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would you be the jerk for refusing service to the  British we'll get into that in a bit but first am   I the jerk for freaking out of my husband's  thoughtful gift yesterday was my birthday my   husband was getting on my case lately about  buying too many peppermint mocha lattes from   Starbucks for 2 days before my birthday he's  hyping up this gift he'll give me first thing   in the morning so he surprised me with a homemade  peppermint mocha latte that he made the twist is   he made it with essential oils that some random  lady at a health food store assured him is okay   I have a panic attack after he tells me he fed  me essential oils I felt enraged and hated when   I looked at the essential oil bottle and it  clearly states it's for use in a humidifier   he didn't even read the bottle before deciding  to make me this sweet gesture with it I've never   been interested in essential oils so he has no  reason to think I'd want to ingest this he says   he is in The Jerk because how could he know a  shopkeeper would lie am I the jerk for blowing   up and telling him I'm so disappoint appointed  update Poison Control said I'll be fine and it's   probably the panic attack that freaked my stomach  up he bought the food safe peppermint so he can   redo the drink safely now husband understands I'm  not an essential oil gal and won't be giving me   anymore ever I mean I completely understand op  freaking out in a situation like this although   I would be willing to understand that this was  a total mistake on the husband's part albeit a   rather thoughtless one I mean if you're going  to make something to be ingested you got to   make sure what you're preparing is actually safe  to be edible I don't think op's the jerk because   in a situation like that are you really The Jerk  for having a panick moment I don't think so also   hi I'm Stephen and if you guys enjoy getting  to decide whether or not all of these people   are jerks why not hit those like And subscribe  buttons down below that said our next story is am   I the jerk for telling my parents to eat crap when  they asked me to not let my stepsister have guys   over anymore I 24-year-old male got my own place  last year more recently my stepsister 24-year-old   female moved in with me it's been great having her  here we get along great something we already know   pulls her own weight and plus living on your own  can be pretty depressing sometimes so that helps   I don't have any rules for her since I want her  to treat it like her house too none of that my   house my rules crap a lot of people play I hate it  last weekend she had a guy over our other sister   15-year-old female video called us we video call  every night or two and heard someone over and must   have told our parents after the call because my  mom mentioned us having guys over and how that's   dangerous last time I saw her now my mom dad and  brother 22-year-old male are calling and texting   pestering me to not allow my stepsister to have  guys over I basically only texted back eat crap   she's a freaking adult and can have who she wants  over in her own house am I the jerk I mean if   they were just being cautious AR or warning or  being like it's generally a good idea blah blah   blah maybe it's something you can look past but  if they're kind of hounding you on it or making   this a whole big thing I don't blame op especially  24 years old you're 24 and living on your own you   should be pretty much capable of knowing right or  wrong our next story is am I the jerk for refusing   to return the gift my brother got divorced 11  years ago when his child was only 4 years old I   was my niece's Nanny and I practically raised her  she's like a daughter to me recently my niece has   been asking us to buy a laptop for her because she  needs one for school so we figured that that can   be her Christmas gift with my brother's permission  I bought a gaming laptop for her because I know   she's a gamer and I figured she'll like it the  problem is that niece's mom called a few days   ago and informed us that she bought a Chromebook  for my niece since she's been asking for a laptop   I informed her that I bought a laptop for my niece  she told me to return the laptop I told her this   is ridiculous and she should be the one returning  the Chromebook she got mad and said that she's the   mom and decides what her daughter should have and  asked me the butt out of her parenting and just   return the dang laptop I told her that I'm not  returning the laptop so she has a choice now she   can either return the Chromebook and buy another  gift or watch her daughter's disappointment when   she opens her gift and realizes how Petty and  cheap her mom is she called me a jerk well   I definitely would prefer the gaming lapt top  over the Chromebook some would say that op was   going about it all the wrong way here and maybe  that would make them the jerk just in the sense   that op's being overly personal and Petty and  talking bad about the mom rather than everything   just being about the niece but in the end though I  think it's all still about prioritizing that they   just get the best gift possible our next story is  am I the jerk for telling my friend that if she   couldn't keep up because of her disability she  just shouldn't come I 26-year-old female have   a pretty close group of friends we have this one  girl in our group Sadie 27-year-old female she has   a disability that is mostly manageable through  medication despite