RageElixir is Getting BULLIED in Minecraft!

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Amber how many times do I have to tell you Donuts are bad for you stop eating so many your mom's gonna yell at me for not telling you Donuts good no Amber they're bad for you uh anyways time to watch my favorite episode of block Labs sometimes I like watching the same exact episode more than one time you know Ray Jr huh what's going on wait Ray Jr Waits what in the world is going on I thought Ashley went to pick him up from school oh man uh Ashley what just happened there what happened to Ray Jr he has been sad all day after school oh no what happened to him and he doesn't want to tell me you know that seems like a job for me the dad the best dad ever and he doesn't want to tell me please all right Ashley I'm gonna go upstairs and ask him what's wrong Ashley you want to come over Amber come on come on let's see what's happening to your brother I've never seen rage Jr in such a bad mood like this before he usually comes home plays video games and wait is he please Junior oh why are you crying hey Junior is everything okay oh my gosh hey Junior I've been getting bullied dad what you've been getting bullied at school I don't want to go to school wait but race Junior usually you're the bully oh no oh my goodness you're usually you're the one running around and teasing everyone oh man okay ray Jr sit in bed I'm gonna tell you a story okay everyone sit down Ashley Amber I think it's time for you guys to hear about the time I got bullied ah this is gonna be really hard to tell you guys about this but race Junior hopefully you can learn a thing or two mom you make the best breakfast ever yummy oh Mom I love you I love you too come on champ we gotta go or else you're gonna be late oh man today is my first day of middle school and I can't wait to become a really really cool kid wow oh man don't forget your lunchbox thanks Mom oh I can't wait to see what you made for lunch thank you Mom give me hug give me hug oh man my mom my dad they're the best okay well I better get my backpack and head my way to Middle School my first day wow I can't wait to make new friends and maybe a girlfriend too come on dad let's go to school all right champ I gotta head to work I'll pick you up after school have fun oh thanks Dad I'm gonna miss you okay but thanks again my first day here at Block City Middle School and hey those guys seem like the cool kids are they the football players hmm hey guys how's it going oh not very friendly are you guys man I want to be a cool kid so badly but before that let me head on over to my first day of class I think my first day of class is math class we have history English and math here we go I love math it's probably my favorite subject and there's the teacher right there and oh who's that over there oh I hope I'm ready for today uh hi it's really nice to meet you oh wow she's so cute oh hi hi it's it's nice to meet you my name is Rage oh man she's so cute and oh oh uh settle down class oh oh uh I'd better find my seat in nice to meet you rage I'm gonna sit right beside you okay oh yay oh man math class my favorite class and I get to sit by this really cute girl all right class well I'd better I'd better put down my backpack right here too okay I'm ready I'm so ready time to get in and learn math okay okay let's do this I hope you're ready too oh let's go let's learn some math all right that's the Bell lunch time oh I am kind of hungry and my mom made the best lunch ever I can't wait to see what she made for me oh well I'd better grab my backpack over here and it's time to head on over in the cafeteria you can sign up for clubs like I said I really want to become popular and cool and become one of the cool kids so I might join the football club I wouldn't suggest math club you both were very bad at math hey I like math uh well I guess I'm not really good at it but it's really fun for me I'm trying oh it's okay you're really smart to me you're really smart to me and really cute too um but yeah let's let's let's just go ahead and go over to the cafeteria oh I am kind of getting hungry the cafeteria my first day here eating lunch at City Middle School and oh she's gonna sit right here uh I wanna sit right in front of you if that's okay oh man I can't wait to eat some lunch uh do you want to see what my mom made for me let me take a look inside my lunchbox oh all right let me sit down let me see what's inside oh pizza and we got some apples and some chips of course my mom has to put the Apple in here oh you give me your lunch hey hey I haven't even eaten yet what do you mean give me your lunch hey hey that's not nice what do you think you're doing man what do you think you're doing stop touching my stuff it's mine no I don't want to give you my lunch I was gonna share it with her just give the lunch oh man these guys were they look so much stronger than me and it's two against one I already got it dude what no no oh man now I'm gonna be hungry for the rest of the day I wish I had something to eat man I feel so full right now dude well maybe if you guys didn't overeat by taking all my food want to share me grilled cheese with me and Doritos oh uh are you sure oh man she's so nice to me I'm sure thank you so much oh man I'm really glad I made a really awesome friend here and didn't the teacher say something about sports and clubs maybe I might try to join the football club I'm gonna I'm gonna become cool just you wait okay I'm gonna become really cool as well just like those guys over there all right let me go ahead and see what kind of clubs I can join is that the oh that's the teacher too can't believe that the school wastes their time with music uh this is a gym a place of sports uh excuse me teacher um what kind of Club