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would you be the jerk if you forced your son  to buy a more appropriate swimsuit we'll get   into that in a bit but first am I the jerk for  reminding my sister-in-law she isn't a mother on   Mother's Day my brother miles lost his wife Sarah  four years ago he has a son Eric 11 miles married   his wife Josie about 18 months ago and yes she's  trying the whole second mom thing Eric is in grief   therapy and miles is being better about pushing  Josie on Eric than he could be but he also hasn't   as respectful of the fact that Eric doesn't see  her as a mother as he could be Sarah unfortunately   didn't have sisters so I'm the woman closest to  her age in Eric's life and I'm trying to be there   for him as much as I can we're very close not that  I'll ever take Sarah's place no one will but he   knows if there's ever something he doesn't want  to talk to his dad about that my home is always   open to him so for Mother's Day Eric wanted to  visit Sarah's grave and then come to Mother's Day   lunch with me and my family miles agreed to this  plan initially but the day before he canceled on   Eric's behalf saying that he and Josie thought it  would be best that Eric spend the whole day with   them since Eric should show appreciation to Josie  on Mother's Day I argued with Miles and eventually   Miles said I could come by and see Eric and get  the gift he'd gotten me but that he wanted Eric   to stay with him and Josie when I went over to the  house Eric gave me some flowers and a small candle   and we were talking outside and he said he had his  phone taken away because he had refused to say or   do anything for Josie for Mother's Day day imagine  punishing a child because he doesn't love you I   didn't say anything to Eric but when I was leaving  I said to miles that I thought he was doing Untold   damage to his son by bullying him into pretending  he cares about Josie Josie said it wasn't bullying   for wanting Eric to participate in celebrating her  on Mother's Day so I looked at her and said Josie   whose mother are you Josie had a miscarriage a  few months ago so this hit her pretty hard I'm   not going to lie and say I didn't realize this  would upset her but frankly she isn't Eric's   mother and she can't make up for wishing she was  by making the day harder for him Josie burst into   tears and started shouting at me and Miles told me  to just take Eric with me because obviously this   whole thing has been a failure miles is saying I  went too far reminding Josie she isn't a mother   but I feel like someone had to because she was  acting like she's entitled to the title when the   child doesn't feel that way if she was having  a hard day and wanted to memorialize what she's   been through then that's her business But Eric  shouldn't be bullied into a pantomime because   of her grief I think Opie is not the jerk here  because it's pretty obvious the who's mother are   you wasn't really meant to be a slight thing just  to make them feel bad but to point out you're not   Eric's mother forcing this kid to try to love you  or see you as a mom when you're not isn't almost   never going to make that kid actually do so Napal  Magle wrote can we just give a blanket judgment   for Mother's Day here every stepmom who thinks  her feelings matter way way more than the child's   feelings is a jerk every single one everyone who  defends the child's feelings and grief and choices   and basically treats them like a human being  rather than a child- shaped object is correct   you might have been a little harsh because of the  miscarriage but frankly it was justified by how   badly Josie and Miles were behaving not the jerk  also hi I'm Steven and if you guys enjoy getting   to decide whether or not all of these people  are jerks why not hit those like And subscribe   buttons down below that's it our next story is am  I the jerk for not feeling sorry for my wife when   exactly what I told her would happen happened we  have an old house there's a 5-in wide horizontal   ledge on The Stairway to the basement she likes  to store stuff there I've been telling her for   years it's a bad idea whenever I go downstairs to  do laundry or put away groceries in our pantry I   make sure that ledge is empty she always says  that it's just handy and that she always means   to clean it up I find all kinds of crap there  bottles jars open boxes of G garbage bags lighter   fluid you name it she came in from the backyard  where she was gardening to use the bathroom on   her way out she went downstairs for something I  heard her fall and then scream after we got home   from the hospital where they reattached her toe I  asked her why she thought that leaving her garden   shears there was a good idea she says that I'm  being a jerk for saying I told you so I didn't   I just asked her why she did it I feel very bad  that she got injured I feel terrible that she   feels dumb for leaving a heavy sharp eye object  where it could fall easily I feel crappy that I   didn't see them in time to put them somewhere safe  none of that means what happened wasn't entirely   predictable and entirely her fault once again  for the cheap seat I did not say I told you so   am I the jerk for asking about her thought process  obviously I'm willing to believe op on them having   asked that question not from an area of I Told You  So were trying to rub it in but more so an easily   misc construable question of justy trying to  process their thought process behind putting that   thing there almost more of like a reinforcement  thing like them asking that isn't actually because   they want a true answer it's just