I Claimed an ICEBERG to Defeat a 30+ CLAN on WIPE DAY - Rust Movie

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this is smt Clan a huge th who is going to do anything in their power to ra me and this is my asberg just in front of larri and today we're going to be taking down not only smt but a lot of other huge groups on a just wiped official server thank you so much and let's start from the [Music] beginning okayy we are back finally man and as always it's time to run fast wait I have to mute the chat oh gbi CL huge already I give this okay so today we're playing on a clown server so to be so many huge groups and my plan is to take over an iceberg but I want to build a new main base and I also have a new starter in mind and so many other things but I I can't wait let's go for it oh nice okay so first of all we are heading to trer we're going to be leaving the starter and then we will move to the iceberg I'm actually going to be a little bit greedy here I'm going to try to recycle something real quick cuz we need clo if we die here now it's going to be so hard to come back fast fast [Applause] fast okay enough for a couple bucks now let's go no no no we we fast man we I'm pretty sure we are some of the the first people to get to the snow have to keep going another guy in front come on we have to be faster go go go okay arrived to the destination let's go let me make another bu I'm going to get some Stone because I I want to make a bow I want to need it here oh oh no way it's a dream today is going to be an insane day man I'm telling you [Music] already guy here or two guys yeah I just have to keep going ready to make a base look we almost made it that's our Iceberg and large oil R behind now we need to farm fast okay not a single base here yet this is exactly what I want to build the starter you will see why let me place this real quick and then we are going to make the starter in the water moving to the ice barar right away was going to be very inconvenient because I would need to swim every time and take a lot of damage from the cult that's why we are going to be leaving a starter that I had been preparing only for this wipe oh dude I've been farming for like 2 minutes no way that's okay there's going to be a lot of people building their bases now so so go go go okay I think somewhere here should be fine actually I need to check yeah yeah okay we can do it we can do it I'm going to be super cold now but I need to check oh really they hit the foundation no way it's fine it's fine let me do this going I close it oh wait I need to think where to place the TC because we don't have to demolish it then with the molish the door side we can do it yeah Gucci well we have friendly neighbors already it's okay thank you R class for sponsoring today's video the AR opening website you can use my code GC to receive daily cases and claim the rec pack from now on codes are Dynamic if you have used Sone code already you can also use mine and get a 5% deposit bonus every 24 hours you can use a new code and receive a deposit bonus up to $100 they give weigh $25,000 a week on RS that show up randomly the chat you can use multiple deposit methods such as CS goo do skins create card and crypto make sure to use the link in the description or use my code go like in the website thank you guys oh hello there two guys okay so uh how we do this yeah let me take this boom after the the door frame we good we good fun let's go it's probably going to be a little bit annoying to be in the water because we live in the snow but once we finish the stter it's going to be so good you'll see okay let's go H welcome the neighbors oh let's go there another base here they're demolishing stuff no [Music] way I want HP he's looting his mate no way how am I missing that he's going back maybe he can't open the door nice let's go give me fast you have to get out of here man this the other two as well to my left but they only had the kids maybe he was dropping something behind the base never mind huge win for us man no joke we need all the clothing on the bow all that man go go go what a SC Bas man I hope let's go man we did it we did it we did it to win this if we died here we we didn't have anything nice now we have to heal with Comfort forever it's fine okay let's go I want try to to get some notes and try to find someone else building their bases oh wait no way okay I'm going for it I thought he was going to go inside man when I hit him okay the horse is so huge for us you will see if we can use it smart we have to heal with Comfort again this so painful man look at the TC it's okay man it's only the beginning well this fights may not seem very important but this was the last time I saw my neighbors probably because we got everything they had only the real solo rats do this fun candle hatut farming during night I Los see my candle hatut I got enough food to make an airlock just in case then I headed back to get a little bit more when it was morning I decided to use the horse to explore our area so we get to know better what we were facing yeah someone took over H cor already not surprised honestly they have toies well oh that's one of our NEOS S no way okay this build spot was perfect for us not only we had trainyard andri but also underwater laps So the plan was simple do the pump Mission and try to go there as soon as possible guy farming there's a big place here oh okay okay I'm believeing man relax hello my friend this guy nice ooh okay okay actually we need the cloth we need a back inside the base and I'm actually going to go deep with this I think we can make a fence and get a metal door because I'm scared we are going to get ra if we go to the O you know oh hello oh hello as well ooh give me give me we need the metal pick as well ow dude go go go this guys never miss home sweet home huge huge man look at this I'm making three furnaces right away nice I think I'm going to wait until I get enough to make a metal door and then we go to the ocean we go well protected from early rats now I decided to restart the mission of buying diving gear and getting a pump from the fishing Village but as you will see I'm going to have to change my plans a lot this a boat it's for so going to be someone else doing the mission as well still here yes actually I'm going to wait in the boat why why would I go down I'm just going to wait in the boat and now we wait oh they're coming already hello easy bro oh we did this one we need all the diving GE we can get and spear gun is huge no joke let's go boat an extra diving set can't ask for more things are going well at least for now and as I just got a boat I decided to use it to go to the iceberg and claim it already thing is if I make made a normal base it was going to get red in no time so what I did was ging it for about 20 hours and that's the amount of time I have to get everything I need to make a defendable base but for now we need to survive in our starter and as you will see it's not going to be easy okay so this is why I wanted to build our St in the water look close it I have to break this oh we need a foundation okay like this look maybe it doesn't make a lot of sense right now because we need a last touch okay but once we have that we will have an underwater entrance and I will be the only one who can use it you will see okay it's simple it's actually pretty simple you're going to like it remember about the underwater entrance because it's going to be pretty useful for the entire wipe anyways I wanted to keep working a little bit more in the base boom and maybe we will be unnoticed like this because we are going to farm the oan like crazy now sadly my o farming Strat doesn't work every time oh no no way I'm going to die please I can make it no I was I was up already no way it's fine no one's going to find it right please the boat is still there so we good come on oh no please no way they found it I'm almost here money if I can make it to my body they're stoping they saw it no way please there got it maybe they left something well ding here was terrible but hey I needed a lot of diving gear so I had back to a fishing Village to buy more W look at this these guys are progressing super fast we can maybe jump into their compound to some investigations you know oh is it a bait maybe no way [Music] right why it we go the guys are thring go go I'm running man well luck is in our sight again nice I didn't want to waste a lot of armo have to be fast man they they guys Resto the air drop from there they're going to come oh REO nice oh we got everything back let's go dude oh man this is amazing let's go the solo lck we get everything back let's [Music] go well we we can't use this guns right now but we are going to get raided but it's huge for us we take it okay so we needed a final touch for the underwater entrance because until now everyone was able to go inside right but now good L but yeah something like this