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would you be the jerk for not giving your mother her dying wish we'll get into that in a bit but first would I be the jerk for not allowing my boyfriend to invite his nephew to our apartment several months ago I female 32 got a really good job with great pay and rented myself a large newly renovated beautiful apartment when I moved in my boyfriend male 32 of a year and a half helped me decide on furniture and decoration and I furnished it for two people to give him the option to move in should he want to since he still lives in a tiny cramped apartment that he's had since his college Years we started staying at my new place most of the time he still has his apartment but he's been staying with me full time for three months now and has most of his stuff in what we are starting to consider our apartment he plans to give up his apartment and move in officially in September he's really close with his older brother and invites him over a lot we get along well he has a really cute two-year-old son that he started calling me Aunt and I've recently started hanging out with his wife individually how however the nephews in the middle of potty training and frequently pees on Floors he peed on the floor of my apartment multiple times already and I'm getting concerned over the brand new hardwood floor of my rented apartment with my name on the lease I have been trying to suggest that we visit his brother at their place instead of inviting them over to our place my boyfriend still wants to invite them over because he says we can't always expect them to be the hosts he says that his brother and sister-in-law always clean up immediately and thankfully never expect anyone to clean up for them but even if it's cleaned immediately it does soak in a little and my landlord could end up charging me for any damage I like his nephew but I don't really want him at the apartment until he's fully potty trained in a few months would I be the jerk if I disallowed him from inviting his nephew for the time being I know he would be upset if I did let's be real if you're living in a situation where you know it's not permanent and you're not exactly bankrolling that deposit can be quite a bit of money and you'd probably want to do whatever you can to avoid giving them any real reason to say sorry you don't get that deposit back I just think it's understandable that if they're incapable of preventing their kid from soiling the floor that you're Justified and not wanting them over until that can be prevented am I wrong there even if they chase them around with a mat or something also hi I'm Stephen and if you guys enjoy getting to decide whether or not all of these people are jerks why not hit those like And subscribe buttons down below that said our next story is am I the jerk for not washing my husband's popcorn bucket my husband likes to buy a popcorn bucket each year from AMC and stops by on occasion to get it filled I don't like popcorn shocking I know so I never eat his popcorn when he gets the bucket filled I do essentially all of the dishwashing for things that need to be washed by hand which is usually about five dishes a day he does unload the dishwasher but it's less than half the times he got his bucket filled the other day and finally finished eating the popcorn about four days later and placed it in the sink I would place it back on the counter in order to have room to wash the other dishes and the bucket would end up back in the sink every day until he finally said oh so you're never going to wash the bucket I put it back on the counter and walked away he never washed it am I the jerk for not washing it edit in terms of household chores I do dishwashing laundry for four people cleaning Lawn Care 2.8 acres and half of the child care I also homeschooled for two years 2020-2021 four-year-old and seven-year-old he does fixing household technology when it goes down feeds the animals two dogs and two cats takes the garbage and recycling to the curb once a week I'm not gonna lie I do think it's kind of petty like I get it you definitely do more chores and it shouldn't be like an obligation for you to clean this bucket but if you're already there and you're washing the the other dishes how much more effort does it actually take to just wash the bucket if you're doing any kind of like pre-rinse routine it takes what 60 seconds to clean the bucket it's not whether or not you have to do it it's just you're already there you already have everything pulled out and ready to do it am I crazy here the chore distribution does not seem fair maybe uh please when they put the bucket down would be nice but it's all already right there this next story is am I the jerk for being upset my vacation was cut short I had a scheduling vacation for six days this was planned two months back for this vacation I was riding my motorcycle around 1200 miles one way a bit shorter return trip of around 1100 miles I would leave Sunday and return Saturday my wife works three days during this time I schedule child care to cover the kids during her work schedule on Wednesday my wife informs me that child care fell through for Thursday I insist she figures something out either take the day off she is plenty of PTO and there's no negative against her for using