Ranking All Builds In Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 | Tier List

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today we rank builds for the cyberpunk 2.0 update let's get to it welcome you over 173,000 subscribers and the other 40% of you who are not subscribed yet today we are ranking all of the possible builds in cyberpunk so let me Define that just a little bit here so you're not wondering well why isn't this here why isn't that there why didn't you do this why isn't this ranked so what I'm doing here is we're going to rank all of the Base Class builds so no hybridization because honestly hybridizing ation is pointless in 2.0 one side of that hybridization is going to be absolutely pointless and it's going to make more sense to just lean into the better one of whatever you've hybridized so for example if you are playing a nutrunner who is also using a mono wire the monowire is completely useless you could lean completely into going pure Netrunner and absolutely delete everything in your path you do not need the mono wire its damage is trash and its abilities aren't that great I also want to point out that while testing all of these builds I gave them the best possible chance that I could come up with to succeed all of the best cyberware was chosen all of the best weapons were chosen and the only reason any of these things had to fail is if they are just bad all right now that you understand what we're doing here let's get to the ranking so we're going to start off with Netrunner Netrunner is clearly s tier Netrunner is absolutely broken to the point that it will trivialize 99.9% of the game for you and you don't even need to be that high of a level to start seeing these effects you can start seeing these effects as low as level 20 you can start absolutely deleting everything in your path the Netrunner is so broken that you can play stealth if you want to or you can just look at people and watch them all drop over dead as you walk through crowds of them early game overheat is going to be your best friend and as soon as you get high enough level to unlock it you will move on to synapse burnout which just deletes everything instantly moving on to knives knives are B tier they're good but they're not as fantastic as they could be they do have some faults mainly you need to really be in stealth mode and they really excel at stealth mode gameplay so if you enjoy Stealth gameplay you're going to probably enjoy knives their damage is really good they can onshot most targets provided that Target has a head but their damage does fall off if you become exposed and end up in a full-on combat situation because you end up losing that additional damage you get from sneaking and also when it comes to fighting things like bosses or mechs things that don't have a head kind of suck when it comes to using knives turrets things like that become a total pain in the butt but considering the fact that you don't run into bosses that often and that you can One-Shot pretty much all of the common targets that you are going to run into they're definitely worth giving a shot and B tier isn't that bad of a place to be moving on to melee melee is definitely a tier so for melee we're counting both blades and blunt they are equally as good good and can destroy pretty much anything they are relatively reliant on Sand Devan your sand Devan isn't necessarily A have to you can use berserk berserk is going to feel better with blunt than it does melee but overall they both feel better using a sand dastan I tested both of them with both berserk and sand dastan and I just enjoyed it so much better even though there is an iconic berserk that does make you invulnerable while it is active you are basically in vulnerable when the sand devast an is active because the enemy moves so slow you don't really get hit that often and melee tears through pretty much everything it doesn't matter what it is the only reason that melee is not considered s tier is because of the lack of range you're not going to run into it too often but there are certain situations where there are enemies that are difficult to get to if you do not have some type of range and that is literally the only thing that is keeping melee from being s tier next up we have Precision rifles these things got absolutely destroyed in the 2.0 update they used to be relatively good I played with them in the past and they felt okay but in the 2.0 update you might as well just use sniper rifles if you want to use a rifle just use the sniper rifle over the precision rifle there's no reason to use the Precision rifles their damage is absolutely terrible their range isn't as good as a sniper rifle and there just really isn't any reason to use them over a sniper rif speaking of sniper rifles sniper rifles are a tier sniper rifles are absolutely fantastic they can One-Shot most things there are some situations where they can't one-hot things for example Mech turrets even if you have increased damage to Mechanical things like drones turrets and such they still take a couple more shots than one shot basically if it has a head you can one-hot it if not it's going to take two or three their damage is absolutely phenomenal they can do short range they can do extremely long range they can do medium range if you want to play with guns and you want something that has a lot of Versatility they are literally your best option the only thing that is keeping them from being s tier is due to the fact that they can't one-hot mechs and other such things next we have pistols pistols are B tier and that is because they Excel as long as you are playing stealth and you have a really good pistol there's only a couple Pistols that are actually really decent anymore used to be a situation where pistols were one of the strongest weapons in the game and when I say pistols I'm covering all handguns so revolvers and non- revolvers before 2.0 we used to be able to double dip in multiple areas to have pistols just do absolutely astronomical damage and now those days are long gone if you are playing stealth their damage is good as long as you're Landing those head shot but as soon as you end up in full