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it's actually very therapeutic [Music] hello to all the hair that season lynn i'm here with my friend hello lauren laura and nicole and it's been four years since i've done your hair tell us all about yourself lauren i'm a singer-songwriter and i've been in la for four years now i went to usc for communication actually and uh yeah you know just doing music out here and living life we have a lot in common because i love doing music too and so that's something we're gonna be talking about today while we're transforming you you know what you're getting today some rainbow pastel are you ready to get started super ready give me your hand let's go come on all right i want you guys to check the situation that i'm dealing with so she normally gets an all-over global lightning done but the last time she got her hair done not by me she has a bunch of little baby lights put in so you see a bunch of little highlights and now she wants to convert back to all over so you know what's gonna happen there's no way you could go back in and literally weave out all the blonde and because they're all baby lighted there's no way there's gonna be some overlapping underneath here you'll see that she isn't highlighted down here she's only partially highlighted on top and around the face so when i open this up she has all the little highlights around her face where you can see but the best part is her natural hair color is really light her natural hair color is a level nine so i most likely will have to overlap her hair with bleach or lightener and that's the scary part i hate overlapping had that have been asian hair on myself or anyone who is natural level one to five and you have to overlap their hair with lightner is gonna break off eventually it's gonna weaken that hair but because she's a level 9 i know i only have to use 10 volume 6 volume and then i have olaplex and i have my hero collagen powder have everything that's going to prevent breakage if i overlap and lauren you trust me right absolutely okay so we're gonna go in at it i'm gonna have you sit down i'm gonna wrap you with the body condom okay i wanna know before we get started being a musician an artist do you feel like you have to have a certain image for me not particularly i just want to make sure i'm authentic but i do think having an image and a brand it makes you stand out more as an artist at least so yeah i don't know yeah well the look that we're doing i mean does it scare you because we're doing a fun color that you're not like oh that blonde artist anymore like because it's gonna change you a little bit i mean definitely i feel like for my brand i'm kind of a person that's open to all sorts of changes of hair so yeah yeah yeah i think that okay okay are you when are you dropping your album within the year i don't have a date yet but okay good so there is time so basically if you didn't like this pastel color we're doing there's time to go back to blonde right yeah alright so we are gonna lighten your hair today and we always gotta have big night on hand okay big nine is pretty potent i love big nine because it gets the hair super super white now her hair is already light so you don't have to go too crazy let's start mixing right away okay so this is big nine okay so this is going to be the lightener that lifts your hair always measure the scale guys so with her hair i'm actually going to mix one to two ratio with developer with big nine because one two one half ratio is very strong she doesn't need it we're going to have to move quick so big nine here we go so we are going to use 20 volume and the reason why i choose to use 20 volume on lauren's hair is because we're applying it in the mid shaft mid shaft is away from the scalp so it needs a little more power because it's the cold shaft area not right on her scalp age so i'm gonna do one to two ratio i did 70 grams of big nine so now i'm going to do 140 grams of 20 volume all right so we are also going to use my hero collagen powder this is the guy tank collagen powder x you need it we're going to add it it's going to protect your hair and make sure that your hair doesn't lose elasticity it's going to stay strong it's going to change your life and the best part about this is you can add it into any hair color line doesn't have to be guy tank color you can add it into any brand you use which is a bonus so i'm gonna put two scoopage of this in it's gonna change your life and you know what because we're gonna take it one step further we're gonna use olaplex as well only a squirtage okay they'll get crazy okay we're gonna pour in that's all you need you don't need to get carried away and you can see in the bowl here everything's in there you got the guy tang collagen powder you got the olaplex you got the big nine and you got the developer this is 20 volume and this is going to be off her scalp and thank the lord she's a natural level 9. yummy yummy so what we're going to do is we are actually going to start in the back of her head where is the darkest where she doesn't have all the highlights because i want to avoid the top section do it last we're just going to focus on the back first and we're going to move our way up so i want to move as quick as possible because we are overlapping so i am just applying it through just the mids staying off of the routage as much as you can and you you can see i'm doing it foil free but the cool thing is because we do have the guy tank collagen powder in there i feel safe and because we also have all the pipes in there at the same time i feel reinforced that we're not gonna