We Found An EVIL HUMAN CAR ?! The Eternal Cylinder Ep.2 | Z1 Gaming

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oh what is that whoa oh no what's going on amazing here welcome back to some more of the eternal cylinder now it seems like people enjoyed this and i enjoyed it it's kind of creepy kind of weird but it's so so fun so we're gonna continue on hopefully you guys enjoy if you do make sure you leave a like if you're new here don't forget to subscribe as well for some more now uh there's some comments last episode of helping me out with tips and tricks and things like that and people were saying about five six of these guys is pretty much all you really want because after that you're gonna start losing them they're gonna start dying it's gonna be a pain so uh we're gonna stick with what we got and we're gonna go look around we're gonna do stuff okay so let's go ahead let's swap over to this now this guy doesn't have the ability to do the the horn honky thingy so let's see if we can get the ability for that now if i do this am i going to lose any of my other abilities let's see okay so we have right now we have the hair uh okay cool so now we do have the trunk all right cool um should we should we add this to the other guys maybe yeah let's do that let's get let's get a couple uh let's get a couple a couple guys in here that have that because you know it might it just like i said it might be handy all right well we got some horn making devices we got some we got some sound making things uh it looks like our next place is gonna be through here let's go ahead and let's get lined up a little bit better kind of just exploring around seeing what there is and uh and what's going on now i don't know what i'm gonna do with all these stones that i have but i have a whole bunch of stones uh those stones i don't know what i need them for but i feel like i'm just gonna keep them for now uh you know what actually we're gonna do a quick hold on we're gonna do a quick little deal here inventory this person is the water making person i'm gonna go ahead and throw these in there uh yeah you convert that to water see that's pretty cool i like that i like how do these things work oh wait there's uh oh no there's gonna be a shell thing over here i wanna be shiny again i want to be shiny how do i how do i how do i get shiny out of you uh i don't know also i i feel like there's something to do with these guys and i don't know what it is can we hatch it oh something sounded terrible oh what is this oh that's just the uh that's the egg i think oh no run little dudes totally did not even see that guy there okay come on buds come on we're rolling out one two three four did we lose somebody yes we did we lost the guy that converts water hey hey hey get up okay run run run run run run can we hit this thing nope okay come on run run run run run okay we're gonna we gotta get that guy back oh jeez that thing is so nasty looking i don't know what to do with it can we scare it let's see let's try scare it oh oh we don't like that oh nice okay all right come on bud oh no we lost him all right we got all our buddies back don't say anything we reloaded a save it is what it is okay all right i wanted my friends back we needed our friends back okay uh we need to get we need to get those horn makers though for all these guys because that thing is actually it actually worked on that thing so uh yeah let's go back and grab those again go away i don't like you oh it's not it's not it's not running away from us this time not running away from us this time okay all right uh where's the shield thingy at okay it's back over here all right we gotta get over here we gotta get over here now there's this like cave thing right here i'm a little scared to go in it but i think we should i think we should go check it out i mean i mean what's what's the worst thing that could happen right if we go down into this hole of magic mystery all right let's go in come on everybody oh hello uh you know what a couple of you could use some legs let's see you're a third eye you're that you could use some jumpy legs so let's go ahead and let's eat one of those all right and then let's see who else needs jumpy legs you could probably use some jumpy legs oh look at there's a little trap up here oh goo bomb what's wrong my what's wrong my friend i don't really know what to do to help you though like if i you know i don't know what is this oh hello what the heck okay what is this oh we got a crack at first yeah we gotta crack that first uh hold on let's grab all of this and then what is this thing was that the thing we had to crack hey uh i'm very attractive okay cool we're very attractive and shiny i would love to help you friend but like i don't i don't have one two three four we have five oh all right we gotta save it because like you know like i just can't yeah come on you better have something useful so apparently that was all just to get that stuff oh you know i just realized these aren't all gonna be able to get out of here maybe they will uh or maybe they won't i don't know i don't think anybody's gonna i don't think all of them are gonna be able to get out of here i was hoping maybe this thing would be like a a special like portal deal that would let us out but it doesn't look like it is oh they all made it out okay good i was worried all right well it's time we gotta go we gotta roll we're leaving this area we're gonna go find a new area and here we go we are rolling out the eternal cylinder continues oh man okay uh now we could roll should we do a rolly roll let's do a little bit of a rolly roll action why not let's just get over here let's get out of the way oh what's that there's like a shiny like golden thing what's that shiny golden thing i don't like you yeah you're the thing with the big teeth yep nope we're out we out we out don't worry about it okay travis get over here everybody here everyone's here and here comes the eternal cylinder big rolling pin of squishy mcsquisherton all right let's roll out come on we're good here all right so what do we have oh my gosh strange being half flesh half metal the trebum felt an old distant horror as if they remembered their own destruction something about this creature was very very wrong uh yeah this is very very wrong not to mention the hand behind it what in the absolute heck what the heck is it perhaps