The Crazy Sh*t Americans Say from Reddit

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white American men are terrorists who is the first country on planet Earth to ban slavery that's right America and who fought and died to do that right white American men hello and welcome back to whatever day it is Sunday my name is Evan Edinger and today we're gonna be looking at more funny reddit content since you guys really enjoyed the videos I made last month on that also today's video is sponsored by Nord bpn so you'll be hearing more about that in the middle of the video the subreddit we're looking at today was actually recommended by my friend Sabrina and I was surprised I had never heard of it before but that's the lovely thing about Reddit there's just freakin thousands of weird-ass communities about different things and today's is no different the summer that's called [ __ ] Americans say the basic concept of the subreddit is have you ever recently seen something amusing out of the states of course you have posted here and this is a satire so to have a laugh at amusing things from reddit and beyond that are uniquely American in nature but for the most part whenever a post from this subreddit gets to my home page it's always something terribly embarrassing about an American that said something that's just so American so we're gonna be looking at the top posts without further ado let's hope it's not too bad say what you want America is the reason you have cars that's Germany okay I'll be honest I also was this type of person when I was a super-duper American man the reason is I was taught America invented the car I'm not kidding I was just taught that sure Henry Ford did invent like the whole process of streamlining it Goss although you know a little bit of that Germany made the car I only found this out last year I know that sounds ridiculous but I was just always taught that so it makes sense when you're in America Utah we made everything but that just sets the tone for the rest of video I guess say what you want Americus the reason you have cars and it's wrong I'm ashamed I'd rather receive false information and keep my conservative views than receive true information and follow a socialistic agenda that that hurts that's so many conservatives in a nutshell but is so disappointing like I'd rather be lied to and I'd rather just take in false information then become this thing that I think is a thing that I don't actually know about because I believe false information what you should never pride yourself over one thing false information please I just can't believe this person has said this so on i rana CLE i I just can't people who leave their phone set to military Tigers in war criminals how do you look at 1605 and go wow I can understand that Shin bootlickers what's next you're gonna go join the army recruit me Americans be like okay I can't pass 12 when I first moved to the UK I was so confused because everything is in military timing they would just be like 14 o'clock what is that that's the only way I was able to get over this was actually by forcing my phone to use military time and then after like a couple months I finally got used to it but I still say things weird like Oh meet me at like 17 p.m. I don't think you could combine them like that or 17 o'clock supposedly that's weird I still just say the number I don't wanna have to convert even though I love math but damn imagine being this incensed over how time is read it's not that big of a deal either way it's a number queue Lee's her to Lee's you don't want to be on the receiving end of this gunship aka the Angel of Death this is what we have instead of insulin and debt-free college I will say as weird as this sounds this isn't uniquely just an American thing like I'm sure that the UK is doing other stuff like this but maybe they're not having at the Department of Defense tweet about it like this if the country you're from also does some of this please leave a comment we'll talk about it in this Thursday's video but we'll see maybe this is uniquely American yeah I'm like I don't even know how many generations removed from my European ancestors five or six but I've been to Germany twice and had multiple instances of people engaging me in German because apparently Alek super German German is our only official language we engage everyone in German no matter how you look like unless there is a specific reason to assume you might not speak German he's gonna be amazed if you ever visits China and people start speaking Chinese to me be like wow today think I'm Chinese oh so American I hate so here I am in Berlin with the missus when nature calls and when you know when chuckles you got an answer so I go up to local I'm like hey man you know where the restroom is and he says howdy copper which I assume means to the right cause it was right there love German culture sometimes I talked to my liberal neighbor tonight about the 2020 elections she said it's a hard decision on who to vote for I said no it's not it's either Trump or socialism her jaw dropped she said she never looked at it that way it's that simple folks Trump or socialism welcome to America I just hate so much the amount of Americans that just throw the word socialism around that don't actually know what it means that just get told it's a bad thing that thinks everything that has to do with socialism was bad all right there goes your public schools goodbye what she clearly didn't spend a lot of time in anyway white American men are terrorists who is the first country on planet earth to ban slavery that's right America and who fought and died to do that right white American men oh my god like I just can't imagine making such a strong statement that's so wrong uh you were wrong Portugal 1761 Great Britain 1772 Denmark 1788 France 1848 Haiti 1794 Spain the list goes on not even in the top ten us Oh God like I can imagine like having incredibly passionate political views about this type of thing but I'd really want to make sure that I knew what I was talking about USA is less racist than those Scandinavian ethno states how about we have more diversity it's only natural that we are less racist how does that make you less racist llama foul you literally only have such a big diversity because you have to best sleep also if you're gonna start living here permanently you've got to stop putting your dates in our order that's right it's March 19th get it American not right but American tell that to the fourth of July Gavin shuttin it down this is another one of those things where I'm just so surprised people have such a huge opinion on something that really doesn't matter much personally I do genuinely prefer the American system a month first I'll say that I do like it I like it for organization purposes mom first makes sense your first annoying but makes sense to me Dave first I don't like it but I deal with it it's not that big a deal but us Americans don't have accents I mean more people