Rank 1 Dark and Darker Warlock teaches me how to play Warlock

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in this video I play with kazarin the rank one warlock he's going to teach me everything that I need to know about how to play warlock I'm going to play a couple Duos games with him learn a little bit of information and then I'm going to hop into High Roller where he coaches me from Discord at the end of the video I'm going to put tips and tricks that I learned as a warlock player you can skip to that if you'd like in the description I'm going to put Karin's YouTube and my Discord in the dark Harvester Discord I'm putting all of these top Leaderboard Players stats that I've been playing with that includes their gear stat thresholds and the amount of games play their extractions kills Etc so join the Discord check it out and let's get into the video hey hello yo can you hear me I can hear you I made it kin how you doing I'm doing pretty well man good I um I was trying to go for a last ditch attempt there uh I was trying to solo Warlord but he didn't spawn oh I hate it I hate it um am I am I pronouncing that right kazarin kazarin yeah actually it is to kind of give you a little bit of introduction I'm uh the dark Harvester I'm doing a series on YouTube with the top Leaderboard Players and I'm trying to get um players in each class and also each game type so for instance I've um done a video on Nolla who's number one fighter in solos I've done a video on Vincent who's number two uh solos and he's number one Ranger in solos and so I was looking through leaderboards I saw your name pop up um looks like you're in a little like uh heated uh first second place yes would fairly Disturbed yeah exactly and uh and then so I looked what I did was I saw your guys names and I looked at some YouTube and I saw a lot of number one warlock stuff um from your channel so I I wanted to hit you up and uh can you just tell me a little bit about like your dark and darker journey and experience uh yeah I think I I came to the game on plest 2 or three I'm not sure what one of those I'm pretty sure yeah was like December 2022 I started off as a wizard main I mainly posted wizard videos and uh I didn't play anything else I I love being a wizard spell slinging and stuff yeah yeah no absolutely I saw some of your old old I think your top video is Wizard right yeah it is I'd like to do some maybe one or two Duos games ask you some questions about warlock learn your style of play your knowledge um you know obviously bring a lot at the table and then I was going to hop into a high roller solos game as Warlock and Warlock and then you would spectate me via Discord and kind of Coach me through um how you would play how I should play and we'll see how it goes does that work yeah that works yeah cool now when you play warlock are you do you have a go-to build or are there a couple that you switch between uh I I swap between different ones because I I play barter barter economy exclusively I I don't use trade I I really yeah I trade I trade between my friends so I have no money I have no wealth whatsoever what why why is that just uh time and AP yeah I just don't like sitting in trade chat it's just inconvenient yeah Vincent said the same exact thing um so how about perks and skills what do you run perks and skills um so I what I have mostly available to me is the uh the build with no magic heal uh I like running dark reflection because I'm usually capped out on Magic damage on my rings and amulets so I like having that because whenever someone hits me it's it's it's free damage so I run dark reflection for that that scenario when I get melee it's like a surprise amount of damage uh anti-magic to counter other spellcasters so I don't take as much magic damage IUN vampirism because every source of healing the Warlock can get is magical healing so it will scale like you know torture Mastery it will it will scale life drain okay Etc uh and then for the final perk if I'm not running magic heal I'll usually be running malice pretty um extra will basically which which translates into more damage right yeah magic resistance damage buff duration yes okay cool um and then if I'm running magic heal I remove uh the will and I replace it with torture Mastery so I have the same setup but without you know those two right okay and then do you are you you a blow of corruption player or uh blow of corruption no not really I used to be when I was running like long sword and stuff it was fun to like get a Parry off and one tap someone right but I've optimized since those days how about what's your what's your opinion on uh the Warlock with plate it's ass everyone everyone says the same thing man I think warlock already has like a decm variety of like play style so I I have really nothing to complain about I keep cooking up new things and it just keeps on working so I yeah I have zero complaints how about Shield you use a shield uh yeah I actually do I I do like uh running a shield ever since they let us because it actually lets me fight barbarians and other Fighters you know so you played Wizard and then what warlock got released and then you just hopped onto it yeah and I just likeed the class and even though he only had four abilities I figured out how to make the most out of it which was playing around Hellfire and I just kept figuring out like ways to just make it you know goofier