Ranking All New Super Mario Bros Games from Worst to Best - Infinite Bits

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[Music] excuse me waiter why'd you give me five of the same games to look at today we are ranking every single new super mario bros game in this series starting from the worst game and finishing with the best yes these games are very similar in nature that is kind of the running joke here with the whole new title but we are comparing the differences in the games today and overall which game is the best alright let's get in you okay so here we have the five contestants on the show with me who will be knocked out and who will be claimed the winner well I can tell you the first person to be knocked out is yeah sorry buddy honestly I don't really know why people like the Wii one so much for me the level design was kind of just off the levels in this game felt empty like a lot of space wasn't used up that well I get it this games got to support a family now because for the first time this game has four player co-op but regardless of the design decision to do so this game still has a lot of wasted space in the levels in this section here you are literally just jumping across spinning grass balls with nothing else also the visuals look the same compared to the previous one on the DS sure it's on better Hardware but the backgrounds and other assets show the least amount of change in this series oh I should be talking about why I like this game the two new power-ups that they introduced were some fine additions to the game the propeller suit was awesome finally giving those snotty kids some representation in Mario games it was just fun to launch yourself up feeling like a rocket ship or something I don't know then we got the penguin suit where you feel like a bobsled that can swim like Michael Phelps so fun to use also some of the puzzles and new mechanics in this game were great new ideas elevators that you Rock left and right to avoid bullets as well as jumping from these flying beetle things and then there's the what I like to call get off my yacht you're just cruising around in a poison swamp and enemies keep jumping on your yacht causing it to stop so you just gotta ask them to leave to keep progressing in the level so while the wee one was good that's all it was just good the next game to go would have to be the third game in the series called New Super Mario Bros 2 that makes sense see the thing with this one was it had to be the game with the least amount of new ideas added to it combine that with another new super mario bros game coming out the same year and people weren't too thrilled about this one but see one of the reasons why I put this over the we Virgin was because the level design was a lot more tighter and solid this time around I thought a lot of the levels this time just had more purpose to them as well as being cleaner and more interesting to maneuver and how could I not mention the coins in this game my opinion on this feature is that it's okay I'll admit it it was pretty fun collecting all these things at the start of the game like yeah coins but after a while I just got bored of collecting them and they made no attempt to have any other use than just the coins giving you a one-up shirt now there's a coin counter I say coin counter coin SHM outter who cares it still there's nothing but come on I could admit that taking a golden fireflower and turning everything into gold is just super fun like your midas or something don't know the reason of that it could just be the primal money-hungry instinct that humans have in society I mean it could also be something else too I guess that's an option but anyways now let's move on to the power-ups because this time around the grand total of new power-ups is zero sure you can argue that the previously mentioned gold flower is technically new that's more of a gimmick since you can't carry the powerup between levels and it's pretty overpowered as well the one great powerup in this game is the return of the raccoon suit because not only is it the only powerup in the entire new super mario bros series that lets you actually fly but it's the only flying powerup that I can recall in recent mario games in general this one actually gives you some elevation not just this floating garbage we've been all seeing it's a rehash of an old power-up sure but this whole series is a big rehash so check and mate got you there then there were three Luigi's always third-wheeling anyways right new super Luigi u that one with that a green guy you know I like how they changed up the controls and physics of your character since you're playing as Luigi this time you get some extra airtime by using your kick flapping maneuver and you decided to wear slippery shoes this time these new movement features worked well with the increased difficulty in the game which just allows for some fun gaming challenges to come out of this but since Mario's not here this time who's the last playable character in four player mode this guy the the masked bunny bunny Bowser jr. with dolls this guy's name again owned a bit right he doesn't blink it's weird as you know Luigi is the star of the show here and he is really enjoying the spotlight this time because now there is a hidden Luigi in every level so that's something I guess more of a visual thing but it keeps on reinforcing the fact that this is a Luigi game speaking of visuals I also really like the new assets that they created for the game from these garden sculptures to this bowser snowman it's cool to