Ramen Noodle Factory Tour!! Making 1 BILLION Noodles a Year!!

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He's been stuck in Vietnam for the year. Of course his contentt will be Vietnam-related.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/theforgetfulfrog 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
when you walk into a supermarket and take a look at the products on the shelves it's cheap every item every food has a story what is this the skins of animals or whatever oh just skin of animal a long journey that took it from conception and raw ingredients to the final beautifully packaged item right before you i was told they created a dish for the first time and it's gonna be revealed right now today one in this exclusive series we're digging deep into food factories that are mass producing the affordable and convenient products we all take for granted have you ever had a person fall in and get ground into sausage i love the look of you don't want to translate it today's mission one of the most legendary items on supermarket shelves instant noodles i'm heading to a giant instant noodle factory a place where they're producing over 1 billion packages of noodles each year we work 24 hours per day so how do they do it let's find out street food for breakfast our breakfast today goes back three generations the dish's base is built upon humble instant noodles but this foundation created the bedrock for a 30-year street food icon so we've come to a street food sponge the woman landing the station she has a reputation for being some people say mean yes yeah i don't think she's mean she's very strict and yell at any straightforward but yell at her team because she wants everything to be very fast oh the command center yes the command center right now is a moment of calm she's not said anything for at least 10 seconds the noodles are served dry to prevent oversaturation the soup is prepared separately containing herbs an egg and four different types of meat the rest is up to you you know that instant noodle is very malnutritious except for the taste it's very addictive this way of eating really adds more nutrition into it let's try it out very tasty i saw that she didn't measure all the seasonings she added to but no yeah not at all nice texture not overcooked just full of seasoning full of flavor so then you try some noodle you jump over to here and then you try some beef [Music] makes me so happy well i know you're a big fan of fresh fruit and vegetables especially but here these noodles are processed how does that make you feel i really enjoy instant noodles you do yes it is like the food from my childhood and also it tastes very good yeah it's very satisfying it's very addictive but what if i told you almost everything here is processed i mean if you look at the meatball shrimp paste these noodles and actually any type of noodle is technically processed so that that word processed has a very negative association but what fascinated me always is how they can take something like noodles and mass-produce it in one factory make thousands or millions of packages in a day you're doing a good job listening vietnam is one of the top five consumers of instant noodles in the world in a country of over 90 million the average person slurps down 53 packages of noodles per year so how does a country like vietnam truly show their noodle devotion even more than countries like korea let's find out here we come to the mecca of all things packaged and processed this is an asian grocery store and for me asian grocery stores blow out of the water the boring markets where i come from worms you can just buy worms i don't think you could do that in my hometown and i think that sucks you ever buy the worms yes as a joke no no we really eat worry it look at these little balls it says uh sausage what's that mean mince balls ball shape dry snake skin gourami oh snakeskin gourami it looks a bit flat like this fish needs mouth-to-mouth what is this jellyfish it's usually used for salad a salad you like this one yeah i like it does the jellyfish taste like anything don't say it tastes like jellyfish tastes like [Music] what's happening oh black chicken oh man and you know the best section by far in an asian supermarket is right here no noodles there's so many noodles in this country a new instant product is launched every two days prices range from about 10 cents to around a dollar and come from manufacturers around the country and around the world even with some pretty fancy packaging what are some of your favorite noodles in here that you see are there noodles from your childhood or from your college days this flavor this one stir-fried pork the video we're doing today it's actually through the company called beefon they make noodles okay here oh it's a great what noodle here do you like yeah this one this one is from my childhood did you really eat this when you're younger yes oh you did so you're not making up a childhood memory just to satisfy the people at v-phone this is my family's favorite v-phone a legitimate childhood memory so when i look at a korean noodle it's monstrous and then i look at a vietnamese noodle and it's very cute and petite i think because the portion of vietnamese meals is very small and