Ramsay's MOST INTENSE Moments on the Kitchen Nightmares! | Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares | Part 1

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let's see what a former nightclub manager has to offer the Brits abroad human extraordinaire menu and then different themes flamenco burger night it's about menu Chinese chicken or pork confused if I'd wanted a Chinese or have gone to one but I'm in Spain let's hope Lawrence's signature dish of prawns in chocolate sauce gives me the flavor of the Med damn it's worse than chocolate sauce it's a hot over spicy chili chocolate sauce well that's just stupid arrogance right I fill its take you back may not sound that exciting but should taste delicious and that in terms of presentation looks like a Polish ship if I thought my kebab was overcooked that's nothing compared to what's happening to my crema catalana so let's smoke the kitchen down that mean well it's certainly burning it's like a [ __ ] ice hockey puck look at it comes with an appointment the dentist tomorrow morning at 9:30 Hey it's liquid and it's it's ruined so when you sat with all these fresh ingredients on your doorstep and the climate they've got the simpler it is the better it's gonna be unfortunately have got more complicated and trying to be clever and completely lost the [ __ ] plant prawns the flavour the pawns with extraordinary fresh vibrant why do you want to [ __ ] around and put chocolate sauce on there because I don't want to be boring I want to be exciting I thought it was [ __ ] hideous didn't work but then I came to this [ __ ] slob that kabob have you actually ever sat at the table and watched six customers with his [ __ ] donkey's dick swinging in front of their face it's hilarious is that lazy you know it's a talking point it's it's so it's a wild fact that's the wow factor yeah it's a finished steak yeah it was tough as old boots I don't know before you start [ __ ] mouthing up let me just show you a cube that big and a queue that big I'm not gonna cook the same time oh here we go girl just finished her sentence first sim better than you can [ __ ] come back on me in a minute Matt out there was embarrassing so it's painful if it painted for me and you're 102 thousand [ __ ] euros in the [ __ ] [ __ ] knows how you sleep at night in the two years since I was last here lad Riviera has been renamed abstract I wonder what else has changed marinated calamari Chinese way potato foam salting peanut ice cream that sounds like the [ __ ] menus upside-down is that a dessert or starter [ __ ] me how are you I don't think how are you well thank you my god it's lunchtime floor but abstract is empty what's wrong and how many got booked for lunch lunch we don't open for lunch here now we just opened next door so you've actually opened a new restaurant in there yeah we opened contrast occasion at the end of the second week in June this year just a Brasserie so is to try and give us a balance between the fine dining I can something more simple bizarre instead of serving simple lunches in here as I advised berries opened an entirely new restaurant we just thought we're doing the lunches there it's really busy there yeah we'll close this one Barry says turn over at abstract is down 27 percent in the past year although it is popular in the evening big question mission in stock we never got it and that was it we just keep working hard and see what happens issue I thought by simplifying the menu I'd put them on course for a star is lilyc over elaborating in the kitchen fat game how are you finding you you're good to see you well yeah I'm sorry to hear about the Michelin star I thought that was a light arrives a year ago you've done well without the star and the business is running very well new dishes on the menu marinated calamari Chinese way potato foam salted peanut ice cream yeah oh dear this must be a vegetarian delight a giblet club sandwich what was that mashed but in Inverness now mm-hmm nine Edinburgh or London or New York if you said to someone you know fancy a club sandwich you know they would expect someone [ __ ] chickens tomato mayonnaise where'd you get these ideas from I don't wanna be like my neighbours I feel like I'm just preparing lunch for Silence of the Lambs brown hair and black pudding pig's Trotter carpaccio sounds like everything's intensified tenfold I just hope he comes off the curb sandwich thank you man we serve with the roasted partridge uh-huh a Blee risotto with plum and white mushrooms and just a normal gene it's a shame he's a talented chef but he's still trying too hard oh you made a castle before no no you know made a castle with love never [ __ ] me 47 years ago 30 years ago probably Education College it's time to nail rule number seven don't attempt to cook elaborate food before you've mastered the very basics we'll start off we're just roasting off the vegetables right and then we'll brown the meat put it all into a pot and let it cook nice and slow about an hour and a half I've got just 36 hours to teach Jackson inept head chef and how to cook you're doing potatoes once they're finished we're gonna make a fish stock yeah [Music] lamb needs our killer dog a dog is back there because all all all that flavor there the whole thing they're just pure flavor using inexpensive produce fresh from the local markets 90% of this new food can be prepared in advance dishes like lamb casserole pork terrine and fish soup are designed to take the heat off during service the aim is to get David Nigel's sending out delicious tasty food to a dying roomful of customers without Dave having a nervous breakdown in the process you're free you're free to control it and do it properly without having to do 20 things at once yeah and today next up we're prepping some locally caught fish for a deliciously simple soup yep do the knife yeah then watch it all the way down to the tail yep all right eyes out yep and just cut up into quarters any specific way or just where's only for a fish stock Dave so whatever way you feel fit this is like pulling teeth any that has actually killed a cast or before a fileted fish shouldn't be rolling a [ __ ] restaurant let's get crackin on with a fix to cook off your muscles and we'll save the juice yeah have you cooked mussels before no you're calling my plonker now aren't you you've never cooked a mussel all right okay shower you can [ __ ] it out why don't mind what do you mean I can help oh yeah okay fine you're right I'm sorry what we doing last two hours fine so what we want in here I'm just amazed you've never cooked a mussel then don't take the piss out before ago who's taking the piss I don't think you can actually cook if you're [ __ ] joking hey go on yeah finish it then finish well what about are you what am i Maxis I cook a muscle no I haven't cooked one rise okay right so show