see brand new stuff like this added to the series it's a hard new super mario bros game without mario and where every level is a hundred seconds that's the most unique thing I've heard all day it feels surreal playing this game like it's a fan game where am I in the twilight realm Twilight Zone Twilight I let's I hope it's not the third one and now we're at the final two so by revealing this pic I'm ultimately revealing the first place pick so for that reason I'm not showing the game covers this time I'm assume you're gonna forget the game covers in the previous sections as well the one that started it all actually put the meaning of Mew in the word new new super mario bros yes remember when the DS first came out crazy new handheld technology that had two screens for one game I don't even know how this thing worked at time what do you need a different copy for each of the screens or something this game just had really solved level design as well as being one of the better challenges in the series the bosses were really great in this game as well so you would think that this was setting up for future great bosses and games to come well I didn't there were Monty moles driving tanks mummified pokies and what Petey piranha was in this game that's a plus in my books there were also so many great and unique enemies in this game that haven't made an appearance since I don't know where they all went as for the new power-ups in this game there are just kind of mediocre to be honest the big one this time and I can assure you that there was no pun intended there was the mega mushroom this was like a powerup and a half was almost too good you just turned the gameplay in to press right but there is something so satisfying about just breaking the level in front of you next we have the mini mushroom which is more like a powered down powerup kinda lets go with power neutral you have flow to your jumps and you are a smaller target but you are very weak and it's the only powerup where you die in one hit so it's kind of like a trade-off the last new addition was the shell I heard a lot of people hate on this one but you know I kind of liked it something so satisfying about timing every jump at this Shell speed and acting as a like an invincible brick [Music] whoa geez never would have guessed new super mario brothers you I really liked the atmosphere in this game it genuinely feels like one cohesive world over any other new Super Mario Brothers game they of course have the world map that adds to this feeling it shows your location on the map relative to the castle and shows your progression throughout the Mushroom Kingdom which all helps build a more believable setting and all the worlds have food names now maybe the developers were getting a bit hungry when making this game who knows it's not like just having a map adds to the immersion but it's the levels as well the backgrounds in these levels were very detailed this time around and a lot of times you can see other places from within other levels look how you can view Peach's castle in the background of the very first level I also just like how the back look in this game as well from starry night skies took beautiful underwater sections and Vincent van Gogh paintings what I love it the new power-ups in this game were some of my favorites as well finally Nintendo let us power up and transform into the legendary creature of a squirrel you can jump super high glide around in the air and even jump in the air that's some cool features right there while that was the only traditional powerup that gave us baby Yoshis this time to make up for it these things come in multiple different colors and flavors the pink Yoshi is the most overpowered version in the game he transforms himself into a balloon allowing you to pretty much cross any gap with a relative ease I mean I don't know what the precautions are if stretching to that size but um suggest talking to your doctor then we got the blue one and this guy just likes bubbles okay hey don't kid yourself these are powerful bubbles literally every enemy gets killed by them then there's the yellow one but it sucks there's also a bunch of extra fun modes in this game like the challenge levels most notably you could just spend hours on these modes alone and these actually put meaning into the word challenge I'm just gonna say if this was the only new super mario bros game that came out then people would be demanding for a sequel to this series however in reality it's more of the opposite and people are saying the opposite about another sequel to the series and that was my list of what I thought the best of these games were so now that we're done that list let's move on to my top 5 better subtitles for these games the only new one the one with multiplayer the one with the coins the one no one bought the green one yes we're done here [Music]
Channel: Infinite Bits
Views: 70,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nintendo switch, all games, top 5, nsmb, wii, video games, super mario bros, best super mario games, greatest super mario games, super mario maker 2, super mario galaxy, super mario world, top 10, watch mojo, super mario, nintendo, what is the best, new super mario bros, new super luigi u, 4 players, co op, music, lets play, countdown, worst to best, mario bros, Infinite Bits, retrospective, 3ds, wiiu, luigi u, silok, review, ranked, best, worst, ranking every mario game, super, mario
Id: 6SANaWmn0VM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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