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[Music] all right I am in so today I am playing solo and I am on a completely fresh wipe server so uh there's a lot of people online right now I just need to get some wood and then get a quick bow going I am actually right beside sewer which is the monument that I wanted to build next to this W man that is such a lucky spawn though okay so this is how it looks on on the map I got sewer brunch I got mining Outpost I got Airfield down here as well so a very good spot overall I'll get a bow going this guy got a tool on him okay not bad some gear as well so yeah I'm going to run around a bit here just to kind of try to kill enough people to get the farm that I need for the base and then I just got to find a build spot I need to get a bit away from here cuz there's just so many people spawning in these guys are not going to have much just a quick reminder that most most of you watching my videos are not subscribed so make sure to subscribe if you do enjoy the content and while you edit and like on the video helps me out a ton as well there's actually crates in this road here somehow even though there's so many people like running past if I could make a bit of gear I could actually run into sewer I would be like the first one too need this wood thank you okay that might actually be enough for base nice [Music] try fire R crossbow would be good okay gear that's fine as well this spot seems very good for Notes too like look at that so many Stone notes I'm going to get a bit more wood here and then uh get a base down [Music] oh he died okay I'll take it nice oh wait he had a bed that is actually pretty huge what about down there like on the right maybe can I build here I can okay so like somewhere over here so maybe how close can I get I kind of want to check okay so that's how close I mean this right here seems like a pretty good spot actually I should be able to fit the base your Tao there we go nice gu farming right outside I'm going to get a analog on this and then I guess I'll get a beted down for now why not well perfect I got a base down very nice spot as well I love sewer and I love the fact that you only need a green card to actually do the the puzzle and yeah like doing the pzle at Z gives me about two 300 scrap maybe so it will be a early two one holy man hit a [ __ ] compound bow I will take a compound bow though nice that's actually going to be kind of huge gu with a bow over there or not thought a bow okay here some components are sold okay man I already know how much loot I'm just like about to get from this just going out killing all the like nakeds and the guys that just made a bow such a fun way of just getting loaded as well I love it oh so someone build a base right up here too okay some wood there's a base over there as well I'm going to head b a b here and then what I might do is actually go sewer cuz if I could get some early components get a tier one down I could easily just make an nail gun and that would be so nice oh my God I'm not going to lie man but like I am feeling this like they spot the amount of people around the monents I got right beside me like I can get so much loot in this area here I'm going to head over to se real quick see if there's any crates here at all there's a crate behind me though these crates just keep on spawning like on the road here too which is of course just because like the pub is extremely high right now all of the crates at se are going to spawn extremely fast too so I need to just take like control over SE get the green card going get a tier one down and hopefully get a early tier two down as well so I can make a guns the only gun I BP is P2 and pump I guess that's fine though I guess I'll just have to grind a few other BPS okay not bad though like these components are pretty good I need 20 more scrap though for a tier one and I'm not sure if I have any in base oh my God man people just don't expect it either like because of the range the compound bow has oh my God [Music] what I am running holy I mean I get it though man there's so many notes around here but come on this guy Farms so much all right I'm going to just get this in and then do some expanding that's insane like the amount of stuff that he found over here yep I can expand a lot already which is [Applause] [Applause] perfect okay I'm out I'll do this wood for now so I basically have honeycombing all around the base which means I just need more Stone and I can start on the second floor I mean this is without a doubt the fastest I've ever gotten this uh this base down I need to get some metal doors on here though but it should be fine for now I do have enough for the tier one workbench so I might as well make it not sure if I'm going to make a nail gun yet though I might just keep on like heading out with a bow compound bow and then if I lose it I'll just uh make a nail gun I guess I'll place it here for now it's going to be kind of scuffed but it's fine just about 15 minutes into the wipe I managed to expand my base quite a bit and set up the tier one workbench to keep up the pace I decided to head over to sewer burs to gather a few more components and look at the notes here man like I need a jackhammer I could farm so many of these so many crates here not bad a lot of semi buies I guess I'll need those for the p2s there's one base here too fully wood though or sky oh my god dude holy all right I'm going to just Depot this and come back I am stacked already that guy had a lot of scrap not bad at all that guy had like another full inventory like 100 scrap too I really want to get a green card going so I can get some more scrap he's going to hide yeah man this horse is so fast there's a few bases around here though there's one on my left here too with a metal door on top B guy over here holy dude I need stack as well dude why am I getting CED what get actual good components as well like this guy looted sewer Branch for all of this he had like rifle body has and G buddy that was so good a Hy as well I am doing very good on components though like I bet I could recycle these and then get a tier two down not that I really need it now though like