r/Relationships My Husband Literally Tortured Me

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welcome to r/ relationships where a husband literally tortures his pregnant wife our next Reddit post is from throwaway I feel so bad even having to write this I have severe severe claustrophobia like I can't stand any sort of space that makes it feel like I can't move I hate planes and back seats of cars and just generally anywhere like that I feel like I can't breathe or like I'm going to get suffocated I know it's completely ridiculous but I guess that's why it's a phobia my husband clearly knows this especially because I don't like being laid on or held down for the same claustrophobic reasons last night I was retrieving something from my closet it's a small closet like big enough for me to get inside but if you Clos the door I'd be jammed between the closed shelves and the door and that's exactly what my husband did I immediately started to lose it and he was holding the door shut from the other side and he was laughing while I begged to open the door I tried to stay calm but I genuinely started to cry my stomach was churning I felt like I was going to either suffocate or have a heart attack he put something against the handle so that I couldn't get out then he left me in there for 15 minutes while I sobbed and he laughed I eventually vomited inside the closet and that's what made him let me out I feel so horrific why would my husband do this he knows that I'm cluster phobic he could hear me crying and begging I feel violated is that over dramatic then op posted an update I'm not sure if anyone really asked for an update but I left him I went to my friend's place and I'm divorcing him the comments help me open my eyes to so many more things I'm pregnant and I'll have the baby but I won't have it around him yo I don't know what I'll do but I'll do it away from him all right okay all right so op is extremely claustrophobic which makes this post so much worse but the thing is op doesn't even need to have claustrophobia to make this post horrific this dude locked his newly pregnant wife in a closet for 15 minutes and laughed while she cried what is he a psychopath I had the claustrophobia on top of that and that's just a level of Cruelty that's inhuman you know what I really want to know let me check the comments see if I can find this out I want to know who clean up the vomit did he at least clean up the vomit or did he force her to clean up her own vomit after he traumatized her let me see all right unfortunately op doesn't say which is a shame because that would be a very juicy detail also she did say in a comment that he thought that she was laughing but I think that's a lie who laughs for 15 minutes straight I think the maximum duration laugh that someone can reasonably sustain is like maybe 2 minutes and then it's starts to wear off but you can cry for 15 minutes pretty easily so I think Opie's husband was just lying to cover his own butt our next Reddit post is from throw away everything my husband Owen and I have been trying for a baby for years with no luck I'd be happy to adopt but Owen's family is against it and has influenced my husband to also be against it after our second year of trying I begged my husband to go with me to get a checkup to see if either of us or both of us is infertile he was strongly opposed to this as all the men in his family are extremely fertile but eventually he gave in and it turns out his sperm count is extremely low he was heartbroken as was I and we both got therapy after a year of no longer trying I did get pregnant but I lost the baby and we were devastated Owen blamed himself and proposed that we start the process of getting into a Family Planning Center for a sperm donor which I agreed to he asked me that we not tell either our family or friend about this and I agreed because I would never want to emasculate him with the help of our donor I was able to successfully become pregnant and we had our little girl last year she's healthy and progressing amazingly and I thank God for her every day I kept my promise and I never told anyone however Owen is struggling with connecting with our little girl here's where the trouble begins last month he went out of town with his brothers for their friends bachelor party while on the trip Owen told his brothers about our infertility issues and that our baby wasn't biologically his one of his brothers must have told his wife who told my husband's mother I don't know why this woman would tell my husband's mother except that this woman never liked me their mother then came to our house and called me a lying [ __ ] and tried to get my husband to leave with her he just stood there silent I told her that it was Owen's decision not to tell anyone and she asked him if that was true and again he was silent which my mother took as me being the liar she then went to our nursery and started taking everything she'd ever given us for the baby back I told her I didn't care about that stuff that I made more than enough to buy everything she gave us myself with better quality this set her off and she called my baby a filthy bastard when she said that I did something that I know was harsh but I believe she deserved it I physically pushed her out the door I didn't hit her but I put my hands