DCS A-10C Tutorials - From 0 to HERO Ep9 - How to strike an objective and input Coordinates into CDU

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hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back in today's episode we're going to be going over a very famous question and that is how do we strike a target whether this be multiplayer or single player thusly we're going to be combining everything we've learned up to this point plus we're also going to learn how to enter coordinates into the cdu alright let's get started alrighty so you're in the server you've started up your aircraft you're ready to go but uh what weapons do i bring i mean i don't know i have no idea what's out there i don't know what i'm gonna strike so how would you know what to bring well the answer is a general purpose loadout this general purpose loadout can be anything that you like but i'm gonna give you a suggestion for the a10c and the a10c2 as to what my general purpose loadout is because it allows me to kill anything that is thrown at me so take what i'm about to show you as a suggestion and then modify it to your own needs alright so when we open the weapons menu the very first thing i do is bring four aim nines there's no reason to bring a jammer and next we also want to make sure that our countermeasures are where we want them to be and then defuel the aircraft how much should you defuel is up to you and your skill set if you're still relatively new go anywhere between 75 and 80 percent if you're somewhat experienced you do not need to loiter as long therefore you can decrease that but it depends on how far you're flying and how long you're going to be out there so this is something that you're going to fine tune over time so because i have the a10 c2 version i'll take the ap laser guided rockets here the targeting pod on the other side and then i'll bring six mavericks the delta versions now if you just have the a10 version then here is where you can start doing your own thing in the center line i will bring the cbu97 in case there's a cluster of vehicles together the cpu97 is the optimal choice here and for the regular a10c version stations four five seven and eight this is where you can put w38s and gb12s on board whether you triple rack them or not is up to you however for the a10c2 version i will actually put a couple more laser-guided ap rockets and then i will select gbu-38s instead of gbu-12s they're just a little easier to use all right so if we press f10 we can start planning out where we're gonna go and strike targets now this is georgia at war so it actually shows you a ton of information one of the things he'll tell us is where our friendlies are well this is immensely helpful let's imagine that there's a wall friendlies over here in this kind of arc and this is the front lines of where the fighters are engaging other fighters this is fantastic news because it lets me know where the front lines are now we need to choose where to strike and our strike targets are these little orange circles so a bad choice would be to go somewhere in the front lines like over here where the enemies are flying all around this would be a horrible place to go and fly to because you're probably just gonna get shot down by enemy fighters i mean it makes sense so while this position here may be a little bit easier it's still right on the front edge of where the fighting is happening so a smart decision would be to choose this cluster of enemy positions right over here and as we can see there's a whole bunch of things that we can kill this could take us easily over an hour to destroy all of this stuff now we are spawning back here in napa so we're probably gonna fly out and select this objective right over here right target practice sounds pretty good now if you can see kramsku over here is actually blues so we have a close airfield instead of flying all the way to a napa we can actually just fly out here do our thing and once we're done we can just fly over to krimsk alright so great we've got our alternate airfield we don't have to fly all the way back to napa cool all right so now that we've chosen an actual place where we want to strike the next question is how are we going to get there if you're in a regular multiplayer server you just follow your waypoints to all of your objectives and it's you know easy peasy however in a place like this there are no waypoints to these things we have to fly there manually well there are two ways that we can do this and the first way is the gun hoe way that's the fun way and i'll show you how to do that the second way would be to input coordinates we'll do that second now the gun hoe way involves setting a mark point via the tad so the first thing i'm going to want to do is take a look at the f10 map where the objective is and then find some big features that i can see like this lake over here now this is the very first big lake east of napa so that helps us out immensely and from this lake we can see that the objective is over to the southeast okay great and it seems to be east of this vashni skuhrap city so that helps us out as well all right now i'm going to help myself by switching to the map view and as you can see this should be very close to what you're going to see on the tab and as i zoom out the features change when i zoom in and out very much like the tad so this should be quite familiar to you alright so from here let's