to make the  other party think about it and reinforce how   silly it is just to leave that item there it's  one of those things where you think about it and   you realize I really spared 45 seconds and almost  lost a toe over it impossible rain 4727 wrote not   the jerk your question is a tad stupid obviously  she was being thoughtless Andor lazy while she's   unfortunate to have suffered this accident better  it be the person who caused the unsafe situation   than someone innocent her negligence could have  seriously injured or killed someone while she   was the one who was hurt this time it could have  easily have been you walking down the stairs I   can only hope that you do not have children that  could have gotten hurt instead of her she should   feel dumb she should feel embarrassed she should  learn a lesson from this our next story is am I   the jerk for telling my husband's grandparents  that they should have surprised their grandkids   if they wanted their Mother's Day lunch to go  better Sunday my husband 25-year-old male and   his two siblings 27-year-old male and 22-year-old  female were planning to spend the day with their   maternal side of the family but their paternal  grandparents asked if they could do something too   so we arranged a lunch for them to get together it  was an earlier lunch so they could make it in time   for the other things they had planned with the  maternal side the thing they were not expecting   was their dad and his wife who they are no contact  with to be there their grandparents surprised   them with this after we all got there and it was  awkward as heck it was also my third time meeting   their dad their dad's wife kept watching them and  trying to get their attention they ignored her   then she outright asked where her happy Mother's  Day wishes were which they ignored she asked   about gifts and tried to claim the gifts all three  bought for their grandmother brother-in-law told   her nothing was for her and why would she ever  think they'd get her anything grandfather-in-law   tried to calm things down by talking over everyone  but it didn't work because their dad's wife just   got louder she started listing off all the gifts  she' received from them when they were kids and   living with her and her husband father-in-law  sister-in-law told her they weren't ever actually   from them and that their dad had bought them and  added their names but it was nothing to do with   them their dad's wife then turned on sister-in-law  and blamed her saying she manipulated the boys to   feel the same as she did and it was wrong because  they were all young enough when their birth mother   died for them to embrace and benefit from  a new mother my husband laughed at that and   said sister-in-law was the youngest and only  five when their mom died and their dad went   out to replace her ASAP because he was pathetic  and didn't want to raise his own kids he said   she clearly thought sister-in-law was a very  very manipulative and intelligent 5-year-old   to believe that and pointed out she was very  quick to always blame sister-in-law for things   brother-in-law added that they were never going  to accept some random person who came in months   after their mom died and attempted to assert  her dominance over them as a mother he said he   didn't care if their dad was unfair to her as well  because she was downright evil to try and replace   their mom it got so heated that I suggested to my  husband that we just move on later that night my   husband's grandparents called me to apologize  and said they had no idea how things went so   wrong this is where I might be the jerk because  I told them they shouldn't have surprised their   grandkids by inviting father-in-law and his wife  like that if they wanted the lunch to go better I   told his grandparents that they know my husband  and his siblings are no contact and no love for   their dad or his wife and they know they used  to fight all the time his grandparents told me   it shouldn't need to be a surprise and I should  understand their POV better they also told me it's   rude to rub it in after they apologized to me am I  the jerk in my eyes op's not the jerk I don't see   any lies with what they said and hey I'm willing  to bet your darn sure never never going to see   a situation pop up like this again unless they're  super entitled or very very incapable of learning   from negative experiences araa wrote not the jerk  for stating facts and hopefully helping avoid any   future surprises especially when they claimed  they didn't know how things had gone so wrong   but out of curiosity have they actually apologized  to their grandchildren the people they actually   ambushed this next story is am I the jerk for  not asking if any of the kids have any allergies   before buying them ice cream my 18-year-old male  little sister 13 was hanging out with three of   her friends yesterday she called me asking if  I could buy some ice cream for them it's really   hot in our country right now so I said okay be  there in half an hour bought four ice cream bars   all vanilla caramel almond the issue is that one  of them let's call her Amy 13-year-old female is   allergic to almond so she had to watch the others  eat ice cream while she didn't get any Amy's dad   it was Amy's house said that I should have asked  first if anyone was allergic to anything and now   Amy has to watch her friends eat ice cream  without having any to eat herself he called   me inconsiderate for not checking update thanks  for your comments everyone in hindsight I was   pretty stupid to just pick my favorite flavor for  them without asking especially when it