it on short notice or see if the kids can do sleepovers it is summer vacation and they ask every single day she refuses she asks me to come home I remind her I'm over 20 hours away and I'm not sure I can manage without sleep when I offer Alternatives again she refuses so I cancel the rest of my trip jump on my bike and make it home after 20 straight hours of riding so am I the jerk for being upset that my vacation was cut short I mean I think op did a reasonable amount of suggesting here I understand being upset that it was cut short but if you have no other choice but to take care of your kids you kind of have to do what you can but a lot of the things like the sleepover thing sounded extremely reasonable to me I don't know why they were so stubborn and Dead Set On You have to come back and Hands-On make the decision yourself there either way you can totally not be the jerk for being upset that your vacation was cut short What would make you the jerk is where you channel that anger are you channeling all that anger at your wife and kids for things coming up or would you just Channel it towards the unfortunateness of the situation this next story is would I be the jerk for going against my girlfriend's wishes and getting another tattoo for context I male 27 and my girlfriend female 24 have been dating for about five years or so it's been great honestly the best years of my life when we met I had six big tattoos and a few small ones now most of my shoulders chest and upper arms are covered I love them it's my birthday in a few weeks and I thought I would treat myself to some new ink a piece I drew myself and I've fallen in love with it means a lot to me I'm not giving detail for privacy reasons but you get the idea I've added book to the tattoo place for a few months and my appointments in a few days my girlfriend came up to me today and said she didn't want me to go to the appointment as she doesn't want me to get any more a bit more conversation and I asked you don't like the design she then explained that she hates tattoos doesn't like any of mine and the thought of me getting more makes her sick but I've had them since before we got together I've had two more since we've been together I made the argument of I've had them my entire time we were dating and I've always made it clear I want more I then said it's my body and I should be able to do what I want she replied with yeah it's your body but I'm the one that has to look at you she then left for work and hasn't replied to any of my messages texts or calls my appointments in a few days and I was really excited to get it but now I'm having second thoughts as I don't want to upset her I'm very conflicted right now so if I were to get it would I be the jerk literally no way would op be the jerk for going through with getting a tattoo that they want and they care about so deeply if I were in OP shoes I know I would be devastated by somebody having these revealed secret feelings after all the time but as much as they want to say I'm the one that has to look at you it's your body and your choice and if they can't love and support you for who you are and what you want to be then maybe you should spare them the trouble of having to look at you and leave to find somebody else who does want to look at you this next story is am I the jerk for refusing to forgive my mom for when she stole my inheritance I 15 year old female and my mom 52 year old female have a rocky relationship for background information she has Tendencies to be emotionally manipulative and she uses guilt trip to her Advantage anytime we argue these arguments are brought up by me as she refuses to take blame or responsibility for any of her actions and when she rarely does the apology is half-hearted in the incident she's apologizing for ends up happening again even after being confronted we've been attending mediation for five weeks as I was fed up with her not recognizing her behavior or just refusing to recognize her behavior here anyways for more background information my nana passed away last year from what I'm aware of there were 8 000 British pounds left after the funeral and my mom and uncles decided to split it amongst the five grandkids and each were to be given sixteen hundred pounds including me and my sister now when I was told about my inheritance through my mom I was informed that I was given a thousand pounds at the time I wasn't aware it was actually sixteen hundred pounds to make things short and easy I confronted her about where the money was being kept and it led to a massive argument as she refused to tell me and after two weeks she confessed to spending 600 pounds of my inheritance on house bills the reason I put quotes is because my mom also has a strong tendency to lie and it's gotten to the point where I can't trust anything that comes out of her mouth my dad was livid and she eventually fessed up to spending all of the sixteen hundred pounds and that was when I found found out the real amount of money I was supposed to receive the stop it came up in our mediation session and she blew up in my face screaming that she couldn't keep going over it again and that she apologized that she regretted it but it was the last straw that broke our trust and I made this clear to her I explained that that money could have gone