I I kept throwing it like three like 10 seconds before I fight started to like block off a path they might run into oh that's that's smart uh like basically zoning yeah what's your favorite do you like solos trios or Duos more uh I play trios and Duos all the time I don't like playing alone cuz I like I like hanging out with my friends what's your opinion on Rangers in regards to uh Duos uh the best duo class you can play with as a with the Warlock I would say as the ranger oh really okay yeah you you C because as a warlock you cover for their weakness I like that that's awesome that's why that's like cuz I uh my Duo partner is a Barb and that's exactly how I feel with the Barb too y I don't need I need worry about getting bum rushed he'll handle them I don't need to what's your tier list for classes tis for classes as like to play or to play against um overall like like strength if you said you know like Barb is probably most people's number one right now it's I can't quite put my finger on a like a good tier list cuz I like warlocks to me I mean sorry barbarians it's like in solos yeah they're good right because you know it's they don't have to deal with you know two other people you know wailing on them you know from the sides and all kinds of things so but is yeah really good in solos play in front of us see that it's like maybe a he had a blue pot might have been a wizard let's see okay there's a guy behind you here a fighter running at me I got you hit him once hit him twice he's sprinting and I'm oh I'm sorry Bud he's not going anywhere I grab the TR yep uh oh there's a barbarian here behind you okay so I'm thinking I'm going to drink a health potion have double shot up and I wizard hit was bar on me he's double X I can block for you you just have to get away from him okay I I hit him with blow corruption nice good job oh reloading yep I'm going to bolt him I bolt him in the Bas hit him he's one nice nice good job do you play I see a lot lot of uh warlocks that play outside of the circle yeah do you do that is that like a strategy for you cuz you can like use the Hydra and I usually stay out there to hide out Statics uh yeah but only when I'm the last man standing cuz usually the teams don't really want to waste meds go looking for me so I like hiding out there for that reason if I need to clutch it out then the storm is my friend oh I here oh pull back I'm going to go let me I'm going to put a Hydra there oh nice hit him yep keep doing it I'm going put a Hydra next to them they're both in there yep y yep I'm going to drink a health potion oh no oh don't do it to them I got shotgun if they push I'm going to put a hydro down the hill one second okay go ahead blue potting blue pot's on the right side you can open it if uh actually no you open it so I can hydro okay opening yep open it again yep it's open it's a fighter and a warlock putting how drop they have no uh warlock's dead y I'm going to keep blocking them oh no all right he's shot he's getting a shotgun yeah good job dude what's your preference on maps I this my favorite map oh you know what I love that you said that cuz so many people complain about ruins and I obviously as a ranger love I I I hate pvping in it but not you know yeah it's not a bad MAP it's not optimized for trio I feel like like it's you get third party everywhere like it's so easy to get from one side to the other you just run through the whole map without tving or doing anything you just Sprint through which leads to a lot of third partying like you you can't have a if you don't finish your fight within 30 seconds you're going to get third party oh wizard they're on uh they're cheesing The Wraith that's good oh wait I'm hey wizard okay okay I have a ranger to the right here Wizard's got wraith on him too oh bad day for you guys I'm G to wait oh no the invest I'm going to lose the aggro on this thing yeah yeah I'll get it I drink in po I I drop invis pot on my feet if you drink that you'll lose aggro okay and you'll go back I can't use invis now oh no you don't have knowledge that's right F here I'll drop them again that's okay they we'll kill we'll just kill it real quick they're running into the all right let's go yep I'm checking for Ranger traps okay you're clear that's the thing though is when you play with a teammate who doesn't you can't do this it's you got to carry meds for them that's smart do you ever do you ever use your teammate for healing I do emergencies only though see [Music] you are you firing okay it's all on you now I got you damn bro let me aggro you oh no oh god oh no damn it well that's called uh panic and poor decision making on my part it happens what's the best piece of what's the best loot you've gotten from a boss kill an Elvin bow oh nice the bow of truth that's the survival bow right yeah wow when you hop into a high roller warlock game would you say you're more aggressive or passive I'm definitely more passive I I give every other class the respect they deserve I I don't I have a play style where I don't I don't deviate from my game plan I don't change anything up I I keep everything static my response to anything is the same like I I play very safe I'm hard to kill basically no matter how kidded they are or how not kidded they are I I give everyone you know space basically because first I need to be aware of my surroundings the module next to me and the module next to that