Random Number Generation - Pokémon Crystal

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to random number generation this is episode 39 pokemon crystal budget battleships with keys run and etiquette before we get started real quick sg2 2021 online prize submissions are now open go to gamesdunquick.com to find out about submitting prizes for the event and of course as you all know that will include our good friend sent the the one who always has the lamp and says prizes so keep in mind again please find out about submitting prizes for the event gamesdonequick.com frame fatale the all women's speedering event will be returning on august 15th to the 21st with flame fatale game submissions will be open from now until may 25th go to gamestonequick.com frame patel for more information on the upcoming event if you're watching on youtube hi everybody on youtube nice to see y'all back here would like to support our live content please consider checking out our twitch channel twitch.tv gtq if you have an amazon prime account you can subscribe to any twitch channel of your choice every month for free please consider using your prime gaming account to subscribe to the gdq twitch channel with that being said hey y'all how are you doing hello i'm stuck with etiquette again for another gdq thing again [Music] that's how i'm doing i would like to hear a little bit more about that lore once we get started i assume that everybody's yachts and or battleships are in place indeed i'm good yeah it took a lot of deliberation but we are here all right y'all let's get started we'll cover the details as to what type of randomizer this is and why it's awesome on your account yeah no go go ahead go ahead oh you me okay all you all right three two one go good luck and have fun so as we get started here would you all like to talk about budget battleships yachts whatever name you like to use for this what is this about and um what makes it so fun i think i think before we explain anything about it i think we would be remiss not to kind of explain the screen we were just on so uh we're using a version of the game that's been modified by the community to add a bunch of quality of life changes uh we've seen this on hotfix shows before uh with like emerald and with crystal as well just a lot of like quality life stuff like we have an early bike we have uh easier catches we have the encounter slots are actually fair and balanced so instead of there being one percent and four percent chances the lowest you get is ten so you know things get kind of combined and um yeah so it just makes the game a little easier to play overall okay etiquette i'm taking the pincer so i'm calling out pincer all right one second i'm also taking the pincer so i'm gonna call out pincer all right well pincer's a miss yeah answer is a miss i do want to let our audience know really quickly here he's run or etiquette can see the chat you all have the information in front of you y'all can talk about it because again they will not be looking at the chat so therefore it cannot be spoiled if you have any questions i'm going to try to keep an eye on the chat but just so everybody knows we can talk spoilers since they can't see the chat [Music] okay now to kind of talk about the lore of this i got a female pincer too uh to talk about the lore of this so um we uh we in the crystal randomizer community we being me etiquette shenanigans and 360 chrism really like coming up with really really dumb ideas like stealing stealing board game ideas essentially so this is literally if you've ever played battleship like the hasbro board game this is literally just that it's a catch-em-all variant of of um why am i buying repels it's it's a catch-em-all variant of battleship where we we place our boats or yachts or whatever we wanna call it we're calling it battleship today we call it eat yachts normally then there's like pontoon pandemonium you know whatever joke you can come up with um yes you take a pokedex which you can actually find that resource if you google bob chow pokedex it's a it's an interactive uh list of pokemon you see it my left i think i was told and etiquette's right but um we just we just pick a certain a certain amount of tiles so we have a two by one ship two three by one ships a four by one ship a four by two ship and a five by one ship and the goal is you know if we don't have a time limit the goal is we just catch whatever is on the screen and hope that it's a hit and hope we sink all the boats or if we have a time limit just whoever makes the most progress you're gonna hear us calling out a lot of pokemon a lot of the time oh yeah like right now i'm calling staryu staryu is a miss but we also have uh for the sake of speeding it up a little bit normally the way that etiquette and i play it is we have to catch the pokemon because we're trying to make the the pokeball represent like the missile from the boat right so we have to physically catch it so even if we own it if we didn't throw a ball at it and catch it we wouldn't count it but for the sake of the show today uh we're making a couple of exceptions and we're adding a couple of power-ups kind of inspired by uh the game boy version of battleship that i own so uh if we own it at all like for example we picked pincer but uh we didn't catch it but we picked it so so that counts as as you know a shot um if we get gifted like the the kenya which is in goldenrod like that'll also count as a shot if we evolve something that'll count as a shot and then we're also going to have some power ups here where every time we beat a gym leader we get to call out a two by two square so it's kind of like a super missile we don't even have to catch anything we just have to beat the gym leader and then call it out so just for the sake of trying to get this done in a reasonable amount of time we have a couple of those wow [Music] scyther hurt me all right did he throw rocks at you yeah i uh i got a bat by the way [Music] is a hit yeah first blood so i have a question what are the rules are there any house rules in terms of like legendaries for instance because if you miss catching a legendary that's not exactly good so the the house rules that we pretty much have are we have the shiny bomb rule which there's a guaranteed shiny in this game so you're gonna see the rule here but uh normally we don't count that shiny but for today we will uh where it's it's a three by three so it's the shiny is the middle and then all the surrounding squares are called out as well and then that applies to any shiny at all so i'll be picking up the odd egg and i'm sure etiquette will too because that's a one in eight chance for a shiny um and then i should also probably explain the uh the color coding here so black is just a miss uh blue is where we placed our boats red is a hit and then once a boat is sank it'll be purple so just just for future reference also i caught a dela bird all right um delhi bird is a [Music] where is it miss all right uh another house rule i think you're about to say oh god i was gonna say the same thing yeah uh so another house rule we have is uh regarding single stage evolutions so um as we go through the game you know we can evolve into things um or we can breed if we need to but single stage evolutions the only way to actually get them is by catching them um or info wise we would need to um find them on a trainer and then look them up up in the pokedex and again for something like uh i don't know uh suicune for example that's there's nothing that can evolve into it or it doesn't evolve from anything so uh in order to make this a little bit more bearable what we've done is limited ourselves to four of those single stage evolutions uh we don't have to have four so one of us could have three one of us could have two um but we cannot have any more than four of those um i caught a slugma while i was talking i caught an onyx in a dratini so slugma is a i apparently don't know my alphabet is a hit all right um so you caught an onix i got onyx and a dratini all right onyx is a miss and dratini is not on the board where is it wait no um it is a miss okay okay man you're tearing me apart right now what is this we have uh some questions from the chat here um how did you all come up with this challenge whoever did from the community uh so uh i i totally originally came up with it all by myself even before hasbro totally my idea 100 never uh never stole this idea from shenanigans completely 100 no chris had nothing to do and chris sucks um yeah no this is uh this is sort of like an extension almost or like a mix between like a bingo which is the most common way probably to play uh crystal randomizers and a catch em all which is like really long you'll take eight plus hours in order to do a full catch em all um but this gives you like a more targeted goal and it really gives you like a reason to play with somebody else you can always just do a bingo by yourself you can't really do this by yourself because you you know you need to hit somebody else's boats so um it's like it's a cool fun challenge to just do with each other [Music] i think it's the one yes same shen is really the one i think that came up with the idea have you ever want to see a bunch of like really strange ideas shenanigans is probably the guy to watch absolutely i caught a onyx by the way i forgot to mention onyx is a miss i didn't realize you were capable of missing i'm struggling against this train holy crap okay yeah this pins there's no good i i missed a couple of low kicks oh good a little upset it's learning sand attack that's what i needed really [Music] oh man i just i'm not i'm not running into a lot of stuff that i haven't already caught either that's kind of what stinks did you know dratini is on two routes really yeah it's on 29 and 30. it's a scam [Music] yeah so uh to speak strategy a little bit usually the best strategy is not really going too deep into the plot you pretty much just get set up to pick up fly and then you just travel around and empty in counter slots as you go along fights really aren't something that you focus on but as i mentioned for today specifically uh gym leaders will give us power ups just to kind of finish this a little faster so it'll be interesting to see how it goes i definitely am not thinking about fights that much because i don't even have anything that can survive a fight right now what about you dragon air dragon air i'm doing a couple of extra fights um but nothing major and i also caught a blissey while you were talking i caught a dragonair uh blissey's a miss dragonair is also a miss i did you place boats we were supposed to place boats oh that explains everything peter all right um oh all right i haven't played crystal in a while i forgot that this person can see me here i mean you're creaming me right now i need every advantage i can get well yeah i've got a funny lineup the other funny thing is i'm using a different tv than normal right now and i'm making all sorts of movement mistakes it probably looks awful twine up's a hit right swinub oh i didn't hear that um that is a miss actually i don't i don't i don't yeah i don't believe it actually [Music] so i wanted to know about some of the memes we were talking in the pre-show and i was like don't tell me any of your memes uh apparently there's some stuff that's happened recently between y'all in this exact gaming category yeah so first and foremost arbok please oh arbok is a hit oh thank god you did place a boat so i the the wind record is kind of lopsided and it's not it's not from lack of trying or lack of skill or anything first and foremost this is at the end of the day this is all luck based it's very much luck based but etiquette has gotten so close to beating me so many times he's beaten me a couple of times already but like he's gotten so close to beating me and then he'll get stalled out on one thing that won't show up or he won't have any information because you know no trainer revealed that pokemon yet or something like that and i'll be behind several and just all of a sudden in one area i find half of what i need and it just it almost looks like a cheat i i rob him so much i still don't have anything to run i don't like this i don't like this i don't know what my the play is right now the play is to look for a main [Music] all right that's i said i wanted a mane that's that's not it oh okay i was like no way you found something no i nope i mean i don't know how does let me catch it for there how does rattata sound oh i just actually killed one um rattata sounds like a miss but i don't actually well how does something sound like a mist all right yeah that was a miss so y'all were talking about this being random i did want to remind you all this is random number generation so you are exactly on the right show for something like this oh it's it's it's random art oh [Music] all right i like this i like this this could be a main this could be a that could really be a main i'm excited i'm excited uh pursuing oh um earth's ring is a miss [Music] maybe for you [Music] be a winner be a winner have a good move set oh oh no i mean i can use it i can use it i guess nine tails is a let me learn my alphabet again real quick nine tails is a nine fails oh god we're doing this all right i'm about to copy you in a sec the one good thing about this pincer is it's got a bunch of moves that don't kill things so it's easy to get no kidding but what about hitmonchan all right i got blossom as well hitmonchan is a miss blossom is a miss [Music] this is my channel any good sound thunderbolt that was the only move i saw so i'm gonna guess no no it's terrible again get away get out show me another move i'll run you all right show me [Music] all right venus no i just found it too and it just showed me a sick move i hate you it showed me one sick move but it didn't show me anything it could use it with if that makes sense uh venusaur is a miss okay also venusaur is also a miss oh it only has the one sick move oh no was it a sick move meditate no no it had psychic oh what yeah that's literally it's literally it's only attacking booth it was like meditate and i saw poison powder yeah yeah yeah that's that's that's that's our buddy that's our pal oh man i mean no one's ever said this could be good but maybe oh dear it has extreme speed you concern me don't make a mistake you're too young it has sing oh boy a rabbit hash oh uh yeah that can be okay sometimes i mean not in this case because it's a miss but you know alright fair oh one rule that we didn't point out it was something we did uh barring the four by two ship uh we also have a rule where things can't touch diagonally and i only just realized that because slug bun rapidash um but yeah so yeah so um like for example if if the boat is like wartortle weedle then that means that every every square surrounding the wartortle can't be part of a boat as well so vulpix uh swine up tangela tauros oh i should have attached a berry a fool i saved i hope i saved [Music] i don't know what i want to run question from the chat here what is y'all's favorite pokemon game um i like gold soul silver we both picked remakes yes we did crystal's a game that i put the most hours in i'm i'm pretty convinced that i probably have the most hours on twitch for crystal aside from maybe like an always on stream like a twitch plays pokemon but yeah yeah wouldn't surprise me [Music] um i guess i can go here i'm severely at a loss as to what i should be doing right now i'm i'm honestly just trying to get this bear up so i can uh tackle the gym and get my free two by two you're at a loss you're supposed to catch pokemon i yeah if worst comes the worst if you run out of ideas just run into the grass i see the question is do i use the two by twos to clear out areas or do i use it to try and figure out what direction of boats go i'd run this [Music] i don't have this to starve me on a trainer okay learn a move bear learn a bear learn a bear move i learned barrier okay not exactly what you wanted but oh man [Music] as mentioned before like you're probably gonna see a lot of deviation like even even when we get to the point where we call it the grind phase um where even when we're looking for things and catching things you're going to see us in completely different areas for most of the time that we're racing like the first 30 45 minutes will be kind