another one is they make it small so it's affordable for everyone let's compare the price oh wow so this is 3 600 dome 16 17 cents for the korean one is a dollar so it seems like this is bigger but in reality if you pay the same amount of money you're getting this many noodles versus this many noodles why is your dad like this one so much this is one of the first flavor noodles what flavor do they have before that just sadness oh the two shrimp this is the first ever vietnamese instant noodle it came out just seven years after the invention of instant noodles in japan in 1958 in fact me tom or shrimp noodles is now a word used to refer to any type of instant noodle and we're about to learn where these iconic curly shaped noodles got their ways oh we are here with ling deputy director here at v phone sir nice pleasure too also you're known as the boss of noodles is that right this is just one of the phones warehouses responsible for distribution to the north side of vietnam oh and 100 other countries around the world how many packages of noodles do you think you make in a year in the billions you see here is the result of over 50 years of history and non-stop innovation in the field of instant noodle production here they've taken vietnam's favorite street food flavors like boom bahuey and beef and cleverly transformed them into affordable instant versions but let's not forget that one special product that started it all two shrimps instant noodles [Music] here we are here we are we're all bundled up we're safe what do i do if i have to pee so this is a factory where you're making noodles but what noodles in particular are you making mihai tom noodles it's a classic vietnamese taste the base for these noodles is wheat flour that's mixed with water to create the dough the dough starts rough and coarse but begins to smooth as it passes through several compound dough sheeters kneading the dough until it has a consistent texture and the perfect thickness for this type of noodle then it passes through a roll slitter a cylinder specially designed to cut the exact shape and thickness of the noodle this rolling blade slits the dough into the noodle signature curly shape now this long continuous stream of noodles heads to the steamer where the dough gets cooked through it's still far from the shape we witnessed this morning at breakfast but there's a lot left to do next these noodles get a hit of flavor as they pass through the seasoning waterfall [Music] now this long unruly strand of noodles is finally cut into exact portions and those portions are placed in molds not only are the noodles steamed but now they'll also be fried the color changes from this to this giving the noodles their distinct color after frying the noodles are cool bringing down the temperature prepping them for the packaging room do you think you make a kilometer worth of noodles in a day oh much more more than a kilometer all right well we can extrapolate that later now the noodles are topped with saute and seasoning packets then wrapped in their final packaging the same exact style packaging that was used 50 years [Music] you'd ago surprised if you took a look inside i simply won't buy these intimidated eyes well joe we just toured a whole noodle factory and it turns out right here is the final resting place of noodles other than our stomachs [Music] i should also say it is the basic noodle nothing glamorous here i think i found one piece of one scallion it's a nice scallion i think we should uh we don't want it to get over saturated that's a problem yeah we'll soak in a lot of water and like not taste it anymore it's like nostalgia the noodles themselves taste kind of weedy it's a bit savory a bit msge but not a strong flavor i should state that these are 3000 super affordable and then i think it's kind of up to you to add more like the lady we went to this morning it's like putting a cherry on a sundae or putting a bandana on an already good looking guy with no eyebrows so this is how they started but this company has expanded greatly since they began even pioneering and innovating modern food technology like these more premium instant vermicelli noodles prepared like any other instant noodle except it also comes with a meat pack and the cost five times the price of our two shrimp friends but still under a buck this one is uh based off of the popular boon so i'm noticing a theme here they've tried to take a lot of the flavors of popular street food noodles and then condense it into a package like this and even here this noodle is completely different than the last one this is more of like a rice rice and then they have real pieces of meat apparently it's beef it's quite chewy i still keep the texture of the beef pretty good texture it's almost like a rehydrated beef jerky i'm going to make some bun some broth some meat all of it all together the texture of the noodle is chewier than the fresh noodles right they have a noodle here that you have to kind of rehydrate so it's not like a fresh vermicelli but it's pretty close but the flavor the flavor overall i think is quite good you know what's interesting though probably for twice the price you could probably get a real bowl of bunbohoy on the street yeah exactly so that's like quite a