if I could just get a green card going I would be completely fine with that I just need to actually either kill someone with a green card or find a scientist one guy farming over here dude it's so easy okay not bad not bad at all three Springs I'll just deeper that and head straight back out I absolutely love this area man like I can just keep on doing this at least like early on I'm going to get so much loot from doing this but yeah I got almost 200 scrap already I have a lot of components actually have over 200 scrap and yeah like I could easily recycle and get a tier two down but I don't really need to make a gun yet yet I'll probably do it soon though but yeah for now I don't really need it oh that guy is geared he sees me as well I kind of want to fight these guys no way dude yeah like they live right up here I think they are probably going to know that uh I live here now not bad though like I'll take the gear I'll take the bows I need to get the rest over there though I'm going to pick up this bed actually cuz it is taking a lot of space I just realized I'm like 40 minutes into the wipe and I have not died once yet hopefully I can keep that going for a bit would be nice but uh I mean even dying now really does not matter cuz I have so much in base so I'll always have something to fall back on which is nice like I got so many boats in there I can make it TI two so I can make p2s as well so I am definitely not doing too bad right now oh one guy over there pretty good oh not one five or six holy yeah so those yeah I see five right now where do those guys to live though man that would be so nice to know I kind of feel like they would live somewhere over here here maybe F2 or like on one of these islands here oh man a shotgun drop I want to get that back I'm kind of far away from base though but this is really good I'll place it right here cuz at some point I'll have like a furnace here and this is going to be blocked off completely so the second someone jumps down on the furnace they're going to be hit by this going to be pretty good I guess I'll get a metal door down here as well I do need more metal though actually I'll bring on an ice pick get some metal notes and some Stone notes as well yeah so the group I saw sewer could live on oh okay I mean I'll fight you but you got run after me he's on the zip line I think I killed him with that I got a feeling he's not alone though he was uh pretty geared there's guys behind you there's guys behind you there's guys behind you there's guys behind you oh my god dude [Music] not bad oh this is a bad Z line there's a few of them I'm going to run for now like this is good [Music] [Music] components oh my god oh and I'm dead anyways okay yeah so it's that his teammate and like dude no way he had a P2 yeah I thought they lived in this base here well I mean it's completely fine that was the first time I died and to be fair like even if I killed that P2 guy that would have been the guy right behind me anyways that was pretty close though for sure like I hit that guy two or three times I think well maybe this is a sign that uh I should actually get this tier 2 workbench going and make myself a P2 as well I do need to uh Focus base though like get some more Stone going some more metal as well and I gu some sulfur too so I can actually make ammo for whenever I do get a p i got all the notes that I need here like around me but uh only problem is it is a pretty popped area just because of like the fresh Bor being right here I see so many people like just looking this way here there's people at the sewer as well holy dude what there's a few bases here though one down there one up here and then one over there too this is where having a horse would be pretty nice even this is really good I can probably make the second floor with that okay nice okay that was not a bad one I got to wait for a bit of metal here to cook so I can actually make the ti too I'll uh I'll go chop down the trees outside I don't want people like crouching up to my base while I'm expanding and they can easily do that with this many trees around should be fine for now there we go and I'll make a P2 as well after crafting the P2 I gathered some of the stone I had and used it to build the second floor on the base since I didn't have the blueprint for the garage store and I was a bit short on blueprints in general I realized I needed to gather more scrap and components oh my gosh holy [ __ ] someone farming you hey bro please chill bro please that's the same guy I really don't have anything though I'm just I'm sorry man and he got so much as well can I like ah feel bad man I mean it is unlucky he's getting a crazy spawn here like next to a Road next to so many crates and then he just ends up dying all the time that is another 50 scrap though and I have 50 in base so I'll need about 90 more like I have the components easily so I could just recycle but keeping them is going to be good I think and like the long might have a teammate though oh never mind you that is a group that is the group yeah I am so dead no I don't want to shoot that guy dude I didn't want to shoot him might not find my P2 if I go over here not that really matters I can make another P but I'm going to spawn outside here so how deep are they yeah python as well they are pretty interested in my base now though so uh I need to just get those on this man they might not have found my P2 though wait it's here it is actually here well so basically I lost nothing nice so what I need is more metal so I can actually block this off here like with a wall and then that that's going to be the jump up but there's no point of doing that just yet cuz I do need more doors so I need to get some metal going tummies okay well I know who that is if these guys are five or six deep though I mean they could have the boom to like ra already and I got one metal door on this base I need to get more BPS though like stuff like s would be nice to have AK as well and stuff like boom as well but I do actually know if you guys on the server and uh pretty sure they have all BPS I mean you guys probably know them but com is figer and dust is is all playing the server right now