Raft Episode 1 ! Raft Update Preparations! | Z1 Gaming

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[Music] what is going on everybody see here and welcome back to some more raff that's right there's an update coming so I figured what the heck let's go ahead and start a new series so hopefully you guys enjoy if you do don't forget leave a like if you're new here don't forget to subscribe as well for some more all right normal we're not gonna get a hard mode we're gonna go normal Oh fantastic alrighty looks good let's make sure nobody it just can randomly pop in my world we don't want any that so there was a screenshot put out I think it I think it said early December and it said chapter 1 and well who know what ok it's been a while it's definitely been a while but it says like it's just like chapter 1 but it was like a gigantic Island looking thing oh it looks like a giant fancy Island so I'm super excited I have no idea what's gonna entail now I have not played I says they added like they added some like llamas or something am I gonna get that no darn it alright so let me go ahead let me start the things up and I'm not gonna get that either I'm terrible at this game hey come here come to me okay oh god the shark is already here go away stupid Chuck we don't like you stupid shirt we don't like the stupid shirt it's not nice it's not a nice shark you know okay we got that alright so can I build anything uh we need a building hammer I know any oh we need some rope for that guy and I need a whole bunch of yeah I'll watch these palm leaves okay he shoots he scores okay cool we're good uh so we got three of those can I refine those into any kind of dealio let's not lose our stuff here so what if you guys have never played raft um well welcome to the internet I feel like I feel like almost everybody knows raft or has played it at some point so uh yeah we're playing raft anyways what you do is you collect stuff and you start building a super amazing raft to do all the things and build all the stuff on your super amazing raft and then you stop at Islands and do more amazing things uh but basically that's the game so yeah the fact that they're making this like gigantic looking island thing I have no idea but I'm excited I'm excited on the less we gotta get some things refinement rope make two of those a building filled hammer craft that bad boy okay cool we got a build hammer that means come back here no junk that was the most pathetic throw of my life I need throws where okay all right looking good looking good so we have the build hammer that means we can start expanding start the expansions if you will requires oh no jeez Louise we need so much plastic not gonna go well oh come on baby - for what - for what we got a two-for-one we got a barrel and some plastic my gosh it's fantastic okay whoo-hoo hey yeah I guess I could have stepped up here a little bit oh we got the barrel do it Thanks okay so we got some rope we got some things all right um we're gonna eat it we're gonna need a pokey stick a wooden spear requires wait what a wooden spear required why does a wooden spear require rope that doesn't make like any sense it's a sharpened stick you use the plate like what's I mean and maybe a handle but do we need to get fancy we're on a raft here people like I don't feel like I don't feel like we need to be getting fancy here okay well we missed it completely in utterly hook no huh all right we got that barrel yep there goes that cuz I didn't make a stick in time I'm just like punch you in the nose nope he's just gonna eat that he's just going to eat it all right so I guess I guess that's kind of a requirement here let's go and turn all these into the things we'll get our wooden spear wonderful we have that now we're one more plank down darn it alright so we get we're getting a seagull seagulls birdies yay so we're starting to get our raft expanded just a little bit nothing fantastic by any means but we are getting there that was really close oh hey I got something okay cool I need you and I need okay well we gotta get food water situation kinda figured out mainly water water more so than anything else so simple bid research table bait hook equipment um or Winkle sale wait where's rigor so a simple purifier that's gonna be for water we're going to need that and a simple grill eventually a crop oh wait oh we need to empty Cup oh wait cups wait hold on classic what happened to scrap what happened to the described stuff I thought I remember scrapping a thing okay so we're gonna throw this guy right there and then we're gonna throw this guy right there and we're gonna plant Rob eat okay cool so whoo oh there's like a there's a good double barrel double barrel double barrel double barrel we need the double barrel come on come to me come to me double barrels hey awesome awesome I'm surprised this guy hasn't attacked yet he's a jerk face no no okay so we need those but I need I need a plastic cup as well cup no three of four we need one more plastic oh there's a barrel okay and then we got a water or beet so that wait wait where did where did you go come back here okay we got it all right plastic cup fantastic empty Cup let's go and craft that bill salt water ice Cup salt water and then we also have to place those planks in there and we have to use pure food no not the barrel anything but the barrel oh no way we