contains a   common allergen I asked my sister to call Amy  and apologized to her for not checking before   asking her what flavor she'd like for their next  hangout she said that it's no no big deal and that   Oreo ice cream would be nice those are available  at the supermarket too so I told her I'm going   to get that for her next time as for my sister's  other two friends they enjoyed the flavor I got   them but I'll make sure to ask next time before  getting any food or snacks in case they prefer   something else or are allergic to something I will  also avoid buying nuts for groups of people so I'm   going to air on the side of not the jerk because  I think it's a pretty innocent mistake especially   considering if you're going to ask somebody to buy  ice cream for you like that usually you specify   what kind like if you've ever asked anybody  if they could get you some food from somewhere   you've almost always specified what kind of food  you want right if somebody said oh I'm going to   make a run to Ben and Jerry's and you say oh can  you get me some you're almost always going to have   that interaction of okay what flavor do you want  right it was an innocent mistake and I'm sure next   time Opie will be a lot more mindful of asking for  something like that okay bullfrog 5830 wrote not   the jerk they're 13 she should have spoke up when  your sister called she needs to learn how to speak   up for herself Harry ramtin added agreed even when  my kids were pretty little I'm talking five or six   their friends with allergies would announce the  fact solemnly as soon as they arrived for a play   dat or birthday party many would present me with  a detailed list of instructions from their parents   sometimes also their epipens and one kid Celiac  all we showed up with their own carefully packed   meals and snacks 13 is absolutely old enough  to speak up our next story is am I the jerk   for walking out of my mom's house on Mother's  Day even after she lost my sister not too long   ago because she was disrespectful to my wife  my sister died 6 months ago so yesterday was my   mom's first Mother's Day after the loss of one of  her kids and the kid who made her a mom at that I   24-year-old male wanted to make it special for  mom and my wife was more than happy to help me   even though Mother's Day is rough for her because  she was not given a good or even a tries her best   mother so the day is a painful reminder that my  wife didn't ever have a healthy maternal figure   in her life Father's Day is similar but she never  knew her father and never had a good father figure   either my wife still wanted to help make Mom's  first Mother's day without my sister's special   we went around getting all my mom's favorite  things favorite flowers ice cream chocolate   a reservation for her favorite restaurant a  scarf in her favorite color because scarves   are her favorite thing ever we also compiled  a little video of my sister mom talked about   Mother's Day being more difficult without her and  wanting to watch some home movies of her so we did   something special with that my wife also helped me  recreate a dance I did for my mom on Mother's day   when I was a kid because she talked about that  a lot basically it was just meant to show how   much we love her and help her through this not  so easy Mother's Day my wife played a very big   role she even suggested bringing breakfast to  her and serving her breakfast in bed yesterday   morning came we made her favorite breakfast and  brought it to Mom at her and Dad's after she came   out of her room is when things went to crap Mom  saw my wife and asked what she was doing there   and didn't look like she wanted my wife there it  surprised me because my wife was with us last year   too Mom was grumbling and hostile to my wife  I told Mom that we'd plan some special things   for her this didn't change anything and she told  me she didn't want my wife there then she told   my wife she had no right to intrude and why would  she want her there my wife said she was sorry she   hadn't wanted to upset her I told Mom that she  was being rude and it wasn't right to take her   sadness out on my wife mom said she just wanted  us to spend Mother's Day as a family and I told   her my wife is family my mother grumbled and dad  asked me to lay off my wife said it was fine but   then Mom started on my wife a few minutes later  and after she'd opened most of her gifts and she   said she was tired of her being here and her own  mother hadn't even wanted her so why did she think   she'd be welcome that was too much for me I told  Mom I should have left earlier but I wanted to be   understanding and supportive but she had crossed  the line and I was done that she could celebrate   Mother's day without us my wife and I left she  felt bad and I told her not to and I apologized   for not leaving sooner she told me I didn't  need to leave and I told her I did Mom and Dad   both texted me countless times yesterday saying I  should go back and how could I abandon Mom after   she lost my sister am I the jerk it's one thing if  they're kind of acting out and they are grumpy and   upset and they don't want people that aren't part  of their immediate family around but for her to   go all the way to say your mother didn't even want  you so why do you think you'd be welcome here that   is some seriously nasty stuff to say to somebody  and I think op was absolutely right in standing   up for their wife in that situation that is a  line that has been unbelievably crossed at that   point and honestly is such a vile thing to say to  somebody that it might be damaging for a while for   op and their