I Started a Furry Apocalypse in RimWorld!

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why does God stay in heaven is it because he too fears FES so if someone could harness the power of furries they would be the most feared person in the world so today we're throwing out our ethical guidelines and turning the entire planet into Furs when embarking on an experimental Mission like this you shouldn't ask if it's morally right but rather if we can achieve it and the answer at the moment is kind of here at the ass Institute our lead researcher Dr katak konen has synthesized a basic serum to transform people into their personas in its current state it can only convert people into this thing but we don't have a better method to deploy it other than jabbing them with the used syringe we found in a dumpster we need to research a more effective serum and create better deployment methods before we even think about going global with this experiment and judging by Dr konen ven's resume which includes murder murder more murder and at the very very bought him an associates's degree in finance I think he is the right man for the job because every Finance bro knows stalks and this Serum is just that with huge military and civilian applications mostly military speaking of military applications Dr konen vag and just finished researching mutagen weaponry and has created our first weaponized serums in the form of grenades but we don't have any test subjects the only test subject we have has already been transfer formed into their Persona and once you go furry you can't change again so uh we don't need you any here what the hell oh right we use boomalope DNA to create this Abomination also the straw floor didn't help with the fire so I'm going to replace it with boring flame proof sterile tiles that give off that sciency feel luckily new test subjects from the tribal cam Nation showed up to volunteer in the form of a three-point attack my killbox turrets made quick work of the first wave but they weren't helping out when the second wave hit oh that's because they're all out of ammo well my security team will just have to finish the job after clearing out the main Attack Force and eliminating those that happened to make it inside while chasing one of my nameless workers we were able to retrieve and capture some of the down tribals before they well die by the way you might be wondering why none of my colonists have names except for Dr kenva well that could be easily explained you see never treat your subordinates like people make sure they know they mean nothing to you and are numbers and not unique people where was I again oh yeah we were able to get our hands on four test subjects in the aftermath of the raid one of which has unwavering loyalty so they can't be recruited oh don't worry I wasn't planning on recruiting you guard one grabs the experimental serum filled grenades and heads into the in cell to begin the first trial I would say you were a bit too close there as you're starting to be affected and you grew a tail whoops and the test subject has turned into a yak not what our current goal is which is to create hybrid human animal FES but we still have three more test subjects one turned into a camel one died and the other is a monkey so what did we learn these grenades might not be the most effective as three subjects completely turned into animals and of the two that became hybrids only one lived but this might be too small of a sample size for the results to be conclusive so we are going to test these grenades on a nearby town and who better to be the first test subject than the tribals who raided Us in the meantime we produced more grenades and prepared to begin the first town experiment during our preparations I discovered guard 2 has a mut gy buildup from the exposure to our furry serums and has now been hospitalized upon their release they have grown a turtle shell and now move really really slow I don't think we're going to take you with us to conduct the grenade test so the rest of our security Force loaded up in the Bang Bus yep that's actually what it's called and we head out to the tribal base upon our arrival we inch up to the base and lay down a base field of serums so when the tribals run out they will hopefully be infected hey don't shoot them we want them alive oh man there's a lot I take back what I said please shoot them run guard four oh [ __ ] well we were not successful and we had to kill most of the town I guess we did infect some of them with our furry serum so once we finish patching our wounds we will capture them and bring them back to and they're dead well my plan's [ __ ] ruined we load back into the bang bus and return home to a I don't think the grenades worked mostly because they were too short range so we have constructed a muta rifle our test indicate that it can be fired from a safer distance than the range of our grenades oh don't worry about him he's wearing a vest just don't tell OSHA about this or the mutations he will suffer from after the test once we have built some more rifles our Squad is ready to test them out against a different group of local tribals there is a big problem when we attacked you see it is cold out and guards three and five are starting to be affected by hypothermia we need to get them back before they start losing toes to Frostbite the other two guards however are fine I guess their light fur mutations are paying off another problem appeared I can't reform the Caravan to leave and I also can't move the bang bus to the edge of the map to escape in the name of self-defense for our boys in the field we're just going to have to Nuke the base to destroy it look at that we can leave now and we made it back to shq with minimal toes lost to frostbite this whole situation has given me an idea since our non-furry guards got frostbite and the fish guards didn't so cren vagen grabs a tagging rifle to take DNA samples from a local group of Bor with new DNA samples acquired he synthesizes two mutagen syringes filled with the boore DNA that administers it to the human guards and don't worry about the blood on the ground it isn't theirs once their mutations take hold hopefully we won't lose any more toes oh look our next test subjects have come to us as we were preparing to test the Met rifles on our tribal Raiders I realized worker 4 is trapped outside oh to be honest his odds of survival are not good we engaged the tribals but it took so many rounds to even stun the Raiders with muta rifles so it was probably a good thing we nuked the last base we did transform one person into a sheep though oh oh and worker four made it back inside the base before he got caught by a Raider some of the other workers have to come to his rescue your honor the defendant ass did a really bad job planting the defenses of their base their negligence directly led to workers being injured as you can see by exhibit a the Court ruled that we need to beef up our base defenses with an external wall in a new and improved killbox that quote you don't half ass the living [ __ ] out of when our defenses were painstakingly completed we had a new killbox that I