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today we've got a nasty inheritance we'll get into  that in a bit but first oh you think that's loud   do you yesterday my husband was using an edger  in the yard our crabby Harpy neighbor screamed   my name from the other side of the fence until  he turned it off when I inquired as to what she   wanted she asked if we were chopping down a tree  because the noise was so loud she had just gotten   out of her car and was walking from the garage  to the house so we weren't disturbing her in her   yard she just likes to complain about every  little thing minutes later later I heard my   husband Mumble something about making noise as he  dragged out the power washer he then proceeded to   wash the entire outside of the house making sure  to do an extra thorough job on the side closest to   this neighbor and taking his sweet time as long  as this guy wasn't doing it at like 6:30 a.m.   you're going to be pretty much okay almost any  day of the week and here's the thing I live in   a place that gets hot quick just about the only  reasonable time to do yard work is like between   7 to 9:00 a.m. I can only imagine the nightmare  it would be living next to a neighbor like that   if you had to do something groovy Mama 98 wrote  yard work is necessary it requires tools tools   make noise your husband sounds like mine his  opinion is if you want to go off on a power   trip concerning yard tools he has all the power he  needs to send you on your way also hi I'm Steven   and if you guys enjoy awesome stories of Revenge  it would be awesome if you left a like or left   a review if you're listening to my podcast that's  said our next story is cut me off at the passport   control you'll have to wait for me to suit up I  was traveling by my motorcycle to another country   motorcycle is internationally considered an  uncomfortable transport I'm basically a pedestrian   on two wheels and it means I can legally bypass  any car lined at the border and go first you   can sit and relax in your car turn heating or EC  on I can't do that it was a national holiday in   my country so lots of cars waiting to cross the  border I'm the only motorcycle in line I bypass   them all and stand waiting for the barrier to  open they normally allow 5 to eight cars at once a   woman in the car behind me starts yelling that I'm  a bench that they waited for hours and hours and   she'll report me to the police good luck with that  I'm allowed to do what I did I ignore her and turn   the music volume higher barrier opens we drive  in including her and while I Stand Down remove   my helmet and gloves she jumps out of her car and  runs to the passport control staff only one booth   is open so it's logical to the person standing  first in line to go first and everyone normally   does exactly that cars which are behind simply  can't bypass anyone who's in the front at least at   this exact border she gets her leaving the country  stamp Triumph in her eyes as she looks at me she   goes back to her car like the Queen of England I  patiently wait for her to finish get my passport   stamped go to my bike show my bags to officers  checking illegal Goods everything is fine I can go   the woman behind is given green as well well then  I start dressing up I put on my helmet oh sorry I   forgot my balaclava I put helmet off balaklava  on helmet on something isn't right helmet off I   straighten my baklava helmet on gloves oh crap now  I can't lock my helmet gloves off helmet locked   gloves on now it's difficult to fish my keys out  of my pocket gloves off key into ignition gloves   on checking my bags to be locked tires for good  measure okay I'm good let me go to the next border   at the next Border Crossing into my destination  country she was a sweetheart waiting for me to get   my stamp as a result I was quick as flash putting  my gear on I'm not that vindictive to be fair if   you're waiting in some super long line trying  to get across the border and somebody because   they're on a motorcycle or even multiple people  just get to keep jumping in line and it feels like   it makes it take forever I mean I get it but it  would be kind of frustrating would it not chimo   enger wrote I gu where she's coming from the idea  that a motorbike gets to jump the line wouldn't   occur to me op responded saying I get that too  and if she just asked I would have explained she   probably did ask the officers I don't know about  that they would have told her that it's perfectly   normal they sometimes step in if there are a lot  of motorcycles or we just regulate ourselves not   to cut 50 bikes ahead of everyone our next story  is you are now using my back scratcher to serve   your pasta I have one of those plastic spaghetti  spoons you know with those Claws and with holes   in the middle and it recently got broken and I've  been using it as a back scratcher so it's usually   somewhere in the region of the couch yes I clean  it daily so some annoying friends of my boyfriend   came over for dinner he thinks they're okay but  he's not subtle so doesn't pick up on social   Clues the girl is more annoying than the guy but  they're both condescending as freak so she walks   in sees my back scratcher and squeals I really  don't have another word for it ooh someone got   distracted doing the dishes better put this in its  proper place dear reader I was planning to give   them spaghetti and meatballs what happened next  was satisfying as freak we sit down and because   I haven't replaced my back scratcher yet I was  serving spaghetti with a large Fork the girl size   dramatically gets up and takes my back scratcher  from the drawer and starts serving everybody's   spaghetti I refuse and use a fork also for my  boyfriend she keeps sighing and finally asks   why are you so adamant on doing things your  way even to the point that you can't accept   me serving spaghetti the normal way keeping dumb  I asked to