mom's relationship especially if  the mom can't own up to it and tries to victim   complex Sher the wine wrote not the jerk your  mother's grief doesn't give her a blink check   to be absolutely vile to other people while fresh  I'd write down the top three or five awful things   she said and send them back to her and your dad  and the boundary would be that until mom gets   therapy understands why her behavior was a away  over the line sincerely apologized and actually   acted motherly that you would not be seeing her  as your job is to love and protect your wife above   all others seriously the things your mom said  to your wife were just awful our next story is   am I the jerk for making my plain seat neighbor  uncomfortable I 40-year-old male just got off a   long flight the kind where even the comfiest seats  feel like torture racks now I'm a big dude not yet   book two seats level but enough for plane seats  to be absolute heck booked a window seat figured   the extra space would help the flight attendant  assigns a woman to the middle seat nice person we   exchange greetings no problem here's where things  get tricky nature called a couple of times during   the flight and let's just say squeezing by in that  cramped space is an exercise and contortionism at   the best of times the woman in the middle seat  politely refused to get up whenever I needed   to use the restroom the lady in the aisle seat was  very accommodating and would get up anytime either   I or the lady in the middle needed to get up now I  get it nobody wants some sweaty dude rushing past   them I tried my best to minimize contact literally  sucked in my gut and held my breath like I was   underwater but even with all the contorting there  was some unavoidable brushing past at the end of   the flight the woman makes a passive aggressive  comment about personal space and how uncomfortable   I made her feel throughout the flight honestly  I felt terrible didn't mean to make her feel   that way but what else was was I supposed to do  hold it for 8 hours ask her to physically get up   since she repeatedly didn't get up and indicated  I should squeeze by I had no reason to think she   was too bothered by it am I the jerk for making  her uncomfortable op is absolutely not the jerk   and honestly I think a lot of people would speak  up in a situation like that and simply clap back   saying and most people actually are considerate  and get up and get out of the way when the person   in the window seat needs to get out to go  use the restroom how uncomfortable op made   you feel throughout the flight you want op to be  uncomfortable by holding it for 8 hours aren't you   the holy Saint of personal space in consideration  happy trifler wrote not the jerk you're nicer than   me my response would have been ma'am you refused  to get up so my only options were to either   encroach on your personal space or pee on you I'm  sorry you feel like I chose the wrong option this   next story is am I the jerk for telling my sister  nobody needs to give her anything for Mother's Day   Mom 27-year-old female sister 25-year-old female  had a miscarriage 6 or 7 months ago it was very   early she had a positive pregnancy test but then  a couple days later tested negative and had her   period my husband 29-year-old male and I just had  our first baby who's now 3 weeks old for Mother's   Day we all went to my parents house to celebrate  my sister and I both brought our mom gifts and   my mom also got me flowers and chocolate to  celebrate my first Mother's Day I think it's   also worth noting that I had an ectopic pregnancy  that ended up rupturing 3 years ago and we've   been trying to have a baby ever since I lost a  fallopian tube and basically nearly died I've   had two other miscarriages since then as well this  was a very special first true Mother's Day I was   in the hospital recovering from the surgery for  my ectopic pregnancy over Mother's Day 3 years ago   and my family brought me flowers and balloons to  help me feel better about going through something   so traumatic so close to Mother's Day I think this  is why my sister may have felt the way she did my   mom didn't get my sister anything for Mother's  Day as a result my sister ended up throwing a   fit and was yelling at us calling us names and  I ended up yelling back that nobody owed her a   Mother's Day gift because she's not a mother  yet my parents were understanding but said I   should have been less harsh am I the jerk I'm not  downplaying whether or not the sister may have had   a traumatic experience or emotional stress but if  somebody hears about what the sister experienced   6 or 7 months go by and it's now Mother's Day I  just doubt that most people would be thinking oh   we need to try to compensate for that experience  it might even honestly be a bit of a both sides   kind of thing I just don't really know whether  it's fair for me to say how she should be feeling   considering what she experienced on Mother's Day  half a year later even enthusiasm 7223 wrote I   saw a pink line on a stick then my life went  on as normal and there was no baby I deserve   to be celebrated not the jerk she put a damper  on a very special day for you that you've been   trying to get to for years congrats on your baby  this next story is am I the jerk for celebrating   Mother's Day with my mom and not staying home with  my wife there's some background to this my wife   and my mother do not get along well it is due to  their personalities my wife is very gentle-hearted   while my mother was more get crap done there have  been multiple times that my wife ended up in tears   from really small things