think is working well it has a sandbag maze to slow the flow of enemies and a choke point to Gun Down everyone in a single file line as they enter the killbox I feel like we now have enough security to go on another field trip but we are abandoning the old muta rifles and researching a new type of weapon well actually ammo brand new mutation grenades that we can launch from our grenade launchers at a rapid pace whoops you know I don't know what I was expecting so you got turned into a bison big deal wait Dr Kony did you dye your hair oh that's not good so once you turn into a furry we can't turn you back for plot reasons but we did develop an antigen that can hold or reverse your current transformation so we give the antigen to Kony and it is effective however once the mutagens are gone the black hair remains enough distractions time to do some illegal experimentation we load the security Force into the bank bus including some new recruits we uh well I'm not going to hide it we forced them to join after taking them prisoner the two new members of ass have already manifested their personas well maybe pig sonas is that a name much better no individuality is allowed in this esteemed Institute of science we head out on our way towards the nearby town of squad Moy upon our arrival we launched our attack only to discover that there are already furries and not the kind of furries we want to create you know the ones with fur I checked their factions description and it says they're all pig people well we can't mutate them so there's nothing for us to do here what's our security team makes it back to base I guess we'll launch nukes and obliterate these furry Abominations we have been delayed too long in our experiments so we're going to have to take a risk there are only two bases left by us and one of them is the strongest faction in the game the Empire and the other is the group we sell our [ __ ] to so we set out towards the Empire but we have a plan to fight our strong foe setting up batteries and turrets at a choke point we lure the Imperials in then blast them with our mutation grenades until they flee But ultimately this test was also a failure as the Imperials turned into fully formed animals instead of furries the closest to success was that one of our already furry guards became more of a furry we can't let any of these Abominations Escape so we're going to Nuke the base it's the only way to be sure that no furry escapes on our way back home our Caravan was ambushed but this is a chance to create a furry but we failed and turn the attacker into a duck it's not looking good for us as I have probably created less than 10 furries in this playthrough and most of them are my own workers wait does guard one have dog ears we might have created an act ual furry quick take off your helmet let me see your cute furry fa oh what the [ __ ] I take back what I said we have not made a true furry yet I guess your face is better than that green blob on guard 3's stomach yeah you sleep off that pain of being a mutated Abomination we have now reached the point where nobody is nearby us except our friends in the purple bases we're going to need to build a new method of transportation so Dr Kon and vagin got to work researching then did it again again and again and again until we unlocked the Genesis this is the most advanced aerial vehicle I can produce and it is quite expensive as we still don't have enough resources to build it after saving up during the whole playthrough we will have to M buy and craft the remaining parts once collected it took a while to carry all of the parts to the build site yet we finally completed the Genesis the best thing about our new craft is not that the previous multi-day Journeys are now complet needed in hours it is this feature we can now drop a metric fuckload of mutation bombs on our test subjects and so we begin our true worldwide experiment dropping mutation bombs witnessing the horrific results while waiting on plutonium and exposing our workers to unsafe conditions also we could build bigger bombs to drop on our failed experiments and then we repeat the process again and again and again until All That Remains on our planet is us and our purple [Music] friends [Music] tears the streets that [Music] [Music] were with the last purple base mutated into more failures are we doomed to live in a world without furries will Dr kogen vogen ever be feared like a god the closest he got to making a furry was this guard I blurred it out because it's too disgusting to look at again we can't try any more experiments as there's no one else to experiment on wait there's still four on changed workers why have I been excluding them from experiments they're literally meaningless to me with the new determination Dr katak konen vagin sets out in the bang bus to gather new DNA samples using said DNA to preload a mutun we had laying around he begins experimenting on his workers the mutun disabled the worker and krock voga carried them to the med Bay to wait until they transformed into another full animal good news is they can still carry heavily radiated nuclear waste so the muta gun is ineffective it seems every innovation has been worse than those old dumpster syringes we used before using rabbit DNA Dr konen vagen begins crafting a syringe ministers it and then holds the worker for observation until they transform and it works we we have a furry I think we can do better though we only have two workers left and this time we're going to use wolf in Labrador DNA our giddy Pig worker cooked up the serums that's some Ratatouille level premium [ __ ] right there this is going to work people will soon fear Dr katak konen vagon it looks promising and it worked we have dogwolf furries we have achieved our goal but why does Dr katakan vagen feel so empty wait what is the one thing I love more than anything else that my family would disown me if they they found out anime catg girls why have we been trying to make furries where we could have catg girls the problem is everyone's already been transformed but Crockett vagin hasn't if he has to use his body for science so cat girls have a chance of being in our world so be it all of the workers gather outside the lab anxiously waiting to see the experiments result and they witness Perfection thanks for watching if you enjoyed the video or a really cool person you should check out my last video where I formed a rating clent to execute heists on our neighbors and also eat [Music] them
Channel: KibblesJack
Views: 216,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, Funny, funny gaming moments, funny gaming videos, KibblesJack, Kibbles Jack, KibblesJack Gaming, gaming challenges, Funny Challenge, gaming challenge, rimworld, rimworld playthrough, rimworld gameplay, rimworld funny, rimworld funny moments, rimworld biotech, rimworld vehicles, rimworld cars, rimworld game, rimworld pawnmorpher, Rimworld experiment, rimworld mad scientist, rimworld srts, Rimworld illegal experiments, rimworld raids, rimworld biotech gameplay
Id: w6MT7hOxn5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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