Ranking All Luigi's Mansion Games

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[Music] hello hello [Music] oh there you are dog come on we gotta do a luigi's mansion video today we're gonna find out what the best luigi's mansion game is but to get there we are gonna have to rank the three main games in the series so just excluding the one remake and that's just because my complaints with this are really just down to the controls since it's on a handheld so it would be redundant to include both but if you're curious i like it a bit less than the original this video is gonna have laughs scares and a reveal of my next video at the end of this one all coming up on the extra special finale episode of the infinite bits halloween extravaganza so there's only three games in this ranking here but that means i'll have a bit more time to talk about them so think of this as three reviews one after another for the price of one but anyways let's get this spooky show on the road with luigi's mansion darkmoon this second game in the series and this time it has a lot more variety throughout the adventure for starters we now have five mansions to explore that are also all neighbors with one another yeah we're in the rich part of town this time but this allows for five distinct locations that allow for more variety and each of them really nail their theming but i wouldn't be praising this aspect this much if it was just a visual difference now so luckily each mansion uses their unique theming to create new puzzles or new interesting gameplay sections like look at this slide through the ice mansion it's a fun change of pace alright then there's a lot of cool interactions with the toads this time because now they're used in escort style missions while okay on the surface an escort mission isn't the most appealing these guys are more used to solve puzzles you can even shoot them with your vacuum plus these toads have a lot of characters so it's fun to have them around and that is also true with the entire game really it has so much charm and character to it there's a lot more cutscenes this time and they all do a great job to show luigi's scared and funny personality plus he got this new ghost dog guy so he's pretty cool too luigi himself though was given a bunch of new moves to use and i liked most of them except for like the dark light because man i hate this not being able to see stuff you can pick up items with your vacuum now and interact with the environment in new ways with all these new moves this added another layer of thinking and complexity for the puzzles and there are so many secrets to find in these mansions so if you're a completionist you'll like that but being as this is in last place there are some drawbacks for this game firstly the controls okay this is the only original handheld luigi's mansion so besides just being on a cramped screen where you have to see a lot of detail in the environment this system also doesn't have a second control stick which you would normally use to move around your light to aim at ghost so now you have to use the buttons to aim up and down like it works in quotations but overall it just makes it more clunky to capture ghosts and then the ghosts and atmosphere just took a downgrade here as well everything is a lot more bright and not as dark as it was before so it does lose a lot of that creepy vibe that the series started with what doesn't help this is that the ghosts are now more goofy and not intimidating i mean fine okay this is luigi's mansion this isn't a horror game but they're just so unthreatening now they all act dumb too plus they use just the generic version way more than i thought they should which takes away the fun of exploring to find new ghosts like sure a lot of times they mitigate this by giving them unique weapons or items to hold but it's not the same and then they don't even have portrait ghosts or some sort of equivalent and instead have pretty mediocre bosses most of the time i'll say even with these complaints though this is still a very solid game but those drawbacks put it behind the other two so now we have the two games at the very start and end of this whole franchise and these are two games that are loved by the fans but kind of for different reasons if you think about it anyways the one we're talking about now is luigi's mansion 3. first of all this game is incredibly polished everything is so interactive literally if you vacuum any section of a room something is bound to move whether it be some books on the shelf or some papers on the floor or even just some leaves blowing around i swear every object is movable except for like the floors and walls obviously oh wait no sometimes they can even be moved too and it was a lot of fun completely destroying all of these rooms oh um well sorry for the people who wanted to eat that food but i'm having too much fun to care the controls are also polished up as well luigi is quick and snappy and the aiming feels great with the control stick and gyro combination and while there isn't actually a running button if luigi starts walking in a direction for a bit then he'll automatically start running which is a clever way of still implementing this feature that i've never seen done like this in a game before also this game definitely has some of the most crazy scenarios in the entire series while the lower floors start out a bit more normal as you climb the hotel higher and higher things get weirder and weirder there's this cool movie set floor where you do a bunch of puzzles within movies that you film as well so you get to play in a bunch of interesting movie scenarios and then there's this weird gardener ghost that literally has a multi-story garden with this giant tree growing up the middle what kind of hotel is this anyways how are all these rooms supposed to look from the outside even oh well yeah i guess that's about what i expected it to be side note but does this remind anyone of the kids next door house how everything is just placed together like this nope just me okay but back to this game listen we gotta talk about the graphics because all right the visuals look amazing