combat their damage falls off a little bit and they suffer from a lot of the same things that knives suffer from such as dealing with mechs and bosses but if you enjoy stealth gam playay they are definitely a solid option to go for moving on to assault rifles assault rifles or C tier they suffer from a lot of the same problems that the Precision rifles suffer from so while many of them fire more than one shot per click or are full auto their damage is extremely lackluster compared to using a sniper rifle even when you are landing head shot to the point that you are better off if you want to play with guns and do head shots and you don't mind playing stealth using a pistol you're going to waste a heck of a lot less ammo because the pistols can do more damage with head shot they also get stealth bonus which is something you're really not going to do with the assault rifles next up we have shotguns if you had asked me to rank shotguns a few days ago I would have ranked them probably B maybe even C but then I found the shotgun called order it is an iconic of course because it has a special name and it is absolutely insane and it drives shotguns all the way to a tier I even thought about maybe ranking them s tier they are that good the only reason they are not s tier is because they lack long range but they can handle medium to short range extremely well and the order shotgun with the proper build actually just deletes anything and everything you run into I do advise running your shotgun build with a sand Devan and it will feel buttery smooth and the shotgun handles mechs and other large targets better than melee and sniper rifle moving on to SMGs SMGs are absolutely terrible they are at FTI they are trash their damage seems okay at first because they delete targets relatively fast Until you realize how much ammo you burn through if you are in a long firefight you are going to quickly burn through all of your ammo and be left amess and if you specialized into these things and you don't have a backup gun that uses a different ammo then you are going to end up in a situation where you have no ammo and you cannot fight and you have to run away get out of combat craft new ammo and then get back into combat and that is terrible gameplay design the fact alone that we can't stack all ammo for every gun to 999,000 is absolutely trash and terrible design and its own but that's a conversation for a different video yes anyway avoid SMGs you will just burn through your ammo and that's just not worth it there's much better options run a shotgun or run a sniper rifle lmgs and hmgs are a similar situation you you will waste more ammo then you will actually land on your Target and while they feel okay when you are at Point Blank Range it's just terrible to try to hit anything at any tiny bit of a distance even medium range you're going to be missing shots they fire all over the place they waste a ton of ammo and they slow you down a little bit when you are moving while this isn't the end of the world if you pair it with a sand devast stand they're just not great at all as stated already I gave all of these weapons the best possible chance to success I could give them and lmgs and hmgs are the only build in which I actually died in while testing them out even SMGs which are also F tier in absolute trash I did not die while using them and last but not least we have all cyberware arms all of the cyberware arms are absolutely terrible they are F tier don't even bother to mess with them in every single case they have a better option so for mono wire don't even mess with monowire if you're a Netrunner just use your net running capabilities to delete everything mantis blades don't use mantis blades their damage is terrible you can use a katana it's going to do the same stuff there are iconic katanas that even give you the leap ability also there is the thunder clap and whatever it is freaking ability that allows you to dash to an enemy anyway which is almost the same thing as the mantis's jump ability and yeah their damage is lackluster compared to a good Katana gorilla arms same situation you are much better off just using an iconic or even just a non-iconic highly modded blunt weapon don't even get me started on what they did to the rocket launcher arms because the launcher arms used to be absolutely fantastic now they are just total trash they have less charges than a grenade and they charge slower than grenades even if you specialize into them completely they are still absolute trash just use grenades instead rocket launcher arms they have done you so wrong nerfed into the ground and it is a sad day for them indeed all right and that is it for this one do you agree with the ranking do you disagree with the ranking let me know what you all think down there in the comment section and if you enjoyed this video you found it helpful or informational please consider hitting the Subscribe button and notification Bell so you can be notified when I upload other videos and if you're looking for some more cyberpunk content you can find a link to another one of my videos on the screen right now I want to give an absolute massive shout out and thank you to all of my channel supporters for helping to keep these videos sponsor free you all are absolutely amazing people if you would like to become an official Channel supporter check out the links in the description below if you enjoyed this video please leave a comment down below let me know what you thought if you're shy you don't like to comment just hit that thumbs up button and share your support until next time thanks for watching
Channel: FireSpark81
Views: 209,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Firespark81, firespark, Cyberpunk 2077, cyberpunk 2077 2.0, Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 guide, Cyberpunk 2.0, Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 build guide, cyberpunk 2077 phantom liberty, cyberpunk phantom liberty, cyberpunk 2077 dlc, cyberpunk 2077 tier list, cyberpunk 2077 weapon tier list, Cyberpunk 2077 builds tier list
Id: 0sSbNp0zY4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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