Randy Moss - Super Freak (An Original Bored Film Documentary)

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Just gonna say Joseph Vincent's videos are amazing. Particularly the Michael Jordan and Tom Brady ones, but all of them are pretty awesome.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/averageduder 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

Moss and the NBA. Randy said he met Kevin Garnett and got faced so bad while playing some basketball he decided to stick to football.

I list Randy Moss as the best WR to ever play, but Rice is the GOAT for career accomplishments.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/arizono 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

So disappointed he never won a ring

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Dave_Matthews_Jam 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

Man I love Randy

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Skol88 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2019 🗫︎ replies
Kenny car from the Vikings was unbranded I think with this said Moss was the best athlete that he's ever seen [Music] people say things about Randy Moss as I'd like ability he was a freak I think right now he's the best receiver I think the love the game you develop you know in your youth right playing with white chocolate of course a lot of people don't realize that you know he was an all-around athlete itself King Clarke even said Randy if you wanted to could've gone to the NBA [Music] three not fair the return from Gilmore demas ahead is Notre Dame we'll be getting a visit from moss along with Florida and Ohio State but there's no business to take care of at Devon high school two years ago the Panthers had never won a state title they now have two it's amazing to think Moss almost didn't play college football at all after being released from full scholarships at Notre Dame and Florida State through the legal of the year with a Parade magazine all-american and had signed a letter of intent to attend Notre Dame first fight that took him left was a fight because of a white kid wrote something on a desk Andy Moss must serve 30 days at the South Central Regional Jail over the next 80 when I go back to mid nineties marijuana possession issues some some jail time a probation violation that pretty much nixed him he was on his way to Notre Dame then Bobby Bowden took it shot him in the Florida State but while he tested positive for marijuana while serving some time that Nix his potential career at Florida State so he gets the scholarships revoke he ends up at Marshall that's the moss that like most people in the national consciousness [Applause] he can outrun anybody but can he outrun his past no I came in 1997 Ross dominated college football nine - touchdown winning the Fred Biletnikoff Award as the nation's leading wide receiver six-foot five to ten you're not supposed to be that quick on your fourth touchdown catch it probably will do it now as for his on the field performance scouting reports say he can basically do whatever he won on the field ma shows the quick feet this is the thing that sets him apart however they wonder how they'll be able to get separation from his defender and how he'll handled bump and run coverage in the NFL 27 straight game in 27 straight games 43 on the season hasn't have a guide to 65 238 available [Music] [Applause] it is the best vertical receiver I've ever seen one and two touchdowns [Applause] [Music] it's amazing if you're a quarterback with the receiver of that well Chris I had a chance to read some teams scouting reports and psychological assessments of moths and due to character problems which are obviously well documented there's great concern as to how mas would potentially handle a high-priced multi-million dollar contract on the field production of Marshall in two years tremendous look at the touchdown 44 GT 25 touchdowns and last East the Cowboys did not want to take Randy because it's off the field problems I got off the phone with the Cowboys war room they're they're gonna go a cold feet like a number of teams are with the Randy Moss really beginning to watch where Randy Moss may or may not go the Dallas Cowboys defensive end from North Carolina Greg Ellis that's interesting here guys is that he could go with his picked or he could fall all the way to early second Robert Edwards Ernestina Anthony Simmonds Dyson one came for whom Randy Moss might be in the picture are the Minnesota Vikings the Minnesota Vikings have selected wide receiver from Marshall University Randy the Minnesota Vikings drafted Randy boss they sent down to Florida to spend time with Chris Carter I called Dennis green and told him that he is the most unbelievable athlete that I have ever seen boss paid immediate dividends for the Vikings setting the rookie record for touchdown catches in a season with seven children and record thing the most talented wide receiver I've ever seen [Applause] the backs in the NFL if they put shoulder pads and cleats on the same boat and he was actually a good football player it would be randomized [Music] in my career I have never seen anything like Randy Moss Cunningham let surprising he revolutionized the game of both football as a rookie this guy is unbelievable can have just basically thrown the ball up right now Randy Moss going again [Applause] [Music] he took over games he took over the entire 1998 season screams is his way in for the touchdown it is unbelievable he just lifts it up and these guys can catch the football this is like a circus out here and Yvonne is the best young receiver that I have seen maybe he's going for seven more and you want to talk about hands Randy Moss had hands he had reliable adjustable feet time big play ends simultaneous possession goes to