to several things with my school such as funding for trips and because she lied I no longer had that chance she then blew up in my face again and said that it never would have been my money if her mother hadn't died anyway but I told her that it wasn't the point and that it was a mutual agreement between her and my uncles that the money went to the grandkids therefore it was mine she stopped talking and then asked if I forgave her to which I flat out said no and she began crying and we left the session early she's now acting distant and cold towards me and seems hesitant with making plans for me to see her and a lot of my friends including my best friend are saying that I should just forgive her for the sake of our relationship money really reveals the true color of a lot of people I think if I were in this situation I would have done the right thing but you know at some point I imagine there's a number big enough where most people would consider going behind people that are close to them's backs to retain that money for themselves you'd probably be surprised by the amount of people around you that'd be willing to backstab you to take a billion dollars if they can get on the next trip out to Bahrain or something this next story is am I the jerk for making my husband's God Mom change at our wedding so me 21 year old female and my now husband 21 year old male just got married two weeks ago we didn't have a typical wedding we did a small ceremony at an Airbnb and just hung out with our family and friends and then did a bonfire the morning of the wedding my parents and Grandparents were there helping set up and cook the dinner and the wedding party was also there my husband will just call him Bob had asked his godparents to bring drinks by for later her when they got there they brought the drinks up and Bob had noticed in the back their wedding clothes his God Mom will call her Patty had brought a white lace dress to wear for the wedding he immediately told his best man who then came and told me what was going on and asked if I wanted her to wear something else I said yes Bond then goes and tells her nicely hey so I don't think we're comfortable with you wearing a white dress to the wedding is there something else you could wear she immediately got aggressive with my husband and said well it's 90 degrees out I want to wear light colors okay well there's a lot of light colors you can wear she calls my mother-in-law and starts going off about how we're making her change and she doesn't have time to go back to the hotel it's 11 A.M and the ceremony wasn't until four I walked away for the situation I was trying to get ready time passes and I'm walking down the aisle Patty's in the sweatpants and flip-flops she was wearing to drop off the drinks I was so embarrassed but I didn't want to ruin our moment walking down the aisle I never said anything during the reception his family sat at one table the entire time and left after an hour and a half and had a poor attitude we haven't really talked to my in-laws since the wedding because we had hurt feelings now my mother-in-law's going off on us for not talking to them and making it seem like I was being a bridezilla by making her change and that we have no right to be upset are we overreacting yeah I definitely don't think Ops overreacting they tried violating the number one rule in the book as far as attending weddings don't wear white fun fact really really bright yellow is almost just as good as reflecting heat as white is so what she should have done if she really cared about the heat was where something really bright yellow our next story is am I the jerk for not attending my sister's wedding so I Mina 28 year old female was invited to my sister Leah's 32 year old female's wedding last year at the time I was working and I was also completing a master's degree import I live in a different country for my family Leah contacted me about a year before she got married and asked if any dates would not work I said that it would be best to avoid the end of the month May that I'll get my thesis written in because I had to go in person to see my supervisor to get all that sorted there were a bunch of in-person admin stuff as well and I would have to rearrange a lot of my tutoring work that I was doing for my students as it would be their exam time then my submission dates were all in that week and so it wouldn't work well Leah goes ahead and books for not only the end of May but also a holiday in a rural part of the country my family lives in meaning that I would have to travel an extra two to three days on top of the wedding which would be about a week in total the entire week of my deadlines this was with short notice as well only three months before the wedding other family members couldn't make it for as holidays in my country are not great for traveling and accommodation is really hard to find we've never been close and I wasn't a part of the wedding party either which I expected Leah's never included me in any major event in her life I talked to Leah and said it wouldn't be possible as I now had job interviews lined up as I'd not heard much confirmation about her planned dates my students were Midway through their exam preparation and my thesis was requiring more in-person events than I expected and now would be