have any issues so i'm just gonna divide her hair into four quadrants starting low and we're gonna tackle all of the back part first just applying it and then i'm probably gonna mix 10 volume or maybe even six volume and apply it to your scalp or boutage area i love the consistency with big nine one to two ratio the more developer you add in you're gonna weaken the product so because it's one to two it's loosening up the consistency and i know that it's not as potent unless i mix it one two one half that's why measuring the scale is very very important and at this point i'm just gonna fold it over like i'm doing a retouch and just keep it moving okay because that's the whole point you gotta go fast so as i move up lauren's head as you can see i start making sure i pull the foils out and just overlaying each section so this ensures that the lift is even you can see back here where the ends where the demarcation kind of meets the hair that's been pretty light and cut it kind of hangs out the foil slightly so that way it doesn't get overlifted even though i overlap a little bit because this is the breaking point so you gotta be very careful keep in mind that even though i used 20 volume i did mix it one to two and i also add the gaitang collagen powder along with olaplex in here so i feel secure even though i use 20 volume and overlapping slightly but anytime we have clients with baby wipes it's scary so you can see here i kind of section the hair that's why i applied big nine all over first to do the retouch so it's already lifting as you can see but you can still see that it's just exposing the underlying pigment versus being like a level 11 or 10. so it's not that scary so at this point i get to kind of saturate further more this is where you can see me slightly overlap and apply the product very very quickly her hair literally lightens in less than five minutes and right after i'm done applying all the foils i'm going to go ahead and mix the next formula right away all right so it's been processing for 20 minutes now and we are going to open her up so guys to see how light she lifted look how beautiful that lift is look at that she's already like the perfect clean canvas sometimes if you don't want to lift the retards you want to leave that rooty that's cool but i actually want to lift a routage because i want to put charcoal in so i'm going in with 10 volume big nine cream lightener one to two ratio and i also added the guy tank collagen powder with olaplex this is beautiful i love how it lifted that's one thing i love about big nine is that i'm always guaranteed that i get that clean white blonde because this one supplies straight on the routage the scalp there's a lot of heat that emits naturally from the head that's why i dropped it to 10 volume and after i finish applying this throughout i'm just going to pull the foils out so i get to let it process on its own you guys we are back with lauren go ahead and spin around look at this color look at this color there is no color there's no color that's a thing just big night there's no toner she lifted up till level 10. this is perfect look at that even canvas we're painting on so now we are gonna get in and dive into the pastels so in the swatch book here i want you guys to take a look at our pastel collection we have cosmetic coral which we're going to utilize we have the mint of steel which we're going to utilize we have the lavender lust pink diamond arctic blue and charcoal we're going to use every single one of these and i am going to share some of them out using our sheer power so this added in will ensure that they're even more pastelized i am also going to utilize lightning bolt because everyone needs a little bit of yellow and lightning bolt is very potent so i'm going to sheer it out here with the sheer power so our first coloration i'm going to use charcoal this is gonna be the chateau routage here so our next coloration would be mint of steel this is the most beautiful color you will ever experience look how beautiful that mint is and the bowls are awesome because these are the gaitang bowls bowls look at that it connects right up isn't that cool the next formula is pink diamond this is our amazing pastel color i love it okay i'm gonna squeeze her out oh look at that i love this color well we're gonna amp it up just a tip bit i'm gonna put a little bit of pink possession i am gonna do coral cosmic coral is one of my favorites okay so i'm gonna start off with squeezing out sheer power sheer power is like a clear it softens dilutes the tone and this is going to be for the arctic blue this is going to set the perfect foundation for me squeeze arctic blue so i'm gonna use arctic blue here blue has to override yellow in the hair and that's why the pastel blue is slightly more pigmented than most of the pastels because it has to go over blonde hair which has yellow and it ends up looking green and it's not potent enough and that's why it's formulated that way [Music] i'm going to squeeze out two tubes of this because i think we're primarily going to use lavender on your hair for my next color racione we're gonna use sheer power and we're gonna mix lightning bolt into this one we're also gonna put my hero collagen powder in all right sectioning is everything this is very important so you see how many colors we're doing when you look at the bowl we have all these colors and my last color here this is actually our silver pearl my refresh conditioner and i put that in the last bowl over here that you see and i added a sheer power to that so we can have some silvery icy ends so you can see here when i lift