this STI has a bad habit of   forgetting to take her pills right before we do  something she isn't interested in doing this time   it was on a group trip we've been planning for  over a year due to how high the cost of the trip   was we each decided to take a day and plan an  activity that the whole group would participate   in we also rented a van together to get to our  destination as that was the most ideal situation   the first issue with STI came up when getting to  our destination due to the length of the drive   everyone was going to be driving an hour to get to  our destination right before it was sti's turn she   had a flare up and could not drive our friend took  over the next morning my friend had planned a tour   of the town we all reminded Satie several times  to take her medication as this was an expensive   tour and we did not want it to be cut short well  she had forgotten and the tour had to be cut short   this was when I got genuinely upset because this  was now my money being wasted throughout the week   she had flare-ups pretty often the actual fights  that led to this post occurred on my day though   the previous day stie had had no flare-ups it was  also her day to plan this was because she had set   alarms to take her medications regularly so that  she would be okay we all reminded her to please   take her pills like that again I decided to take  all my friends on a trail ride on horses as the   trails in this town are known for being absolutely  beautiful we paid extra for a Basics lesson prior   to the trail in the basics lesson were're all  paired off based on experience and performance   in the small Arena that they had I was paired  with sad well a quarter of the way through the   trail she started having a flare up I told her I  would not be turning around as this was expensive   and I was truly looking forward to this she begged  me to turn around finally the rang told us that I   had to turn around with her as she was my partner  in the car I told her that she knew how important   this was to me and that she should have just taken  the pills she told me that I was being ableist and   that I didn't know what the pills did to her we  got into a huge argument in which I said if your   disability can't take being a good friend then  maybe you shouldn't come on these trips anyway   while I agree that it was harsh I didn't think  I was in the wrong considering that she had cost   us so much money over the years for simply not  wanting to do something my other friends agree   that STI is inconvenient at times but that I  should have been more sensitive to her condition   I'm honestly torn on whether to apologize or  not I mean unless her medication which seems   to fix her issues somehow causes more severe side  effects I can't blame op for being upset here when   s committed to this has a routine that would allow  them to make it through this commitment that they   agreed to go on and doesn't especially when it's  something op was so desperately looking forward   to this next story is am I the jerk for telling  my sister to keep her unsolicited and judgmental   opinions to herself and that she's stooping so  low it's disgusting my wife and I welcomed our   daughter into the world in November we named  her kala after my wife's favorite flower and   to honor my late grandmother Lily we announced the  name once we had all the paperwork filled out for   us it was just easier in case anyone decided to  comment something negative as you can likely tell   from the title of the post my sister did have a  problem with the name she asked us why we chose   a weird name and then told us a more classic and  sophisticated name would have been far better for   our little one I told my sister to knock it off  and we did not ask for her opinion she said she   was only trying to help and I said very clearly we  did not need or want her help with our daughter's   name and it was already finalized and not not  up for change 2 days after our daughter was born   my sister sent my wife a list of names for girls  they were all very common names that had been used   throughout the generations like Emily Elizabeth  Hannah Eleanor Etc my wife replied that kala's   name was already official and not up for change  she told me about it when I got back from the   store the next time we saw my sister she asked my  wife why she wanted such an unusual and out there   name that nobody else will have she told my wife  that coming from Foster Care you would think she   would understand the importance of having a name  that blends in and is classic and is easy to say   and spell I was not in the room when she said this  but she also told her that she was opening our   daughter up for a lifetime of being asked about  her name she left behind two baby names lists   that day I sent my sister a text that we needed  a break from her if that's how she was going to   behave she didn't reply right away and then over  the following couple of weeks she sent many more   name suggestions and when we did not reply she  sent a very long very detailed email telling us   that we did not stop to think about the name kala  when we chose it she said it might sound pretty to   us but when you have a name that almost nobody  else has it causes problems she also said that   people want and need names that sound like names  and not words or plants that are being used as   names now she said she had no idea we were that  try hard that we would pick a nature name as if   that isn't one of the most idiotic things in the  