challenge that they're up against like aside from bunba huay they have hudu and the next one we're gonna try vietnam is a country obsessed with innovating new and creative ways to use rice rice noodles thick rice sheets rice paper even rice straws the phone has been part of this innovation developing rice based instant products they're healthier super versatile and especially delicious when paired with a meat pack the meat pouch is produced with the same technology that produce food for astronauts i like that space technology what you see here is the iconic vietnamese farm mass-produced at an unimaginable scale and we are part of the fortunate few who have been granted access to see the process in person well us and all of you watching first the rice is cleaned and soaked in water until it becomes soft this bucket elevator also helps remove unqualified grains [Music] the survivors all fall into a grinding machine that we're not allowed to show you but between you and me the grinding machine is used for grinding turning the rice into a silky water rice liquid that looks like milk that rice liquid is pumped into a trough where a roller picks up a thin layer and spreads it evenly over a white matte conveyor belt where it disappears into a steamer we can't show you the steamer but between you and me the steamer steams the rice sheets i notice the shooting here is a bit restrictive why is that we are the first company in vietnam to produce this and we came up with the technology i'm really sorry that we couldn't show you more this is known as manfa or a rice noodle sheet from here the rice sheet is cut dried portioned and set on route to the packaging area here the noodles are met with seasoning packs that descend from the heavens then plop perfectly on top awaiting their final wrapper seasoning packs wrappers putting it all happens with precise and meticulous timing so each package looks exactly the same [Music] each package goes through a metal detector to ensure there are no unwanted foreign materials inside each noodle is weight and at last they're boxed and ready to hit the road two of the most popular flavors chicken farm and the one i can't wait to try for the first time vietnam is really renowned especially for its flop and the staple of any good most people would say is in the broth exactly and the broth it's not known for being something instant good fuzz shops are waking up at like 2 a.m 3 a.m throwing pork bones and some water 12 hours it takes time and the right blend of ingredients to create a really complex flavor here they're attempting to do the same thing in 30 seconds let's taste the broth [Music] i taste the cloves i taste the star anise i taste the pepper maybe because far it's my favorite food so i expect more than that oh i'm not saying it's exactly like the street but the traces of the staples of pha are still there yeah i think they've done a pretty good job pretty good yeah let's try out these noodles i'm impressed with the texture of the noodles right i am too actually i think the noodles they're not overly soft but they're not like the last one where it was overly hard it's a pretty good balance this is like half the price of the real fun noodles right and again that's a challenge but if you're in a pinch if you're in a quarantine or if you're just hungry in your dorm room it's a very good alternative if you were to add a step to suggest a way to make it a little better a separate package of fresh herbs dry fresh herbs oh right that is the element that's missing because usually you would have fresh basil mint coriander yeah exactly maybe they'll take that feedback and we'll see that soon factory food is food trying to find a balance between quality and affordability made possible by those who think outside the box pushed forward by engineers designing and building one-of-a-kind mammoth machines that have never existed before so next time you crack open a pack of ramen just take a moment to appreciate the long journey those noodles made from conception to your mouth hole from researching and shooting to editing and mastering our 10 person best ever food review show team works hard to roll out the highest quality travel food entertainment twice a week if you like what we do here please consider supporting our patreon patreon allows fans of the show to contribute a monthly sum and receive a load of extras like early video releases private q and a's and beyond to learn more about our patreon check out the link in the description box down below and if you can't give or don't even feel like it that's okay too we're just happy you're here guys that is it for this one thank you so much for watching we will see you next time peace [Music] to your feet oh
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 1,587,895
Rating: 4.9268956 out of 5
Keywords: Best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, food factory, factory tour, noodle factory, ramen factory, mass produced food, vietnam, asia, saigon, vietnamese food factory, asian food factory, cheap noodle in asia, south east asian food factory, INSTANT NOODLE tour, INSTANT NOODLE factory, VIFON FACTORY, CO-OP MART
Id: Lc_2joYFtEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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