things sometimes it's  been things that the other daughter-in-laws have   been confused on it doesn't help that other women  in the family have taken steps back due to this   one example is that my wife started crying after  a story from when Mom worked in the hospital it   really wasn't sad but she started crying in the  middle I was here for this one and it made me   realize what the other women in the family were  saying my sister for example explained that she   doesn't want to walk on eggshells with my wife  or she may end up crying my mom is taking a step   back and she's tired of being the bad guy and  causing her to cry when she didn't do anything   she's in therapy for this and it has helped a  lot she has better control over her emotions   and got a diagnosis the main problem we do not  have kids Mother's day was yesterday so I went   over to give her a gift and have dinner I invited  my wife but she declined I got home and she was   ticked for leaving her home alone on Mother's Day  my point is that she isn't a parent and her point   was that I need to be more considerate I can't  ask people people I know since they're biased   so I came here I've honestly heard varying things  from various people I've heard people say that all   women should be celebrated on Mother's Day and  obviously the other side that says only mothers   should be celebrated on Mother's Day personally  I kind of feel like if you want to do something   nice for your wife on Mother's day even if she's  not actually a mother you don't have kids that's   a really nice and sweet gesture but personally  it feels kind of odd if somebody who doesn't   have kids has has this insistence that you are  a jerk or you did something wrong because you   did not celebrate them on Mother's Day all rise  for the verdict wrote not the jerk the way I did   not see that twist coming with the no kids part  you did nothing wrong there was nothing to be   more considerate about on your end you went to  celebrate your mom I would also argue it was a   bit inconsiderate of her to expect you to spend  Mother's Day with her and also declined dinner   with your mother our next story is am I the jerk  for not moving my car only because my neighbor   neighbors have kids I 36-year-old female living  in London where we have residential parking on   the street recently I parked my car in front  of my next door neighbor's house as the spot   in front of my own house was already occupied I  usually park my car wherever I can find space as   there's no personal parking space for anyone when  my neighbors returned home they parked their car   on the other side of the street just 5 m further  away from their house than usual they knocked on   my door and asked me to move my car somewhere else  although they knew that we can park anywhere on   the street they explained that they have kids and  it's too far for them to carry their children when   they're asleep I refuse to move my car as I pay  for the parking and I also have the right to park   anywhere however my neighbors were not happy that  the car was not parked in front of their house and   they called me names and threatened to slash  my car tires am I the jerk for not moving my   car update received a call from the council asking  for more details they've recommended me to inform   the police that's exactly what I did I think op  is not the jerk here it's street parking it is   what it is you're going to upset your neighbors  they're going to be moody and temperamental with   you it sucks you've got those kinds of neighbors  next to you shoot I know how that is I hear from   family who have terrible neighbors all the  time about their terrible neighbors but yeah   just report the threats to the police and park  where you can legally park Stellar Phenom 420   wrote not The Jerk It's street parking it is what  it is some sometimes they'll get to park in front   and sometimes they won't I hope you report their  threats to the local police at least so if it does   happen there's already a paper trail you can file  a police report without calling emergency services   also if you have one your HOA or neighborhood  board this next story is am I the jerk for telling   my friend that her business proposal seems unfair  to me and I don't really need her to open up an   Etsy I 22-year-old female like to paint and draw  as a hobby my family and friends have suggested   that I opened an Etsy shop and I have considered  it but wanted to focus on my career first since I   majored in something completely different finance  my friend 22-year-old female has been struggling   to find a job and moved towards starting a small  business as a way to make money she's considered   Drop Shipping Etsy and Etc she's been trying  to convince me to open up an Etsy with her   by selling stickers since I made stickers for  myself and my friends for fun and they really   liked it based on her idea I would design and  create all the stickers while she and I would   both manage the shop and sell them we would be  business partners and split the proceeds equally   I told her that I'm not interested in opening up  an Etsy shop right now because I wanted to focus   on my career first but she keeps insisting and  tried pushing me to create some designs to get   started she insisted that I needed a side hustle  if I was going to survive in this economy and I   needed her for the administrative aspect of  selling stickers I thought about it some more   and the whole idea kind of seems unfair to me  so I told her that if we started this it sounds   like I have more responsibility than her so the  profit split seems uneven it takes a lot of