Preying on RimWorld as Cannibal Raiders!

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rib world is a tough place to get ahead you know with Raiders attacking your settlements all the time so if you want to make a name for yourself on this planet and you can't beat them join them which is exactly what we did becoming a Raider Clan ourselves but we're not bad guys okay maybe we are slightly evil however it is rewarding because at the end of your workday you come home to a peaceful unbothered lifestyle that is until these from the Empire show up demanding tribute payments of our hard stolen gold So today we're going to raid the Empire and take back what we originally stole let's take a step back for a second and think through our plan so ultimately we want the Empire gone but we can't just beat them in a fair fight have you seen the gear their soldiers have have you seen the gear our soldiers have no we would get smoked so what's the solution then it's running away well more like moving away in the southern part of the world exists a peninsula with the nearest Imperial base being pretty far away if we can make it there the clan will have completely free rain to raid the nearby settlements without having to pay Royal tributes there is one problem however to get there we're going to need a lot of Kim fuel for our vehicles now the easiest way to produce Kim fuel is with wood and I don't see a lot of wood around us so we're going to need to trade some of our ill gotten gains for that Liquid Gold and that's where the Empire comes into play you see they're loaded one successful Heist on them will set us up with enough wealth to buy our way to freedom but our clan has never successfully rated a group of their power level it would probably be a good idea to get some practice in by raiding our neighbors oh I haven't introduced you to our Raiders yet meet squins PE PE Teen Wolf wobbles the Raider formerly known as Prince Dan and last last but not least our leader Chief katak konen vagen our Raiders boarded up in their vehicles and set off towards the local Friendly Neighborhood tribal base oh my that's a lot of tribals I count 1 2 three at least three tribals this might be a bit of an issue ah it h we succeeded in the raid but that was more of a Slaughter than a tactical Heist but at the end of the day their Treasures belong to us Upon returning to the base we parked our vehicles in the garage and unloaded the corpses of our fallen foes we prepared their bodies and served a cannibal Feast for our tribe the best thing about raids is we eat very well afterwards and then I noticed what looked like a massacre at the border of our base I guess while we were gone a trade Caravan of the tribals we raided stopped by and got killed by our turrets looks like we're going to be eating good for a while boyos um and then a raid occurred giving us more bodies to feed ourselves with okay okay I just give us a little bit of a break our freezer is already full of bodies you know all this death has got me thinking I don't really want to go down in history as just a cannibal warlord I want to be known for some good things too so ladies and gentlemen may I introduce the raiding Clan's first win Turbo we're shifting some of our energy needs away from the current Mass polluting system and building a single turbine to go green and save our planet though we're not going to get rid of the old toxify generators that'd be ridiculous what are the best things about the slaughtered Caravan besides well the human meat is they drop some FSX what is FSX it is the primary ingredient to make explosives but to make this stuff we need a lot of Kim fuel which as I mentioned is a valuable resource given the whole no trees anywhere nearby thing explosives are going to be important moving forward and as our tests show it can be a quick way to enter enemy structures and given how three of our clan members were injured in the last raid employing better tactics is probably a smart idea we sent pew pew and Teen Wolf to scout out the next base from what we can see they have several Auto turrets protecting their base but this big building looks pretty juicy our current plan is for Teen Wolf's buggy to draw the guards away from the compound while the rest of the party pulls up and sets off the explosives to raid the base if we can achieve this we might stand a chance in our Heist on the Empire we need to get going though before their mortar kills our Scouts the clan preps some C4 and gets in their vehicles to set out on the raid slight hiccup though the layout of the base has changed okay same general plan but we're going to wing it Team Wolf begins his run to pull the guards away and that cannot be good oh no Teen Wolf this is this is so stupid after his death we're going to retreat and rethink our plan well kind of rethink it instead of using a distraction buggy we're going to use a tank that we can name so fill up the tank can not only take damage but he can also dish it out which is good because wobbles will be Manning it and hopefully he doesn't die wobbles begins to show the town thus drawing out the guards as he is doing that the rest of our raiding party gets into position and Wobbles died inside of the tank how but on the bright side the villagers are still attacking the tank two of our remaining Raiders engage a straggler while the others set up the C4 to breach the buildings once they get to a safe distance we detonate the charges and there isn't much but don't worry we still have three more charges there's only a backpack all right this is our last charge konen vagen this is no time for a siesta at least get to a safe distance man so that was a bust all we got was a backpack tactical rig and well another backpack the total value of these three items is $450 and the market rate of Kim fuel is 275 a unit so we can purchase roughly 163 units of Kim fuel this not that great but we still have the Empire Heist and konen Vain's ego won't let us fail speaking of egos after our last disappointing raid Chief katak konad Vin's Eco as a cannibal warlord was hurt so that turbine we're going back to polluting our planet by building more tox fire generators now that everyone has seen whoever is the distraction in our heists will most likely die who are we going to trick into doing it well would you look at that hey buddy we're going to rescue you but you owe us one favor okay great once we built another tank this time named Leonardo we outfitted our new recruit D with some armor we had lying around and hopefully it'll keep her alive slightly longer after the rest of the Raiders geared up for The Big Heist we set out on our mission we launch the same attack as last time with the tank engaging the enemies then leading them away while the real Squad pulls up and tries to take out the auto turrets but the Raider formerly known as Prince got down by one then pew pew got stabbed by an imperial straggler konen vagen then picks a fight with an ostrich and this entire time our Sharpshooters couldn't hit the turrets so we can't push up to the base I think we're just going to have to pack up and leave uh that was a disaster so bad that we stole nothing the clan is now in a pretty tough situation as we are now the enemy of the Empire and our entire plan has failed so Chief konen vagin asked the remaining two members to meet him in his house to discuss a new plan as the two entered they asked themselves where is Chief kenv but more importantly they should be asking why is there C4 everywhere remember when I said using wood is the main way to make Kim fuel well you can also use organic material such as human meat with a new source of Kim fuel obtained and chief katak kranken vagen the last member of his clan he set out to rebuild in the South free from the rule of the empire thanks for watching if you enjoyed the video or are a really cool person you should check out my last [Music] video
Channel: KibblesJack
Views: 37,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, Funny, funny gaming moments, funny gaming videos, KibblesJack, Kibbles Jack, KibblesJack Gaming, gaming challenges, Funny Challenge, gaming challenge, rimworld, rimworld playthrough, rimworld gameplay, rimworld funny, rimworld funny moments, rimworld biotech, rimworld war, rimworld war crimes, rimworld cannibal colony, rimworld cannibal, rimworld cannibal tribe, rimworld raiding a base, rimworld raiders, rimworld vehicles, rimworld cars, rimworld tanks, rimworld game
Id: 7bwtWKTxG3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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