take a look at what we got we have the big lake as well and now we can see this forest feature right here and it seems that the objective is on the north tip of the forest all right so lake southeast north tip of the forest got it all right so with that let's switch over to our tad and see if we can do this manually so let's go over here let's set the tad as soy great and i'm gonna zoom out a little bit and we're gonna try and move over to the east with the cursor now remember up is not north this little triangle is north so this line goes east all right because the tad is centered around the aircraft not the cursor all right now with that let's go ahead and start moving our cursor over to the east and this is where the first big lake to the east is now i'm going to press china head forward short and this should center the tab around the cursor so everything that's up is north and this looks like the lake we were looking at before that's great so let's move southeast of that and there's the forest here's that little power line that was to the south of the forest so the objective should be right around here and i'm going to set a mark point using tms right short learn from a professional kid all right now let's go ahead and learn how to input coordinates so i've got my objective back here on the f10 map what i'm going to do is go ahead and zoom all the way in as much as possible and i'm going to place my cursor right dead center now go ahead and take a look at the upper left corner as you can see we have a string of numbers and this is very important this is our lat long or latitude and longitude and these string of numbers give us the degrees minutes and seconds so what we can see here is 44 degrees 59 minutes and 29 seconds north hence 38 degrees blah blah blah east comma 17 17 feet unfortunately for us the a10c doesn't actually use degrees minutes and seconds it uses degrees minutes and decimal minutes so what we have to do is convert the last two numbers for north which is 29 and the last two numbers for east which is 35 and divide both by 60 in order to change that to decimal minutes so 29 divided by 60 is 0.483 and 35 divided by 60 is 0.583 so our coordinate system will actually be north 44 59 decimal 483 and for east it's going to be 038 13 decimal 583 and a 0 in front of the 3 8 is extremely important without it this does not work in the cdu now i know you weren't expecting to bring a calculator to today's class however it did make one thing very easy for you and that is an automatic conversion in how you see these coordinates and that is with the use of left out plus y if we hit it twice you'll see that our latin long has now turned into degrees minutes decimal minutes now before you castrate me for wasting your time do know that the reason why i told you how to do this manually is because if someone gives you coordinates that's in degrees minutes and seconds then you're gonna need to manually do the conversion to decimal minutes yourself right so if you're doing this manually with the f10 map like we just did we don't need to do any math it's done automatically however someone gives it to you you may need to do it in conversion so it's nice to know how to do so now besides latin long there's also mg or s which is a grid coordinate system and if we press left alt y once more we can see that we now have 37 tango delta kilo yada yada this is the alternate way of inputting coordinates into the cdu but since the latin log is a little bit more complicated due to the conversion factor we're going to stick with that instead so let's go ahead and switch back to that and we have the numbers let's put them into the cdu however before we get there we should probably come up with an alternate plan because you might find that you get there and the objective has just been destroyed and now you're going to waste your time flying in circles trying to input new coordinates for another objective so instead of doing that let's just go ahead and select the next objective over here we're going to go ahead and zoom in and let's take a look at the coordinate systems on the upper left corner write that down i'm going to put this into the cdu so that now i have two objectives to strike just in case okey-dokey we're ready to input stuff into the cdu now remember that this is the cdu repeater this is the actual cdu with the cdu keyboard which is easier to use than the ufc up here so let's go ahead and get ourselves into the waypoint page now just in case you're not in this waypoint page let's say we're oh i don't know still in the alignment page we can just press the wp for waypoint and we can get into the waypoint section by hitting waypoint there and there we are so we can see the north and the east coordinates the next thing we're going to do is switch the steer point to mission and we're going to leave the page to other so there's this fun little button over here where if we hover our mouse it's going to say that we can copy the existing waypoint information and paste it into a new one which will be labeled steerpoint 10. so effectively what we're doing is pressing ctrl c and ctrl v and that waypoint is going to be called waypoint10 from there we can just edit the north and east coordinates and we can basically make a new objective now from this i know that we have nine steer points i can confirm this by going to the steer point knob switching it to fly plan and then in the