Family Guy Live Reading Part 1

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we're doing a live reading of an episode that will never air on television these live shows we have no FCC standards so what we're gonna show them is a lot of TNA we're doing a live reading of a Family Guy episode which has gotten a lot of press lately the infamous abortion episode as bad as you think without further ado I'd like to introduce our fabulous cast of course you know the lovely and talented Alex Borstein really quickly should I should I be worried or alarmed that there's two Meg's and no Lois but the probably a bad time to tell you this god I love when it speaks to a friend seth macfarlane ladies and gentlemen all right I can't even I can't even joke about firing Alex she's so fabulous all right first up a one of our fabulous writers on the show you know him as the orange juice guy and that commercial with the chimp he does a ton of voices on the show and is saddled with the arduous task of the stage directions a multi-talented man and a handsome devil mr. John finer how do we got up next year we oh this this man has been called the heart and soul of Family Guy he he's written numerous episodes including Peters to Dad's holy crap and he might want to do one of his characters for you so I'm not going to spoil it the very talented writer and voice man mr. Danny Smith hey what's up Hollywood most of you people are looking at me going I don't know who the hell that guy yes but I got five words for you tonight Hollywood and those five words are wacky waving inflatable arm-flailing tube-man walkie waving inflatable arm-flailing tube-man who are key waving inflatable arm-flailing tube-man hi i'm al harrington of al harrington's wacky waving inflatable arm-flailing tube-man warehouse and emporium due to a shipping oversight I am currently overstocked on all wacky waving inflatable arm-flailing tube-man and i am passing the savings on me Oh we are fortunate this evening to have the assistance in a guest-starring role of a very very talented actress and comedian you remember her as al Lambert from the TV show step by step and she is my good friend at a marvelous marvelous actress miss Christine Lakin we got next year all right this fella here also a very good friend marvelous writer on the show does a lot of voices he was the voice of Jesus Christ appropriate enough because he is a Jew he's written many fabulous fabulous episodes of FAMILY GUY be very talented mr. Alex silken and of course the woman whose picture all of you young man have on your ceiling she is the voice of make Griffin of course the star of that 70 show and American Psycho too but she doesn't like what I mentioned that she's glaring at me right now the lovely lovely and talented miss mila kunis i was gonna move this to make sure it's just jealousy and rage they have this wonderful interplay now Danny you wrote this episode that will not be seeing the light of day on there without further ado let's jump into this this is the Family Guy episode partial terms of endearment thank you thank you written by Danny Smith and I thought up the title to so thank you and no one will ever see it here we go act 1 we're outside the Salvation ecology a sign says salvaging a college 20-year reunion because we didn't write a signed gag inside the cafeteria the cafeteria is decorated for a reunion event dozens of men and women are there as Peter and Lois enter I can't wait to see all my old classmates this is gonna be so much fun isn't it Peter well sure it's a blast being alone full of people you don't know I'd rather stay home and watch grass grow we flashback to the Griffons yard Peter stands on the sidewalk staring intently at the Griffin's lawn for a long beat come on you come on Joe wheels out to get his mail hey Peter hey Joe as soon as Peter finishes his line the grass on the lawn shoots up to six feet tall Peter looks back in the cafeteria you're not uncomfortable are you look I'm just not wild about the idea of running into anybody you used to date that's all how boys speaking of exes here comes one now oh man this is what I was afraid of as Peter continues a woman slowly approaches from behind him if he tries anything while I'm standing here I'm gonna kick him right in the ball China angle on Naomi Louis his old roommate from college she is elegant shapely and beautiful wait you mean you two used to you know bump Japanese cartoon monkey logo mouths in college no way my wife messed around with another chick thank you God we cut away to heaven God sits on a cloud looking downward don't mention it Peter God gives a thumbs up to the camera as we freeze frame and a chorus sings as the following words appear on screen god knows what turns you on fun back in the cafeteria I haven't seen you in 20 years Lois and Naomi hug oh it's great to see you too Lois it really is they pull apart from the hug revealing Peter standing right behind them with a huge open mouth smile on his face you know the fact is I came here hoping to run into you really that's nice you see I'd like to propose something to you and your husband oh my god I'm dreaming I'm dreaming Naomi what I get have in mind well this isn't really the place to discuss it it's just something I was wondering if you and your husband would participate in I'm totally dreaming right now as long as I'm dreaming I might as well pee my pants a stain spreads on Peters pants I'm sure we'd be happy to help oh my god I don't believe it I'm gonna have a three-way just even tops haven't sex with a mermaid we flashback to a bedroom at night Peters in bed with a mermaid his hands are fumbling beneath the sheets where is it keep looking can't find it anywhere there's nothing but a fish tail down there there we go it's gonna be that night at the Griffin's house in the living room Chris Brian Megan Stewie are watching TV we now return to nature with a guy named Terry in it's on TV we see an African plain a cheetah chases a gazelle across the plain for a couple of beats eventually knocking it down and killing it he is joined by a pack of cheetahs who feast noisily on the carcass the cheetahs will feed through the night while the strongest made the kill the oldest will eat first we widened slightly to include a normal-looking guy just standing there and there's Terry back in the Griffins living room Peter enters and starts hustling the kids and Brian off the couch and towards the door all right come on guys she's gonna be here any minute you guys gotta get out of here why do we have to leave that because your daddy's gonna have a three-way with your mother and her friend and that nice about daddy's three-way I had a one-way one time in Meg's bedroom we flashback Meg lies in bed arms crossed gently caressing her own shoulders all right go on beat it all yeah Peter you're not gonna be having a three-way with Lois and her friend Lois isn't even into women she just had that one experience in college for that girl Naomi Naomi is the one who's coming oh let me stay Peter shuts the door in their face Lois enters because Naomi will be here shortly and I'm anxious to get started we don't even know why she's coming she's coming you are so adorable I'm gonna do you second the doorbell rings Peter crosses to the door and opens it revealing Naomi I knew you owe me did you pick up those tearaway panties like I texted you I didn't get a text from you we look at Joe's house at the same time Joe looks at his cell phone all right not sure why but I'll bite Dale enters hi nice to meet you Dale tail all right I guess but I'm doing your last jokes on him I only got to win me Peter runs off screen Lois this is such a lovely home on a shoestring well you could have fooled me let me show you around all right you guys I got a few porn scenarios for you to choose from widenar reveal Peter dressed like a pizza delivery guy and holding a box of pizza hey everybody got a pizza delivery for this sorority house did somebody order sausage you know what the hell are you doing I'm not getting off angle back on Lois Dale in Iommi Dale hands Lois a bottle of wine we bought you some wine but it's best chilled before dinner see you yeah you know let's put it on some ice Lois starts towards the kitchen and they follow in the kitchen Lois looks up and we widen a reveal Peter wearing a tweed coat with patches on the elbows he holds some papers girls I've just finished grading your midterms and it's not good news
Channel: Family Bro
Views: 1,968,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2017
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