Rachel Regrets Sean's TRULY AWFUL Cocktail!! | Best of Sean Lock | 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown

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This channel has over an hour of the best of Sean if anyone is interested.. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDzSJUGwRibbtjKEoW8NTnA

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/icetech3 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

Love this moment and had completely forgotten it

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Mammaltron 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2018 🗫︎ replies
I've decided to make if you'd like to help me Fabio bring on my countdown cocktail I'm gonna make which is a cocktail maybe drinks from every letter of the alphabet thank you I mean if this is genuine booze we're already in a lot of trouble and rape and rapes is there that's pretty unlucky but not owned rape sorry Shawn thank you enjoys it yeah shooting you down is a sickness just as a baby just a bit of amaretto okay fine base yup lovely and then there's some Bongo I've got here with some vegetarian sausages wrapped in vegetarian bacon as I call them quick sink wank it's it's the food equivalent of a bus replacement service isn't see it's a coat that you wear that you can put all your shopping in and of course milk Oh drag got carry milk crammed with you know you don't you just pour it in don't lean forward otherwise go oh god Majan that [Applause] then there's the guess tail things you can get for Christmas you can buy like a goat for an impoverished village somewhere in the world I thought much better idea get them a greyhound and then of course what do you need we have a cocktail I need some ice don't you one too hey it's party time three Jean thing my favorite spot the difference picture is this one [Laughter] and this one here this is for rowels pot round the weekly touch-up I quite like that right yes I think it really suits you Jimmy we point them good Sasuke is key aura what the down at all or is that neat that's neat oh that's that will concentrate we're looking at oh well sure I'm not drinking the toilet clean John did you get it yes I did Shawn did you get it Shawn how did you do why me first because I believe John got it [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] without the egg I like the way the guy plays the game I think you saying would you like me to go to Sean first or you I would say Sean I don't if you agree with this disagree for the show if you're right without all that Sean i'ma stop you there the people watching this at home might feel you guys are playing for time now for okay well that's interesting you say for I'm toying with a 5-bit Weezy about it rich what's your fault wavy well you could have had wave Susy could they have done any better there is a 5p v PE AV y which is a lumber is hook with a spike at the end all the time staring me in the face using my Phoebe in the gardens this morning I had my PD out hey lovely bit of pesto huge Cointreau this would be an ideal drink to have if you're just meeting up with a couple of phrases other cinema you got one of these nothing too fussy before if you're going to see a sort of like a drama Shakespeare play or something like that and you wanted something just to sort of like take the edge off ah rest of the bottle got an envelope here I've written a word in here and I think this word is going to come up tonight zealots yeah this time in my open that car there's other stuff in here what what novelty novelty pants this deer thong rack returning these Rudolph pants as they're not the reindeers cross I the antlers chafe and the nose isn't right as for the back of the pants where is it my houseguests could see 90% of my house funny mats I demand a full refund and now I haven't washed them got a letter but just says zealots believe me w I think no cocktail no alpha no cannon Cacho satisfied without a couple of Wilkes in it X which of these was a popular Christmas game in medieval times was it a wet willies be hot cockles or C chilly bottoms as a team you got to agree wet willies hot cocoa [Laughter] finally zest of lemon but not too much you don't know overpower the flavor there we go I'm sorry best zest of lime old things wasted on to our first numbers round okay John and Terry or toads bigger numbers Sean smiles Jordan miles one said again fingers on lips heads pay attention it's the numbers around ya ready were you ready no he brought up which brings me about hit why was it this mean to you about hello miles I'm on the fence the Swiss during the Second World War gain I could see the good side and the bad side yeah okay on to our first no no then you just have a straw oh my a little bit more tea I thought to try it the judge try it yeah so I've got some straws here please dude Three Mile Island iced tea [Applause] are you getting towel did anyone like some end that way looks like an anus that's been just retired from the porn industry in the countryside there was a sheep giving birth and the best man end of the speech was like and a new life is born never ran out into the field with a champagne toast off and the sheep's baby was dead was at a wedding and the bride was shot right between the eyes
Channel: Channel 4
Views: 5,345,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Channel 4, All 4, 8 out of 10 cats, 8 out of 10 cats does countdown, rachel riley, watch 8 out of 10 cats, funny clip, watch 8 out of 10 cats episode, countdown, tv shows, jimmy carr, jon richardson, sean lock, joe wilkinson, insults, best insults, 8 out of 10 cats does countdown best bits, 8 out of 10 cats does countdown funny moments, sean lock best bits, cocktail, rachel regrets, Sean Lock, carrot in a box, 8 out of 10 cats sean lock, cats does countdown sean
Id: wfk9P5t2lWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 23 2018
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