of close and then from there you see like a huge deviation so you're never actually going to know who's in the lead and even even so even saying that etiquette could have you know 10 more hits over me and still not really necessarily have a lead [Music] because he might not have the information to to close out a boat so does the wind condition include defeating the elite four i assume though but i figured it was worth it don't in a traditional catch em all then yeah it'd be beat the whatever the boss is but not in this case it would be red in this case wouldn't it i forgot yes it would porygon is a miss okay okay so i just beat faulkner so i get my two by two oh boy i'm pretty excited i'm looking i'm deciding um i'm gonna do because i don't like it i don't like this area i'm gonna do mew mewtwo paris parasect [Music] i hate you why what did i do uh you sunk my two boat what mew mewtwo was a two boat you're a you're a jerk you're the jerk you're a jerk why would you do that why did you go you deserve no you deserve that you deserve that who puts their vote there you asked why would you do deserved deserved sink oh the chat loves it right now there was definitely a good i'm throwing the chat over there he's alright he's a fraud he's a fun so for those who who may be watching this for the first time what is that guest based for every gym leader you defeat you get to ask for about a couple pokemon is that how this works yeah yeah so specifically for today this isn't how we normally play it but we just wanted to make sure that you know i didn't drag etiquette into my gdq overestimate failures but uh so every time we beat a gym leader we get a two by two call out that we count as uh as missiles um and me specifically i picked that particular set of pokemon because it seems like almost every time we do a race one of us if not both of us picks either me or mewtwo yeah no it just it felt like it felt like an educated guess to me are you proud of myself how do you feel about that i caught a i caught a murkrow marco is a merc no [Music] i got you covered chad if there's any kind of reaction i'll make sure they know how you feel about some of these things that happen uh how about goldeen i don't want to tell you that's fair i understand um goldeen is a miss i don't believe i think you're lying you proof calling etiquette on gdq keys always [Music] i don't want to play anymore this is this is pretty much how 80 of our races go eventually eventually one if not both of us is just like i don't believe you [Music] there was that one time where it took like two hours for one hit oh yeah that was incredibly unlikely the fact that we were able to get a hit within the first like two or three call outs was really good for you and um etiquette i know you're a pain there have been so many races lately where i've been playing keys and for good memories in case i'll just speed right on ahead and i'll never be able to catch up and i'll like first try the final six so like i feel what you're going through d t i'm not i'm not cheating against you etiquette i'm cheating against everyone yeah it makes me feel much better persian um persian is i don't want to learn soft-boiled um [Music] i don't know i can't find it it's on it's on a left edge we have a search function what do you mean you can't you can type the name i don't know where it is you know how to type no that's fair i understand have a good day this is horrible this is great this is how we feel about 22 minutes and i want to know what we're gonna feel like you know two hours and 22 minutes then we're gonna get the difference in reaction after our second parade what about clefa uh clefa is a miss okay oops how do i even weaken you with moves you know good call yeah that's all the damage i do i golly does this kill [Music] good all right what about chansey [Music] um wait it's not in the seas oh yeah there's okay no [Music] [Music] don't don't accept that bullying right i don't bully [Music] no bullies mike uyama he bullies oh goodness oh that for quick egg hatch that took so long oh yeah my eggs hatching what are you gonna be what are you gonna be this is what keys is like when keys is what one pokemon head yes uh gloom is a miss oh well you know ow you should uh you should i died um you should you should not hatch your egg when you get it it's it'd be it'd be bad for you trust me you'd be wasting your time you're wasting your time on a cutscene i don't think this is i mean what is the closest one of these has ever been for y'all oh we've had ones where one of us had like two left when the other one finished you'll never guess who it was yeah all right so for folks coming in because i know there's been a lot of you here again a quick rundown of the rules it's it's like battleship but with pokemon uh this is using crystal randomizer ahmad and i'm sure there's tons of different rules associated with that if you all want to run down the flags really quickly [Music] um yeah so uh pokemon locations randomized uh tm learn learn things learn things tms and learn sets can't talk right now randomized um items randomized key items are the same though there is a key item randomizer but that that does not bode well for something like this unless your name is shenanigans underscore um trainers have different pokemon like all that stuff like pretty much a lot of the basic stuff just kind of moved around shuffled and randomized and then we're just trying to catch things and sink the other person's boats like this espeon that i caught um espeon is a miss however i just beat faulkner oh no okay yeah uh i'm gonna get this out of the way early i would like seeking seal stelix soda widow all misses dang it i don't believe i'm just kidding yeah you're right uh stelix instead of our hits nice that's another thing i almost always pick stelix in all but one race you all have to stop memeing all the time you make it too easy to guess during impossible we can't not meme [Music] all right i even undid that boat and replayed it 12 times 12 times i moved that boat i'll have you know 12 whole times huh multiple times by the way i have a little bit of a wider camera angle than the rest of y'all he's his dog has been sitting on like the corner of the bed just watching the game the whole time and it's very cute he's adorable i don't know what i thought was gonna happen there not what you expected i used a move on a magikarp and it died i'm just i'm shocked why why did you think it was gonna live oh actually i have to [Music] it has been a while since i've done one of these i need to go back up and shop uh what about marowak um i think you'll find that as a miss i find it disagreeable [Music] ooh i mean too bad you're like under level but ooh he's a request is there any way you can show the dog without losing time chet wants to know he can lose time that's fine oh i see it in the corner that's perfect he's well done there you go now you all can see the dog i take full credit for that that wasn't richard at all uh dragonite dragonite all right thank you richard then i will give thank you or thank you steve way to go richard this is adorable and i'm here for it i i do have to i was gonna post this in the channel too but i do have to point out we we might need to take a slightly longer first break because i think she's asking to go out oh oh okay that would explain why the dogs just sit at the edge of the bed staring at me she's like you idiot [Laughter] well we get dog cam for the next half hour until the first break and then maybe she is intently looking at me like that is this uh gloom gloom i told you you'd be wasting your time i mean it's a hit but you're wasting your time nice not nice as soon as that thing hatched i got really sad but yes uh the name of keys dog is kyrie for all those who want to know she is a very cute popo very cute she that you knew oh something we didn't point out about the randomizer too if you've noticed we're catching things really quickly even if the catch rate seems like it shouldn't allow it uh we have it set to minimum catch rate so everything has a catch rate of a pidgey yeah so it's a one in three to catch it at full health and it's 100 when they're at one third health or below miss drivers miss trivis damn he caught me i did not mean to run in front of the stream [Music] uh you know i'm pretty sure i've seen like 300 dragons you haven't seen 300 dragonites i'm getting really close to that number really quick you live [Music] well you did but then i poisoned you so you died right i'm really bad at this video games on that note uh please follow both of these awesome writers twitch.tv slash keys are on twitch.tv etiquette that's e-d-d-a-k-e-t for those of you watching on youtube and again you will not be disappointed if what you're saying here is what you get on their streams totally 100 percent genuine plus or minus maybe some you know not so family-friendly words when things go wrong but no never i gotta give that disclaimer in case i'm sorry i i would i would never that doesn't sound like me at all uh uh tyrogue pyrog is a miss i yeah i know i don't like the sheer amount of cheating that you're doing right now you're moving your boats constantly i was given the okay oh wow etiquette is kind of honestly kicking some butt right here early on i was he has the the thing is he has the the two ship already the two ship can be really hard yeah and you you of course had to pick mew mewtwo you dingus well you weren't supposed to i forgot about the 2x2 when i did it well keith you had a certain name you picked too so i wouldn't go pointing fingers yeah but mine didn't in sync mine's still here um no oh all right fair enough and i do want to say thanks to some of the chat folks here who are pointing out like what the different colors mean again for a recap i see that and i appreciate all you all are doing to help uh bring some new folks up to speed as to what's going on here so again this is pokemon you know you hear this as you got some pokemon crystal yachts the budget battleship however you want to call it there's been like 10 different names for it in chat pontoon pandemonium pandemonium dinghy destruction canoe catastrophe i like canoe catastrophe that's a good one but yeah they're just trying to sink each other's battleships they don't have to defeat right at the end it's literally sink the battleships win the game there will be many accusations of cheating which i was not prepared for oh we you you should know better by now [Music] i i i have a hotfix show with hobbs there's always cheating i mean that's fair you know this lantern that i'm about to catch just tried to hydro pump me and i'm not okay with that anyway lantern uh miss okay if lantern was a hit i'd be really disappointed in your boat placement because that'd be so close to it it actually was a hit to the fire it was a hit and then i uh had moved it um kabuto [Music] is a it's no what what is this is it really yeah what the hell is my placement oh thanks richard for the info etiquette is on fire right now he's found four boats my boat's on fire yeah actually it's no longer on fire it's at the bottom of the ocean it's gone someone asked will there be live deals and syracuse already used the one live deal he ever had on one of my shows okay so no uh dunsparce um no you sure yeah are you looking at your chart right now i'm i'm sure okay oh there's some laura missed in here someone in chat said kizeram was accusing himself of cheating last night during his randomizer run yourself yes myself because i everything so i i did uh i did it for uh for gdp hotfix as well but i did uh an emerald evolve every level randomizer and um it just kept evolving into really good things like it felt like it was scripted what was it no wink wink you're not supposed to say wink oh um i got dragonite in charmeleon by the way dragonite and charmeleon i don't even want to look okay dragonite's a miss charmeleon's a mist thank god you're fallible your dog looks like she was judging you for a second probably was yeah because she wants me to take her outside hello puppy i swear i took her out before this but she has this habit sometimes where she doesn't take care of all of her business uh mischievous mischievous is a miss griffis i feel like i deserve that oh that's terrible you didn't tell me there'd be puns along the way [Music] you have not been properly warned nidorino more like knitter reno hey everything that one's great that's not even clever it doesn't have to be clever to be effective it made you feel bad for wasting your time getting it did it not fair exactly the chat's like me we're all we're all loving keith's dog right now we're all loving kyrie she also does this thing where she sneezes and wags her tail very very angrily at me she needs to go out so i can confirm she does need to go out that's okay soon soon i'm sorry pop oh no oh my god don't scare your dog in the process she lives with me she's used to this what happened and a normal type exploded [Music] now i'm being eaten by a jinx [Music] i mean would you consider this a typical happenstance of this yes yes i would okay do i switch to you i like the bear but the bear died why are you in two places here wait uh etiquette do you have a pet as well i have a cat but she does not like to come on stream ah gotcha unfortunately i think a regular interviewer says please ask edda where uh [Music] yeah she's up with the wife i like not dying i like persian oh yeah yeah uh i too like persian because that's a really nice part of the water all right fair [Music] hold on a little longer okay he's demanding right now we can get her an early break if we need to hit monthly um no oh i know what you wanted to say we're on gdq though you mean heck yeah heckmanly yeah there you go yeah that's what it was it still dies yeah i i think i know what you mean there you know the service ring is really starting to displease me someone wants to know uh would your dog be barking to take them out does kyrie do that uh only if i'm staring at her oh if i stare at her for an extended period of time she'll get offended and yell at me you know fair play would you want someone staring at you for a long time when you need the pee no [Music] it's got karate chopped by a gold bat and i'm really upset about that i just won't stop i just killed a chansey and grew two levels this ursa ring is just really really blind [Music] i when my when your main move is egg bomb oh no yeah doesn't that have like really low accuracy on it yes it does there's like roots everywhere i wouldn't say that as much as maybe the egg bombs just hurt the throat you ever think about that it just floats hey shut up oh why was the tea and we got santa i believe this is the yes dude the runners get to pick their ship pokemon i believe so yes yes yeah now we have it we have a different variant of uh of catch em all adjacent game uh that we've affectionately called what was it pokemon presumption yes it's it's it's a guess who okay all right that makes sense and that is usually not uh i usually just like use a randomizer i did anyway yeah could use a randomizer for it and that that one that one is exactly as as guess who goes it's just we we beat a gym and um like whatever we catch we can also call out but we we could beat a gym and it's like is your pokemon a fire type or does your pokemon have the color red in it like it's that kind of stuff yeah is your pokemon weak to ice i wouldn't ask those together though because a lot of fire types are red that is true [Music] that seems like fun though um and again if if these ships were randomly generated we would not have room for memes and we like a good name here a wholesome name on gdq hotfix i missed an egg bomb into a five turn spore sleep i'm very upset mom's lousy bomb is lousy hey you're in the lead you hush take a break in like 10 minutes or so if anything so poor kyrie [Music] don't live promise it doesn't take her that long to get distracted she hurts someone outside so she's running away why did i heal i had no reason to heal there we literally just got a free hill hey keys i learned to move on my pizza that you want is it strength it rhymes with um [Music] extreme speed oh extreme need yes because that's what i i have extreme need for that move [Music] i hate us me too so uh i have a question that's one of those asked on how much familiarity should somebody have with pokemon