what have I seen who do I know is in the lobby what the spawns are what the likeliness of getting third party will be and I kind of just crunch all that together and then then I make like an informed decision if I should fight this or not okay what uh what do you think about the pre- lobby hate it have to hide my gear all the time yeah a lot of people say that so that means you don't Scout either right since you're hiding gear no well my I have I play with a rang fighter so I kind of just I hide the fighter he doesn't really care you know if anyone sees him he's a fighter you know right but I put a frock on I take my shadow mask off that's awesome I buy I buy a crystal ball and I put I basically look like a default warlock oh my God that's hilarious I've never thought about that and it works no one walks up to me people oh yeah okay where they at oh they're on the bridge you know what they're coming and there's a ranger wait close open that door open that door okay hit Ranger hit Ranger twice yeah open the door it's open he's going to have to pull back his ranger going have to heal hit fighter keep Landing damage on them okay I'm going to try help you Bolt from the side yep that's perfect I hit him you blocked that you have a skeleton uh I mean like a goblin on you he's down below right no he's right here next to you hit Ranger yep fighter should be sprinting on me yep fighter sprinted on me we have we have a lot of PV on here come upstairs yep and there's a lot of PV blocking your way I'm I'm coming down with you oh God hey yo please not now all right buddy okay here's the game plan nice nice oh no it went back to you [ __ ] what I just have to simply not panic no no that was a great effort yeah that that was I mean that was it's it's it's a matter of consistency that's all it is you're absolutely right and the and the safer way is the more consistent W is I think yeah I play on like um on statistical probability basically that's how I play what are the stats that you like to have when you're in high roller as a warlock health and damage okay health and damage do you have numbers that you like to meet like certain move speed certain will certain knowledge certain spell memory maybe so depending on the um what what game mode you're playing if you're playing trios I put very little emphasis on move speed because I have teammates they are there to cover they're there for me so I don't need as much speed when I'm playing alone I put more speed above okay like uh when I play Duos I go a little bit speed no I drop drop the pants real quick yeah here you go like I I I want to have I want to hit a certain the knowledge Threshold at least before I like start doing things you know do you know what that do you have specific numbers or do you just go off of a feel of like gear Rarity or yeah depending on what I'm wearing I I kind of I try to balance it like as much as uh as is playable I don't want to cast like too slow cuz then you know um I won't be able to get out my spells in time okay I and I want my spells to hit hard so that whenever I do hit that it does hurt I hear some wet footsteps over here by me okay I don't think these guys notice us all right I'm going to give you space out he's over here there right here oh he's dead okay never mind well oh god well one of them is dead the Goblins wait the okay okay what is this game d the cleric is dead right here the floor spikes yep come on guys I just wanted to just wanted to fight someone what's your strategy for AP AP uh I don't play this map for starter cuz this map this map sucks for AP cuz you know if you want to AP you have to boss and you have to hit the pile and if while you're doing that there's you know everyone breathing down your neck it's just not good cuz the map isn't filtered right you spawn in with everybody and everyone has the same objective everyone wants to do the same thing so it's just yeah it's not optimal ruins where you want to go so let's say you're playing ru ruins yeah do you like go right towards well for all the crates do you uh yeah I I I break I break boxes and I I go wherever my spawn is based on like I I I have like a bunch of rooms I take position in that will keep our team alive basically okay and then I I don't really focus on the uh the loot I do that um near the end where wherever the final Circle might be because I get most of the AP from securing all the red portals at the moment yeah that's that's just the best way to go about it you get AP without having to fill up your inventory so I see that as a a win what's uh what's a lot of AP what's like a good AP run for you in Z one 1.5k over 1K at least wow yeah one I mean 1.6 is fter Barbarian okay okay before we go through the door okay I'm going to be in front of you I'm going to be throwing spells whenever I back up you back up with me okay got it go hit Barb yep he miss uh Fighter's got crossbow yeah I see I'm going to get past you hit fighter yep oh now there's another guy here back they're fighting oh this is good this is good this is good throw in the Hydra yep I'm going to block this doorway okay hit hit warlock warlock phom they're fighting uh second win fighter hit the fighter uh all right move in I'm going in hit the Barb fighter's gone one's dead good job I'm going in yep let's go I'm going to open this I have a shield yep nice hit Barb nice nice other his teammate's dead nice there we go well done