Bridge Jumps & Stair Chases for a SECRET CAR in BeamNG Drive Mods!

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so today mean spy cakes are gonna face off in the ultimate challenge we have stair races going down mountains and very bad cars and we're gonna be jumping bridges and whoever wins the challenge gets to pick the other person's car for one final epic race be sure to hit that thumbs up button and let's jump in all right spire are you ready in our sweet hellcat red hot oh these things are great oh these things are amazing you got a ton of american horsepower and we're going to be launching down this hill here now it's the first person to cross the finish line you can reset if you fly off the track i'm ready let's do this i mean you better be ready because remember winner's going to choose the loser's vehicle at the end oh man i'm gonna i'm gonna win you're gonna get the crappiest car in the world oh yeah i'm sure you can count us in let's do this okay three two one go way backwards wait why do i always go backwards it's fine you're gonna crash i'm never gonna crash i i own a charger in real life i mean it's not nearly as fast as this one well my cars are my dream cars are chargers so i got dream power oh drink oh that actually about might be more powerful than actual like practical i have a charger power even though like i said i've never launched down a hill at 200 something miles per hour i'm doing it spy oh okay okay go straight i got some tactics here don't don't go sideways like that wait wait my engine blew up no this isn't fair this ain't fair uh wait a second this is pretty competitive no no wait recover look at this look at this i don't think we can roll i think oh there's no way if your engine's dead i'm restarting okay wait what okay me too it's the first one down to the line right yeah you got to get down down to the line i think with the engines killed there i didn't have enough momentum to roll oh so there is no rule about me smacking you and then resetting really quick wait what [Music] it blew up no i'm still going i think i got this one under control are you serious yep and komodo is going to take the first challenge just crossed the lines by one point for you no i'm not giving up i'm gonna get down to the line at least i got this car no don't break it okay if you get down to the line it's gonna be like the last time i'll give you 0.5 0.5 yeah 0.5 points come on spy you got it at a whopping come on car two miles an hour wait hold on i think i got a sneeze at you no no wait i did it i did it back down okay spy gets point five right all right spy are you ready for the next challenge i am what's the challenge so we have this awesome bridge here and there is a ramp you have to hit the ramp and whoever makes it furthest wins if you fall off the bridge it does not count one more stipulation you could pick any car in this server and modify it as you see fit but you can only do it once once okay okay i i got this so uh which vehicle are you going with are you giggling i need to make that rule real quick because you're not going to show up with the hero bus i'll pick something decently fast i got one my vehicle is loading in okay i haven't modified i don't know if there's a lot of parts to modify this thing i hope there is look at this it's still loading for me just it's taking forever hold on yeah it's good 20 seconds for me is it gonna be that good it's gonna be really good did you break something uh it's a it's a bmw with no wheels oh well i'll allow you to modify those ones i'm waiting for it oh there it is oh it yeah it doesn't have wheels don't worry about that this car might be amazing it might be gonna give it a chance okay well you can modify yours as you see fit i'm not really sure i have a whole bunch of parts i can modify this thing with i mean oh never mind i have completely lied there is a bigger engine uh spy you are uh totally screwed you got a viper bigger engine how much bigger does a viper engine get i don't know apparently it's nine point leaders of freedom over here so i think this is gonna be pretty good and i got twin turbo chargers on it now you do have to keep in mind that i have to land and can like make it on to the other side if i fly off the you know the side or something it's not going to count yeah also put a massive uh nos bottle in there it's fine okay come on in my car might not be as fast as yours but i'm gonna have the clearance to actually jump yours is low i mean i've got a nice uh supercharger here uh or twin turbos oh wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa yeah it's gonna be good you want me to make my run first uh yep yeah feel free to follow along with me here we go three two one go okay this doesn't pick up as much as i thought it would you got quite a bit of traction going on there wait did your engine blow up oh did your engine blow up boy okay i think that counts as a restart because your engine literally blew up like i might have over wrapped here i'm going to turn the traction on and i'm turning nice off all right i'm gonna go three two one go okay let's just short shift here did i put too much power you put too much power what the heck it blew up again okay i think i'm i'm done here all you gotta do is make it you destroyed your own car okay don't let komodo ever upgrade cars because yeah here we go the bmw with the v10 can i do it i hope yours blows up too sooner than mine did not too fast but it's all about stability and power i already beat you i mean you still need to land oh so yeah keep that i mean you don't have to land in one piece but you got to make it to the other side oh okay where's the jump uh it's coming up oh oh come on come on oh hit this jump wait a second that was perfect that was so good i'm gonna retract the 0.5 point i gave you for pity on the last round and i think it's going to be one and one 101 okay i didn't even get to jump the bridge all right spy the next event is a race down the stairs in these awesome trucks so the only stipulation is you need to make it all the way down on the stairs you can hit the ramp and the first person to nosedive off the cliff and die uh wins that sounds like a great challenge i'm ready to die wait what wait what okay are you okay all right line up at the top are you ready i'm ready all right three two one go okay i'm just gonna let you get ahead a little bit there we go okay these actually handle the stairs really good i just i don't want to hop off this top stair and go in over in yeah they got good suspension here we go oh yep get a little speed got to catch up here okay oh i'm doing it i'm doing it spy i'm right behind you no no no you stay away i don't want to jump too much but oh dear come on truck wait this is the end no oh no i didn't oh [Music] holy man how did we hit each other there i don't know i think we both expected it to be such a not as steep ramp that's why i've been hitting the brakes on all the top steps to try to just slow it down just a little bit and not do i oh well now i gotta hit the gas no don't hit the gas too hard because you'll go sideways there we go okay this is where oh where we lost it no we lost it on the next one i think okay okay it breaks breaks breaks breaks