should be more than fine and so you know like how good this is like they there's no way to break these shotgun traps the only ways trying to spam grenades but the way I was placing them they it's going to be super hard to find an angle you [Music] know boom okay so now we we have roof access we have a surface entrance and we have an underwater entrance like there's so many plac we can make with it you know like so many things I don't know I think it's going to be really useful man I we'll see we'll see when I was done building I went around to take a look to my area just to check how everyone else was progressing oh am I recording yeah yeah wait look at [Laughter] this bro no way that's only the people I can see there's probably more behind the Rocks these guys are done bad no way bye-bye I'm sorry I'm sorry guys it could be easily me there's a new base here oh okay we need to come back to this base well we ready to check well if you know me whenever one of my neighbors gets raed I'm always there to help oo this is gold F I'm taking this bad I don't care go go gab ooh I'm such a rat man we leave in the snow okay don't judge me we it's stuff here o I'm taking all the food but we leave it I also wanted to introduce myself to the guys living in the little Bas so earlier go oh there was another guy inside no sh I I only heard one we come back we come back then I did a little bit of farming in trainyard and when I was coming back I saw a tack boat scouting my base I didn't give it too much importance at the time but the more I play this wipe the more scared I'm going to be about it and all my fears started here this the tbot who was scouting by Base by the way and this is the base of the guys we we stole the air drops from it's GG for them I think like it's so many nothing we could do this time but as everyone was busy checking the right I thought it would be smart to take one of the Thoms we got earlier to go trans Ming well oh train oh how many and how did he see me from that far no way NR ooh oh jeez probably remember these guys let me check look at this guys then 12 14 16 18 and this doesn't even show all the players and like there so so many more wow as you will see NR was not even one of the biggest groups in my area but being surrounded by thks also came with some benefits my neighbors who got raed were the once controlling underwater laps but now that they were gone I could maybe give it a try myself and now we wait die Wei I'm going back there's only two guys now so then they left well these guys were probably loaded but now that we force them to get out we need to get the best out of laps for the next hour all I did was getting more and more loot from it Depot super quick and heading back again over and over and as I was the one waiting inside now it was so much easier to hold it the plan was simple I kept transferring loot from laps as if it was my own B until I had enough scap to make a Warman Shel 2 and in the process we also got so much Gro and a lot of coms huge and with a Warman Shel 2 now it was time to check all the small bases in our neighborhood before they became a bigger threat this a great dropping in trainer right now there's people already if they didn't move I think it's going to be loaded wooden do with Cod and and they have a research table outside for so it's going to have some stuff right oh okay oh my god oh o I knew it no way oh I have to wait it's fine a they the they have some stuff man wow those three no four guys living in this little base well we need this one it is so huge for us really boom and I'm I'm just going to try to take everything let's go we're good [Applause] dude so worth it one Molly by the way that's it we didn't even have to break the TC we have to Rite someone else this is the duo we killed at the beginning you remember the guys with the bows pretty sure they quit or they moved but maybe they something let's see hey I mean we take it one of course it's not as good as the other one but this pretty good as well oo no no no this the guys who are riding everyone go go go go we need to pretend we don't have anything we should be safe for now then I did two more raids one in the iceberg in front of laps just to let them know who's controlling the icebergs but they didn't have anything and the second base I red was the one of the guys who s me when we arrived to the area they didn't have much neither but it wasn't terrible thing is I was a little bit scared of the guys in the T booat that's why I did a few upgrades here and there and I also expanded the underwater entrance keep this in mind because what seems to be only a place to keep my boats is also another underwater entrance and it's literally going to save the wipe at some point anyways remember the main missing on day one is to get enough resources to take over the iceberg before my DCd case or we get red so I took a boat all the way to the oost and I bought two jacket and an oil refinery now farming that much in my area was going to beam possible that's why I took a boat to the other side of the map where most people had not progressed from tier one yet and well it was so worth it [Music] [Music] [Music] what how did how did he do that did you see it as well I don't [Music] know look at this how insanely good backpacks are as a solo like you see how little far I could carry if I didn't have one [Music] [Music] okay starter looking so good hopefully good enough to survive here for like 12 more hours maybe before we move let's see let's go met now we need comps oh drink com [Music] there only one I can chase him yeah yeah he's going to have to stop in the thingy we found him come on he has to be loaded nice yeah he F K he was solo Oh oh another that's the same guy he he died he was com back for his body let's go I'm just going to R I think look at that Bas it looks so role player I don't know actually let's keep this in the end entrance yeah in case we get R it we will have like all the loot split on the base well once we move to the iceberg every time I leave it I'm going to need diving gear so I decided to take all my scrap and head to the nearby fishing Village to buy a lot this a boat literally camp in the F Village man oh no way I'm just tying I don't care no I don't have fin please no no who who does that one who tries to go for that one if I had fins they were all dead but I I don't have any Bas man well not exactly my best start of f wipe ever but at least we were the first to claim the iceberg with a t and we have been stuck in a bunch of farm already if we can survive for a few more hours everything should start to pay off I took a little break and when I came back I went around to do the standard neighborhood check oh they are raiding my T really there's so many more icebergs why why does someone need to Rite the one with the DC I'm going to check what they be missed one rocket they used five already it was a stun TIY oh what there a p already my as when I was sleeping for only a few hours but how what you see why I can't go to bed when I'm playing this game no way salot ah they they see already well I don't know I mean whoever took over my TC got traded I don't know what to say man so meanwhile I was sleeping someone raided my this in the iceberg they built a base and now they got raided as well but there is a base in my Iceberg I don't know [Music] what hello that's that's my neighbors what am I playing I I'm going to get raided before I even take over the iceberg I mean what iceberg that is amazing my yes already I don't know ooo this is the guys who are raiding everyone they're coming to counter look look look oh we we need to stay in the sou we we can't mess with them you know need to be chill role player base we are friendly we yeah I know I said we have to stay the s but they won't even know it's me because I'm going to be diving so I don't care man we need to do it it's going to work there's a guy inside already oh he's going to see me no need to jump going back to the spot have to wait here oh there's a guy rocket launch no way I saw it know he had in his back they can't be ready let to go we have to swim all the way back even if I take damage if they see me going inside the face it's [Music] GG look at this and now the underwater entrance can in clutch because if we didn't have it they would see me go inside and GG [Music] yeah anyways we a name change right now come on tell me they not ready me already we good we good we good I want to check the right oh they're literally on me we're good we're good now tell me they just go back no reason to ra me right I'm just a friendly Ro player yeah yeah they're going to leave there a Min as well I'm going to give them some space okay no one is active in that little base in front of your T mod you can go back and forget about the AK kit right a what did they do to this place ooh there's so much stuff for us man we need it look at this it it's random stuff but now