How to make a Roll Grinder for only $15 - The perfect sharpening device for your Swiss Army Knife

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The question which sharpening device is  the best for your Swiss Army Knife can't   be answered because there are so many different  options depending on your preference and your   skills. But on the question which sharpening  system is visually the most attractive for you,   I have a clear winner. This  is the "Horl Roll Grinder".   I really like the elegant design and the simple  but smart way how it works. You can only choose   between two different grinding angles; 15 and  20 degrees. But the simple use make this device   perfect for beginners. In contrast to many other  sharpening tools for beginners it don't make   just a grinding action parallel to the cutting  edge... like on such a pull through sharpener. With such a system you make a grinding action   against the Cutting Edge or with the  cutting edge and this is what I like. To be honest after sharpening a knife with  this tool you don't have the sharpest knife   ever in your hand but you have a very good  working sharpness. All in all I like the   simple use and the good performance from  this sharpener. But for a Swiss Army Knife   this roll is too big and this rool grinder  in the simplest version costs over 120 bucks.   In this video I will show you how  we can build your own rool grinder.   This one is smaller, you have better control  if you want to resharpen the Swiss Army Knife   and the best is the material for this  grinder coast in this case only 15 bucks.   So stay tuned if this sounds interesting for you. [Music] Hello YouTube. Welcome to another Swiss Army  Knife Workshop video. In this series I show   you maintenance and customization tricks for your  Swiss Army Knife. First of all I want to say sorry   for uploading this video one day later than usual.  But sometimes private things are more important   than YouTube. And for me it feels always super  important that I can follow the start of a video,   because I want to be able to change a thumbnail  or change it title or react on your feedbacks or   whatever. But now back to the topic. I tried  to sharpen different Swiss Army Knife blades   with this Roll Grinder. from Horl. It worked but  I didn't had a good feeling with this big roll.   That's why I had the idea to rebuild such a roll  grinder in a smaller version. As soon I found this   bearing pulleys with this u-shape parameter  it was clear for me that this plane can work.   Later I found also this well matching  rubber rings and some Dremel accessories:   This diamond cutting disc is for the Rough Side   and the fiberglass cutting disc with some silicon  carbide paste is for the fine side, for the   finish. Now I want to show you how I build such  a roll grinder and such a magnetic knife holder.. Now I want to demonstrate you the performance of  this roll sharpener. Here, as you can see, this   knife is totally dull. Can you see the reflections  on the cutting edge? So nothing happened.... so this is the rough diamond side... can you see that so now I change the side so now I would say let's check the cutting  edge under the microscope. After the rough side   I would say this transfer is quite rough but still okay. Now i would say,  let's grind with the fine side. This is the fine side with the polishing paste on it. Now let's pull the knife a few  times over the leather strop. This ramp is that you can hold the exact angle. This helps a lot that you strop with the right angle. So now I would say let's check  the result under the microscope. Not so bad... other side so this is for sure not the sharpest blade I  ever held in my hand but this is absolutely okay. That's not brilliant but this is  absolutely okay. So if you saw how   dull the knife was before, I would say this  roll sharpener works absolutely fantastic.   So my friends I hope this was an interesting  video for you. The links for the parts for   such a wonderful roll sharpener you find  in the description box below. Thanks a lot   for watching don't forget to subscribe to  my channel and see you next Friday. Ciao!
Channel: Felix Immler
Views: 123,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Victorinox, Horl Rollschleifer, Victorinox Diamant Schleifer, Roll Sharpener, Horl roll sharpener, Messerschärfer, Knife Sahperner, how to sharpen a knife, Felix Immler, Felix, Immler, Tips & Tricks, schnitzen, carving, Bushcraft, Survival, Outdoor, scout, pocket knife, swiss army knife, swiss army knife hack, swiss army knife uses, How to, hack, customisation, pimp, maker, SAK, Victorinox Swiss Army Knife, Low Budget Knife Sharpener
Id: NcgNDdB44EY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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