very good fight very good fight they're fighting yeah I swear to God I heard a b before yep he's right here okay what else is he dealing with okay I'm behind shotgun he's not running to me come here baby come here you know I'll swing at him oh the ciny got him I wanted to SN oh wait his teammate's wow wow over here there's a lot of things going on here uh oh oh my God good job fighting oh yeah there's a player here yeah yeah they're here I'm I'm healing right now so you have to give me some time yeah you're good he's running it's a fighter uh plate fighter with crossbow all right I'm going to be full HP so start opening yep I only hear one running yep that's fine back up back up Let Let me let me lead let me lead he's he's uh y he's just running I don't know if there's a rogue around the corner somewhere all I got I got Chase on there's only one set of footsteps okay good uh drink start drinking a heal potion yeah yep I'm healing he got a blue portal right here we're not going to let him leave I'm going to bait bait out his melee I'm going in I'm I'm going to crouch a lot so you can shoot over me yep gotcha hit him hit him all right hitting him hit him oh he's going for the oh no he can't no a son of it got out okay that was a good fight let's go Dole that was a good round what's your communication like with your Duo partner um it's a lot of it is Wireless like we I played with him long enough to like just know what he's going to do but if there are like something more when we need to do something more complicated a little bit more complex obviously we we spell it out for each other but if it's nothing that that that if it's nothing that needs spelling out like for example before he walks through a door he always wait for me to put my Hydra down that doesn't need to be communicated it's just how we play oh is that to scout for you know the room yeah Scout the room whoever's invis around the corner stuff like that so at this part in the video I'm recording on Discord and I'm recording OBS and my computer apparently can't handle that so the video gets really laggy but the audio is there and Karin has a lot of awesome information so I'm going to keep that section in here it's how you build your warlock um and then once I get to the solos game my recording is all messed up because I just need apparently I need to figure out how to record while streaming um my computer I guess can't handle it but so what I did was I streamed on Discord and Karin recorded that Stream So my audio is going to be a little bit messed up and the quality of the video is a little bit um lower uh I would suggest running dark reflection because you're going to be in melee to swing at people okay so you're basically return damage to them and then you want to be running malice malice okay so that's the will so that's just damage that's just straight up damage for your spells and for well you blow corruption and then for the final one so this is dependent on what spells you have access to because if you don't have knowledge pieces to go with then okay you have you have base n right now right yep you're running base 9 then you cannot life drain Hydra okay so the the order of spell matters as well so if you look you right now this Hydra is spell priority number one you don't want it to be that way okay this is a a curtesy of dowy he he definitely helped me out with this um you want to equip life drain first and and why does priority matter because if you're getting revived and for some reason you don't have any gear left cuz someone sniped your gear and your teammate brought you back to keep fighting with no gear you want to be able to unlock as quickly as possible with whatever you have so life train number one put it up top right uh top right okay okay and then you want your hydr second uh put in bottom left all right so basically the second you gain enough spell memory um you know like like life brain will just be running automatically from the get-go because you yeah you can cast it immediately whatever gets thrown at you Hydra will become available once you have plus 10 you know you start with nine so if you just put any one knowledge piece on Boom you start casting Hydra okay makes sense yeah and then the next you want to be able to deal damage which is Curse of pain okay Cur bottom bottom bottom right bottom right okay all right uh both on the top and a flame Walker to the left okay awesome and if I happen to find some good gear maybe I can unlock that yeah basically uh the reason I have this spell setup like this is because whenever I run magical heal setup all I have to do is replace life drain with sacrifice so torture Mastery makes it so that you heal off your curse of pain and your sacrifice oh I see okay but it doubles all your spell cost which means it's not good for a budget setup you don't need to heal from torture Mastery if you're running the life train that's correct okay but if you're running torture mastery then you're healing so you don't need the life Trin so instead you run power of sacrifice yes but you can use both you can you can use all three you can curse a pain sacrifice and life drain if you want it it works too but then you have to you have to sacrifice one of your offensive spells okay um skills uh yeah run blow corruption because you get the most use out of it okay okay cool and so what do you have in your secondary slot a staff oh I want a staff