we have diving GE and a lot of DPS which is always nice to have right well living in my area was rough and it's not going to get any easier in the future because the group this video is all about is not even here yet anyways progressing in daytime was pretty hard that's why you're going to see me using mbgs a lot this swipe of course there's people here already probably they were doing the puzzle so we can maybe see them leaving [Music] now oh [Music] yes they're so far [Music] this so PR man nice go go go fast oh here ooh give give we needed the red card man two backpacks as well bunk okay we we have to get out of here let's go let's go but I wanted to recycle but this so much better let's go I'm telling you the red car is so good for us as well so we can go large oil and get some juicy loot well with a red card acquired I decided to go lar oil and see if we start catching up oh hey thank you thank you so much nice well I'm I'm going to call it already I guess ooh okay back FS are so good I'm telling you oh so convenient let's go man nice nice hel coming oh I I can't see them I think they they went for the third floor the other side that's but it's okay it's okay they're going to try to go up from the pipes probably I see him there you go nice oh yeah there's one more he's going to be rting super hard they're going to jump and we come back go boom we actually got a bunch of loot already despite we didn't even look the great but let's go back yeah all the Heavies are waiting for me here now okay look maybe we can find an angle oh there you go nice perfect good this oh what is this man I can't sh okay dude this guy didn't even Tred to shoot me yet by the way he's going to be ratting super hard oh I didn't know he was here I promise I didn't know I knew he was going to be Ry but I didn't know he was here it's alone for sure right yeah yeah we good we good that's okay this open ooh well not not crazy but we are poor man we we need it oh oh they're jump into the water ah we really don't have to take this fight I already looted the crate and everything oh well good thing that I checked this nice let let's go we already made them waste some time going up but this is so so sick I'm telling you let's go we need it to get a bunch of guns and and stuff like that well of course I came back for the gun of the guy we killed at the beginning when I was heading back I saw what I once thought was going to be our home look at this man I can't believe they stole my build spot yeah and there is an aror door in the front no way oh wait wait wait wait yeah go o there is stuff even wait wait wait wait we can do something we we can definitely do something here it's armor DS that's the only problem but well things turned around a lot in the last few hours it's not only that I have privilege in the asper again but the most important thing here is that I came up with a best design only for this wipe and it literally has the same starter they built so not only we're going to be able to build the base that I wanted but we're also going to save so much High which is huge because as a solo and this ear into the wipe I barely had any but of course it wasn't all good new because we were also going to need some changes oh wait no way four Rockets four roets yeah yeah that's all we need I mean I don't even have a work V three yet but if we get that we can rate the frames and that's going to break the garage door and the armor door and that's it and then we can sside the single door and that's it we take over the base well you heard the plan we need to get a war level 3 right now because trust me saying we were surrounded by thks was only an understatement and we can't defend a huge right in our starter we have to move to the iceberg Now problem is that we were 900 SC away from getting a Shel 3 so I immediately went to the cycle to trainyard but of course it didn't work so again I decided to try my luck during night time oh wait wait wait there a lot a lot a lot look there's more behind wait wait wait no shot who's getting raided that's it no one more dude they live here I think it's my neighbors he's alive yeah I think they live here oh what how did he see me there well by this time maybe I made you realize how bad this situation was good thing is that I was totally aware about it I got a bunch of comps from trains managed to recycle them and since train just seems to be safe now I also recycled some of my GS and when it was night time again I went around to keep farming more and more because moving to the iceberg is not going to save us unless we can finish the base now I had to recycle most of my comps but we were only 70 scrap away from the War 3 so I headed back to trainyard to fight finally get it oh they're camping it again dude no way they play like that I'm going back I mean we can't do anything else until they leave like I need to get the scrap from trer he's still there for sure oh wait can't you see him they're using the pump jack then I can go up and we kill this guy meanwhile the other is AFK go go oh he left really I want to wait here he's going to come back oh I knew it it's coming no at the body as well no way no I can't jump oh give me that's my stuff from there go go can maybe run it's going to be a bunch I'm going go go go yes no way I'm going to swim all the way back to base when I'm not risking it maybe they know where I live let's go well I was coming for the scrub but I I take the but we need the scrap as well but we we need to get out of this placeas we're going to get Tred as I got Gremlin I went back for the leftovers and then I headed back again to run TR and finally get the scrap oh just let me get the scrap man I only wanted to mess with them a little bit are they coming oh yeah yeah go go go well we got five SC oh AB absolutely no way they're making a huge F so they can run the pump ja because I killed them once with a DB man no way oh yeah they they never looted this nice maybe they left some L when I killed the guy yeah wait okay okay no this look at this one oh they're coming did they see me yep okay go no way man we we can't get this scub oh wow I'm I'm going to have to go for it fast the other guys are pushing from the other side huge oh no no please go go go I don't know if they're waiting by my base there going to Depot here and you can call me whatever you want but I'm I'm changing my name again man I don't care well maybe I was a little bit paranoid but hey I really wanted to survive anyways right after I finally got the scrap we needed but mean I'm crafting the Rockets I want to say you something a SI look I've been grinding so hard to get the scrap I mean it's the only shop selling a war chamber 3 this early right but if I saw this before I I have the pipes on now I had the suur to take over the base and I had a decent amount of resources to build a lot but take a look to what we're going to have just in front of the iceberg so before I used a single rocket I decided to do all the sneaky stuff first I subsided the armor door and every single item that was stopping me from expanding the base and in the next night cycle I came back to build as much as possible first I decided to build the external thesis to make sure we are not losing building privilege again I also had to do some Innovations to the design because ice BS are not the best place to build but overall it was fine now we are going to have two different entrances and of course as in every 4x4 design we will also have inner paks nothing crazy for now but the base was finally secured so it was time to take it over completely it works perfect yes and now we seal this this is going to be the way up doors all around and that's it this is our base now finally let's go man oh here we start y chill no I'm I'm not going to try to kill them if I kill one of these guys I I get instaed we have to stay in the sads for [Music] now go away oh okay and to walls hey look they're already helping us with the compound huge thank you well as soon as they left I kept working in the base because well I really wanted to for my starter so I finished the White Caps and part of the shooting floor and I also added honey comp to the entire base now the base was getting strong but it still need to be expanded a lot so I decid to go back to farming not knowing that my wipe was about to change completely hello where did this even come from or what that's it's a huge Farm B oh okay and such a little base we can raid it so easily oh there's more inside what no way go go go what's going on give me no way I can maybe go deep oh what there was more outside another one really I'm so dead there b pushing from the base no sh what is this what there's so many in this little thingy SMD a and look how close they built there is a lot inside that another one here with a bow well no way well I knew I wouldn't be able to farm in my area now so I I had to spawn somewhere else to get a boat and then