crystal before playing like can they just know gen 1 and be able to jump in on this should they have any kind of basic level of pokemon knowledge to do this like what do you all think i would say a basic level is pretty much all you need because i mean at the end of the day you're just playing a really fun little meme with a friend like etiquette is more of a well i mean he was he was primarily like gen one for a while and then like a bunch of the newer games came out so etiquette's more like in the later gen stuff and i'm more in the older gens uh so when we started doing this at first he wasn't really that familiar with like how to go around crystal like you've done some gold runs before but yeah it wasn't a lot of like a lot of the crystal specific things but it's things that as you do more runs of you start to learn so things like where are good item pickups what are some routes that have like higher level pokemon than maybe other routes um general strategy surrounding things like and there's a lot of little things that you don't necessarily realize like i'm actually gonna fight every trainer in this gym here even though i don't have to fight all of them you only have to fight i think two in order to get to the gym leader um because these trainers don't um you can't fight them after you beat the gym leader and so one of the things you sometimes have to do is you have to go around and fight extra trainers because you need information about where a pokemon is um and if i skip these trainers then i i can never learn the information that they have so there's like little things like that you start to pick up as well but yeah it's mostly just like knowing your way around the game i know how to like progress from area to area um that should be at least enough to get you started it's funny that you started explaining the fighting all the trainers in the gym as i was fighting one of the optional trainers in the gym yep would you all recommend at least defeat so for example of any given generation it'd be a good idea to at least defeat the game first not necessarily even defeat red here but just at least get through the elite four have a basic knowledge of where things are more pokemon can be caught yeah and like well yes and no uh and the reason why i say that is because um with with the amount of options you have with this modified version of the game like we have early kanto turned on so we're able to access the second region without having to do the elite four stuff like you just have to you have to finish one event and that's uh go to the the default shiny pokemon at lake of rage and then talk to lance um lance will give you a bunch of stuff and then you'll get a call from professor elm saying hey i got a boat ticket for you so like you can you can skip a lot of the required fights just to get familiar with the regions so you can you can kind of do it at your own pace and you don't necessarily have to know how to beat the game you just have to know like how to get to different areas oh am i dead oh my god no i'm not all right everything's horrible he's in a very difficult spot [Music] everything hurts but i survived on six health and i win forever yeah so how about bugsy's lead it's rude yeah i i just beat bugsy with six health i just got a bunch with 42 health i got my two by two where am i launching this you can you have to go first because you beat bugs um i am gonna go um let's go you're going to like bugsy cm by the way yeah i saw it i'm upset uh kangaskhan kendra mantine marie kangaskhan oh god okay miss miss miss and miss what a waste all right i'm gonna go home [Music] um the candy shop goodness um let's do uh ho-oh lantern lapras all right you're gonna like this because i i like it too miss miss bismus miss and hit the water yep all right thanks no problem what a waste of missiles all right do over do over yeah do over do over okay so for reference too uh we've mentioned this a couple of times uh we don't normally have these two by two power-ups uh that's that's kind of something that i do with uh hobbs when we do it just because hobbs isn't much of a pokemon player in comparison so it's just kind of a way to balance things out but etiquette and i usually don't have these we only have the shiny bomb rule which is as explained before if you catch a shiny then that and all surrounding squares are a hit but um so this two by two thing is not something we normally do so we might honestly be either like we might be having the right idea in terms of strategy or we might be completely beefing it i'm not i'm not entirely sure yeah exactly i mean my first one worked yeah and like there's that i guess my justification for that was like that was the biggest quadrant of the thing that i don't have any info on so what about knockdown good pokemon to miss but good poke superb superb owl how can you not select that um what do i want to be my hm friend we're gonna make dragonite my hm friend because why not [Music] if you were a higher level i'd honestly consider switching never mind you showed me your first move i take everything back show me a second move i super take everything back uh how about how about tauros [Music] um tauros is a miss so once this is once this is over i'm going to review the vod and see just how much you've physically moved your boats around [Music] i'm pretty sure i should have sunk them all by now but you're cheating yeah okay as long as as long as that's been established i don't know what i thought was gonna happen there wait this doesn't make any sense when when the ai clicks knight or uh clicks zap cannon i get hit and when i click it i'm not hitting what is happening you're being punished for your cheating [Music] what about a nidoqueen plan didn't work uh queen is a miss uh i guess this might not kill yeah oh i i you know we didn't mention this yet and i feel kind of silly that we haven't mentioned it yet uh just in case the board is a little too small for people to see and you're like wondering like what's where uh we just have alphabetical order all right we're not going to talk about the pokemon i just caught deal did you catch a duplicate i caught a set of widow i got it from the bomb it's a hit congratulations weird right yeah i'm so proud of you [Music] now granted that part of the boat is still no horribly on fire but you you sure showed that part that was their kitchen all right so we may take our break a few minutes slightly early so if you all want to let me know where you have a spot to stop just just so he's around his poor dog can go out hi you're running around a lot i can tell you need to go i am good to stop you're good i am i'm i'm about to catch something so i'm gonna make this catch i'll stand right here all right about cliff fairy fairy's a miss i don't believe you well too bad well that's fair [Music] all right so once once you're done keys just count us down so richard knows when to stop the timer and uh we'll go into beginning our break all right three two one pause all right so real quick before we take our break remember your sub is a gift subs amazon prime subs and cheered on the gdq twitch channel help support our weekly hotfix content thank you so much for supporting our shows and again as a reminder sgq 2021 online prize submissions are now open go to gamestonequick.com to find out about submitting prizes for the event and with that everyone get up stretch hydrate and we'll be right back with random number generation welcome back to random number generation i am joined here by q surrounded kid and we are doing pokemon crystal yeet yachts budget battleships you name it there's like 10 names for this chat we'll inform you all about this but welcome back i'm gonna get the green light from both of the runners here and we are going to get back going into the action are you all ready to go i'm good i guess all right on your count your turn again okay my turn again all right three two one go all right i may have started early that's fair i caught something while you were standing still i am nothing but a kind and generous equal opportunist about that [Music] i i bonked into the same tree ten times i hope that makes you feel better are you sure you weren't watching my game feed no i'm not i'm not watching your stuff by the way i really like the placement of your boats oh thanks and no problem yeah kyrie is now a content dog sitting behind keys now just big chilling [Music] i haven't moved her bed here so she's within shot [Music] all right how about dawn fan um dawn fan is a no i i don't believe that [Music] i like to call in a fact check fact check says no oh you should get a limited amount of times you can say i don't believe that to proof call [Music] i think there was one time we were joking about how one power-up could be move your boat in the middle of the in the middle of the game if you're like far behind or something uh how about articuno um articuno is an articuno i don't i don't know how i didn't coming i genuinely don't here's the advanced strat so i don't have to use center even though i probably will anyway i just taught headbutt over egg bomb in an egg bomb over skull bash um i got a quagsire that's that's nice all right just like what about it oh okay yeah um i want to share with my friend it the the the color of the quagsire shares the color of what's in that square i.e it's just blue water you missed all right thanks for selling that out for me yeah i don't know if you figured it out but but i'd let you know oh yeah don't be a good pal wait i want to do this first [Music] how about sand shrew um one moment one good one sandshrew is a miss what about zubat [Music] what about zubat what are you implying here listen it's just a simple question simple yes or no answer keys i do i what do you think probably yes do you really believe that though no yeah yeah no the answer is no why would i pick zubat listen the absolute deadass corner what's wrong with you uh evie um i actually think that that is a [Music] no oh [Music] he's are you judging etiquette for possible pokemon placement at any point during this [Music] all the time [Music] all the time without question it wouldn't be one of these races if i didn't [Music] we're very nice to each other always would you ask about evie yeah that couldn't be further from a ship actually oh what are you talking about it's like three tiles away from the hit our boston couldn't be further how about mr mime what about mr mine that's a hit right it's covering my water real well why are you here too i can finally deposit the pincer because now it's too weak to even be too weak [Music] i know that sentence sounds weird but it makes sense i promise [Music] you know bug pokemon were really never known for their strength too much some of the some of the coolest pokemon nowadays are bug though they they really stepped their game up it's true uh nidoran mail itaran mail is hey no okay wait a minute i have an advanced strat you know how i caught an eevee oh no no you can't that's so cheating spinner rack what if they're all misses what are you are you scared that i'm gonna hit spin rack are you scared of my brilliant type of face are you scared of my brilliant idea i'm taking advantage of the rule set that we made [Music] what'd you say for spinarak no [Music] [Laughter] the question is do i have enough money to buy a stone i should right i'd well i picked up an amulet coin i'd better all right folks at home this is what we call advanced strategery it's what we call a scam this is what we call advanced strategry [Music] so normally like i mentioned a few times already etiquette and i have to catch it but for the sake of today's show the rule is we just have to own it so i have this here evie i'm gonna evolve it real quick this is cheating let it be known clarion miss okay reset [Music] all right vaporeon miss y'all can judge keys for this one i won't oh please do please do this is scummy [Music] do you really think jolteon's gonna be one you should probably just not try it okay i won't all right guilty on [Music] [Laughter] [Music] he's hit a cheater how does he do it oh man i i hey i feel clever about that one that was a good strategy you you said you were like hey i have an idea i'm like no [Laughter] yeah normally normally when we do this that that wouldn't be allowed i'd have to i could evolve for so what i would normally do in that case actually is i would evolve the eevee go to the pokedex write down the locations that i see reset and get the information that way because i'd still have to catch things because i still wouldn't know one way or another [Music] look you're think about it like this it was kind of scummy but by doing this not only are you a great person and a great friend but you're also contributing to the keep keys under estimate fund [Music] i guess isn't that a good cause yeah yeah [Laughter] [Music] i guess i mean you only have four hits total and i've already found four of your boats so you're gonna hate me what now i gotta i got a shiny snorlax [Music] just to confirm there it is the three stars for shiny his feet are blue and not pink all right okay i would like to utilize my shiny bomb around your snorlax please um so totodile through tyranitar is a hit [Music] and no sync oh i've never used a shiny bomb ever it's a weird experience right all right well now i am cheating cheating look i i picked up the odd egg it just happened to be a shiny snorlax cheating filthy cheater filthy cheat after save scumming the eevee evolutions i immediately had to shine i'm such a bad person you know if you tell me that it's a miss i'm gonna believe you immediately from now on i don't know that you have a reason to lie at this point i don't believe you you're right that that is also a lie this is so dumb i'm so sorry why am i playing hey hey you you you know where four boats are know where three are and you know where one isn't anymore but you know yeah i was gonna say i'm like well you know where four are [Music] just stay on that left side of the board don't worry about the right side okay okay i got you i'm gonna afford that [Music] oh boy i just want to have you all know when it comes to things in the corners i have played the actual board game and put the ships in the corners so now i feel judged oh wait that's wild um by the way i've beaten whitney so oh this is where the zubat came from i am owed a two by two hit i already i already know that the zubats are missed uh is about to hit you're such a lot to hit the water okay where's your 2x2 i'm gonna go away yes okay um let's do the wait did i not get that right all right no we're good um [Music] golduck golem jolteon jump love all right golduck is a miss okay golem is a miss okay jolteon is a miss okay and jump fluff is a miss all right that so even though it was a lot of misses that actually gave me a lot of information about the direction of those two boats right there that's why i did it whatever helps you sleep at night how about hitmontop how about hitmontop cool pokemon right i don't like it personally yeah no same uh miss don't don't say it i just encountered one i didn't actually catch it wow cheater cheater i was about to give you free information i mean if you would like to just help out oh i can help i'm trying to take a page out of keys is look at it again it's uh earth's ring is on the board wait weird this earth's ring is actually hitting egg bombs what's that like uh all right now a ring no all right i didn't think so [Music] no such a rookie mistake what did you do the tree is real wiggly you forgot the i forgot to go back and get the squirt bottle uh what a rookie mistake wow wow every now and then uh what about spin iraq kiza mood yes it is a miss uh i mean if you say so i felt pretty hit to me did it though it did i heard the hit marker please don't poison every time i let something live on one when i try to weaken it with sludge and i say please don't poison i just hear the sound of poison and i cry on it everyone's just such an awful move yeah see this is kind of where you're seeing some deviation already so we were pretty lined up in terms of location but he's already done the gym and i'm i'm wandering the various grasses that are surrounding the city maybe this time i don't kill you with sludge it'd be swell probably not oh it lived take that uh pidgeotto um it sounds like a mess but is it um yeah it's miss oh i mean i personally