are you uh coaching sir I am the football coach oh uh can I join the football team I really really want to join the football team ow hey hey buddy you're too weak to join football hey that that's not nice why would you how would you tell me that whoa whoa whoa I don't want you to join my team who do you think you are you're probably just another player on the team I am the star of the team oh man all my dreams of becoming cooler shattered you'll get kicked off the team with that attitude yeah your grades are already slipping yeah so so can I join coach oh wow sign your name kid oh oh okay uh football sign ups okay let me go ahead and sign mine rage there you go there you go coach oh I guess I'm officially a part of the football team you got this rage oh thank you so much wow I can't believe I'm gonna have a girlfriend soon and I'm gonna be cool like those guys and I don't even know if I want to be cool like them uh but yay I'm really excited oh man this football outfit is so heavy and it's so oh man it's so tough on me ah man this new kid is weak look at him he's too small for this outfit hey that's not nice you guys I just want to play some football too settle down I don't even fit in with these guys but you know what I'm gonna try my best these guys might be stronger and bigger than me but you know what I'm gonna be a cool kid too welcome to tryouts oh man this is a tryout so I don't automatically make the team our budget is short this year so we have to play with the basketball what a basketball playing football well I I whatever works I guess um but but let's get started I can't wait to start throwing the ball and and passing it and kicking it through this this thing goal post right here I'm gonna win I know the stupid music department took our funds man what does he have against music he keeps talking trash about the music department let's do some drills some drills I want to throw the I want to throw the basketball or or the the ball yeah coach I'm ready we're ready uh yeah I'm ready too let's do some running around the track few laps uh okay um I guess we're gonna start right over here all right you guys are going down I I was pretty fast in uh Elementary School okay uh uh you wish okay ready uh let's go I get a head start I'm gonna win this hey what the hey I get that these guys are bigger than me but are they faster than me they're so much faster me hey get back here oh my gosh I'm gonna get kicked off the team already there's no way that they're that fast what the heck I'm gonna catch up I'm gonna catch up no no why are they so fast they're leaving behind in the dust wait oh no I'm not gonna I'm not gonna make the team this is just a tryouts and I'm already falling behind oh I'm done I'm done coach I can't keep going I'm too tired I'm way too tired already haha weekly hey don't punch me that's messed up whoa baby ran out of stamina hey man these guys are so mean to me you are one strike away from being expelled baby needs a nap time ah I can't take this anymore oh I'm so glad practice is over that was so tired ow what is your problem listen here kid you should quit the team already hey oh wait but why are you guys so mean to me you're too weak you're no good what but but I can try practice makes perfect right you'll never be cool like us no oh well just leave me alone okay I'm gonna go home now another day here at Block City Middle School have a good day at school yeah right YouTube dad I hope you have a great day as well bye-bye man my second day here at Block City Middle School the first day I was really excited but now I don't really like coming to school Dooby Doo Oh wait she's so cute hey it's so nice seeing you again wow everything time I don't want to come to school I remember her and I really want to come back again well are you ready for class how are you I'm doing great how about you I sure am hey hey what do you guys think you're doing I'm just back off kid hey why don't you back off I wasn't even doing anything to you guys that's my girlfriend you're talking with what girlfriend wait is that true are you really his girlfriend I thought I had a it's true what you should stay away from her kid wait we're the same age I mean you guys might be a a year older but uh why didn't you tell me I really thought I had a chance with her Hey Hey listen up man uh you don't have to you don't have to do that meet us behind the school uh you know what I will I'm gonna stand up for myself and I'm gonna prove to them that I'm not a baby that they think I am better not be late okay I'll meet you guys behind the school then uh gosh I'm sorry rage you don't have to be sorry it's okay you didn't tell me I'm gonna go prove myself but it's not me what ah I'm gonna go behind the score I'm gonna meet up with them they said behind the school oh there they are you ready punk uh it's two against one but I have to stand up for myself they can't just keep picking on me you guys might be the the football stars and whatnot you should not come to school anymore I'll do what I want to do don't tell me what to do let's build her into ouchy wow [Music] are you okay yeah yeah I'm okay what happened uh nothing I just tripped I just tripped and fell that that's all I'm okay oh my gosh your nose is bleeding what my nose oh no ow ow my nose I'm bleeding let me take you to the nurse okay okay let's go ow I'm bleeding I'm bleeding time to make a smoothie will he be okay nurse oh he's making some smoothie or something oh that looks really good maybe maybe he looks pretty beaten up here oh I get some smoothie cookies and cream milkshake mmm that's really good nurse you'll feel better I put medicine in it go home go home but I still have class rest I don't think you'll make it to the class like this oh man I guess you're right well I guess I'll