use it to farm in a safer spot but as soon as I arrived with it SMD came to check my base oh well he's gone SMD Yep they're coming to steal my boats the rats I'm going to be waiting for them going to the roof oh MP5 okay oh really [Music] but this is but let's let's focus way I thought he couldn't see me there a no way they are riding me already I I thought they didn't have anything they they just arrived no no way oh that's my back in the second floor already wow yeah there isn't much we can do to the F now we have to move everything to the boat side and we seal the bunker and we pray no way they are already there maybe they don't have enough for the high oh they're they're going for the roof yeah that's bad but but but a I'm sealing this and they will have to use one extra rocket at least then they then they will demolish but they will have to use one more rocket to bre the roof for the this is well uh never mind they have infinite Rockets what no way they have enough for this oh they didn't break it I can't SE to jump there was a guy waiting for me there with a y or whatever okay we can still do it we can still do it it's tough maybe go go go wow they're really good every time I pick I get beamed [Music] there a lot a lot a lot wow and need so early for them there's going to be so many more soon oh no way I didn't take the Tommy okay I'm I don't have to stay here I have the best of me probably they think that I'm below right can maybe secure this there all lot in the B no no way man it all happened so fast I wasn't expecting them to have so many Rockets W they're griefing the base now as expected no problem if we can secure this I'm I'm happy no way they know that I'm here I'm not going to open the roof I'm just going to [Music] fight I'm alive but there is more outside of man no way I can't get out I'm I'm still trapped inside wait yeah no way oh I can't pick that man no way I I to loot all the guns at least M what are these gear sets they're literally coming nak now no way oh yeah now we we can't we can't one we have to go down there's nothing else we can do we can't live I will I'll try to find another way to get out I don't know it's fine we have I mean not all the guns but a bunch of guns here that's something they didn't get yet what if I open this [Music] what what I don't even think they know they would have raed it already no shot please stop no way it's to St from from there still so if they don't realize about the double door we good well there was nothing I could to at this point besides hiding and waiting and I waited a lot and when I thought it was safe I decided to send it okay we're leaving if we don't hear anything we [Music] go oh my God my base okay I want to make sure there's no one waiting for me but I think we good is that l no okay go all the way back to the iceberg A New Beginning ooh you see them farming no way we made it come on please please one let me let me at least have a little victory [Music] we bait it no way thank you so much it's not much it's only guns but it's something man it's something I can't ask for anything else but nothing crazy but we have guns and we got a bunch of metal and there's another gear set with an N as well in the base the Su stuff this play right here saved most of my guns huge but I lost everything they got all my comps all my low all the diving gear that I had been stuck in and most important my warben level two and my workbench level 3 that I had placed literally 2 hours before as happy as I was about getting some loot away from there in reality they got most of my loot and they won or well that's what they thought remember when I told you that the boat expansion was going to literally save the wipe well there was something I didn't show about it they didn't leave anything important right yeah I want to make sure they don't see me going inside you know but I think we're good go go go yes they didn't get it come on wo yeah I forgot about this it's okay it's okay all these times I told you I knew I was going to get right it I was serious I knew it was going to happen and I wouldn't be able to defend him my starter so what I did was splitting my loot in four places one was the depot boxes which they did get but honestly they didn't have much and then there was the DC loot room which they did get but there was also the loot in the third floor with all the guns we secured already and what I never told you about and i' been preparing with all the loot we could possibly need to restart was the hidden loot room in the boat base only problem was that smt wasn't done with me yet nah no way please they can't have more Rockets right now they they're coming no way I'm going to try to uper the roofs try to make it look stronger at least okay they left but they they want to ra it they want to ra for sure we need to finish the base fast oh really okay he's breaking my back oh they broke all my backs all my backs I'm a s what who does that one no way seeing how fast and how bad the situation was turning for me I had to take the risk and leave my B for about 40 minutes to go to the other side of the map as we did yesterday to farm a lot but I did it and I didn't get rid with mean well this allowed me to finish most of my base in the iceberg it literally didn't have those but from the outside it did look strong but for every bat I was progressing smt was progressing 50 times faster that's why I decided to take all the loot from the hidden loot room already Yes look at this nice man let's go oh my God I'm so happy I did this let's go only problem is that we don't have any cloth but look at this 10 laptops four cameras as well and all the GPS and everything stack of crud oil but yeah only if we can make it backu alive so yeah let's focus look how close they built their MERS oh go go we made it come on we are so back man only the beginning These Guys these guys don't know who they are messing with we will let them know no worries now we had another problem I went from having a war range level three to not even having a level one but do you remember the so we saw just a few hours earlier it was late night and they didn't sell it yet so I went to the oost as fast as possible and I did get it and I also made it back [Music] alive well after doing a lot of Base work this was starting to look like an actual base and this is how SM was doing meanwhile look at their Bas man it's been a couple hours like how how is this possible no way imagine how much loot they had in the starter when I was like trying to go deep oh someone is doing investigations oh well bye obviously we can't compare a solo progression to a 30 plus 30 so it's fine my plan for the day was to focus on progressing and finishing the base and as I couldn't Farm during day we go crazy during night oh I saw a guy he's running [Music] nice it's going to be solo think he's solo yeah go go go oh me want to make sure I'm not getting routed but I think we're good we go back to Yan and nothing happened give me let's go well super good kill for us but as you can see I barely got any metal from this run and this going to be a problem for most of the day but even bigger of a problem was playing the snow during item that's why until I get back on track during day we Farm the ocean and do all the Bas stuff and whenever it's night time we strike again oh they saw me we will have to check that base in the iceberg before they check mine hello okay I'm literally going all the way around because I don't think it's going to be solo I can't see anyone okay I'm just going to try to loot [Music] it oh no no way I dude I got so scared oh my God hard what I try to loot the first guy that I killed maybe they don't see it where is it oh I got it I got it I want iy to find him but he has mbgs now so I have a feeling it's going to be the guys in the iceberg because they saw me coming here you know oh I see them I see them yeah if he doesn't see me now nice fast fast fast roof camped for give me give me give me let's go he in the water yeah go go go let's go okay I'm pretty s those the guys in the asberg look how close we live to each other well the Benelli Shotgun might be clutch we get raided soon but remember we are rats it's becoming daytime again luckily now I had a rip that I could use to go to safest spots of the map to farm up which of course I did because I really wanted to make a compound already so no one will be able to go inside my Iceberg okay so using the wall that was already here we can make an entrance yeah and we Gucci we save some wood we we are poor man we need to save some resources you know okay now this site is Seal so this other Clan can't come to like check our base you know okay and now smt can't come to check my Bas you know it just makes a right a little bit harder I like it it's harder to Door c as [Music] well oh what the heck what what think I think that's smt getting raed yeah yeah it is it is no way they are