time   to create designs technically I wouldn't really  need her to start a Etsy since I could do the   admin portion myself I may have been the jerk for  saying this because my friend's mad that I don't   value her skills and for suggesting that I would  provide more value to the business because I have   artistic skill am I the jerk op's not the jerk  here the admin side of things is honestly a lot   easier to figure out than they're trying to sell  you on it and let's be real without op they don't   have a storefront the friend may try to downplay  it but op is the store Bailey the nerd wrote not   the jerk op your friend is trying to cash in on  your artistic skills if it was something totally   out of your depth or that you were uninterested  in doing or managing yourself then suggesting a   split would wouldn't be completely out of pocket  but suggesting a 50/50 split when you're doing 80%   of the work is unreasonable op I'm going to point  this out you're pursuing a career in finance and   were born within the last 30 years you 100% have  the skill set to manage an Etsy page entirely on   your own your friend does not get to make demands  especially when you're not driven to start the   Etsy store in the first place don't make the  Etsy shop if you don't want to and if you decide   you want to and decide you want her involved D  then make a counter offer that's fair to you you   could 100% do this entirely on your own it's not  rocket surgery our next story is am I the jerk for   forcing my son to buy a more appropriate swimsuit  this happened about a week ago but wanted to ask   my wife and I and our son Jax's 18-year-old male  went on a week-long Caribbean cruise right after   his school ended Jax is a great kid he seems to  have a confidence issue as in too much confidence   I've never seen anything like it he is the most  self-assured guy in the world it's not unfounded   he's greatl looking and athletic and definitely  a Mr Personality type but still a bit goes a long   way he's also something of an exhibitionist I  think which brings us to the problem usually   he's so Charming it seems harmless and he gets  away with it but in this case not so we arrive   on the ship and set sail and JX gets ready to head  off to one of the pools for the first time let's   just say his swimsuit was not appropriate at all  definitely a flaunted type of suit I told him to   put on something else he had nothing the kid had  packed nothing but those for a weekl long cruise   what was he thinking I told him he had to go to  one of the onboard stores and buy something else   he protested I won he went to a store and came  back and got ready to go again but he had bought   another Speedo style suit that was a lot better  than what he had before but still not appropriate   and of course he couldn't return a swimsuit I  told him to go back buy a proper suit like trunks   or boardy shorts or whatever which he reluctantly  did he whined about it begged to wear his original   but I said no as I said I have to admire his  confidence as he would have no issue being   at the pool like that he is a Shameless flirt but  there's a time in place he was mad at me and said   I made him waste $100 plus on two new suits he  didn't need he didn't exactly call me a jerk but   he wasn't happy I didn't want to ruin his vacation  but I wanted him to be decent so am I the jerk and   should I just have let him wear what he wanted  so I'm going to admit I looked at the image op   linked to this post and I would just describe what  he was originally going to wear as something that   definitely accentuates a certain area and also all  of the fabric except the most critical of areas   are apparently sheer when wet seethrough so I mean  he wanted to walk around with this thing that's   accentuating that area down there their cheeks  are probably completely visible when they're wet   I don't think Opie is in the wrong for saying  no you can't wear that the problem is when they   go and they buy a speedo from the cruise shop and  they say no you can't wear that they are the jerk   because it's not like you can't wear that at the  cruise they bought it on the ship op being uptight   about that is their own problem and they are the  jerk just got to say I admire the confidence too   Cali The Blaze wrote everybody sucks here if he  was wearing that sheer wi wet business you saved   them being charged with indecent exposure and your  whole family possibly being put off the ship at   the next Port of Call yes they do that when people  commit a crime but the Speedos he bought from the   ship store were appropriate and you should have  accepted them then you'd be teaching him the line   between cheeky but legal SL acceptable and things  that will get you arrested the former is something   young adults should get to choose for themselves  especially in environments where they're expected   like cruises and Resorts while the latter is  actually protecting him from potentially very   serious legal consequences while you still have  some degree of power or control but with that   being said that's all the time we have for today  now if you want to hear another absolutely crazy   am I the jerk your story check out that video on  the left or if you missed my latest video check   out that video on the right that's it I'll  see you all next time with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 9,071
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Id: ozEHX5Rpooc
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Length: 31min 31sec (1891 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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