the creature would wake up with a loud noise all right let's wake it up oh bad idea this is so weird trapped on all sides by deep pools of poisonous gas the trebum needed to find a way to escape this monstrosity perhaps there was a way to use the creature's own weight to lower the bridge lower the bridge what bridge whoa oh it's like changing us what the heck its lights are changing us oh this bridge come on come over here oh wow um i've lost all of my abilities there we did it um i feel like i've lost a lot of trevor though what is this are we supposed to escape we've lost all of our abilities we have nothing and the other two traffic just took off the other direction what the heck we lost everything it was on this day that we lost everything i want to know if there's a way for us to turn into one of these things or like to get like some abilities of it you know what i mean i feel like there is i wish i could just make the trap and stay here does anybody have any food uh what is that what what ability do you have water oh jumpy legs um is it even worth it should we just roll let's just go this way one by one the yellow light cruelly burned away from the trebum's abilities the elder had warned them about the evil light of the cylinder's servants now they knew what kind of creature to avoid well that's sad i also lost some of my travels we had six okay well let's see we need uh i need one i need one creature to have the ability of this worm thing so one creature creature's gonna have this again okay and then somebody else okay let's just get in here let's try to get some food maybe some health okay all right we're good we're good we're good so we got food we got water uh do we have any horn making man i really wanted to like i wanted to get an ability from that thing let's see what we got around here let's look around yeah that thing is not fun not fun at all why did we wake it up i don't understand do we have any horns are there any horn plants around here we need to get some upgrades [Music] no i'm not really seeing any okay let's roll out let's get to uh oh gosh let's just get to the next thing not really a whole lot here except we ran into that terrible horrible awful monster [Music] you know what does one of you have legs who has the legs do you have the legs no not one of you had legs yeah i don't know let's roll out we got it we gotta go okay here we go here we go here we go uh we're going okay that's the only tower we got a long way to roll oh my gosh there's huge things here look at the size of that thing oh my gosh this place is terrifying yeah we have to roll again oh we got a big dude big dude run away from the big dude run away from the big dudes come on trevors you can make it through uh hopefully they can travels let's go get up here oh my gosh okay what do we have out here oh what is that whoa oh no is it moving again the cylinder roared with fury the voice on their memories spoke with great urgency the trebum had to be very careful now the cylinder would lash out at the land but it would not let them run too far to survive what they would have to stay in the eye of the storm okay so we have to stay here oh gosh look at this little place it's like a little house what's in there oh there's a there's a trap him in there okay well sorry travis uh if you would join me for free then you could live but if since you since you want to be uh greedy oh gosh how do we get across we gotta go this way come on oh no that's not gonna work either oh we're supposed to get is there is there a way across here oh there is a way across here okay it looks like we might be able to get to that thing but we kind of have to take our time because there's lightning everywhere oh what is that oh what are those like tentacles coming out of a thing what in the absolute heck is going on you know i gotta give it to him for uh for imagination like they they really imagined something that i would never have imagined there's like a there's like a spaceship flying thing are we okay i think we're okay what is this place i want to know what this place is right here what are you this looks like a cool place is there anything i can do in here no nothing okay all right i guess we're just making our way to the next uh next pillar all right come on trouba come on buds all right it's rolling slow it's rolling slow oh we are super hungry too okay so we we should be good here right should be good now i think so i think so we need to get some food in us though uh oh what are these things there's like little dandelion tufts can we eat these oh it's gonna give us an ability what ability are you gonna give us it's producing an electrical barrier that you cannot cross out running the lightning strikes is not possible i'm not trying to field the trunk field tricks toxic fumes allowing the trouble to safely explore areas full of poisonous gas oh heck yeah okay other trebums as frightening and surprising as this enormous criticism of that the trebham felt a sense of relief to see it descend from the sky this was a celestial being they'd been told to seek perhaps it held an answer to their troubles uh perhaps okay uh we need to we need to suck up some of this stuff because you all need to be able to go into poisonous gas pods okay all right we're rolling we're rolling we're gonna go check out this celestial being upon all of you let's do it we're gonna go check out this celestial worm that hopefully won't eat us as they approach the colossal creature their optimism faded it did not seem to like them at all and now they realized what terrible danger they were in if this creature guarded the way to some holy place then that place must lie below it and being so large the creature most likely could not see what was in front of it or beneath it so perhaps the size of the trebon was an advantage after all okay perhaps they could reach the platform right under the serpent's head okay so we're supposed to reach the platform under service however uh all of these guys need to get their toughs going uh you don't have one oh jeez whoa okay all right we're apparently we gotta go uh we gotta get over there somehow okay thank goodness for the for the for the tusk uh guys don't die okay i think we need to get up here right perfect you cannot find another trouble return to the platform from time to time other wondering friends might have reached out reached