here seriously as of today this is the best looking mario game out there and it's a luigi game at that the opening just set the stage for this game i'm telling you the animations are natural the models are created in the perfect style and are highly detailed as well same with all the in-game stuff too i don't even know what else to say the characters and lighting look so clean in this environment i and while they did keep the art style and brightness from darkmoon which i am still not the biggest fan of all the new main ghosts had great designs to them and the bosses were way more fun to fight and then in this game they added a bunch of cool new moves to use as well you can do this like burst of air downward that acts as a mini jump for you of sorts well kinda it's really just used to get enemies off you or just take off their armor then there's guiji no seriously that's his name who is the big selling feature that even made it on the box and i'll say this inclusion does allow for some more interesting puzzles to be created and i overall like this feature you basically do a lot of two-player puzzles with this guy by helping luigi and such and he even has unique properties of being able to go through gates fences and such because you know he's made of like goo or something like that i don't know regardless these all just really enhance the puzzle solving in this game luigi's mansion just took the style of darkmoon and fixed up most of the flaws here however there is one game with a style that i like even more [Music] okay so we're at the number one spot and i think you all know what game hey who turned off the lights [Music] i gotta check this out [Music] [Music] oh yeah the original luigi's mansion yes the original first luigi's mansion game is my favorite in the series and before you call me a i don't know luigi's mansion purist or the gen runner of luigi's mansion i actually played this game as a kid and really didn't like it that much but then actually i went back to this game after playing luigi's mansion 3 and damn it just clicked with me a lot more than the others did what absolutely sells this game is the atmosphere this is probably the most unique atmosphere in the mario series entirely it's dark it's unsettling there's constantly lightning strikes and sometimes ghosts that provide a quick scare don't get me wrong this ain't no resident evil or silent hill game it's mario after all but they still blended the horror and goofiness aspects perfectly to create this entire vibe i like how you always first will discover this dark room in which you then have to actually use your flashlight to see things and discover ghosts whereas in the new ones you only use your flashlight to attack ghosts since everything is a lot brighter in general and the mansion setting itself was just a really cool setting to explore it feels actually lived in this time with how there's dust everywhere when you're vacuuming up and how you would find ghosts just relaxing and going about their day most of the time i also like how cohesive and grounded everything is in this setting and that is one thing i can use to describe a lot of what i like about this game compared to the others it's more grounded sure it doesn't have as many ways to attack enemies or different moves luigi can use but what it does have it takes full advantage of all of the elemental powers you get are a lot of fun to use the puzzles for how you reveal a ghost heart are fun to solve and i even just like sucking up the ghosts more in this game than the others there's no fancy smash or slam it's just a lot more satisfying and skillful to use your vacuum here i love all the ghost capturing sound effects and how you just get pulled all around while trying to vacuum them the gameplay overall outshined the others i'd say even the music enhances this i love the main creepy yet simple theme that plays as you roam these halls and the fact that luigi is humming the tomb is a nice touch and what's even more of a subtle detail is that when you're on low health he'll still hum the tune but his voice will sound all frightened and quivery further showing how scared he actually is these are great details and i just like how the whole game is structured how the mansion acts as one big puzzle box for you to explore it's very non-linear so you're always backtracking to find new keys which further unlock new areas and they give a simple yet very effective map to make traversing easier the other two games had more of a linear approach with their mission structure and dark moon and how everything is separated into floors which kind of act like the levels in the third game but here it actually feels like you're fully exploring this place in a very organic manner get it organic manner ugh i didn't even plan for that pun but come on i couldn't resist as i'm reading this anyways thank you all for joining me this month on the infinite bits halloween extravaganza but seriously though i really appreciate the support on all these videos but if we're talking about videos then let's talk about next week's video because what this video is gonna be is oh hang on a sec i just got a text uh oh it's from mario yeah he's saying he's having a party actually he says uh it's today and he said i'm i'm late to this party okay i'm gonna have to cut this quick guys i gotta rank mario's new party that he's having or whatever yeah i don't know it's weird i just rank all of mario's parties but i'll see you guys then [Music] you
Channel: Infinite Bits
Views: 57,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Luigi's Mansion, Ranking All Luigi's Mansion Games from Worst to Best, infinite bits, worst to best, Luigi's mansion tier list, greatest Luigi mansion games of all time, every luigi's mansion game ranked, ranking every luigi's mansion game, luigi's mansion dark moon, luigis mansion 3 walkthrough, which luigi's mansion game is the best, mario party superstars ranking, luigis mansion 3, king boo, luigis mansion, tier list, top 10, ranking, nintendo switch games
Id: ZkCpfD-Wegk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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