don't believe that but that's okay yeah well you don't have to believe me i have truth on my side oh yeah is that so oh what the okay how about nitto king [Music] uh king is a miss the way they said queen earlier made me think that king was going to be a hit that's why i said it that way i know you're a jerk i just got fired that's cheating imagine trying to trick me by how you say something that's cheating oh yeah i can't believe i wouldn't have guy bells would allow this this prestigious show to be sullied by your cheating all right celebi uh i you should be one to talk there keys wait what no i'm fine i would never [Music] uh celebi by the way bellaby is a oh come on it's a miss correct [Music] look i i'm a i'm a multi-time guest on multiple versions of your shows okay would you really allow a cheater oh i forgot all right we're fine i allowed someone who used the one live deal in the history of mercy hill i'm a trendsetter no there was no that quite the opposite after that was done i didn't allow any alteration for the timer after that no matter how unfortunate or how out of their control i'm a trend wrecker hi kinda sorta [Music] did my egg ever hatch i hope not oh is that if you forget to turn it on backside yeah it was the quagsire but it wasn't shiny oh [Laughter] imagine not hatching a shiny i have once again killed something on my screen with sludge i don't even know why i'm talking crap anymore [Music] do you know this is a really silly question this is more of a pokemon question uh do you know the shiny pokemon tend to have better stats or is it purely cosmetic purely cosmetic well really cosmetic except for gen 2. uh gen 2 um it's determined by what is it it's like 10 in everything and then like certain certain attack dvs i think yeah something weird like that so like if you have a shiny if you have a shiny at all in this gen it's worse like it's it's worse than like the best possible non-shiny but it's probably better than most average non-ships yeah it's probably better than average unless you get like the low attack dv one then it's a physical attacker in which case ha [Music] oh yeah purely cosmetic other than this jen [Music] hit him on top like hitmon stop missing as much as you are [Music] that was a stretch [Music] that was bad do you hear that i hear the crickets yeah chirping really loudly [Music] oh my goodness so i have a question for etiquette how do you deal with this when you play this so often with these rocks i have a question for me too [Laughter] ow why'd you hit me with rockstar again folks if you all should follow both of these runners despite how much they might cheat exclamation point rng will give you the links to both runners that's twitch activity keys are on twitch.tv etiquette please give both recorders a follow they are both awesome dude this fight gets worse i'm fighting one of the optionals in the gym and she had a sneezel that landed an egg bomb not fair first stop and she sent it out of suicune oh yeah she's rude sailor tia wicked rude i hate tia classic to you classic tia i can't believe her always doing her tia things so someone that was better at the game than me would be able to tell you what these three pokemon cries are and we would know what the legendaries are but i don't i don't know them off top of my head so and i talked about i play this i play this game thousands upon thousands of hours once i eventually get there i will let you know unless you you ran into them by then i promise you there's at least gonna be one person in chat who gets all the cries of the legendaries i'm so glad i learned razor relief that growler looks really intimidating otherwise fun fact even though earth rings a physical pokemon it actually has okay special attack so you can get away with having a special move it's like a lie i was gonna teach at surf a lot of normal types are like that they're they're usually physical but they can why does this alakazam have psychic [Music] that's strong that's strong what are you running by the way [Music] still what listen how have you made it this far i got so much early game experience from kind of forgetting that i wasn't gonna fight optionals [Music] so i was like you know what why not okay fair fair i'm i'm impressed you've gotten the pincer this far what does it even have at this point in time um i have earthquake extreme speed low kick and faint attack i'm assuming paint attacks your weakener yeah which it's still killing everything so wait i'm a female pincer too what the heck oh all right so we'll if this comes up later i'll let you know but it looks like i'm gonna try to commit these to memory and not reveal them it looks like chat may have come up with the three cries of the three legendary pokemon here so that's interesting yeah keep that in mind and we'll see if i can guess it right we'll see if they're right now something to point out we haven't explained this yet it might for people that don't know how gen 2 mechanics work it might be kind of weird to hear us saying oh man it's female and making it sound like it's a really bad thing um so each pokemon has a gender ratio in this game so like most of them are 50 50. they can be 50 male or 50 female there's there's a case of like the starter pokemon like totodile it's seven and eight to be male one in eighth female um in order to make this game cooperate with gen one because there was the time machine trade function they had to find some way to convert a pokemon from gen 1 into gen 2 with a gender so um they based it off wow you have submission and i'm in pain they they base it off of uh the attack db and also like yeah we're talking about gender so they based off the attack db so um what ends up happening is for example like totoda like i said it's seven and eight to be male and one and eight to be female and what dvs are their determinant values they they determine um the maximum capability of a stat and in this gen it's zero to fifteen 0 being the worst obviously 15 being the best um so a totodile being female would mean that you would take that gender ratio into account so it'd be one and eight to be female so it only has access to zero db attack or one dv attack so that's why a lot of times like you'll hear us like find like a physical attacker it's like oh it's female uh it's it's just us complaining that it's a lower attack baby so like my earth's ring is female but earth's ring is a 50 50 chance so i could have a dv as high as seven possibly but i could also have a dv as low as zero [Music] um that's been removed since this game so after after this game whatever the pokemon's gender is doesn't matter um other than stuff like a tractor you know a rare ability or two rivalry stuff like that yeah [Music] i personally think it's kind of dumb but i also get that they needed to do something yeah something had to be done [Music] and like any stat they would have used oh i beat whitney i forgot about that no you didn't you're right i didn't darn you caught me um well let me let me take a look at my board real quick i think i want to this area looks pretty empty i think i'm going to go porygon porygon 2 seal central miss miss [Music] miss and miss [Music] uh-huh yep just i just all misses yeah yeah okay uh-huh yep cool cool beans about nine tails cool poke oh yeah it has nine tails did you know that whoa what oh it's a bit no way oh hey you bamboozled me twice that's what you get for cheating that's fair i what i would never you blatantly cheated i got burned karma for calling me a cheater oh i forgot you know who didn't forget the squirt bottle this guy listen i forgot i'm listening in this game that's where you got celebi [Music] the thunder punched me that's really rude it actually has a decent move set but i mean it's a celebrity so yeah so a lot of people that might play like randomizers casually might see celebi and be like oh my goodness it's a legendary and it's got 100 base everything uh it's also got like seven weaknesses and dies to mega horn also celibi super dead to megahorn um celebi is a miss okay well now i know you're officially cheating [Music] as opposed to unofficially cheating correct just stop learning the move i keep no no oh there's a pokemon on my screen i wanted to catch and it whirlwinded me good i'm happy oh of course you're happy um i have beaten morty good for you i'm happy so [Music] i would like to know [Music] about sure let's do [Music] what's a good section uh if i were if i were you i'd go ho ho lantern lapras yeah i already did that uh let's go lugia machamp oh mr mime and moltres [Music] all right mr mime is a miss okay lugia is amiss voltrous is a miss [Music] okay hold on i'm i'm fighting something right now hold on a little preoccupied don't don't worry about it [Music] i'll tell you about the champ and how much time is left in the show sky oh boy all right is the ship a hit we have a fight what what why would it be a hit because you're stalling i what no no hey can we replace etiquette's feed with otters no i like etiquette yeah [Laughter] down with keys can i use my one can i use my one mulligan to move my ship up one please we didn't lose the dog though the dog went off the bed thing all right well since the dog left i i guess i'll admit it's a hit yeah what about it wait entei yeah what the hell yes hits what are you doing go away what is happening justice can we replace keys with otters oh i crit something good good i'm happy oh wait take that i sweet said why am i richard's having a good time with this and i'm here for it thanks richard oh boy i can't wait to wash this back richard's taking some liberties that i appreciate i say because my camera's not turned on so that's probably part of it i'm upset what about machoke what about machoke what do you think i think it's a hit huh yep you're a genius will today be the day etiquette does the thing no this is nonsense this is nonsense i want a refund you didn't pay we got any uh any folks rooting for team etiquette or team keys around here just heating up every everyone should be on team etiquette i'm even on team [Music] etiquette the last time we did one of these we did it on let's go so he could have home field advantage and i still bs my way to a win that was stupid i felt horrible i genuinely felt horrible i was rooting for him and then everything was in seafoam island for no good reason wait otters are pretty top tier i'd agree uh um [Music] is that a oh he's you missed what did i miss my votes um oh so i'm not in this and the timer's about in this that you have the timer confused for tomorrow the timer is a neutral party in this you're sure so you're saying grimer is a miss oh that's the right answer now are you sure yeah what about luigi is luigi a miss oh my god oh luigi's a miss yeah oh okay yeah i figured i'm also team kyrie we we have lost i didn't get oh my god i'm just i've it's been a while since i've done this now what have you done um so i got to i got to olivine right did you forget kimono girls or something yeah yeah i'm like i'm looking at this water i'm like what do i do cut go what about pidgeot um third stage regional bird pretty cool uh-huh yeah it's a miss are you [Music] positive yeah um how did i forget kimonos [Music] i i don't know um would you like to share with the class how you forgot an important plot progression i too would like to know i was gonna say something but i'm like i don't want to show any partialness and i fought the wrong trainer so i can't even backtrack without having to fight he fought that girl and said [Laughter] if i still win keys no it'd be deserved i'm not denying anything right now be deserved all right so it's not confirmed but i'm fairly sure that [Music] that's your 2x4 technically doesn't have to be but i'm pretty sure it is yeah do you have info on four boats now or five huh did i try to pull a fast one on you and make a sandwich out of boats technically speaking i could have info on six boats right now okay this is where i turn up my speakers i'm finally here oh oh no uh crobat done sparse and either aerodactyl or victor or not victory either aerodactyl or bioplume just because they have the same cry those are bad acrobats okay because it'd be level 40 but done sparse [Music] now i'm curious what the chat say that the cries were i don't think i'm allowed to disclose that information it it doesn't actually help us one way or another are you sure yeah yeah i mean i i i would tell him what the rumors are regardless anyway okay can i get a confirmation from etiquette on that yes that is that is good all right i just want to double check so i saw a few names going around chat with the legendaries i saw one of them i think they'd all agreed aerodactyl was one of them uh i think aerodactyl's probably the sweet because aerodactyl and violin have really really really similar cries but i think it is aerodactyl and then i think i think it's the first one was crobat and the second one was done sparse i'm positive was also a um a go from chat i also saw a ghastly symbol from someone in chat but again i didn't hear them personally so there was no gas leak yeah gasoline is a very distinct sound but i haven't heard the legendaries myself because i have all the game audio muted so i can hear you all better in fact i think i have crowbat info so i can actually play that cry for chat that was definitely a crowbar i do not have crowbar info thing we do have done fire that's the same but yeah dunsparce and aerodactyl were definitely two that chad was certain on so [Music] that's definitely a crowback cry though i cannot tell you that much i've played this game far too much all right i have surf congrats i've had surf shut up well normally i like want to teach surf to my main but i'm not teaching surf to a pincer i taught surf the earth's ring and i'm not looking back [Music] uh do you not die to anything maybe well okay yeah you protected yourself so you're good it's gonna die to that so i'm just gonna paris it's uh it's a pretty nice city oh you wanted an answer okay yeah tree would anyway i hope everyone's enjoying the race so far okay i'm definitely comfy here this is one of the more comfy episodes rng we've had it's a miss buddy you tried your best you tried so hard got so we got so far but in the end you hit the water you said that as i bonked into the water i'm just saying case are you screwing sniping what me no never i wouldn't cheat i seem like the kind of person that would cheat let chad answer that i'll let the public opinion answer that oh no there's really not much reason for me to be doing what i'm doing right now i just like making sure that my boxes are as at capacity as possible aerodactyl you kind of broke up for me did you say aerodynamic oh aerodactyl yeah aerodactyl that's the suicune yeah yes it is it is also a pokemon it's it's a mess it's gonna be a miss because it's an edge and you don't pick it yeah why would i pick an edge like out of all the all the times we've done these together how many times have i ever picked an edge like actually i think once [Music] uh blastoise last oh what did we literally just say listen i'm listening that's the problem it's happened once it can happen again okay well not not right now no try a different edge a different edge you say revealed too much all right here's a different edge wait i already have this one dang it was it a persian or a dratini it was a blossom [Music] i'm with this question as well this is a relevant question from the chat what is wrong with edges is that just the meme between you all or is there some reason to avoid so so the reason that i avoid edges and i think keys is the same way is because cause he sure avoided well if you get one that's in the middle it could go in any of four directions but if you get one on an edge you can you know that the next pokemon is gonna be in one of three directions or if you have a corner then it's only one of two directions so you just limit like where the boat can go what is um preventing you though from meaning and picking when i'm on the edge because that seems like a meta to a meta almost well that's why i did the edge once i'd do it so little that i did it once and he didn't expect it yeah and it's one of those things in normal battleship it's probably actually good to pick an edge um but for this just because there are so many pokemon like there's 251 total squares just that little bit of extra information