her hair up her hair is finer right up here in the front so i definitely don't want to put a lot of the rainbow colors right here i want that to be her face i am going to dissect this right on down just like that and i want to be high enough to wait to see the color pop through so that way when i go in at this angle you can see this whole panel of rainbow right there and this is gonna be the veil that covers everything right so that way she doesn't have rainbow around her face so this whole entire block is where you're gonna place your rainbow right in here and this is very important because sometimes less is more and we do too much it becomes overwhelming so this is the first block where we're going to place the rainbow color blocking is very important because you want to ensure you can trace your pattern and where you place it so rainbow here rainbow here leave a little bit of a jagged open space for some of the ombre to come through so remember anything that's outside of the block is going to be ombre underneath this triangle here this is going to be her ombre where i go from charcoal to lavender to that silver pearl color on the ends up here is also going to be the veil that's going to match the ombre underneath that's going to fall over everything so that way it makes the color look more softer and on top of her head this triangle is also going to be the ombre veil that follows through so it kind of connects everything together because i find that not everybody wants all that rainbow all over their face and everything has to have a method there's got to be a method to your madness it's almost like organized chaos because you want like fun artistic placement but you have to know where and why there's got to be a rhyme and reason everything has to have structure so i'm gonna do one thing at a time because i find that if i do one section at a time i'm a little bit more organized so with that being said i am gonna outline to define her first section here so i'm going to go in using our charcoal i'm just going to outline the routage here now keep in mind this always looks scary going on the hair it looks black and everybody gets scared but it's not scary as it looks it's actually one of my most favorite colors we have in our direct dyes because it's the most perfect charcoal you've ever experienced all right so the next formula will be lavender lust and i'm just gonna color melt that ombre down so as i turn her hair what i did was i put the ombre underneath here so you can see and i placed a mesh sheet around the top and this is going to fold over and this is where we're going to start the platform where we're going to put all of the holographic colors on i'm gonna start using the blue first okay you can see here i'm just gonna put on the mesh sheet i find that if i put on the mesh sheet it's a lot easier because i get to platform it off of something so we'll go in with the pastel blue [Music] i'm just going to place this rainbow mesh sheet right on down and this is where i'm going to fold the hair right on over i found that this method is actually my favorite method to do just because it's a lot cleaner and you don't have to force the hair to go on so you'll see here this is when you fold it right on over and remember you don't need much product on the hair just paint it's actually very therapeutic less product is better okay so what i find is that as i start moving up lauren's head i connect the second block from the back and over direct it into the first block so now i have two blocks folding in i decided to go in and initiate every section using the yellow lightning bolt first as you can see because i feel like everything can bleed on to the lightning bolt but the lightning bolt really doesn't bleed onto anything else so i'm going to start with all of the warmer lighter shades first so this is the coral i'm gonna go in and tackle all of the yellow coral pink first and then going on the cool colors and don't be afraid to pack on a little bit of color here and there for certain shades like the coral because it's very forgiving and you can see that this takes lots of patience however it's very very therapeutic to watch you'll see me kind of move from side to side a little bit kind of like this just so it gets in there all right guys so i am completely done with both sides of lauren's hair here i completely cover it with a mesh sheet here there's a lot of rainbowness going around so i'm just going to cover it to protect it so there's no bleeding or overlapping and this is a great time for me to go on this top triangle that you see here put the charcoal down on her routage so you see two triangles up here on the top of the head so you basically see i don't know what shape you would call this triangle triangle triangle triangle was it a pizza i don't know there's like slices happening here and there's this top apex which will separate the hair so it becomes a veil there's something about both sides and then there's the ombre down here too so the ends get closed off with a nice little silver pearl so we're gonna go in with the charcoal first right there one thing i do love about lauren is that she's a singer and as you guys know if you've been following me for quite some time now you know that i've been singing writing songs making my own music so i feel like me and lauren actually have a lot in common so this whole entire time while i was coloring her hair we've been talking about music and i want to know okay so when you first start making music and doing music how do people look at you like your family your friends that like they doubt you or anything like