so so maybe I can actually do a bit of a trade with them well basically I just need to actually get the last B Scrap I need 190 scrap for gar star and I got 120 okay so I don't need too much more dude I'm hitting the horse he's hassy he was uh Hass baiting I bet this guy have so much on him could live in the base right there okay 66 SC nice I need to get glass window as well so I get glass window here too and like the Embraer there we go and then I'll block this off here and then I just have to pickaxe this no one up here should be fine then I'll place a furnace here and that's going to be the the new jump up I need a few more Gara around the base and uh yeah like to actually make the loot rooms too but now though this is looking pretty good base is uh fine I got a lot of stuff I need to organize as well actually it is night time so I might as well just organize everything now looking kind of cozy though I'm not going to lie I love these uh skins and the small boxes too at this point I basically just still need to like stack up on everything like Farm components guns whatever like all of it and I do need some metal as well so I can actually place down the W I don't see him he's in the bushes man the pck did I kill him no oh my God that was close oh it's my neighbor man I would love to just run up to him and like speak I actually you to be a bit friendly with him I just can't do that though cuz I don't want him to recognize me maybe I'll uh he got a DB what I was going to say maybe I'll like make a note and then give it to him there's a scientist here please give me a green card yes oh my God that's huge I'm going to grab a fuse real quick and then I do want to head over to Su and do the puzzle straight away I got nine fuses as well put the fuse in started hopefully no one sees me doing this [Music] another shotgun trap what a crate wow all right blue card and I guess I'll just recycle most of this and then I could actually use the blue card at Airfield get the red card and like a ton of components I don't know though we'll see cuz uh I have a feeling Airfield is probably extremely popped there's so many bases around there 136 grab though a few components and I guess I could loot the jump up as well so many pipes two green crates here nice backpack is uh pretty good so everything I have on me I all got from looting Z once I mean this is some pretty good loot man what is he dead I don't see him I'm going to Depot here real quick see if this guy had [Music] anything okay some stuff dude I am doing like good on opponents I think I want to organize these real quick and then uh see yeah like not bad at all still very early as well and like I got all of this I'm going to put a few windows on the front and a door as well I placed it already never mind there we go and then I guess I'll place a door here and then I need a gar star here and over there and then I can basically start on the third floor I need to get more notes though so I'll head a bit this way here see if I can actually find some some he might just have been fully naked I think he was oh no wasn't py okay and a bet there's a good amount of notes Here I might as well get some of them oh someone getting wood up here left in a base here Python and I'm dead okay I didn't expect the guy to have a python like at all I guess I'll head back there with a DB yes expanding right now perfect time to actually sneak up man I wish I could actually get up there though but I can't I mean he did roof Camp me so uh I guess it is fair that I don't Camp him Python and we go oh and a jackhammer as well that's not bad at all I do need that I think he's dead might as well loot him he's going to be in a timer well I got my P2 back nice thing is this guy does have code lock so uh he's not solo he might just be solo right now so I probably made myself a bit of an enemy I can imine yeah he's here already why is he building on my base yeah that's him might as well BP the python actually why not I'd rather rarn python than uh P2 there we go so if I want a tech tree to S how much is that going to be it's going to be 700 and I kind of want to get H side as well so 800 scrap total right now I have 78 I have a lot of components though but yeah either I find it I kill someone with it or I have to just T Tre it I don't really mind though like it's not that much scrap again and I'm getting some stuff that I need anyways on the way down oh what the building a base here there's like three of them holy they're going to build the main base here I think that's why the base is so small right now I'm going to go in my roof here to be honest like if I can do something just to get these guys like away man there's so many holy weo as well holy they're running back right now probably to get loot there's one guy base and there's three guys running back so yeah like at least four of them please just leave man like hopefully they got annoyed of me doing this yeah they are not going to give up oh my God they're just moving loot right now like to the base I wish I had a s right now like roof gaming these guys with a s would be so much more fun actually I do have a DB though I'm going to head over there that they just getting night time as well so uh pretty good timing yeah they place a gar too so they are planning to actually live here oh my God the clueless they are clueless I would love to kill one more of them but dude I need the S so badly oh man they got to be annoyed they got to be so mad let's go man okay I got something good out of this these guys are not very good though like there's just no way this guy had no ammo but the side he had nothing oh oh I just spawned what the heck yeah you're going to see bro you're going to be crying later on you stupid [ __ ] oh that's funny they're mad they're so mad that another P2 oh he is in there with a hassy [Music] what are they going to open the Gass door no they're not oh yeah it's on roof oh my God n dude no oh this is so funny I will take it though holy another s and again like no extra bullets he had the the me and that's it they build next to the wrong solo man they should not have done that oh still have S though funny though how they're sitting