can actually go a really long way [Music] um i caught a ledian by the way i never called it i'm proud of you this is another good rules question here what happens if you have a certain pokemon caught already and then you find a shiny version later can you still use that as a shiny bomb that's a good question so we've never had it happen but i think the answer is yes the answer would be yes i would say uh so lettian's a miss also my earth string just learned super fang so now i'm a catching god gloom had super fang oh wait i just but that's a gloom all right i'm i not only marked i have stabbed and i only marked the legend on the wrong board i also hooked mark's ladybug good job i'm having a time please i can see that you can see that i'm celebrating the thing the reason i'm celebrating super fang to anyone that's wondering i would be happier with false swipe but uh super fang and false swipe are really good because no matter what my level is i'm not going to murder the pokemon super fan cuts the health in half uh fall swipe does all but one hp worth of damage uh as a max uh paris [Music] yeah you're right that was part of my bomb well i own it now officially i just wanted to share that with you still a miss in case yep okay just wanted to double check wait no no i bombed this too don't cut hey i also got a kangaskhan um that is oh now it hit oh wow what a hooray my boat floated through it's because i don't they don't have the pokeball it's marked so i'm just instinctively i'm so upset we never use bombs this is terrible um i feel like a dummy dumb i mean things happen [Music] well now i'm really trying to figure out like what the best play is for these bombs like is it better to go around your own boats like the boats that you know or is it better to i feel well okay so so we have we have four badges right now right yep so that means we have a potential 12 more bombs from gym leaders and then bombs from elite four in red if that's really what we go with which i i'm not necessarily about that life i don't i don't know if you are i won't judge no not really fair fair um but i am about fighting some gym leaders so not not to influence your strategy but i i think in my case i'm probably gonna try to get a couple of bombs to clear out info and then from there use bombs exclusively on things i know yeah because we've gone through this so many times where one or both of us get stuck looking for one pokemon that we have no information on for the next year the other thing that's kind of scary is [Music] rarely is somebody missing a boat for a very long time like usually we find all of our boats within like two hours two and a half tops and then it's just down to like picking out individual pieces from the boats um so yeah it could this could get like over very fast once we get enough information um i just beat chuck so i am going to test out your new strategy yes i'm going to deliberate with the council real quick okay while you deliberate i caught an aerodactyl i'm assuming that's a miss that is a miss hey that could have been my five [Music] you're right it could have but it wasn't because you wanna put your five on an edge no never [Music] all right i am going to go with oh this is tough [Music] i'm gonna think about it a little bit when do i have to decide by uh before your next catch i mean preferably before three and a half hours but you know uh bell sprout bellsprout's a miss i'm not about oh sorry oh god oh my god awesome a lot of me also missed okay well i didn't i didn't hear anything about bell sprouts so i had a question for our runners as well as for everyone in the chat what was your first shiny pokemon that you caught i caught a bell spread i had no clue it was shiny until i saw like the little like red shiny thing in pokemon silverback my first shiny pokemon was a shiny spheel in omega ruby yeah i want to make it clear we're not counting gyarados in the lake of rage yes yeah want to make that clear what is your first pokemon other than the one that's actually in the game um remember i all right i'm gonna go with uh the box that is haunter harecross kangaskhan kindra can you repeat that please yeah uh haunter harecross kangaskhan khindra antar is a miss era cross is a miss angus khan is a miss kindra is a miss dang it what about nidoking middle king is a miss i hate this game [Laughter] this is going great for somebody yeah chat because they're having a rip roar in time i hope that's what they could say right they're having a good time i think chad overall is having a good time seeing all sorts of cool answers as the first shiny pokemon outside of gyarados i know a few smart alex were gonna say gyarados that's why i had to add that disclaimer because i knew that was gonna be the first thing someone said [Music] interesting i want to say something but it's kind of a spoiler so i'm not going to but interesting [Music] or maybe i do say it to make you waste your time potentially or maybe it helps you diglett by the way diglett is a miss i didn't catch diglett i just caught pidgeot i ran away from a diglett i'm an idiot well okay it's fine i did the same thing with the bellsprout so you caught the pidgeot yeah that's also a miss oh my god you should have been like now you gotta catch the diglett to find out about the pidgey ad interesting um i also i forgot i got uh the shucky which oh yeah okay now i don't have to spoil anything all right yeah by the way all right it's a miss but i i'm saying interesting because this is this boy is literally like i don't feel like i can protect myself can you take my mewtwo the mewtwo with mega horn and thunder yeah i can't protect myself gosh i i'm an idiot i literally i had a diglett on screen and i killed it i was like oh i'll just keep that in mind for later and then okay i caught a bell sprout looking at a ball awesome all right so so i am for sure still missing information on two boats and you are [Music] possibly you have possibly found them all but you may have also have possibly only found four or five are you trying to uh misguide etiquette here in either direction here please never ever ever that doesn't sound a thing like me yeah and again i don't know if i'd trust anything that comes out of keys mouth when it comes to these races never do that's false i i'm as honest as a girl scout cookie how could i be honest how can i lie this is good for me is all i'm going to say [Music] this is good for me it has a move okay i'm like staring at my board right now figuring out what i want to bump hey keys um what about a shiny starmie oh oh oh [Music] that's the shiny yep okay it has octazuka by the way caesar is a miss scyther is a miss yup deidra is a miss okay vaporeon is a miss venomoth is a miss stantler is a miss starmie is a miss [Music] and you'd sink my three yes down with keys oh my god what a scam boo boo you got the snorlax i don't even want to hear it i was gonna say you did get a shiny snorlax to be fair [Music] i wanna see what else this thing had for moves they had octazuka [Music] not that i'm really doing much battling anymore but i beat chuck i'm like deciding my thing though um well i can't attack pedal dance hydro pumps now that i know i'm not gonna bomb there and now that i know that that's the shiny um oh yeah it's a fair point yeah yeah this is probably a good call on my part um [Music] i really just want to start whittling things down so i'm looking i'm looking for like threes fours and fives so like this area would be good to explore you know what i need to do i need to not do this um i think i think my best bet is here i think okay i'm gonna i'm gonna bomb okay i'm gonna bomb execute executor growlithe gyarados miss miss miss miss oh it was such a good spot that is a really good spot that was ah ah oh that's i missed my bomb my dog left me it's just a sad day kyrie you're the bed [Music] don't know why she is under the bed [Music] probably because she's scared of all the cheating that etiquette's doing listen i'm listening oh that thing hit hard oh i'm good i think i have a revive okay this there's no way there's no way i'm pretty sure i do have a revive yeah you you didn't pick this there's no way i'll i'll catch it one day but there's no way there's no weedle [Music] no yeah yeah i figured i figured why would you put something in a corner yeah no no it couldn't be me oh i went to drawback [Music] man bug type is just not good everything is super effective wait no don't fall for this don't catch this you bomb this already i ran into a parasect i almost made the same mistake [Music] again [Music] okay i'm gonna buy some more pokeballs i'm kind of low i think 198 will suffice all right i think that's enough i beat price i'm thinking okay [Music] um i can smell the smoke from here you should probably think less listen i'm trying to but you're saying nothing i'm gonna go marowak meganium oddish omanite miss miss miss miss dang it uh what about bulbasaur [Music] bulbasaur is a big ole miss there fair enough [Music] i'm so glad i have super fang now [Music] i i'm not glad when it immediately soft boils and undoes literally all the damage what the heck what a scam uh what about vulpix cute poke [Music] i miss i don't subscribe to this belief it's the only thing i'm running into are you sure like can you remove your boat yeah well you could you may move the boat in the way yes like like a like a true pal typhlosion this okay you know being a paralyzed ursa ring and trying to run away from wild encounters is very difficult i don't know what i was thinking actually i know what i was thinking i was trying to use a different move [Music] shiny starmie looks wrong to me it's like i don't like it i just i don't like it [Music] anyway i have caught my shiny starmie i would like to bomb that area please all right i was gonna i was gonna meme and go one at a time but they're just all misses yeah i figured uh i caught a chinchou that's nice where is that oh yeah uh that was most likely a dumb idea now that i'm looking at it in chao was a dumb idea good call may may you forever oh this is a good catch oh no what a terrible catch that's a miss it's in like a good area shut up yeah yeah yeah i was proud of it i i was proud of my last bomb and it whiffed [Music] does everything have aeroblast where is your stuff that is where is your stuff at um i caught a krabby pot of krabby crabby starts with k alright miss yes it's uh near kingler oh thanks helpful helpful that [Music] i'm really hoping these these gym trainers give me uh some valuable information because we're hurting well this would have been a good find early game getting mock punched by a lapras and i don't understand how it won't stop um all right well i at least have that info i'm gonna come back i realize i need to shop a little bit yeah i think my next i think my next bomb i don't go for an area that i haven't explored i think i'd go for an or a boat yeah i need to see like i really want to find one more boat before i do that i can because i above and below that i have information so maybe not that one i don't have any information to the left or the right though that's the scary part um have information on that i don't have information on anything involving that family oh that's ouch um i can't get that or that just to see if it's the 2x4 oh i'm oh well welcome welcome to the part of the race where we tend to think out loud and it really doesn't help no i'm letting you the folks know what the runner dialogue looks like because this is informational [Music] there's a dewgong in this gym this randomizer is terrible it's drinking me [Music] i'm like kind of going all over the place right now i'm just more like good stuff yeah you sure i need a lot of pokeballs 198 i just said i didn't have information on this and now it's on my screen cheater perfect this is how it always goes [Music] i have information on that though [Music] excuse me i'm just not sure what that could be the four boat the five boat or the four by two [Music] both of those could be one of the threes or fours or fives [Music] like that one can't be a two by four [Music] golly you do not need to defeat the game after all uh ships are sunk that's it that's when it ends you don't have to defeat red here could you imagine if that's a real battleship work though you sunk your friends battleships and then you have to fight them afterwards [Music] i have to challenge them to a race across the jungle gym who played in jungle gyms when they were kids i miss them oh yeah i get blisters on my hands got the monkey bars yep and then like there was always that random section of the jungle gym that was just like bars sticking out of the ground that it's like i don't know what i'm supposed to do with this yep yep did you did did yours have the like the speaker thing where there's like a speaker on yeah did you have the big shiny slide that you knew not to slide down with barracks because it was hot as hell but you do it anyway yes that's the best squat shiny sled and i you know it will always be during the summer time you don't want to go there in the wintertime but you learned after the first time on a real sunny day after you slid down that thing to not do that again without wearing pants oh yeah i was a dum-dum that was like maybe it'll be different today and then it burned like again [Music] what a mistake all right i have defeated price good for you i'm pretty excited because i think i lied and i'm going to actually uh go for information here what is the price right but i'm just not one hundred percent sure could i caught a century full disclosure i can't do that good job okay i'm i'm going to bomb okay i'm ready primeape psyduck sheldor shuckle oh crap okay um that is primeape is a miss psyduck is a miss shelder is a miss and chuckles a miss [Music] i picked such a good spot i've done nothing but pick good spots and i'm getting punished you really are like what the heck is this i'm gonna go to jim's encanto at this rate this is a scam can you hit your move no also this knockdown has octazooka and hydro pump it's literally the starmie by the way i'm catching a knockdown [Music] i caught it you caught the knockdown that's cool it doesn't do you anything but that's cool dang it what about gligar [Music] why guard is a hit actually believe it or not ah on on the boat so it was a hit yes thank god on my boat on your boat all right what about alakazam all right alex damson miss oh you sounded like you expected that one keys i mean our box up there and it can only go one direction [Music] at this point and we go left right where's that on the board i don't want to waste my time um this is literally right next to the bomb like the bomb that i just did this is literally right next to it it's just reminding me of my failure unless this ends up being a hit somehow uh pupitar um pupitar is a miss i caught a tyranitar i ran i ran as hard as i missed [Music] okay so i know where all but one of your boats are that's not bad you could do better i doubt this is one if it is i will laugh at you don't laugh oh i will [Music] shelter elder is a miss cap cool [Music] oh i'm in trouble no it's a hit of your water of my boat yacht actually to be precise i really don't believe you it's red so i get a fact check is that all your boats [Music] evidently oh i'm catching the snubble for nothing cause it was part of the shiny bomb wait so really i feel like i'm getting mind games i'm not getting mind games i'm not saying anything else post richard what i'm not gonna call out things i but but what what's your argument am i be yesing you again come yeah oh why is everything on the left side what are you doing you weren't supposed to find them during the pre-show we talked about it hey not everything was on the left uh wow mew mewtwo wasn't okay well everyone can't i'm gonna be standing still for a little bit everyone can't see what i'm doing right now but typically when one of us figures out where the others boats are we actually spend some time marking the board as like whatever color we feel at the time to kind of tell us don't look for any of these anymore and look for only these so you're going to see me stand still for a little bit because i have my own board obviously just bear with me a little bit [Music] oh man that jolteon i hate where that jolteon is by the way that is horrifying um oh it can't be that can can't be this oh actually this is in a decent spot