difficult to change everything I did point out that this date was probably the worst possible one for me as I'd said before apologized profusely and said next time I'm in the country we could go for drinks and celebrate together if Leah would like that Leah's response was that I am a terrible sister and my whole family is now holding a grudge against me even though I did say a year in advance that that exact week would be the worst for me my family pressured me to go but I stuck to my decision because this wasn't an unknown possibility I can't tell if I made the right decision or not but I've never felt important to her as her Sister Part of Me wonders if this was intentional as there's been issues in the past with her deliberately putting me in difficult situations to pain me badly as a sister to our parents Leah had almost a year to choose a different date with multiple reminders and yet chose not to am I the jerk yeah right from the get-go it's very easily a situation where op's not the jerk they listed that this is the worst possible week what more could you expect when they scheduled it for that week our next story is am I the jerk for letting my brother copy me throw away account because I don't use Reddit that much and if this blows up I don't want this connected to my online username I female18 have a little brother male 15 that has copied everything I do throughout my entire life if my favorite color was blue his suddenly would be too if I grew out my hair long he let his grow too if I learned a new instrument he had to too I couldn't be an individual and I hated it what made did worse was that my family would often choose him over me because he was a smaller and cuter version of myself it really hurt and it's contributed to my low self-esteem and I still fear to this day that when people meet my brother they'll eventually leave me for him call me selfish but it hurts whenever I brought this up to my mother she would blow me off and just said that it's what siblings do during my freshman year I came out as a lesbian I've never liked boys and often found myself having little crushes on girls in my class when I was in elementary school the way that girls would have little crushes on boys finally finding a label that described me was freeing and I was and still am proud and out to everyone I knew my brother following my lead decided to come out as bisexual the following week once my mother found out about this she became angry and pulled me aside she told me that I knew that my brother copies everything I do and that I need to tone it down so that don't confuse him now I already don't bring up my sexuality often because my father is homophobic and didn't accept me for being a lesbian but this grinded my gears throughout my entire life it was okay for him to copy me even at the expense of my own mental health but now that he copied something that she doesn't want him to be copying suddenly isn't just something that siblings do regardless of the situation I think it's important to explore your sexuality before confirming it and I would support him whether it was just another copying phase or something genuine I told her this and now she's upset with me for turning her son gay this was not my intention at all I just wanted to be out and proud and now it's turned my own mother against me so am I the jerk yeah op is definitely not the Jerk It's not their fault for being gay that their sibling turned gay I mean the whole thing is just ridiculous I think if only the mother could take a step back and realize what she was saying and how she's being but if she was capable of doing that it probably wouldn't be where it is our next story is am I the jerk for letting the nanny come into my bedroom I 33 year old male am a single father and this week I called The Nanny to look after my daughter because I was too sick to do so she was kind enough to prepare the meals for us and to look after me I wasn't able to move and just slept most of the time and I didn't care about wearing a shirt because I was staying in my room my sister came unannounced that day and saw the nanny coming to my room to give me some water and said that it was inappropriate for me to let the nanny see me shirtless in the bedroom she shouted and I know that the nanny and my daughter heard her because my daughter came to ask me if everything was okay with Auntie after that I have to be honest my sister is persuaded that there is something between me and the babysitter and disliked her a lot she thinks that there's still a place in my daughter's life for her mother I have full custody and hates the fact that my daughter likes her nanny a lot I don't have feelings anymore for my ex who says to every person she meets that she's still in love with me I'm sure that she wouldn't react if the nanny was 20 years older at least I'm relieved that my sister didn't attack the nanny who didn't seem bothered by the situation it's the first time she came into my bedroom and she always asked for my permission to do so but I also understand that others might think that it was improper am I the jerk for letting the nanny come to my bedroom I just don't see what Opie did wrong here they might see some kind of narrative and want to run with it but Opie knows the truth they weren't doing anything inappropriate