted to save like sex until after marriage which made like after marriage a lot more special after that i would probably put keisha and john and fifth honestly so hard but what compatibility is to us is so different we've been having a sexual relationship for two plus years like we know each i think eric and jessica are the most compatible they're just comfortable with one another they don't mind teasing one another exposing each other i think you guys are number one i think we could put ourselves in two of them as three maybe i would put them four and then five even though you guys were fantastic they made everyone a good couple to make it hard i'd be disingenuous if i didn't rate us number one so you guys at two i'm gonna put you guys at three y'all for four and then you guys were five it hurt us a little bit when we said that we agreed to um wait until to wait until marriage to move in together even though in that decision we are compatible with each other it's not very normal i guess in society wait who is the couple that met online during pandemic also both of you yeah so one two three four and five being a covid couple not to knock on them or anything but they haven't melded communities and that's something that's so key in a healthy thriving relationship i think now that you know each other's rankings you guys have to decide number one literally in a minute and that person needs to stand here i'll just say real quick i feel super confident staying here because four out of five people said three yeah yeah i feel like we're our average well we were ranked two like two okay [Music] lillian i remember more my own so that helps you guys they were very much like we are the best so it kind of was like okay you are the best all right sure you know if in this ranking you were to change places or like switch things up how would you do that you already know man i'm in the front bro you already know i don't want to like oh you guys you guys are not compatible i don't even know what that means you guys are all persuasive charismatic people i'm not saying we aren't either but it just feels kind of like i think you guys are super cares about it you're very sweet that's fine i have a tendency to to be biased towards married couples of course but i think i'll shut up because i think i was overruled there so sorry all right no input for me this is good [Music] i think compatibility transcends you know simply having shared interest i think growing together almost versus just an interest the extra things in a relationship other than just sort of love or lust or passion do you think there's a difference between how same-sex couples view relationships versus how straight-up relationships yes obviously like when the straight couples were questioning each other like marriage and engagement was like a big part of it and like we might value other things and like marriage hasn't always been a privilege we could even do i feel like this couple right here definitely deserves to be number one in fact i had the most compatibility i really liked them chemistry is really good eric and jessica had an amazing connection they bought seemed super super comfortable together it didn't seem like they were putting up any friends for everybody should be ready you guys are going to go there i would put the married couple second yes we were thinking that too i think like you said their values really do mesh super well i don't know they just had like a confidence about like their relationship they were very down to earth and they didn't really brag about it i'm happy with them as number two but i would put the married couple number three i think they were friends as well as partners [Music] for me personally about like these like pandemic relationships is like they have experienced hard things too but so is every other couple the couple that talked about being vegan and low waste talked about their lifestyles together but we didn't hear much about the couple that is moving about how their lifestyle is so i don't know how they might be when they're in the same house you know were the couple that had the shared interest of not having a lot of waste and being vegan for me compatibility isn't necessarily having all the same interests or like being into the same exact things for those reasons i would rank the couple that's going to be in long distance pretty soon as number four i also really liked how they were like so willing to fight to get to a different squad and i think that really shows i think we're number one the way they like talk to each other and interacted just seemed like it was easy for them let's switch them yeah okay and i think i'm happy with like having these two couple at four and five because they met in the pandemic so like all the clubs are close like you can't really meet people there's no temptations there's like nothing there are you all happy with this ranking yes yes [Music] as soon as the other couples came in we were like we are going straight to the end it's an easy thing to be like well they've only been together for this long so they may not truly know each other i think we got demoted to two because eric and jessica they seem very authentic and i love that about them as a neutral observer i probably would have done the same thing when they switched us up from this two spot to the one spot sweet awesome because that's something i'm working towards every day i only know myself and i know that we're in the number one spot it's such an emotional decision because you want to fight for everyone everyone wanted to be one every couple should feel like number one like that's fair and that's like a good thing i just think it's so neat to see like other people in love honestly technically now you
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 1,680,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion
Id: Wrze8EMK_Yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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