in bushes trying TR to kill a solo instead of just running like towards me hello fine gentlemen may I interest you in a rock for sale of was that thanks Guy a there's two guys over there that's them I don't think there's anyone in here right now man if I could go deep on this oh no dude AK what I know they live in that base up there so I might as well just thr came that make them even more mad like they're going to be so mad when I'm camping that actual base yeah that uh furnace in here that just went out oh my God I'm dead he's still here and that's AK that can't be them this is no way they have a tier three in here oh my god oh I don't think that's them though I'm going to here if they open doors no they're running away okay oh my God if that was them that would have been I don't know like they would have won a crazy fight or something okay I want to went back over to the base just one more time with the weo like I got so much already from them but but I do want to make sure that they're not going to like actually live in that base oh okay is that one of them yeah does that's okay that's the guys that killed me so that's probably the Deep group the five or six men I don't hear anyone in there so I don't know maybe they just took a break or something what I do want to check though is where this group lives cuz I know they're like five or six yeah they're running over there they live over there for sure they live over there they have to oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah wow okay what a base though what a main base dude that is going to be huge they're going to air drop that came down as well well nice to finally get that sorted out at least I know where they live now so finally finding out where these guys lived was definitely a relief but since they weren't neighbors there wouldn't be much trouble my main concern was the group that settled in right beside me I was hoping they might have moved on after a couple of encounters but it seems like they were just taking a short break this gave me an opportunity to focus on improving my base which is exactly what I did I got like Windows aiming straight towards that base too if they are going to build here and then actually I could remove one of these and then do a door here instead that should be everything here then all I need is the roof up here and I guess I could make some gate houses as well okay well I basically just need to get more Farm uh I have a good amount of stone but probably not enough to like finish the roof and the gate houses this is a EUR server though so from me it is currently 400 a.m. which is uh pretty late the server is still Max po though of course cuz it is us so uh like for the people that live in us it is a pretty good time to be online I don't think I can get the compound on today but yeah finishing up the base getting gate houses on should be fine oh my God that's a guy where did he come from go away man oh he died wait I think he got headshotted by this guy ain't no way oh my god oh that is really good man another hunted scrap I am so stacked this guy too normally for me like on an e server on a good schedule the server wouldn't be too popped at the moment but because it's us it is so extremely popped and like people are still spawning in and trying to get their own bases down like look at the loot I got from this well I got a lot of stone now I'm going to deot this real quick cuz I do need a bit of wood wait what guy in the base I think oh my God you got a yoka I think this guy came out of this base pretty sure he did I got to check those names okay oh we at the rest of their stuff on those guys so does he live in there oh he does so I think they did take a break these two nakeds I killed actually could have been them that means they might actually uh continue though and like expand That Base move all the stuff man they're farming the EGS there someone expanding no you can probably see my name here too yeah oh my God okay my fram's hellow dude what what is going on I need one of them to like jump down again so I can get boosted out wait I can probably build no oh my god dude I thought he dropped the nade down like who would not have thought yeah they're still in there I just have a feeling I can actually go deep in this space I can jump up while this gu's expanding perfect actually perfect yes you got a h as well okay oh my God I'm running holy [ __ ] ah look at this like like actually so much they haven't even closed it they think I'm up there still nope not here there's coming back I'm going to go kill this guy and then they might open oh we got a bow oh never mind how did he hit me there what believe the US ping to be honest where's he going I think he's out of everywh he's going to get some more wood or stone come on are they opened no dude where are they opening holy man they are pissed they got to be pissed yeah that's a different guy oh my God so one go start going that way this one is going up to this one here I think that one is going into like a loot room yeah what the oh no that was uh that was too hesy guys I don't think it's them though I know they have more stuff though I know they have guns and stuff I just don't think they moved all of the loot yet doesn't mean they're not going to be mad about like me taking their stuff right now though holy this is so fun as well like there's nothing more fun than just taking stuff from like groups I love it hopefully though when these guys see the shooting fler space they're just going to be like okay there's no P of us living here like we're going to leave and then of course another bedroom here and another one over here come on man there we go that should actually be the whole base I just need uh more doors windows tow would be nice oh my God okay that is not bad at all 200 scrap some more components I'm going to get a g down here and also right here same over here then there we go and I'll place a door here too there we go and then I'll place whenever I can I'll place that there we go so that's going to be a nice Peak like into base if they do get in here and same on this one I'm going to take rifle ammo BP too Locker down here I need to take SAR BP