raiding a WEALTHY owner SWIMMING in SULFUR... (most profitable)

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hey what's up guys the WIP is here we're about to go look for a tugboat and today hopefully focus on some profitable rates to set myself up for wepe I'll see you guys in a bit yo it's a square I wonder if someone's stashing in this thing might come back and hit that it's raided yeah we'll hit this one and take it [Music] oh my God I was not ready to get loot right now I'm just trying to raid this thing bro that wasn't too bad all right we're here let's [Music] [Music] cook that was a lot quicker than building that massive water base yesterday let's start scouting above land before we have to h a cave that's probably Juiced it's a nice looking shallow area out here somebody has to have built there right yeah what's with the high wall okay that's part of the base he's got a rib base yo we hit this guy Locker's in there just take that door it's sheit too let's go all armored Lo's got to be [Music] below rro path here let's try it oh it's like sealed off I think we're going on a square oh no he's got ramps old floor here bed another Locker take the door no way this is like just the main loot bro bet we got to go down see if he's cooking anything charcoal on me kids he's sleeping up there let's see what's up there while we blast [Music] these are armored doors hopefully these are loot rooms might just be bedrooms probably need go down one turret there oh my God trying to see if this is it's not foundy I think will be below ah let's try the triangle R hopefully this is main bro running out of stuff yeah coffin's here broke them th000 sulfur what dude better have more another bed oh that one's got coffins so locked apparently it's fuzzies yes here we go 8 C4 need to see more for profit though yo is it all up here in his bedroom oh there's there's got to be more though we'll take that but yeah there's got to be more yeah everybody out a boom guys we're going to have to actually raate a cave and get Juiced literally I only have enough to raate a cave we don't get anything from it it be out this is insane their loots probably in a square somewhere and there's a counter here being quiet quiet okay yeah check out what I've done to this base bro like up there down here here I'm guessing their stuff is like couple squares out on one of these floors it's a door and I checked this way could be out there we're going to have to rate a cave though we're literally going to have to go for a cave right now we can come back to this I guess all right we going straight for a cave to get juice for the rest of WIP and then we'll try some other bases oh my gosh oh that could be a good sign this cage loaded what why is it soft why is there a door yeah we're heading a different one [Music] oh he's got the spiral stairs but then he's got shipping container so it's like cancels out no turret first try oh man I mean dang I'm taking this down could still be some profit in there please have S somebody's got to have stuff there is a turret this is the one yeah well what the heck shipping container dude I think I'm going to go broke this wipe we're going to try raiding it though an instant right here I think the cheapest way to do this would be like 4 C4 that and then try to sneak rockets in below it Splash all the walls but we got to go fast here dude oh thank God bro do not want to go through stairs the whole way more stairs we take the foundy it kills it right yeah foundy kills it that's not too bad that's a twig I hear the turrets is it open oh my gosh please have loot why is it so bad there's no way dude I've done like every cave I'm running out of freaking boom I'm trying my luck with this one by one I found when I was first going for the tugboat plus there's a guy saying he's living in a 1 by one swimming in Rockets So hopefully it's one we've got a second one marked over here but yeah going for this one on the coastline I mean look at that it's like obvious H oh we take that all right that helps a bit not having a great day we'll find something though let's get H4 and check the other one by one real quick man that would be super ballsy living right next to the supermarket does look like he sealed it off from the outside though one Southside wall dang bro oh my God what is up with these bro oh please get out of here go go go go go go go yo they're so worth it I think I'll get everything back just readying one by ones in the trees bro that's so hidden 92 76 I'm going to try it yo I'm pretty sure I just heard him walking around in it yeah we're going for it I think it does become armored oh I knew it let's go how much stuff's going to be in here oh let's go let's go yo so worth it guys let's freaking go we got everything back BL more this man's probably calling cheats for sure so happy with that freak yeah all right we're back on top from one by on that was an interesting surprise I wonder if he's got more stuff in the [Music] walls are they what's going on here is that his second one with all the comps and everything [Music] a bro how insane would that have been what is with people living in these one by ones four he's got freaking four of them we got to find this man's other bases I don't see any close by we'll take a mini he's got probably comps and Rockets in one of them