okay yep do I have gold let's see 200 gold okay that should be enough go to The Alchemist you buy the most expensive staff you can that one yep and can you tell me why you like a staff over say a Crystal Sword so uh when you cast life drain uh life drain heals you depending on how much damage you deal uh magical damage not weapon magic damage very so the more damage you deal the more Health you get so you want to have magic staff to heal from ideally usually I I carry um a stack for myself a stack of bandage a stack of health potion so I drink a health potion and I bandage you know to so for a life drain setup it costs you 10 HP to cast your Hydra with no torture Mastery and it cost you four HP to cast life drain so you want to be at 15 to start healing gotcha on torture Mastery you want to be at uh over 26 HP you want to be at 27 because Hydra is GNA cost you 20 HP and your curse is going to cost you 6 hp and you also need to take into account if you're out in the storm right correct okay so out in the storm you want to be at 30 above you know or but the thing is you don't want to just single curse a Hydra cuz then the healing is really slow so you want to you want to you have to double curse so you your Hydra 20 one curse that's six another Cur that's you have 32 so you want to be at minimum 33 if you're in zone okay and then if you're outside of Zone 37 you know 40 just to be safe so here's the trick with uh when you play this class is it's it's not for someone that is impatient it's a class that wins over uh it's a long period of time pure of attrition basically the the more time you take to win a fight the more you're more like the higher chance you'll be winning it is how I see it okay gotcha the fight can take 30 seconds it can take two minutes you can take three floors it doesn't matter as long as you're patient you'll win eventually so cool common collected yes okay all right I like it I like it that's uh oh you know what I saw a video of yeah you can do this y that's cool I like that all right so what's my goal here wherever you're whatever area you're approaching you want to clear as much PV as you can like the the less PVE there is in your way and the way that you just came from the better because then you you don't have to deal with them and get body blocked and griefed by them later so okay gotcha makes sense like you don't want to ignore PVE basically um and these boxes are a great source of loot so I'd break them they take two hits to break usually yep Shadow hood is nice gives you strength nice bigger swings a little more health and I am a little laggy in this game and the rest is just vendor items simply oh there's my uh there you go that's big so yeah I would just start exploring look around the map are barrels worth breaking barrels Yes again don't don't don't do too much you know just you don't have to Hydra here by the way cuz the Goblins are already there you know I see if if there was somebody there the Goblins would have dealt with them oh behind oh [ __ ] okay sword out swort out yep don't get hit by the goblin oh I'm dead you are [ __ ] damn oh the Rogue snuck right up on me yes so that's the first thing you have to uh learn about playing warlock is when whenever you start casting spells you cannot hear anything you are deaf to the environment so you know what I said about you not having to Hydra there that got you killed basically cuz you made a bunch of noise and now you can't hear anything your life draining is a you can't hear anything and people sneak up on you absolutely right and then you die you are absolutely right no this is one of my biggest handicap playing the class is you can't rely on your hearing because most of the time you can't hear anything I want to be able to show people a little more than just clear one module of one of one enemy and then die to a die to a rogue it's just like such a classic way for warlocks to to die like it's oh wait I want to go to the circle uh no that that makes sense I wasn't even thinking about the um I wasn't even thinking about the the noise that I was making oh I don't have okay this is going to be a little tough I don't have so right now your your spell setup isn't optimized because you you can you can't really uh cast anything right now you have life drain that's that's the only ability you have okay well we're going to rock it we're going to be a little more uh just melee fion focused I guess what's down here is this the place I want to drop uh no okay A Milli down there I'm goingon to clear PVE and I'm GNA try and take a fight I didn't even bring pots oh this is going to be rough all right we're a little strong we got a little bit maybe we'll find some gear man I is it the goblin caves this is just the servers right now holy crap dude I'm lagging McGee should be a third one are you're pretty big and healthy now to be competing with like other people oh don't hit his shield no don't and you can use blow corruption to like you know speed things up oh good call let's see what that cool down is it stays on your blade for eight seconds oh and I thought I could just hold it on there and once since it's been used it will go on cool down oh that's the best you could have found that's juicy oh my gosh nice so sometimes when you turn it on but you don't actually get to use it but you want it to go to cool down a bit quicker you can just hit the floor okay that makes