show you how to cook a muscle Oh laughs thank you yeah please right are you gonna tone your voice down or you just shout like some dick I'll shout like some dick and then I'll calm down right now sure why don't you [ __ ] off to the book shop read how to cook a muscle and come back and see me yeah and I'll run your [ __ ] restin thank you plonker Ryan stuff T's kitchen with so much secondhand equipment you can't swing a cat that's what you do you look for chefs on eBay look at that size and those ones they wait then employ them yes right well these plays useful just some I bought to play with some you bought to play with yeah play with them yet just got the chance of getting them so I got them what you think of putting their solos we'll come up with some addition using for that no no no no come on you don't serve food in them do you yes we did oh no come on I wouldn't put [ __ ] dog's dinner there you don't serve food in them and we have done in the past No look at the size of it they're big I mean you you can go tiling with that thing you know that we can retail this whole establishment with these plates just look what we can start doing these terms off all ready it's time to look unique isn't it yeah and so you said what Chinese dish on this one it wasn't it was a Japanese dish Christ among the tile blue didn't stick [ __ ] so fine don't worry who's chipped anyway damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn every corner I turn I discover another of grind stashies squealed away now where did that one come from I bought that from Villa robot ok and what's that you don't sell food on that come on yes we do it's like a [ __ ] swimming pool for Barbie now we've got one with three compartments down the side we said the steak on that you serve the steak on that yeah this where did you get this thing from eBay eBay tucked away in the corner Ryan's got a huge disgusting stockpot it's the base for all these revolting sauces that's gonna go in the skip we don't need to [ __ ] have the sure as the Merlotte we don't need it that for me is a hazard do we need the whole thing um well it's usually a way of keeping the food hot Brian's been collecting kitchen equipment for 30 years so claustrophobic in here huge sofas in the little quaint room [ __ ] I'm avid last Soul firm ostrich placing your pillow right and is it cold with ice I'll be and then she's already children yeah enough some say isn't fridge yes no I said thinking no smiles pan roasted tava scholars a cauliflower puree white raised and caper dressing that sounds very familiar Nick's got one of my dishes on the menu he's been cooking for as long as I have and he's charging top London prices so I just hope he's food measures up first test a fish soup smells off well that certainly seen better days but just hope I won't be saying the same about Nick by the end of the lunch very well next mushroom and a duck egg on toast and is one of my favorites when it's done how I like it simply why is it supposed to be looking like something out of a [ __ ] Barbies doll's house why can't it just look simple plain and mushrooms on toast it's like eating a wet flannel soggy horrible bread mushrooms are dirty Nick's office Lia frills man but if he's got any sense he'll served the next dish as it was intended because it's one of mine and where did this dish there is no problem interracial the idea you could no good asking for me with yes thank you where'd you get that Jason Scott think [ __ ] I don't said one line huh they taste frozen unfortunately milky and you know they're rubbery it takes a lot no frozen milk yeah Nick's got to be joking he'd better put a smile on my face with the next dish because so far this lunch had been miserable really that this morning it wasn't important sending it to me once if I were you Nick I wouldn't keep me waiting yeah once thank you and you like a hemorrhoid in my [ __ ] you know that can I just sit and enjoy what try to enjoy rather try to dissect everything eat otherwise your males will [ __ ] sit down here and take my place would you want thank you so much I'm there there's no say stupid things that I mean at least you're not having a cup for that sauce is so sweet it's unbelievable duck itself actually tastes quite nice but then is marred with all that horrible sauce it's almost like been Alan and baby veg 20 quid as well I mean you know even by London prices that's you know that's up there this place is certainly well starved Brian's heading up the kitchen 80s gone and sherita's taken on a whopping nine extra chefs I can't wait to tuck into some soul food I insisted everything in the shadows cooked from scratch so Brian better be sticking to my fresh food regime what's that sorry peach cobbler there yeah oh dear the signs aren't good what are they in there oh my god is like everywhere where are these problems they're just being cool what's that in there that's the reason I just get my dick woody oh [ __ ] you trash chicken it's like a fast-food Jordan yeah well that's missing is a family bucket and a liter of coke five six seven when I first met you there was two and three of you in the kitchen it had that nice intimacy party field everyone was passionate from a meatloaf to a [ __ ] chicken wing and you just got done you know done in a way that everyone really cared for what they were doing two years on from what I can see the souls gone from this kitchen right taste that catfish Guzman's that's the first dish I've ever tasted in the shack besides the [ __ ] thing [ __ ] come here let me show you something yeah what is that are we charging customers for that while someone was to boast to me about being fully booked two notes [ __ ] Marge I feel like ringing them and say don't bother [ __ ] coming next March so nothing will be [ __ ] ready in time who's controlling it where is that standards gone just where's the passion gone what the [ __ ] are we doing get that [ __ ] in the bin everything in the [ __ ] bin now holy [ __ ] this is a nightmare the kitchen can't cope and have gone back to their bad ways of preparing food to cater for the huge demands of the new restaurant you're right it is [ __ ] I'm really sorry I [ __ ] love this shop you
Channel: All 4
Views: 1,253,099
Rating: 4.9015799 out of 5
Keywords: All 4, Channel 4, ramsay likes the food, ramsays kitchen nightmares, ramsay in 10, ramsays best restaurant, ramsay steak, ramsays kitchen nightmares uk, ramsay burger, ramsay scrambled eggs, ramsay carbonara, ramsay bolton vs jon snow, ramsay cooking, kitchen nightmares worst food, kitchen nightmares pizza, kitchen nightmares revisited, kitchen nightmares best moments, kitchen nightmares nino, kitchen nightmares season 6, kitchen nightmares gordon likes the food
Id: bF0fFDZYx1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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