there's one it could be for this base though that could totally be one you could check that one yeah it's like in the tree for sure this might just be for the base though oh ah man two this was his you can keep that one he puts some in the trees it's like obvious we've rided three out of four I guess or could be even more than four yeah I can't seem to find a fourth one oh well we profited a ton 200,000 plus sulfur so after checking every single cave formation I feel like we have to go for the god cave now I mean all the caves weren't Juiced but the god cave could be we're going to go check it out dude it's empty can run all the way around to the bucket use this as a raid base maybe if the priv is good I'm going to hit it though I've checked slash hit every other cave already I can't put anything there oh yeah these are the most expensive and painful ones to raid but they usually pay off the most no turrets in there so we'll instant off the back here we'll probably need like C4 hopefully don't use it all without getting anything but we'll instant the back off too I bring like 40 freaking inant Rockets maybe 50 just to make sure let's do this kind of concerting that you didn't take the second part of the god cave like the second cave but you never know hopefully you got lazy enough you didn't put a bunch of walls uh 70 C4 hopefully that's enough usually the loots to the back left deepest part we'll try that first I mean he's got a lot of hqm that's for sure oh door path a bag CBS I don't want to read the bags nothing [Music] box had rope one foot yeah right their loot sealed off somewhere their loots definitely got to be sealed off somewhere all right looks like we may need to come back with more stuff didn't even have a face mask on well it's not on this side oh no he's got a squirt gun I had to take care of him oh yes uh no boxes though that's kind of sad let's break it at least we need to take the other cave and then come back with rockets and Hollow the rest of this out LOL there's literally nothing bro go ahead and waste they're using C40 come in here congrats there's nothing in here oh thanks for the C4 I guess I'll take it well I mean didn't really get baited per se we found the DC I think it's actually possible they didn't have anything in there though which is kind of sad I was totally rocking out the rest of the walls but I'm running out of time to raid today bro and I'm trying to hit a big base we still got a lot of Boom from the one by one I raided so we're going to go Scout and look for a big base oh no we got another one of these two of them what are they for hold up we can check stability here the one by the tree though 80 69 that seems pretty low yo I can put turrets everywhere let's go for this we'll hit them all okay well we need to get these turrets up [Music] this is stressful all right I think we're kind of good let's go for the raid at least these two or three maybe do that one last do the one in the trees first [Music] why is it got a half Flor least it's [Music] she sheesh there the in it there's a freaking furnace in this thing and coffin oh oh oh we did it we did it boys not the most sulfur but it's all right hopefully the turrets hold me down yeah 25k sulfur it's just about break it even but the cops we didn't even check all these yet yeah we got to raid all of them what's up with people building four bases okay I've got people on both sides that guy's dead go for it now I guess can we take cover yeah we can kind of take cover right here come on ah do we really hit the best one first we'll try one more oh dang it there's one more I mean I'm going to try to raate it those guys are going to be annoying but we totally have more stuff hopefully I think we did get all the stuff already but we'll try it oh come on ah bro the first one we hit had everything all right it's all good after using that C4 nonprofit but the cops were nice can to get back to the raid base kind of interesting bases this way two four structur bases like what yo I'm running out of time to raid guys totally keep hitting bases and go for a bigger one but I want to get the video out to you guys I raided like 10 different structures today man we still got boobed Outpost I'm looking over there about 4,000 explosives so we'll have stuff to use tomorrow it's like there wasn't too many big bases on the map this time just the massive Yang Clan and unfortunately that God cave was maybe empty I could always go back but we did get TC all right I'll see you guys in another video tomorrow wish me luck it seems like I need it [Music] [Music]
Channel: Rust Academy
Views: 21,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rust, Tips, Tip, Trick, Raid, Defense, Hack, ESP, Loot, Turret, Trap, Shotgun, AK, Box, Tutorial, Help, Facepunch, Steam, Update, Wipe, Garry, Attack, C4, Rocket, Trausi, BCHILLZ, School, Academy, Gaming, PC, Survival, Myth, Buster, Mythbuster, Sulfur, Build, Solo, Clan, Citadel, Heli, Helicopter, online, offline, metal, stone, research, blueprint, scrap, change, unique, different, design, build, CM, fake, server, welyn, bankrupt, citadel, rust clans, rust huge loot, welyn rust, rust solo, rust raids, rich, swimming, sulfur, most, profitable, wealthy
Id: L6L3iIn1_e8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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