sense like if you know you're not going to be able to land the hit basically on whoever you're going oh look I got a yeah Shadow mask oh you hear people oh that's perfect there's a guy behind you right there I would deal with first oh he's a warlock too and he's T he's dead that's what he is yeah he's very dead okay so I need to let's play this right let's play this right y heal up y okay right now you'll be healing not using a staff as you can see oh my gosh that's much less it's awful so let's hope does he have something for me no no he was running phantomizer better yeah these are better these These are better three will and better fou maybe no uh 35 oh yeah you're right nice good call yep all right let's let's take these off and something I would do here since like depending on whatever you got in your inventory I wouldn't be running crystal ball right now I would swap it to a second slot okay and then grab the lantern oh and the candy and a potion everything there you go nice okay good call cuz you don't have a shield and you you won't be casting your spells offensively very often anyway cuz if you want want to you can just swap to it cuz when you have fou Shon and the uh crystal ball at the same time you're very slow okay that makes sense and honestly I I would just bandage and drink health potions at this point you're going to be here for like about three minutes okay yeah so just band should I uh campire yeah do that use that that definitely get you healed up and you want to do it somewhere that's lowkey like you you don't you don't want your back exposed while you're campf firing okay if you sit if you sit down without be able to tell someone's running up on you it's not a good spot so right here I would I would face yeah exactly so you can at least like tell what's going on around you is is the little things yeah that makes sense yeah it's crazy how like the the damage difference with the life drain and the and the healing difference it is not having that that magical damage from the uh from the staff correct makes me think like having like a purple staff would be crazy uh yeah it is it's very good then bunk there we go all right so let's try to get to Sone yep you have to go up left there through the Contraptions I'll go up here okay go through there that works too this room is loaded just keep backing and keep backing use your blow corruption as well okay okay here's a trick I'll teach you do not hit the skeleton archer do not hit skeleton do not hit the skeleton archer my bad all right kill kill the skele the other one what why am I calling a skeleton Goblin all right okay listen to me carefully okay yeah after the next shot I want you just sit and crouch in front of him okay just go in front of him just crouch in front of him just go up and then Crouch Crouch no no no not like that just just no no no no not like this just stand up again just sit Crouch control and just do not move do not move wow wait oh how's that work go again just just yeah just right in front of him and he shouldn't be able to hit you really yes wow I did not know this so you just so you let him attack like so I can do this and then yeah if you let's see if I can do it again wow dude that's such good information oh my gosh I did not know that it's it's definitely not it does nobody tells you it's not obvious no way not at all but it can save you you know if you're if you're stressed out you're getting shoted by a skeleton archer you know you have to be afraid of him you can just go just right in front of him yeah wait does it work with skeleton archers too sorry I I keep exchanging the words uh no it does not work on skelet AR sorry that's awesome yeah super good information all right I'm not I'm not spending 12 years on this I want to find somebody we can do another game if you want more PVP cuz you got look at one person yeah yeah we did get that one uh warlock that's totally up to you if you're if you want I can just take this blue real quick and then yeah you take the blue and go again okay let's do that you have more footage to work with um can you I don't know that was close one more hit and I was done okay do you clear well uh no oh [ __ ] I didn't get health pots uh it's fine that that's not the end of the world you're warlock okay so I since you don't have a lot of Kit and you can't clear this quickly I'd leave it so I'd go directly south from here okay meaning how do you handle these oh don't don't worry about this guy either uh you can kill him just bring up your foul sh go up to him as long as you keep strafing right left it doesn't matter just go One Direction only or block well I just don't want to aggra the skillies right there that's smart then you don't move too much if you don't want to aggro use your Shield that's why you have it oh I was wondering if the shield would block the uh would block the uh Vision I guess not okay so since I spawned I don't need to be doing the hydro stuff yet right uh no you can this is the best time a person could be but you know he that is a person that is a person yep I would heal up right now how would you heal up with Hydra yep make make sure it won't hit anything make sure that your Hydra doesn't hit anything because then it won't Aro mobs it want aggro mimics to run and then you know it'll start running at you you want it to be as peaceful as possible when you start healing okay so the guy is right there