world then she mentioned my wife being a foster   kid again and how she should know better of all  people I snapped and called up my sister to read   her the riot act over the phone I told her to keep  her unsolicited and judgmental opinions to herself   and if she does not stop sending us baby name  suggestions then she will be permanently blocked   I told her I did not like her at all right now and  she is being a major jerk and stooping so freaking   low that it's disgusting I ended the call without  letting her reply and she blew up my phone after   saying I'd been so disrespectful and crossed more  lines than her am I the jerk Opie's definitely not   the jerk how dare they bring up multiple times  nonetheless the foster care situation and also   in general can we agree kala is not that weird  of a name I think if you want to complain about   somebody taking a more original name I feel like  it's a problem more so when there's way too many   characters going on or there's way too many  syllables or alternative spellings and things   like that like if I try to register mentally okay  I'm going to establish a radar for identifying   whether or not a name seems inappropriate or  weird I turn that on that radar is beep booping   in my head kala doesn't even register as weird  our next story is am I the jerk for telling my   sister she is clearly overreacting about everyone  ignore ignoring her big pregnancy announcement I   35-year-old female invited my entire extended  family over for an early Christmas dinner per   my mother's request my mom has an health issue  this year she asked me to host the family event   since she won't be able to and because our house  is quite spacious and we're a large family to   begin with my wife Charlotte 38-year-old female  has a corporate job and excellent people skills   so she's an amazing Hostess she entertains  everyone at asks everyone what they've been   up to shares stories to keep the night fun and  since the dinner was at our house she went out   of her way to make sure everyone was having an  excellent time she even had our kids 7-year-old   female and 8-year-old male participate through the  night my sister 40-year-old female Sarah announced   she was pregnant for the very first time she  had to go through a lot of treatments to get   this done so it's clearly a big deal for us all  Charlotte acknowledged it by congratulating and   asking how far along she was how she was feeling  if she had any special plans she could help with   Etc but the conversation died around 20 minutes  later Sarah came into the kitchen to help but   what she really did was to complain about how  self-centered Charlotte is since she didn't let   anyone take in the news of her being pregnant  honestly I was perplexed because even our kids   congratulated her and I did not know what else we  were supposed to do she said everyone was ignoring   her news I'm cly told her she was emotional and  overreacting and that Charlotte was just trying   to be a good Hostess Sarah said that I was bsing  her and called me a jerk for suggesting pregnancy   made her emotional because she knew exactly what  she was saying I cannot possibly suggest that   because I've been pregnant before myself twice  in fact I couldn't even say anything because she   stormed off and played with the kids for the rest  of the night and sulked Away now everyone thinks   we had this big fight because of how she acted  while it was barely an argument was I The Jerk   in the situation I don't think op's the jerk  here I feel like everybody had a relatively   appropriate reaction is she more so upset that the  entire party didn't transform into celebrating her   pregnancy announcement like to me it seems like  they're just upset that the topic eventually   died down our next story is am I the jerk for not  allowing my children to be around my ex-husband's   mistress 35-year-old female was with my husband  33-year-old male for 10 years we have a daughter   Candace 11-year-old female and a son jack  8-year-old male 3 years ago I found out he was   cheating with a coworker she sent him a message  asking if he was still going to meet up with her   later that day and if he was still bringing  the kids I immediately saw red Not only was   he cheating but he was taking my children to meet  his mistress he eventually said he was done with   the marriage and wanted to be with her now they're  together but I refuse to let my children anywhere   near her he says I'm ruining his relationship  because I refuse to let my children around her   am I the jerk does this woman have court-ordered  visitation rights I mean I don't know how you   really prevent them from seeing the kids if  she's with her husband when her husband sees   the kids now if it's a situation where op has the  kids and the husband can only visit I especially   don't think op's the jerk for not letting this  woman into their house our next story is am I   the jerk for refusing to babysit my stepchildren's  half and step siblings for their mom I 31-year-old   female am married to James 35-year-old male and  we have a 3 and 1/2-year-old Son together James   also has two children Grace 13-year-old female  and Luke 14-year-old male with his ex-wife Sharon   36-year-old female Sharon and James have been  divorced for 12 years and ever since Sharon   has been in a string of relationships and had four  additional children who are ages 10 and under she   is currently married and has three stepchildren  who are seven and under James has has always been   