explain what the normal way to serve   pasta is she size rolls her eyes and waves my back  scratcher in front of my eyes and says like you   don't know how to use this I said I use that as a  back scratcher because it's broken that's why it   was beside the couch she started laughing it off  until my husband said uh yes that is what she uses   it for be passive aggressive in my house at your  own risk so I imagine it actually would make a   pretty good back scratcher my question is how was  it broken because she went and picked it up and   said oh somebody must have just not put this back  and then also started using it not realizing it   was broken it's a pretty gross Revelation but was  it just like one of the prongs was chipped and op   just decommissioned it because of that even though  it still probably was usable shark bait 5 wrote   spaghetti spoon makes a great back scratcher and  I keep a cheap one outside the kitchen for just   this purpose too I discovered this while pregnant  and never looked back our next story is didn't get   paid from a painter from Craigslist so I set my  computer to Auto dial his phone for 3 Days years   ago when there was only flip phones I worked for  a week for this guy off Craigslist eight or 10hour   days for 7 days straight he dropped off $37 at  my house with a nasty note saying I was a crappy   painter and didn't even deserve the $37 I can't  remember my hourly rate but I know it was more   than a few cents an hour so the student mentioned  he had arguments with his girlfriend about   constantly calling and leaving messages because  he would still incur a charge so my buddy had a PC   with a modem and set it up to dial the guy's phone  for 3 days and leave a message for 2 seconds and   hang up then redial I wish I knew what his bill  was by the end stories like this just make me   really glad that we've gotten a little bit better  as far as phone plans go in general back when you   had you actually count the minutes you had how  you actually per text pay I guess the only bonus   of that era is it was still a little bit in the  okay I'm off of work or okay I'm home from school   I can actually disconnect from a society and just  not expect to be reached 24/7 Wolf Gang 239 wrote   I did something like this once back when payones  were still around and pagers were the in thing my   dad had a handyman business you would get charged  each time someone paged him so we only gave the   number to special clients one day he comes home  and he is fuming mad he says that he got a page   and pulled over to use a p phone and called the  number expecting it to be one of his clients it   was not it was someone who set up an auto dial  on their own PC and would call pager numbers and   would put in a number when you called the number  it was an advertisement for their company it   would play the advertisement and then say leave a  message if you want more info I told Dad that we   will light fire with fire and I set up my PC to  call that number on repeat and when it answered   it would play a sound file you are an idiot haaha  I set it to repeat and we went out to dinner when   we came back a couple of hours later the computer  was getting a busy signal when dialing I filled up   that guy's answering machine I waited a few days  and called the number again and left a message   that said if he ever Auto dials people's Pages  again I'll make sure his number never can be used   and I'll even call his main line for his company  and fill that up you cost people money when you   do that our next story is 401K with a side of  Revenge someone suggested I post the story over   here enjoy when our first child was born my ex  forced me to quit my job when our second child   was two I found out about his affair by then he  was extremely verbally emotionally and sometimes   physically abusive when he abused our firstborn  I put him out that was in 2012 I couldn't afford   daycare to work and had no family support he  refused to give me any money to take care of the   kids saying the courts haven't ordered me to give  you a dime he lied to the bank and had my accounts   Frozen and even assaulted me when I filed for  default in the divorce the judge finally ordered   him to pay child and spousal support 6 months  after I kicked him out it was $2,562 a month he   refused to pay it until the garnishment kicked in  and by then he was $6,000 behind in support I used   that to get permission to move away I remarried a  year after the divorce I Che the court docks and   there was a little box that said spousal support  stopped upon remarriage if that box was checked it   wasn't checked so I figured I was good instead  of filing for his retirement I just took that   year of spousal support 12,000 and left it alone  spousal support was only ordered for 2 years in   2017 he filed for sole custody of the kids out of  nowhere that was when he found out I had remarried   and he'd paid spousal support to me during the  first year of my marriage I told him that I took   that money instead of filing for my share of his  retirement I said if he let me keep that 12,000 I   wouldn't file to split his 401k he demanded that I  repay the spousal support the judge ordered me to   repay it but increased child support and deducted  the repayment from that it ended up that I got an   extra $20 a month and he repaid himself he dropped  his bid for custody in exchange for two extra   weeks in summer I pursued the retirement account  split he refused to call operate and dragged it   out for 4 years it was so bad they sanctioned  him and he had to pay me 600 a month for a year   and addition to child support they also charged  him with contempt in January 2021 he proposed to   his girlfriend in May of 2021 I finally got the  dispersement from his 401k I won't say how much   it was but it was about four times the amount  of spousal support overpayment I had no idea   it would be that much I had thought