he doesn't notice me all right so what you can start engagement with from a distance is by bolting him in the head to squish him up all right missed all right so now I would return back into the dark because now he's confused yeah and start healing again and try to listen Okay so he looks geared what I would do is I would start turning off lights where you're at right now all the lights yep wait he's moving up so he looks like a warlock as well okay so the bolts that's a rogue all right so you want to start engagement Hydra really close to you really no no really close to you oh [ __ ] you were right yep come here [ __ ] I would leave him alone right now you can you can do this later okay remember you don't have to win the fight right now okay he's forcing this which means you have you have to fight him oh the Mage hit me too ah man every every play that you've said about the Hydra has been exactly right that is so funny yep um that's what I do that's not the approach you shows but you know I yeah damn yeah I thought I thought like oh that's crazy I thought the Rogue was G to hide and wait for me so I put the Hydra where I thought he was going to go invis so that the Hydra would shoot him and he would lose invis and I wouldn't have to worry about getting ambushed but I guess he like completely pushed me while invis I don't even y I thought I would hear him if but I guess he was running that silent footsteps perk no remember whenever you're channeling spells you cannot hear anything so you cannot you cannot make play based on audio you can only make like play based on well plan intuition basically like you know what they're going to do you're absolutely oh that was so cool and if you place a Hydra next to you even if he he is where you play you you want to place the Hydra originally right you don't lose anything you don't lose your life he doesn't push there's no loss you know like there's no net loss you're right but if you but if you place your Hydra deeper and then he does make that play then then you lose wow that was so good oh man so you're constantly making plays that keeps you alive against anything basically like consistently all the time so you always have the chance to fight back you know like you start with a play first like a set of defensive plays right that keeps you alive and then whenever you you start reading your opponent okay maybe they're too like you know they're the bit of a wuss they they start backing off they don't want anything to do with you then you can start switching it up to something more aggressive if they're running away you probably want to bolt them in the back okay and if they start you know juking too much and you're spending too much HP maybe you have to start reconsidering maybe this is not worth it you know for you to be chasing can you tell me just tell me some of the places you that the viewers can go to check out your content um C Kasin TV or just hash krin on YouTube I guess yeah Kasin TV on YouTube and that's about it okay awesome well I'll put I'm going to put your YouTube link in the description of the video and the Discord that you're currently in um I'm trying to eventually get to a point where I'm going to be doing a series of um clip of the dark and darker clip of the week so if you have any cool clips that you want to share please um do that so that's about it is there anything else that you want to tell the Warlock players that are excited to get into high roller and get killed by a rogue to to two times in a row like me uh you have to just learn learn the class step by step you know like find The Faults and ways to counter other classes and get better at it like don't be discouraged by dying because that's the only way we're we're going to learn as you know playing the class like you you we have a lot of counters a lot of those counters don't really matter if you know how to play around them like I feel like warlock is one of the only classes where you you have a shot at killing anybody right yeah you know like if if you're fighting a ranger well if you fight him in an open room obviously you're at a disadvantage but you fight him at a corner where you can reach him with a curse now the odds have changed right now you can damage him and he can't recover health as quickly as you can so you end up winning the encounter if a barbarian's running at you you have flame Walker you have Phantom I you know you have so many tools to deal with that like it's if you have you're running into a wizard right uh you have magic resistance usually up to 50% so you can always out damage him while not taking as much from him like I I truly think warlock is just the best to fight any class in one one V1 because you have infinite sustain you have infinite damage technically without having to bring a [ __ ] ton of meds and arrows and stuff like other classes has to like you can fight anyone once you figure out how to you know fight fight each class like there's a playbook for all of them yeah and you have and you also what's cool about warlock is do they have armor you you have magic damage do they have magic resist you have a falan like you're dealing the attack damage you're dealing the spell damage you have the range you have the up close potential yeah awesome awesome the only thing keeping you know like a warlock from dying to their quote unquote hard class counters is the M themselves you know it's they