Radiant In-Depth Guide on Omen Split

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hello guys welcome back to possibly the last Omen guide on this channel unless Haven comes back or unless a new map comes back where he met on and for this last guide we're just going to be doing it on split and I think this is a map where Omen has the most frag potential out of any map maybe I'd say lotus is a close second but on split you can do a lot with them especially with his TPS so yeah let's get right onto the attacker side so for a there's a lot of places where you can push and have your impact with your Roman util and the first thing is the most thing you'll probably see the most common flash I would say in the game is this ramps flash here firstly when you're doing it make sure that it covers everything because a lot of times everyone will flash this and someone could be playing right on that b box to not get flashed same way as they could do too far to the left and this whole right side wouldn't be flashed so make sure it's perfectly in the middle and right on this ping and just throw a flash I would say kind of over this sight here is and then usually that'll be followed in by a race Satchel the other flash you can do is just one right here this should flash basically anything roughly around the close side bear in mind anything in this close Corner won't get flashed but that corner in my opinion could be pre-end quite easily and anything behind this sign I reckon is a lot easier to flash and it will have a lot more impact because they can basically be hiding behind anywhere making Swing From Any angle so if all of this is flash your team are going to be living and in terms of smokes it kind of depends for a full sight hit the default smoke you'll see is this CT smoke and this Heaven smoke Shadow but this this smoke here if you smoke it yourself there's just so much you can do around this smoke it's actually crazy you can take all of this space here for free without worrying about anything here and you can sort of filter your way here without really even needing to be seen at all if you obviously smoke it perfectly you can kind of get straight here into ropes without being sooner cuz usually you aren't going to have anyone here hard watching you so if you do it kind of like this sort of like you can kind of fil your way through here straight into ropes without getting SE at all and you actually have a lot of impact around that smoke here any easy rotations well even being caught and I recommend before you even enter this smoke just to double cover yourself have like a sky dog through it cuz most of the time you will have sky on this map if not have a fade Prowler you don't ever really see s on this map so you can't drain or D it because so was really really really weak on this map i' would say these two smokes are the most common smokes you're going to see and Omens you take way too long to smoke CT this smoke should be smoked off the moment anyone is here so you want to be doing that smoke kind of 2 3 seconds before like after the barrier's dro cover going out and this smoke I would smoke a little bit later but I would smoke these very quickly if you're doing a full sight hit be honest try sort of as quickly as possible because the amount of times I've been up Main and been opt here and my om's just been kind of sat there not smoking anything and smoking Heaven first before CT is something you never want to do you always want to be smoking away you're going to be peeking into first so always smoke off CT or or screens whatever you call it and then smoke off heaven like this cover going out and this smoke is super good cuz you can sort of TP in your smoke as well or you can have like a jet up draft and dash into R satel up into that smoke and it's very really really strong you can catch a lot of people off guard with it I recommend only doing it maximum twice every time you're attacking on split per game I would say but ideally you only want to be doing it once yeah i' say that's mostly what you could do with them and for holding the site there isn't a crazy of tpce you can do you can kind of do this one and this one I like to do kind of if I have this smoked and as the Smoke's going down I would jump down because they can kind of be anywhere around I could see here here there's too much to have to worry about and you don't have to make too much of a crazy shot I don't always recommend playing up here but this could work but you kind of exp from too many places but I mean you can maybe get away with it but I would recommend doing it personally so yeah I say those are that's kind of what you need to know for him and on hit to be honest you could also smoke this and hold from here if they're already out CT because if you're like I would recommend holding it directly from this corner because most of the time they'll pre- aim or spam it you can obviously if you're taking ramps of your team you can get a player but you don't need to really use your TP Str this stuff so yeah anything you need to know for a let's so let's move on to Mid and B so for B the smokes I'd recommend doing is just this one here and CT I wouldn't recommend doing any other for this on attack and for flashes it depends how you're pushing if you're pushing and you have a sage wall like this I would recommend just flashing like this on the back site here because that's most likely where they're going to be playing and then you would have to clear all of this by yourself maybe not on Omen but your teaming will but if you're not Walling this and sometimes this Sage wall if you have a sage on this map is quite limiting I would kind of just like line my flash up so it flashes either kind of underneath like this because it's really good because this is a very common angle people play people don't normally play like here kind of thing like I've never really see anyone playing on this sort of GL I see people play on this like left side a lot of the time they always be careful of this this is kind of all you really need to know for me to be honest quite a self-explanatory site in terms of pushing it in terms of holding it there's a lot you can kind of do one Omen I recommend if you're playing back site and your team's kind of forced on this s of Edge on the map you could actually throw a good little soke straight on top of here and it just means they can't see into back site or anywhere here from Heaven you've got all of this kind of side blocked off from heaven so you don't have to worry about getting killed from here and you can kind of focus on CT and you would have your back site player holding this smoke so that's how that smoke would work that's quite a good smoke really to be honest I wouldn't really recommend smoking anywhere else you could try and catch your opponent's off guard by in like this or you could kind of just if you want to play a little bit more aggressive you can TP on top of