getting raed already oh my God I don't even know they're winning sadly getting rid of smt was not going to be that easy because in less than 10 minutes they defended the right and now in their first day of the wipe they also got a lot of full kits and probably a lot of rockets on defending look at this it's super late for them this is like the minimum amount of people they have online you know 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 yeah 18 18 people at the end of the day wow luckily I was also about to see I'm present I heard someone El we might be getting or someone scouting maybe never mind what oh I weed on the first one what are these guys doing ow okay he's dead but to make sure I'm not getting baited you know oh what what's going on I'm going for it [Music] o what no way give me give me bro oh my God that's so much come on come on come on thank you so much man why do they even have so much loot is we're going to go oil with the new launcher thingy but I don't know but I take it well the diving gear is huge as well by the way I was a little bit confused as for why would they be my B and I found out a few hours after it was because the submarine got stuck in my Iceberg and keep it in mind because I'm going to use it at some point one same things goes for the homie missile launcher which became one of my favorite weapons in the game after this wipe now smt had locked down trainyard since they arrived but I did manage to sneak inside the train station and I made it all the way to the oost completely loaded not only I got a bunch of cloth which I really needed but a lot of essential comps and a mini copter that we could use to recycle from now on as it was becoming daytime we get back to work in the base remember when I told you that the boat expans was going to save my wipe well keep these things I'm going to build in mind because they are going to be pretty useful anyways mean while I was building it became an nem so we go [Music] again oh no way he's solo I think I try to loot oh oh I need this I need this give me give me give me a give me go go go I'm so greedy man this place look there's nothing so the so everyone's coming here to farm like every time I come here I I kill someone but I'm going to get Tred man this is for soon one of my neighbors we made it man I promise this is not a script that like I don't have any metal in base look I don't even have a window here cuz I don't have metal for it wow no way look at this box this is all my metal that that's it I was saving it for something I don't know n this game can be fair sometimes only sometimes I look at the upkeep 29 minutes like it can't get any better than this I can't explain with words how important this skill was for us I couldn't even pay the upkeep of the base because we didn't have any metal but now this was a huge boost for us anyways now more than ever we had to keep working in the base [Music] right [Music] H coming oh they scouting right go no I couldn't see it no way no ah close close but we are already getting scouted man this is not good well another good reason to keep working in the base oh that's the guys ring go go [Music] go come on please [Music] boom easy well this guys in the mini were scouting to R me but as they saw me online they actually offline raed my neighbors in the asp instead so we could think that I was working so much in the base we still need to work a lot more but now we had some essential tets already I also finished the second Defense Tower let's call it like that and by this time I still had a bunch of metal left so I was able to upgrade some of the most important parts of the base already also since I was focusing so much in the base I decided to use the mini to buy two samet as well just in case oh there's a mini coming oh he's shooting me wait wait have something for you as well slow slow boom man I'm loving this thing I have to use it every wipe boom and give me this best decision of my life I can tell you already but I finished most of the campound I didn't have good forward but it's fine for now of course I also did all the electricity to place both of our Sam sites and if everything goes well we will buy a third one tomorrow but for today this was insane we went from literally waking up to someone else living in our Iceberg to Los in everything and then save it last second to a fully functional base which still needs a lot of work but this is more than ready to defend a raate now I needed to finally take a break to come back stronger and so smt that they made a huge mistake by raiding us when I woke up I had a pretty clear plan in mind I wanted to attack every source of loot of SM SMD wait go go slow slow boom oh he he's insane he controlled that okay it's my neighbors well good morning guys I back get ready attacking loot sources of yeah a group of their size Farm a couple monuments all at once and for them it was mainly trainyard and underwater Labs so ICI to pay them a [Music] visit oh okay there's more there's more it's smt for so look look how chilly he was can May loot oh never mind there's someone swimming it's a smt yeah well good luck finding the gun now there's another one coming wa let me take this he might try to loot him yeah just in case he's so gross oh hello I want to make sure they don't go inside or they KN me you know look at this guy I think they made it inside from the other entrance I try to Camp a little bit but I'm so cold oh no they crouched all the way here man no way we need to get out of here man there's so much stuff everyone I'm taking everything I'm such a rat I don't care even the wooden armor there's a problem now by the way because if I have a backpack then I can't use the diving tank but I think I can maybe make it even if I take some damage okay I need to be full HP go please can I bake it we can we can for Su right yeah wait stop can I make it okay dude what the heck was that look that's a smt base meanwhile meanwhile some guys are fighting lobs there's some calling an you know I don't know man look at this beautiful bik place we need to get some metal by the way we need to upgrate this site this is the only one I didn't upgrate because people can't see it you know look at this look at all the juice they didn't have any comps like were I mean I guess someone had comps and but he didn't fight but no way man they have one guy only looting comps and if they get countered he jumps to the water or what's going on man I don't know I'm more than happy going back right away probably wouldn't be as smart as they will be waiting for me so I decided to do something completely different meanwhile I was asleeping the clan who was controlling the hqm Cory got R it so I thought I could maybe take a look and see if I can use it myself now it was completely full of turrets but there was one little spot where the turrets wouldn't suit me and I was actually able to use the quy maybe this doesn't seem crazy but this means infinite highall because the turrets are literally protecting me and we live just in front of HRI so getting this is super easy anyways going back to my daily task now I had to mess with smt in trainer but I ended up getting a little bit distracted oh that's not me right yeah yeah it's my neighbors the clan just in front of my Iceberg was getting raed by abbg one of the biggest clan on the server and they not only made one Tower to ride them but also a second one and then smt made another tower all of them in the same site which means the back part of the base is completely free for the rats this was a perfect opportunity to get a lot of the stuff that I was going to need if I wanted to get rid of SM oh it's going to open the compound what is going on oh can go inside I need to wait so the people in The Towers won't shoot [Music] me what is this shotgun trop no no way man this so so much potential here we we need to go back I have a plan give me a sec go go go stop stop dude stop and we have our own right P easy respawn oh my God there's literally three towers it's so hard to go man oh thank you we Depot here in our own right base and I need to go back to my base we need some lads I just can't see anything man go oh there is the shotgun drop ooh wait I'm going to Depot this I think super quick and we come back yeah yeah go go go we go back fast oh can I make it I can do it go yes oh my God wait wait wait I need to heal the full or I'm going to die to the shotgun drop oh there's people everywhere I can't keep wating here I need to go please yes go go go go go to the [Music] water dud we made it look at this one row one row of rocket launchers no way going back I need to the jump again ah we guci oh oh my God this so much loot in this place can I make it out from here oh what no no was the chance he was there was the chance oh he thinks I'm in the same thing go go oh give me give me and we go like nothing happened man R away and they can't even see me from here now [Music] [Music] oh well that was my own body oh give me bro look at this guy look at this guy he was stealing some stuff like me it's smt member is running to their Tower what they have everything they they don't need need to steal what never mind oh they sealed they are winning the raid I can't believe it they're actually winning I need to find another way to go inside go and we are back oh thank you ah I think we got everything already like like everything in this side of course think I'm going to leave with the kit oh ooh oh no way no way they're all locked who does that it's okay this this already huge for us need to get out they defend it already by the way they D ceiling let's [Music] go how much loot are we getting from from this no way look at this wait what is this loot row of rocket launchers four or five F I don't know if this more we got so many f so many so many and four P this four Max Health te that's super good I'm so happy we needed this well of course don't be fooled by but I've been serving you because this took hours I think I died more than a 100 times but the amount of loot we got wow with all the kits we got from the ra I was able to almost all my Locus with not only akes but also a lot of them with rocket launches and HBS and considering our situation this was huge for us but that wasn't the only preparation I had to do take in mind I pretty much built our best from zero yesterday so I didn't have that many resources left I wanted to have a lot of metal not only to upate the base but also to prepare for a potential rate and I also wanted to have a bunch of sulfur to be an actual threat to SMD now after doing a lot of farming I was going to check oil to get some diesel when I saw a tack boat just in front of it so I decid to investigate go go go they hurt me for sure it's okay they have to open [Music] so no they closed but I want to pretend like I'm leaving maybe his mate will open the [Music] door never mind well have to keep waiting I [Music] guess yes oh my God that so lucky and that's it know I thought there was another one but see solo now there's three bucks I think I look at all the barrels oh my God but I can't break the locker though I don't have enough ammo if I had just one tool dude if I break the box and I try to come back fast let me check how much damage is it n no no way no way we don't have enough no way what he spawned yeah yeah he he spawned I mean someone spawned oh let's go too close yes I knew it let's go dude oh what okay this is not uh normal TB they live here man they were about guess they were going to make a base no way okay we we need to break the bags we need to come back we write this and we get everything fast okay yeah because there's no boom here and there's no workm three no no I need to one kill and I come back with a mini I'll be fast come on go go go it took me like 5 minutes to craft everything if if they leave close they they could be dead already oh no way you know what I'm going for it I will make it I took damage look at my HP I even took damage but I'm not in the attack mod how how is that possible I took fall damage no way well that is just terrible I mean to be fair look at the place there there was a lot of fun but yeah as you will see all that loot could have been pretty useful in our fight against smt but well sadly not every play we go for is going to work so it's fine the rest of the day is going to be pretty busy so get ready it all started when I saw simp using their attp they love that thing they were using it all the time so new Target acquired remember about the sub that was stuck in our Iceberg but it took me quite some time to get out because for some reason it was killing me whenever I was close to it but I did and you only need 12 Torpedoes to destroy a attp so we go for it oh well I don't know if this is good or bad I mean if they take it in the water it's insane but me no no it's ler in their base the chance well I guess we wait a little bit before breaking the taco boat yeah I'm going to go back we get some metal flag and we we repair the thing okay now the thing is I've barely used this thing so I don't even know what I'm am I even aiming you know but I think this should be fine let me check if I did some damage but yeah it's not even going to sew up it's okay we go come on break it please but I'm going up I don't want to go up wa no stop dude they were prepared oh my God they this thing breaks so fast look at them look at them have so much fun no way I can break it in front of their faces right I want to try boom like nothing happened let's go let me see go go go this is so hard to control like can't see anything ah no no no no go no way but this is impossible no away dude relax oh my God you see the they love their T mods I I knew they were going to be annoyed what and nothing happened again it's so cheap as well by the way they're using so much ammo and HPS and everything and I repar it with like 40 metal f w stop dude relax boom what are they doing W no no no go down I kissed one I kissed one did you hear did you hear that let me check no way wa oh man this is this things this is what I enjoy the most about this game let's check boom no way no I I can't I get another you he this is insane oh he's building stuff to block the Torpedoes r you see him I hit [Music] him relax guys relax ooh close close this thing has a lot of a drop down I I have to get used to it oh I hit him dead easy bro easy look at him no way man all right no way I can loot that they're going to see me oh he was straight Punk if he hits me once I'm I'm dead I think oh never mind he's running it's running what what do you mean man why are they so scared let's try again I won't use all the Torpedoes in case they kill me boom boom [Music] oh I didn't hear him I didn't hear him well we'll break it man I'm I'm breaking that tpot no matter what I have to do well there is a way more effective option to destroy attack Bo but it should also be way more expensive in this case no matter the cost it's worth it come on come on come on Fast bye-bye s there's people inside by the way B oh bnk G me what it didn't do any damage I know it's forc for for soon want to repair it I don't know man I don't know what happened honestly hello K me it's not a real rocket right yeah just in case now I can't do much the they're going to to the roof now hello now we we can't do anything else I just have to go I I don't know what happened so I was cheing it again and it's 4 C4 like I know it's 4c4 and I I saw someone else doing it as well just just like the first time I took over and I iberg I remember that after pretty much taking three LS in a row I decided to take a little break so they wouldn't be expecting me until I heard something outside yeah yeah there's people here I'm going to pretend like I'm offline because they they seem to be scouting oh what oh no way is that it's the guys what what are they doing what now they wanted to offline right me for sure oh wow okay they was scouting my best to offine ra me 100% what are they doing otherwise why is there two guys here in front of my door and the others are just waiting the T boot well just in case we're going to do some upates I don't know how big of rats they are maybe they actually come when I'm online I waited a little bit more but they didn't do anything now it was pretty early for me but smt is a Chinese team so around 9:00 p.m. my time it's pretty late for them and there was only three or four members holding the base so that's the perfect window of time for us to strike can you hear that that's a turret not working and look how many boxes they have there you think I can hit him from here oh he moved just when I threw it no way what it's going to go to the roof 100% can I do this no okay I'm just going to jump oh okay ooh give me loot look at the cloth oh no way the ah so close look probably doesn't have anything inside or it doesn't have much but I want to raid it just to mess with them you know I want to break what whatever they have inside I I want to break it just just like they did to buy a starter you know I don't think there's going to be anyone inside but maybe they will take this one there's only three online so so be fine [Music] go go go bre it's all locked really it's okay I'm prepared ooh okay Gucci already looking promising come on come on come on 10 10 fuses okay give me oh my God I have so much time gear oh okay that's that's that's actually good no joke breaking maybe they have one full kit for defense and there's nothing crazy but there some stuff and we're going to break everything so well okay but I have so many cards taking the red stone I think we're going to go with this nothing crazy but we get a row of guns and some stuff we can maybe come back for more let me see if I can stack something else okay can we go well nothing crazy but I'm going to use all this SC to mess with them more and more and for me