as well though and H side and tummy would be nice as well 375 okay I got 330 what you learning in here bud what you learning we go 300 a lot of metal as well let's see it should be enough yeah it will be so this tummy and also holite nice perfect well I am very tired right now so uh I'm going to head to bed I'm going to be baiting an offline as well so someone does end up coming I don't know but uh yeah I'm going to get some sleep cuz I am tired I loed back in the next day and to my luck my base was completely fine I heard a ton of rackets going off at my neighbor's base so I thought they might have gotten raided but after heading over there the base wasn't decaying and they had even expanded quite a bit since it was pretty early at the time I made it my goal to start off the Morning by building some gate houses and a compound around the base so all I needed was to together a lot of resources there's a big base right here too that I've never seen cuz I've just never been running over here but that's right beside SE as well like China walls holy it would actually be nice to build a car garriage as well if I could get a car I could drive all the way to Outpost with like wood or with stone so I can trade that in for wood and I can drive over there with a ton of components as well that would actually be nice we'll see though I do need more Stone as well if I want to build a car garage oh guy over there I'm friendly I'm friendly I'm friendly I'm friendly I'm friendly I'm friendly hey I'm friendly hey oh my god oh he stack actually loaded I'm friendly dude come on come on well I guess I got a Depot this 200 grab not bad I got a pretty good amount of stone so I'll grab some of it and start on building the actual gate houses and then all I need is just more wood so I can actually uh build the compound and I think the compound is only like eight walls so it's not even that uh that many and then this here is going to be another gate house I guess I'll have to do a low Foundation though I need that wood actually it's my neighbors of course of course they're all online it seems yeah it's all them I think no way that that DN bad though they actually got like crossbows I mean they might have gone some base I guess but they R in crossbow I'm going to bring the blue card and the green card and head over to Airfield cuz I do want to get the red card when I get the red card I can go oil rig as well small oil rig and it's not too far away from like my base either so I do actually want to do that cuz that could give me a ton of stuff [Music] okay Satchel I actually don't have the BP for that metal barit as well I don't have that either not bad red card as well all right I got to get this back and then uh I could actually just go Al like straight away not bad a lot of components and some stuff that I need BP there's a boat right here though I might try to take it even though better online look at that though like that is huge kind of insane how they got that entire base and compound down on white day but then again they're like five or six deep so it makes sense nice I see scientist oh we're side okay boat and the rest jumped please tell me they don't have diving gear he's [Music] de okay dude that was so Random I think they're all dead there they are three of them Tommy nice blue card red card okay man I wish I had a backpack right now oh my God what why is he so stacked dude wait is that a backpack it is right it got to be yes oh my God huge I mean I really should go back with this but I'm so far away from base so I'm almost going to just have to actually uh call in the Heavies hopefully finish this run another P2 okay I got to just call these Heavies and fast should be all of the scientist okay that's actually not bad and there's one uh missile in it already armor door wow that is so good [Music] too no there's a diver I don't know where this guy is though man I feel like this guy is just sitting like all the way at the bottom just waiting for me to to uh take a build this one diving gear okay 20 seconds okay I just need to get the crate and leave like I am loaded a okay I mean not bad the explosive as well I'll take that okay I need to just leave go go go what a run though wow I got so many guns out of this and just like a lot of components more cards and stuff very good [Music] run get in nice what an insane run nice man I'll deer this and then all I'll need is a bit of wood so I can actually get a compound down I got like like 5,000 wood so uh I don't need too much more I got eight walls should be enough for the entire compound and last one there we go nice okay so I'll just I'll need a few doors here Windows as well I'm going to make those straight away actually cuz I do have the metal I think and the window here as well I'm going to need barricades but I need a bit more metal cuz they cost 200 per barricade I'm going to place armor door here too it's going to make it much harder to get into main loot nice oh guy up [Music] there okay P2 I'll take it compound and base is pretty much done though I need a few barricades on top of the gate houses but looking pretty good though but yeah I do want to get a car garage going as well so I guess I could make that just somewhere over here as I mentioned earlier as well com is figure and dust is playing and I think this is their shop so whenever I get a car I can bring that to Outpost and then I might actually ask them if they want to sell some more stuff basically I need turret I need AK I need a windmill maybe like ret would be nice I got explosive so all I would need is a Reet and the launcher and yeah of course I need the tier 3 as well but I should have enough components here to get the scrip that I need for that what is going on [Music] what's the P2 right here okay I'm going to just run with that I think that's my neighbors I think that was them all right I'm going to grab some Stone build this car garage and then yeah I'll just have to actually find a car so where do I build it though could build it like over here but then these guys can see me though so maybe not maybe just up here I'm going to build a 3X3 R here and there we go then I'll put the left here I'm going to