cdu if we zoom out and move over to the right yeah well hey look at that we have nine steer points so if i was to press that button right now steer point 10 and steer 0.9 would be overlaid on top of each other but i can just go to steer point 10 and edit that information with the new north and east coordinates and there you go easy peasy lemon squeezy all right so let's go ahead and press the button there we go we have a steer point 10 created so now let's go ahead and just edit the north and east okay so for north we're going to have 44 59 decimal 483 we do not need to put the decimal that's going to be implied and when we press north we replace that with what we just typed in this is the same thing for east so remember to put the zero in front so it's zero three eight thirteen five eight three next up let's go ahead and change the elevation over to 17 feet since you see it's 18 right now so replace it with 17 and not a huge difference really wouldn't hurt us at all but uh it's nice to have that information right on the ground next up on the upper right corner you'll see that it says msn010 now you can actually change this to whenever you'd like and because you may have many different steer points and waypoints many different targets you may be selecting whatever's happening it's nice to select something that makes sense so i'm going to do target 1 and i'm going to hit that and now this 0.10 is going to be called target 1. now since we're still here remember how we chose that second target to attack so i'm going to go ahead and enter the coordinates for the second one so i'm going to hit this button i've created steer point 11 and it's copied information from steer point 10 and all i do is repeat the same thing i've done before just edit the north the east the elevation and a new target name and that's that all right so what i'm really curious to see is if we go to steer point 10 i want to see just how accurately how closely we are to the gunhole method that we used in order to find the same place right so if we go to the tab we switch over here there is steer point 10 and if we zoom all the way in you'll notice that there is steer point 10 and then right below it is the mark point so very very close all right so now that we have all of that down i'm just going to use the ruler just to see what heading we need from an app to the first objective it looks about 88 degrees so my suggestion to you is this when you do your startup you do your defueling you have all your weapons on board uh write down the coordinates for the places that you're going to be attacking then take off and head in this general direction and then while you're in route input all of this stuff into the cdu the reason being is you have a lot of time to kill because the a10 is very slow so this gives you just something to do and essentially you're just killing time all right so we've just taken off from the airfield we're flying towards the objective we have uh steer point 10 selected right we're 34 miles away so what i'm going to do is going to fly just below the cloud base right there so we uh we don't go above it we just stay right below it but we get as much altitude as humanly possible and just make sure that everything else is turned on and configured right so we want to make sure our targeting pods on we want to make sure our mavericks are going to be nice and warmed up and obviously you want to configure gb12s if you have them on board you know just make sure that everything is ready set to go you have some time to kill anyway you know might as well set up and uh be be good to go right all right now we are 24 miles away from the target this is the one thing that i see a lot of players do wrong here it is taking the targeting pod out and trying to slave it towards the waypoint or objective when they're five miles away from the objective no no no no no no as i've mentioned before in previous tutorial you want to be looking at the objective within 30 miles if possible so i'm going to go ahead and go to my targeting pod i'm going to turn it on i'm going to go ahead and soil over to it and now since i have 0.10 selected i'm going to press trying to head forward long there we go we're looking at it and look at that we already see the objective right vote switch aft and that's it we're there we're looking at things everything's groovy so let's go ahead and actually assess the situation because we need to assess what's over there so we can have a strike plan all right so first threat that i see besides the launchers obviously is this man pad it's located on the south side looks like the launchers are launching so that's no good let's see if we can find a radar dish that is locking things up it looks like the radar dish is probably going to be on the opposite side of this building okay so we have some aaa we have that man pad right there and we have these sam launchers i don't know that's sa2 sa3 it's something it's something to definitely worry about well i can't really tell because everything's kind of overlaid on top of each other so one thing i can do is i can separate it with the set button and see if i can make sense of what's in front of me well i think the radar dish is actually behind the building so it's it doesn't seem right now you know once we get closer we might figure out what that is hopefully it's not the sa-6 okay it looks like we have some apc's as well over there so yeah