Backwoods One tigris review & survival fire lighting hack 🔥

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good morning everybody dan here from solo Venture and today we're going to be looking at the one tiger is Backwoods Bungalow tent and also I'm going to show you a top tip which will get your fire going and started no matter what the conditions stay tuned is [Applause] for for for e for spe so here we have it guys the one Tigress Backwoods Bungalow I've been looking at this tent for a while um and I've always you know I've wanted to get one just to see what it was like so I've been uh looking on various places and i' managed to get a good one second hand and um you know when you buy things and it kind of doesn't work out it's not like what you imagined it or um this isn't the case actually it's everything what what I imagined it to be it's really well made it's very functional and it's very basic but uh you know basic is good in my eyes I don't like too much complication in my life um you know especially with tents loads of different poles you know you get the poles around the wrong way and all that sort stuff and if the conditions are bad and you just need shelter this is the one so let's have a look so first of all you just Peg it out on the ground so there's four main tent pegs on each corner where the 10 pegs go you've got this nice robust webbing sewn in piece of material here and some good decent cordage which is attached to that for your peg to actually go in pegs are really good nice bright green aluminium they are quite small but they're uh they're hard wearing and robust to you know erect the tent and get it up there is no other poles with it so you have to improvise you can do what I've done here and um just grab some sticks from wherever you are or you can use walking poles like I've done on the other side um just get it the right height for me it was just above hip height cut that stick and then there you go and it just lashes off from there and down there's even an eyet there for the top of your walking pole to go into or indeed bivvy poles there's a back flap which also pegs out from the rear um and behind that back flap is a vent see that when we going side in a minute and that also pegs out it's just missing a center Peg here you've also got two storm straps behind which pulls it off which is always good and they you see I've used walking pole for the other side just lash that to a tree um if we didn't have PS if we were a more of a I had a longer Ridge line then of course I could have just attached each end to a tree which would work fin as well let's go inside nice storm flaps here and they also cover with a velcro good decent Zips Zips off both sides and there you go Lads of room inside definitely for two people but for me this is perfect so I'm going to be using this uh next year when I go out to the Yukon I'm going to be doing a solo canoe trip for two weeks so uh I think this is going to be the one for me so it's also got a fly sheet which I'm definitely going to need out there and as you can see you've got this nice porch which comes out which is adds a lovely admin area into it where you obviously you'll just post pull it out and then uh get some more sticks just to stake that out so you've got that nice big admin area behind in front sorry let's have a closer look inside so I always have a look at the seams and stuff like that on these tents make sure that they're well made and they're stitched and they're taped in as well uh this hasn't been used much at all and uh you've also got that kind of bathtub design where it comes up from the floor which is always good in case you get torrential rain and there's that vent at the back which you'll definitely need for condensation so that needs to be clear and pegged out but overall I it's great great design does what it says in the tin it's robust and I love this admin area where you can just Peg out give you good field of vision as well especially for me if I've got uh Bears lurking around in the Yukon and stuff I can see out and still get sheltered um let's Peg it out and see what that looks like [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for okay guys so filating tip emergency filating tip um for myself I guide on the river a lot so I do a lot of um canoe trips over several days um a lot of them are in Scotland so a lot of the time it's raining and uh sometimes somebody might come out the canoe over coming over a rapid might be a couple of teams that come out of the canoes and they're going to be cold so what I want to do is get them warm as soon as possible I want to get a fire going quick if it's been raining for days and days everything is going to be soak and wet so you want something with quick a quick ignition source and um a thing I used to carry with me for years and I still do um is all bits of rubber in a tube so little bits of that light that get that on your fire base and I obviously gather as much light stuff light Tinder as you can and then that'll burn for a while and that'll be a good accelerant but um one thing I've been wanting to try for a while uh is this tip here that an old friend gave me which uh I quite like the idea of this is the first time I've tried actually uh it's basically a a champagne Coke which has been doused in petrol um and these fit in little containers like this so the uh the old camera film containers they'll fit in there perfectly so put your Coke in fill it with a little bit of petrol leave it for a while and then after a time you know the petrol will will go into it like a sponge and that you know ultimately gets infused with petrol and these little fire starters are great to have just in the bottom of your kit just in case you know you've got damp or soak and wet conditions so here we go D Coke yeah make sure it's all taped up and stuff it's not going to burst when it's in your kit um but let's give it a go I always like to have uh a fire base on the ground before I light the fire just some fuel um for that stuff to go on rather than just the raw ground straight away you've got you're off that ground and um you've got that first source of fuel I've gathered my Tinder my smaller stuff here um I need to get a fire going quick so there it is still got a little bit of residue of uh Petrol in there it's actually swollen swollen up and it won't fit and it won't come out of the uh tub which is great top tip straight away there we go so there's a top tip you you could probably light it as it is now or put it in a container which is slightly bigger than the cork cuz the Cork's going to swell up okay we put that away as well I mean this could be an emergency piece of equipment that we could use should we need to because this is obviously been had Petrol in it um so we'll keep all of that container got our cork let's see how effective it is just obviously be careful it's be DST in petrol but just as I thought there it goes was chucking it down with rain you know we still chucking it down I've no doubt this thing would just do exactly what it's doing now get your fuel get it on there Instant Fire and this could be a survival situation as well certainly when I go out to the Yukon I'm going to making a few of these things to have in the bottom of my bag just in case it is quite damp at the minute here has been a little bit of rainfall not as much as I wanted but um that's burning away nicely I imagine that will burn for a long time so even though you put a load of damp wood on top of that over time that c burning away there will dry that fuel above it and it'll eventually get you fire going so guys if you enjoyed this video um please hit the like And subscribe and add any comments in you want I hope you enjoyed it that's the Backwoods one Tigers Bungalow I think it's safe to say that this is the one I'm going to be taking super happy with it and um little survival tip there for you for lightning fires in foul conditions um cor infused with Petrol in a container remember to get it slightly bigger than the coke all right let's see you next time guys um lots more good stuff coming up survival tips we're going to be doing filming my canoe trips um and my canoe trips sort of training ready for the Yukon next year so um lots to look forward to and thanks so much for the subscribers so far we got 55 I think so we're just starting out and uh yeah please spread the word and let's get that number bumped up see you soon
Channel: Dan Smith -Remote backcountry adventures
Views: 3,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vmTd2MavvP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2024
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