it would be  around 12,00 which is why I thought keeping that   year of spousal and not filing for his retirement  account was a fair trade had he not tried to take   the kids from me I never would have filed to  split the account play stupid games Win stupid   prizes his fiance emailed me recently and told me  it's my fault he won't marry her because I cleaned   out his retirement account she said I shouldn't  have stolen his money I told her that I gave him   the option to let me keep that year of spousal  support or take it back and I could file for for   his retirement he chose to have me file for his  retirement I told her that if he really wanted to   marry her and protect his assets they could get a  prenup so he wouldn't have to worry about it she   said she shouldn't have to sign a prenup because  I robbed him I never asked to be financially   dependent on him he clearly indicated he wanted a  court order to take care of his kids so I got him   one I tried to be fair and take the lesser amount  by taking the spousal support and not filing for   his retirement he wouldn't let me in summary my  ex refused to pay me until support orders dropped   refused to pay until they revoked his license  tried to get me in trouble for accepting spousal   support over payment and in the end it cost him  a lot of money out of his 401k is it wrong of me   to feel like he did get a little bit screwed over  by the judge when they said oh you did pay 12,000   in overpayment here let me increase the child  support and give you a discount like is there   anybody in that situation that's feeling like oh  that's definitely saving me 12,000 in the long run   I'm kind of curious if you guys think a prenup  should be necessary or if the mere mention of   it is such a red flag of the person that it's not  even worth pursuing our next story is my landlord   got not exactly what he deserved but it sure was a  rough ride for him I had a landlord who was pretty   absent I lived in this building a highrise like  20 stories for 10 plus years he despite living   next door to me was absent and cold personally  but cool enough rent was good our agreement was   never bother him about anything unless it's an  absolute emergency showerhead wonky go buy a new   one fridge breaks get it fixed or dude just buy a  new one take it out of what you pay in rent lose   the receipt I don't care I know more or less what  a fridge costs just take it out of rent finally   his wife decides she wants more rent wants to rent  the place out as an office not legal and wants us   out ASAP I agree to move out a month early and get  a month's rent back plus deposit complete 180 on   their part the place is ruined can't give you crap  until you fix all this stuff two main things my   cats did scratch up the leather legs of the dining  table in the pull-up bar made two dents in the   doorf frame of the kitchen which was quite nice  hardwood they come to me with this list of tons   of stuff like oh you hanged a photo frame here  this tile is slightly chipped this is the busiest   work time of the year for me but I'm trying to be  cooperative sure I got the table legs releathered   backed the photo frame wall hole can't do anything  about the door frame take it out of the deposit   patch the tile like dozens of little everyday  wear and tear things like you want me to change   the windows screens these are all new screens and  in nicer shape than when I moved in but I did them   all I trusted the guy got to get my money at the  end he should have been giving me 24,000 renman B   around 2,500 British PB he gave me five around 540  British pound lb I still need to use the money to   fix all that stuff if you can't accept the five I  can't give you anything at all I was super ticked   off but took the five now people in the building  are gossipy I don't participate but I did tell   this one older lady about my frustration she told  everyone the wife went from being the star of the   mommy group of the building to nobody wanting  to talk to her people shunned the guy too I   originally told them I was planning on moving  to another city but an opportunity came up and   I ended up renting a similar unit in the same  building so they thought they could just screw   me over and not have to see me but now they still  did often a year later the office calls me with   some questions about how to do something with the  floor heating I go door frame is not fixed still   has dents I call the guy like what the heck man  and he tells me to mind my own business 5 years   later I see the lad in my old place is still on at  3:00 a.m. huh that's odd I go to check the door is   open and the place is just trashed ruined cabinets  broken stuff on the walls written lazy landlord   and the dents on the kitchen door frame are still  there so the guy never fixed anything just kept my   money by this time smartphones were popular and we  had a chat group for the whole building so about   500 people I took pictures and posted everything  apparently he had also nicked these people's   deposit and there was a huge Ruckus when they  trashed the place cops call all these people chime   in with complaints and pictures people smoking  in the hallways leaving leaky rubbish outside the   front door videos of people using foul language  in front of children dirty footprints he got fined   a lot for one creating a public disturbance two  degrading the quality of the living space three   illegally renting a residence as an office and  to top it off the building management wouldn't   Grant him permission to have workers in to fix the  place so it's sat there empty for like 6 months   the fines were big too take around a month and a  half's rent for me lose a year's rent suck it bro   this obviously is one of the potential nightmares  you have when it comes to renting let alone the   countless Tales of people who actually managed  to get some kind of decent deal or at least