we're amazing best person ever at this game right here you saw it first people hey hey hey hey hey you need to get out of here get out of here with that I probably lost a barrel no barrel come to me yeah we got this we're gonna get a palm leaf mmm-hmm okay ooh potato I planted potato plant raw potato nice okay so fill fresh water let's go ahead and drink this first that and they're wonderful and we have to water our plants as well wait what don't pour that back out okay we don't need that looking good okay so a little bit of food a little bit of that we do need a grill we need one scrap and three rope for the vent so I got a hope for some scrap out of the out of that there do my gosh we need so much plastic I remember plastic being the problem on this game hey hey hey we got some scrap finally alright good so I've been wait for this crap we also got two blueprints you got a couple blueprints so we'll go ahead and put those over here but we have the scrap so we can go ahead and make some food things I gotta be quick though cuz I want to make sure I don't miss out a simple grill rope a rope or fine 1g oh we can make a bunch of that fantastic grilled craft that and I want you come here come here I need you so we had a horrible terrible disaster this guy actually took out one more of my planks but I added I managed to add another one in there so we're gonna go and put that there and then we have our simple grill so let's go and throw that right here I want to make sure these are on the in side most part that way there's like you know some coverage here but I don't have any more food I go wait for those to get done actually this guy should be about done harvest fantastic place that guy place some planks grab this grab grab okay fantastic so then we can have some cooked food and we had a horrible terrible storm too cuz that was too it was just not a good time uh oh my gosh there's so many barrels out here we need some serious expansion here people some serious expand seoane alright looking good looking pretty good here are these ready to harvest not quite I'm trying to think I can't remember if potatoes give us more or if beets give us more let's cook tup let's pick up this guy I'll see how much we get from this Oh pretty decent amount off of that guy but it was cooked whereas like everything else wasn't cooked uh let's just go ahead and plant well plant that guy grab this water to the crops fantastic hopefully this guy doesn't attack me right now cuz I'd like to get this stuff need the barrels oh I need that plastic tea let's just wait yeah perfect I thought someone's coming out over here no no do I miss it I don't see okay no bad shark I just placed these down go away man but way not cool not cool uh need to repair 90% health that's good enough for me okay oh we are we are lacking on like everything darn it lacking on everything now because we built all that alright so what do we need for a sail plank palm leaf and scrap Oh fantastic uh-hmm we're gonna need another we're getting another plank right there alright so we'll wait for that guy and then we could head forward and make sure we're like facing the correct direction because if you go wide like this there's a chance that your raft could get like twisted and then it's like serving absolutely no purpose but I think that'll be a good spot for it right there can I place one there fantastic and place our sail right there wonderful wonderful oh I like it we're doing good things so far our food is a little rough though oh I'm super hungry oh geez I can't even hardly move come on potato I need you in my belly I'll see how this guy does Oh potatoes definitely are the way okay cool so we'll place that guy back on there so I figured potatoes were the way to go so that's what we did cooked potato let's go ahead and get some more food in our bellies now I want some netting because I know the nets are like amazing and that's the best way to like collect anything right absolutely so I don't know that we can actually make those yet do we have a net option I don't I don't see one so a research table plank hey get out of here stupid bird stupid bird face bird man absolute jerk bird we need a research table and then I think we can do the netting if I'm not mistaken alright so we should have plenty o stuff for a research table craft that guy uh where do our research table go right there okay cool so oh my goodness we're gonna place this like this oh you know what we'll actually place it will place it right here and we got start we got start covering these let's place those eat our beet delicious we do need some water okay fantastic no okay that's fine just a wider thing all right so there's those do I have more beets to cook let's keep let's keep them coming all right so open this guy and I want the net that's really specifically what I want how do I get oh oh oh under attack we're right here get out of here man get out of here can't wait till we get the the first the first harvest off of that guy is there seriously get out of here oh I hate those things it's everything's just trying to kill me it would worried other okay this guy oh we need nails are you serious well I guess that's the thing let's just do research on what we have actually can place this here research and research okay cool so there's that some rope research that scrap research that oh I can't move you have to have