RANDOM PARTS Chase But it's During an EXTREME FLOOD in BeamNG Drive Mods!

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all right [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign folks we are back with the flood mod and it's very simple I get to pick a random vehicle oh geez I got an autobella and it's gonna have random Parts yep that is a thing and guess what there is only one point on this map that isn't going to flood and it is this tower now if I can make it with a random car which I'm kind of doubting I am I get to pick any car to speed run this challenge that I want so be sure to hit that thumbs up button and let's start the challenge all right I think this is gonna be challenging enough just getting over there I don't think the cops are gonna matter here but as soon as I hit enable I need to go so here we go three two one enable all right it is already flooding oh oh no I can see it rising up on the uh the beach over there Han we should be able to escape the dock uh how do I get over there uh let's try to take the bridges on the highway oh no oh Komodo might have screwed this up this might be way too fast um yeah that totally didn't happen that way okay so Komodo made a bit of a mistake and I accidentally had up the the speed limit little too much it's still gonna be fast but not that fast all right three two one and go oh dear oh dear oh it's still moving fast uh okay let's go up that might be the best strategy it's really low I'd like to get over to the bridge on the highway that would get us pretty elevated all right look behind us okay the Street's not flooding yet so we're good uh yeah I feel a little embarrassed about that first attempt all right we don't want to go too high up here because we're just gonna have to go down so I need to oh dear uh hold on I need oh that was that's where we need to go right there on let's get around to the bridge uh I don't see the flood yet so we're doing pretty good I hear police sirens faintly in the distance are they mad at me like I can't even speed in this thing uh hold on look down in the street can we see the water I I don't oh I see it look left side oh no okay the thing couldn't go any slower look at the water coming up okay we need to get up on the highway uh definitely don't go in the tunnel you guys are totally screwed over here sorry uh okay there's a on-ramp do we go this way we might get ourselves stuck are the cops even mad at me oh they are okay never mind the sirens are definitely on look at that the whole Dock's flooded okay we're making good speed oh that cop wasn't mad at me yeah we're making good time here okay Think Tank okay we're gonna turn on the highway here I'm really fearing that that water is going to catch us before we get down to the end of this here look at that the whole dock area is flooding all right they're definitely mad at us now all right let's go oh come on this is the slowest vehicle ever and why would you give me this game the highway starts to go down here should we take a ramp is there a ramp we can take to go left the tower is just over there maybe we go is it here I think here's good okay look down is the canal the Canal's not even flooding yet okay we're made making good time I think this is going to be deceiving just because it isn't flooding right now uh it's gonna be a while before we start to travel up uh that flood might actually catch up with us here okay uh on let's whip around here I want to go into the neighborhood from this direction I will get some more elevation here watch out coppers uh the cops are just confused right now I don't think they know what's happening okay go through this whole Booth uh oh the floods catching look to the right side oh that's flooded okay through the toll booth uh let's get up here we might be able to make it in the first attempt I mean technically this is the second attempt see wait which side is the road on oh no the flood's coming okay it is definitely filling up the neighborhoods like it's right there with the oh no it's flood the street no no no no no good no we were right there the entrance to the tower is right there the car is just too slow oh that is incredible looking look at the city look at the flood I mean you can't tell me this isn't one of the most amazing mods ever well we didn't successfully complete our objective let's go get another random car shall we okay so the Autobell didn't really tick off the cops so let's go another random vehicle okay this thing's definitely fast enough if we get the right random Parts come on don't screw us too bad game hey hold on wait why does it sound like it has the autobella motor in it oh you got to be kidding me uh I pray this has better speed oh yeah I know this is definitely better all right water's Rising do we take the same path you know what I'm feeling kind of adventurous no no no no no no no no no okay uh are we good I still haven't gone fast enough to take off the cops here let's go up this bridge uh okay cops are mad now uh I'm definitely going a little bit faster this time oh geez wait some of the other traffic stopped okay this was much quicker to get to this area okay I got a chance oh no oh oh those were hubcaps I thought those were tires uh we're gonna go up the wrong way here oh there's a van up here it might block us off okay goodbye okay we're good all right and we're gonna Rush up the highway uh so it's turning around immediately e-brake this still isn't very fast I have NOS