use Imperial than metric the u.s. is large population wise and it's more than the entirety of metric countries combined no one mentions China's measurement system or Russian and their qubits sorry to burst your bubble but India alone have a larger population than the US and they use the metric system yeah this is so annoying imagine being so stuck in your American bubble that you think the u.s. is big and it's the only thing I really know of and so whatever the other countries do they definitely you know they're a lot less than us and if they are using a different thing they're small but I read a book why I really wish the US public school system would just teach Americans about other countries I mean if someone's got to do it oh and for the next one I've got it with the Chad outs today's video sponsor at Nord VPN if you're unaware Nord of the pianta have been a big supporter of this channel over the past six months especially when times are tough so I'm super thankful they reached out to me to sponsor some more videos a couple things are up to top my head hey Jimmy huh did you know Nord VPN is the fastest VPN out there no well it is you want to encrypt your browsing history yeah well not you can what more could you want I do really want to get out of America well actually we know what VPN you can change your browsing location to any country want at the click of a button now you're in Germany does need US Pacific mountain and now is the perfect time to sign up as Nord VPN is offering 70% off a three year plan and throwing in one month free for all those people that use nor to VPN comm / Evan or use code edit check it so as an American myself I can say big thanks to Nord VPN comm / Evan for sponsoring today's video and without further ado let's see what the other Americans are saying just wanted to say 72 degrees is 22 point - two degrees of Celsius for 99% of countries maybe have Celsius in brackets for international users when Celsius puts a man on the moon then we'll talk well NASA does use the metric system and Celsius so can we talk now Oh murdered by words that is the most American response I could even hope to see on this subreddit the worst part about this is you can just read his tone so well that when he made this comment he was thinking like got him yeah when Celsius put some man the moon foot am i right lads America me locals in Scandinavia especially Iceland are superior to you in their own minds no one tells you this until you grow over there yourself I live in the u.s. too just like you but I'm Scandinavian myself anyway we're in Scandinavia are you from Finland / Sweden / Iceland it's all heritage mate don't speak her behalf then please God somebody so I'm like a quarter of an eighth Scandinavian my parents came from that country Scandinavia Oh God did you know our servers survive on your tipping kindness Oh God it's like one of those things that's unsaid that you just have to know about like that is how tipping culture works but to put it so blatantly on a sign like hey if you don't give these servers money they're not gonna survive Thanks why not not do that then uh then it comes to someone who does appreciate tipping culture but I appreciate typical sure as in they should be paid fully minimum wage and then you can tip on top that's a good system not this party I'm proud to say that my blood last name is bambini and although my ancestry DNA gives me zero Italian DNA on my dad's side I'll stick with being one-quarter Italian this is the most American thing I've ever read oh it is such a thing when it's like oh yeah I'm Irish like oh where are you from in Ireland no like my dad's dad's grandpa like came on the boat like 150 years ago really Irish that's not it makes you have like Irish heritage but it doesn't make you I reach this is a thing that is just so uniquely American because you do not see people from any other country ever do that you don't really see someone that was born and raised in England saying oh yeah I'm German no they're English if their parents moved to England and they were born and raised in England their English their parents are German but they're not we're not sure why but if you've ever seen drunk 18-year old Americans nothing good ever comes out of it so we raised it to 21 so if nothing good comes from giving 18 year olds alcohol then what good is giving them access to guns he said mama and Bernie with have you ever avoided taking an ambulance because you could not afford it the ambulance is not your taxi to the hospital why Americans are most proud of how little rights they get now Americans are proud of how little access to health care they get I it just really upsets me to my core they mean 10 retweets 91 likes all these people like yeah you showed him it's ambulance ain't no taxi to the hospital all right we'll look at one more here we've got why do I need an ar-15 because someday the government may tell me I'm not allowed to put my six on on a plane and fly him to Italy for treatment and believe me when I tell you I will be putting him on that plane I need an ar-15 in case I need to hijack a plane to fly my son to a country with socialized health care it's currently my favorite tank on gun ownership God dang it it really is upsetting that America used to be such a great country that some of the countries look to for inspiration and now you just have people like this that everyone is just laughing at if you're a fellow American watching this video hopefully you cringed with me this entire time because you shouldn't want to be like this you should try to get out of your American bubble in any way whether that be learning about other cultures traveling if you can afford it just reading things about other places on it is truly so annoying that it is ingrained into American society that America is the best despite that meaning nothing and despite it not being true but that should be fine what we should be doing is striving to be better who cares about the best or anything just try and be better whatever it is now let's try and prove it no matter where you live that'd be a good idea maybe for the future if you're thinking about making statements about places outside of your own bubble research a bit more probably good idea anyway if you did enjoy this video please be sure to give it a big thumbs up and subscribe because I make new videos every single Sunday and Thursday you can watch some of these other videos I made recently some about reddit it's pretty cool other than that I'll see you guys next week goodbye
Channel: Evan Edinger
Views: 223,224
Rating: 4.9378376 out of 5
Keywords: shitamericanssay, evan edinger, reddit, subreddit, top, top posts, best of reddit, funny reddit, funny, evan, edinger, 2020, british vs american, american vs british, usa, us, american, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, reddit confessions
Id: slRlIN8aFTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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