oh this is dude what is what is this board what have you done what did you select listen i'm listening okay um this is good right on rydon is a miss oh i was in such a good spot too uh what do i want to do i i should catch some of my info is what i should do it's hard thing to do i know for a fact this has to be one but it's in god-awful places what is what is this no where's do i have growl with info i can evolve for that did you honestly expect this to be easy look i i have been [Music] i have been a person gifted with two of the strangest strangest talents on the planet bsing wins in randomizer races and always being able to find a parking spot i'm kind of jealous about the parking spot one of them being a lot of a lot of people are okay i'm gonna go buy a fire stone real quick and look for the growlithe because the arcanines and butt locations why is this thing everywhere i run into sudowoodo in 16 places lord it likes you and wants to be your friend that's so wrong no that can't be well all right i have to make a judgment call and i think that's definitely the 4x2 and if that's the 4x2 then clefairy can't be one if i'm getting this wrong then i'm getting it wrong but i am not in a position to you're not in a position to really be picky right now yeah hey look there's a growlithe perfect all right this actually even though this sort of falls into the other boat this is a good one to catch i also need something that can damage [Music] things okay so heads up even though uh it was part of a bomb i caught a growlithe okay i am currently firestoning it right now i just tried to throw a done button at a giraffe oh all right arcanine arcanine is a hit yep i had to be all right so i caught giraffe rig i'm assuming it's a no the rapha rig is a no okay okay do i have ariados or ambrose info are you expecting me to evolve a spin iraq are you kidding me that's not a terrible location eye duck is a yellow pokemon miss cool i can't believe you put almost everything on the left listen i just ran into her it was a good idea i told you it was a crowbar i told you i ran into the crowbar oh you did sure did it's kicking me i don't understand how can you be one technically okay i caught a crowbar even though it can't be one all right well if i crit it it can't be one it has stab wing attack all right so crobat is a no oh yeah wow hey thanks for letting me know pal no problem gotta go catch a spinner dude now i kind of want to see like i want to run into the duns bars so i can be right about i crit twice oh my god [Music] yeah see now i'm just kind of at the point where it's like i'm trying to clean up a little bit trying to gather more information and intel uh i'm going after like area dose stuff and amfro stuff because like it has to be one of those two minimum that's not how i thought you would collect information [Music] i got frozen uh parasect by the way [Music] it's on the edge it's not one parasect does it miss all right i know it can't be one but i caught a ditto it might be really really important i want to count to the whole oh this one has to be one oh actually no this doesn't have to be one but this tells me a lot if it is one i just killed it [Music] and i created you're having a time [Music] all right i would sure wish that i wasn't frozen seems to be the common [Music] ivysaur yes it's a hit yeah all right so just to elaborate like the reason why that's so important for him is because he didn't know for sure if gloom golvat and machamp machoke were different ships um and as mentioned before uh we make it so no ships are touching and that includes diagonally yeah so because that ivysaur's a hit that just 100 confirms that the 4x2 and that also means that he knows that like ekans clefairy goldeen jigglypuff machop muck like all of that stuff can't be part of any other boat yeah and then specifically for um the 4x2 like knowing that that's the 4x2 as opposed to just like a 1 by 5 or whatever it means things like um raichu which is diagonal the slugma can't be one because right now it could have been fampy down to tentacruel um as a 4x2 but i know that that can't be too wide so something like raichu cannot be won same thing with tentacool togepi stuff like that this is this is kind of this is some of the beauty of yes of how these races go is he knows where my 4x2 is like i knocked out his two boat which that's always like a good thing to have because you know people have to like especially work towards that but he knows where my 4x2 is whereas i don't know which one is this 4x2 yet so i still have a lot of different things i have to catch just to try and gather whether or not it's it's a single column row worth or whether it's the two so he's still very much in this and he's still very much like capable of catching up it just all comes down to you know making sure that he figures out all the pertinent information before i can start doing that and also it comes down to like location i caught a flappy by the way laffy is a miss [Music] i think this can't be one no this one's actually in a decent spot [Music] i've crit so many things speed like crits don't matter about speed anymore right like this isn't gen one surprise i changed the rules i've crit so many things as this stupid celebi [Music] i'm trying to i need to oh this is i need to look up the decks i need to look up the decks and then like write down all the information that i need oh my god i critted again but it lived on one sneasel nasal is a miss okay [Music] that would have been a nice hit okay i'll work towards the area of this thing i need to figure this out there's no way that's going that direction oh this could be one um [Music] king no uh right you no okay okay i guess i'm catching slow king and breeding real quick no i don't like where it is [Music] actually that's not terrible what other revolt can i do electrode is a miss okay um you can okay [Music] i thought it was more damaged you're also in the same place as the slow king we're just going there right now why can't i alphabet alphabet hard dude so hard press a if you can't count to 10. [Music] piloswine eyeless wine is a pokemon that's a mess [Music] okay there's two things i want to find in here so i'm going to stay in here for a little while that is literally none of what i wanted to can you even be one no [Music] see here's the advantage of me knowing that i've hit every ship is i can i can more often say hey i don't need to catch this thing so i don't have to waste my time with it right i can't really make that there's some things like i probably won't catch a charizard if i see one just because it's so far out there but [Music] there's two things i want in this area and i have found none of the two i really like their encounter a reference something that we haven't explained yet um i mentioned like percentages of an encounter slot at the beginning but what we haven't mentioned yet is we have it set up so on the ground so that's like grass or like cave floor there's seven different encounter slots that are all unique um in water there's three uh fishing it's three or four depending on the rod rock smash is two uh headbutt seven so like i'm not really finding much right now on the ground so i'm getting kind of unlucky with that i'm shocked oh you are much higher level than i am all right there's you angrier than i am too holy crap i have to catch this because i have to breed it [Music] nice miss wait can this easy one oh it technically can be on the super fan can miss it makes me sad now where where's the other thing i'm looking for what the heck [Music] thanks singular i assume you're looking for more than one thing [Music] uh gengar by the way gengar edge right edge [Music] yes i'll punch this in the mouth oh that's not nice it gave me so much experience though even at my level i'm not gonna catch that also i'm trying to level up the spinner rack so it's doubly useful this hadn't even occurred to me how strong do you need your strongest pokemon for this i mean obviously if you get really lucky not strong but i mean on average like what's your highest level pokemon by the end of this typically 40s yeah it's usually not too too high [Music] one of the things doug trio doug trio um is a hit so one thing i'm actually running into a little bit is i don't have a good pokemon for weakening stuff so actually being a high level sometimes is bad um so like i brought out the celebi which was the level 20 soda widow catch um just to try and weaken some stuff meanwhile i learned super fang so i have an advantage there yeah everything is coming up keys i caught a kabutops by the way the boot tops is a yes i also killed the duo that's rude it's not really what does duo do to you [Music] you probably just wanted to be your friend you had no right to talk we're just talking about punching something in the face it deserved it with a bear might i add yeah it's a really painful punch yeah [Music] also uh we're probably around the uh 212 213 america let me know if you all need a break anytime soon i'm down for a break any any time now i'm i'm going to call this chicorita out first um so chickarita is a miss and i'm good for a break too yeah i figured it it's been a little while so feel free to count down and we'll get ready for a break here well i'm already stopped so three two one pause remember folks it is always good to take a break but before a break again remember your subs give subs amazon prime subs and bits cheered on the gdq twitch channel help support our weekly hotfix content thank you so much for supporting our shows also for infotal the all women's speedrunning event will be returning on august 15th to the 21st with flame fatale game submissions will be open from now until may 25th go to gamesdonequick.com for more information on the upcoming event with that everyone get up stretch hydrate we'll be right back with random number generation welcome back to random number generation i am joined here by keyser on inetiquette and we are doing pokemon crystal budget battleships yachts whatever the heck y'all want to call it we're doing it here we are in the last segment we're in the fourth quarter we're gonna see how they do here who is going to destroy their opponent's squadron are you all ready to go yep all right count us back in you got it keys yeah three two one go now i need to know what to do uh you should have thought about that the entire break we had a break yeah and you know what i did during that break i took a break from the video game i don't have hypno info oh i'm drowsy and uh-oh am i gonna have the bomb for hypno are you kidding me it's funny that's dumb um uh doduo do duo is a doe do no i think you're lying that's fair i would believe that yeah if i were actually lying i'd still want to see one where you limit all each other to certain proof calls and if you're lying maybe you're not it just it seems like it would be good for you all allow for lies i think you're bluffing your whole battleship gets sunk if you get caught lying i mean we we don't do that because if we want to bluff and lie about stuff like that we just play uno instead yeah oh goodness i love uno [Music] doesn't uno qualify for random number generation because it's random i mean that would be hilarious and that's something i'd have to check up with gdp staff but that could be hilarious down the line all right i'm making a call is it the ghostbusters listen [Music] [Laughter] i don't know why i was proud about that one i'm really golduck please [Music] what about it i'd like information on golduck please uh it is a blue duck what other information would you like why is it called gold if it's blue i don't know it's a miss though oh okay very good glad we had that discussion and there is that area down slightly though i guess um i have my chop info because that would really tell me stuff why would i [Music] why did i have mad car nope [Music] you're having a time i i don't have information apparently i have not to right yeah that'll that could be one regardless no nazi what what what is that um ouch ouch okay i want to go for something a little simpler agamar i have mag b that's stupid it's not quite the same oh my god um i'm going after you apparently i'm not going there um okay you know i'm going after you [Music] question mark this this is a this is a journey this is an adventure i'm i'm having a time what is my movement i almost hit a trainer because i'm dumb i like this this comment from the chat's really good sorry to call you up but this is a great comment while i go to get dinner come back and nothing's changed okay here's what's gonna happen [Music] i am going to find exactly what i need within the next five encounters [Music] and then i'm gonna be accused of cheating and i'll laugh and then i'll laugh some more i like i like this strategy i like this plan what do you think of that plan i think it's a great plan fantastic oh oh i didn't even i don't even know if i had info on you but you could be you could be a catch it could be you give me you give me information regardless uh fan p vampy's a hit i i would prefer it if it was a miss to be honest bill no i'm in a cave well you just woke up all the lurkers keys how do you feel about that wait did he change the box for me ah he changed my box that was not always a thing by the way that's not always a thing bill [Music] okay that's not what i was looking for but i'll i'll take it see this this is what happens this is this is race against me 101 i'm so sorry um [Music] technically this can be one can you hit your mood what is it it is oh it's actually way less accurate than i thought it was [Music] why did i come here not even on this floor what's up if anyone's wondering why i keep flashing my pokedex that's because you should be right there because yeah cuz i'm cheating it's one of the options that was added to this mod so if you're in a multi-floor area and you're trying to look for something uh this actually gives you like an audio cue that lets you know if you're on the correct floor or not that way you don't have to waste all your time on floor i don't know floor two of tin tower only to find out it's on four nine i got what what's that like i do i wouldn't know uh no i never why would why would such a thing happen that sounds cruel and unusual why is whooper in the same spot as quagsire i caught any porygon 2 while you were rambling on about stuff that no one was listening to [Music] well i moved my boat from there so that's a miss all right yeah deserve you should care more [Music] this is why we go to counseling [Music] um i think i called this out in a bomb once i'm pretty sure i did why can't i alphabet yes i did okay it's so hard we have a search function i don't swallow your pride we clearly can't spell we clearly can't spell you might as well just like put in a couple letters and hope it's right stop critting i'd like to know what the final encounter slot is here i i we knew that existed uh i would really like the jump fluff to actually show up because i'd like to catch it and find out if jolteon goes that direction or not can this be one no it actually cannot be one [Music] what of all the things uh i'm actually just gonna go to the next place oh wait oh hey thanks for wasting my time for that entirety [Music] jump off use the track on me and then sunny day and i'm a little upset just wasting my time [Music] this is a good okay jump off miss [Music] i don't like this anymore [Music] um i guess i'll check a couple of encounter slots here because i only saw two graveler raveler is a hit no sink no sink all right so i've confirmed that that is now the same boat so we never got a chance to do this but i would like to actually would you all let us know what you do on your streams as well as well as when you typically streamed i've just plugged both of your channels again in chat so please if you have not done so already please be sure to give keys around an etiquette both to follow and before i answer that write you please uh raichu is a hit and before i answer that what about articuno articuno is a miss okay um yeah so i normally stream weeknights um usually a bit earlier than uh the gdq stream more like three o'clock eastern instead of seven and i do mainly late generation pokemon speedruns so things like uh i'm currently focused on pokemon let's go but sword and shield gen six and up typically i have no stream schedule right now because