A-10CII Tank Killer Tutorial | JTAC Basics | DCS

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hi everyone and welcome back to the a10 c2 quick start series where today we're going to be looking at how to talk to jtag so this is the shooting gallery mission it's an inbuilt mission for the a10c it just lets you practice liaising with jtac first thing we need to do is make sure we're on the correct frequency so if we go to the briefing by default that's left alton b on all the missions i've come across all the frequencies will be listed in the briefing menu so here we can see jtac codename death star 1 is on 30.00 vhf so we can just check that down here my vhf radio is set to 30.00 it's in the transmit c position and just as we saw in the startup guide we can just change these by clicking on these knobs so set that to 30.0 sometimes jtac will be using the uhf radio instead but just check your individual mission you also want to make sure that you are ready for combat before contacting jtac so master arm on gun arm on laser on and tgp on and just as we saw before the tgp takes a while to warm up so you want to do all that before you enter the combat zone now i'm doing this mission in the a10c not the a10 c2 so i don't have the helmet mounted sight but otherwise interacting with jtac is exactly the same in both versions of the module so we're on our way to the ingress point so let's make contact with jtap so again this time we're using our vhf radio the hf fm radio want to make contact jtac so go f4 death star is the one we're tuned into and then we can pick how long we're checking in for uh this is just your rough amount of time that you are going to be in the area don't worry about putting in anything for too long you can check out at any point this will just be when jtac will automatically tell you to head home so let's say that we want to check in for 30 minutes you can see here that we're giving our details including what we're armed with where we currently are and how many ships are in our flight target we get the confirmation that he is ready and asks when we're ready for our nine line i like to do is make sure we've got a waypoint ready so in order to do that we go over to the waypoint screen select waypoints open the new waypoints by pushing the question mark just as we saw in the last tutorial and then i give it a quick designation normally just tgt at this point and put that into its name i'm also just going to start circling my current position while waiting so i'm just going to put this in altitude hold mode and enter a blank now jtag will give you coordinates in the utm mode so we can change over there to utm and just double check that we are entering in the right value coordinates so if we go over to the right hand side we can go into mgrs mode we can see that we're in 370 this was set to 380 by the uh default so we can just correct that so 3 7 t again i've got all of these controls bound to my keyboard so it makes typing easy then push this usb so now we've got the correct general area jtac won't give us this general area we can now just enter the coordinates as he's saying then so we say ready to copy [Music] six seven so he gave us information about what the target is it's elevation sun key part for us there is the coordinates which can either hand freight out as you're going or you can type out as he's giving it if you've missed it at all just press escape go to message history and you can see it there so there we go our coordinates were gg so golf golf three two seven five six seven five five it's exactly what we've got entered there the other information here that ingress point is what waypoint we should be heading in from heading from that ingress point the distance from that ingress point very often uh these will simply be skipped and he will let the ingress point be up to us elevation here we generally don't need to worry about this because the computer will take the elevation from the map coordinates tells us what our targets are so we know what we're looking for mark is whether or not he's able to throw a smoke marker on the target in this case no if he is able to do so he will tell you the color of smokey is using and request that when you see it you contact him and confirm you've seen the mark the last two lines then are if there's any friendlies so here we've got friendlies to the northeast and uh which direction he thinks we should egress to so in this case he suggests we egress to the east by the way to enter this we just push the osb next to the coordinate line again if you need a reminder of how to use the waypoints to look at my previous tutorial now we've got our target point there we can just check whether it's vaguely sensible set the hud to soy and go up through our list until we reach this new one 11 tgt that is the waypoint that we've just added you can see there that it's just south of the lake or just uh east of the lake even and so we've got that all set up so now we can just copy the marks it's just reading back okay in this case he's asking us to use cbu97 so we can make the hudders soy select cbu97 or in fact i'm going to change that to ccrp mode since we've got coordinates now i can read back the nine line just to confirm so here he's sending me data i can confirm that with knowledge and he's told me that i'm free to engage so let's go to our targeting pod set it to air to ground mode and i press and hold the china hat aft long command to slew to the target autopilot i'm gonna make the tgp as sorry just go come have a look and then it's just weapon employment as normal now depending on some factors you may give you a rough coordinate this time has given us very detailed coordinates but it's always a good idea just to double check with the tgp to make sure you can see what you're shooting here we can see there is indeed a large group of tanks now if there's any mark we may need to ask him at this point if he needs to raise coordinates we can ask him to start lazing in this case we're just using cbu97 so the information he's given us is all that we need to all right then normal press and hold weapon release got one out and we are told to egress to the east so i'm turning east now done my job and i can get out of here and there we go we've got multiple hits there on targets and so i can just tell them my attack was completed so there we go in this case uh because there are multiple targets in the area he's authorized me to go back in again and we can just keep repeating that over and over otherwise that is all there is to talking to jtac if you have any questions please do leave them down below and otherwise i hope to catch you in the next video until then remember to be kind to yourself and everyone else cheers
Channel: Dr Jebus
Views: 1,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, guide, quick start, warthog, a10c, a10c2
Id: 16Nhcx3KkHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 18 2022
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