Ralfi's Idiot Guide to DCS-A10C Warthog: Locating Targets with RWR + TGP

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good evening ladies and gentlemen uh today's video is going to be describing how to find targets on the ground especially sam's um i know i said i wouldn't do any more tutorials for uh dcs missions but it seems like there's a lot of people who are having problems finding targets i'm telling you right now there is no real magic behind this it's really going to be a lot of struggling with the targeting pod and your map so um without further ado let's dive right into it okay so the first thing you might want to do is understand how your radar warning receiver works or rwr i'm not going to explain everything in exact detail but if you understand this general gist you will much better understand what is going on when i'm flying so let us say this is you you are over here you're heading this way great out of nowhere an icon appears on your radar warning receiver and it shows up in front of you here and it's an essay 6 site should be a diamond under radio warning receiver i'm just going to roughly draw out the radio warning receiver here now this sa-6 light appears on your radio warning receiver over here and it is so physical distance x away from you now all of a sudden as you're flying along another icon appears inside your circle as a 10. this would be a diamond obviously and uh this is an sa-10 site now an s810 site is a long range sam site now a lot of people like to think that because this shows up closer to the middle because this represents a bird's-eye view in the radio warning receiver um they think that the essay 10 site in physical space is right here and you would be dead wrong see the radar warning receiver doesn't show what the physical distance is it represents the threat range what does that mean well that means that in reality what you are looking at is this he is actually this distance away from you whatever this may be but according to the rating warning receiver he is a much bigger threat to you than the sa-6 site why well the sa-6 can fire up to 46 000 feet and 13 nautical miles let's just say for the sake of argument that the 13 nautical miles is represented by this circle so in reality you're still not within firing range of the sa-6 however the sa-10 site has an engagement of 25 nautical miles and 98.5 000 feet these numbers are a little bit sketchy there's different sources with different numbers but generally speaking i got this off of a manual so let's say that is represented by and this goes beyond the drawing distance board that i have here but let's say this distance okay so now you see what's going on you are well within firing range of this sa-10 site but not yet within fire range of the sa-6 site hence why the sa-10 is closer to the middle to you than the sa6 the other thing you need to pay attention to is the fact of this dotted circle on the actual radio warning receiver you will see it as this inner circle uh take that circle to be your oh [ __ ] circle that circle represents that anything at or inside of that circle you're pretty much within firing range and if you take that circle to be the maximum firing range of that thing whatever it may be an aircraft or a sam site then you sort of have a nice basis line for when you're going to be screwed uh apologies for the music in the background i just had my itunes and shuffle i wasn't aware that it was captured in the background recording so i'm going to walk you through exactly what i did over here it's a good idea to play around with your gain counter which is on the top left corner retarding pod see i uh move it up and down and get a much clearer picture of what's going on and you can see this is much better than it was before you can see things in a better outline so this is probably your first step if you're going to be observing things now i haven't done this mission before so i'm just scanning with my targeting pod and taking a look of what's going on around this is a very big city that i'm looking at and it's extremely painful to try and find things in here it will be a very long process over here you can see that i have found some infantry now uh infantry is very difficult to understand if it's friendly or faux from very far away you can see i'm at 32.5 nautical miles so now i'm just trying to figure out on the map since i do have f10 option available where these guys are if you go to the control page retarding pod you can change from lat long to mgrs coordinates and you can see the bottom it's changed to a grid coordinate and now i can match it up to the a f10 map and here you can see that i found the two infantry uh columns and i click on it just confirm that it is the infantry okay so now that's done they are the most furthest west uh friendlies that i have in the city i've marked point this position i switched to my tad and we're trying to head forward short twice i'm in or once i'm in exp1 mode where i can move around the cursor in the city you can see the a over there is my mark point and that represents the western most northwestern most friendlies so i know anything left or west of that position is going to be hostile now at this point i've been scouting the town for a while and i found some targets but i hear on my rwr that an 8 appears and an 8 represents an saa which is an osa okay so now we have some fun and uh we can go and try and find this target now i spend very short quick time just looking around my target and see if i can perhaps find it and adjust my gain as well and i got lucky because i found it right away it was right in front of me and there it is i mark point that position so i have it in case anything happens and here we have another saa that appears in the rwr okay so now i have a little conundrum i could try and spend some time and look around and find that other sa8 as i'm careening towards this area or i can use a second method the second method would be to fire on this guy uh turn away and observe the radio warning receiver so i've put my target pot on the left i have my maverick on the right um i have k's i have two k mavericks uh for the fun of it instead of going with a massive payload i just went with two mavericks to get most maneuverabilities tenuous gonna go and uh fire at sams and here i'm using force correlate mode which explains why it's taking me so long to get the paper right onto the target i just want to get it as close as possible since i have case um if it hits anywhere near that area it should kill it because case have one of the biggest warheads and mavericks that we have little chaff outbound just in case because you can see that the s8 is well within the circle he's definitely within firing range but he's probably trying to drag me in close before he fires but i'm