like   a market rate deal and I were immediately spun  around and told oh by the way I'm going to need x%   more per month you know Market great and whatnot  or they come up with some nonsense oh because they   opened the Ben and Jerry's a few blocks over  the market value of this place is skyrocketed   therefore we're going to need x% more in rent  monthly would you like to commit those thousands   of dollars to your annual lease to prony wrote  renting in China to get our bond back I went to   the agent office and refused to leave until they  paid was there for hours after a screaming match I   had a walk with them to the ATM to get it another  former tenant was there chasing their bond as well   the agency was trying to claim their whole bond  for damages done to the tenant's personal items   after the apartment flooded from a broken pipe  in the wall our next story is put your carts away   people you can probably guess where this is going  by the title I myself have heard plenty of stories   about inattentive Shoppers just leaving their  carts smack dab in the middle of Walmart parking   lots or even worse right behind cars well I just  witnessed my first of these not quite rare breeds   the woman had unceremoniously shoved the cart off  to the side as she went inside her vehicle while   it wasn't left behind my car specifically I felt  the Civil duty to fight for those who couldn't and   I casually pulled the cart into place behind the  offending car as I walked by now I wasn't trying   to hide it exactly and I was half expecting to be  yelled at for it but I didn't hear a word it was   as I placed my own Goods in my car a couple spots  down that I heard a small bang and a rattle of a   cart being pushed she had backed into the cart it  wasn't nearly hard enough to cause any real damage   maybe a scratch if she was especially unlucky but  it was still better Revenge than I was expecting   please put your carts back people unless you've  got like an emergency or a condition that makes   it extremely hard to walk to the card return and  let's be real most of the card returns are usually   pretty conveniently located then I think it's an  impressively lazy thing to leave the cart there   or the classic put two wheels up on the curb  I must admit I'm not the biggest go-getter but   even still something I try to keep in my mind is  if I can do it in 1 minute or less just do it then   it's done like loading the dishwasher that can't  take possibly more than a couple minutes at most   putting the grocery cart back at most it's what a  10-second walk to the cart return Mr torque wrote   I once witnessed a woman's discarded cart rolling  towards someone's truck and race to stop it I   yelled at her and she saw I had the card and said  good you can put it back I flipped it sideways on   the ground under the back of her car and jammed  it she started backing up and I just walked away   our next story is today I made sure a pricing  error did not occur I was at Home Depot earlier   today making a quick run for some supplies for my  current home renovation I was picking up cement   board and some various materials to trench power  to a breakfast counter that will be installed in   our kitchen I had one of the big wallboard carts  that I was cruising around with being careful   and cautious of of others the whole time so the  trip was a bit frustrating as there is a lot of   stopping and waiting to allow crowds to pass so  I can safely maneuver without bumping into anyone   or anything it's not a big deal and it was to be  expected but I'm only mentioning this part to set   the stage that by the end of my 30-minute Endeavor  that could have been much quicker had I not needed   this cart I may have been in a different mindset  by the time I got to the checkout so I have all of   my supplies and just need the cement board now so  I head on over to the wallboard aisle funny enough   it's totally chaotic there's a middle-aged guy  his elderly father and late 20s something son and   were loading sheetrock in a way that was taking  the whole width of the aisle so I had to go down   another aisle to get around them I'd usually  just bring my card up against the stack and   pull off the amount I need it's quite quick with  multiple hands additionally they had pulled two   sheets down and let them land on a flatbed cart  which doesn't work it simply won't fit they had   left that out in the middle of the aisle to get  the more appropriate cart apparently I carefully   move the flat bed off to the side so it's out of  the way of the aisle and get to work with loading   the cement board I have a sheet in my hand and  the youngest of that crew decides he needs to get   somewhere quick and awkwardly walks really close  behind me making it so I can't maneuver the sheet   onto my cart no biggie I just hold it awkwardly  till he passes which was just another Oddity that   further set the stage for me I finally finish and  head over to the pro checkout I get over there and   there's two guys being rung out with a cart the  employee checking them out appears kind of newish   he's a younger guy that seemed to be struggling  with one of their items or something but I wasn't   going to try to haul my cart full of 12 sheets  of cement board over to a regular checkout and it   wasn't a big deal so I wait patiently and these  guys finally go to swipe their card and this is   where things get spicy the dream team from the  wallboard aisle start walking up with a large cart   of drywall they were struggling to work through  in the aisle along with some additional items the   middle-aged guy awkwardly walks in front of me and  takes a hold of the cart that was with the guys at   checkout and it all clicks that cart didn't belong  to the two guys at checkout the older guy brings   his card loaded with 12 sheets of sheetrock and  passive aggressively moves diagonally in front of   me to cut me off I'd like to think I'm a