here and push with your smoke especially if you're lacking numbers but you have the site you can maybe get a cheeky one or two and pull back down into sight and win the round for your team try and catch your opponent off of a little TP play every now and again if the round calls for it give it a go don't be too scared if you have and eventually you're going to be building that confidence anyway so you're going to be doing those plays more often you can also TP on top of this box and try and catch up off guard for heaven and you don't have to worry about CT cuz pillar covers it that's also a good play as well and also I forgot to mention for aai but you can also save your flash for as well because that blinds them and you can TP off your flash as well and they won't hear it it was quite effective so yeah those are those are the B site tips for now for mint in terms of flashes this is kind of the only flash I would bother doing for mint and this will be supported in by a satchel or something and you'll be helping the team take the space here with that flash this will flash anything in Tower you want to go from mid to be the most standard smoke I see on Omen is smoking off vent cover going out and this is a good smoke but if you want to switch it up a really really good play to fake out your team is to actually smoke off M Shadows traveling and be in mind always clear behind this box as well like you usually have a rat plane here obviously don't have this smok at the same time SM Ma you can actually take vent maybe take the space and you can actually go back into your male smoke and fake him out and play B this is a really good fake play and I see this a lot in very high ranks and this really this usually works 90% of the time it's quite hard to really predict this play if they smoke off M if you smoke off M take vent maybe get a kill on anyone playing vent and then you get yourself back into male or you back up all the way and go through sewers onto site i' say that's more of a passive play to be honest where you can kind of just play numbers that can be really strong and once you taken this Bas you only will have one smoke left and obviously just use it for CT does only for SM Kevin when you've already taken it but bear in mind once you've taken this space don't then all go on the site and lose this space maybe have one just sort of here one or two plan having for the control of the map and maybe get one on the take cuz one will most likely try and lock up then and catch off guard and then you would have loads of people from here STS into heaven so yeah a lot of lot of things you can do also this off angle kind of ctures a lot of people off guard the only drawback is if you have no one watching CT it's a little bit risky but it's very rare you get caught off guard from CT for anyone like Peaks you from heaven and I'll say those are the main two mid strats so you can even smoke of vent and just all the way bundle into be or you can go in your vent smoke and just take vent and go to a or you could smoke off male and fake a vent push and go back b or you could also just take a but I recommend doing the fake and then going a because they'll expect you to fake again and take B and they probably have more of the numbers on the B side and on the a s side so yeah I'd say that's like all you kind of need to know for him and on Mid I would there's a lot more you can learn so yeah onto defense so for the a side there's two kind of SMS you can do this is a defa TR just this checko here but if you want to play a little bit more aggressive and take a lot more space at the start of the round I would say this is a much better to do that cuz your jewelist can EAS push up from Main you can push up from ramp and just kind of have this space maybe force them to rotate if they have flashes be ready to turn away from them because that's the skill you're going to need to learn if you want to rank up if you turn away from all flashes and be ready to fight anyone it'll be it'll be very easy obviously there are some flashes that are just not dodgeable like some K flashes can be super hard I say those are the kind of only two smokes you need and obviously for flashes you can just like flash this whole side for the jewelist if they want to get some free kills like over time if you do that once they'll probably be more careful next time so it would just be a suicide mission if you was to do this kind of play again but for once in around this could definitely work when you're and in terms for off angles for any agent you can kind of play here if you want this is a good off angle bear in mind always consider what they have so they can clear you quite easy you can play here on Omen you can play up here as well you can play like sort of here another good off angle is literally just byy right over here on this left corner because they'll probably have pre- for the center of the box if you're all the way to the left they won't have their Crosshair placed all the way and you'll get a free kill another off angle that I never see anyone play but this always works for me is in this corner here cu no one will ever like be push in ramps like when do you ever do this and then have like that cleared if someone's here they're not going to clear you and you'll get a free kill guaranteed and especially a good thing cuz you're on Omen you can get a kill and you can like literally TP all the way back into ropes and maybe smoke this off going sort of here so you can take that space back and maybe back into CT so you're not just St mid you're not cuz they could have one pushing and you can get pinched yeah that's quite a good off angle to be in to be honest you can also sit elbow and use your flash for when they tap bomb as well Al you always get creative with your flash is in your you and for tping there's not really a lot I can show you other than the two TPS I showed you one one on top of here I'd say on top of this sign is a little bit risky especially if they have ramp control but if they're kind of all going sight and you have someone watching ramp don't be scared to play up here it's quite good and you can obviously play in this corner but I'd only play here once and I'd only play in this corner if you're kind of like feeling yourself and you know you're going to react to them fast because 90% of the time they're probably going to cill you unless you're in a lower relow then that will probably work but I'd say that's kind of everything you need to know for an a push I'd say the b site is also really good for ran I'd say it's better in terms of how you can use your TPS cuz there's far more elevations you can use and the only smoke I'd really recommend doing is will be main here like this Just Smokes s that push and if you're going to have someone holding M anyway so you don't have to worry about anywhere else in terms of angles you can use your TP on you can TP up here you can TP up here for an