EASIEST Way To Make Curved Cuts On Pavers!

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hey folks Caleb with almond landscape The Hardscape Academy here welcome to the Almond landscape YouTube channel we're going to show you how to cut pavers and make them make a curve or a radius here we go let's go as if our patio does that curve right the main field of pavers again this is just a quick crash course today but we need to get these pavers to lay out to this curve here let's just get her laid out real real quick here either get her laid out real quick okay how are we going to do this all right how are we going to get this because that Gap per icpi which is now CMHA I think or something I don't know concrete masonry Hardscape Association or something like that um and we teach us at Hardscape Academy our next training is September 4th I think I don't know The Hardscape academy.com but we go over this in depth on how to how to do this stuff what we want to do is we're going to try to figure out what the average radius is right so we're going to try to make sure these are all gapped where they pretty much have an average radius like this right or an average opening like that and our curve should be relatively you know similar on that so with that being said what we do and what we're going to do is we've got to make this Gap disappear and turn into here and really the quick and dirty way to do this this is the quick and dirty way now really there's a couple different a couple different methodologies but say your Gap is the size of that tool there one thing you can do is go through and actually just take a tool like this and transfer that on down because all we're going to do is take that Gap and transfer it down to here and so it makes that radius we're going to take our our speed square and we're going to transfer we're going to go up to here as this is laid out and we're just going to make our our we're going to transfer those along there like that right and so they're all going to average roughly about the same concept now the more aggressive the turn what we may need to do is start our cuts the opposite direction from this side so we don't because these these things will start to to rotate and turn like that it's a hard thing to explain so from this side we're going to start from this side over here and take our cuts off of this side use our small thing there all these Cuts should relatively be about the same across you know the single radius here then if we need to and this is you know for mild curves if it's a really aggressive curve you may need to keep almost like keyway kind of like what we're going to do here and again this is a sped up quick and dirty version of it we go into more depth at The Hardscape Academy in-person trainings on this but you may need to keyway you make a key like this the double-sided cut you would take this this Gap and split it between these two so let's say that's a one inch Gap we would measure in a half inch and make a mark and straight line up to there and measure in a half inch and Mark and straight line up there and split that Gap that's going to give you the cleanest prettiest cut depending on what level of quality you sell your jobs at that's what's going to really vary but for the most part in most cases this single cut method is going to work really well but if it's a really tight radius you might have to do some crazy keyway stuff but you want to watch you don't want this to look all chunky and crazy you got to be really careful again we're just going to take we just take our speed square and make our marks we just transfer the marks all the way around now again starting from the other way we go to this side now and so that way it keeps these things from rotating and doing some crazy stuff one other aspect of that is you know just to show you you can see the lines how they would match up in theory if you had a tool that's the same thickness as that Gap how that would follow this side this is probably going to be a nightmare to edit or watch I don't know and that would just transfer down like that so then we're gonna take our saw and we're going to cut it by the way our friends at latix here promo code almond let me get you 20 off Diamond blades and it's a pretty good value and these guys are the least hounding pains in the rears to work with of all the diamond there's a lot of diamond blade companies out there folks these guys are the least worst about aggressive sales tactics and so I really encourage you to check out latix if you don't want them calling your grandma once they get your number you know those kind of companies so that being said we want to thank hurricane and the hurricane blades really good we use that on our dustless saws on our gas saws we love we love all that lattice stuff good stuff okay let's get cut [Music] foreign [Music] but you can see here so we slap this thing together it really is rough because we uh really slammed through this right but you can see how it's talking about like when you're trying to cut pretty aggressive it can get choppy looking right and so you really gotta watch that you're not trying to to go on too aggressive of a radius right this could probably justify or warrant um because you see how how aggressive we got on that one how chop you know how choppy that'll start to get to look and that's when you need to start taking less off of one side and equal amounts off of both sides so you'll need to kind of play with that generally you see what I'm talking