breaks almost okay i landed it why is going downstairs tougher than it really should be i don't know but i gotta get ahead of you come on neck and neck here oh no oh no oh no no no come on get some speed wait that's a that's a weird jump that is a really weird jump ah dang so you're two i'm one technically i didn't make it off the cliffs by wait what you got about the cliff yeah i was watching you i could have won i died there oh i thought you just had that end ramp wait where are you at behind you oh no yeah you hit the end ramp and you need to get off into the cliff so you don't want to hit the end ramp too fast i just learned that you got to climb over it kind of thing yeah no come on no don't do that you're going to wreck yourself oh no no no no no no i'm so close there i'm so close i'm sorry i mean not really sorry but i'm kinda sorry i mean i still gotta not flip coming off this thing so i would be coming down if i was you yeah i'm already coming down i can't risk losing okay okay how do you hit this without flipping the stupid truck backwards you reverse no wait what um i'm not telling you my secrets i gotta receive you respawned you can land it you can land it you can let my tire fell off yep told you this thing is tough yeah sometimes it feels like it's gonna land nicely and then it just tumbles okay come on down the steps uh i got this i mean i totally don't have this but i got this i'm still so far behind you don't worry is that sarcasm or no i'm really really pretty far behind you dude i flipped but i landed oh never mind i flipped over again oh come on land on all four all four i need all four here don't land on all four break his tire off no i flipped again i hate this this challenge is too tough yeah if we were going slow we would have already been done yeah but you can't hit the jump slow at the end i'm assuming that was a uh come on don't break the tire don't break the tire break the tire don't break the tire oh yes i landed it wait you landed the jump i landed no i landed flipping on the stairs oh wait my tires no they're broken oh that sounds very unfortunate spot i'm coming down no come on truck you just gotta get over this yeah but then you need to go off the cliff oh no i'm about to hit it too hard okay here we go i'm coming spy okay look at me that looks very unfortunate oh yes no no loser no there's no point in me respawning amazing oh i got the cinematic camera of me dying here great all right spy for the final challenge uh this is the survival challenge we're gonna see who can make it down the crash hard mountain uh the furthest in probably one of the worst carts i've ever seen yeah these go-karts these are actually amazing very durable i mean technically we're kind of taught well no actually i'm winning yeah you're winning by a point if i win this one i for sure win but if you win we have to find a sudden death okay so you ready three yeah two one go oh why does it pull to the right so bad oh no okay hold on you just gotta you just gotta you gotta trim it you gotta you gotta trim it how do you trim this thing i don't think we're gonna make it oh no okay keep going we'll break this was the worst challenge yet it's okay can we make it about this yeah this is the kijiji go-kart challenge the what on a budget oh my engine flew into space wait your engine down it flew to space did you make it over the waterfall no okay all i gotta do is make it over the water wait i got an idea no don't go on the lip wait so where are you oh did you make it further i did you made it further by like i think your tire is poking out further than mine yeah i'm like a foot or two further well that's just horse pooped we're tied we're tied wait so what does that mean is there a tie breaker or do we get to just pick each other's cars to go down this hill yeah you pick mine i pick yours you're not allowed to pick the cart either i'm not going down in that right all right so i guess the objective is who can cross the line is going to win the whole video okay um are you ready you might have gave me one that's a little better than yours oh no all right three two one go oh no oh oh yeah this is great i mean just because it's fast doesn't mean it's gonna make it it has three wheels here's those two it's three wheels two wait what do you mean mine has two mine has three three as well what okay here we go oh i broke my front wheel i broke my front wheel did you get past it uh-huh in the pigeon pigeon mata just exploded because you gave me the base one oh all i gotta do is roll down this bad boy spy how do i jump over this my wheel explodes well i mean that seems to be more of a personal issue okay just edge the pigeon made it no i flipped oh i'm on i'm still going it's rolling [Music] landed no i'm rolling okay come on back on all four or all three or how many do i have left i've got oh you've got to be kidding hold on i'm rolling again it's a slow crawl but i think there is a chance i am picking up speed here spy i got a strategy what's your switch are you almost at the end i mean i'm rolling uh i'm probably about not too far past the second jump oh no i fell into the picture no i can't even get over the waterfall i mean that sounds that sounds bad i'm rolling i'm about 30 miles an hour right now you want to go ahead and start giving me my crown please come on jump i made it oh no i mean you're coming down at a decent speed you're definitely gonna pass me but i'm cruising now i'm up to 40 miles an hour my engine exploded i wasn't even using it i don't have an engine either i'm rolling yeah i'm going 130 rolling oh that's not good when are you are you at the second jump yet almost oh come on too fast gonna slow down a bit i'm almost up to 50 miles an hour rolling here how did i not destroy this thing completely come on jump there's a chance this is going to explode when i jump this oh do you want it i'm going 70. no no no you're going faster than me right now i can see the line though i got to go first person for a fact it's gonna be close with spy guess what this thing sucks i mean these both suck but guess what are you on the line uh i just passed it are you serious yeppers how far behind were you are you still rolling i'm like a mile oh you are rolling dude you're going actually pretty fast like if you could have got that kind of roll the first time or the first couple tries like you totally would have made it like might tire was exploding yeah i flipped and i somehow like you gotta see what my pigeon looks like i guess you you got three points yay when you win
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 1,153,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biggest car, police chase, high speed chase, beamng, beamng drive, beamng drive realistic crashes, beamng drive police chase, beamng crashes, beamng drive crashes, beamng funny moments, car crash, video game, camodo gaming, camodo gaming beamng, beamng drive mods, beamng biggest car, beamng biggest crashes, beamng drive weird cars, weird cars, beamng monster truck, beamng smallest car, smallest car, beamng mountain race, beamng secret, beamng secret car
Id: gTEjAsp_isE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2022
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