nails for that oh that's super unfortunate I was really hoping we could just think come here yeah we're okay so we have to have nails which means we have to have a furnace which means we have to have iron ore right which means we have to stop at an island no we have to stop at an aisle before we can even get Nets now uh-uh all right let's see what we can do here um battery we don't need a battery a fishing pole would be han't ways that oh that's a metal fishing rod uh buckets simply be highly effective we need a plank for that just one plank uh fantastic okay so we could learn all of these what is this a stone arrow bucket the paint well huh hey hey we're no bent branch jerk stupid stupid jerk shirt we get him no because he would have floated okay ah the shark there's always something after you you know we need a nail uh is there a oh wait we can oh we can make a nail well guess what that's fantastic I thought nails had to be uh-huh though they had to be smelt a small trophy board a scarecrow medium crop plot a table a chair nice okay so where is the where's the nets I want all of the netting these guys collection Nets planks rope nails okay so we need some Sweeting a lot of scrap oh my goodness we definitely got me looking out for those uh-oh huh no okay we definitely get me looking out for the oh look a there's an island over there we got be looking out for these barrels for sure well you've got two Nets already ready to go oh yes let the good times begin we're gonna place this there place that there now I really should be placing things around this but right now I don't have the resources to do so but hopefully these guys can start collecting us some of the goodies for us oh my god that was terrible guys I promise I'm not that bad at throwing the hook I promise I'm not uh oh look at that we already got stuff yes winning okay you know what I do not get in the water for any reason whatsoever so uh no I I don't like that until we get to an island and then I have to throw out the bait thing and then then I will but if it's yeah I don't I don't like to do that if I don't have to so what we're gonna get nets all across here and then I need to get boards like uh I think it's um like you know the board stuffs behind him that way the Sharky face doesn't eat those things cuz that would be absolutely terrible uh collection net OOP we got another one uh so I'm gonna do every other one for now and then we'll go in and fill in the gaps I hope yeah that's what we'll do I think it's time for some more nets okay so I'm gonna make one choo uh and then I should build to make we need a bunch of rope we have a lot of that no problemo these things are working if fantastically they're just as great as I remembered uh I think we can actually make a little bit more rope is that enough to make another another deal oh one away okay so we'll make another one right there another one right there oh this is great okay so we can start working on this and then once we get these set out we can actually kind of focus in on the other stuff and the other like buildings and stuff like that but I think um this is probably gonna be big enough well I don't know I feel like we're we're wasting a lot because there's a lot going on the edges that we could be getting and we're not but I could also just fill in all these gaps and that might help us a little bit too hmm I think we need to expand our raft though we need to make it a little bit bigger kind of fill in this these spaces right here oh hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey okay that's that's just not okay that is not okay you cannot go after the Nets like that that's why I really need to get that little blockade on the back there mmm how many planks do I have I have a few okay so we can get we can get a few of these um oh shoot see I want one I want them on the back these in right here and then cover the back but I'd rather fill this whole area in with them yeah I think we'll just we'll just put these here and then throw in some of these to hopefully protect our investments uh okay so hopefully that'll protect those guys no no no no no I need the barrel we always need the barrel take one uh I'll take those leaves to you it's not gonna get the leaves nevermind okay Oh grab these so that'll protect them a little bit and we are collecting some goodies that's all right now are we coming up to an island I feel like this we're gonna prepare our raft and then we're gonna next up so we'll probably hit up an island because that's kind of our next step I need to make some things we gotta get some arrange what's going I really need to be painted my food and my water it keeps kind of like slipping away from me it's kind of terrible but these nets are fantastic oh man this shark is hurtin come on he's got to be almost done all right let's go to build or else gonna help oh that guy was that 20% oh we almost lost that one okay it's fine he wasn't attacking the net and that's that's really all I care about right now okay so let's go ahead I saw an island over there but there was really nothing I can do to it I couldn't really get to it let's get ourselves prepared for landing let's see where is the this guy throwable anchor okay let's craft one of those guys and let's just get this guy set up right there so that guy will be ready so when we do go to an island we can throw that out now