it's more about sending a message are we good oh okay we take everything and then we break whatever is left destraction done we got to go well since they didn't even try to defend the attp ICI to build a little base as close as possible to this and see if they they try to do something okay I think they didn't even realize I mean there's three online but they might be AFK because I know it's super late for them so yeah let's try come on come on come on come on want try to hide a little bit oh I can see him no wow I died so fast well we know they are online you come on come on come on ow really maybe bait it oh well let's see this might be the perfect bait because he has to come down to to replace the [Music] wall oh what oh my God thought he was dead go pleas no go away man there so many tets I want to try again fast fast maybe I can bake it but I'm going to wait for him it's I come naked to loot for sure nice let me dep5 I'm please can we make it bro no you close I'm not going to Ed it no way but at least I'm going to make him suffer a little bit I want to jump why not go this guy so much I'm dping again yeah why not come on no way man the t is insane how hello hello well maybe this seems like a waste of time but we're slowly draining them more and more and it will get to a point where they might make a mistake they will regret okay so I made this thing imagine we're getting raided and we need to get out of the iceberg for whatever reason you know with some loot or I don't know oh yeah well so so this doesn't happen you know if I have to do it yeah perfect example [Music] boom Oh about this one dude I'm going to die bro what was that that's that wasn't my fault no way a little bit after I went back to build another base super close to theirs in a little spot where they didn't realize they didn't have privilege okay so because I know they're going to write this as well and there's no way they go through the metal right away right so we place this here because they are never going to expect the subf front so they go through doors and then they find the garage door and then they find up front and GG no way they R it and we can keep it spawn in here so well since they were active there wasn't much we could do for now so I decided to go for a little right mean well well I don't know if they're going to have anything but it's a full metal base in an iceberg I don't know it's not about the loot it's about the message you know that oh oh my God the yies Y it's so many what now it's farmers who makes a farmit in the an iceberg I don't know I mean it's safe I guess there's probably so much Farm there yeah but it wasn't terrible oh look and they have a back pack for me nice well honestly it wasn't even that bad got a row of guns and a lot of Jackies we're going to sell all that for Sol for in the shop so yeah probably will be worth it boom now we are selling pretty much everything I think yeah I still need to give smt some more time so they wouldn't be expecting me to do my rat stuff and I saw cargo spawning close to my base since I had to head over to with try because I've been so busy fighting them that I never had the chance to try this or to just run oil R and all that stuff oh hel coming there's only one guy I think I blind if there's only one it's a giga chat man we can't lose this oh I heard him he crouched all the way up the rat good rat man good rat I respected and his body disappear not only the gun but also his body it's all in the water well it's okay you're alive oh one rocket okay the rest is not the best man I have terrible lack when opening these things don't expect anything insane I'm telling you already oh it's all right what my base no no what what oh I I didn't see this I thought I was getting raed bro no way well that's not good imagine if I brought the Homing missile thingy B he's gone he's alive that that guy is full heavy oh it's coming he com look look look it's so slow how many hvs they have now we good we good come on give me something [Music] good okay well I take it man let's go back fast well not the craziest cargo run ever but with a bunch of stuff and I wanted to do it once at least I mean look at this it's good loot but there nothing crazy to be fair I don't know oh SC hel they're going can I hit them for here think it's too late come on ah it's too far yeah yeah it's too far well let me check the cameras we can maybe do something they're [Applause] parking there's two guys only maybe three no no two guys two guys it's ours we are going for that we we need to win this we need to win this we need to SC I will show you [Music] why I want to push fast before the other starts hiding or something I think he's inside right okay oh he said that's so unlucky that's that's just unlucky man that gu so much that is fun so what we are going to do is I go back with the mini we can back with a boat and then we get Scrappy and with the scrappy I want to send it to smt base I want to try to break their [Music] sides oh okay not badman I'm not complaining considering my lag I take I'm happy we're going to need a lot of full kits now let's not crash it before I get to my B and we do the investigations y oh Wei Wei okay time for the boom boom B perfect look how close we live by the way whenever you are watching the video I want you to to actually see like how close we are to to each other this is like the perfect way to show you it's also the perfect way to use a scar as a solo [Music] go dude I think I I think it's going to hit it's going to hit but now actually I'm not spawning the flank see if we can kill someone checking the leftovers you know go go go quiet oh [Music] what is that what can is that even me me I'm not checking the backpack I'm sorry okay I'm sorry I don't have time I'm dead go go go go go go [Music] we made [Music] it that's so huge I'm going to use it right away by the way I'm going to use all the high and all that right now good morning message hello good morning well soon it's going to be smts prime time and I knew what was most likely going to happen so I got to the third samite and I also used some of their High to operate the fourth floor of the base which is where all my loot is going to be oh they're here they're here hello [Music] yes thank you it's a loot it's a loot but they're going to ra it for sure they're going to fail and they don't know that your home is mine oh to those come come wait what are they doing yeah they the metal they're only hitting the this these two walls in the entrance and this get ready no wait what this it hello [Laughter] bro no way no way no way no way oh there rocket in my face look guys hello oh my God we are going to get raided 100% we we have to repair oh oh my God they were already building a right base this was happening stop I didn't even realize one I was way too piey with them let me try to check there has to be LS behind unless they came with a Min away Y no no they're right in the the Bas with the sub front can you hear that no way why why do they do that that's not to worth it for sure well look at this no matter what they do we're going to win this this going to be my revenge [Music] hello okay so what we're going to do is I have a bunch of GP and I can't use that so I want to make as many Rockets as possible maybe at some point to in the right I can rocket the RightWay or whatever you know oh look they're making it a little bit higher now no way it's going to be a stone RightWay they they will operate it but I guess the guy who killed earlier that that's the guy who had like all the BS that's going be so SC for them to try to R me from there you will see like they're also in an iceberg and they need to push to my [Applause] Iceberg oh yeah we we know what's going to happen happen right M incoming little do they know that I have a plan in case they try to M my base let's [Music] [Applause] see I'm going to upgrate the first and second floor Like There's No Loot here so you know like all the loot is in the fourth floor but so they will think my loot is in the first and second we are we are upgrading this first should be fine for [Music] now boom oh yeah they are upating to metal already boom High qual hop hello let me do this as well no I going to have to pick up the samite already oh yeah boom oh no no no no no stop stop oh they they can see me from the it this that's how tall it is wait I have a plan oh I I don't know if I'm going to have time to do it come on man no way so tall come on ah well I R out of middle oh wait wait have a samite anymore it's okay my body yeah boom and the higher they go the higher we have to go as well so it's okay let me power this thingy let me demolish this cuz if they samite is not going to do much I mean to be fair it's not going to do much because there's only one s left so yeah whatever but it's not going to change anything like One S doesn't doesn't do anything anyways are they going higher yeah yeah look look