they were sick this next story is am I the jerk for not giving in to mother's dying wish growing up my father was a jerk to me and my mother she never stood up for me or herself when I turned 17 I called my father out for his behavior so my parents cut me off financially as punishment I moved in with a friend and her parents and then got myself to college I refused to speak about what happened as I was embarrassed for not standing up to my father sooner after college I was surprised to learn that so many of my high school teachers and Friends parents were proud of me for getting away from a bad situation as I never realized anyone even knew what I put up with now my parents are elderly and my mother says that my father forgives me for my bad behavior for example I didn't want to celebrate holidays with the family as my father would get jealous if I had more presence than he did my mother wants me to come home to heal the family my father still denies his behavior and says I've torn the family apart for not treating him with the respect he's owed as the parent when I try to help my mother as her health isn't great he becomes angry and takes it out on her I just emotionally don't want to enter into that situation again and refuse to visit or allow my father into my house now my mother's angry with me saying I'm being selfish for not being willing to put aside my feelings to do this before she dies and am I the jerk yeah I just can't blame op here After experiencing what they experienced growing up throughout their entire life you don't want somebody who in reality was your abuser throughout your childhood to invade your space dying wish or not our next story is am I the jerk I refuse to change the gift I already bought for a kid I 29 year old female have a stepsister 32 year old female who has two kids I'll call A and B A is having a birthday party this weekend and we've all been asked to buy him a gift now stepsister likes to be in control so she's at a list set up for months of the things she needs to buy for his party but also things he wants for his birthday during a recent conversation she said he has everything he wants already and would be happy with a set of trading cards or some money so I put 20 pounds in a card and signed it from myself my partner and our baby stepsister messaged me yesterday and asked what I'd gotten for him so I told her what I'd done and she said it was okay but he had decided he wanted a new toy from the toy shop I looked on the website and said it's a great toy maybe if he saves his birthday money he could get it and she outright asked if I would just buy that for him I was always taught from a young age that if we wanted something that badly we could just save up our birthday money if we were lucky to get some or Christmas money to buy it like I said I have a baby of my own and I could not justify paying the price of that one toy for my own kid let alone someone else's I explained that I'd already sorted his present and the rest of my finances were used for this month on our food and bills so she's Uninvited us from the party am I the jerk yeah op's definitely not the jerk here especially when you're buying a gift for a kid if somebody's asking for unreasonable priced gifts they can't just expect that they're going to get those for sure I mean most families at least growing up where I was around you're lucky to get one expensive gift a year if that this next story is am I the jerk for introducing myself to my ex-husband's new girlfriend X and I split in April by may he was bringing his new girlfriend to all of my 15 year old son's baseball games the families were gossiping about it and my son was uncomfortable with it my 14 year old daughter had told me she hated having the new girlfriend around too and my ex wasn't respecting her requests to slow down after a few times of seeing her I walked up to her and introduced myself this wasn't about her or my ex it was to stop the gossip show my kids that I'm okay with his relationship and to stop the gossip today several weeks later the ex emailed me that I violated his boundaries by doing this am I the jerk background I asked for divorce and we've been broken up for a year but he moved out in April I have a boyfriend and I'm not jealous of the new girl he is her monkey or circus now so this is for the sake of the kids more than anything thing I don't think it's too crazy to be cordial amongst exes specifically when it's for your kids so extending an olive branch here was more than reasonable in my opinion I don't know what the ex is freaking out about this next story is am I the jerk for not eating cake that I knew I wouldn't like to start off a little background I was diagnosed with autism a few months ago but I've displayed traits of neurodivergency since I was a little kid one of these traits was a major dislike of certain tastes and textures as well as not always behaving accordingly in certain social situations not a lot of my extended family knows because I don't see them very often because they live towards the northeast of the country while I live down in the Southeast so now I get on with a story I 17 year old female was at a family gathering with my extended family a few days ago it was a big get together with lots of different food and drinks around 5 PM a mass