on her shoulders pushing her out the door and I threw all of her terrible things out with her after everything calmed down I realized that my husband had said nothing when his mother was berading me and calling me a liar and when she called our child a filthy bastard so I asked him why he was silent and he said that he wasn't raised to be disrespectful the way that I was and that his mother hadn't said anything that wasn't true she was just hurtful with what she'd said and that we should let it go and wait for his mother to forgive us what I told him that I would never let it go and that his mother and anyone who agreed with her was never welcome in our home and that I don't need to be forgiven when I've done nothing wrong he then said the house was his and as the head of the family it was his decision I told him fine but why did he allow her to call me a liar and a [ __ ] when those things weren't true and our child shouldn't be called a bastard he just repeated that he wouldn't argue with his mother after that I stopped speaking to him gathered up my daughter's things and purse and walked out the door with her he tried to stop me and told me that I couldn't take his daughter anywhere without him and I lost a little bit of composure I had left I told him that she wasn't his daughter he proved he didn't see her as his daughter when he allowed his mother to call her a filthy bastard and told him that she wasn't his he broke down into tears and begged me to come back inside but at the time I felt nothing he looked pathetic to me I've taken my family with me and gone back home to my my parents and told my family the truth which feels so good they're completely in support of my decision and they're not allowing my spineless husband anywhere near us because he still refuses to apologize to me or set the record straight with his family however I told the one sister-in-law whom I'm close with the truth and she told the rest of the family the full story half of the family is understanding while the other half is on his mother's side but they're all mad at my husband one thing's for certain I will will not return to his house until he apologizes to me and Promises to protect me and his daughter fiercely then a few days later op he posted an update Apparently after I left my husband's house my mother-in-law brother-in-law and sister-in-law accused me of cheating I had already begun speaking with the lawyer after Owen refused to tell the truth to his family but knowing that he let his family tell other people that I cheated is like getting punched in the chest I'm now renting a nice two-bedroom apartment my my siblings and their Partners have helped me furnish it and my top priority is ensuring my baby has everything she needs currently I'm working to create a cozy nursery for her and hiring a nanny facing the end of my marriage is terrifying but I'm learning to accept my new reality when I notified Owen that I was going to file for divorce he started calling and messaging non-stop his messages ranged from begging me to come home telling me that he'll tell the truth and go to therapy again begging to see our baby and then threat threatening to drag me home I told him the divorce was happening whether he liked it or not because he failed as a husband and failed even worse as a parent he then sent photos and videos of my things in the garbage and him and my brother-in-law trashing the nursery his exact words were I don't need it anymore in the most disturbing video he threw our baby's car seat in the dumpster I don't recognize him or his behavior anymore he claims to miss me and his daughter but is trying to make his behavior my fault for not doing what I'm told this is not the man I agreed to marry the man I married was smart kind gentle thoughtful and funny but this vess from him was waiting for the moment that I didn't obey and take the disrespect from his family to save him from humiliation before the Fallout from his mother he was nothing like this this is certainly not an excuse but I believe it all centered on him feeling emasculated and humiliated by his family I just can't believe that he couldn't at least stand up to his family for me and our baby the baby he said that he would die for I'm not blocking Owen as my lawyer said to email everything that Owen says to me to him but the constant threats make me scared to leave my home Owen knows where I work and he's repeatedly told me that he will drag us back if that's what it takes and that I'm making him do this my lawyer and I are working on a restraining order but every woman who was attacked by her ex-husband knows that restraining orders don't keep you safe however things took a turn when my father-in-law showed up on my parents doorstep my father-in-law asked to speak with me my parents told him they would call me and ask but that if I said no then that was Final and he wouldn't be welcomed back I only agreed to speak to my father-in-law because he told my parents that he was there to apologize for his family and set the record straight my dad called me because my father-in-law was blocked from calling me and when I picked up my father-in-law immediately apologized for his wife's Behavior he said that he wanted to hear my side of the story because he didn't believe that I cheated I thanked him I was never