it's it's going to be a very busy situation and is that a manpad nope that's a treat okay so primary secondary tertiary targets what are they going to be primary long range these sam launchers right we gotta find a radar dish i think that's it right there yes it is we gotta kill that first and looks like it's moving its radar to hit me so we're not going to be able to strike that thing from here we're going to need to move to the left and strike it left to right or right to left okay cool second problem manpad and i need to kill that thing and then tertiary and targets are going to be all of these hard targets and missile silos perfect so i'm going to move my targeting pod over to this thing i'm going to move over to the right i'm going to fly around so i can put my maverick on that radar edition take that out we're actually within range but the building's kind of in the way and i don't trust that maverick from falling or into the building i'm going to go ahead and switch over here remember it says sensor because we don't have it selected don't make that mistake we covered this before dismissed select the actual mavericks good looks like we have a nice clear view i'm going to go ahead and roll in remember tms up log on to targeting pods switch to the maverick china had forward long slave all sensors to speed trying to head forward short just to zoom in on the maverick screen a little bit confirm that that's what this thing is seeing get the little cursor over into the keyhole oh it's slaved away trying to head forward long tms up short fire let's reset the maverick trying to head act short and fly away from the objective we don't want to keep flying towards the objective that would be stupid we have 19 seconds till impact it looks like the other objectives over here there's another two objectives back there and this is the one that we have so this is target one this is target two let's observe just to see if we have an impact two seconds missile launch it's dead because i just killed the radar dish cool the lb i think uh stands for low blow and i think that's what that was and let's confirm indeed cool that's dead all right let's just check our rating warning receiver what kind of threats do we have all right there's some threats out there this 27 is going to be a problem we have a couple more low blows probably from these objectives over here so because the essays these low blows are going to be such a big problem i'm actually going to switch to target 11 right now i'm going to try and take care of the other low blow radar and i think we're going to be out of range for these guys but i don't want to get shot by this guy all right let's make sure that we actually understand what we're seeing here so over here is the objective that we just fired at right so this is our steer point 10. this is 2.11 that we input the coordinates and then we have the double stacked objective down here so we just took care of the low blow system which is the fire control radar for the sa3 on the first objective that's great however on the radar warning receiver we still see that there are two low blow systems so either there is one here and one here or perhaps there's two of them on the south objective now these are long-range sams and we do have to take care of this stuff first because we don't want to be flying around shooting all the small stuff while having to worry about the big-ass sam trying to shoot us down at the same time and to be honest normally we wouldn't be engaging three different targets at the same time unfortunately the proximity of all three of these targets are so close that we kind of have to do this it's kind of a unique situation but it's a fun one so targeting pod trying to head aft long we're now looking at the second objective huh okay i think that actually they might be dead so then the other two lbs or low blows that we're seeing must be from the third objective way out there so we killed this guy this guy seems to be dead and there's another one that's up over there okay see what i mean we're prioritizing let's just double make sure that we actually don't see problem ah it's not dead there we go that's our next objective this is in target two okay tms up long i'm gonna go ahead and make that earth speed nothing's already targeting us that's not good sc27s are a problem we're going to strike this thing and get the hell out there it is fired let's get out of here i see 27s are in the way okay i think i see them over to my left but i'm going to go ahead and start notching them i'm going to place them on my 3 o'clock 9 o'clock and it should break their lock here now remember we have that friendly airfield that's in the way we can always drag these sc27s towards that friendly airfield i broke the lock but these guys are pressing hard on us so this is where you need to know and understand when to run okay so if i take a look here it looks like waypoint two is gonna be krimsk so let's go ahead and fly towards krimsk towards our friendly sam locations here we are we're over our friendly airfield okay well s27 went away let's go ahead and see if we actually take care of that radar dish so i'm gonna go ahead and start climbing back up and judging by that smoke it looks like and yes looks like we killed it okay cool now there's still one lb i think somewhere in the area it's going to be around that cluster so let's just go ahead and check if that's the case