willing to help Sharon out if needed so the kids  can see them getting along and so they know he   always does his best for them and their mom but  now he wants me to go a step further than he ever   has and he wants me to babysit all of Sharon's  kids since I'm a stay-at-home mom technically   but I do run my own online business to earn money  and I'm able to do that around everything else   in my life he said Sharon is struggling to find  child care for all the children she has and her   husband is a bit of a dead I found out after that  Grace asked her dad to help out because she was   worried about her mom I told James that was too  much for me he said he would help where he could   and I wouldn't need to worry about the money side  because he would take care of it I told him that's   a lot though and honestly too overwhelming for me  he was frustrated with me and I told him I didn't   appreciate the pressure he was putting on me later  Sharon calls and tells me that she wants to start   dropping off the kids after Christmas I told her  I hadn't agreed she told me James had told her I   would do it she then told me that I should be  willing to help out and it would win the kids   over Grace and Luke to me and maybe even to my  son their half brother I told James he had no   right to promise anything on my behalf he told  me he believed I would be on board and he was   surprised I was so against it when I never had  a problem with him helping then he asked me to   give me a reason that couldn't be helped with  getting someone in to help me take care of the   kids I told him he can just pay for people then  if he's so determined but I won't be babysitting I   also told him we need marriage counseling because  of this also and this might be meaningless but I   feel I should confess it here another reason I'm  unwilling even if it wasn't so much hard work is   the fact that Grace and Luke have never shown an  interest in my son but their half siblings from   their mom and steps siblings from her it's totally  different I think it's because they consider all   of them even the steps their mom's kids but  with my son he's mine and not as much their   dads they're not fond of me or of their mom's  husband it's something I've been working on but   I admit the idea of having all the kids and as my  son gets a bit older him watching his two siblings   treat their other siblings so much better makes  me say no anyway anyway Sharon's calling me a   butt and saying I'm not thinking of my step kids  James thinks I should have been willing to work   with him to figure out a compromise am I the jerk  I really don't think Opie's The Jerk here just in   general if you don't want to take care of anybody  else's kids you shouldn't be obligated to do so   there is a lot of unfair and unjust pressure  being put on op's shoulders and they're being   made out to feel like the terrible bad person  here for just not wanting to do something most   sane people wouldn't want to do I mean even  if you are watching a couple kids it's a lot   different watching a couple and watching Four our  next story is am I the jerk for telling my brother   he's your son not one of your history students  my brother is a history professor at one of the   best universities in our country specialized  in Chinese history he recently went on a two-e   long holiday with my sister-in-law my nephew is 19  already but two weeks alone can get quite dull so   we came over and stayed at my place during that  time we went to the bookstore together I bought   him a copy of Frank de cotter's Ma's Great Famine  after he asked me to later my brother-in-law and   sister-in-law returned from their trip my brother  frowned when he saw the book I asked him what's   wrong wrong and he asked me why I bought his son  that misleading inaccurate crap I didn't know the   book was widely criticized by other historians  until my brother told me so he was glaring at   me so I got defensive I said what's the big deal  he's your son not one of your students he's only   reading history as a hobby my brother was even  more upset by the what's the big deal part he   said he took it as me being dismissive of him  as he takes his career a significant part of   his identity a update just talked to my brother  about it I told him I didn't intend to dismiss   his career and said that I'm sorry for how I  spoke to him told him I truly had no idea the   book I bought for my nephew is controversial  and was only feeling defensive he meanwhile   said that his initial reaction was a little bit  much so we're good now well I'm glad to see op   and their sibling hash it out like actual adults  here like it just doesn't have to be that petty   and ongoing even if it feels like you're taking a  little bit of an L just being able to talk it out   and get past it is way better than having this  weird Petty fight I think op definitely got a   little too defensive but I do think it's an honest  enough mistake they didn't really know the history   behind the book just make sure next Christmas it  isn't mind comp as a followup our next story is   am I the jerk for telling someone she wasn't a  bridesmaid this happened today in my fiance my   fiance's best friend and his girlfriend all think  I'm a jerk now my fiance and I got engaged last   month and the first thing I did after after the  excitement wore off was asked my three closest   friends to be my bridesmaid including my best  friend as the maid of honor they all said yes   and I was pretty okay with having a smaller