Ranged Hunter Phase 2 BIS Guide | Season of Discovery

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with a lot of people looking to swap over to ranged after the Raptor Strike Nerf even if the Nerfs aren't as bad as you might think it's time to start looking at building a gear set to optimize your damage from ranged because let's be real ranged Hunters aren't getting a nerve anytime soon the best is not guyses you can find out there are decent but some guides are either simply wrong or don't give you context to why a piece is considered best in slot which means you could be making mistakes in your gearing if you're not using the spec or build that the guide has in mind and as such here is your best and SL guide to ranged Hunter let's get a few things out of the way at the point I'm making this video both melee weaving with two one-handers as well as with a two-hander is simply dead if you're looking to maximize damage as such strength is a stat that gives us zero value second the game is not solved yet Sims are not functioning properly and we're still figuring out exactly what build and what gear performs the absolute best as such such there are a few things that could change in the future I'm currently making updated build guides that reflect the current best builds so if that's something you're interested in make sure to subscribe all right let's take a look at the gear for a snapshot overview of your best-in slot gear then this is it next we'll go over explanations for each piece along with options if you aren't able to get the best in slot for the heads slot we'll want to pick up the leather crafted piece the onuse effect is too strong to pass up on even if it's a bit tin consuming it's easy to obtain and should be one of the first items for everyone to pick up after the first run of ner until then you can run emus cow from BFD which is technically better than the crafting helmet if the on uses on cool down and you don't need the hit for the neck you'll want the Epic neck from n Gun quests that is guaranteed dropped from the last boss there will be a lot of competition in this one during the start of the phase but it will be easier to get over time until then we'll use the war zung neck for the shoulders the trog Slayer pauldrons are the Undisputed best in slot until then you can run the Lea shoulders from viscus Fallout and off agility green or the revish balers from alderan for the cloak you'll want to run prototype parachute cloak until then get an off agility cloak or the blood drain straight from STV event which will synergize nicely with exposed weakness we go for plus three agility on cloak for the chest there is no other option than blaz wind breastplate from Tremors of the Earth quest line in Badlands the tier chest is okay but not worth the agility with sacrifice we go for plus two all stats on chest for bracers it's up for the bait whether we want to run forest stalker bracers from the Warson Gul exalted or the experimental aim stabilizers taken into effect the bonus we get from aspet of the lion the Gomer bracers still come out on top with how much attack power it provides with 38.8 attack power compared to 33.6 attack power from the Warson bracers but then we have to take into account the crit value from the bonus agility as well I think that the Nora bracers are slightly better now that we don't melee weave but grab whatever you can get your hands on we go for one agility and shant on bracers the glove slot is rather interesting ideally we want to have three pairs of gloves in your bags for all mechanical bosses you want to use mechanist gloves for non-mechanical you'll want to use the void touch leather gloves when the gloves are on cool down you want to use the gauntlet of divinity personally I just opt to have my third pair of gloves ruined with explosive shot and swap to those during trash you know I'm just casual like that we want to use plus five agility andan on gloves for our belt we'll most of the time use Dark Vision girdle if you want to push your DPS rankings and gamble on getting the right buff then the engineering belt will be better if you get the buff the leg slot is up for the bait either we'll run the teer legs or the trip Runner D jerice take an aspect of the lion into account the bonus attack power you get from not running any tier piece in legs and feet is 57.6 compared to 52 attack power you would get from the tier then the trade-off becomes whether you want the plus 1% hits with the tier or plus 0.7% crit from the bonus agility of the non-tier keep in mind that normal bosses are lower level than normal boss mops so hit loses a bit of value compared to later faces but also the value of intellect is not zero especially if you can make it through the entire boss fight without having to use aspect of the Viper for Boots the same applies we want to run either the tiar boots or off agility boots for the enchant minor run speed offers too much quality of life in my opinion but for fights where you can be completely still plus three agility would allow you to pump harder for Rings we'll want to go two 10 agility rings that could either be from ring of the Underwood or an off agility ring viable options until then is the warung ring Falcon's hook or iron spine's I for trinkets will ideally want to run Avengers void Pearl from BFD and gyromatic experiment 420b from the last boss in ner until we get the nomer trinket we can run the tiger blow Talisman and of course if we have the domesticated attack chicken we'll want to run that whenever it's off cool down for the range weapon will of course want to use the Epic gun from the last boss in ner until then your best bet is running a 3.0 agility gun or simply the crafted gun from engineering if there are no inexpensive Boe alternatives for melow weapons you'll want to run Vu sword and Sentinels Blade the reason we want to run these weapons over an off agility two-hander is a it's simply more attack power but B with two weapons we can apply dismantle to both weapons and we can use lesser wizard oil on both weapons serpent s scales one to one with spell power power and Arcane shot has a spell power coefficient of 43.5 and 140% crit scaling making bonus spell power absolutely worth picking up I'll link the full bit set in the description and will make sure to make updates if things change in the future I'm also looking to make additional build guides for the S Hunter after having done more testing if that's something you're interested in make sure to subscribe but that's all for now thank you very much for watching until next time
Channel: Riyani
Views: 14,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hunter SOD, Ranged Hunter SOD, Hunter BIS SOD, Ranged Hunter BIS SOD, Ranged Hunter BIS Classic, Hunter Season of Discovery, Ranged Hunter Season of Discovery, Hunter Best in slot, Hunter Gearing, Ranged Hunter Best in slot, Ranged Hunter gearing, Range hunter, range hunter gear, range hunter bis SOD, range hunter bis gnomeregan, gnomeregan bis
Id: i2T72uxSVFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 32sec (392 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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