close to my father-in-law but we've always been civil and I let him know that of course I didn't cheat I told him about his son's infertility and that Owen proposed that we get a donor I told him that it was very clearly his son's decision and that because my father-in-law and his family put blood as the only valid form of family my husband made me lie so that our child could be treated equally after I finished my father-in-law seemed stunned he was quiet for a while then asked if his wife and son could come over and see my daughter in person because they missed us and they were ready to be a family again but I told him no my father-in-law then asked if there was anything Owen could do to fix the marriage and again I told him no my father-in-law tried to say that I was being unfair but my dad stepped in and said that father-in-law was overstaying as well welcome before I hung up I told the father-in-law that his son was sending me abusive messages daily and that if he was truly sorry then he should make a son stop then I hung up my parents said that my father-in-law was irritated that I didn't respectfully say goodbye or give Owen a chance to save his marriage but then he left with little fuss after my parents laid in him about raising his swine of a son to threaten his wife and child telling his father must have worked because I haven't gotten a single message from Owen since then I don't want anything from that man not child support not alimony not the house or any of his other assets I just need him to agree to the divorce and give up his parental rights so that my little girl can grow up with a family who loves her unconditionally I have a good degree and a great job my child will be fine without him Owen's lawyer has made it clear that they're going to fight us for full custody and my soon to be ex-husband has significantly more money than me but my lawyer is confident in our case and I trust them today my mother-in-law has been trying to contact me sorry I'm sorry I'm laughing I'll tell you why in a minute today my mother-in-law has been trying to contact me as as she wants to be in my daughter's life and is saying she's ready to accept her as she is as if my daughter needs to be accepted by her if it's up to me their whole family will never see us again okay let me tell you why I'm laughing I'm imagining the okay I'm imagining the judge the Jud judges presiding over this case between op and Owen and Owen's lawyers say your honor my client wants nothing more than to be this little girl's father because he loves her deeply then op's lawyer just gestured to the TV screen that shows the video of Owen throwing the baby carrier into the dumpster yeah I'm with the lawyer on this I think Opie's got a pretty good a pretty good case also I got to throw in there Big W on op's parents the support they gave her is phenomenal they screened the family for her they kicked out the father-in-law they helped her furnish the new Nursery they took her in without question op comes from an amazing family which is really ironic considering how terrible of a family Owen comes from Wow hold on okay I was just looking through the comments looking through op's comments down below and listen to this Owen has destroyed hundreds of thousands of dollars of my electronics clothes furniture and paintings that's the only thing that I'll be making him pay me back for I don't want any of his assets just the things I worked hard to earn and he destroyed man I have to wonder if maybe op is exaggerating or does she literally mean hundreds of thousands as in 200k plus because that is a lot of money that's a lot of money so like even putting aside the fact that that's a ton of money in general I man how much stuff do you have to own to be worth 200k in electronics clothes furniture and painting man now I'm trying to figure it out what is the average value of a person's um all that stuff clothes Furniture paintings whatever it's probably less than 200k right it's got to be so that means op has a ton of really nice stuff and almost necessarily they have a really big house to fit all that stuff inside of and then that's what she bought but her husband has even more stuff so wait are we talking like this couple's rich rich I'm thinking like millions and millions of dollars between these two people yeah I'm not really sure if that's super relevant to the the post it's just I was shocked because that's a lot of stuff if someone destroyed if you add up every single thing I own yeah I don't think it comes close to 200k I guess it'd be a little bit easier for a woman to hit 200k because women tend to accumulate you know really expensive clothes and shoes and purses at a faster rate than men do so maybe that's why it was so high I think even if I added my car to the value I still don't think I have 200k worth of worth of stuff that was r/ relationships and if you like this content check out my podcast where I publish the exact same episodes also hit that subscribe button because I put out new Reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 182,957
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, bestof, r/bestof, best of, bestofredditorupdates, r/bestofredditorupdates
Id: Xz2gj3nUcng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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