Ramps in Revit - Beginner to PRO Tutorial

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what's going on guys balkan arctic here and in today's video we're talking about ramps and rabbit so ramps are one of those tools in revit that you there you always know it's there and you very rarely use it and it looks fairly simple and straightforward but as with anything else in revit there are a few little tips tricks and features that you should probably know about and also the appropriate workflow when it comes to well whatever you want to create with that tool so we're going to be exploring everything that you need to know about ramps in rabbit now before i get started with that i'd just like to ask you to subscribe because they make useful rabbit tutorials each week i make multiple tutorials you don't want to miss any of those and also make sure to like this video it helps promote the video to other people that might want to see it and finally make sure to check out my website vulcanarctic.com that's the first link just below the video if you want to learn revit in depth that's the best place to go because there i take the extra time to explore all of the revit advanced features workflows tools and settings and approaches and pretty much everything when it comes to revit there's over a hundred hours of content so if you're interested please check it out okay so without any further ado let's get straight into rabbit and here we are in revit so let's get started by going straight to models to new and for the template file i'm just going to go with my architecture design template now if you're interested in this template or both of my templates you can find that on my website balkan arctic.com that's going to be the third link in the description anyways let's just click ok and let's let revit start right up here you have like a little starting view which is kind of cool anyways uh let's move straight to floor plans and then to level one and then here what i'm going to do is well let's go straight to architecture tab circulation panel and here we have the ramp tool now to create a ramp uh you basically click on the ramp icon uh you can be in one of the levels for example level one in this case and then the setup is quite similar to a setup for for example walls or for stairs you go here into the properties and then you have to set the base level the top level and obviously you have offsets both on the bottom and the top so these are some of the basic uh parameters that you can set up for your uh just for your ramp and then once you're happy with it let's say you want to have a ramp that goes from level one up to level two you simply come here to the kind of drawing area you click once to start your ramp as you can see it's going to show you the kind of the length of the ramp you go to the other side you click and you have your ramp then you can simply hit finish and there we go we're done now this actually has a very big problem so let me show you this is for example the first time that they created the ramp i did it like this and then when i went to the 3d view well it looked like this well that's that that that doesn't go really up to level two if we go to the south elevation again that doesn't go to level two it only goes up to here and then well it stops so it is kind of annoying now the reason for that is because ramps have a set slope that they have to follow that's quite obvious for example if this is for uh just for avail wheelchair access you don't want to have this too steep or for a stroller or something like that usually when you're creating ramps either for vehicles or for people uh they're usually going to there usually is going to be some sort of a regulation that's regulating the slope of that ramp so we have to follow that and in this case the slope doesn't allow us to go up to level 2 in such a short distance so let's see how can we create a ramp that does actually get to level two so i'm just going to well i can just select this whole thing and then hit delete okay let's go back into level one and let's try that again so i can go to the ramp tool from level one up to level two click here and then let's see what revit reports here see how how it has it says uh kind of grayed out below the line zero of inclined ramp created 4320 remaining so this is quite similar to the stairs and steps on the stairs but unlike with the stair where when you move this around it's actually going to give you kind of it's going to change that first number here that number stays at zero but okay let's extend this all the way to the end click and now it reports 1200 of incline ram created 3120 remaining so only when you click it's going to say how long the ramp is and then it's going to say well you have this much ramp but you actually have to have this much 3120 centimeters in order additional centimeters in order to reach level two so you can simply come here to this edge click again and then we have a new run so something that you'll see here is that the run will be limited to 1200 centimeters so i can go perhaps up to here stop just a little bit before the edge then come to here go to the other side let's stop there go up to here and there we go here see how when i finish this and then click it's going to say 4320 of incline ram created zero remaining when it says zero remaining that basically means that well well we're all the way up to level two so if i now hit finish and go to the 3d view this ramp looks like that so we have multiple segments we have one two three four segments and something that you have noticed is that the segment is limited to 1200 centimeters so we have one segment going up to here then another segment going up to here and then all the way to the top so that's how you create a ramp and now i know it may be a little bit annoying that you have to do it like this but if you want to follow the slope that has been already set up well this is the only way that you can do that now obviously you can make changes to these ramps so if you're not happy with this slope perhaps it doesn't correspond with deregulation in your country or you just don't care about regulation and you want to make it different well uh in that case you do have the ability to do so and let me show you so i'm just going to select the ramp and then just simply hit delete okay let's go back into level one we can go back to the ramp tool and now to customize your ramp you can go here to the properties panel you can see that here we have multiple types well we only have one it's called ramp ramp 1 very straight forward i guess anyways you can actually create new types by simply going here into edit type and then when we open that up here just like any uh system family in revit you can go and duplicate this ramp and you can have ramp2 click ok and now we can play around with the settings now the first set of settings that i would like to discuss is going to be well exactly that the constraints that govern the ramp slope as well as the maximum length of one segment so if i just go here to dimensions we can see that we have a couple of parameters the first one is maximum incline length so that's 1200 centimeters so you remember how we've only been able to create a ramp segment that's 1200 centimeters well that's because of this parameter now it says maximum incline length that basically means if you create like a landing the landing can be as large as you want it can be 1200 it can be 1500 nobody cares it's important not to have the inclined part so the part that's at the angle that he has slope that cannot be too long because obviously then if somebody starts rolling down that ramp they wouldn't be able to stop if it were too long that's why you have those landings in the middle for you to either rest or to have the ability to stop if you're out of control so for that we can set that parameter here so you're not happy with that you can make it 1000 centimeters so it will be a bit shorter now the second parameter governs the slope and the the formula for that is this ramp max slope 1 divided by x and then here you can type in that number so what does this mean well this basically means that the ramp will go up one unit of measurement for