i'm actually in the process of moving to a new a new place um so i'm i'm in and out of my apartment right now uh i normally stream it later hours like typically around like the 6 7 p.m eastern area and i'll stream for about six plus hours i usually do like a bunch of randomizer stuff uh when it comes to speed runs and then when it comes to like more casual stuff i play a lot of valorem a lot all right i have caught a gastly gastly is a hit yay yeah during the break when you were like oh i'm thinking like don fan for retro's ghastly area i was just like no he said he said the name yay all right so i'm putting slow king in the daycare putting ditto into daycare because we need slowpoke info so we're gonna breed that in the meantime i need to see where else i need to go i don't have hypno or drowsy info and it's been established thanks um umbreon by the way umbreon is a miss okay um [Music] i could catch this and confirm if that's a four by two or a five now let's catch that wait did i okay so for anyone who might be as confused as i just was um sometimes so sweet scent is a move that we can use out of battle that will force basically a wild encounter sometimes it fails and when it fails it's because it's actually an unknown slot but we didn't do the unknown puzzle um so even though i didn't get the encounter i do know what the pokemon was and we sort of have a gentleman's agreement to not choose um to not choose the unknown yeah sorry um i don't have burn heels what the heck yeah the only the only reason why it kind of it kind of doesn't matter nowadays uh i just we we kind of just stuck with it but uh back with the old like the old version of the randomizer for this mod there were issues with unknown [Music] so we just kind of decided not to take any chances i think nowadays it's totally fine and reasonable to use unknown but we've just gotten so used to not except for today but no one tell him [Music] this thing is zap cannon that's terrifying i didn't tell him anything what are you talking about uh riku ryko [Music] is a miss he went over smeargle probably okay but no i went down to wigglytuff shitty okay [Music] you know how i said i'll only use an edge to mind game you yeah that time has come good luck nerd all right this isn't one i'm gonna catch it anyways i don't i don't think that this would be your 4x2 but it's the most readily available information i had however it's not being kind vileplume and i don't want to be here anymore bioplume is a miss [Music] other info delay why don't i just do this why not do this to begin with that's that's probably way better go go here first [Music] there's no way that's the 2x4 no way you wouldn't do that no no no you wouldn't this however i can totally see being a 2x4 [Music] oh [Music] oh oh boy no i messed up crap okay something that i needed no you're something that he needs all right i hope you never go where i'm at ever all right deal okay good [Music] even the thing that i need is on my screen now so that kind of gives it away moonlight wait moonlighting and let me hurt you come on it poisoned me with sludge bomb i'm upset okay uh tentacruel cruel is a miss okay so that is not okay okay that [Music] sort of helps i guess i mean technically this could be one i just don't know i might have to fight a gym leader just to take out hypno that's so stupid coughing coughing is a pokemon that i'm looking for because i can't alphabet it's a miss there's a search function keys shut up i don't know what you're talking about you hear this people say i'm the bully bullying i actually expected that to live for some reason i'm just gonna leave it at that i'm fighting this trainer because if i'm gonna check eggs constantly for breeding it's gonna be really annoying going in the grass over and over and risking an encounter so i might as well just knock him out so i don't have to do that anymore that's so rude this is such a good find i disagree [Music] you crit no oh that's so mean okay what's my what's my next course of that am i really going back for that hey look for this that's terrible how did earthquake kill this okay we're we're going into kanto sika all right ryhorn ryhorn is a miss okay [Music] that's far too much it keeps ending up being like really close to vermilion and saffron city so we're just we're we're going through this we're going through this sequence i can also fight some of the trainers on this boat that are temporary [Music] i can remember where they are pretty sure rhyhorn is the 60 on this floor like it's that ridiculous that's funny [Music] man i just this is this is what happens this is what happens in these races the information becomes really really valuable and when you don't have it you're kind of just scrambling to try and find solutions it's a little better for for this for the show because of the the extra rules we added but i have crit about six things [Music] that i needed to catch have you thought about not quitting [Music] yeah there's a search function etiquette [Music] oh that's a level 31 chansey on my screen that's a big boy experience [Music] yeah spinner act just grew like five levels oh my god oh my goodness [Music] very good spinorax level 19. i think it evolves at like 21 or 22. i'm still missing two of the slots here and i would like the thing i keep killing and all i'm getting a right horn what are you killing by chance it's an iggly buff i know it has to be one you don't have a c-shaped ship are you sure that's another thing that we've we've done on occasion is we'll like spell out words or something with the boats instead of doing standard boats those are always fun i like that i was tempted to see if we could make the boats gdq and then just remove some of the safety rules we have but then i realized that the safety rules are really really important yeah yeah i mean if you don't want to have a chance at finishing i would advise it all right i got jinx info when i no longer need it that's cool [Music] video games are great i like videos i also took the longest possible path to go to the room that i need to go to next i thought you literally could not have taken a slower pad [Music] the only way it could have been slower is if i like glitched through the wall and left the boat [Music] one stupid spider get bigger [Music] rock slide alakazam i think it unlearns psychic because i'm pretty sure psychic would kill us from there yeah as i say definitely had psychic when i fought it i forget where it was though i thought one was like oh this is actually a good find glad i stayed on this floor okay area dose hold on area dose is a hit and a sink all right thank god i don't need ampros dragonair dragonair is a miss interesting okay all right so sinking that tells me i mean we already knew that this is a three boat with the hypno because there's no other space i can hit um so that means this has to be at minimum four so ivysaur is no longer something to did i take the experience here no i didn't all right aeriados is getting really big because i just killed a blissey it's now area trace there we go i'm not even gonna try to weaken this this time i'm just gonna throw balls i i i mean you did put something on the edge but i i suspect i suspect that once i get a slowpoke that boat's gone i suspect that togepi toga tick is part of that boat and i'm guessing jolteon's the 4x2 that's my guess there really isn't much left for interpretation otherwise okay that's my guess the problem is the sheer amount of information i'm missing so i might actually just like hop to gyms [Music] maybe i'll pay janine a visit because she's low level [Music] this is the slowest catch ever because i'm burned and it leach it leech seeded me so every time i throw a ball and it doesn't get in there's so many animations that play i'm also at a point where i i need to do a gym just for the hypno i don't i don't have the info on that i don't have i don't have hypno info i don't have drowsy i don't have any of the togepi family [Music] so every time i'm throwing a ball at this it's 30 to get in just so everyone's aware of my struggle all right there's pidgey info i don't have the brakes i got in the first all right uh iggly bug i had a sea ship you missed duh thanks yup good talk hey you know dunsparce is a roamer i fair so you have a way to get the done sparse huh doesn't hunting for a roamer sound fun i guess you're not wrong fun [Music] fun's a word what are you doing keys i'm in context using the most dangerous f word in all of gdq fun fun [Music] can you even be one you can't that's the last thing i text blooper right all right i don't i don't i don't expect to uh i don't expect whooper to be a hit but this would confirm it for oh how did i forget that snorlax was there all right go to the other route how did i forget that can you be one i think i had a kid's leading by one i'm trying to focus on technically maybe yeah technically maybe i like batteries he's in a way better position than i am but i think i've i have more hits um exeggutor [Music] executor is a miss [Music] oh also i don't i'm assuming you're using the program too if anyone's ever wondering why we keep like changing where we're looking like in the webcam we actually have a location tracker like it's a java program that uh someone made for us we have a location tracker where like we can click on it's an interactive map we can click on it's like i'm on i'm on this route right now so i i clicked on the map in front of me and it lists the possible amount of slots in the grass so like i have seven encounter slots here we saw the metapod just then and then we see this whooper that i just caught so looper oh wooper's a miss okay i knew it but yeah it's just it's really nice because there's so much to keep track of that just having a list of things like it's a searchable thing too so if i ran into i ran into something on route 29 that i needed later and i forgot i could search and see that hey i wrote down that i looked it up or that i ran into it on route 29 it's super duper handy all right i caught a lick a tongue like a tongue is a it's probably a no it's left of the machamp ship it's enough okay there's a search function keys i mean all right so that confirms that jolteon's a 4x2 which is like the worst case scenario for me thanks yeah and he's happy about it unbelievable who would be happy about their friends suffering isn't that why we're friends yeah probably i don't think you're incorrect [Music] you're looking for that rumor yet not yet you say it in a way that makes it sound like that that's actually on the table and i'm concerned [Music] i could just like try to jim out from here and just like throw hail mary's all over the place [Music] i don't know the proper way to actually like search for a roamer so i would just be mindlessly running around that's fair all right there's our slowpoke egg so i'm gonna that's gonna hatch eventually i don't know i could have flown where i was just standing i don't know what i'm doing uh yeah do i go janine i'm dratini go to janine yeah dratini [Music] wait dratini yeah i have that mark doesn't miss do you already it marked as a miss on your side i may have marked it on the wrong one and caught it i i also have it marked as a miss on my side yes all right maybe i just didn't mark it before wow what a cheater whatever this can't be one all right i caught a jinx okay let me let me check and see if jinx has one um deliberating analyzing no it's a miss a weird i was expecting it i'm sorry for your loss it's my it's my three by two boat the prize i don't need arcanine info anymore yet there's an arcanine on my screen that's rude and it's not dead that's more rude [Music] can this be one [Music] all right slowpoke [Music] um slowpoke is a hit but not a sink but not a sink you weirdo what is this boat no do i have wheezing how does it keep getting worse i'm trying really hard not to just bomb everything and here you are [Music] what a what why i listen i'm listening and that's the problem we ask ourselves why every single day keys [Music] all right i'm just determined now i'm i'm doing gyms and ending this you asked for this i just need to find your last boat and then that's my plan [Music] but like i don't want to waste i don't want to be wasting shots on you know to find nothing it's it's funny because i like i'm staring at where the last one is and i both feel really smart at where i put it and also really shocked that it hasn't been found yet [Music] no way oh oh [Music] oh ow what is happening this this fight turns so weird all of a sudden that's crappy that's terrible no crabby's a miss oh have you all considered adding a uh nuzlocke component to this where i want to put one face you can't use uh we no no he got the boots from ancient power all right keys it got double boosted what the hell is happening 10 chance bad video game uh we've had people in chat tell us we should do nuzlocke we proceeded to kindly not be kind about the idea i know what you're saying [Music] you know a couple of couple of keys isms here and there were thrown out how do i kill that how do i actually kill that janine was a terrible choice i have to like super fang you twice right like oh this is garbage this is garbage oh my god stop crediting things oh my god i'll trade you do you have a way to kill a foretrus i have earthquake i guess oh well it's better than what i have oh my god all right i barely won goodness curse rings trying to learn bind this video game is terrible okay okay i have defeated janine that is that is a gym leader down i'm going to bomb now okay i'm specifically going to get as much out of this bomb as possible from stuff i don't have info on so jigglypuff jolteon machop magby okay one second i crit it again i swear to god what is happening what are you using i'm using extreme speed on a shock how is that critting so much i don't know jigglypuff to magby yes all our hits [Music] that's a double hit on the jolteon right that means i can distribute that somewhere else it actually means you have to get another jolteon oh crap i'm sorry just i don't make the rules but we did we made them together what are you talking about [Music] i could what gyms can i take out right now tyrogue irogue is i'm just somewhere i miss um yeah cause i have information on the rest of that four by two boat but then i don't have hypno or drowsy info i don't have to be or together info i have coughing info but that evolution is what 33 or whatever 35 actually that's even worse by two whole levels i don't even have coughing info you're the one that caught coughing this is stupid i have to bomb for three things i saw about a billion coughing in the i don't believe you where i was yeah i got it i gotta at minimum do three gyms um what do i do oh you know what i do all right wait who's ready to watch some advanced strats hey keys did you catch a knitter in mail or did i i i didn't i marked that on the wrong board i came across when i looked over at my tracker i'm like oh i can catch this then i saw the pokeball symbol i'm like wait a minute [Music] nice i got area dose info after i evolved for it i love this video game [Music] you know what sounds fun right now good old yu-gi-oh forbidden memories 15 card race oh oh is that something you want to do soon i i soon yes i cannot tonight but soon that can be arranged very good same thing actually wow what are the chances oh yeah yeah definitely i actually maybe i gotta put a run together for a frame patella anyway so i might as well do like a recipe and have a good time maybe uh maybe you can finally learn the game maybe you might regret it just as a warning i probably will he already regrets the fact that he said maybe because it gave me hope oh no yes join us enjoy one of us oh boy now you and i gotta do uh there's actually a forbidden memories randomizer we should do that on here at some point i actually you know i've only almost been doing this for two years and i have not played on it yet which i feel like is a little bit of a crime all right so hear me out yeah we get you to actually play something on your own show for once and i can be the special guest host huh goodness huh and i was gonna ask either you were off honestly someone who isn't afraid to dish it at me i guess [Laughter] but no i need to actually play on one of my shoes oh we get to find out if this is an aerodactyl or a bioplume finally i i said aerodactyl [Music] well