make a little room here for t see well I got the parts so uh I just need to actually find a car now hopefully it's not going to be too hard though I don't know where to go there's a guy over there getting wood and a guy just ran out I see oh he killed the S guy and I'm dead Okay holy man oh there's always there so many is he with that guy no I'll make all the parts again here well I guess we're going into snow I just cannot find a car like at all I don't see any oh I see a car there but someone got it that's a bad one though I think yeah I see a car up there that one seems pretty good at this point I don't even care like if this one is these and I'll just take it I'm going to just take it oh no I see people at our field I got like no cover at all in this car right now AK is over there no okay yes I did it oh my God so uh well I've never done this before so uh don't judge me I guess I could add this one here can I add the cber one though no so when I get a tier three I can get an armored cockpit I think all right well I guess this is fine for now I don't have any like Windows in the front though which I kind of hate I got windows in the back back here cuz it's like a taxi cockpit but yeah not in the front but actually I do have one window here okay so this kind of safe I guess should actually be fine but yeah when I get the tier three rben going I can make an armored cockpit for this uh car well I guess I could bring over a bunch of components to Outpost and just uh take the car over there I'm going to bring these over for now should be fine nope good thing is it is very fast but oh my God he's not going to shoot me but yeah on the windows on the left and right side that guy had a tummy by the way he could have shot me I made it nice I just got to make it back though there's so many people man I think when I do get the armored cockpit on the car I'm going to head back here with sufur and then buy a bunch of stuff from uh yeah com dust on his fig shop nice I might save some of this grab but I'm going to buy a bit of low grade maybe some metal as well there we go should be fine I'll dance on you for Ste reported you have been reported bro reported yo he has AK he's a naked AK reped hopefully I can actually make it back with this though I have to it is so fast is that a train oh oh get away want this packet here for now get in with this nice okay I needed this too like a good amount of metal more scrap and low grade and cloth as well I need it up so my priority at the time was to gather more scrap in order to craft a tier three workbench and obtain the armored cockpit blueprint I decided to head towards the fer terminal to do a huge component run and get the last bit of scrap that I needed has a guy in here what how is he one shot okay 100 scrap not bad actually what I might do here is uh get down a cabin and just deer everything in there this does seem like a pretty good spot to just Farm a ton of components oh nice even this is pretty good but I could just deeper this and then continue doing my thing two guys in a boat man I wish there went in here I'm going to scare this guy so hard oh my God what no way he had that much wow I'm going to grab the rest and uh bring this back cuz this is so much man like this here too I got what 500 scrap actually I'll go over to fairy terminal real quick recycle this and then bring it back 870 scrap nice this took maybe 20 minutes and I got 870 scrap I think I might have enough for tier three I bet this guy is stuck oh someone farming wood here I got 1,000 scrap from only this run that's insane should be enough for the tier three yeah but those more than enough the three is down how much is the uh cockpit yeah so it's this one right here wait I can do that easily nice okay I'm going to make one of those real quick and actually place it on the car all right let's see so I got the armor one I'll put that no I'll put that here and then like that and that should work yeah so now the driver seat is fully armored like no one can kill me here and I also ask home if you could sell a bit of stuff in the shop cuz I need a few BPS yeah okay so Reet windmill explosive ammo AK and launcher which is basically everything that I need I need turret as well but I could probably take three that yeah I mean it's all the way down here 730 but I guess I could uh take three that I'll get these barricades down though and then I'll take the car back over to Outpost and buy all of this stuff that should make it a lot harder for people to uh lad in here I'll need about I think 5K s for so I'll bring that it has been kind of fun though to actually find a car and like do all of the stuff that had to be done this is something I would usually never do but it's like so insane to have a car as a solo all right let's see so I need AK explor Windmill and Reet there we go that is everything I need basically I'll have to uh find a way to get to be as well though I guess they didn't have it maybe that's why they didn't sell it but yeah that's going to be like 700 scrap I think to get BP plus I got to get all of this BP as well so I am definitely going to need a lot of scrap to get all of this BP oh no oh we good we good oh there's a guy are you good he's like are you good oh that's so funny I do still have a decent amount of components but I'll just need a ton of scrab overall there s like on my base or see him there's two of [Music] them oh my god dude come on oh my God oh my God okay if he hits again I'm dead there's so much more over there though I got to just Depot get back out I got two SS from this St still really good perfect keep fighting man what a fight though no way I actually won that like that's insane wait you got s there's one guy running two guys I think they might have gotten a a no [Music] way go go go dude I win those I actually win those let's go man I full on won that fight I got like everything wait wait wait that's my neighbors that is my neighbors there's no way like that's actually them that's the guys over there behind my base oh my god dude they're going to be so mad they are mad but like oh my God they're going to be annoyed I see a few guys over there do they have guns though I don't