uh maybe I activate that I don't think it's gonna help us much here okay come on baby uh look around there's a cop right behind us sounds like the sirens are getting slightly closer leave me alone I don't have time for this you don't either you if you were smart you would come up to the tower with us I mean technically I think they are coming up here yeah I think we're we're definitely making a lot better time here there's a good chance we make it oh no we're not on Tollbooth side uh okay wait where do we go no no we can make it oh whip it around whip it around come on come on come on oh uh he got the wing that was it no no we gotta turn it around turn around turn around turn around go through the toll booths or behind him here and we can take the same path I swear if we get caught in the same spot I'm gonna be so mad okay here we are this is where we stopped last time I don't see the flood on the left side so I think we're definitely good okay am I Really Gonna Get to pick my own vehicle here this soon uh there's a chance that's gonna happen uh as long as I find the entrance the entrance just wait where is it uh-oh I thought it was on this side was it not uh oh wait I think there it is okay hold on whip it around [Music] no I'm stuck on a rock hold on if another cop hits me before the flood gets here I could potentially get off come on come on he crashed over here hey over here come on wait hold on I think it might lose in itself here I can't use the node Grabber where's the flood at all the floods coming come on how does that even happen what are the chance what the okay it's off okay we can go yep we're not gonna talk about what just happened there it's rather embarrassing but look at that we're beating the flood uh flood's up on the right side okay come on whip it around I feel like we're gonna actually be able to do this wait does this flatten uh no I think it's a constant climb there is the tower we're almost up to the spot we need to be at no don't you don't you do this to me game why would you spawn AI up here oh no no no no no no no no okay it is not over we're going back up the hill ah they've kind of blocked off the road here uh it looks devastating in the city right now but guess what we're gonna we're totally gonna get this okay so it's just a ride here I think it's one more turn I don't know if we're above the thing like there's the road the entrance it's it's flooding up it right now but look at that that is fairly impressive so I've completed it so I'm gonna keep the getting to pick any vehicle but I think to make this more compelling we have to speed the flood up yeah we better hope we get the right vehicle uh combination for this next one okay random vehicle Time Boom okay might have a powerful engine oh you know let's we're gonna take this all right cops look like they're already angry here we go make sure we're in drive three two one go I might have uh jumped it a little bit okay come on baby yep I can already tell you I'm screwed on this it's okay I have it in my bag that I get to go play with whatever vehicle I want but I wanted to definitely still be like a speed run here wait wait come on get up the road dude we are racing it right now this is actually epic looking if I could just get clear of it I should be able to outrun it some uh oh boy watch out everybody I got a ram plow so I can go Boop up gotta go up through all 20 gears oh look behind us where's the flood I don't see the flood uh what is wrong with this thing no it's not broken I think it's the ram plow maybe it's just dug into the ground right now okay we are free the flood's still coming I don't know where it's at now I don't have visual on it I know there's definitely something broken with the truck it is smoking oh no there it is uh We're not gonna be able to make it no we're gonna get trapped here in the bottoms uh oh and we are flooded well that was a very unlucky uh random vehicle wasn't it all right here we go another random vehicle what are we gonna get okay ET 's beautiful give me something with the powerful engine oh what do we got here uh it feels decent oh yeah we got some speed here we'll turn on that nice we'll be uh we'll be A-Okay I think uh the steering's a little funny like it feels like the back ends like on a weird pivot also I totally just missed our turn off it doesn't matter here we got this oh yeah we're gonna try a different path this time I think this since we're so far out ahead this will lead us right into the neighborhood if we go up here and if we we need to cut to the right do we need to go up here to this right or here let's go up to the next intersection there's the overpass I believe uh it'll get us into the neighborhood and it'll get us to the road uh where the tower is and up the cops are not happy oh come on Van oh it okay that turn that late turn there I don't see the flood so that's good oh geez oh oh turning on this thing is terrible it's so unpredictable like you start to turn it and sometimes it turns sometimes it doesn't I think we might have screwed it the cops are just slamming into me right now there's a chance I could still make this right uh this thing is busted is this supposed to drive like this um I'm trying to make it up there's the tower right there but the entrance is on this side I think I'm a little turned around yeah this is the the way to get up there oh geez oh geez oh geez oh geez no no no no no no go this way okay there's the entrance oh please tell