the offense this is brandy you have arrived and then when I sit back and think about a guy like Randy Moss when I was a young guy he's killing me and I'm sitting here like man that dude it's a guy he hated me the greatest receiver to ever have played the game now watch him go into the ball I mean Ranger quitting here even down the other day that he says or in front of him chuck it out as deep as you can it was just let me run and you just Chuck a big dog Thanksgiving at Dallas because you want to take it out on the cowboy team that had passed him just wait took it out on every team get it back the Dallas Cowboys select defensive end from North Carolina Greg Ellis came out there he flew out there he met with mr. Jones and he flew home when he told his family if I'm eight on the clock and I'm on the board I'm going to the Cowboys you also told me that you have something to prove especially to the teams that passed you by it's been well-documented about what Randy Moss did to that team the following season Minnesota Vikings and the Dallas Cowboys from Texas Stadium and John and I'll be back Matt Dallas on Thanksgiving Randy Moss caught three balls in that game the one-yard 56 yard 56 yard touchdown so you've got three balls for a long distance touchdowns because that's what [Applause] we're Randall Cunningham just kids that ball and he just Chuck's it deep to Randy Moss that was awful flea flickers I am back on national television Randall Cunningham throwing these bomb passes this guy is amazing crazy boss is the baby has two catches for a hundred and seven yards and two touchdowns Cowboys select defensive ends from North Carolina Greg Ellis just toss it out there and Randy Moss is going to come down Randy Moss is I agree with Chris the most talented receiver ever [Applause] that runs everybody into the is incredible three touchdowns and there's a lantern that's how they [ __ ] that's as measured Chris Carter he's fired up but that's the way you [ __ ] some guy like that you are guys we're talking about out you player the game you get uh you get a chicken leg I said chicken leg I said man I don't want no chicken leg and I'm ready to go how did these teams pass up on a guy like this on a prospect like this and they get set to entertain the Green Bay Packers the rematch [Applause] [Music] [Applause] because Randy he wasn't just fat just Chuck in the end zone yeah what's the door get it guy in 65 who has a wiry frame who can high point the ball with the best one can you sum up Randy monks I mean this kid is phenomenal he's phenomenal because he has a great work ethic he is a great competitor what did I see in 1998 and 99 2000 I saw the most electrifying receiver in Minnesota I've ever seen returnable kit for moss from the 36 you know everybody caught you six training he'll take it the distance now Randy this is pure speed encapsulated device no flag I got defeat bosses say hey let's watch Randy Moss over here now this is when he was on the sideline and again the thing did come from from him I wonder wonder if he's supported that official yeah I think he did that's good bosses been named to the Pro Bowl five times but controversy has followed calculator to counter la bouche Culpepper steps away Dallas Cowboys select defensive end from North Carolina Greg Ellis three Cowboys enter one short one on one day you'll get a guy with sweet sweet like that that can move in and out of his breaks you'll get a guy like a pump here in the best DBS in the game I mean he just has he just catches that with his fingertips [Music] perfect timing absolutely and some that just get mesmerized they must be using in the Vikings they went through Cunningham Co pepper Jeff George rent um a lot of the reporters [Applause] [Music] that was a pass for zero Randy boss I saw him catching balls from the end of Randall Cunningham then I saw Culpepper then I saw Barack I didn't see Joe Montana or Stevie OH second down seven at the 39 years moss in motion a gust watched at hang time Barry Jordan ass by Randy Moss knowing where he is coming across the field don't give up the best season of his career in 2003 becoming the only wideout ever to average over 100 yards receiving and one touchdown per game second and goal at the 2 [Applause] we'll leave [Applause] now we'll look at DD's first thing I know this biggest size ever seen never see more white size and guys garden Randy Moss [Applause] and then I would look down at their knees and their needs are sitting there just slowly trembling these DVS was so scared that they would lift their toes up and I were to be rocking back on their heels because they want to get out of Dodge say no Randy's coming [Music] [Applause] is amazing I say you take all the quarterbacks out and who's the best player on foot products Randy touchdown so do I have any issue with Randy Moss saying I'm the greatest [Applause] [Applause] zatia Randy boss but winnaman academy award we redo the great rivalry between the Vikings and the Green Bay Packers for the first time of the playoffs he sees he has out Harris one-on-one he sticks his hand in the air says doctor don't even bottle would than any world randy weisz max the touchdown still six minutes left in the first quarter and it's 17 to nothing Vikings on top home-field advantage isn't what it used to dream there on the field in Green Bay when the Vikings were playoff game at the mock moaning more of a payback because then you know they do it to me so why not get him back disgusting he was a freak athletically but he was just as good off the field as he was on the field get ready don't write [ __ ] if you don't write checks how do you pay these guys very cash grant when grant to me as the Vikings line up for an onside kick with two seconds left in a 2004 regular-season game with the [ __ ] I didn't