you know anyone who said aerodactyl there you go all the confirmation in the world we ran we ran into the crowbar roamer that aerodactyl has cross chop and it just slaughtered my ears ring uh not too ouch i'm only catching this because i'm gonna die otherwise not too is a miss okay i caught another aerodactyl is it a hit now um no why yes you you hit the remains of one of my boats that floated over there i was gonna make a dumb joke but i couldn't i couldn't think of one i can't believe that air attack will just deleted my bear [Music] hey i'm not going to repel just in case i run into something we need but squirtle my plan is to climb up this tower get the level 60 and use that to beat the gems squirtle is a water starter pokemon that exists and can't miss yeah thank you um if you were if it sways your decision on if it's a waste of time the level 60 is a ligatuck oh uh [Music] so i'm gonna believe how's that one thousand percent sweet my decision uh cubone by the way that stinks yeah i had that idea for the exact same reason and i got the one just like uh no no that's horrible uh cubone yeah how do you english okay there it is no miss how do you english he's around 2021. um i i really want like low effort gyms but there are no low effort gyms left they either require a lot of time or a lot of resources [Music] we're gonna buy x items that's what we're gonna do [Music] oh i just realized my kids love cinnamon toast crunch i fell right into that [Music] now i was thinking of so you know how in gen between gen one and two like the borders of various routes change like i think in gen one route three and four are technically like on top of one another so yeah moon entrance is all in route four i did something similar where i'm in a grass that is way less than optimal to go to because i was thinking it was like it's the route uh nine route nine grass oh right right right yeah so i went i went what did you do with that i went above like where four turn thrash girl is supposed to be oh like wait the grass over by the surfing is oh yeah also route 9. well done how silly that you would make a really understandable mistake like that you should be ashamed i've been playing a lot of let's go so all right this is this is silly this is silly but we're we're doing this three three gyms minimum so i can knock out one square [Music] because we have info on murkrow we have info on not to we have info on pidgey we have info on pikachu and you know for the sake of of trying to make it more of a race i i don't want to bomb those i bought x items and i haven't used a single one i'm an idiot oh that's free setup surely [Music] it's taking in sunlight i all of a sudden don't think it's as free as i thought that hurt there's no way this is one [Music] you never know until you try collect the buzz what no yeah no i didn't think so oh with you many things i i would like hypno together wheezing showing up would be swell that's a tangala that's not close to what i said it i forgot how bulky tangala is it survived handily [Music] all right i've defeated lieutenant serge okay i'd like to use my bomb okay i like the bomb wheezing wigglytuff and overflow to aerodactyl a-puff [Music] i'll allow it um wheezing is a hit sink and everything else is a miss what how are the others misses how is that possible i guarantee you the next gym i go to i'm gonna get wheezing info guarantee it calling it [Music] there's no way you picked this right i don't know did i this was in my list of things that i rattled off earlier come on i can't weaken you because you are just a small seed right sun kern baby meet me no no what's wrong with you all right why would i no no terrible every everything i set up my ex items on has solar beam i'm really confused if you show me wheezing i swear if you show me wheezing i swear good that's not a reason i probably would have lived any i mean i really died anyways but the fact that i quit it just frustrates me because i don't know if it would have died all right i said i wasn't gonna catch this earlier but things have changed okay i have defeated sabrina i would like to bomb your waters i i want i want smoocham where am i going i want smoochum i want diesel i want to tick and i want toe to dial all right yeah hit sync on togetic extra dead everything else is a miss no total that was a hit you liar now it's a super hit look at this proof i caught charizard just tell me it's wrong you call that proof of course charizard is wrong why did you catch that i have to be thorough you're right this could have been the one time um i guess i will go [Music] to this gym haha i'm smogging of steel type i should have done this first because i would have gotten infinitely more information [Music] oh it doesn't matter keys just win what just went already i i'm trying but i don't have hypno so i have to do gyms and then i have to catch murkrow not too pidgey and pikachu or do another gym assistant that's a perfect setup for another gym i know that'd be such a good bon that'd be that'd be the best bomb that i did besides the first one magnet the first one was messed up uh magneton is amiss i'm tempted to just tell you where it is to make this interesting all right spoiler alert it's on the board you got me [Music] that's a venus that's that's like a wheezing before you know it becomes a ball [Music] sure [Music] that's poliwag that's like a wheezing before it grows a second head [Music] i think this is my best play give me hypno info i can just bomb that and then catch hypno this is silly friendly reminder to folks we don't normally have the bomb rule we normally just make it so you have to catch them like not even owning them is good enough because the the pokeball represents shooting the missile but if we did that this would probably be about five five and a half hours yeah we've we've had ones with like our normal rule set we've had ones that have gone i don't know like three and a half hours before and we've had ones that have gone six plus before like it varies quite a bit [Music] and it sucks uh alakazam [Music] alakazam is a miss okay all right we have to climb the lighthouse again i think i think my game plan here is janine and then claire i think is the fastest [Music] i think i hope maybe probably how do i go through the entire floor without like any encounter yeah i would have to do nugget bridge otherwise yeah that's my fastest player is my next gym [Music] well no i could do i could do erika but claire's lower level yeah i think claire's best [Music] i pretty much wiped out all my easy gems from here [Music] so you say easy gyms what do you consider to be the more difficult gyms than this uh in this case just like time restriction or like whatever extra stuff i have to do so i would have to complete the lavender radio tower quest to unlock most any other gym in kanto from here um other than erica but erica has more trainers than than um claire's gym does like more acquired trainers and actually i have to think about that maybe it doesn't but uh yeah every other gym is just locked behind a bunch of extra stuff from here on out and jasmine gave me absolutely no information and was also very very terrible right you know what i i declare my bomb for defeating jasmine okay marco not too pidgey pikachu all hits in sync very good now then maybe i accidentally find hypno in claire's gym all right i got a dodrio actually i lied nope uh i haven't gone ice path yet so erica's gym is faster say erica we go you said you got a dodrio though drill is a myth [Music] i have to do a gym for a hypno it's totally [Music] at this point i'm playing to find oh i just i didn't want to oh you know what even even if i did icepad this is faster this is faster than clear [Music] i think wait what do i not know this floor or whatever it's that direction i'm hoping to just find the uh last ship before you finish i won't but i will try i believe i don't oh okay well you said it not me i mean yeah [Music] i should have gotten a super thing i don't need it anymore [Music] if i find hypno info before i reach erica i'm going to just go after it [Music] i called this on a bomb i'm pretty sure i can't oh i didn't yeah what an embedded one it's like almost no chance hey this is my starter [Music] all this effort just because i don't have info [Music] now see this is where in a regular like in our regular races with our regular rules you would see me and etiquette like just going to dungeons and clearing out like a lot of the floors and just hoping we chance into something i mean that's basically what i am doing now for full disclosure it doesn't matter i'm in uh i'm in ice path right now just going through everything i did not see a hypno so it is it is erica that i choose do i have hypno info let me check i'm gonna dex hypno as soon as i as soon as i like give someone the rom and have them like there's like there's like a game shark or like action replay code you can use on on emulator oh really nice i think or they have a log maker when i don't i have to double check how they do it i'm really curious where it is i actually don't have info on it so all right here's a question for yuki's yes have you seen the pokemon i need not have you caught it but have you at least seen it like the boat i'm missing i mean you know i've seen the eevee yeah i mean it's coughing and this is definitely the sunspots i've seen and as a roamer slowpoke i had to breed for miragul i've seen i think i've seen a smooch um caught cool lava by the way crobat was a roamer and also in tojo magmar i've seen um hop if i don't think i saw larvitar i don't think i saw and i can't reveal the last boat yet even though i gave you a ton of information double coughing [Music] that's all i want to do okay that's erica down i declare my bomb what do you want hypno higgly buff luigi and machamps.com hypno is a hit and sink all right and now i hit the done button and i am done congratulations hey get your gg's out he's run has won now the last the last boat three guesses three guesses just all right whatever guesses you want so if i had to guess i would say snorlax snubble nope okay it is the two for what it's worth so just let that it is the two okay it is i assumed it was [Music] um so it's not like snubble um [Music] i mean either merrell artillery or like dugong fearow merrell charlie is a no dugong is a no firo is a yes was it firo and ducks or the other way nope other way okay for alligator yeah because uh we had the we had the rule so oh yeah dunsparce was won smeargle was won entei was one and sudo was one okay nice so uh yeah i could not do i did want ducks initially [Music] but then i moved it for alligator before we even started placing our boats i had stelix marked and then i decided to do the left side heavy and i ended up moving it i wish i didn't because you never found your felix i specifically made sure that i could add soda widow that way stelix could be the middle of the boat again nice literally all but one race that i have ever done with you i've chosen steelix yup the one race that i didn't choose stelix was the one time that we had an o as a boat and i went around the stelix instead yep i do the same thing with hobbs i pick onyx every time that's awesome [Music] all right so uh anything else before we wrap up for the evening anything about again i'm going to make sure i plug please follow both runners if you have not already that's twitch.tv keys are on twitch.tv etiquette any other words for each other or for the chat before we close out tonight i know this was a good one you got robbed the only other thing i would say is chat help us come up with other board game ideas we've done yeah we've done this uh they've done connect four if we can come up with a bunch of other board games we could we could have a lot of fun with it so that's all i'm gonna say and uh yeah um i think i said i was okay to bring this up if not then my bad richard uh we have a lot of the resources for the stuff in my discord so you want to swing by there i'm not going to like say it here but like if you're going to follow my channel or swing by there anyway i have a chat command that can take you to the discord um and like you can find a bunch of the resources on how to do like randomizers in general for pokemon and even like fire emblem and forbidden memories and uh like also like a bunch of people that are willing to like answer questions like where do we get the pokedex which is like i said google bobchow pokedex and you'll find the website and just like a lot of different resources that like help get you into things whether you want to do a catch em all or a bingo or like battleship or any other like board game variant um i would definitely recommend doing that and uh also um three out of the four people that are in this discord call uh sorry sky but the three three out of the four people are actually going to be uh part of another yacht thing next monday uh because we're gonna be over at spike's channel for uh sru doing red yachts wait richard's gonna be in this he does tech stuff for like everyone on the planet it seems go richard i do want to take the time also real quick before we wrap up here i need to plug the first step this is a fellow showrunner in addition to myself you all should go check that out that's on thursdays at 7 00 pm eastern again you can watch kzeron goof off with our other good friend jay hobbs again that's thursday night the first step uh keys have you all previewed what's going on this week so folks know yeah so uh it's actually gonna be more than just me and hobbes and it's kind of a special episode too so first and foremost uh hobbs and i are going to have our good friends fant and rebel watt join us because we're doing left 4 dead 2 all campaigns we're still determining whether we include the left 4 dead 1 campaigns and maybe possibly some of the free download content campaigns we're not 100 sure yet we're actually figuring it out sometime tonight but um big four player co-op race we usually do not raise a co-op run we usually do races but uh you know this time we're we're teaming up with friends and also if you hear hobbs echo or me echo because one of us is in great pain during the show and you know screaming in pain or something he's actually coming here like we're actually having an in-person episode so he's going to be like 20 feet away from me that direction somewhere it's gonna be a fun time i'm looking forward to that so again that is this thursday at 7 00 pm eastern right here on gdq hotfix please be sure to check that out and again i don't want to leave about a kid out twitch tv slash etiquette give out a kid some love absolutely deserve to hear adequate thank you so much for being on the show absolutely it was a ton of fun thanks for having us all right before we close out here i do have some information to pass along here information on all of our hotfix shows is available at gamestonequick.com hotpicks from there you can find out more information about submitting your runs to our weekly shows tomorrow we have mercy kill followed by never before seen a double-header shirt about very much looking forward to that all starting at 7 p.m eastern i know my show on mercy kill we're going to be having degrees of separation with matt and muffins followed by mark of the ninja by raul that is a staff based show folks we're going to be having our very own gdq staff here running some stuff i've never seen a lot of our staff members run so i'm very much looking forward to that also coming up in two weeks right here on random number generation we are going to be doing ori and the blind forest we're going to be having a huge cast commentators runners there are a ton of folks that are very very very excited about running ori and the blind forest randomizer so that's going to be coming up in two weeks here also on gdq hotfix that does it tonight here i'm sky bills for g2q hotties we will see you tomorrow for mercy kill and in two weeks for random number generation take care y'all you
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 75,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AGDQ, GDQ, SGDQ, Awesome Games Done Quick, Summer Games Done Quick, Games Done Quick, SDA, SRL, Speed Demos Archive, SpeedRunsLive, Twitch, Video Games
Id: 2t2tl-XMbvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 9sec (11889 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.