every well 12 in this case units of measurement measurement in length so for example for every one meter that you want to go up you have to go basically forward 12 meters now here i have a little picture that they have created just to illustrate that so here we have a ramp this is like a little section or elevation of a ramp and the ramp goes here from level one and it goes up one meter but for that one meter we have to go 1200 or 12 meters in length or 100 centimeters you have to go 1200 centimeters so basically for every one up you have to go 12 in the distance that's how it works so you can modify that as well so for example here we have made this a bit shorter so we can say that for every 10 meters that we go forward we want to go up uh one meter and that's okay so i can just click ok here and now if i go to create a run if i click as you can see the run when i click is going to be limited to 1000 centimeters then i can go from here and i can actually do this at an angle and i can have as many of these as i want so i can go up to here then i can go like so and then i can go here and there we go now we have this weird ramp so let's just hit finish go to the 3d view and this is what that looks like so as you can see these segments will be limited to 1000 centimeters and the slope is a little bit higher than previously so that's how you control the slope of your ramp now moving forward you actually have a few extra parameters that you can play around with so if i just zoom in here a little bit like so and then go into edit type here we have a bunch of settings that we can play around with so let's start off with the function that doesn't really change anything it's really a parameter that you can use perhaps for your for your schedules and if you want to just report is this an interior or exterior ramp so that doesn't really change anything apart from that parameter the important ones are slope and thickness so thickness is well again it's quite straightforward here we have a ramp the thickness looks like 15 centimeters here it says 15 centimeters if i were to type in 40 and then hit apply well it would be 40 much thicker so that's kind of self-explanatory now the shape one that's the fun one so the shape one is currently set to tick and that means that we have the thickness which we can set up but if we were to change that to solid see how this grays out so we can no longer control the thickness and the reason for that is when i hit apply it's going to look like this so your ramp will go down to the ground at each point so this is perhaps in a situation where you're creating a ramp and you want to kind of fill it up with concrete or whatever all the way to the ground usually this is going to work for smaller ramps so for example here if we just take a look at this segment here it looks fairly okay but this segment obviously now looks very silly so in some cases this this is going to work for smaller ramps and obviously for larger ones it doesn't really make any sense also we have the text size and the text font now if i just okay out of this and go to level one here we have some text just saying up meaning that you start here to go up fairly straightforward and simple not really important uh here or you can set up the material that's quite useful so you can go here and just set up any material that you want to use and then obviously we have the parameters that we have already set up we can just cancel out of that and then in the properties we have the basic parameters like the width so here you can increase the width if you want so again instead of 100 you can go to 120. uh now here obviously this is going to give you some warnings but there we go we have that with increased also you have the labels so here for the graphics it's that uh up text down text it's all all of these i usually like to just keep them all turned off because i'm quite annoyed with those but yeah it is something that you have the ability to control so there you go that's how you create ramps but this isn't the actual end of the tutorial you actually have a couple of additional approaches when it comes to creating ramps these ramps will work very good but in some cases you want to have ramps that are perhaps a little bit different so for that what you can do is use floors so you can turn any floor into a ramp by simply let's create here a little floor there we go by simply using this slope arrow so the slope arrow allows you to add an arrow which controls the slope so once you place this arrow inside of your floor it's going to measure from the back of the arrow to the arrow head and then you can basically select that arrow and you can set elevations so here you can set the level of detail and then level it head and we have a couple of offsets now let's set the offset to zero but the level at tail so that's this one here let's set that to level one and then level at head let's set that to level two hit apply okay and now when i go to the 3d view it's going to look like this as you can see it goes from level 1 up to level 2. so that's just another way that you can create a ramp it's not going to be scheduled as your ramp but yeah it does allow you to do so in some cases this is going to be useful especially because you can create it using those arrows and i think that's really really useful and i can use the same slope arrows in roofs as well but it's the same approach so i'm not going to cover that as well and then finally the second approach for creating ramps out of floors would be to create a floor and let's go to level one and let's go to floor and i'm just going to create like a little uh little arc like this give it an offset let's uh basically offset this line by perhaps 400 centimeters like this go back to the regular line get rid of that offset and then let's close it off here and then here as well and then hit finish okay so once we have created this floor we can modify that by going to modify sub elements when you go to modify sub elements it's going to well divide your floor into sub elements and then you can select any element like this and then you can move it up and you can move it all the way up to level two and there we go we have a nice little spiral ramp so you can create ramps like this uh they're really cool because you can kind of go crazy and go to modify sub elements select this one line and then go up like that so you can play around and make some really silly things but yeah you do have the ability to modify floors and use them for ramps and similar things now obviously you can create a just a ramp like this using your regular ramp you do have the uh start and radius arc so you can do that let's create one segment but as you can see it is kind of difficult to to do that so you can do that but it's a little tricky to okay this looks silly so it is available but it's it's a little annoying because when you go to ramp you only have the start and or start ends arc or sorry center and arc which is it is useful but it can be a little bit annoying and tricky to to place so whenever i have any ramps that are just like this like spiral ramps i prefer using floors because i just prefer the at the approach the downside is obviously you don't have the ability to set up slope as you do with regular ramps which obviously is a very powerful feature anyways there you go that's how you create ramps in revit i hope you have enjoyed this tutorial and i hope now you have a complete understanding of how ramps are created in revit if you have any questions please leave them in the comment section if you want to learn revit in depth check out my courses on my website balkanarctic.com that's going to be the first link in the description there's over a hundred hours of content so you don't want to miss any of that make sure to subscribe like and share this video and i'll be back in a couple of days with another balkan arctic tutorial thank you for watching and have a nice day
Channel: Balkan Architect
Views: 215,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Revit, tutorial, learn, how to, autodesk, modeling, ramp, ramps
Id: 0MW_4PJJxho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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