bridal  party my husband of course asked his best friend   to be his best man some more context here is that  I'm not particularly close with my fiance's best   friend's girlfriend they've been together for  2 years but most of that they lived in another   state so I've only ever actually hung out with  her one other time today we went over to their   house so my fiance can pick something up from his  best friend and the subject of our wedding came   up she asked me what color the bridesmaid dresses  were going to be and when she should show up to go   shopping for them I asked her what she meant by  that and she said that she wanted to clear it on   her schedule with work I got silent for a second  and she said well because I'm going to be in the   wedding right and I told her honestly probably  a little harsher than I should have no you're   not a bridesmaid everyone got quiet and we left  fairly quickly after that my fiance told me that   I should just let her be a bridesmaid his best  friend is texting him saying she's devastated   I just don't know her well and I'm not comfortable  with a stranger being in my wedding party am I the   jerk update I put this in the comments but I'll  put it here apparently his boyfriend's girlfriend   has a habit of throwing Monumental Tantrums over  weird stuff my fiance was trying to avoid the huge   Fallout and subsequently the huge backlash she  would try to create by asking need to just appease   her I put my foot down and said she can either  come as a guest or not at all he told me it was my   decision and he'll let his friend know we haven't  heard anything yet from them but I'm waiting for   the Tantrum wish me luck update two so she is  throwing a tantrum the best man is texting my   fiance's other friends about the situation he said  she's been crying about it and I was unnecessarily   rude and intentionally leaving her out because  I'm jealous nobody's taking it though I'm still   standing my ground and we're we're rethinking the  groomsmen now yeah I think it's a pretty open and   shut case here that op gets to choose who they  want to be as part of their bridal party at least   when they're traditionally leaving the bridesma  decisions up to op and yeah I kind of agree that   if he's going to go around and start creating  this petition that you probably should rethink the   groomsman too our next story is am I the jerk for  not letting my husband eat the food I cooked my   husband has food insecurity and overeats even when  he's not hungry out of Fe it will all be eaten   before he gets to taste it every item of snacks  soda in this house that has bought is gone within   a few days because he binges until it's gone and  he has in the past told the kids they couldn't   have more dinner because there wasn't enough just  so he could eat it later I was at work for that   one I did make him get therapy but it's not doing  much good because he doesn't apply himself at all   thinks it's pointless and refuses to do the steps  they provide today I bought stuff for lasagna and   bought myself a big salad because I can't eat red  sauce within an hour of being home he was already   in the fridge asking if he could have my salad  because he was starving I said no originally but   he kept prying and said come on please I'll  share it with you I said what the freak ever   and walked off he left me three bites I tossed it  in the trash this wasn't even 10 minutes before I   started cooking he said multiple times I'm so full  or now my belly hurt hurts or I ate too much which   is common for him but I was still salty about  it honestly so I only made half a sheet pan of   the lasagna which would only feed the kids husband  said he was so full anyways I give the kids their   food 20 minutes later I prep so cooking takes zero  time at all I tell them they can finish the pan   off well my husband comes out and sees the lasagna  and says ooh that's what I'm talking about I said   absolutely not you just ate my dinner and you were  full 30 minutes ago this is the kids food I didn't   say this in front of the kids he says I'm a royal  bench because he needs the lasagna and it's going   to send him backwards because now I'm withholding  food from him I can't blame op and it's really   disappointing to see that they're using whatever  progress or therapy attempts they've made as just   a crutch to argue against op and manipulate op  come on all this progress I'm making is going to   totally back slide if you don't give into the  exact problem that never really got addressed   in the first place our next story is am I the jerk  for having a poster that says we reserve the right   to refuse service to the British I 18-year-old  male was a teachers assistant for an American   history teacher my senior year of high school she  had this poster that said we reserve the right to   refuse service to the British the last part is  in real big letters instead of saying anyone and   it had a bunch of floating heads kind of like the  Marvel posters of random people from the American   Revolutionary history and the bottom was a Boston  Tea Party scene with a faded American flag design   in the background she retired the year I graduated  and I was helping her pack and I asked her about   the poster she said a student made it for a  project years ago and she thought it so funny   she had it professionally printed she asked if I  wanted it and I said sure and it's in my room now   with a ton of other posters some family friends  came over recently and we went in my room and   