see him dude cuz of the grass that's my neighbors as well oh I might be dead here come on [Music] dude yeah okay there's just no way are they together no they're not I just had to though like what am I supposed to do I'm going to jump down loot my stuff and python as well nice man this spot has just become so grubby now like when there's so many people online I got so much out of that though like actually a bunch I got one windmill here and I don't need to take the BP cuz I'm not going to have more than one so I'm going to place down for now and yeah like I still need a to BP but for now it would be nice to uh just get the wind M down nice how much this laser might as well do that perfect I got the windmill place so I need like I think 700 scrap for a turret BP I might actually have enough here if I bring like a good amount of components man it is so easy to get from base to Outpost [Music] yeah I should have enough when I sell these cards yep 800 nice okay might as well just take a BP straight away I got computer station on the way as well which is fine actually there we go nice I'm going to place one turret here covering the car garage and the front door there we go that's one toad python in this one nice that is two turrets down I am planning to uh place a few more though I just need cameras and computers okay I got to check that out man I have to oh they're waiting this is definitely a bit risky though might end up losing the AK here hopefully not what no dude what is going on with this server oh I'm in base what wait what now take care of there okay [Music] [Music] what nah dude you got to be kidding me you got to be kidding me I might be able to make it back there in time though please I think this guy looted all of it already a lot of gear wow Telly and then I killed one guy over here they found him too okay man these guys were stacked as well for sure and that's those guys too like they live over there for sure well I mean it is what it is man like it sucks it really do suck cuz I killed all three of them they're all back AK too I would love to fight but I got to take something back and then live right here too I made my way back to base with the stuff I had on me and decided to just accept this loss I needed more components and scrap over all so I made my way to small elwick no one was on so I call in the Heavies but these guys showed up a few minutes later oh my God what and I'm dead okay two full Heavies oh okay these guys got a compound down they're building it right now has [ __ ] they got so many people online oh they have MP5 I want to deeper this I might actually go back there with I get pump what is he shooting at oh okay [Music] one gu dead you're [ __ ] with the full bodyy man what are you doing bro you stupid you are you there man man I need more meds I'm out ah he can't Lo me though I got to to it oh they're all dying I think they're baiting the toad they're not going to expect me to crouch around okay that gu was say further what's my gun I'm going to start like bringing stuff back here I think there we go is there anything extra here oh there we go that was a Tomy not je there's more loot out here oh those okay s this guy maybe I don't see his aru I guess he might have looted it this turret is so nice to have though like it's covering so much out here5 [Music] oh I'm dead here oh my God GG man GG oh they got to be so mad well I got set pretty much everywhere in the base and a few on the outside as well I got a set in the car garage I got a set in the gate house outside I got this one set here I got two sets here and then I got a set in main Loot and I also have one set on the very top like on the roof so I'm going to get some sleep cuz it is very late so yeah we'll see these guys might come and raid me who knows well no one came to raid me but I have no joke heard like 150 records going off like all around my base I heard a bunch of Records going off at my neighbor's base as well so I think they might actually have gotten raided yeah the compound is missing here pretty sure they got raided base is not decaying though none of the base are decaying maybe they defended I don't know well I guess they didn't get raided nothing is destroyed only the compound so today I do want to get some uh raids going and yeah I don't have too many components anymore not too much grap too but I do have rocket and I do have explosive as well so I basically just need scrap to actually get a BP yo what almost destroying my turret where [Music] oh my God no way the three guys just all destroying it why who are these guys they are probably just going to come straight back here though like they were ready that's so many arrows wait what this guy got a car and a lift outside of his base he's going to go back in I think yeah or not no way I can take this let's go thank you that's so nice though this car is a lot bigger as well than uh the one I have right now well I got an actual cber now so I do actually want to bring a jack hammer and then uh take the camber over to the snow and what I need is just more components so I can get those BPS and then I also need more sulfur so I can actually raid and I did think about raiding my neighbors their base wasn't decaying so I don't think they got raided even though I did hear like a lot of Boom coming from their base but yeah it would be nice to uh actually raate my neighbors I just need a good amount of sulfur AK over there okay oh they're right up here I don't think there was 739 guy though it was it is going to come right over me here they're going to take it down I think pretty good though I'll uh make this a set there's a body back here wait okay MP5 nice how ROM is dead I'll just see that as another set and hel is down oh these guys are going to counter I might actually try to uh check this out oh that's another car man this is going to be hard but they are getting hard counted oh oh my God got see [Music] oh dude what I don't think they know my came by here so I can just Depot holy let's go oh man wow okay there's so much more over there though like so many more people a just saw two guys oh my God this guy's on this roof though another a guy I'm OT yep actually