go home then foreign dad I have something to tell you guys I've been getting bullied at school and it's only the third day at school what yeah who just some football players they beat me up and look at look at it I have a bloody nose and everything oh my goodness I knew this was a bad neighborhood stand up for yourself I tried doing that Dad but but they beat me up baby you need to tell the principal about what happened I'll I'll try to do that I'll tell the teacher okay no teacher is gonna help you you need to put them in their place uh I'll try dad you can't keep hiding things anymore huh what do you mean oh man now my parents are gonna argue it's all my fault I'll give you my crowbar your crowbar I could go to jail what no oh man I can't do this anymore I'm gonna go to my room now your mom won't let me give you the Crowbar well it kind of makes sense but I think you can take them and I don't know about this what if I die oh okay Dad I'll take your advice that's good good how's that good dad puts hair on your chest but but but if I die I'm never gonna see you again oh no gotta go to work bye I'm not too sure if my dad's giving the best advice here oh there they are oh gosh oh gosh I gotta stand up for myself they beat me up once already but you know what hey this kid doesn't learn how to quit listen to me you guys you guys shouldn't bully anymore okay I'm gonna teach you guys a lesson let's beat him up you want some more and a bomb ah yes I snuck him there we go there we go yeah one at a time one at a time ow ow ow ow they're starting to beat me up oh wow please please stop it stop it oh wait what's what's going on hey whoa this guy's super strong looking I've never seen this kid around school at all what door What's your deal what are you two P brains want who is this kid leave this kid alone this is isn't your problem I'm Cody your worst nightmare I guess we have to beat this nobody up oh my gosh oh man oh wait he he just beat him up in one hit what in the world oh my gosh ow ow wait oh my gosh oh I need a nurse you okay yeah uh your name's Cody well my name's rage it's really nice to meet you it hurts everywhere I just want to say thank you so much for helping me man I've never seen you around school but you seem to be really really fit of course I'll be here anytime you need me we're friends now oh wow well thank you so much man you're such a good guy and hey oh man I'm so sorry your boyfriend got beaten up rage fist bump yeah you too man ow his fist is insanely insanely strong what happened here well your boyfriend tried to beat me up in and while Cody right here actually took care of it I should go get the principal oh okay thanks Cody that's exactly what my mom told me to do I wiped the floor with them whoa thank goodness you're all right oh well thank you well you should probably check up on your boyfriend as well he doesn't seem to be in the best shape I would but not anymore we are done oh wait you guys broke up wait that means I might have a chance finally yeah oh wow I'm so sorry about that oh there's the there's the principle what the Cody wasn't lying he mopped the floor what the what kind of principle is that he got shades on and everything you two troublemakers are off the team but I'm the star of the team oh man now I feel bad for getting them off the team but they've been bullies the entire time but you can't do that I'm the principal oh oh no oh uh they are kids at the end of the day I feel so bad that they got kicked off the team but that's what they get for bullying me a principal Mr principle thank you so much I'm so sorry for all the problems I caused look at them walk away in shame all good kid not your fault well thank you so much I'm gonna go fist bump Cody that kid is sick oh the strange principle huh and so the moral of the story is you have to stand up for yourself for a junior but at the same time you have to report it to the principal too or the teachers because if they don't know they won't know what's going on you know thanks Dad I feel a lot better now oh Grace Junior I just hope everything turns out okay all right if anything goes wrong even more I'm gonna come to school and tell everyone about it okay and I'm gonna take care of it myself I didn't know you had to go through so much now I feel sad you no Ashley don't no no don't feel sad it was it was to cheer race Junior up and tell him you know I had to go through the same thing as well when I was young so raise Junior it's okay everyone goes through bad things in life but it's how you deal with it okay so uh well at least it was for the better yes it was and now I have a beautiful family I have you I have Amber I have you as well Ray Jr so don't worry about a thing everything will get better okay you can play some video games to cheer you up tonight I'll let you play okay until 3am and then you have to go to sleep it's really really late outside so uh how about some pizza Ashley you're spoiling him a little too much it's already midnight you shouldn't be eating this late come on rage fine one slice of pizza pizza time okay go get your pizza down below the kitchen oh man he's so out of control oh all right I'll eat I'll eat some pizza too [Music]
Channel: RageElixir
Views: 194,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RageElixir, RageElixer, RageElixir Minecraft, RageElixir Intro 2020, RageElixir Intro, RageElixir Outro, Minecraft RageElixir, Minecraft, Minecraft PE, Minecraft Java, RageElixir Was Bullied in Minecraft, RageElixir is Getting Bullied in Minecraft, RageElixir Block City, Block City Roleplay, Roleplay Minecraft, Minecraft Roleplay, Roleplay Minecraft Block City, RageElixir Minecraft Roleplay
Id: 8IDH6gpe6WA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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