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Oh God oh my god in such a dress here can I get the bread bowl I'm Tim did you call back if you like can I get an ETA on mugs red have you guys ever eaten a silica packet no but you deep-fried one of them [ __ ] I'll eat the hell out of it what does this say do not eat under any circumstances as a headlight one of the things that comes in like a shoe and you buy it it's like yeah it's like the bottom beef jerky I ate a silica packet and now I can withstand every temperature you know do more do more I liked it keep going Oh sounds like a fat chick beatboxing with her puppy I expected yes who's black in the KFC when I died bear me upside down so the whole world can [ __ ] me in my white honky ass I thought I'd never hear my entire life thousands of years of human civilization and no one has ever said them thousands more afterwards and no one will ever say it because neither fellas were wild we don't we don't know what they were talking about Neanderthals were kind of woke yeah and the ender falls in the woke of what I would use to describe them we're [ __ ] cave women called Neanderthals okay there's another one I hate this I failed a pleasure your caveman wife to the other Neanderthals call you neanderthal [ __ ] [ __ ] man this is a caveman basketball game the ender ball where did caveman shop the meander mall Neander Walmart what did the caveman police officer say you broke the Neander law and when the treads run away from the cop they get in a Neander brawl then he tries to chase after him in his car but he keeps stopping its in the under stall that was a whole like journey right there is like a story oh my god I scared me skurd hey [ __ ] Cleveland Brown [Music] everyone drowned in a [ __ ] hostage rescue mission family American Brown okay if you combine the names you could do like American brown guy a good name for the show like Russia with Network is a doll float [Laughter] yeah Wagyu beef you're gonna see the end but your skin oh that's racism and put your skin esa why are you searching my bag sir your skin y'all never just put your back up against the edge of the wall to just scratch it we get it grizzy your [ __ ] bear dude come on guys ever like swept it salmon in a creek so fun it's over like sleep for like six months straight amazing really [ __ ] they'll ever eat a bunch of berries and then [ __ ] in someone's backyard take a bite out of the toilet paper rule could be fresh they just eat a super clean girl you Charmin ultra soft on John come I'm gonna come on John how to kill the mood in the bedroom immediately [Laughter] sex just say lobster we know what is it red lobsters and not called lobster week is crab fest [Laughter] Shark Week but is the sharpest lobsters the ad rates for shark we got to eyes they miss me a [ __ ] lot Jeff what the [ __ ] no you were like that tuck sighs I'm not I'm not just looked out okay do this the bloomer in and given break man is from a different time [Applause] what the [ __ ] how do you feel about that mr. beard I have an opinion because I don't know what it was yeah [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] give more time to sending in that [Music]
Channel: McNasty
Views: 3,275,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raccooneggs, funny, rainbow, six, siege, ifunny, laugh, best, top, thedooo, soup, call
Id: ttAi4YkOmJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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