this cousin 16-year-old female her family's real  Rich has flown to Europe a lot and she's obsessed   with European culture she asked about it I said a  history teacher gave it to me isn't it hilarious   she said isn't it discriminatory I said I don't  think so I find it funny she said what's so funny   about it I said I don't know just the fact that it  has all the floating heads and it says the British   in real big letters is kind of funny she asked  me what's so funny about racism I said it's not   racist it's just an American history joke she said  yeah about discriminating against British people I   said it's literally just a joke bro calmed down in  an angry tone and my voice was kind of raised she   said fine have your racist poster I said bro it's  not that deep oh my God in an annoyed tone and she   was mad for the rest of the time they were there  and my mom thinks I should apologize am I the jerk   I don't think op's the jerk here because first of  all there's nothing racist about that poster if   you actually knew history this is all just about  the taxation without representation issues this   isn't a quality of a man's character or the color  of their skin they're talking about this isn't a   we reserve the right to refuse service to white  people poster they need a small American history   lesson this next story is am I the jerk for  refusing to make my green bean casserole for a   Christmas party for almost 15 years now my friends  have holiday parties where we each bring a a dish   mine has always been a green bean casserole it's  nothing fancy just a random recipe I found online   a few years ago Amy joined our group there  have been zero issues with Amy until parties   my casserole was overhyped and after tasting  it Amy said she could do better I gladly passed   casserole duty to her it didn't hit the same and  it was gently suggested to get passed back to me   Amy took this personal for years she texted me  after party about how offended she is that I keep   making the dish to spite her and how bad it tastes  she's even accidentally brought her own green bean   casserole several times this Thanksgiving Amy  snapped over someone complimenting my casserole   she screamed at everyone for pandering to me  how I'm out to get her and for everyone hating   her family since her recipe has been passed  down for Generations then she stormed out we   all talked afterwards and I explained this has  been going on for years even showing the texts   everyone said it was out of character for Amy  and wondered if something else is going on as   far as I'm aware it's only the casserole we get  along 100% otherwise I took Amy her husband and   my husband out for coffee to talk and was told it  was all a misunderstanding Amy has been struggling   with depression so it was within her rights to  act how she did I asked how I could help but Amy   said questions like those were what her therapist  warned her of me attempting to manipulate her we   agreed to end our talk there since we were getting  heated in public and hadn't talked since when the   group chat began planning Christmas dishes Amy  went out of her way to say I should make the   casserole since I accused her of hating it and she  wouldn't want everyone to feel more uncomfortable   than I'm making a misunderstanding out to be when  I tried to speak up everyone said I shouldn't take   things so seriously and to sympathize with Amy  going through a rough patch to me Amy has made   it well aware that something to do with myself  or the casserole is causing her so much turmoil   over the years she simply won't talk to me about  it just claims I never listened to her I have no   plans to make the casserole but now I don't want  to go to the Christmas party my husband thinks   it's unfair for me to do that to everyone and that  I shouldn't exclude myself from a fun time I told   him there's no hard feelings of him going on his  own but he says I'm missing the point he says that   such a minor thing shouldn't affect years of good  moments with Amy and our friends i f understand   how depression affects people but it's hard for  me to accept as a get out free card I'm very   confused and failing to see why this shouldn't be  taken seriously am I the jerk I don't think op's   the jerk here and I think it's very frustrating  because they're being gaslit here come on op why   are you giving Amy such a hard time I think just  that alone is making it more than understandable   why op doesn't want to show up who wants to show  up when you get called out for something unjust   and everyone just dog piles on you or immediately  jumps to that side and you're left just kind of   treading water that said that's all the time we  have for today now if you want to hear another   crazy am I the jerk here story check out that  video on the left or if you missed my latest   video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 6,854
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Keywords: storytime, r/, r/aita, r/am i the a**hole, am i the a**hole, aita, reddit am i the a**hole, Storytime am i the a**hole, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash aita, am i the a**hole reddit, top posts reddit, am i the a**hole stories, am i the a**hole video, r/ aita, r/ am i the a**hole Storytime, Storytime r/aita, funny reddit stories, aita posts
Id: rmWF4f066p4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 18sec (1878 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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