not having any of that i uh put him off on my three o'clock and i'm just going to observe what happens on the rwr now i know it's a little hard to see but you can see on the rwr that the sa8s are stacked together on the inner circle when this thing hits either the top one or the bottom one of the rwr is gonna disappear just give it a second and we we should see right about now the top one disappears okay that means that the other sa8 is somewhere east of this target that i just shot at so now i have a good general direction where in the city i can look to find the other sa8 and it's this kind of planning and meticulous action that you need to take in order to find these guys especially in a city as clustered and as huge as this now at this point i just took a huge stab in the dark and i was just scanning around since that sa8 was sort of in the open like guessing that this one will also be so i'm looking around and open spaces to see if i can find it and lo and behold there she is no magic used just dumb luck and looking around with the targeting pod that's all that was now this is where a little bit of planning comes into play as you can see that there's a building in the way it's probably not a good idea to fire from this angle so i'm gonna push right a little bit further on the head until that building is away from the line of shot from the maverick and then i'm going to fire at it from the right side of that building here i've already lined up and i'm using force correlate again because the mavericks won't lock at this range and that's close enough since it's okay only kill it uh push away to the left away from the city right over the friendly positions because right below me are all friendlies so i know this is a safe area pop some chaff as well for defensive measure and just wait be ready to do defensive maneuvers in case he fires he's well within a circle i'm not sure why he's not firing but uh better for us right and splash great now i did notice at some point there was an essay six and oh yep there it is on the bottom i have nothing to kill it with but just for demonstration purposes i'm gonna see if i can go ahead and find it now i have no clue to even begin to know where this guy is one way of doing this is by placing this guy on my rwr on my three or nine o'clock so if i place that sa6 pretty much off to my nine o'clock i can then look visually with my wing to the nine o'clock or use the targeting pod and use the dot that you can see to the left of the targeting pod that represents that my targeting pod is looking directly to my left on my nine o'clock position to see if i can find them this is a big shot in the dark this is like trying to find a needle in a haystack this way sometimes you get lucky sometimes you don't in this case after a little bit of searching i just got tired of this crap and i decided to go for a more extreme way of trying to find this guy so what i'm going to do here is go pretty much wild weasel now wild weasel was a combat tactic that the a-10s employed when working in groups 1910 would go in and get himself shot at purposely by sam he would then dodge it while the wingman is looking in the general direction finds the guy who just shot you can tell where he is by the plume of smoke from the sand that just fired and then he can engage it this is a very risky maneuver and i would not uh recommend it for anybody it's not experienced in dodging sams but this is one of the last sort of resorts in finding out where uh a sam might be you can do this alone you don't actually need a wingman it's just a little bit harder on you you need to have very good visual memory so make sure you're looking outside of your pit when you're doing this and not have your head between your knees because you're gonna get shot at and you're not gonna know here's an example of exactly what i mean now i've placed the sa six side off of my left nine o'clock and you can see i just got shot at and i just barely saw that and there is no rwr indication that this guy just shot so i can't exactly tell what this guy is i have a pretty good idea that it might have been an ir shot since i received no rwr spike and uh the mws system also failed to mention that there was being fire down which is kind of weird because that was very close my wing wasn't in a weird position where the mws sensor is well [ __ ] being safe i'm just gonna do it again and see if i get a spike or if i can figure out visually what this guy is there he is he's in plain view let's see what he does i just heard my rwr go off but i want to take my eyes off this guy why well that he just shot that's why all right well defensive maneuver again no mws no rwr spike this guy is working on some pure stealth right there which is really weird so i tried a little bit of different technique by going a little bit further away uh you can see now he's shot my nws picked it up immediately but uh still no hard spikes so i feel like this guy probably is a ir guy maybe an essay 13 but i'm still not a hundred percent sure uh this is another method that i use uh in order to get things on my target very quickly so i know where he is visually i've memorized it into my brain i'm gonna turn my plane over directly at the target from far away where he can't shoot at me now my targeting pod is stowed you can see the diamond is in the middle of my hud with my targeting pod selected as soy on my right mfd i'm just gonna place this nose of my aircraft right on and press tms up you saw the diamond stuck on target and i'm just gonna move it in and look voila it's a [ __ ] tunguska it's that exact tanguska which was spiking us earlier and that's it there's really not much else uh i can tell you guys in order to find these uh targets um there are other ways people do it with their rwrs and you can employ your own tactics in figuring this out but generally speaking if you're by yourself follow these general rules and uh you're probably going to come out on top uh just for the end of the video i'm going to go on a suicide run and engage this tenguska up close which is a [ __ ] suicide run because remember tinguskas have aaa guns they are very accurate altitude i kind of tip my way across the ground here but uh [Music] and he's already targeting me and popping chaff there goes guns and boom he turned me to shreds but i got him too so uh yeah alright that's it for this video guys see you next time
Channel: ralfidude
Views: 57,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ralfidude, ralfi's alley, dcs, fc3, Radar Warning Receiver, idiots guide, A-10C, warthog, Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II (Aircraft Model), Eagle Dynamics (Business Operation)
Id: f8IjkpOOgW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2014
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