How did Mario characters get their names?

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yeah what's it do Mario whose full name is Mario Mario used to be called Mr video by mamoto little Mario on Donkey Kong sale brochure and Jumpman on Donkey Kong's English operation and instruction manuals Mario obtained his final name of Mario from American Real Estate developer Mario sagali due to him being Nintendo of America's landlord at the time and employees being introduced to him due to Mario coming over to the warehouse and arguing about overdue rent payments Donkey Kong's name was imp as a method to describe his characteristics as the word donkey was utilized to articulate DK's stubbornness and the word Kong was used to convey the fact that he was a gorilla Diddy Kong's name was also utilized as a method to describe his characteristics as the word Diddy is a slang ter for small in England this is in reference to the fact that he's the smallest member of the Kong family lanky Kong's name was also utilized to highlight his characteristics as the word lanky is a slang term uses Des cribe his long arms this is in reference to the fact that he's an oranger tank and has the longest arms in the Kong family he Wario's name is a poor Mano this refers to the act of blending the sounds and meanings of two words to create a new word so Warrior's name is a blend of the Japanese word for bad wari and Mario's first name so essentially Warrior means bad Mario Warrior's younger brother wa lii has a named as also poor man with it blending the Japanese word for bad with Luigi's first name therefore while Luigi stands for bad Luigi what up guys it's your boy bungo check the check the [Music] drip lum's name was derived from the Latin word Lumen this is because Lumen means light and uh yeah that's about it okie dokie Peach's name was derived from mamoto associating princesses with girls and then associating girls with the color pink the color pink influenced the name of peach as Peaches found in Japan are relatively lighter and more pink in color to those in the Western World this reality is somewhat reflected with the fact that for around 8ish years Princess Peach in the western release of Mario games was called Princess Toad sto as seen in Super Mario bro's English manual 1993 saw the first use of the name Peach in the Western World from the game Yoshi Safari but this protocol the Western worldall was only fully impar 1996 and onwards rodrig Von Cooper obtained his name from German composer lwood van be horin who made this [Music] song the character also obtained his hairstyle from lwig II of [Music] Bavaria Cooper troop is English and and Japanese name are both different and are derived from separate sources Koopa trooper's Japanese name of noo NOCO was implemented to describe the behavior of the kooper trooper's green shell variant as it means to walk unconcernedly Koopa trooper's English name of Koopa Troopa was derived from Bowser's original Japanese name of Koopa which was derived from the Japanese name for the Korean dish Koop which uh looks like this all right everybody uh if you want part two hit that freaking like button anyway bye-bye
Channel: ODD Bungo
Views: 1,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, meme, memes, gaming
Id: qTC8WzEkL_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 28sec (208 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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