since i can visually see that objective over there i'm going to go ahead and take my targeting pod and reset it okay i'm going to press the diamond over the objective like that okay we have a lot of targets i'm not concerned with that strela i'm just seeing if that low blow radar is around the area there's a man pad right there again not a concern there it is right there cool let's go ahead and take care of that got it go back to my mavericks i fire two over here so let's go ahead and take the load off for my right wing turn in hot slave my recovery the objective zoom in trying to head forward short tms up short there it is lock it up fire 30 seconds to go i'm gonna fly away because it's really hot over here shack all right we got it cool we took care of the long range situation in the area fantastic so the primary threats in this general area are all gone now all that's left is to go ahead and try and take care of the remaining things around the main objective that we were going to take care of so i'm going to go ahead and switch to steer point 10 get my target pod over to steer point 10 trying to head aft long slave sensor to steer point let's see now if the man pads dead looks like someone killed the man pants that's really good i'm actually gonna target the aaa first because that's equally as important as that apc right there there's two of them there's one here and there's one there okay and there's one here switch to our mav slave map to steer point to speed zoom in lock fire switch back to the targeting pod let's select this guy there it is fire switch back here see if i can find that last guy right there it's gonna be a little tough okay it's got locked i'm gonna get a little closer i wanna make sure that maverick doesn't hit the building and there we go let's fly out down for a little bit boom okay all right so now we have two apcs to take care of right over there switch over to our laser guided rockets i'm gonna start targeting the apc's i'm gonna take care of the guy in the far end lasers on rocket [Music] i can go outbound i need to keep tracking towards the objective and get shot down make sure i don't mask the targeting pod okay shack really hectic right really hectic but we're actually making progress there's a tank this guy is going to be a problem i'm going to launch four of these right at them lasers on okay there's four two three four let's see if that did anything oh is it on fire oh that might have not been enough okay so let's uh we can finish him with guns oh there's another tank right there so this is the guy we just hit and there's this guy all right let's switch up our our strategy drop one quickly move over to the other tank please him okay got a speed on him dropped the second one hopefully this will actually hit it we have mig-31s we gotta keep track of this mig-31s are really close well looks like there's a error probably by me both of those hit the second tank instead of the first one there it goes go guns in this missile platform okay unless that was lag or something really weird happened but it looks like we got both and that's all the ground targets now this needs to be taken care of with a bomb uh unfortunately we don't have anything on board that can take care of that so we're really not gonna worry about it and this is the point where we need to say okay that's enough let's rtb otherwise you can go ahead and hit this objective there's anything left over there and uh well let's see if there's anything we can potentially hit right there we have three aaa units right there what i'm going to do is i'm going to toss the cpu97 right there problem is this mic 31 bearing down on us is uh is kind of problematic but i will do the best that i can yeah looks like the other two are dead but we can definitely deploy the cb 97 to kill this thing okay cb 97 is away because remember there was a man pad in this area want to keep an eye and make sure we don't get fired at okay there's the cb 97 let's see if it finds our target okay we're golden let's rtb all right and that is going to be it for this lesson listen i understand that this was extremely hectic and you're typically not going to find yourself in that rough of a situation but i would rather show you that than some easy peasy you know whatever just blow some stuff up on the ground not really much of a challenge this was an excellent way of showing you how a really crazy dynamic situation uh can be worked around normally you wouldn't think that an a10 would even survive in that area but we managed it you know we ran away when we needed to run away we kept an eye on the rw1 when we needed to keep an eye on it and we prioritized targets as they showed up uh on the air and on the ground okay so you're gonna need to learn to do exact same prioritize your targets and you're gonna be just fine anyway that's it for this lesson ladies and gentlemen i'll see you on the next one take care have a great one [Music] you
Channel: ralfidude
Views: 19,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ralfidude, ralfi's, alley, dcs, fc3, digital, combat, simulation, flaming, cliffs, battlefield, bf, flight, sim, f-15c, eagle, f-16, viper, A-10C, A10C, A10, A-10, Warthog, Fairchild, Thunderbolt, tutorial, training, for dummies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 1sec (1861 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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