about when I'm talking about what side you're cutting from and starting from it these these pavers can start to rotate on you so this is really me slamming through this fast a great example of how this can actually not go pretty right so with that being said um you can see how this is starting to make a curved a curved radius here but we're really trying to get aggressive with with the turns now other things too we can Gap these just a little bit to get them prettier right and so that can start to help and then we can fill that with poly sand as we go and uh that's okay because we get within uh the icpi you know Gap requirements or your maximum Gap requirements uh from there so just by messing with that a little bit we can start to get this looking prettier right I'm gonna just ditch that piece in that piece it looks like crap um but we can start to mess with these a little bit to start to get just better looking curvature there so now we're starting to look a lot better right so just by tweaking it a little bit again radius wise a seven foot radius is about as much as you're going to get away with with those things looking nice and scalloped and everything if you if you're cutting under a seven foot radius and again a radius point right here where my feet are in theory seven feet that way that's a seven foot radius 14 foot diameter kind of our minimum size fire pit requirements when we do a circular fire pad for a fire pit patio area sorry for the panning they're going making you dizzy but uh so so that gets the idea so anything tighter than that you're going to be cutting a lot and you're going to need to do the double-sided cut method maybe even use a different banding paver this is just your standard 4x8 banding paver these are Unilock Holland Premier pavers that's a deal also too we raised up our table saw there for better ergonomics uh ideally too when we can we'll put this thing right next to the the paver area and we want to kind of limit movement as much as possible a gas saw is going to be a lot faster of course but a lot that's going to have to do with your dust control requirements on site and you don't want to bring leave that crap in because it's horrible for you I mean just look at look at all the material this thing like that's all all silica dust there which is horrible for your lungs I mean just just look up silicosis and you'll you might rethink your dry cutting and breathing that crap in and a t-shirt by the way a t-shirt will not cut it as a filter it won't stop the you know the one thing and yeah it's like Golf and it uh will not stop the silica dust the particles are too small so all those paper masks and all that bull crap everybody's wearing for a while pretty much ineffective but we felt better doing it so that being said um you know we move this thing right up in here I'm gonna make a better cake like Sweetheart's got that cage J squared outdoor on Instagram it's got that cage set up for this whole assembly I'm gonna make one uh poor man status out of uh out of plywood and and uh two by fours or something or four by fours four to sixes to allow us to move everything at once and just pick up and set it on big trucks and trailers and that kind of crap now we're not handling each of these things individually so with that I'll be inside I hope this is helpful we you can just by tweaking this some start to get it looking a lot prettier and I still got to conform to your main field but um you know just playing with a little bit and then when you go to poly sand and pre-compact and all that make sure you get some sand in there to fill those joints so that they seat nice nicely side to side and you get the proper interlock which is when the pavers actually sit into the setting bed okay that all being said that's it Caleb here at The Hardscape Academy almond landscape uh The Hardscape academy.com if you want to come take these classes in person we'll walk through every bit of this with small groups of six to ten people at a time it's really good stuff you can test run anything check out our facility we build retaining walls we build a paver patio demo set we go through a lot of stuff lighting with our friends of green Foundry lots of things here at Hardscape Academy just go to hardscapeacademy.com for future things and shoot us a DM on Instagram and uh we'll go from a girlfriend actually here let's have some fun real quick this is from Alaska the Last Hardscape academies um a demo here so this would be a paver that's sitting in the main field right and okay cool that's how that would sit against that that paver main field right and I got some say I got some of this grit in there so whatever but when you cut that main banding another thing we talk about the main field paver you cut it at an angle so these pavers butt right up to it nice and nice and even and all that so that's how that starts to take shape right just a general crash course here okay that's it check out kid contractor podcast promo code almond on a lot of different stuff here equip uh equip or whatever uh Hardscape North America the trade show in Kentucky I highly recommend you go to that latix diamond blades all sorts of stuff thanks for hanging with us here uh we'll catch you folks on the next one we'll see
Channel: Auman Landscape
Views: 41,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to cut paver curves, paver curves, landscaping
Id: Qp_Ms4FK7yE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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