they just have to be disciplined and not take bad fights if you don't take bad fights you don't lose you know yeah absolutely and if you do lose sometimes that's out of your control sometimes that's just a skill issue and you know and learn from it like me and learn from it the spell the spell um the big learning from those two games I just played is the the audio cues where I can't hear when I'm using spells how often do you play dark and darker six five hours depending on yeah how much time I have get like a few good games in at least right right cool well uh thank you very much I appreciate you um taking your time to help me out and teach me out about Warlock and uh I know some of those High Roll games didn't go so great so I appreciate you sticking around and and and dealing with some of our uh recording bugs and stuff too yep no problem it's not a straightforward class okay you can just get into it you know you you can only learn this class by dying a lot and that goes the same with a lot of classes really but for warlock it's it's especially hard you're spending Health constantly and if you miss you're punished for missing like you just you lose Health yeah exactly cool all right well hey I wish you the very best on your solo warlord journey and I anticipate on looking at that video here in the next couple days I know you're going to be the first one to do it all right I hope so too man I put a lot of time into it there you go cool dying a lot I I bet I'm about to hop on my uh my Ranger and go stop some people from winning their soapie challenge so I'm gonna go do that you go knock out the warlord and let me know if you need anything else at all okay man yep all right hey you have a great day thank you very much you too you too I took a couple of notes from all of the information that Kasin gave me um I'm going to go over them real quick so let's talk about perks if you're doing a no magic heal build you want to use dark reflection to hurt the Mele layers anti- magic to counter other spellcasters Vamp prism because every source of healing is magical healing so it scales torture Mastery and life drain if you're not running the magic heal build you're going to use malice for the extra damage if you are running the magic heal build remove will and replace with torture Mastery your skills you're going to use um Phantom eyes but in the High Roller run that I ran I used blow of corruption I think phantomizer a little bit higher of a skill floor um plat lock is bad Shield is good and it allows you to fight barbs and Fighters best duo class to play with the Warlock is a ranger because as a warlock you cover for the Rangers weaknesses I love to hear that bring Health supplies for your teammates play passively give other classes the respect that they deserve do not deviate from your play style or your game plan in the middle of the game put your gear away in your inventory and wear basic gear while you're in the pregame Lobby to avoid being scouted solo warlock needs more emphasis on move speed as opposed to in Duos or trios because your teammates are there to help with the fight you do want to focus on knowledge and will for the spell casting speed and the Damage play ruins and open portals for the most amount of AP a good amount of AP for a run in demigod is 1,500 make spell priority so that when you die and you get resed you have life drain as your first spell so that you can heal yourself in the High Roller game Kasin had me run dark bolt life drain curse of pain Hydra and Flame walk walk those were the Spells and then I run I ran blow of corruption for my skill wooden staff provides the most magic damage and life drain heals for the magic damage that you deal so you want to use a wooden staff while you're life trining understand that your spells are loud and they will make it so you can't hear enemies near you as you saw when uh he was coaching me through my high roller I died um to a rogue that I couldn't hear use your hydro to scout rooms be disciplined and don't take bad fights and Karin also told me that uh you don't want to get discouraged when you die and when you lose which is uh which is good for me because I was doing a lot of dying while playing warlock that's going to be it if you like these videos please subscribe and hit that notification Bell so that when I post these you're the first one to be able to see it I'm going to throw Karin's um uh YouTube he says he doesn't stream a lot anymore so but he does post a lot of content I'm going to throw his YouTube in the description and the dark Harvester Discord in the description if you want a place that you can post and view sweaty Clips I'm also going to put a lot of his uh stats gear um and thresholds into the Discord so that you all can view those so that when you run warlock you can see the stats that you want to hit awesome thanks again and I'll see you in the next video oh and uh Jay griffy respond to my message I'm trying to do a wizard video with you
Channel: TheDarkHarvester
Views: 4,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dark and Darker, DaD, PvP, Ranger, Barb, Duo, Trio, Crypt, Ruins, Best Kit, Best player, Leaderboard, warlock, best, rank 1, best warlock, kazaren, kazarentv
Id: KFiN156KtVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 45sec (3225 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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