I do know that I'm going to need some more planks and whatnots because typically you have to kind of like build up to the island it would you get out of here my gosh guys are annoying they're terrible they're absolutely terrible the worst thing ever okay grab all the water do all the water things wonderful okay so our raft is looking good I gotta say it's looking pretty good now what do we need next I feel like we should get a bed and I feel like because I think the bed is the respawn point if I'm not mistaken let's you sleep through the night and can be used to revive it capacitor friends responding in event also provides you with more health so that would be handy let's go and craft up some nails and let's make one of those so we'll craft up that guy and right there that looks good enough we're in a we're on a raft we can't do some some serious interior design yet we're not we're not to that point in the game okay so there's those I really like the fact that you can't fall through these anymore I remember super early game that you actually would if you walked on these you would fall in it was terrifying every single time it was always terrified because you always like the Sharks can hold their surf raft Oh missed it okay it's fine it's fine so they those kind of getting things ready here what do we have okay so we have 20 planks not too bad a small storage might be handy I think my storage is okay right now what else do we have a stone axe we could start getting things ready a fishing rod that might be handy yeah sorry I need it for fish anyways so we are going to need a fishing rod a hundred percent all right sure are you going down this time yes yes the shark is going down all righty oh we're gonna have food for days thought are you done okay that's all we're getting wait for my raft go raft come back no don't leave me behind you don't come on just okay we're good hahaha so we have some shark meat unfortunate I can't grill that up though I don't I don't think I can place it on there oh I'm completely wrong I can awesome so our food a water situation is looking pretty good right now you gotta say uh needs fresh water ok friendly this isn't fresh water that's fresh water throw that on there wonderful wonderful and looking pretty good okay so last few things I want to make I make a stone axe I want to make a fishing rod let's go make up a whole bunch of rope a fishing rod stoner paddle shark bait everything else is looking pretty good let's go ahead make another wooden spear while we have the things I would hate to run out of that we don't have any equipment I can't do anything with here can we make any more nails oh we can okay cool and then we have this like decorative stuff but uh actually that would be quite nice do we have to refuel it or is it like an infinite light source I really hope it's an infinite light source I'm not positive though cuz like light sources ah you don't end video games I think they should just be infinite I don't think I should have to like add wood all the time that'd be terrible that'd be absolutely terrible um okay so let's get this guy place that there maybe we should make a storage deal let's go ahead and make a storage deal - do I have the stuff for storage deal one scrap darn I just turn I just turned it into I just turned it into nails one barrel half scrap I need scrap we got a scrap we got well we got one is that enough small stores one scrap perfect okay so let's get this guy and we'll set this conveniently right here let's go and rotate it actually let's go have a rotate like that perfect open and it has stuff okay cool so we can throw some stuff in there that looks great actually no I think that's bad water this is good water okay so let's go and drink that let's get our cooked steak mmm delicious I love me some shark meat hahaha that's absolutely what did you know that imitation crab is usually shark meat I think I heard it somewhere online so I had to be true 1% okay so everything's looking good we have water we have food we are not starving we're not dying we are waiting it for an island because I think that is our next adventure I think we have enough planks we could build up to it if we need to that's why I'm trying not to use my planks I could go through and add and more storage of whatnot but I kind of want to stockpile a little bit just that way once we get to the island we'll be okay but that's gonna be the next episode guys so hopefully you enjoyed this one if you did don't forget to leave a like if you're new here don't forget to subscribe as well for some more next episode like I said we'll be hitting up an island doing all the gathering things a little bit of diving all that all the fun stuff all the fun stuff the only problem is that there's there it is there's the shark the shark will be back so uh yes thank you guys for coming out hopefully have a wonderful day and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Z1 Gaming
Views: 38,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raft game, raft shark, raft gameplay, raft survival, z1 gaming, lets play raft, raft building, raft crafting, lets play, raft gameplay part 1, raft episode 1, raft update, raft z1 gaming
Id: eQ3RlTcxFoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 3sec (1443 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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