angle for a kill these are two of really good TPS you can also quite easily get a Kill from this off angle I recommend if you're doing this hold it all the way from the right side though because most of the time like they're not going to be full like clearing you like this they're going to be more sort of centralized to back site the moment you get a kill I would just either jump down and then TP across and hope you don't get like really unlucky with them spamming you through the wall or you could just sort of TP across straight away there my know see TP and they could maybe rewing and trade you so if you're going to play an angle like this I'd always have like a teammate there ready to like either trade and keep the numers advantage or just to like swing off of your contact as well maybe get a couple and have a full numberers advantage so depends how you play it but i' would say for flashes as well you you could also flash all of Lobby try and like flash sort of similar to this when you are flashing blinding because that kind of gets everywhere they could be standing from for this push more or not they're not going to be stood on top of like this box all the way here this is the only place where it doesn't flash this flash will get anything here if they're holding here a lot of people like to hold this ads and try and like get a free pick for anyone peeking and know especially like to crouch I always Crouch here as well because most of the time people will be Prett him in head so you can catch a lot of people off guard by crouching yeah you'll basically flash all of this and you can maybe just like have a jet Dash across or something and get a few kills off your flashes you can obviously hold from like up here on rafters as well this is quite a good hold quite a good angle you can play but bear in mind you could get flashed and lots of scribes like to kind of bend their flashes around to pop here and then they'll swing you from here and now probably have a raise who would already been Satchel out sing from two places at once so bear in mind for that so if you are playing up here I'll sort of filter your positioning so you can only be swung from here or you could only be swung from like here like straight away from the chain point so that's what I recommend for playing up after this to be honest and I think that's kind of wherever you're going to be playing on terms of be I don't think you're going to be playing anywhere else you could obviously play here as well but this is like quite a very one and done risky angle you can maybe get like can maybe work for around but it won't work beyond that so yeah I recommend as well if you're tping that places always have your te to maybe shoot through the smoke or try and bait you as much as possible cuz it just makes it less likely that it'll clear you and you'll like definitely profit off it and you'll get a few kills of whatever angle you're holding from so yeah that's everything you need to know for the B push onto mid for the mid hold on this is like you're going to be doing most times you can play behind this box but I would always always recommend that someone will be baiting for you on mail if no one's baiting for you on mail you will more or less of the time always be cleared and this will not work so only play behind this box if you you're going to have someone be baiting for you same thing with this off angle here if someone's baiting for you on male this will always work you can't really have someone bait for you onent for this angle as male invent to do separate things in the enemy's mind to clear if no one's paying for you there's like a 5% chance you'll get lucky but never play in at least two angles unless someone is paiting for you on M you could smoke this and try and really take some space earlier in the round if you want to take mid you could test it early yeah with with mid you're going to have to get really creative with your smokes like if you're not going to be doing a basic one here and for flashes I wouldn't really say there's too much flash potential like you could flash this but this isn't going to be flashed and anyone playing from sewers is going to have a free kill if you don't pre them and by the time you Peak sewers the people that are here will be unflushed and most of the time as well if you're holding from vent you will be smoked off as well because this is like the most common smoke for Mid for attack of so so you always get spiked off nonetheless if you're they pushing from here so yeah i' say omen just here let them take it have two people holding from here if you want to play M on Omen have some and have someone bait for you male if you want to play in this angle or someone beat you on M if you want to play in this angle and with with those two angles you can more or less Trigger Discipline don't just instantly start shooting the moment you see what you can maybe wait for two or three to walk past and then sort of like look where heads are and imagine how you're going to aim cuz that can actually really help you with your aim if you're like pling your shots before you're way more likely to hit them if you're trying to like Rush your shot kind of so with those two angles you can more or less Trigger Discipline is what you call it but you don't shoot straight away you kind of let more walk past so you can kill more yeah that's how I would kind of hold mid on Omen to be honest but most of the time you shouldn't really be holding mid on Omen because your util is just better anry S you would kind of have like a maybe a sage or if you have like a Viper on this map kind of hold this mid push to be honest so yeah that's what IID recommend and with that we reach the conclusion of this video if you found it useful it'll be greatly appreciated if you could leave a like And subscribe to the channel and this will be it now for the omen guides as Omen isn't really matter for any other map and for smokers I would kind of say viper brim I probably better for the maps I have remaining to do smokers on so if I'm doing bind I'm going to be doing a brimstone guide Breeze and ice box I'm going to be doing Viper guides for those two maps so if you're interested in those always stay tuned to the videos and obviously I can do any agent other than like deadlock because deadlock isn't very good uh just leave your comments and the suggestions below and I'll will try and get back to all of you and do any sort of guide if you want to learn how to play anyone as well so yeah peace
Channel: MG Valorant
Views: 2,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Omen, Valorant, Valo, MG Guides, GUide, Guide, Tutorial, How to, Lesson, Agents, Valronant, Competitive, FPS, Games, Shorts, Youtube, Radiant, Immortal, Ascendent, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze, Iron, Tips
Id: 1Tw6vm4xQmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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