I'm going to bring out the MP5 dude L9 is huge there's no way I'm actually getting out with this much loot there's no way dude look at that oh my God ah okay wow I think that's them as well yeah like that base is right there so they can just keep on going back I don't hear them shooting anymore so I'm going to take the win and leave so what did I get out of this I got like so much yeah so this right here is basically everything I got I took out an LR and I got all of this so what a nice run man in not bad at all I mean look at that oh taking off a hel no only one guy look like another two guys I don't know what they're doing over here one gu on the [Music] cave there's one more guy though I think I'm pretty sure there's one more okay last guy I think is down in the cave all right I'm going to run this back for now there should be oh backpack nothing though should be a gun somewhere here around the hel I'm going to run this back though his teammates might be back already though man I want to get this heli as well that would be be so nice I knew I saw someone here just going to Depot everything here I think those guys are live in this space up here like the has a guy oh and I'm dead Okay so who is this though I'm going to take this horse and just rush oh wait they live in the cave I think holy oh my God okay while I'm safe here my turet is going to cover me I'm going to just Depot in here real quick actually I'm going to take out the Tommy instead P2 oh oh my God why is he running towards my base dude well that is all of the loot like this is the guys that just killed me with the S holy dude okay so they didn't even take the heli I don't think they had low grade man I just got so much from this what I got to just take this hel and leave nice man well I needed this heli too that was a huge win to be honest I got a heli and I got like so many guns like look at that Holy I got so much after so for the winning this fight I acquired the blueprint for rare and explosive ammo I still needed the explosive BP but just as I was about to head over to S to gather the last bit of scrap a huge fight broke down outside what is going [Music] on die please there's like one more guy there I'm going to run out not sure if that was him though I don't see anything that got to be all man I killed like two up here I think be a s somewhere here yeah and last guy here python wait heli is out on me yes oh my God man that is huge that is the first time hel spawn here to there we go no what someone else is taking it yeah that's our base over there I think they're taking it come on please it's on fire get over here no way please keep going keep going no way it's down let's go let's go man okay that's going to be so many grabs though oh wait my turret is almost covering it's kind of covering actually I think for now I'm going to stay up here and then wait for the crates to be out oh one guy there he's full metal there we go want to go down and loot the crates AK backpack nothing I'm going to grab that though or not raets [Music] nice oh my God that arm a do all right not bad not bad get in yes oh my god dude dude what is going on out here l that's going to be hard to Peak I might actually go on a on roof here to be honest like there's so many people outside AK as well that gu AK as well nice dude there's so many dead people outside right now like so many I want to get out again though loot these buddies should be yeah AK I'm going to have to just drop it in here yeah so this guy here got looted nice I'm going to go bring this back holy dude I'm getting so much loot out of this holy so I got all of this here and I got all of this here so two C4s three rets as well which is nice so like I have a good amount of Boom now so I do want to check out my neighbor's base here and actually wa it to be honest like if it's not decaying then yeah I should be fine I have electric furnaces on as well I got to be fast with this though there's going to be so many counters I bet like even when I took down haly there were so many counters it was insane I'll just park it right here so I guess I'll see4 this here hope that is TC it is TC but it is not looking good oh okay okay okay okay I need to shoot out TC actually I'll just see I this anything in TC not much one guy here okay so they didn't get raided at least good to know all right I could easily be someone here now but I do want to bring this back and then I guess I'll come back with more all right I'm going to get the explosives BP and then make some boom there we go what if I hit this one ah this is so low but I don't have any explow okay electric furnaces yeah all of these doors here I'm pretty sure it's this R is like going up let's see nothing yeah like some of it was open from here already but the could have been stuff under the like under here loot room okay I mean stuff in here but not really anything good yeah that got to be it if I had more boom I would blow these two but pretty sure this is everything that's going to be I got to make sure I'm not getting Camp though I'm going to just take this CA here back I mean at the end of the day though I raided these guys I baited an all fine a few times hoping they would raid me but they just never did yeah I hope you guys enjoyed though cuz I definitely did enjoy this wipe I've had so much fun playing raing my neighbors seemed like the perfect place to end my WIP and well as I mentioned I have had a lot of fun playing this is actually the longest video I ever uploaded to the channel so let me know if you guys did enjoy the video thank you guys so much for watching
Channel: Falcon
Views: 107,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rust, rust pvp, rust pvp highlights, rust pvp montage, rust raid, rust online raid, rust jackpot raid, rust falcon, falcon rust, rust going deep, rust solo, rust raid defense, rust raid defence, rust zerg, rust survival, rust counter raid, rust profit raids, rust movie, rust rock base, rust i built, rust iceberg, rust oilrig, rust brothers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 55sec (4795 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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