it on their own okay i'm taking this egg with me just in case uh enter elder cave okay we got an elder cave that worm did not like us though worm definitely did not believe that having bested the guardian the trebum now found themselves seeking the help they had been promised who would answer their questions in this place i can't see anything oh i guess we go down okay we're rolling i don't know uh are you guys eating anything okay let's let's try to get some food in here we get these things oh wait would those make us glow would these make us glow uh should we try it and see let's try and see we're going to glow hey that's super cool okay all of us we all must become luminescent okay we are all luminescent we are so shiny so shiny okay uh let's see we need food who else who has food uh nobody okay good to know oh what is this i picked up like some weird looking thing should we eat it and see what happens what do uh legless with this mutation instrument ceases to have legs they can only roll jumping is impossible so that was not a good thing to get okay well then so much for that trevor oh it only lasts so long oh thank goodness for that hey uh groot guru i don't i'm sorry i don't have the stuff for you i'm sorry i don't have the goods we need more mushrooms though some mushrooms over here oh oh did we reach the place maybe we might have reached a place here uh should we go you know what let's grab let's grab some more food while we're here the the little mushrooms are just they're too easy to get and they're too handy what's up little dudes you guys actually actually kind of scared me a little bit not gonna lie all right what's up stairs see what we got some magical helpness of of something or other uh hello i could actually use that because i'm pretty sure these give me jumpy legs yeah leaping legs okay cool okay uh that was actually pretty easy but you know just just saying wait oh there's a thing going wait hold on a second is this oh we jumped down there but we need the light in order to see where we were going got it i was like wait we just we were already here that's where we came in at so maybe we need to follow this path of sand uh oh hello let's grab him stuff we got some mystical writing on the wall oh hello okay what is this what is that i'm gonna eat this can i eat this i can't eat it what is this place uh uh oh we need a square trevin we don't have a square travel we need one is there a squirrel fruit in here maybe uh oh that's the third eye that's the third eye one hold on we need that oh no no no don't don't shoot the tufts the tufts are too handy shoot the come on get off of there i can't get this thing off of here i'm pretty sure this is the third eye thing there we go okay all right somebody needs the third eye is it you i think it's gonna be you all right you are the third eye searcher perfect so now we need to see if we can find if we can find the the oh hello those little grasshopper things are like super scary i'm just saying like they scare me every single time we need to find one of the uh the squirrel fruit things so if i use this and i go to compendium and i search for organic cube we're looking for that oh we got one it's over there okay we might have to go around this way okay [Music] hello trevor like up up here somewhere weird hello fish up here uh what in the heck is that okay and then what is that uh let's see let's just shoot these out because we don't need those anymore what is this what is that what does this thing do i have no idea i have no idea what that does apparently there's a where's this cube at it's like right there it's like on the other side of this place okay all right we gotta we gotta test we gotta see what this new piece thing what this new thing does because i have no i have no idea what it does all right come on trevor we gotta we gotta experiment together all right you are a regular trevor you're eating this we're seeing what happens here uh mineral processor the mineral processor mutation is constantly refining minerals uh found in its inventory slots transforming them into units of refined material that can use for various purposes be mindful of what you absorb with this trouble as this body will automatically process any minerals stored inside of it oh mineral processor oh you are super weird looking you're super weird looking i'm just saying uh okay so inside wait hold on so what is that what is this what is this resource that we have here hold on uh meteoric crystal a massive meteoric crystal deposit so like i feel like we should put that in here wait what if i put these in here let's take that out let's throw that in there oh it's going to turn into that stuff oh genius oh i'm so glad i kept those crystals now okay cool you guys do your thing all right so we're still looking for a square cool thing it looks like it's like up here somewhere i just don't i don't see it like i thought we went the right way for it but i don't know oh there it is we found it okay so let's see you are the third eye what abilities do you have you don't have any okay so you will become our squirrel dude we'll go and change you uh i'm probably gonna suck up the other two square things too just in case we need you know what honestly i'm gonna switch to a different different person you're gonna become squirrel too because just because all right we should be good so we have two square little dudes we've got a processor we've got oh man that mineral processor is kind of cool so now anytime we find any crystals in the caves we can process those bad boys oh that's kind of cool then this is going to take me back down probably so we can go back into that area and open the door with the uh the squirrel things awesome yes yes yes yes i love these like little story puzzle games they're just so much fun uh oh those can be turned into uh things absolutely all right i need you if you would please just walk into here [Music] oh holy geez massive that's that guy's huge omaha the elder you are gigantor you're flying what is going on here encountering another elder was a happy moment the trevor asked how they might survive the cylinder and the elder replied i can feel your fear little ones ever since this cataclysm began we have been seeking ways to stop it but the cylinder is relentless and indestructible it will consume everything in its path so perhaps what we need to do is go behind