really mean it for it to be as negative as it was you know to make it look like I did with clear that this walking off the field is it's just another example of I play when I want to play and I do what I want to do well entirely this game I'm gonna always do what I want to do regardless gravy loss is a perfect example of the type of athlete who should just play the game defenses don't frustrate me my team is what frustrates here and then we talk about it always do we talk about it on Thursday and we even practice it on Wednesday and Thursday well when game time comes don't sing like we put it together so that's the frustrating part I'm frustrated cuz it should be a blowout that's what I'm frustrated about that's what I'm frustrated maybe there's a lot of things that frustrated me in Minnesota I can honestly say that you know I think that Dante really wanted to be the the main focal point the main leader of the team and you know really didn't have no problem with that at the time that I did get traded out in fill of his right position of Randy Moss in the offseason by the silver and black caused shockwaves around football seeking a fresh start the Vikings traded the enigmatic receiver to the Oakland Raiders in 2005 now in Oakland of what we see a different random oil such a soul-sucking Dante like infernal than it has sapped Randy mom it's been rumored for weeks Sunday our Adam Schefter broke the story the Patriots and Raiders making it official Oakland sending disgruntled yet talented wide receiver Randy Moss to New England for a fourth-round draft pick at the time the Raiders coach had said he's an aging player with declining talents it didn't really have much production in Oakland didn't play during the preseason all and so you're thinking I mean how how big a threat is this guy really at this point like the map [Music] nice move on the outside and just leaves him behind loading Korean tackled at the 12-yard line someone asked him if it was true that Belichick had seen him run a four to nine forty fifteen person mas just said let's just say the massive old is back and leave it at that he wins it right off the snap and he comes out and hangs a hundred and eighty yards on us you know he was between a corner and a safety there's a backside safety he goes up high points it takes it away she stacks it out of the air at the 9 yard line and is it to say that will silence the critics who say I have nothing left it doesn't look like he's put in full speed getting balls in double coverage but nobody catches up to him it was unbearable here is social home great Randy launched in less than five and full quarters has now caught 14 passes on the same page and getting Randy Moss is one of those things people saw it their eyes lit up they said wouldn't be right for the Patriots remember Rani Mazel distant hombre and the number he put up astronomical numbers now have an opportunity not just to play with time but just being on that which is being on the team that runs a professional ship as far as on and off the field with two hands Randy Moss was a thing of beauty [Applause] you see what happened in 2007 never seen you think like that [Applause] and just turn and cockpit were like opening up a can of subtle I mean it was just like Oh was he engaged did he play every play I think he did [Music] four weeks and now it finally arrived New England and India naphtha third goal off the ground is when you are in the air how good are you in the air touchdown New England starting from inside the 10 and do it give it into your paycheck well not much I can say about that it's terrific Nash reaches up into the sky and plucks it down for the grab of 17 yards 11 passes this season attempted against the Colts defensive travel 20 yards only three have been completed execute bullet 66 the backside of exhaust reels it is rude seal the deal go into Indianapolis trail for much of this game and emerge still undefeated on the season oh look at the first two quarterbacks rice had for the first like 15 seasons Joe Montana Steve Jobs and I think if you put Randy Moss in that situation probably my first time I've had really a personal in gold that I really really want and that is the touchdowns in a regular season and the rich ever very rich 22 22 [Applause] patrons yeah it catches his 22nd or 23rd touchdown on the same pass that Brady throws his 50th touchdown like the most insane sports thing that's ever happened alone the significance of that so many interviews of you when you were younger being asked of course are you gonna be the next Jerry Rice and your response that I heard was always not trying to be Jerry Rice I just want to be Randy Moss well you are the first first-ballot Hall of Fame wide receiver since Jerry Rice [Applause] so I played that Randy Moss is the most dipped in talent and wide receiver in the history of the game by a long shot [Applause] issue with Randy I said I'm the greatest read no I have none spaceman but I'm really satisfied with the manual and at the end of the day if you're not a good way of what else to nobody [Music] [Music]
Channel: Joseph Vincent
Views: 2,037,033
Rating: 4.8953533 out of 5
Keywords: Movies, Sports, Film, Comics, Fights, Highlights, Spin, Truck, Juke, History, edit, diving, leaping, catching, one handed, dunk, slam, jam, alley oop, jordan, lebron, vincent, bored film, randy moss, mossed, out jumped, jump ball, history, revis, vikings, patriots, traded, raiders, best, top, greatest, moments, all time, carter, interview, fined, moon, water bottle, argument, high school, college, drafted, cowboys, thanksgiving, brady, record, joseph vincent
Id: m2LIbCq4YaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 9sec (1629 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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