me we can make it with this busted vehicle so I think potentially I'm gonna set it to the original speed where we first had it and that'll be the round where I can pick the vehicle also they are right behind us okay cops this is getting oh you've got to be kit that's just wrong we're both gonna die here now Han it's not over oh okay I think it it might actually be over here right so this is truly gonna be a Race Against Time so I'm gonna go in here and then I'm gonna set it to five that is what we originally had it set to at the start of the video where we flooded out really quick so we'll see how easy this is with probably one of the faster cars in the game and if we need to up the speed up we will okay but we got the speed here okay and I want to take a left here I probably should have taken left down there that would have made more sense this is fine though uh I want to get altitude as quick as oh it's flooding fast um do we go left let's go left here because if we can get over to the ramp we should be good oh it is flooding in the bottom so quick making good time we might have to speed it up all right here we go time to get some speed and get the heck out of here so is this gonna work look at the flood on the right side it's flooding the uh the city uh I think we're on the fastest path right now I really kind of want to be over on that left side so when we get down to the toll booth so I have to slow down big time and by the way if you look at the left side you can see the water level like as it's happening that's why I kept it up this time that way you guys can see it uh you can see where the height limit is and then there's the water level so it kind of gives you almost like a timer to your ultimate death so here we go shoot through here all right we are up in this area I think we've got this and there's the entrance right there oh there's another cop just get it up on the road real quick it's gonna be really slick here we got racing slicks a whole lot of power but I think we're gonna make it uh you can see the water's definitely fast uh we're gonna do one more no no no you've got to be kidding me you ain't gonna do this to me game are you okay well besides the whole fact of my uh my lack of driving skills we totally would have made that we've got to speed it up I'm thinking let's see from a visual standpoint what is nine look like what what is nine okay there's nine oh man these are the ultimate Stakes uh I'm gonna Point myself straight off this straightaway because I don't think there's a chance I can't outrun it to the actual streets here three two one go oh that is pretty close all right we want to go up uh let's try getting to the top uh I don't think oh I just oh okay way to go Komodo you just basically exploded your car we're gonna have to go downhill which kind of sucks I'm not gonna lie oh no no no no no uh did I take the wrong turn maybe I didn't do this right okay we need to get to the highway uh waiting for the water to come up okay uh height height uh what's the quickest way up oh that's gonna be no I thought I was gonna bust a tire there okay there's height right there oh look at that okay gun it got it oh no we are so screwed we are completely screwed okay uh hold on bridge there's a bridge up here oh we just made it okay uh no no I thought he was gonna turn in front of me wait where does this tunnel go does this go upper oh we have screwed up the car oh we are gonna die in a tunnel oh I'm sure there's a there's a certain type of fear for dying in tunnels wait how did we make it out of that I need to somehow make it oh this thing the steering's busted on this or the wheels are come on I just want to see the end here I don't wonder if I had the off-road version of this would that have worked better I could have totally tried to climb the hill there yep we are done how close is the flood here oh it's right there I want to try this one more time with the off-roader right okay so final attempt here three two one go all right it has started oh dear you know what we don't even need to see the numbers let's not even look at the numbers over there all right so we have a better chance of getting up stuff and being able to do stupid jumps like that okay so let's go left side okay oh jeez okay the cops are aggressive no anytime you lose though I feel like man that might ruin the attempt okay this thing is so much more like unpredictable than the other one as far as it's driving we might be able to shoot across to the highway over here I have no reference though like I don't know where the water is at all uh we took that away completely I'm hitting everything too oh you've got to be kidding me yep I I don't think I'm gonna make it but we could try this on other Maps comment down below we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 920,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beamng, beamng drive, beamng drive gameplay, beamng police crashes, beamng flooded, beamng rain, beamng drive car crashes, beamng cop chases, beamng flooded map, beamng police escape, beamng police mod, beamng police chase, beamng drive crashes, beamng drive mods, beamng biggest crashes, beamng crash compilation, beamng funny moments, car crash, video game, police chase, police chases, police chases 2022, beamng drive flood mod, beamng random parts, beamng randomizer
Id: v3NJo4vS5A4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2022
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