it i have discovered a mutation that allows us to rise into the sky you must seek a weeping tree from which grows a special fruit that floats as it becomes ripe it is the key to the transformation i have undergone with it you can use geysers to float well above the cylinder's height my only regret is that i have grown too old and weak to help you with this task if you find any glimmer of hope on the other side remember me farewell so now that you now that he's huge and floaty it can't float over the thing is that is that one i'm supposed to understand because you know i just i'm not 100 standing understanding of this okay um so we're supposed to eat this fruit what what fruit is it i feel like we're supposed to take one of these geysers out of here [Music] uh okay are we taking damage from this i don't think so let's grab these uh let's grab some chinese real quick and i guess we're gonna walk out that door right there at the bottom all right here we go into a dangerous world and fear filled the trebum's hearts as they left the elders cave their only path to salvation was full of uncertainty yeah and they could not forget the thing they had seen lurking behind the cylinder casting a dark shadow over this glimpse of light okay all right well we're back on the surface i've seen this mysterious tree the elder spoke of they don't have to keep moving forward and hope it lays somewhere ahead the cylinder would give them no other choice all right let's do it let's press to the next cylinder shall we oh man oh i hate these things these creatures are so scary all they want to do is eat me uh that one's in a whole bunch of water i really hope we can swim uh uh am i the only trevor left okay all right this is not the way to do this okay uh yeah going across the water not the way to do that no no no i've never seen this mysterious so we need to try to find one that's not in the water they would have to keep moving forward and hope it left like that somewhere ahead maybe the cylinder would give them no other choice oh it's snow okay let's go this way there's a there's a thing right there there's snow on this side we're super freezing cold but i think we'll be all right i think we'll survive this one i'm looking for a tree that's fruit is floating interesting i don't see such tree oh that cylinder is way back there we got all kinds of time until we get over to this one it says like oh this tower's not actually working right now you might have to come back later one two three four and five okay all right uh oh look at that creature running around weird all right let's roll come on let's see what we got over here what's on this side oh my gosh it's like every new tower there's like a whole new whole new all new stuff to explore they were still nowhere near the mysterious tree they were supposed to find no but the voice and their memories encouraged them it was wise and matters of root and rock and it could sense the soil under their feet changing step by step they were getting closer okay we're getting closer you heard it here first folks we're getting closer now where's the next tower okay so there's a tower over there there is a trebum egg right there but i just don't see the i don't think we're gonna get it i think we're gonna roll i don't see anything like really new here yeah i don't really see anything new okay i guess we're gonna roll we're gonna hit the new tower we're gonna see where it takes us next [Music] uh there's a lot of uh a lot of dangerous boys around here lots of uh lots of dangerous things that don't want us really alive okay come on come on come on we just gotta get over here holy gosh the tower's right it's right there come on come on come on this is a close one this is the closest of the closest ones whoa what happened what happened it like threw me out of the ground and [Laughter] then what happened that was so weird it like threw me underground and then brought me back oh my gosh okay all right well we're gonna we're gonna get over there it's gonna happen okay here we go round two rolling to start with through the wall let's do this man that thing just sounds like it's getting close got to go though stop it okay don't throw me underground again okay it's getting close i think we're still good stamina's fully regen we're gonna roll all the way over here come on we can do this don't glitch out on me again i think we're good i think we're good i think we're good i think we're good yes we are we're good everybody made it the stupid rolling pin of death is right behind us but that's all right oh my gosh we've done a thing all right well we've made it to the next area and i gotta say uh it looks like there's a lot of water a bridge a whole lot else still don't see a tree with upward fruit but we're gonna wait for this to land here because i want to see what what gets highlighted okay did anything get highlighted no oh what is that oh no that's the yellow light we got to be careful of that's another yellow light thing that we have to be careful of i wonder if we could shoot it down and like consume anything from it you know oh that'd be so nice but that's getting in this episode thank you so much for coming out hopefully you enjoyed this is the eternal cylinder if you want to see more make sure you leave a like on the video and comment down below uh what's your favorite mutation so far that i've gotten now i know there's more mutations i know there's a lot of crazy mutations and i'm super excited to check them out but what's your favorite one that we've gotten so far or if you've played this what's your favorite uh leave me leave a comment down below let me know but yes you have an absolutely a fantastic rest of your day and we will all see you in the next one bye everybody [Music] you
Channel: Z1 Gaming
Views: 61,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the eternal cylinder, eternal cylinder, the endless cylinder, the eternal cylinder trailer, good shepherd entertainment, epic game store, the eternal cylinder ep 1, the eternal cylinder game, eternal cylinder gameplay, the eternal cylinder playlist, the eternal cylinder full gameplay, the eternal cylinder gameplay, eternal cylinder pc, lets play, z1 gaming
Id: s1j3kx4omBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 6sec (2466 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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