that i mean i have honestly been singing since i was a child and i always had people encouraging me to like try out for american idol and things like that and um so i mean yeah it was kind of always a part of me and people i guess expected it from me even although i'm sure there was a lot of doubt happening when i actually wanted to go to la and pursue the dream well you have some music out with spotify itunes and apple music right so everybody can listen to your songs yeah i've got an ep that is kind of indie pop soul and i have an edm single oh that's really cool and what's that called it is against the wind against the wind yeah i like the name of that there's also a music video on youtube so hey check it out oh well you have a music video i need to go look yeah yeah but i'm excited to hear more of your music and hopefully you would do the same and listen to my music and maybe one day we can do a duet if you want to unless you don't want to you know i'm down you are dead all the collabs the collabs so i want you guys to take a look at the back of her head so you can see how i'm going from charcoal lavender into the silver pearl on the ends with a little bit of the sheer power to shear out the tone so we have a little bit of smokiness happening between the rainbow so there's two collision happening here the the lightning bolt is going to really pop out i don't want any bit of this to fade into or bleed into the lightning bolt so you know the rainbow is going to pop out internally it always looks scary when it's processing like oh it's just gonna be too too dark but you gotta trust the process and you always got to ensure your client to trust you because i feel like when your clients feel safe i can work better i can function better so what i do is consultation um ensuring her that this is the result she's gonna get let her know how it's gonna fade out because i think a lot of people every time we make color decisions we always think about like how long does it last well it lasts forever which is a good thing to do but i feel like you also have to know that nothing lasts forever so you going into getting your hair done you have to know your hair is going to grow out the color is going to fade it's almost like you're not living unless you just kind of just enjoy it communication is always the key to every relationship don't you agree oh yeah you have to communicate in every relationship and i think that's what's lacking in so many relationships today that people aren't communicating no one will know what you want unless you tell them what i'd like to do if you look what i'm doing here i create a swipe up so i'm creating a blur here you can see i just take the routage and swipe so i am going to protect your hair by wrapping it on itself so that way it's not going to bleed i'm going to rinse out the charcoal first i'm going to turn on that as cold as possible and i'm going to have polar flex 2 on standby and i'm also going to have all of the my hero treatments on standby because you know me i got to have it all [Music] all right so i just got done shampooing her hair with my hero x1 and you can see i'm moving through it quickly and look how beautiful this color looks look at that oh my god oh look at that rainbow [Music] you guys you have no idea how excited i am i mean look at this i mean was it better than you expected it's definitely more like rainbowy than i expected and it looks dope you can tell how pretty that's gonna look dry i'm gonna use my quick blow so this is the blow dry spray that i created and this is gonna decrease blow dry time smooth out the hair add more shine protect the hair from heat this is everything so i'm gonna blow down her hair and then i'll be right back and show you guys the results with it straight before i curl it look at this no matter where i brush the hair you can see all that shimmer of color and it looks so healthy and the blend and the color choices that i did is prismatic [Music] you guys i'm so excited with lauren's look i'll be her hair this is amazing all that work it's all worth it don't you think so good i love it you guys i mean thumbs up for this right i hope you guys like this tutorial because i dedicated my time to make this video because you guys have requested for it i'll put all the links below if you guys want to stop lauren download her music on spotify and itunes you can and same thing with me all of my links for facebook twitter tick tock everything everything all the things will be below and including my album too it's the hard work you guys don't understand it comes from it comes from the heart and that's why i love lauren because when we get together we talk about music and i am trying to get lauren to do this look for her first album i want to hear what the hair besties think should this look be her first album anyway guys love you guys so much thumbs up subscribe bye-bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] me you
Channel: Guy Tang
Views: 760,220
Rating: 4.9554152 out of 5
Keywords: Guy Tang, Paranormal Hairtivitiy, Mydentity, Guy, Guy Hairstylist, Hair, Hairstyle, Hair Cut, Hair Color, Hair Trends, Makeover, Make over, Model, Blonde Hair, Tutorial, Step-by-step hair, hair care, Do It Yourself, Cosmetologist, Olaplex, Hair Care, Mydentity Color Line, MyHero, Hairbesties, Extreme Make over, Hair Salon, Ratchet Salon, Ombre, Balayage, Brad Mando, Reaction Video, Rainbow Hair, Holographic Hair, Holo Hair, Holographic, Holo, Rainbow Bright, Rainbow, Pride, Colorful Hair
Id: lUn8GYdmS2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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