nice guy  but I was over it at this point the middle-aged   guy looks at me in the eyes and I say man I like  your style I wasn't aware we can reserve spots in   line at the Pro checkout I feel dumbb having just  stood here for 5 minutes he shrugs and says I was   just here I had to get more things I shook my head  and Let It Go the employee starts checking them   out and goes through the first cart he gets to the  sheetrock and asks how many is that six and the   old guy immediately says yes six here's the thing  with sheetrock it's always bought in bulk 99% of   the time and it's transported in pairs to keep it  from easily snapping in transit if you need to buy   one you have to rip the tear strips off that bind  them together but they're rung up individually I   let the employee get through the rest of the items  and hit the total button so they could see what   it came out to then immediately pounced excuse  me sir they pause and the cashier turns to me   you're ringing out only six sheets of drywall but  there's actually 12 there the old guy snaps at me   and says they're sold in pears I look at him and  respond no sir you're mistaken I can show you on   the app that they're definitely sold individually  in the cashier can get confirmation of it from his   supervisor if needed the middle-aged guy looks  at me again and I give him a big smile and say   I'm sure it was an honest mistake but I'm glad I  was here to help fix it the cashier adjusts his   mistake and the bill goes up about $80 I gave them  A Smile as they left nobody likes a line cutter   this guy deserved it and I bet next time well he  may still cut in line but he'll probably make sure   that he doesn't have anything that can get called  out on really forgot wrote I mean if they hadn't   cut in line they would have been behind you you  wouldn't have seen their fault and Well Done Opie   responded saying yep that's why I made the little  dig about being glad I was there to fix it our   next story is my mom passed without a will and her  husband kept all the inheritance for my grandpa so   I messaged everyone he knows and told them my mom  passed away last year the day before my birthday   after over 5 months of suffering she didn't know  how bad she was and then it was too late to make   a will she even mentioned this to me the last time  I saw her a couple of weeks before she passed she   apologized to me and even said that since her  husband was getting it I probably wouldn't see   a penny of it because the state she passed in all  the inheritance went to her husband I was on good   terms with him and he agreed to share half of  it with me to my surprise it was nice to know I   could trust him and he was the only thing left  I had that was connected to my mother all my   other family passed away so I'm all on my own  after many months of going back and forth with   with him and trying to figure out when he would  send me the money I realized he was lying to me   he kept giving me excuses and stories about how  he'd send it to me tomorrow next week next month   it never stopped at one point he told me he had a  relative in Europe that left him a million dollars   and if I could just wait until he got that he  would double what he told me he would give me   finally I had enough being jerked around and I  told him I thought he was lying he blocked my   number there was nothing I could do or was there  it's not much but I realized that while I could   not see his friends list on Facebook I could see  all his posts where his friends commented I could   see all the birthday wishes left on his profile  so I went to all of those people and sent them a   carefully crafted message about what happened and  how much money he got the thing about my mom's   husband is that their whole relationship he was  dealing with issues his brother caused when their   father passed and the brother stole the power  of attorney and stole all of the inheritance all   of his friends and family have been hearing  stories about how crap his brother is and how   he was going to pay now this man is doing to me  what his brother did to him even if his friends   don't care about him being a bad person maybe they  would be interested in knowing how much money he   got I've heard stories about people winning the  lottery and how all their friends and family   turned on them I'm hoping he'll get some crap from  some people and even more people contacting him   with their hands out I hope he ends up with no one  on his side so he'll know how I feel being on my   own honestly I think this just highlights how if  you know you have multiple people that you could   pass your things on to that you want to have them  it's a really good idea to consider getting a will   just in case especially if you have kids or you're  starting to get a little bit older okay anything   9966 wrote nicely done I hope Karma truly does  sort him out and give him what he deserves I'm   so sorry for your loss losing a parent sucks and  as one grieving adult child to another I wish you   so so much peace and happiness Opie responded  saying thank you I'd also lost my brother about   a year before my mom passed so it's the whole  family I really felt like he was the only one   I had left and I thought it was nice he was going  to take care of me since I wasn't his kid but I'd   known him since I was a teen I'm sorry for your  loss too life is not a game on easy mode that's   for sure but with that being said that's all the  time we have for today now if you want to hear   another absolutely crazy Revenge story check out  that video on the left or if you missed my latest   video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 8,157
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Id: JfnfavIFioU
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Length: 28min 7sec (1687 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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