Radius Cuts Made Easy!

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hey guys it's frankie martinez here with how to tile like a pro today i got a quick video for you going to show you how to make these cuts around the top of the circular fountain it's going to be really cool really quick and easy as a secret check it out okay so for this particular fountain here what we got is we got these bullnose pieces that are going to go right here right lining up with this face tile little apron piece of blue there and then we got another bullnose piece here that's going to go here and then we have these pieces you're going to go right in the middle so these are already cut just obviously i just measured the distance divided by three so we have three equal cuts so the our problem or challenge with this is so if this one's gonna go here all right and then we have our middle piece going right there then we have this other bull nose going on the other side so i mean that fits good that looks good ready to go stick them up let's go but what happens is you get this next piece and line it up well now you have a little issue because how are you going to cut that how are you going to figure out these cuts we got another piece here so we have this issue and there's a really cool way to make these cuts look very nice and it's actually pretty easy it looks complicated i'm going to show you very easy way how to mark these cuts so here it is what you will need is you just need a speed square something like this and let me go ahead and move these over clear it off and i'll show you how to do it so what you want to do is you want to get your speed square and you want to line it up with this apron piece here and we're going to we're going to line up just like that and then we're going to draw a line here okay so this is a 45 degree angle off of this then i'm going to do the same on this side so now i'm going to go off of this tile here and [Music] here we go for a 90 degree angle right here boom so there we go and what you want to do is actually do this everywhere so let me do another one here just to show you at least a couple flip it on the reverse side and move these guys out of my way okay so now i'm going to do here um i guess i'll do like three three or four just to give you a good idea of what we're doing here okay so i'm just flipping it off of each tile drawing these 90 degree pencil lines and you'll see how it makes marking these cuts out fairly simple just takes a little time but it doesn't take a lot of geometry or math the 90 to 90 degree angle does all the math for you so here you go so here here we have these marks okay so what you want to do see for this one it's super easy because we got this this cut here so we know where the angle of this cup we're going to make angles we know it's going to start here because this is where the tile finishes so we're going to go from here to where if you make these two 90 degree angles what you're gonna do is you're gonna find the center of these two now i just eyeball it because i'm pretty good at it so so technically you can get a tape measure and just put it here so the only um thing you want to be aware of is a grout joint here so basically what we're going to do is we're going to get this mark here that we put in the center and we're going to draw a line from here to here and that's where you want to cut your tile but since we do have this big quarter inch grout joint here i want to go we want this is going to be the center so i want that same grout joint here so i'm going to go ahead and put like a eighth on each side of this okay going to be my cuts right there so what i can technically do is go from this one here and this is actually my cut line okay from there to there is where i'm going to cut the tile um obviously you draw these lines on here it's going to get crazy plus there's no point of drawing it on the where you're going to stick the towel because we want to mark the tile so let me do it on this side okay center is going to be right about there we're going to go eighth over i'll put it there eighth over should be right about there looks good a little big i'll stay on the inside there you know kind of big i guess there we go okay so let me do the same here that's about center so i want to go eighth there and there should be my grudge right there okay so i got these three marked what i can do is actually i want to go mark it on the other side so i don't lose it other side of this tile here okay so now we have these marks and so the trick is basically like i said you just get the 90 degree angle draw the lines the center of this is actually the center of this joint if you connect the center of that of these two marks original 90 degree marks with the center of this grout joint that's your angle that's where you want to cut and you just repeat that all around and it's super easy just takes time to mark them so let me go ahead and show you [Music] line these guys up make sure they're where you want them all right so there we go so i think i'm going to use this red pen pencil because this blue gloss tile is kind of it's hard to see a regular pencil but basically so here i am i'm putting this um i'm just using this speed square to draw a line i'm going from that edge of that tile there i rest it on the tile so hopefully don't move and then i'm going to go back to where that line was i could see it's where is it's right there so here i go here from that tile that mark i could see it from where i'm over marked it on the other side this side here so there's my mark there so if i go the edge to there i will just draw these out it kind of sucks that there's three of these little tiles it's a lot easier if there's just two or really easy if there's one but because they want to move when you mark them ah just like that let's hold it down there guess if you just mark the edges you're fine and this is just gonna be there i technically know it's just gonna hit the outside edge so i don't have to mark it too bad but okay so there there's my red line i could see it enough to mark it um since it's on here i'm going to go ahead and do this side i'm going to go right here okay trying to press down hard without marking it that's why it moves just because it's super glossy tile it's pretty hard to mark but i guess if i had a wax grease pencil would be better but this is all i got so got to make it work okay so that's good so actually if i cut on a saw from here to here from here to here these three tiles stick them in it's going to fit perfect so this is ones here i'm going to go ahead and mark this row here i'll cut them bring them together and you'll see how nice they fit so for now those are marked let me just move that over so i could put these here okay go same thing just line this up exactly where you want it and it's best to do these individually because well this particular fountain here it's not it's we tiled over this fountain so this circle i don't know it's not really perfect so it's not like we could just do one and cut them all the same gauge so we got to do them individually it takes a little more time but it'll look really nice and it's what you got to do when you're working with something like this so okay here's my mark here and then my other mark is right here okay right all right so now got that where i want it now we're going to bring this guy here we're going here to here just like the last one there we go right do the same to the other side the edge of this outside tile to the mark i had and if it was a easier tile to mark you just draw a quick line pencil and get on to cutting oops but it's all good gotta do what you gotta do work with what you what you got what you've been given make it look the best all right oh this one so you see how the angles are different that's why it's important to mark them individually because this circle's not perfect okay so ah crap i'm too strong okay let's go ahead and cut them and we'll check it out all right guys i decided to do a little voice over here as i'm making these cuts because i found out that a sharpie worked way better the red line was coming off under the water pressure of the saw found a sharpie in my truck and it worked really great to mark them i could mark all three tiles in one stroke and the sharpie held up extremely well under the water pressure of the saw so i'd recommend that if you have a high gloss tile matte finish tile a pencil will work just fine to mark all three of them easily and then cut them as well cutting them is pretty easy because you just line up the line on your tile that you marked with the direction of the blade this particular saw i know that the blade goes right down the middle of that opening so i just line it up there with my eye and i can cut these pretty fast okay so we got these cut obviously it's a little rough so i'll zip it with this cool little polishing pad here moves it out real nice um but let me just put these on real quick to show you what it looks like and there you have it check that out and if you just keep repeating this process it looks great so but see of course it's easier to move on when they got the thinset but you get the gist of it there so there you go so how you see the perfect angles cut so you it's right where i want to be there all you got to do is just keep repeating this process all the way around i'm gonna go ahead and shut off the camera and keep doing it but i'll show you the finished product once it's up but that shows you how to make these cuts it's very it's pretty easy it's making it more difficult because it's like i said it's three tiles it's pretty wide but this one here we're going to do the same i have my marks i'm going to draw a mark from this tip here to the where the grout joint would end and i just repeat it all the way around and it's going to have these nice cuts to just kind of fold out so if you have any questions about it let me know in the comments um if not i hope you enjoyed this video i hope it helped you out all right guys so we got it all grouted up this is what it looks like those cuts perfectly cut and you know how to do it just with using a speed square and a pencil and there you go look at this beautiful fountain right here all ready to go so thanks for watching hope you like this make sure you like and subscribe for more stuff like this we'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: How To Tile Like a Pro
Views: 20,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Radius Cuts, Tile, How To, DIY, DIY Project, Tips, Trade Secrets, Contractor
Id: tHilYd5ySDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 30 2022
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