what we go high as well oh my God maybe it looks thr but this is the only way we can win literally like take in mind if they can see my roof from the right base I can't play like I can't defend oh they're breaking the S set in the compound I I can't protect it it's going to one samite that's it and it's not going to do much but it's okay I have a plan look look they're going higher BK at some point I won't have a St AB ility to keep doing this oh well it's going to be tough because I don't have a lot of clo if this is like a very long rate defense oh wow yeah this is going to be tough little clo one right uh difficult times require difficult decisions we going to have to use the wipe day willum Strat but we are doing it to defend our base let's see boom some food ready there you go nice it's going to be very long rate I think oh my well yeah this is we want to need the b rock I guess well back to comfort what is not enough I need more on the roof man I'm moving all the time there you go perfect what are they waiting for ow I think they're waiting for more people to get on oh never mind they're breaking the camp finally where they even raing oh look yeah yeah because they can't raade it like front that's be so annoying for them to to Rite I'm telling you oh what they're going for the other side they're not raing the side with the high one oh man but this is going to be so much easier for me look the guys in the right base can't even help them if if they go for that side okay I don't know but I think they're making a mistake oh my God you're killing a lot what I like to go [Music] down look at all the FES oh no [Music] way that is so op man I don't know give me give me give me give me okay what are they doing man why why is people they have people in the right bit but they can't even see me oh I missed look at him hello oh oh well maybe my plan didn't work I will tell you now okay yeah see seems fair bye-bye to the B racks as well no we don't have do here anymore and the tet's gone wow oh the Rockets I I forgot about it imagine if they got my Rockets now what I didn't even see them this toet is going to be super good are they this oh they R he can't move he's going to be there yeah okay what are they doing man I don't know why why is there people in the right P meanwhile they can't help them they they should be here I [Music] think okay this is good man this is so good because they isn't that many of them online right now there going to be more and more coming so if we can get a lot of kids from them now it's going to make things so much easier but they're just waiting for the next Mr strike they are not doing anything they just want to spam mlrs I guess well yeah all they wanted to do was to write me with mlrs which basically has no counter play well it has only one I quickly called on Discord a couple friends of mine and I told them to please go to the abandoned military base and wait for smt sadly they couldn't make it in time for the first strike but they did something so much better they saw one of them building a M's base they raided it right away and look what they got this was enough to fully wipe my base they literally saved me at least for now because the time was starting to pass and a lot of smt members were coming online so things were about to get pretty rough but now they will have to actually R me with real rockets and that's something we can defend can I loot it I can't give me okay get a bunch oh W he he knew oh what there was so many in the twi nice the turret is [Music] insane what they're literally dying to break the turet no ah I he die to the to it was reloading a have to go back fast we got [Music] them don't do it don't do it don't do it what he K his mate he killed his mate as well but it's literally worth it for them because there's so many and I'm only one dude the rocket launchers stop give me no what in my tower in my tower they run it's probably the perfect time to use this if they don't see me they are so confused this so good let me break this okay we good I guess so many full kits on everything we are training them B but I need to replace this super quick this turet was doing so much work they couldn't break it am I going to die I think I'm going to die to rock it no way it's fine it's fine oh Special Forces arriving we have some help oh that's me that's me guys what oh there was one more in my tower again monk huge oh there's so many now W oh that's a real rocket I think finally he's dead he's dead okay they are everywhere now that's so unlucky man okay okay they're buying so much time for me hey y oh [Music] J right no no shot it's okay we go it's only one this so good oh okay no way what why is there so many on the roof now they are right in below he go go [Music] go it's okay it's a bunch oh okay we're killing so many they doing it oh I made a mistake yep I I knew it one no no way come on I want I to see maybe I can't see anything I see it I see it no way but this there's literally No Loot here I will show you I will show you there's nothing here they're missing completely are you good yeah yeah yeah it's all full HP only the look it's nothing I can't place it right yeah I got um I want to open the G store I think there's nothing here anyways and I'm trapped I can't place the wall or anything yeah and I can't I don't have any metal for those it's okay I want to open no there so many so many you hear the Rockets that's my friends [Music] oh they killed him see that go [Music] go so many death bodies it's something to [Music] see no I I don't have time man I don't have time to check on the the bodies there's so many going with this go go go [Music] we have to keep going we are draining them but I need to loot some stuff as well and we [Applause] win this guy was still here like you see what's going on outside and he's still holding the roof wow give me let me close this oh no way give me give me the that's meds for this right stop man that's enough meds for the rest of the ra literally no way he was going to the wi again he has a mission I'm breaking this this guy one no shot I'm breaking this well can't let them go to the roof oh okay stop dude stop they don't stop [Music] [Music] coming look they're buying me so much time let's go [Music] go what's going on I'm going [Music] down what do I even do now can't do anything oh five SS I need something to seal give me give me give me so many B man they were looting a lot so many it's more Comon [Music] [Music] please stop I'm not I mean I didn't loot anything even I didn't have time yep no oh no way no no way dude so many he had all the HPS I need to go down again I'm going to jump wait can I loot something they're reading my St I think by the way no yeah yeah yeah they're what the heck give me they gave up trying to R my M yeah yeah that's that's myal for sure I to see maybe just in case boom can you hear them they're griefing my St what why are they doing that it's like if they can't win right then they are trying to mess with me as much as possible ow you see it they want to expand the privilege of the standard you know oh look look what they made what what is this one what is this they made another right P to spawn I guess so they wouldn't be called yeah yeah so they wouldn't be called but they ra quit no way man wow well after building three right bases and a lot of hours smt gave up but this wasn't like winning any other right defense a few days earlier this guys almost ended my wipe but today it does me the one actually ending their wipe I took all my Rockets to the r base and all I could find there was a bunch of smt members who had already disconnected and the little bit of loot they had left still on the ground this morninga they also tried to grief the ra base because obviously they didn't have any intentions to keep playing after this but I got everything from them this was one of the most if not the most satisfying right defense I have ever been a part of and there was only one thing left to do giving my best loot to my friends who have been helping me during the ra and this is how it ends this is by far my longest video and the most time I've ever spent editing one so if you like this maybe consider subscribing even liking the video and as always I do reply to every single comment so please let me know your thoughts also I made a second Channel where I'm going to be uploading some extra amazing vipes that you are for sure going to like a lot so make sure to check it out as always a special thanks to my amazing patrons who keep supporting me even more and again thank you all so much and let's s you this one
Channel: Gorliac
Views: 582,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #RustSolo #RustPvp #RustProgression #RustRaid #Gorliac
Id: L_f0URj1XYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 57sec (9897 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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