of cake was brought out for everyone it was a sponge cake topped with whipped cream and various fruits I knew I wasn't going to eat any of the cake because whipped cream strawberries and raspberries which were on the cake are some of the foods that agitate my sensory issues I said out loud that I wouldn't like any and began to walk away my cousin called after me and said that she worked really hard on it and it would be disrespectful if it didn't even bother to try it I tried to explain that I couldn't tolerate certain textures because of my autism she said I was making up excuses and that I'm perfectly normal and just attention seeking I've rushed her off and left the room and just chilled in the living room for a while my mom took my cousin's side and said what I did was selfish and that I was using my disorder as a get out of jail free card I went non-verbal until the next morning and then that afternoon we drove home where my mom grounded me for two days for how I treated my cousin so Reddit did I deserve my punishment am I the jerk edit to just clarify a few things when I say I spoke out loud it wasn't like I yelled and then stormed off I saw the cake and I said to myself oh I don't want any but it was a little louder than when I usually talk to myself and my cousin must have overheard I didn't see the cake until it had been in the room for maybe 10 minutes this was because the cake was set on a table in the corner of the room and people were crowded around it taking slices when I got a chance to take a piece I realized I didn't want any I didn't get up from the table and storm out of the room we were all standing around the room and eating off paper plates when I realized I didn't want any cake I just set the paper plate down casually turned away and walked out of the room also thank you to the people who informed me on the difference between being non-verbal and having selective mutism I usually become unable to speak when I'm stressed angry embarrassed or upset and it takes a while for my voice to come back and I know now that that's called selective mutism so so overall op was rated as being the jerk in the situation but I don't really think they did anything wrong here maybe their internal dialogue was a little too loud and saying oh I don't want any but just in what op described I don't outright see any disrespect intended or dished out here I mean people are saying like op spoke up and was like Ugh I don't want any of that I mean I definitely saw this even on the first read through without the edit clarifying it as something where somebody just goes oh I don't want any is that a big deal this next story is am I the jerk for saying no to my mother-in-law full story I don't like my mother-in-law when I first met her it was to go to an important holiday dinner hosted by my husbands then boyfriend extended family she met us at the hotel and met me before we went but then took my husband aside and said I needed to change clothes because I looked like a I cried my husband said we weren't going anymore and told his mom to leave we made up later as my husband and I dated I learned more about his relationship with her they didn't talk often before me or since he went to visit her one time alone Flash Forward and he hasn't seen her for a while for whatever reason they never coordinated a time for her to visit or we always had some excuse finally she calls my husband and says she's coming this weekend to visit it's Tuesday night I immediately say no when my husband tells me I tell him that my nephew will be in on Sunday morning and she would drive 16 hours one way he hesitates but agrees and tells his mom it can't be this week pick another time his mom guilts him says there's always some excuse and that I don't like her she says she feels like if she doesn't come see him right now she may never see him again so he decides to let her come with some conditions of not seeing the house and not seeing me I respect this choice but I'm still mad because regardless of their relationship and the repair they indeed he still let her come out last minute and stay the two days before I have company for a week I'm mad he didn't see that as impolite and selfish we fought and he said she was right I do have to choose this sucks am I the jerk I don't think gop's the jerk here but at the same time I do sympathize with the husband wanting a relationship with their mom but yeah they should have had enough of a backbone to figure it out at another time and not cave to that pressure it is pretty concerning to see going forward but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another absolutely crazy am I the jerk your story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 11,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/, r/aita, r/am i the a**hole, am i the a**hole, aita, reddit am i the a**hole, Storytime am i the a**hole, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash aita, am i the a**hole reddit, top posts reddit, am i the a**hole stories, am i the a**hole video, r/ aita, r/ am i the a**hole Storytime, Storytime r/aita, funny reddit stories, aita posts
Id: c2ALzT8p4ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 50sec (1850 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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